The grandsoncannarrow the eyesto focus, lookstoHe Mingxuan, „youlooked that canputhimto come in?”
孙能眯着眼,看向何明轩,“你看能放他进来吗?”He Mingxuanlooks athorseYilong, sees the grandsonto be able, inheartsorrowful, whyto askme, youdecidedwell, even ifI said that youcanlistenmy, is thinkingcontinuedto shamemebefore the people, trampledme.
“放吧。”He Mingxuanis sayingvery muchat will.
The effect that heexercisedrecentlyis good.
他最近锻炼的效果还算不错。Feng Jiehasseveralbrushes, makinghismuscleslightlymore solid.
A horsedragonlooks the happy expression, „thanks the big brother.”
The grandsoncanknit the brows, is enduring the anger in heart, „youhave a lookagain, determination?”
孙能皱眉,忍着心中的怒火,“你再看看,确定?”He Mingxuansees the grandsonto be able, „hereyoudecide, even ifIsaidto put, finallywas decidedbyyou,Isaidto put, youalsosaid that makesmehave a look, thatmeaningcannotput.”
The grandsoncantrampleHe Mingxuanfiercely, He Mingxuan who tramplesretrocedesslightlyseveralsteps, after allHe Mingxuan'sbuildis very obese, the grandsoncanbe the emaciatedfrail scholarappearance.
孙能猛地踹着何明轩,一脚踹的何明轩稍微后退几步,毕竟何明轩的体型很肥胖,孙能又是瘦弱的文弱书生模样。„Yougivemeto have a lookcarefully, your idiot.” The grandsoncanangrily rebuke.
“你给我仔细看看,你这蠢货。”孙能怒斥着。He Mingxuanlooksto an entrancehorsedragon, flattered the smile, the buildwas very grandiose, in the foreheadshad the ominousoffensemakings, how can I say, giveshisonefeeling.
何明轩看向门口的马一龙,谄媚笑容,体型很壮硕,眉宇间有种凶戾的气质,怎么说呢,就是给他的一种感觉。horsedragonfeelingis not a little right, to puthimto come, has put.
紧接着。Hiscomplexionchanges, thatemaciatedfellow, actuallytakes the spear/gunto point athim.
他面色一变,那瘦弱的家伙,竟然拿着枪指着他。„Big...... big brother, some words saying well,do not impulse.” A horsedragonis waving, is drawing backstep by stepbackward, falls back onnear the sedan, is ready that travelsat any time.
The grandsoncan the sinkingsound said: „The survivor of meeting misfortune, is longis sturdier than anyone, eitherisotherssends, eitherwantsto mixto seize the baseintentionally, nowgivesyouthreeseconds, otherwisedo not walk.”
A horsedragonwithout demur, runs in the car(riage)directly, inheruns up to herecar(riage)in a minute.
The grandsoncanopen firedirectly.
孙能直接开枪。„Grass, the realfucklunatic, rememberstofather.”
The sedansways, the fasttravelleaves, cursing angrilysound that simultaneouslytransmitshorseYilong.
The grandsoncanlook at the sedan of going far away, was not naturally worried that whocanbreak through the prison, the defense capability of prisonis very strong, in all circumstances, defends the situationstronglyis a prison.
孙能望着远去的轿车,自然不担心有谁能攻破监狱,监狱的防御能力很强,在任何情况下,防御情况最强的就是监狱。„Sometimes can He Mingxuan, youworks the moving pointbrain.” The grandsoncanlooktoHe Mingxuan, has not really said a word to sayto his.
“何明轩,你做事有时候能不能动点脑子。”孙能看向何明轩,对他那是真的没有言语可说。He Mingxuansaid: „Iknew.”
何明轩道:“我知道了。”Is really uncomfortable, heonlyfelt that personlookedis full of the sympathytohislook, perhapsentireprisonno onecompared withhimmore miserable, suffered the shame in languagefrequently, hisfacial skinis luckily thickenough, scoldedno matter how, throughoutcankeep the first thoughtunchanged.
