IATV :: Volume #14

#1397: Chapter 1397 mysterious old man, juicy air/Qi

Because his front village vanished. 因为他面前的村庄消失了。 Or here never so-called village. 或者说,这里从来就没有所谓的村庄。 The village that oneself see is only formation evolves. 自己看到的村庄只是阵法演化出来的罢了。 Eight positions of Eight Trigrams (gossip) start to change. 八卦的八个方位开始变化。 The village vanishes, displaces, is the inexhaustible marine animals. 村庄消失,取而代之的,是无穷无尽的水兽。 Takes a quick look around, cannot see the end. 一眼看去,看不到尽头。 The inexhaustible marine animals are roaring. 只是无穷无尽的水兽咆哮着。 Solely is the sound of beast roar, can let person eardrum blasting open. 单单是兽吼的声音,就能让人耳膜炸裂。 Who does not know is, but also please come out to see,” Xu Zimo said lightly. “不知是何人,还请出来一见,”徐子墨淡淡说道。 Before you under Yanhuo City, were not killed crisp. “你之前在厌火城下,不是杀的爽嘛。 Today then makes you kill well, ” has the sound from resound in all directions. 今天便让你好好杀杀,”有声音从四面八方响起。 Cannot distinguish clearly that sound the true bearing. 也分不清那声音的真实方位。 Here marine animals are inexhaustible, I thought when you can kill.” “这里的水兽无穷无尽,我看你能杀到何时。” I am well-meant, but something want to understand,” Xu Zimo said. “我没有恶意,只是有些事想了解一下,”徐子墨说道。 He is asked that ancient God the matter, naturally does not want to split with the opposite party. 他是来问古神的事,自然不想与对方交恶。 As for these marine animals, should not be what important matter to you. “至于那些水兽,对你来说应该不算什么大事吧。 Since you can create the lifeform, wants to come not accountant to compare with these matters. ” 你既然能创造生物,想来也不会计较这些事。” Hears the Xu Zimo words, that sound first was silent little. 听到徐子墨的话,那声音先是沉默了少许。 Finally also said: No matter you do hold true by, first broke my formation to say again.” 最终又说道:“不管你有什么理由,先破了我这阵法再说。” The voice drops at the same time, myriad marine animals had dashed about wildly. 话音落下的同时,万千水兽已经狂奔了过来。 Breaks your formation to have what difficulty,” Xu Zimo smiles. “破你阵法有何难,”徐子墨笑了笑。 No trace compass and evolution astrolabe surround the top of the head. 无踪罗盘与天衍星盘环绕头顶。 Basically does not have formation that he cannot break. 基本上就没有他破不了的阵法 His right hand holds the blade, no matter many marine animals approach, can by none of homicide. 他右手持刀,不管有多少水兽靠近,都会被他杀的精光。 Although said that these marine animals are inexhaustible. 虽然说这些水兽是无穷无尽的。 The no trace of top of the head is calculating fast. 头顶的无踪在快速演算着。 Finally, the formation Eight Trigrams (gossip) position was found out, Xu Zimo looked that to direction that the compass refers. 终于,阵法的八卦方位被摸清,徐子墨看向罗盘所指的方向。 Tyrant Shadow in hand threw. 手中的霸影扔了过去。 Similar to like lightning, disappears. 就如同闪电般,转瞬即逝。 Bang, Tyrant Shadow as if crushed anything, this formation corner/horn was broken. “砰”的一声,霸影仿佛击碎了什么东西,这阵法的一角被破碎开。 More and more marine animals close to this shatter corner/horn, do not want to make Xu Zimo be close to here. 越来越多的水兽靠近这破碎的一角,不想让徐子墨接近这里。 That hidden the person in hidden place also somewhat worries. 就连那隐藏在暗处的人也有些着急。 The powerful mighty current lasing, wanted to destroy the Xu Zimo compass together. 一道强大的洪流激射而出,想要毁了徐子墨的罗盘。 On you,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “就等你了,”徐子墨笑道。 His right hand wields, Tyrant Shadow that threw goes to return, cuts toward the place that the mighty current surges. 他右手一挥,原本扔出去的霸影去而复返,朝洪流涌动的地方斩去。 Blade intent startled Heaven and Earth. 