IACTTTW :: Volume #3

#230 Part 2: Thinks, must have the echo

Nearby Su small is supporting the balcony edge, similarly curious is looking, such life happy, harmony how, allows to be one of them, joyful. 一旁的苏小晓撑着阳台边缘,同样好奇的望着,这样生活多么的美好,多么的和谐,容在其中,心情愉悦的很。 Zhouyang slowly puts in the bosom the hand, mysticalness of very performance, later calls out in alarm one. 周阳缓缓的将手伸进怀里,表现的很神秘,随后惊呼一声。 „ After „ , after, ““后后后, Language, the math, the physical collection being in one drill book, was the uncle I looks to you specially, specially happy, specially excited, specially excited, naturally, this was the matter that the uncle should handle, you only needed to study well, was to the uncle biggest return.” “语文,数学,物理集合为一体的练习册了,是叔叔我特意给你找的,是不是特别的开心,特别的激动,特别的兴奋,当然了,这是叔叔应该做的事情,你只需要好好学习,就是对叔叔最大的回报。” Zhouyang said with a smile. 周阳笑着说道。 Nearby Su small is enduring the happy expression, my goodness, but also thinks that is anything, he really did not fear offends luxuriantly, said that while luxuriant is small, hurrying to bully bullies. 旁边的苏小晓忍着笑意,好家伙,还以为是什么东西呢,他是真的不怕得罪菲菲啊,还是说趁着菲菲还小,赶紧能欺负就欺负。 Luxuriant dumbfounded is looking, the eyeball stares perfectly round. 菲菲目瞪口呆的望着,眼珠子瞪得滚圆。 The whole person is dumbfounded. 整个人都已经傻眼了。 She made a mistake, should not believe that the opposite party really starts with a clean slate, until now, he is acting as the sixth child silently, hidden now, to seize the opportunity, makes me „...... „ 她错了,就不该相信对方真的有改过自新,一直以来,他都默默的充当着老六,隐藏到现在,就是为了抓住机会,弄我吗“哇……“ Tingting is calling out in alarm, quite fierce, the luxuriant elder sister was certainly happy, if some people gave to me, I will certainly cry happily.” 婷婷惊呼着,“好厉害哇,菲菲姐一定开心死了,如果有人送给我,我一定会开心哭的。” Is swaying from side to side the stiff head luxuriantly, staring is looking at Tingting, „ that delivers you 菲菲扭动着僵硬的脑袋,直勾勾的望着婷婷,“那送你 Tingting said that „, is the uncle gives your gift, I cannot want.” Luxuriant...... 婷婷道“不了,是叔叔送给你的礼物,我不能要。”菲菲…… Please close- smooth * read / pattern reading. 请关闭-畅*读/模式阅读。 Newest website 最新网址 Goes the safe place to enjoy the life, is not comparing outside 到达安全的地方享受着生活,不比着在外面好吗 Wu Hao said that I know, but I want to look for my mother.” Last month of autumn moon/month...... huge Yuan...... 吴浩道“我知道,但我想找我妈。”季秋月……庞袁…… They have not thought that the opposite party is not willing to go to the reason of shelter, to look for mother, but...... speaks the truth, they want to say that even the sturdy young people are very difficult to survive in apocalypse. 她们没想到对方不愿去庇护所的原因,是为了找母亲,只是……说实话,她们很想说,就算身强力壮的年轻人都很难在末世中存活下来。 Your mother is not necessarily able to live. 你的母亲未必能活着啊。 I know that you are definitely thinking, apocalypse develops now, can my mother also live right, actually I do not know, but I want to look, I felt that the heaven will bless her.” Wu Hao said. “我知道你们肯定想着,末世发展到现在,我妈还能不能活着对吧,其实我也不知道,但是我就想找,我感觉老天会保佑她的。”吴浩说道。 Last month of autumn the moon/month nods, „, the heaven will often bless the good person.” This words they say. 季秋月点点头,“是啊,老天往往都会保佑善良的人。”这种话她们是说不出口的。 In their eyes definitely is the not possible matter, but others is a son, until now diligently is living, is looking for mother, takes this to lead the way as the power. 在她们眼里肯定是不可能的事情,但是人家身为儿子,一直以来努力的活着,就是在寻找着母亲,以此为动力而前行。 Last month of autumn the moon/month puts out the satellite phone, this gives you, this inside has a number, if you encounter the danger, told him your position, he will save you.” 