HF :: Volume #7 恶魔高校

#641: Evolution, brand-new two Incarnation

( Thanked archurking very 1888 dozens enjoyed! Book friend who as well assoul sad Polei and witch horse and Song Yu and curved camehitting enjoyed!) (十分感谢‘archurking’的1888打赏!以及‘魂悲魄泪’、‘巫马此间’、‘宋彧’、‘彎彎來的書友’的打赏!) Right, I truly also turn now was similar your avatar same existence , like that wolf!” “没错,我现在确实也变成了类似你分身一样的存在,就跟那头狼一样!” When red Great Dragon these words revealing, in Noah heart certain, suddenly was all of a sudden open. 当红色的巨龙将这句话给吐露出来时,诺亚心中一定,一下子豁然开朗了。 Therefore, Noah is controlling own figure, light plundering to the midair, fell again, in the build had no in disparity the top of the head of Beo with front Great Dragon, looked to the front. 于是,诺亚控制着自己的身形,轻飘飘的掠向了半空,再落在了体型与前方巨龙没有什么差距的贝奥的头顶上,望向了前方。 „Are you, Red Dragon Emperor in Two Heavenly Dragons?” “你,就是二天龙中的赤龙帝吧?” Has guessed correctly?” Great Dragon that fierce beast pupil moves downward, to Noah's line of sight. “已经猜到了吗?”巨龙那狰狞的兽瞳往下一移,对上了诺亚的视线 Right, I am in Two Heavenly Dragons, is called Red Dragon Emperor Red Dragon ———— Ddraig.” “没错,我就是二天龙里,人称赤龙帝的红龙————德莱格。” In the ancient times tripartite influence war, because hits make a move in the battlefield with another Heavenly Dragon greatly, confused the entire war to dismember a body, even the soul changed into Sacred Gear scarlet Heavenly Dragon. 在远古的三方势力大战中,因为在战场上与另外一头天龙大打出手,搅乱了整个战局而被大卸八块,连灵魂都化为了神器(sacredgear)的赤红天龙 Now, that Heavenly Dragon then appeared in the Noah's soul deep place, but also claimed that becomes same as Beo, as soul body that Noah's another avatar had. 现在,那头天龙便出现在了诺亚的灵魂深处,还声称成为了跟贝奥一样,作为诺亚的另一个分身而存在的灵魂体。 To be honest, I very surprised.” “老实说,我非常的惊讶。” Ddraig has a relish to Noah said such a line. 德莱格饶有兴致的对着诺亚说了这么一句 „, As was sealed in the Sacred Gear soul body, I will live unexpectedly in this form, becomes your avatar, companion, your origin is not very as if ordinary.” “没想到,作为被封在了神器(sacredgear)中的灵魂体,我居然会以这种形式重新活过来,成为你的分身,伙伴,你的来历似乎很不一般啊。” Since you become existence of soul same body with me. Just like Beo, survives as my avatar, lodges in my soul, then, you will know my origin quickly. Does not need to inquire.” Noah shakes the head, is looking straight ahead Ddraig. “既然你都跟我成为了一魂同体的存在了。跟贝奥一样,作为我的分身而存活,寄宿在我的灵魂中,那么,你很快就会知道我的来历。不需要询问。”诺亚摇了摇头,直视着德莱格 only, my actually has not thought that after fusing Boosted Gear, unexpectedly will have in Sacred Gear you give to liberate, and even the soul gathers for a body, is this good deed or the misdemeanor?” 只是,我倒是没有想到,融合了赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)以后居然将存在于神器(sacredgear)中的你给解放了出来,并连灵魂都合为了一体,这到底算是好事还是坏事呢?” Ma eight Yun Jia's Young Master latest chapters. To your me, should be the good deed?” Ddraig said directly. 八云家的大少爷最新章节。对你我来说,应该算是好事吧?”德莱格直接说道。 Now, I become another consciousness in your soul, I can feel the same as that wolf. So long as as main body your provide Magic Power, I can with soul manifestation that you are in one, becomes your employed beast, helping you fight, like this, I can also short moved outside, is this good deed?” “现在,我成为了你灵魂中的另一个意识,我能够感觉到,跟那头狼一样。