IATV :: Volume #19

#1839: Chapter 1839 permits Zhiyuan, meets to kill

It seems like permits Elder wholeheartedly wants to make me die,” the Xu Zimo stand, said with a smile. “看来许长老是一心想让我死啊,”徐子墨站了起来,笑道。 Grandpa king also followed close on to stand, he pressed according to the shoulder of Xu Zimo, shook the head slightly. 王爷爷也紧跟着站了起来,他按了按徐子墨的肩膀,微微摇摇头。 This aspect is quite at present subtle. 目前这个局面比较微妙。 Western King mother definitely toward Xu Zimo as well as this side plant lineage/vein, but does not hope and casts crane lineage/vein to split with the valuable lineage/vein. 西王母肯定是向着徐子墨以及植物一脉这一边的,但也不愿与宝脉和铸鹤一脉交恶。 Why? 为什么呢? Now is faced with an archenemy, monster race possibly makes war momentarily, valuable lineage/vein these is a unignorable strength. 如今大敌当前,妖族随时可能开战,宝脉这些可是一股不可忽视的力量。 Really, only listens to the Western King mother saying: „ Casting crane lineage/vein was more and more does not pay attention to my grandmother. 果然,只听西王母说道:“铸鹤一脉是越来越不把我这个王母放在眼里了。 Kills with does not kill, when is you can decide. 杀与不杀,何时是你们能决定的。 The person who since the homicide you cast crane lineage/vein, why does not have to report that reported me? 既然他杀了你们铸鹤一脉的人,为什么没有禀报我? You cast crane lineage/vein and valuable lineage/vein unite, is coiling the peach tree to kill a bystander? 你铸鹤一脉与宝脉联合,在蟠桃树杀一个外人? Actually is this person should kill, is your two lineage/vein unions, thought to be able control Yaochi? ” 究竟是这人该杀,还是你二脉联合,自以为能统御瑶池了?” This words somewhat executed the heart. 此话就有些诛心了。 Although 18 lineage/vein secretly battle, even some people inflated. 十八脉虽然暗自争斗,甚至有些人膨胀了。 But clear that everyone divides. 但大家还是分的清。 The grandmother is the lord of Yaochi, 18 lineage/vein altogether revere. 王母乃是瑶池之主,十八脉共尊的。 This is not the matter of single opinion. 这不是一家之言的事情。 Only if 18 lineage/vein rebel completely, jointly overthrows the grandmother. 除非十八脉全部反叛,联合推翻王母。 But the Western King mother belongs to the immortal lineage/vein, supports her being not infrequent, how possibly to overthrow. 西王母属于仙脉的,支持她的不在少数,怎么可能推翻呢。 permits Elder kneels, lowers the head, the palpitation said: Grandmother rather believes the bystander, hasn't believed our Yaochi one of us?” 许长老跪下来,低下头,心悸道:“王母宁愿相信外人,难道还不相信咱们瑶池自家人吗?” I indeed do not believe that you cast crane lineage/vein,” the Western King mother said lightly. “我的确不相信你们铸鹤一脉,”西王母淡淡说道。 Since enforces the law authority drop after casting a crane lineage/vein hand, what matter did you have a look at you to do? “自从执法一权落在铸鹤一脉手中后,你看看你们都干了一些什么事? From top to bottom, violates the law knowingly, forms cliques for selfish ends. 从上到下,知法犯法,结党营私。 What did the entire Yaochi become? ” 整个瑶池都成什么了?” In my present hand has casts crane lineage/vein the matter of doing, I made one 11 record. “我现在手中有一些铸鹤一脉所做之事,我让人一一记录了下来。 Do you want to make me read completely? ” The Western King mother asked. 你是想让我全部念出来吗?”西王母问道。 In fact the Western King mother with casting crane lineage/vein is discontented, the appearance of Xu Zimo, happen to makes her have the reason to hit compression casting crane lineage/vein. 事实上西王母对于铸鹤一脉早就不满了,徐子墨的出现,正好让她有理由打压铸鹤一脉。 Originally the Western King mother does not worry, slowly the collection casts crane lineage/vein the evidence, then lays cards on the table. 本来西王母是不着急的,慢慢收集铸鹤一脉的罪证,然后再摊牌。 But dark green profound territory monster race disrupted her plan. 但苍玄域妖族打乱了她的计划。 She did not have the too much time to wait, before the war, she must build iron bucket one Yaochi. 