The grandsoncanseeHe Mingxuanmoodto losevery much, thinksjust saying that probablyindeedsomewhatoffends somebody, moderatemany.
孙能见何明轩情绪很失落,想想刚刚说的,好像的确是有些伤人,语气温和许多。„Currentlyoutsidevariousinfluenceshave, some people eyessee the issue, youshouldunderstand.”
……At night.
夜晚。Yangguang Subdistrict.
阳光小区。Lin Fanstandsin the balcony, looks at the subdistrictshop, canknow that the survivorstreatin the same placeare chatting, was tellingthis period of timebitter experience, eruptsall sorts ofexperiencesoutsidefromapocalypse.林凡站在阳台,看着街道的店铺,能知道幸存者们待在一起闲聊着,诉说着这段时间的遭遇,从末世爆发在外的种种经历。Perhapstheseto them, have not thoughtfor a lifetimecanmeet.
这些对他们来说,也许是一辈子都没想过能遇到的。Nowactuallyrealoccurrenceat present.
如今却真真实实的发生在眼前。HeplacesTang Pengfeithatgroup of survivors, with the expansion of crowd, surroundingsnaturallyeven morelively, hehopes is so.
他将唐鹏飞那群幸存者安置好,随着人群的扩张,周围自然越发的热闹,他所希望的便是如此。Rented outfromonce the houseYangguang Subdistrict, whatseeminglythinksgains the medium, butwith the development of situation, heknowsoneselfdo not uselike thatdeliberatelymakes moneyfor the goal, but the rightpersonwill bringtoYangguang Subdistrict.
从曾经将阳光小区的房屋租出,看似想的是赚中介,但随着事态的发展,他知道自己不用那般的刻意赚钱为目的,而将合适的人带到阳光小区。„Really is the gooddevelopment, throughoutby a benign developmentisbest.”
The cleaning upshop, leadskingopen/start, Tawu, littlemartial, wait/etcmade money, is only thinkingmakesthembe familiar with work to have the harvestdiligently, nowhasowngoal.
The kingsdismissedare the employees in water works, startedwithwaitingto contactin the subdistrictsurvivor, conducted trade activitiesbased onmoney.
王开除了是水厂的员工,又开始跟待在街道的幸存者联络起来,进行一种以金钱为基础的贸易活动。This is very good.
这就很好。Alsoishewantsto see.
也是他所想要看到的。„Sleeps, sleeps, anticipationin the future.”
“睡觉,睡觉,期待未来。”Withgoing to sleep.
随着入睡。Heopens eyesfiercely, feltthatspiritto read the fluctuation of strength.
他猛地睁开眼,又感受到了那股精神念力的波动。Thatis the room that lives from Wenwenpasses on.
那是从雯雯所居住的房间里传出来的。„Readingstrength that cannotcontrol, saidWenwen'syoung, can therefore like this?”
“不能自己掌控的念力,还是说雯雯的岁数还小,所以才会这样呢?”Hethinksnews that during the daytimelearns.
他想到白天得知的消息。Is a thathorsedragon, the strengthis enormous, can the bare-handedbrokengranite, but can also twist the bread twist the iron pipe.
The average peopledefinitelycannot achieve.
If before, hepossibly must think,butnowreads the emergence of strengthwithWenwenspirit, heis thinking, in the desperatetime, the potential of humangraduallyactivates, startsto resistapocalypse?
如果是以前,他可能还得想一想,而现在随着雯雯精神念力的出现,他就想着,是不是在绝望的时刻,人类的潜能逐渐激活,开始对抗末世呢?Wenwenin the house, the furnitureand othertypes of smallgoodsis floating, the slightlyheavyfurniturehas the trend of floatmerely.
雯雯所在房屋,家具等各种小物品都漂浮着,稍重的家具仅仅是有漂浮的趋势。ButWenwendoes not knowtothesesituations.
而雯雯对这些情况一点都不知道。Is sleeping soundlyas before.
The brow that wrinklesslightly, explained that this timeWenwenis possibly havingsomenightmare, encounters any dreadfulmatterin the dreamland, thusstimulates the spiritto read the strength.