只要身为本体的你提供魔力,我就能将与你合为一体的灵魂具现化,成为你的使役兽,帮你战斗,这样,我也能短暂的在外面活动了,这算是好事吧?” This, if is not meddlesome, I really do not know that anything was the good deed.” Noah smiled bitterly. “这如果都不算好事,那我就真的不知道什么才算好事了。”诺亚苦笑了一声。 Can employing take of you Two Heavenly Dragons. Thinks this fact, even I somewhat feel inconceivable.” “能够使役作为二天龙之一的你。一想到这个事实,连我自己都有些感到不可思议。” Was called the Two Heavenly Dragons two dragons is make a move then confused the battlefields of three big influences. Let three big influences be at a loss, can only be headed by the god and Devil King, after conducting the union, existence that can overpower. 要知道,被称为二天龙的两头龙可是一出手便搅乱了三大势力的战场。让三大势力束手无策,只能以神和魔王为首,进行联合以后才能制服的存在。 Therefore, Vali had said in existences of top ten these out of the norm, Ddraig can gain a footing absolutely. 所以,瓦利曾经说过的排名前十的那些规格外的存在里,德莱格绝对能够占据一席之地。 Was said, Noah equivalent to obtained one to arrange in this world to enter first ten. Absolutely not weakly in any God Slayer avatar. 即是说,诺亚相当于得到了一个在这个世界能够排进前十。绝对不会弱于任何一个弑神者分身 This does not enter with the strength greatly can describe. 这可不是用实力大进能够形容的。 Do not say, companion.” Ddraig shot a look under a Noah body that tight is staring at own Beo. said with a faint smile. “别这么说,伙伴。”德莱格瞥了一眼诺亚身下那紧紧的盯着自己的贝奥似笑非笑的说道 power of that wolf is not under me completely, can have such avatar. Perhaps, you absorbed my soul, was a determined matter?” “那头狼的力量也完全不在我之下,能够有这样一个分身。或许,你吸收掉了我的灵魂,也算是一件命中注定的事情吧?” That, Ddraig, combined with my soul as your soul body of Boosted Gear center, can I also use Boosted Gear?” Noah asked matter that oneself cared about. “那,德莱格,作为赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)中心的你的灵魂体都与我的灵魂合二为一了,那我还能使用赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)吗?”诺亚问出了自己在意的事情。 I have felt, by my physique, certainly entering within the body Sacred Gear power to the direct absorption, no longer receives Sacred Gear the management of system, as the matter stands, under Sacred Gear the management of system can exist, and is affecting should Sacred Gear expire directly?” “我一直觉得,以我的体质,一定会将进入体内神器(sacredgear)力量给直接吸收,不再受到神器(sacredgear)的系统的管理,这样一来,在神器(sacredgear)的系统的管理下才能一直存在且作用着的神器(sacredgear)应该会直接失效吧?” Perhaps, other Sacred Gear is this, but I am different.” Ddraig replied. “或许,别的神器(sacredgear)是这样,但我不一样。”德莱格回答道。 Boosted Gear ability was from my power, the god of Holy Bible my soul sealing in Sacred Gear, this makes Boosted Gear be born, now, you gave to absorb entirely my power and soul, even if Sacred Gear were separated from the management of system, should be have an effect was right.” 赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)能力本来就是取自于我本身的力量,圣经的神将我的灵魂封进神器(sacredgear)里,这才让赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)诞生,如今,你将我的力量与灵魂都给通通吸收掉了,即使神器(sacredgear)脱离了系统的管理,应该还是能够起作用的才对。” hearing this, Noah at present one bright, in the heart also inspires suddenly. 闻言,诺亚眼前一亮,心中也陡然一振。 Was said, I can also use Boosted Gear lo?” “即是说,我还能使用赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)囖?” Should.” Ddraig nodded. “应该可以。”