To late December, the Jiangchengweatherwas somewhat badfor these days, the temperaturedrops abruptly, outsidehas also hiked up the flurry. Naturally, the Jiangchengsnowcannotbe very big, is not very thick, butalsosufficientlymakes the wooded mountainandriversideput onBaiLichan a blacksilver.
到了十二月份下旬,江城的天气这几天有些恶劣,气温骤降,外头还飘起了小雪。当然,江城的雪不会很大,不够厚实,但也足以让山林、河边披上一层白里掺黑的银装。Attractive is actually very attractive, but not the suitablefamilyto go on a journey, particularlyin the Yang Yifamily|home, theiralsooneis onlyone -year-old kid, the weather that the easycatching coldcold, suchcold windto howl, should betterorstaysplaysin the warmfamily|home.
漂亮倒是很漂亮,但不适合家庭出行,尤其是杨轶家里,他们还有一个才一岁多的小家伙,容易着凉感冒,这样寒风呼啸的天气,最好还是呆在温暖的家里玩耍。Yang Yireallyhadarrangementthis weekend!
原本杨轶这个周末确实是有安排的!AlthoughMo Feioneweek of propagandatime, isherresult is quite stable, attainedallothersto long for even in dreamsactually the unavailableresult, did not needlike madto clash the sales volumeagain, thereforethis weekend, shealsorarelyhastwodays of relaxation times.墨菲虽然还有一周的宣传期,可是她成绩比较稳定,也拿到了所有别人梦寐以求却不可得的成绩,不需要再拼死拼活地冲销量,所以这周末,她也是难得有两天的休息时间。WhilethisMo Feiin the time of home, Yang YiplannedbringsMo Fei and childrengoes tonorthTing Mountain, looked that Chimonathus Praecoxall overblossoms!
The Jiangchenggovernment supportperipheralpeasant household that althoughthisChimonathus Praecoxalsoartificiallyplants, plants the Chimonathus Praecoxon the discipleslowhillside, Chimonathus Praecox that butafter a few years of development, thislarge surface areaplants, has becomeJiangchengtogetherin the winter the famousbeautiful scene, in NovembertoMarch of next year, almostevery weekend, somepeoplewill driveto playto that side, the localpeasant household the business of farmhouse, will also dobustling.
虽然这腊梅也只是人工栽种的江城政府扶持周边农户,在徒缓的山坡上栽种腊梅,但经过几年的发展,这大面积栽种的腊梅,已经成了江城一道冬天著名的美景,十一月到来年三月,几乎每个周末,都有人开车到那边去游玩,当地农户也是将农家乐的生意,搞得热火朝天。Happen, thisdoes not plant the agricultural productat crucial moment, the farmersdevelops the tourism industry, has brought the newsource of incomefortheirbelt-bags.
The plan that the weather that butlike thissnows, exitsto play can only be scrapped, Yang Yicalculates the time, will changenext week, happen toMo Feiwill have finishedhernewmusic CDpropaganda work, if the weatherwere good, hecanbringMo Fei and childrenlooks at the Chimonathus Praecox.
但这样下雪的天气,出去游玩的计划只能泡汤,杨轶算了算时间,更改成下周,正好墨菲结束了她的新唱片宣传工作,如果天气不错,他就可以带墨菲和孩子们去看腊梅。Naturally, thismustthisweek of activity, pushwith the nextweek of activityinone, whatoriginallynext weekYang Yiarrangementiseverybodygoes to the Tianmuhu of Yanlingto soak the hot springtogether. Fortunately, the distance of JiangchengandYanling is too not far, particularlyfromTing Mountain! Yang Yicanlead the family memberto look at the Chimonathus Praecox, soaks the hot springagain.
当然,这就要将这一周的活动,和下一周的活动挤在了一起,原本下周杨轶安排的是大家一起去延陵的天目湖去泡温泉的。还好,江城和延陵的距离不算太远,尤其是从亭山这边去!杨轶可以带着家人去看完腊梅,再去泡温泉。But the presentissueis, this weekendcannotgo outto play, whatcandoathome?
但现在的问题是,这周末不能出去玩,在家能干什么?Moreover, Yang Yi must facedisappointedXixi.
而且,杨轶还得面对失望的曦曦。little girlthisweekis hoping the fatherbrings himselfto go outto play!小姑娘这一周都盼着爸爸带自己出去玩呢!LookafterYang Yiannouncedin the morningthisnews, Xixiis then turning the smallbuttocks, did not depend on the placeto call out: „Papa, butIwantto look at the attractivesmallplum blossom!”
这不,当杨轶早上宣布了这个消息后,曦曦便扭着小屁股,不依地叫道:“粑粑,可是我还是想去看漂亮的小梅花!”„Plans unable to keep up with the change! You look outside, snows, ifgoes outto play, youwill be frozenblack and blue, wherehaswhatto play the pleasure?”Yang Yihas rubbed the smallhead of Xixiwith a smile, saidthat„weand others the nextweekgoes outto playagain!”