只是那稍微皱起的眉头,说明此时的雯雯可能是在做着某种噩梦,在梦境中遭遇到什么可怕的事情,从而激发精神念力。In the morning.
楼下。„Brother Lin, has the newestsituation.”Recedes, „radio stationhas had the soundto transmit, butis off and on, probablywhois conveying the information, because ofsomereason, causing the soundto haveintenseinciting the sound, under comes to see.”
“林哥,有最新的情况。”马维远走来,“无线电台一直都有声音传来,但是断断续续的,好像是谁在传达着信息,但是因为某种原因,导致声音有强烈的滋滋声,来看下吧。”Lin FanarriveswithGuHangplaces the place of radio station.林凡跟顾航来到摆放无线电台的地方。„Zī...... to have...... to incite...... to have...... thispeacefully............”
“滋滋滋……有……滋滋滋……有……这……安……”Is hearing the sound of transmitting.
听着传来的声音。Lets go said,„isthis, cannot understand the opposite party to expresswhatmeaningcompletely.”
马维远摊手表示,“就是这样,完全听不懂对方想要表达什么意思。”Lin Fansaid: „Has the soundto explain that somepeopleare living, is livinghopefully, inpresentapocalypse, we are not only living, many peopleare definitely also living.”林凡道:“有声音就说明有人活着,活着就有希望,在如今的末世中,不仅仅我们活着,肯定还有很多人活着。”Attends to the route: „Thisisinevitable, the potential of humanis infinite, particularlyat crucial moments, canerupt, youngeveryyouhave been cleaning upYellow Cityzombienow, Ithink that in the futureYellow Cityshouldbecomehumanity's first sheltercity that does not havezombieto threaten, at that timelivinghumangathers, resisted the zombieassuranceto be bigger.”
顾航道:“这是必然的,人类的潜能是无穷的,尤其是在危难时刻,更是能爆发出来,小凡你现在一直在清理着黄市的丧尸,我想将来黄市应该是会成为人类第一座没有丧尸威胁的庇护所城市,等到那时候将活着的人类聚集在一起,对抗丧尸的把握就更大了。”Listensthese words that the navigationelder brotheris speaking.
听着航哥说的这番话。Lin Fandeeply feelsresponsibility, thatisveryimportant, after allnowcan the sowide scopeclean upzombie, only thenhe, otherperson is very difficult.林凡深感身上的责任,那是很重要的,毕竟如今能如此大范围清理丧尸只有他一人,别的人真的很难。„Iwill pick up the speed.”
“我会加快速度。”GuHanglooks atLin Fan, „was laboriousyou, onlyhatedus unable to help, otherwiseyoucanbe more relaxed, did not usecontinuouslythis.”
顾航看着林凡,“辛苦你了,只恨我们不能帮忙,否则你就能轻松很多,不用一直这样。”Lin Fanis smiling, „is all right, Ilikeexchangingwithzombie.”林凡笑着,“没事,我蛮喜欢跟丧尸交流的。”Cuttingzombiecanbecome the points, the pointscanbe strengthened, withplayinggamekills the strangepromotion, inapocalypse, but can also havesuchmechanism, to be honest, heisveryinterested.
银行庇护所。Zhouyanglooks atHanShuangthey, „liverealgood, to be honest, Ienvy, yoursanctuariesinYellow City, shouldbepeak, althoughhas not taken the advantageousterrain, buthas the awakeningprotection, is safer than anyshelter.”
周阳看着韩霜她们,“各位活的真好啊,说实话,我都羡慕的很,你们的庇护所在黄市,应该是最为顶尖的,虽说没有占据有利的地形,但是有着觉醒者守护,比任何一处庇护所都安全。”„Awakening? What do you mean?”
“觉醒者?什么意思?”Hanfrostsurpriselooks atZhouyang, althoughsheknows that Wenwenhas the spiritto read the strength, butthismatterfixedthatgroup of peopleknow,neverleaks, after allthissituationis rare, at leastis the presentis very rare, whocanbecomeawakening, thatdefinitely will be very who dangerous, the personwantsto studyis definitely not infrequent.