她没有太多时间去等了,在大战前,她必须把瑶池打造成铁桶一块。 Eliminates to cast crane lineage/vein the law enforcement power ; first, to suppress them, two also reminded to several other lineage/vein. 剥夺铸鹤一脉的执法权,一是打压他们,二也是给其他几脉提个醒。 Do not jump is too high. 可别蹦哒太高了。 Yaochi is her Western King mother takes responsibility. 瑶池还是她西王母做主的。 permits Elder also looked, this matter surface was the Xu Zimo factor. 许长老也看出来了,这件事表面是徐子墨的因素。 But a deeper level, is Western King mother thinks suppresses them. 但更深层次,是西王母想打压他们。 permits Elder raised the head, sees only in 18 lineage/vein, most people are looking angrily at him. 许长老抬头,只见十八脉中,大多数人都怒视着他。 Obviously, the words that the Western King mother just spoke have made the people direct the spearhead at him. 显然,西王母刚刚说的话已经让众人将矛头对准他。 Regardless of this time how, he later ended in Yaochi. 无论此时如何,他以后在瑶池都完了。 permits elder,” the words of Western King mother remembered in previous. “许长老,”西王母的话又在上首想起了。 I want to know, this matter is you idea, you cast crane lineage/vein so to think.” “我想知道,这件事是你一人的想法,还是你们铸鹤一脉这般想的。” permits elder innermost feelings one cool. 许长老内心一凉。 He understands, this is the Western King mother casting under a crane lineage/vein stair. 他明白,这是西王母给铸鹤一脉台阶下。 Strikes, again to the sweet jujube. 敲打一下,再给個甜枣。 Also is really the good method. 还真是好手段。 permits elder innermost feelings one cold, stands up slowly, said: This matter with casting crane lineage/vein has nothing to do, is my idea.” 许长老内心一冷,缓缓站起身,说道:“此事与铸鹤一脉无关,乃是我一人的想法。” Goes to continuous rain crouches/submits Ya to face the wall, without my instruction, cannot come out,” the Western King mother said lightly. “去霖伏涯面壁,没有我的指令,不许出来,”西王母淡淡说道。 The normal time, ended to the stair mutually. 正常时候,互相给个台阶就结束了。 But permits Elder knows, in any event, he is disgraced today, not only Yaochi, here all influences saw. 但许长老知道,无论如何,今日他颜面扫地,不单单瑶池,这里的所有势力都看到了。 He makes a determined effort simply, has turned the head to look to Xu Zimo. 他索性一发狠,转过头看向徐子墨 Said: „Can you dare to fight with me?” 说道:“你可敢与我一战?” permits does Zhiyuan, you do?” The person who casts crane lineage/vein was also anxious. “许致远,你干什么?”铸鹤一脉的人也急了。 Originally has arrived at this to finish, this permits Zhiyuan how causing trouble end. 本来已经到此结束,这许致远怎么又生事端。 permits elder did not reply, but is staring at Xu Zimo. 许长老却不回答,只是盯着徐子墨 This matter because of me, should by me but finally. “这件事因我而起,也应该以我而终。 you I fight, deciding , the minute/share life and death, can you dare? ” 伱我一战,既决胜负,也分生死,你可敢?” I am actually indifferent,” Xu Zimo turns the head to look to Grandpa king, said with a smile. “我倒是无所谓,”徐子墨转头看向王爷爷,笑道。 You also saw. “你也看见了。 It is not I stirs up trouble, but was others has mentioned names. 并非我惹事,而是人家已经指名道姓了。 If I make concessions again, that somewhat forced someone to do something against his will. ” 若是我再退让,那就有些强人所难了。” Grandpa king beckons with the hand, has not said anything. 王爷爷摆摆手,也没有多说什么。 As for the Western King mother on head, after silent little, finally said: „.” 至于上首的西王母,沉默了少许后,最终说道:“准。” All around people withdraw in abundance several steps, a ampler space will remain to two people. 四周的众人纷纷退后几步,将更宽裕的空间给两人留了出来。 Has the disciple who casts crane lineage/vein refuels to permits Elder. 有铸鹤一脉的弟子给许长老加油。 permits Elder kills him.” “许长老打死他。” permits elder can definitely win, it is said permits Elder is the steel crane body accomplishment, a defense the water and fire has not invaded, invulnerability.” “许长老肯定能赢的,据说许长老乃是钢鹤体大成,一身防御早已经水火不侵,刀枪不入。” ......... ……… permits Elder looks up to Xu Zimo. 