季秋月拿出卫星电话,“这个给你,这里面有个号码,如果你遇到危险,告诉他你的位置,他就会来救你。” You hadWu Hao to ask. “那你们不是没有了吗“吴浩问着。 Last month of autumn moon/month say/way we have two, you are receiving, remember, so long as there is a danger, you call him, he called Lin Fan, in the extremely short time, will appear in your front.” 季秋月道“我们有两个,你收着吧,记住,只要有危险,你就打电话给他,他叫林凡,会在极短的时间,出现在你的面前。” The road is the opposite party chooses, as long as a little person of conscience, comes across such matter, will only admire the behavior of opposite party. 路是对方选择的,但凡有点良心的人,遇到这样的事情,只会佩服对方的行为。 Really makes one admire very much. 真的很让人佩服啊。 Wu Hao took the telephone, thanked very much, received the telephone, he knows that the opposite party cannot deceive his. 吴浩接过电话,很是感谢,将电话收好,他知道对方是没必欺骗他的。 Which you must go to „ the last month of autumn moon/month say/wayto go to Meng.” “你们是要去哪“季秋月道“去蒙山。” Hearing is Meng, Wu Hao complexion fiercely changes, do not go, I just from there, had many zombie that side Meng a while ago, moreover I see with one's own eyes giant flesh to move, is very terrifying.” 听到是蒙山,吴浩的脸色猛地一变,“别去,我前段时间刚从那里来,在蒙山那边有很多丧尸,而且我亲眼看到一个巨大的血肉挪动着,很恐怖的。” He hides, in the distant place sees with one's own eyes. 他是躲藏在远方亲眼看到的。 The heart deep place full is the sense of fear. 内心深处满是恐惧感。 The colossus is moving, many tentacles are brandishing, looked can be scary 庞然大物在挪动,很多触手在挥舞着,看的都能吓死人 Last month of autumn the moon/month with huge Yuan Duishi one eyes, according to opposite party's description, unifies «zombie Atlas» the record, is very likely the creator. This type of thing needs to give Lin Fan processing. 季秋月跟庞袁对视一眼,按照对方的描述,结合《丧尸图册》中的记载,很有可能是创造者。这种玩意需要交给林凡处理。 Meets this zombie by their situations early, absolutely is nothing odds of success 以她们的情况早遇到这种丧尸,绝对是没有任何胜算的 Ok, knew. „ “行,知道了。“ Really, do not go, is very terrifying. „ “真的,千万别去,很恐怖。“ Wu Hao is also urging. 吴浩又叮嘱着。 huge Yuan Pai the opposite party shoulder say/way little brother, you were feeling relieved that the fellow we must certainly eliminate, but is not we eliminates, but is Lin Fan of Yellow City sunlight shelter, so long as he acts, does not have zombie that cannot solve.” 庞袁拍着对方肩膀道“小兄弟,你就放心吧,那家伙我们是肯定要消灭的,但不是我们消灭,而是黄市阳光庇护所的林凡,只要他出手,就没有解决不掉的丧尸。” He knows that the opposite party is showing loving care. 他知道对方是在关怀。 However something opposite party do not know, will therefore be worried. In a while, both sides go separate ways. 不过有的事情对方不知道,所以才会担心。没过多久,双方分道扬镳。 Walks, we first go to that side Meng to have a look at the situation, is also thinking in the limestone cave that could in Meng found living survivor, now looks like, this “走,我们先去蒙山那边看看情况,原先还想着或许能在蒙山的溶洞里找到活着的幸存者,现在看来,这 Was the not possible matter. „ Last month of autumn the moon/month is sighing. 是不可能的事情了。“季秋月感叹着。 Is the doubts. 就是疑惑的很。 Why if is really the creator must treat in the mountain. Many creators do not hide in the city cannot comprehend. At night. 如果真的是创造者为何要待在山里。很多创造者不都是躲在城市里的吗搞不懂。夜晚。 A stock car has arrived at the nearby of Meng. The surrounding zombie quantity are not many. 一辆改装车已经到达蒙山的附近。周围的丧尸数量并不多。 However can hear the sound of low roar to transmit as before once for a while. 但是依旧能时不时的听到低吼的声音传来。 Last month of autumn the moon/month is solved with huge Yuan Jiang surrounding zombie, then treats in the car(riage) is resting 季秋月跟庞袁将周围的丧尸解决掉,便待在车里休息着 m m At night is too dangerous, can tomorrow's dawn time, we have a look at the situation again.” Last month of autumn the moon/month said. “夜晚太危险,能明天天亮的时候,我们再看看情况。”