韩霜诧异的看着周阳,虽说她知道雯雯有精神念力,但这件事情只有固定的那群人知道,从未外传,毕竟这种情况是少有的,至少是现在很少有的,谁能成为觉醒者,那肯定会很危险,想要研究的人肯定不在少数。„Awakening doesn't youknow? Alsois right, awakeningis the name that Igive, thatis the average personawakeningability, butprotects of Yangguang Subdistrict, shouldbeawakening, otherwisegoes beyond the ability of strong person, cannot be justified.”Zhouyanghas not thoughthowtoanybody, heto be only thinkingoperatesowndomain.
“觉醒者你们都不知道?哦,也对,觉醒者是我给的称呼,那是普通人觉醒能力,不过守护阳光小区的那位,应该是觉醒者吧,否则超越强人的能力,说不过去的。”周阳没想过对任何人怎么样,他只想着经营自己的地盘。apocalypse is also the tumultuous times, the tumultuous timesstrive for hegemony, obtainssomecharactersinevitably.末世也是乱世,乱世争霸,必然得出些人物。
The Hanfrostshakes the head saying: „Wehave not cared aboutthese, awakening who you said that is it possible thatyour does herehave?”
韩霜摇头道:“我们没在意过这些,你说的觉醒者,莫非你这里有?”Zhouyangis smiling, „is open about the factseveryone, indeedone, is a female, she who Isave, sheis followingme, herabilityis very simple, isrunningquick, exceeds the rapidness of average man, evenonceworld champion, was less thanherhalf ofspeeds.”
The Hanfrostis looking at each otherwitheveryone, ineyedeepshock, thisshockis......, as the eruption of apocalypse, hadthissituationunexpectedly, thisthinksoutsideLin Fan, Wenwenbelongedspecially, unexpectedly.
韩霜跟大伙对视着,眼里深深的震撼,这种震撼是……随着末世的爆发,竟然出现了这种情况,本以为林凡外,雯雯属于特殊了,竟然还有。Weekway of yang: „Shocking of verynot displaying, thisabilityveryweak, is only the rapidness of running, what Icare, shepresentsthisabilityto appearafter the previousthunderstorm rain, Isuspected that thunderstorm rainis not simple.”
The Hanfrostremembers that thunderstorm rain, zombie happened to be in a tumult, Lin Fanhad said after thatthunderstorm rain, evolutionzombiechanged, obviouslywasthatthunderstorm rainalsotriggereda series offunctionstozombie.
韩霜记得那场雷暴雨,丧尸发生骚动着,林凡说过那场雷暴雨后,进化型丧尸都变多了,显然是那场雷暴雨对丧尸也引发了一系列的作用。„Bysuchview, ourhumanresisted the apocalypseassuranceto be bigger.” The Hanfrostsaid.
“以这样的说法,那我们人类对抗末世的把握就更大了。”韩霜说道。Zhouyangis backing on the sofa, shakes the head saying: „No, does not graspin a big way, butconfusion, so long aswhoreallyawakens, thatwill have the ambitioninevitably, strove for hegemonyto be the same with the ancient times, in the handwill have the soldierto occupy a side, becamelord of the sideinfluence.”
The Hanfrostis looking atZhouyang, shecansee that thisfellowis ambitious, receivingis beingfair trade, cansurviveinapocalypse, indeedhasmany skills.
韩霜瞧着周阳,她能看出这家伙是有野心的,秉承着都是公平交易,能够在末世中存活着,的确是有两把刷子。„Are youalsosuchidea?”
“那你也是这样的想法?”„Haha, whichmansuchidea, Ihave not indeed had the idea in thisaspect, separates a sideinYellow City, whileresistingzombie, becomes a sideoverlord.”