刀意惊天地 The mighty current was broken directly, in void of no extending, cut some to exist probably. 洪流直接被破碎,在无亘的虚空中,好像斩到了某个存在。 Finally hears a stuffy hum/snort. 最终传来一阵闷哼声。 But formation also dissipates gradually. 阵法也渐渐消逝。 Xu Zimo looks at all around, truly as he expected, here absolutely does not have the village. 徐子墨看着四周,确实如他所料,这里根本就没有村庄。 Some are only a wilderness. 有的只是一片荒野。 A piece is piling up the white bones, dreary boundless wilderness. 一片堆积着白骨,萧瑟无边的荒野。 Above this wilderness, there is a thatched hut. 这荒野之上,有一座茅草屋。 The probably remnant flower is on the wane, that only remains flower, alone. 好像残花凋零,仅剩的一朵花般,孤零零的。 Xu Zimo lowers the head, has the fragmentary bloodstain in the ground. 徐子墨低头,在地面有零星的血迹。 Continuously spread to the direction of thatched hut. 一直蔓延到茅草屋的方向。 He walks toward the thatched hut step by step, Tyrant Shadow surrounds side him. 他一步步朝茅草屋走去,霸影环绕在他身边。 Finally, before arriving at the thatched hut . 终于,来到茅草屋前。 Xu Zimo loudly shouted: Comes out.” 徐子墨大喝道:“出来。” His sound falls, in the thatched hut, no one answered him radically. 只是他的声音落下,茅草屋内,根本没人答他。 You , if not come out, I then cut this thatched hut,” Xu Zimo continues to say. “你若是不出来,那我便斩了这茅草屋,”徐子墨继续说道。 Hears no one to answer as before, Xu Zimo grasps Tyrant Shadow, had cut unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 听到依旧没人答复,徐子墨手握霸影,已经毫不客气的斩了过去。 You ask others for help,” the old sound suddenly resounds together. “你就是这么求人的嘛,”一道苍老的声音突然响起。 Immediately the door of thatched hut was opened. 随即茅草屋的房门被打开。 Appears in the line of sight, first is one skinny like the dry/does bone hand. 出现在视线中的,先是一只枯瘦如同干骨般的手。 Immediately is an old man who wears the black clothes walks slowly. 随即才是一名身穿黑衣的老者缓缓走来。 His black clothes deceived the entire face, the reveal outside, only has a senile eye. 他的黑衣蒙住了整个脸,露在外面的,唯有一双老态龙钟的眼睛。 The chest place of old man, has the bloodstain to overflow. 老者的胸口处,有血渍溢出。 His right hand is covering the chest. 他右手捂着胸口。 Young people, you injured me, did not fear that I rejected your request,” old man said. “年轻人,你伤了我,不怕我拒绝你的要求,”老者说道。 „Do you know my goal?” Xu Zimo asked. “你知道我的目的?”徐子墨问道。 He inquired ancient God the news, known person also on black crow mansion some. 他打听古神的消息,知道的人也就黑鸦府的一些。 Does not know, but you trace my marine animals to come this, is asks the old man to have the matter inevitably,” old man affirmative saying. “不知道,但你追踪我的水兽来此,必然是找老夫有事,”老者肯定的说道。 I look is not you, but is your secretly person,” Xu Zimo shakes the head. “我找的不是你,而是你的幕后之人,”徐子墨摇头。 Where has what secretly person, old man before is very long starts, one person comes and goes freely,” old man vision is dark, said lightly. “哪有什么幕后之人,老夫从很久以前开始,就一个人独来独往,”老者目光幽暗,淡淡说道。 No, by your strength, but also does not have the ability creation life,” Xu Zimo returns said. “不,以你的实力,还没能力创造生命,”徐子墨回道。 That person is not willing to see me, aren't you willing to make me see him?” “那人不愿见我,还是你不愿让我见他?” The complexion of old man changes. 老者的脸色微变。 He has not thought of Xu Zimo observation such Minute Subtlety. 他没想到徐子墨的观察这么入微 Oneself unknowingly, show so many flaws unexpectedly. 自己不经意间,竟然露出这么多的破绽。 Boy, I cannot understand your meaning.” “小子,我听不懂你的意思。” Old man cold -ly snorted and said: You , if all right, departs sooner.” 