IACTTTW :: Volume #3

#232: The fellow of 2 fusion mutation arrives at the sunlight shelter

Newest website 最新网址 Living the person to living, has the pursue that is inconceivable. „ “活着的人对生,有着难以想象的追求。“ Was recalling the survivor who that ferry that just saw comes, can insist the present is not very really easy. 回想着刚刚看到的那位渡船而来的幸存者,能坚持到现在真的很不容易。 Trading to make some wills to be slightly weak, is not necessarily able to support. „ In front, I quickly. „ 换做一些意志稍弱的,未必能撑得住。“就在前面,我很快就到。“ Lin Fan picks up the speed, the tide tumbles, runs to go easily and freely in the water surface, without was affected slightly, explained with the science, is when the both legs overlapping frequency is quick enough, where in runs is the same. 林凡加快速度,浪潮翻滚,在水面奔跑如履平地,没有受到丝毫的影响,用科学来解释,就是当双腿交叉的频率足够快的时候,在哪奔跑都是一样的。 But in place that Lin Fan must go. 而在林凡所要去的地方。 Does not have the ships quiet float of oil in the sea level. 一艘已经没有油的船只静悄悄的漂浮在海面。 On the deck is lying down one crowd of fatigue, build emaciated survivor. Their lips are split, are breathing heavily the weak breath. 船板上躺着一群有气无力,体型瘦弱的幸存者。他们嘴唇干裂,喘着微弱的呼吸。 He can also come back to lie down a survivor thin there, the sound such as the mosquito, in the spoken language is disclosing a despair. “他还能回来吗”躺在那里的一位幸存者,声音细如蚊呐,言语中透露着一种绝望。 At the beginning, they freely are living, on the ship has the sufficient commodity, except for just started to be in the panic of apocalypse, afterward discovered in the sea level very 刚开始的时候,他们无忧无虑的生活着,船上有着充足的物资,除了刚开始处在末世的恐慌中,后来发现在海面很 Safe, eats and drinks, chatting, is very happy. 安全,吃吃喝喝,聊聊天,别提有多开心。 But the commodity always has emptying time. 但物资总有清空的时候。 When saw that the commodity are getting fewer and fewer, time that the fresh water resource also gradually consumes, they were afraid, thorough fear. 当看到物资越来越少,淡水资源也逐渐消耗一空的时候,他们害怕了,彻底的恐惧了。 No one is willing dead like this. 没有人愿意就这样死去。 But in the desolate sea level, where will meet to save their people scantily. 可是在寥无人烟的海面,哪里会遇到拯救他们的人。 So was long in the past, where can save us, his is not the matter that is possible to complete, perhaps he has buried the fresh sea.” Yes, we are dying.” They just started to hold the hope. “都过去这么久,哪里会来救我们,他那是不可能完成的事情,也许他早就葬生大海了。”“是啊,我们要死了。”他们刚开始抱有希望。 Until now, they know this/should conclusion had finished. In the meantime. 直到现在,他们知道该结束的都已经结束了。就在此时。 Has a survivor to crawl difficultly, he sway is taking a walk, walks toward the cabin. 有位幸存者艰难的爬起来,他摇摇晃晃的走动着,朝着船舱里走去。 The reminder of other survivor good intention. Lies down the resting meeting, do not waste body strength.” They move do not want to move. 别的幸存者好意的提醒着。“躺下来歇会吧,别浪费体力了。”他们动都不想动。 The feeling moves slightly, consumption massive body strength. 感觉稍微动一下,就消耗大量的体力 Is looking at the deep blue sky, if will definitely be sighing in the past, is really the attractive sky, photographs while convenient, sends the friend circle, is joined to the appropriate writing, is waiting for good friend's commentary. 望着碧蓝的天空,要是以往肯定会感叹着,真是漂亮的天空,顺便拍张照片,发个朋友圈,配上合适的文字,等待着好友的评论。 But now...... this stretch of the world in their eyes, is actually terrifying like that. 而现在……这片天地在他们眼里,却是那般的恐怖。 „...... You were insane.” “啊……你疯了啊。” Newest website 最新网址 Haha...... food, is food.” similar Dong is staring, has turned head, looks to other survivor, „ you see not to have, food in the front, we do not use, come, eats together, together. „ “哈哈……食物,都是食物啊。”肖冬瞪着眼,扭过头,看向别的幸存者,“你们看到没有,食物就在面前了,我们已经不用死了,来,一起吃,一起啊。“ The appearance of similar Dong fierce crazy, has daunted them, later sees very terrifying one, similar Dong same gnaws to eat like zombie unexpectedly. 肖冬狰狞疯癫的模样,已经将他们吓住,随后就看到很是恐怖的一幕,肖冬竟然如同丧尸一样啃食着。 Vomiting They who see this situation, only felt that in stomach overwhelming, wants to vomit, but in their stomachs has no thing, can only retch. 看到这种情况的他们,只感觉胃里翻江倒海,想呕吐,可是他们胃里已经没有任何东西,只能干呕着。 When similar Dong became so fearful. Looked they are afraid sincerely. 肖冬何时变得如此可怕了。看的他们真心不寒而栗。 They as if are think that anything resembles, according to such situation gets down, in the future similar will Dong be must regard food them, after similar Dong will hack to death the opposite party on own initiative, they know that could not have gone back. 他们心里仿佛是想到什么似的,按照这样的情况下去,将来肖冬是不是还要将他们当成食物,当肖冬主动将对方砍死后,他们就知道已经回不去了。 Opposite party now not to them how, regards food them. 对方现在没有对他们怎么样,也只是将他们当成食物而已。 Rearing in a pen. 圈养着。 After food consumption, then death possibly is they. This idea appears in them. 当食物消耗后,接下来死的可能就是他们。这种想法出现在他们心里。 To live, must fill the belly, but can fill in the opportunity of belly only, at present, similar Dong had eaten again, even is not really able to tolerate, but can definitely fill the belly. 想要活着,就必须填饱肚子,而惟一能填报肚子的机会,就在眼前,肖冬已经再吃了,就算真的很无法容忍,但肯定是能填饱肚子的。 Does not want to become the similar Dong future food, must eat to the full. 不想成为肖冬未来的食物,就必须吃饱。 This time similar Dong some slightly body strength, had detected that other companion wants to go forward to fill the belly, he definitely cannot such as they hope, in his at heart, him treats as to store up grain this group of fellows. 此时的肖冬已经稍微有些体力,察觉到别的同伴想要上前填饱肚子,他肯定不能如他们所愿,在他的心里,他只是将这群家伙当做储备粮食而已。 But in the meantime. Bang the sound transmits. 而就在此时。轰隆声传来。 The giant sound alarmed everyone's attention. 巨大的动静惊动了所有人的注意。 similar Dongwang the distant place, the eye is staring perfectly round, the tide tumbles, has probably fast dashing about wildly of anything in the sea level, forms the stern wave. 肖冬望着远方,眼睛瞪得滚圆,浪潮翻滚,好像有什么东西在海面上快速的狂奔,形成尾浪。 In a moment. 片刻间。 Lin Fan appears in the deck, landing in a minute, he smelled the smell of blood. 林凡出现在船板,落地的片刻间,他就闻到了血腥味。 Afterward sees one crowd of thin bones such as the survivor weakly collapsing to the ground surface of firewood. 随后就看到一群瘦骨如柴的幸存者虚弱的瘫坐在地面。 Simultaneously saw that corpse, stands in corpse nearby similar Dong, the vision looks slightly upward, similar Dong corners of the mouth are the blood. 同时看到了那具尸体,还有站在尸体旁边的肖冬,目光微微往上看着,肖冬的嘴角都是鲜血。 A dreadful matter appears in his mind. The opposite party are eating...... 一种可怕的事情浮现在他的脑海里。对方是在吃…… The Lin Fan mind was vibrated enormously, he when Yellow City looks for the survivor, runs into the camouflage innocent fierce survivor, wants to deceive others, then massacres the opposite party, regards food. 林凡心神受到极大的震动,他在黄市寻找幸存者的时候,遇到伪装无辜的凶恶幸存者,就是想蒙骗别人,然后杀掉对方,当成食物。 