“哈哈,哪个男人没有这样的想法,我的确是有这方面的想法,在黄市中割据一方,在对抗丧尸的同时,又成为一方霸主。”NearbyXu Zeway of yang: „Zhouyang, Iurgedyounot to thinkthese, myBrother Linthatwas notcracks a joke, cleaned upYellow Cityzombieencouraging, one daycleanness of Yellow Cityzombiecleaning up, thusmadeYellow City the central city of humanshelter, bestnot to dothesemisdemeanors, myBrother Linwasupright and never stooping to flattery, hating the wicked as if they were personal enemies, cansee you are the unprincipled personor the good person, if the unprincipled person, reallyno onecould saveyou.”
一旁的徐泽阳道:“周阳,我劝你还是别想这些,我林哥那不是开玩笑的,励志清理黄市丧尸,总有一天会将黄市丧尸清理的干干净净,从而让黄市成为人类庇护所的中心城市,你最好别做那些坏事,我林哥为人刚正不阿,嫉恶如仇,一眼就能看出你是坏人还是好人,要是坏人,真就谁都救不了你。”„Hehe, is so fierce? Ihave somewhat not believed.”Zhouyangis smiling, the manis not a little willingto concedeafter all, does not haveothermeaning, is not willingto believe that worldreallyalsohassuchfucking awesomeman, is impossible, cannotappear.
The Hanfrostgood intentionis reminding, „hesaidreal, believe it or not, Ialsobelieve that Yellow Citywill become the mankind's lastsheltercenter.”
韩霜好心提醒着,“他说的都是真的,信不信由你,我也相信黄市会成为人类最后的庇护所中心。”Zhouyangthinks,saidslowly: „Good, even ifthis, waits forYellow Cityto become the humanfinalsheltercentertruly, byinfluence that Idevelop, givesmeto selectalsocalculates that the goodgovernment positionshouldnot be excessive, now the average personis difficultto do, sacrificeis an average person, canrunin the dangerahead of time, thathas the Sirs of government position, Istillwantto leave a leewayformyself.”
周阳想了想,缓缓道:“好吧,就算这样,等黄市真正成为人类最后庇护所中心,以我发展的势力,给我点还算不错的官职应该不过分吧,现在普通人难做,牺牲的都是普通人,能在危险中提前跑路的,那都是有官职的大人们,我也想为自己留点后路。”Regardingsuchview, whatHan can Shuangalsosay?
对于这样的说法,韩霜还能说什么?Everyonewill havesuchidea.
谁都会有这样的想法。ButinYangguang Subdistrict, whomshouldnot haveto havesuchidea, Lin Fangood that tooeveryoneprotects, livingto was the same in the past, butsheknows, onceYellow Citybecomes the humanfinalsheltercenter, definitelywill havemanyissues.
The time of mostdanger, everyonecanunite, butworks as the fruitis mature, for the table of minute/sharefruiton, will debate unceasingly.
The essence of humanis a reread machine.
人类的本质就是复读机。Looking over the historyto the present...... isso.
纵观历史到现在……一直都是如此。„Comes, looks at a thingtoyou.”
“过来,给你们看个东西。”Zhouyangsets out, walkstowardanother.
The Hanfrosttheyfollowinbehind, arrives at the window.
韩霜她们跟随在后面,走到窗户。Zhouyangis pointing atdownstairsthatopen area, „looks, thatis the woman of awakening, whatrunningisquick.”
The Hanfrosttheylook.
的确很快。A twinklingvanishesin the line of sight, appearsinanother.
一眨眼就消失在视线里,出现在另一处。Iffirstsees, dumbfoundedness that canshockabsolutely, butthinks that Lin Fanseparates the spatialswordto cut the helicopter, compares, the presentthingpossiblyis the small scale.
如果初次所见,绝对会震惊的目瞪口呆,但想到林凡隔空剑斩直升飞机,相比较起来,眼前的这玩意可能就是小打小闹。„Aren't youshocked?”ZhouyangobservesHanShuangand the others the facial expressions, the essenceis a little wantingto show off, who canthink,theyare unexpectedly indifferent.
“你们一点都不震惊?”周阳观察着韩霜等人的神情,本质是有点想显摆的,但谁能想到,她们竟然如此淡然。Hanfrost: „Shock.”