老者冷哼道:“你若是没什么事,就早些离去吧。” All right, I will make you understand slowly,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “没事,我会慢慢让你懂的,”徐子墨笑道。 Tyrant Shadow in his hand forwards, kills directly toward the old man. 他手中的霸影向前,直接朝老者杀去。 Damn,” old man loudly shouts. “该死,”老者大喝一声。 In his behind, juicy air/Qi erupts. 在他的身后,一道道水灵之气爆发而出。 The juicy air/Qi, is among Heaven and Earth a very strong strength. 水灵之气,乃是天地间一股很强的力量。 It is said only then in the mountains rivers, will have such a wee bit juicy air/Qi. 据说只有山川河流中,才会有这么一丁点的水灵之气。 Once the juicy air/Qi were eliminated, this means that this mountains rivers will turn into the deathtrap thoroughly. 一旦水灵之气被剥夺,这就意味着这片山川河流彻底将变成死地。 But behind old man this so huge juicy air/Qi, has to look askance. 而老者这背后如此庞大的水灵之气,不得不让人侧目。 „To put you to depart, it seems like you bring upon oneself the blind alley,” old man shouted lightly. “本想放你离去,看来你是自找死路,”老者轻喝道。 I had the interest in you more and more,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “我对你越来越有兴趣了,”徐子墨笑道。 The juicy air/Qi of Tyrant Shadow and opposite party in hand collides together. 手中的霸影与对方的水灵之气碰撞在一起。 That powerful strength wells up, Xu Zimo retroceded one after several other steps. 那强大的力量涌来,徐子墨接连后退了好几步。 Grips the right hand of Tyrant Shadow to shiver slightly. 握住霸影的右手都微微颤抖起来。 Rivers and lakes waterfall,” old man extends both hands. “水泽瀑布,”老者伸展双手。 Sees only his behind, has the waterfall to shoot up to the sky. 只见他的身后,有瀑布冲天而起。 Crash-bang the sound also resounds. 哗啦啦的声音随之响起。 Here is a stretch of deathtrap. 这里原本已经是一片死地了。 The barren land, really had the trend of recovery at this moment. 贫瘠的大地,此刻竟然有了复苏的趋势。 Has the grass to crop up to grow, there is a dead tree to start out the light green tree bud. 有小草冒头长出,也有枯树开出嫩绿的树芽。 Wastes old man so many juicy air/Qi, although you died were also worth,” old man violent anger said. “浪费老夫这么多水灵之气,你虽死也值得了,”老者暴怒道。 Looks that the juicy air/Qi blots out the sky to come, the place that Xu Zimo dodges continually does not have. 看着水灵之气铺天盖地而来,徐子墨连躲闪的地方都没有。 That does not hide simply,” Xu Zimo laughs to say. “那就干脆不躲,”徐子墨大笑道。 Top of the head Tongtian Three Lives Gate, eight side Lietian blade intent in within the body erupts. 头顶通天三生门,体内的八方裂天刀意爆发而出。 When that juicy air/Qi like the space and time, washes from the body of Xu Zimo, wants to take his life. 当那水灵之气如同时空般,从徐子墨的身上洗涤而过,想要剥夺他的生命。 Tongtian Three Lives Gate lets Xu Zimo temporarily be at the invincible condition. 通天三生门却暂时让徐子墨处于无敌的状态。 Kills,” eight side Lietian blade intent tears the air/Qi of rivers and lakes directly. “杀,”八方裂天的刀意直接撕裂水泽之气。 The head of towards old man cut. 朝老者的脑袋斩了过去。 The old man complexion big change, wants to escape again, actually already without enough time. 老者脸色大变,再想要逃脱,却已经来不及。 Eight side Lietian quick lightning, passed over gently and swiftly from the forehead of old man directly. 八方裂天快过闪电,从老者的眉心直接掠过。 The next quarter, the head of old man is similar to the shatter watermelon, is split up directly. 下一刻,老者的脑袋就如同破碎的西瓜般,直接四分五裂开。 However Xu Zimo not happy. 不过徐子墨并没有高兴。 Because the after head of old man was shattered, grew the new head unexpectedly instantaneously. 因为老者的脑袋破碎后,竟然瞬间就长出了新的脑袋。 You cannot kill my, I do not die.” “你杀不死我的,我是不死的。” The old man somewhat demented big laughter transmits. 老者有些癫狂的大笑声传来。
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