Please close- smooth * read / pattern reading. 请关闭-畅*读/模式阅读。 Newest website 最新网址 The dagger in similar Dong hand falls in the ground, makes the clear sound. „ I...... „ 肖冬手中的匕首掉落在地面,发出清脆的声音。“我……“ He is opening mouth, is contaminating him of blood, looks to seem like the person, is having a coat of person skin actually, his heart, his behavior, has gone beyond the category of person. 他张着嘴,沾染着血液的他,看着像是人,实则只是披着一层人皮的外衣,他的心,他的行为,已经超出了人的范畴。 Thorough perishes in apocalypse. 彻彻底底的在末世中沉沦。 Lin Fan very tranquil looks at him. 林凡很是平静的看着他。 You want to say that anything similar Dong saidI can go. „ “你想说什么”肖冬道“我能去嘛。“ Lin Fan is shaking the head, was sorry, the Yellow City sunlight shelter is not I alone decides, to your behavior, I am not able to accept temporarily, perhaps you will say, you who the environment compels have to do this, I can understand that but understands to turn over to the understanding, there does not suit you, I give you two roads to walk, the first road you continue to treat on the ship, the second road, I will deliver to the shore you, you can think how should live in apocalypse.” 林凡摇着头,“抱歉,黄市阳光庇护所并不是我一个人说了算,对你的行为,我暂时无法接受,也许你会说,环境逼的你不得不这样做,我是能理解的,但是理解归理解,那里并不适合你,我给你两条路可走,第一条路你继续待在船上,第二条路,我会将你送到岸边,你可以自己想着该如何在末世中活着。” Hears these words. 听闻这番话。 similar Dong is opening mouth, the whole person stupidly is looking at Lin Fan. These two choices are the dead ends. Has the means of livelihood 肖冬张着嘴,整个人傻傻的望着林凡。这两种选择都是死路一条的。有活路吗 Arrives at the shore, that crowd of zombie saw that he will rip the fragment him absolutely, even a trash does not remain. 到达岸边,那群丧尸看到他绝对会将他撕成碎片,甚至连个渣渣都不剩。 Can an opportunity similar Dong strive to medesperately, hoping the opposite party can lead him to protect the institute to the sunlight bottom. “能给我一次机会吗“肖冬苦苦的求着,希望对方能够带他到阳光底护所。 Sorry, cannot.” Lin Fan said, turns around to inquire other survivor condition, is comforting their innermost feelings, hopes that they do not need to worry, all had finished. “抱歉,不能。”林凡说完,转身询问别的幸存者状况,安抚着他们的内心,希望他们不用担心,一切都已经结束。 But at this time. 而此时。 similar Dong is squatting slowly, grasps the dagger of ground, in the look appears the vicious stern countenance. 肖冬缓缓蹲着,抓起地面的匕首,眼神中浮现凶狠的厉色。 Bastard, dies. „ “混蛋,去死。“ Has restored some body strength similar Dong to angrily roar, both hands is grasping the dagger, ruthless spicy thorn to the waist of Lin Fan. 已经恢复一些体力的肖冬怒吼一声,双手握着匕首,狠辣的刺向林凡的腰部。 Yeah. „ “哎。“ Turns away from similar Dong Lin Fan to sigh, turns around, tramples, bang, an powerful strength sweeps across to come, makes similar Dong lose the consciousness instantaneously, like shell, flies upside down, without a trace that vanishes instantaneously. 背对着肖冬的林凡叹息着,转身,一脚踹出,砰的一声,一股强悍的力量席卷而来,瞬间让肖冬失去意识,如同炮弹似的,倒飞出去,瞬间消失的无影无踪。 Never expected that he will sneak attack me, you noticed that I can only counter-attack. „ Lin Fan is saying very much seriously, the personal testimony in the front, the opposite party takes the shining dagger, is very sharp, even the slightest misstep, can be stabbed. “没想到他会偷袭我,你们看到的,我只能反击。“林凡很严肃的说着,人证就在面前,对方拿着明晃晃的匕首,很锋利的,稍有不慎,就能被刺中。 The survivors on ship are staring, very confused is looking at Lin Fan. 