季秋月说道。 Un, good. „ “嗯,好。“ huge Yuan Touguo glass looks to the jet black night, that pitch-dark night makes people feel flustered the terrifying, always felt that as if has what terrifying lifeform to hide in the darkness, wants to hunt momentarily. 庞袁透过车窗看向漆黑的夜晚,那伸手不见五指的黑夜让人感到心慌恐怖,总感觉仿佛有什么恐怖的生物隐藏在黑暗中,想要随时猎食。 Next day! 翌日! Glorious weather, weather good. The life such as was the same in the past, tranquil serene. Sunlight shelter. Good morning.” 风和日丽,天气好的很。生活如往常一样,宁静安详。阳光庇护所。“早上好。” Lin Fan be with smile on the face with bumping into the person is greeting. He gives himself rarely the free time. 林凡面带微笑的跟碰到的人打着招呼。他难得给自己空闲的时间。 To have a look at now the happy scenery of Yellow City sunlight shelter. Brother Lin, good morning.”Good morning. „ 就是想看看如今黄市阳光庇护所的美好之景。“林哥,早上好。”“早上好。“ On everyone's face reveals the smile that brims with, explained that they are very satisfied with the present life. 所有人的脸上都流露出洋溢的微笑,说明他们对现在的生活很是满意。 They are full of the sincere gratitude to Lin Fan. 他们对林凡充满真诚的感激。 Lin Fan is very high in their position, if not his rescues, they have died under the zombie mouth, moreover gives back to them to live very much stably. 林凡在他们心里的地位很高,如果不是他的相救,他们早就死在丧尸口下,而且还给他们很是稳定的生活。 Here, everyone is very happy, does not worry the food and clothing, was just the same as the past life. 在这里,大家都很开心,不愁吃穿,就跟以往的生活一模一样。 They thanked Lin Fan. 他们感谢林凡 Lin Fan thanked them similarly, thank them to be able after apocalypse arrived, is living as before strongly, when he rescued, if living the person died, then this shelter also had what meaning 林凡同样感谢他们,感谢他们能在末世到来后,依旧坚强活着,等到他来营救,如果活着的人都死光了,那么这庇护所还有什么意思呢 Newest website 最新网址 At the foot of the hill of Meng, the form appears together. 在蒙山的山脚下,一道身影出现。 Lin Fan has met with Professor season, then makes them treat is waiting for same place, but on his Meng looks for the creator alone on the line. 林凡已经跟季教授见过面,便让她们待在原地等待着,而他独自上蒙山寻找创造者就行。 Steps on the tread, knits the brows slightly. 踩着地面,微微皱眉。 Surrounding zombie saw that the tasty flesh appears in the front, stimulated of very one after another performance, like mad dog, been able to bear to/clashes. 周围丧尸看到有鲜美的血肉出现在面前,一个个表现的很亢奋,如同疯狗似的,忍不住的冲来。 „The zombie quantity are not many, but in the air is actually filling a feeling that makes one be flustered.” 丧尸的数量不算多,但是空气中却弥漫着一种让人心慌的感觉。” Lin Fan thought aloud that is saying. 林凡自言自语的说着。 Is wielding the sadness of frost conveniently. Titter! 随手挥着霜之哀伤。噗嗤! zombie that the sword glow will flush cuts off around the middle, the viscous blood sways everywhere is. 剑芒将冲来的丧尸拦腰斩断,粘稠的血液挥洒的满地都是。 He continues to walk toward the front, surrounding zombie sends out low and deep ‚, the sound, disregards Lin Fan to have how fiercely, to them, only needs to know what front is the delicious flesh on the line. 他继续朝着前方走去,周围的丧尸发出低沉的‘嗬嗬,声,无视林凡有多么的厉害,对它们而言,只需要知道面前的是美味血肉就行。 Trades to be any survivor to encounter this situation. 换做任何一位幸存者遭遇到这种情况。 Wants not to leave. 想都不想就会离开。 Will not take risk absolutely here, zombie gathers at mountain this/Ben is a very strange matter, in this mountain, definitely has existence of terrifying. 绝对不会在这里冒险,丧尸聚集在山里本就是一件很诡异的事情,在这座山里,绝对有恐怖的存在。 Un “嗯“ When cleans up front zombie, the frost in hand the sad sword arrives at the tread sharp, actually the discovery ground overflows the viscous blood unexpectedly. 