韩霜:“震惊。”Xu Zeyang: „fuck, runningrealquick.”
徐泽阳:“卧槽,跑的真快。”oldMaois looking at each otherwithhearsJie, is thinkinggives a face, „awakeningterrifyingin this way.”
老茅跟闻杰对视着,想着还是给点面子吧,“觉醒者恐怖如斯。”Zhouyangis blinking, looked that is a little strangetotheirlooks, „howIfelt that youare perfunctoryme?”
周阳眨着眼,看向她们的眼神有点怪异,“我怎么感觉你们是在敷衍我啊?”Hanfrostsaid: „No, weare onlyquitecalm.”
韩霜道:“没有,我们只是比较镇定而已。”Zhouyangshakes the head, helplessquite, did human, acknowledgeothers'outstandingsodifficultlyreally?
周阳摇摇头,颇为无奈,人类啊,承认别人的优秀就真的如此困难吗?„Comeswithme, looks at a thingtoyouagain, ashuman, something makequitegood, althoughmya littleambition that youknow, butImostunderstandsoffers.”
“跟我来,再给你们看个东西,身为人类,有的事情还是让你们知道的比较好,虽然我有点野心,但我这人最懂的就是奉献。”Saidthese wordstime, hisfacial expressionis very dignified, as ifreallymustcontributeto resemblesometype of importantthing.
The average peoplecannot achieve.
The talent who musta littlecome to understandgives up.
The Hanfrosttheyattach great importance.
韩霜她们重视起来。Reallyfelt that Zhouyangmustsay an important matter.
很快。Whentheysee the presentsituation, the one after anotherexpressionsomewhatis complex.
当他们看到眼前的情况时,一个个表情都有些复杂。Zhouyangis pointing at a whitecrystal, points atownhead saying: „Thisis the crystal in zombiehead, is notallzombiehas, only thentheseevolutionzombiehave, toobtaincrystal, a littlepays.”
周阳指着一枚白色晶体,又指着自己的脑袋道:“这是丧尸脑袋里的晶体,不是所有的丧尸都有,只有那些进化型的丧尸才有,为了得到晶体,还是有点付出的。”Xu Zeyangsaidat will: „Isaidanything, the crystal, Iknow, has seen.”
徐泽阳随意道:“我说啥呢,晶体啊,我知道,也见过。”Zhouyangsaidseriously: „Youhave seen, butyoudo not know that itsuse, Imusttellyouam the use of crystal, thisthingmightis extremely strong, copes with the zombieforciblything, actually the natureisveryfair, the mouseis base and low, butitactuallygives the mouseto be able the ability of sensationdisaster, the fish did not remember,actuallyroams through the ability of rivers and streamsto the fish, givesus the humanintelligentmind, actuallydoes not giveus the sensationwithroaming throughability, evengives back toourshortliveswith the harm that varioustypesare unable to resist.”
周阳严肃道:“你见过,但你不知道它的用途,我要告诉你们的就是晶体的用途,这玩意威力极强,也是对付丧尸的用力东西,其实自然界是很公平的,老鼠卑微吧,但是它却给老鼠能够感知天灾的能力,鱼儿没记忆,却给鱼儿遨游江河的能力,给我们人类聪明的头脑,却不给我们感知跟遨游的能力,甚至还给我们短暂的寿命跟各种无法抗拒的危害。”„Nowis different, powerful of zombie, seeminglykeepsourhumanfromresisting, butoftenis not, youlook at the appearance of awakening, explainedfairly, thiscrystal, the headfromzombie, thatalsotogiveourhumanresisted the help that zombieprovided.”
“现在不同,丧尸的强悍,看似让我们人类无法抵挡,但往往不是,你看觉醒者的出现,就说明公平,还有这晶体,来自丧尸的脑袋里,那也是为了给我们人类对抗丧尸提供的帮助。”„The energy of crystalcanletanymetallic absorption, thusstrengthens the metal the intensity, shouldsay said that something alsoneedyouto become awareslowly.”