“计划赶不上变化嘛!你看外边,都下着雪,如果出去玩,你会被冻得鼻青脸肿的,哪有什么玩得乐趣?”杨轶笑着揉了揉曦曦的小脑袋,说道,“咱们等下一周再出去玩吧!”Xixilooksto the landingwindow of living room, outsidetrulyalsovoluminousis fluttering the flurry. However, by the glass window, Xixicanseethatdoes not knowwhenSteamed Bun that drillsfrom the doggate, excitedly , was dyedin the whitelawnto jumpdaby the snowflake.曦曦望向客厅的落地窗户,外面确实还洋洋洒洒地飘着小雪。不过,透过玻璃窗,曦曦能看到,不知道啥时候从狗门钻出去的包子,正激动地在被雪花染白的草坪上蹦跶。ThissillySteamed Bun, has not seen the snowto be the same probably, jumpsOldtall, but alsoopens the bigmouth, probablymustbitethesefaded and fallensnowflakes, butitsmovementis very good, samewill not throw downwithsillyhuskyon the ground, can see, Steamed Bunvigorousprance, the airbornetumbling, falls to the groundsteadily, the postureverydazzlesvery much!
这个傻包子,好像没见过雪一样,蹦得老高,还张开大嘴,好像要咬住那些飘零的雪花,但它的身法很好,不会跟傻哈士奇一样摔倒在地上,能够看得到,包子矫健的腾跃,空中翻滚,稳稳地落地,姿势很是酷炫!Steamed Bunplaysthatjubilantlyin the snow, thismaymakeXixienvyto go bad.包子在雪里玩得那么欢腾,这可让曦曦羡慕坏了。Sees only the little girltwosmallfingersto interweave, a faceis sadandsuffering from injustice, mumbles: „But, at homeunamusing......”
只见小姑娘两个小手指交织着,一脸难过、委屈,嘟囔道:“可是,在家里不好玩……”Fortunately, Yang Yiearlyis prepared.
还好,杨轶早有准备。„Howcannot be unamusing? Youlookedthatwhat the fatherhas prepared?”Sees onlyYang Yito pull out a colorbrightbook, gaveXixito swingswingingwith a smile.
“怎么会不好玩?你看,爸爸准备了什么?”只见杨轶掏出一本色彩鲜艳的书,笑着给曦曦摇了摇。„Does not wantto read! Iwantto go outto play......”Xixito mumble, but, out of curiosity, little girlfrom the window, threethenmoved, rubsto the fatherarms, puts out a handto press the book in fatherhand, has a look on thisisanything.
《coolsieneexperiments》Xixionlyrecognizes the aboveoolcharacter.曦曦只认得上面的ool字。„Thisisverycool.”Xixiis pointing at the firstword, turns the headto lookto the father.
“这个是酷酷的。”曦曦指着第一个单词,转头看向爸爸。Yang Yiis smiling, read a book title, said: „Meaningis, is very cool, very interestingscientific experiment, thisis a book, askingyouto play the book of sciencesmallgame.”杨轶微笑着,念了一遍书名,说道:“意思是,很酷、很有趣的科学实验,这是一本,叫你玩科学小游戏的书。”ThisbookisSahara Pressin the near futuremustintroduce a quiteinterestingbook in domesticchildren booksfrom the US, Lu Benjiewith the Yang Yireport the time, Yang Yitook a liking, the translated edition that althoughintroduceshas not manufactured, Yang Yi was still makesLu BenjiemakeEnglishoriginal versiontooneself.
这本书是撒哈拉出版社近期要从米国引进国内的儿童书籍中的比较有趣的一本,卢本杰跟杨轶汇报的时候,杨轶就瞧上了,虽然引进的译本还没制作出来,杨轶依然是让卢本杰给自己弄了一本英文原版。Happen, todayapplied.
正好,今天派上了用场。„Amusing?”Xixihas hesitated, raises headto see the father, the poutssmallmouthasks.
“好玩吗?”曦曦迟疑了一下,仰头看着爸爸,嘟着小嘴巴问道。„Wetry! Alsocalled the younger brother!”Yang Yisaidwith a smile.
……AlthoughXixialsohassomenon-sentimentsnot to hope, playsalso some never forgettingto the outdoors, butcuriosityat heart, madeherput downheldto read.曦曦虽然还有一些不情不愿,对户外游玩还有一些念念不忘,但心里的好奇,还是让她放下了执念。
After having had the breakfast, little girlfollowsbehindfather'sbuttocks, looks that hepreparesto test„equipment”in the kitchen.
吃过早餐之后,小姑娘跟在爸爸的屁股后面,看着他在厨房里准备实验“器材”。„Thisis the egg, thisis the salt, thisis a ladle, wealsoneed a transparentdrinking glass, drinks waterwith the cup is too a little small.”Yang Yihas attained„equipment”, putsinXixiis holdingin the smallbasket, makinglittle girlalsosharepart of work, this, shehas the sense of participation.