当清理完面前丧尸的时候,手中的霜之哀伤的剑尖抵着地面,却发现地面竟然溢出粘稠的血液。 This situation makes him somewhat ignorant. 这种情况让他有些懵。 Has not seen is what situation. 没看到是什么情况。 Lifts the foot, falls to the ground, shakes fiercely, the ground splits, impressively is a flesh tentacle of absorption tread. 抬脚,落地,猛地一震,地面裂开,赫然是一条吸附着地面的血肉触手。 „Developing this situation the Lin Fan exclamation. “都已经发展到这种地步了吗”林凡惊叹的很。 Felt that this creator is absolutely unusual, the flesh tentacle spreads unexpectedly here, really makes people feel unthinkably. 感觉这头创造者绝对非同一般,血肉触手竟然蔓延到这里,真的让人感觉匪夷所思的很。 When the frost the sad sword pierces this tentacle sharp, deeply hid the corpse god in limestone cave has then felt. 而在霜之哀伤的剑尖刺穿这根触手的时候,深藏在溶洞中的尸神便已经感觉到了。 Also has ignorant human “又有无知的人类 Arrived here, who making me have a look iscorpse god is directing the flesh tentacle. 来到这里了嘛,让我看看到底是谁“尸神指挥着血肉触手。 The tentacle that it directs opens the eye, looks always arrived here human, but merely one...... the entire limestone cave is vibrating. 它指挥的触手张开眼睛,看向来到这里的人类,只是仅仅一眼……整个溶洞都在震动着。 It was frightened thoroughly dumbfounded. Is...... is he 它彻底被吓傻眼。“是……是他” Picture that saw initially in the memory of corpse god appears. A person of sword, sweeps away all zombie. 尸神的记忆里浮现了当初所看到的的画面。一人一剑,横扫所有丧尸 No matter how fierce zombie in the front of opposite party, frail with soft foot shrimp. 不管是多么厉害的丧尸在对方的面前,脆弱的跟软脚虾似的。 How to find here...... „ “怎么会找到这里的……“ ...... …… At this time. 此时。 Lin Fan has not thought of the ground actually, trembles slightly. 林凡倒是没想到地面,微微一颤。 Then the tentacle rises straight from the ground, with snake, is swaying before him , that tentacle grows a eye. 然后就有一根触手拔地而起,跟蛇似的,在他面前摇晃着,紧接着,那触手就生长出一只眼睛。 Such situation makes him feel that actually the unknown creator is a little fierce. 这样的情况倒是让他感觉未知的创造者有点厉害。 Also knows that the opposite party has known his arrival. When he wants to cut off this tentacle. 同时也知道对方已经知道他的到来。就在他想要斩断这根触手的时候。 That tentacle unexpectedly, quick such as lightning shrank. 那触手竟然咻的一下,快如闪电的缩了回去。 Lin Fan not multibarreled, picks up the speed walks toward the mountain innermost, he has induced that evil aura. 林凡没有多管,加快速度的朝着山的最里面走去,他已经感应到了那股邪恶的气息。 „” „” “嗬嗬”“嗬嗬” Slightly somewhat tranquil Meng suddenly was noisy, everywhere is the zombie low roar. 原本稍微有些宁静的蒙山突然吵闹起来,到处都是丧尸的低吼声。 Everything may become vulnerable. The ground is vibrating. 地动山摇。地面都在震动着。 Knows that my position, makes zombie form the mighty current to launch the ferocious attack to me, is really unfriendly.” “知道我的位置,就让丧尸们形成洪流想要对我发起猛烈的进攻,真的是不友好啊。” Lin Fan is sighing, zombie is this. 林凡叹息着,丧尸就是这样的。 What to do can 能怎么办 He is grasping the sadness of frost, looks up the front, although there are trees to cover, coming out that but he can look at as before, the gradient spreads upward. 他握着霜之哀伤,抬头望着前方,虽说有树木遮挡着,但他依旧能看的出来,坡度是往上蔓延的。 Indistinct had seen that dashes about wildly zombie form that comes. 隐隐约约的已经看到狂奔而来的丧尸身影。 Dense and numerous, with locust. 密密麻麻,就跟蝗虫似的。 Brush! 刷! Wields a sword fiercely, the space vibrates, the power and influence of seemingly a not wonderful sword, erupts averagely is inconceivable. 猛地挥剑,空间震动,看似平平无奇的一剑,所爆发出的威势是难以想象的。 The sword glow appears, takes away as many things as possible. 剑芒浮现,席卷而去。 The trees cut off. 树木被斩断。 Please close- smooth * read / pattern reading. 请关闭-畅*读/模式阅读。
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