船上的幸存者们瞪着眼睛,很是迷茫的望着林凡 Probably right, probably where some are not quite right. At night. 好像是对的,又好像哪里有些不太对。夜晚。 „The apocalypse fearful place often is strikes root in the hearts of the people, ate the person not to mean saying that before being very long, then has appeared......” 末世的可怕之处往往都是深入人心的,吃人并不是说说而已,很久之前便已经出现……” Newest website 最新网址 The grandson can look corpse that does not have the head, looks at Han Xiaoxiao who is running, is saying with a smileis all right. „ 孙能望着没有脑袋的尸体,又望着跑来的韩晓晓,笑着道“没事了。“ Just on him had the injury, but these injuries quickly restored, the opposite party knew he had such ability time, stimulated of very performance, with seeing some big treasure. 刚刚他身上是有伤势的,但是这些伤势很快就恢复了,对方得知他有这样能力的时候,表现的很亢奋,就跟看到某种大宝贝似的。 He from the eyes of opposite party, saw greedily. That is wants greedy that he gnaws to eat. 他从对方的眼里,看到了贪婪。那是想要将他啃食掉的贪婪。 What a pity, wants to gnaw to eat his grandson to be able, but also really must look at such skill. 可惜,想要啃食掉他孙能,还真的得看有没有这样的本事。 „ When...... „ Han Xiaoxiao sees the headless corpse, roundness that the eye stares, obviously “啊……“韩晓晓看到无头的尸体时,眼睛瞪的圆圆,显然 By fearful situation daunting. 是被可怕的情况给吓住了。 The grandson can not speak, some scenes must experience, this is the inevitable matter. Only then can grow in the experience. Fear grandson can ask with a smile. „...... Does not have the little. „ 孙能没有说话,有的场景必须经历,这是必然的事情。只有在经历中才能成长起来。“害怕吗”孙能笑着问道。“不……有一点点。“ All right, had a look on be used to it, apocalypse was very dangerous, cannot believe others casually. „ Grandson can teach her. “没事的,多看看就习惯了,末世很危险,千万不能随随便便的相信别人。“孙能就是在教导着她。 To live in apocalypse, must the powerful own innermost feelings. This is very necessary matter. 想要在末世中活着,就得强大自己的内心。这是很有必要的事情。 If Autumn Blade Beheading Fish He Mingxuan knows that the grandson can be so temperate to a 14 or 15-year-old little miss, will be jealous absolutely. 如果秋刀斩鱼何明轩知道孙能对一个十四五岁的小姑娘如此温和,绝对会吃醋的。 As long as you can slightly good be so little to me. I am impossible to hate you. 但凡你能对我稍微好那么一点点。我都不可能那么恨你。 Han Xiao is nodding, „, I knew. „ 韩晓晓点着头,“嗯,我知道了。“ The grandson was fluent you to go to her corpse burying.” 孙能道“你去将她的尸体给埋了。” „. „ Han Xiaoxiao is a little intense, but is clever is listening to the words. The grandson can lead Han Xiaoxiao, wants to have a partner in apocalypse, the experience of this child is a little pitiful, he acknowledged that moved the heart of silhouette. “哦。“韩晓晓有点紧张,但还是乖巧的听着话。孙能带着韩晓晓,也是想在末世中有个伴,还有这孩子的经历有点可怜,他承认是动了侧影之心。 This child's future homeland in which definitely in sunlight shelter. Crossed for a long time. 这孩子未来的家园是在哪肯定是在阳光庇护所。过了许久。 The grandson can set out, sees Han Xiaoxiao to bury almost, is tapping her head, we walk.” 孙能起身,见韩晓晓埋得差不多,拍着她的脑袋,“我们走吧。” Un.” “嗯。” Han Xiao looked at a blowing up mound of earth package, can leave with the grandson. 韩晓晓看了一眼鼓起的土包包,跟着孙能离开。 ...... …… After several days ! In the morning. 数日后!清晨。 Enormous and powerful zombie comes toward Yellow City from the distant place, that crowd of zombie do not seem like attacks, carefully looked, can see some zombie bosoms are holding the box. 浩浩荡荡的丧尸从远方朝着黄市这边而来,那群丧尸不像是来进攻的,仔细看,能看到有的丧尸怀里抱着箱子。 