“这是鸡蛋,这是盐,这是勺子,我们还需要一个透明的玻璃杯,喝水用的杯子有点太小。”杨轶拿到了“器材”,就放到曦曦手里提着的小篮子里,让小姑娘也分担一部分工作,这样,她更有参与感。Xixithoughtoperating speed, can followfather'slanguagefast, is listening totalking over of father, sheblinked, points at the glassjar that sidethatmotheris arranging flowersto use, said: „Father, we use this!”曦曦思维运转速度,还是跟得上爸爸的语速的,听着爸爸的念叨,她眨了眨眼睛,指着旁边那个妈妈插花用的玻璃瓶子,说道:“爸爸,我们用这个吧!”Because to the winter, the flowerdid not surviveeasily, thatbatch of flowers that beforeMo Feiarranged, after withering, had been processedbyYang Yi, nowMo Feihas not emptiedto buy the newflower, the glassjar that thereforethis month, thisflower arrangementused, emptiedtemporarily.
因为到了冬天,花不容易存活,之前墨菲插的那批花,枯萎后已经被杨轶处理掉了,现在墨菲也没有空去买新的花,所以这个月,这个插花用的玻璃瓶子,暂时空了出来。„Good, thisjaris not too big nor too small, justsufficesusto use, moreoveris transparent, you and younger brothercanobserveourexperimentwell.”Yang Yismiles, raises up the thumbwithXixi, saidthat„youare fierce , helping the equipment that the fatherfoundusto needall of a sudden!”
“不错,这个瓶子不大不小,刚好够我们使用,而且是透明的,你和弟弟可以更好地观察我们的实验情况。”杨轶笑着,跟曦曦竖起大拇指,说道,“还是你厉害,一下子就帮爸爸找到了我们需要的器材!”Althoughis only the smallmatter, butunder the praise that the fatherexaggerates, Xixibrimmed with the satisfactoryfeeling of satisfactionat heart, saw onlyhertwosmall handsto carry the smallbasket, about the smallbodywiggled forward, hee heehas smiled.
虽然只是小事情,但在爸爸夸张的夸奖之下,曦曦心里洋溢起了美美的满足感,只见她两个小手拎着小篮子,小身子左右扭来扭去,嘻嘻地笑了起来。Makes the atmosphere of experimentto be getting stronger and stronger, Xixialsograduallyforgotunhappiness that cannotgo outto playa moment ago, when the fatherwashes the jar, installsto sail upstream, shethenhappilyfollowsin the fatherbehind, returns to the living room.
做实验的气氛越来越浓烈,曦曦也渐渐忘掉了刚才不能出去玩的不快,等爸爸洗完瓶子,装上水,她便高兴地跟在爸爸身后,回到客厅。„Outside yougoto play the snow, look, makes the bodythatdirty, but alsosteps on the floor, these manydarkfootprints!”Mo Feiwas reprovingSteamed Bun that endedinsanely outside.
“你去外面玩雪,看,把身子弄得那么脏,还把地板踩得,这么多黑乎乎的脚印!”墨菲正在训斥着在外面疯完回来的包子。Also not strangeMo Feiscoldedit, thisfellow, after the bodyalsothrew over the snowflakewas melting the wetmark, infamily|homeonentrancenearbyfloor, was similar tosuch that Mo Fei said that darkhas covered entirely the Steamed Bunplum blossomsamefootprint.
The dogcan the mood of sensationhumanity, somedocumentary filmssaythat the dogisfew, cansee the humanmoodchangefrom the face of humanity the animal that.
狗是能感知人类的情绪的,有纪录片说,狗是为数不多,能从人类的脸上看出人类情绪变化的动物。Steamed Bunat this moment, althoughcannot understand the hostesswords, butitknowsonemade the mistake, has been being scolded, sees onlyitto lieon the ground, the headburiesin the both feets, does not dareto look at the master.包子此刻,虽然听不懂女主人的话,但它还是知道自己做错了,正在挨骂,只见它趴在地上,脑袋埋在了双脚之间,都不敢看主人。„All right, wegoto wash.”Yang Yilooks at a footprint of floor, is somewhat uncomfortable, hasto put down the experimentfirst.
“没事,我们去给它洗一下。”杨轶看着一地板的脚印,有些难受,只好先搁下实验。Xixiis responsible forlooking afterLittle Tongtong, Mo Feiis bringingSteamed Bunto go to the bathroom, givesitto flush, butYang Yimustcleanon the cleanfloorwith the swab the darkfootprint.曦曦负责照看着小曈曈,墨菲带包子去浴室,给它冲洗一番,而杨轶则是要拿拖把擦干净地板上黑乎乎的脚印。Onetosses about, almostarrived attenpoints, Yang Yihad the experiment that the childrendidfinallyto untie the curtain.
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