“晶体的能量可以让任何金属吸收,从而增强金属的强度,该说的都说了,有的事情还需要你们自己慢慢悟。”Then, Zhouyangis looking attheirexpression.
说完,周阳瞧着她们的表情。Hopesseesfromtheirfaces, shock, panic-stricken, does not dareto believeand so on facial expressions.
果然。Looksfacial expression that theyare opening mouth, heknowsthesethings that oneselfjust said that gaveto blowthemthoroughly.
就从他的口中传播出去吧。Thinks back on the future, the people of later generationare recallinginitially the disastertime of new times, will think of a truecharacter, Zhouyang.
The Hanfrostis thinkingZhouyangmustsay any importantmatter.
没想到竟然就是这。Butto be honest, shecomparesto admiretoZhouyangthisbehavior, isno onecantellothersselflessly.
但说实话,她对周阳这种行为还是比较佩服的,不是谁都能无私的告诉别人。„Do you have to tellothers?” The Hanfrostis asking.
“你还有告诉别人吗?”韩霜问着。Zhouyangsaid with a smile: „Freeonly thenyou, tradewith the commodityhas the luckynumberwith several other sanctuaries, thesesanctuaries are quite powerfulinYellow City, is capable ofpreliminarycontendingwithzombie.”
周阳笑道:“免费的只有你们,拿物资换的有幸运号跟另外几处庇护所,这些庇护所算是在黄市中比较强大的,已经有初步的能力跟丧尸抗衡。”Gathering, but can also thank?
合着,还得谢谢啊?Zhouyangseestheirgod, is smiling, does not needto thankme, whomakesusknowinitial period ofapocalypse,onlyhopesreallymusttosuch that you said that thatcanclean upYellow Cityzombie, thatmustgivemefine talkseveral, hehe. ”
闻杰:……Xu Zeyang:......
银行外。Insteelbeast of prey.
钢铁猛兽里。Say/Way that Xu Zeyangcannot bear: „TodaywasmakesZhouyanginstall, we who thissaidhave known.”
徐泽阳忍不住的道:“今天算是让周阳装了一回,这说的我们都已经知道了啊。”Hanfrostsaid: „Otherindifferent, awakeningindeedis the importantnews, Wenwenis notspecial, otheralsohas, does not know the ability that awakenswill haveanything.”
韩霜道:“别的无所谓,觉醒者的确是重要的消息,雯雯不是特殊,别的还有,也不知道觉醒的能力都会有着什么。”hearsJiesaid: „Canhave the relationswithzombie, Brother Linhas said that zombiehas the spirit, the strength, the speedwait/etc, feel likeinvolves, onlyis alonekind, zombie.”
闻杰道:“会不会跟丧尸有关系,林哥说过,丧尸有精神,力量,速度等等,感觉好像都有牵连,只是一个人类,一个丧尸。”„Un, saidis reasonable, oldMaofirstdrives.” The Hanfrostby the window, looks at the bank, as ifcansee that Zhouyangalsostandsin the windowregistered permanent address, visitsthemto resemble.
“嗯,说的有道理,老茅先开车吧。”韩霜透过窗户,看着银行,仿佛能看到周阳同样站在窗户口,看着她们似的。oldMaosteps on the accelerator, the steelbeast of preyis goingtoward the distant place.
老茅踩着油门,钢铁猛兽朝着远方而去。At this time.
此时。Zhouyangindeedstandsbefore the steelbeast of prey that the windowlooks atto go far away, unemotional, seems like thinkinganythingresembles.
周阳的确站在窗前看着远去的钢铁猛兽,面无表情,就像是在想着什么似的。Afterward, seesZhouyangfrom the pocket, pulls out a whitecrystal.
随后,就见周阳从口袋里,掏出一枚白色晶体。Lifting, is looking that in the crystalis similar the flowing light of Milky Way.
举着,看着晶体中类似银河的流光。Hegrasps the fist, the armblue veinis reappearing, as ifcontains the powerfulbigstrength.
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