许长老抬头看向徐子墨 The whole body potential surges all at once instantaneously, powerful strength just like moving mountains. 周身一股气势瞬间激荡开来,强大的力量宛如排山倒海般。 His two palms start to change. 他的两只手掌开始变化。 Became the steel crane claw unexpectedly, is hard and sharp, all over the body iron azure. 竟然成了钢铁鹤爪般,坚硬又尖锐,通体铁青色。 Kills,” permits elder must flutter steadily. “杀,”许长老长须飘动。 The form changes to together the flowing light, that sharp claws work toward the Xu Zimo heart position. 身影化作一道流光,那利爪朝徐子墨的心脏位置抓起。 realm of this permits elder should in the Great saint peak, the situation of soon becoming enlightened. 这许长老的境界应该在大圣巅峰,快要成道的地步。 Xu Zimo vision like a torch, in fact he has not taken seriously this fight very much, but permits elder happen to makes him punish one as a warning to others. 徐子墨目光如炬,事实上他并没有很重视这场战斗,但许长老正好让他杀鸡儆猴。 Otherwise others think, who can come dissolute. 要不然别人会以为,谁都能来放肆一下。 „”. “啪”的一声。 If his right hand quickly the lightning, holds the wrist/skill of permits elder directly, makes an effort to break off. 他右手快若闪电,直接抓住许长老的手腕,用力一掰。 „,” The wrist/skill is breaking off directly. “咔嚓一声,”连带着手腕直接折断了。 This permits elder is also unyielding, stuffy snort/hum one, did not call out pitifully. 这许长老也是硬气,闷哼一声,却不惨叫。 The Xu Zimo speed fast, the right knee hits directly upwardly. 徐子墨的速度飞快,右膝直接向上撞去。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 The head of permits elder was hit to explode. 许长老的脑袋都被打爆。 permits elder form retrocedes fast, although this degree severe wound, but not lethal. 许长老身影快速后退,这种程度虽然重伤,但远不致死。 After he falls back on the safe place, sees only the place of his originally head, long has come out a crane head. 当他退到安全的地方后,只见他原本脑袋的地方,已经长出来一只鹤头。 This crane is screaming unceasingly. 这鹤头不断的尖叫着。 Also is a pair of wing breaks open the body, grew. 身后同样是一双翅膀破开皮肉,生长了出来。 The permits elder at this moment had lost the reason. 此刻的许长老已经失去了理智。 He flies in the vault of heaven, unceasing is fanning the wing. 他飞在苍穹上,不断的扇动着翅膀。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” All around of Penglai Pagoda, is heavenly pond was then. 蓬莱阁的四周,原本便是天池所在。 The water current of heavenly pond is supplying the entire Yaochi, when the wing of permits elder fans, all water current just like tornado suddenly/violently -like, to start to revolve clockwise. 天池的水流供应着整个瑶池,当许长老的翅膀扇动时,所有的水流宛如龙卷风暴般,以顺时针开始旋转起来。 As the water current of revolving is getting bigger and bigger, even has become the inertia. 随着旋转的水流越来越大,甚至已经成为了惯性。 Quite some must flood the trend in Penglai island. 颇有些要水淹蓬莱岛的趋势。 This fellow was insane,” some people muttered. “这家伙疯了吗,”有人喃喃自语。 Grandmother, I prevent him,” casts crane lineage/vein, has elder bracing oneself to stand to say. “王母,我去阻止他,”铸鹤一脉,有长老硬着头皮站出来说道。 Makes him flood,” the Western King mother is actually coldly to say. “让他淹,”西王母却是冷冷回道。 After the violent storm arrives at a situation, sky of entire Penglai Pagoda, by storm sweeping across. 当狂风暴雨到达一个地步后,整个蓬莱阁的上空,都被风暴给席卷了。 Death, dies,” the exploding anger of permits elder remembers. “死,去死吧,”许长老的爆怒想起。 Xu Zimo very calm. 徐子墨十分的冷静。 He draws out back Tyrant Shadow slowly, the vision is staring in the storm, angry permits Zhiyuan. 他缓缓拔出背后的霸影,目光盯着风暴中,已经愤怒的许致远。 Suddenly, the long blade in hand raises. 蓦然间,手中的长刀扬起。
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