Please close- smooth * read / pattern reading. 请关闭-畅*读/模式阅读。 Newest website 最新网址 This crowd of zombie are really strange, the thing delivers walks, had not seen that mixed zombie has left, but this crowd of ordinary zombie unexpectedly also silly standing in same place 0 这群丧尸真奇怪,东西送到就走呗,没看到混合型丧尸已经离开了嘛,但是这群普通丧尸竟然还傻乎乎的站在原地0 Really makes one unable to understand. 真的让人看不懂。 The Lin Fan say/way this is to make us clean up, I have told zombie Emperor Wang Zixuan, can make him gather zombie to send once for a while, for is the reduced nowadays zombie quantity.” 林凡道“这是让我们清理的,我跟丧尸皇帝王子轩说过,可以让他时不时的聚集丧尸送来,为的就是减少现如今的丧尸数量。” Wish them to sigh, this crowd of zombie are really very pure tool people. I coordinated to fight armor recently newly, finds out a unique skill, was inferior that I display to give everyone to have a look at old bell to join voluntarily, want a performance wave well before everyone 祝成他们感叹着,这群丧尸真的是很纯粹的工具人啊。“我最近配合新战甲,想出一种绝招,不如我施展出来给大家看看”老钟主动请缨,想要在大伙面前好好的表现一波 2.0 games armor average per person one set, the powerful place has naturally been needless to say. 2.0战甲已经人均一套,强悍之处自然是不用多说。 Wish to exclaim is it possible that old bell, your recent god god talked on endlessly is hiding from us, is studying this set of unique skill 祝成惊叹道“老钟,莫非你最近神神叨叨的躲着我们,就是在研究这套绝招吗” old bell said „, initially had the result, wants to perform one wave to everyone, how had a look at my unique skill. „ 老钟道“嗯,初有成效,就是想给大家表演一波,看看我这绝招怎么样。“ ! 啪啪啪! Lin Fan clapping say/way is good to anticipate.” 林凡拍手道“好期待。” Obtains everyone's approval. 得到大家的认可。 old bell deeply inspires, is gently curving the both arms, the embed elbow blade is appearing, the silver white elbow blade seems very sharp, is blooming the dim light. 老钟深吸一口气,轻轻弯曲着双臂,镶嵌式的肘刃出现,银白的肘刃显得很锋利,绽放着幽光。 This point degree does not need to question. 这锋芒程度是无需质疑的。 Can say...... absolutely is powerful. 可以说……绝对是强悍的很。 Looks my. ” old bell jumps, falls to the zombie community of being entirely still, sees his double fist to clash, the elbow blade forms the symmetrical appearance, roars lowly. ”看我的。”老钟跳跃而起,落到纹丝不动的丧尸群体中,就见他双拳对撞,肘刃形成对称的模样,低吼一声。 Aiya, I transfer......” then the super revolving. Titter! Tittered! “哎呀,我转……”然后高速旋转着。噗嗤!噗嗤噗嗤! This time old bell looks like meat grinder, zombie that touches was being killed crazily. 此时的老钟就像是绞肉机似的,触碰到的丧尸被疯狂砍杀着。 This......” Dong Jia is opening mouth, was incurred to give to be scared by old bell killing actually not, but is style somewhat unexpected looking familiar that old bell displays. “这……”董佳张着嘴,倒不是被老钟的杀招给吓傻,而是老钟施展的招式有些出乎意料的眼熟。 Wish becomes enlightened how I to feel that looks a little familiar.” Dong Jia said that „ is familiar right 祝成道“我怎么感觉看着有点熟悉呢。”董佳道“熟悉对吧“ Right, is very familiar, how to feel that looks seems like the tornado to cut to wish to feel unique skill that old bell shows, then how looks like killing in game to incur. “对,就是很熟悉,怎么感觉看着像是旋风斩”祝成感觉老钟施展的绝招,怎么那么像游戏里的杀招呢。 Such super revolving, the head is not dizzy 还有这样高速旋转,脑袋不晕吗 Lin Fan is pondering, said slowly „may not faint, you were awakening, the physical quality obtained the enormous promotion, cannot weigh with the basic situation of average man.” 林凡沉思着,缓缓道“可能不会晕,你们都是觉醒者,身体素质得到了极大的提升,已经不能用常人的基本情况来衡量的。” Newest website 最新网址 Lin Fan is smiling, has the opportunity we to continue to ask Tan azure, he is the specialized person skilled in martial arts, known are definitely more than us.” 林凡笑着,“有机会咱们继续问问谭青,他是专业的练家子,知道的肯定是比我们多的。” Has had is consulting with Tan azure.” “一直都有在跟谭青请教。” old bell is not quite always satisfied with own strength, is thinking learns from the expert 老钟始终对自己的实力不太满意,想着从高手那边学到 More knowledge, Tan azure in his eyes is a expert, do not look that his present ability is increased to fifth-order, actually compared with Tan azure, is some disparities. 更多的知识,谭青在他眼里就是高手,别看他现在能力提升到第五阶,其实跟谭青相比,还是有些差距的。 Tan azure formed a team with them, the place that but the signal corps went to recently is somewhat complex, Tan azure follows the large unit to go, needs him to bring up the rear, therefore temporary separation. 原本谭青是跟他们组队的,但最近通信兵们去的地方有些复杂,谭青跟随着大部队前去的,需要他去压阵,所以暂时的分开。 That is good, we transport the thing, sends out this batch of satellite phones, hopes that can bring the help to some survivors.” Lin Fan said. “那就好,我们将东西搬运回去吧,将这批卫星电话散发出去,希望能给一些幸存者带来帮助。”林凡说道。 Afterward, they go back the satellite phone belt/bring, these satellite phones also need to undergo processing. 随后,他们将卫星电话带回去,这些卫星电话还需要经过处理。 The process of processing is quite simple, needs some manpower. 处理的过程比较简单,也就是需要一些人力而已。 ...... …… Next day! 次日! A jeep approaches toward Yellow City. In the car(riage) altogether has two men. 一辆吉普车朝着黄市这边靠近。车里一共有两位男子。 Their modeling with the normal survivor a little difference, being the god appearance are very good, understood at a glance live is very good, otherwise is impossible to have such appearance. 他们的造型跟正常的幸存者有点差别,属于神面貌很好,一看就知道活的很好,否则也不可能有着这样的面貌。 Song Tao, has not thought that also is really our two comes to here, you look at the surrounding this environment, does not seem like apocalypse simply, to the present has not seen one living zombie.” slow Huan looks at outside scene, is saying with a laugh. “宋涛,没想到还真是我们两个来这里啊,你看周围这环境,简直不像是末世,到现在都没看到一个活着的丧尸。”徐欢看着外面的情景,笑呵呵的说着。 Song Tao dao this «zombie Atlas» records is really not false, is centered on Yellow City, spreads cleaning up toward all around, it seems like here zombie had been cleaned up cleanly, you have not noticed some zombie corpses, time of death for sometime.” 宋涛道“这《丧尸图册》记录的还真不假,以黄市为中心,朝着四周扩散清理,看来这里的丧尸都已经被清理干净,你没注意到一些丧尸的尸体嘛,死亡的时间有段时间了。” A little meaning, really anticipated that the sunlight shelter is what appearance, there “有点意思,真的期待阳光庇护所到底是什么样子,那里 Is living many survivors. ” slow Huan anticipates. 到底生活着多少幸存者啊。”徐欢期待的很。 Present apocalypse to them, is not fearful. Even they now is also better than the peace period. Lawless. 如今的末世对他们而言,已经一点都不可怕了。甚至他们现在过的比和平时期还要好。无法无天。 To handle anything to do the matter. 想做什么事情就干什么事情。 Looks at the opposite party is not feeling well, can wrench apart the small head of opposite party. 看对方不爽,就能扭断对方的小脑袋。 The vehicles are going fast, quick, they have gone to wanting Yellow City must by it bridge. 车辆快速的行驶着,很快,他们就已经行驶到想要到黄市的必经之桥。 In fortress. 堡垒上。 Please close- smooth * read / pattern reading. 请关闭-畅*读/模式阅读。
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