德莱格点了点头 I can feel, when enters your within the body, lodged my power and soul on Boosted Gear then separated, the soul combined with your soul directly, turned into your avatar, but power was seemingly by your body absorbing, should be able to become effective was right.” “我能够感觉到,在进入你体内的时候,寄宿在赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)上的我的力量与灵魂便分开了,灵魂直接与你的灵魂合二为一,变成了你的分身,而力量则是貌似被你的身体给吸收了,应该还是能够生效的才对。” At this point, the Ddraig tone became somewhat complex. 说到这里,德莱格的语气变得有些复杂了起来。 Originally, the Sacred Gear host after dying, lodged in its within the body Sacred Gear automatic teleportation to next host body, now my existence has been separated from Sacred Gear, turned into your avatar, although can also move actually very outside happy, but as the matter stands, died as you of main body, must die as avatar me without doubt, was really, did this also calculate the good deed?” “本来,神器(sacredgear)的宿主在死去以后,寄宿在其体内神器(sacredgear)会自动转移到下一任的宿主身上,现在我的存在已经脱离了神器(sacredgear),变成了你的分身了,虽然还能在外面活动倒是挺让人开心的,可这样一来,作为本体的你一死,作为分身的我也必死无疑了,真是的,这也算好事吗?” hearing this, Noah thought getting up special teacher. 闻言,诺亚才想了起来特种教师。 When integrates Noah within the body, Boosted Gear was truly decomposed two power, in Incarnation that melted Draconian, another melted in Golden Wolf Incarnation. 融入到诺亚体内时,赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)确实被分解成了两股力量,一股融进了龙人化身中,另外一股则融进了金狼化身里。 If Ddraig said is true, that Noah's two Incarnation should have the change to be right. 如果德莱格所言属实,那诺亚的两个化身应该也产生了变化才对。 thought until here, Noah then cannot sit. 想到这里,诺亚便坐不下去了。 That, Ddraig, I first went out, having a look at my power to have anything to change.” “那,德莱格,我就先出去了,看看我的力量是不是发生了什么变化。” Later advised much, companion.” Ddraig exuded the laughter. “以后多多指教了,伙伴。”德莱格发出了笑声。 Is called the Beo little fellow, similarly as another consciousness in a soul, is main body avatar, we later also advise lo much.” “叫做贝奥的小家伙,同样作为一个灵魂里的另外一个意识,也都是本体的分身,我们以后也多多指教囖。” Beo cast aside Ddraig one, don't go too far, pays no attention to meet Ddraig. 贝奥撇了德莱格一眼,别过头去,理都不理会德莱格 Sees that Ddraig forced smile. 见状,德莱格苦笑了。 Really desolate, worthily is the wolf.” “真冷淡,不愧是狼。” Looks at the interaction of Ddraig and Beo, Noah shows a faint smile, moves sideways, vanishes in original place. 看着德莱格贝奥的互动,诺亚微微一笑,闪身,消失在了原地 ...... …… Noah discovered, the two designs in oneself Ten Incarnations changed. 诺亚发现,自己十化身中的两个图案变了。 Turned into all over the body scarlet Great Dragon. 一个变成了一头通体赤红的巨龙 Turned to Beast Herd that the distant place is dashing about wildly. 一个变成了对着远方狂奔的兽群 Contacted these two designs, Noah then obtained the brand-new Incarnation usage-style. 接触到这两个图案,诺亚便得到了全新化身的使用方式。 ...... …… Dragon Emperor ———— unifies Incarnation that Draconian and Red Dragon Emperor power forms. 龙帝————结合龙人赤龙帝力量所形成的化身 ability one: Can transform the body as the physique of dragon, exercises the strength of dragon. 能力一:能将身体转化为龙的体质,行使龙之力。 ability two: Can have to the dragon has Dragon-slaying power of strong lethality. 能力二:能拥有对龙有着强大的杀伤力的龙杀之力 ability three: Can be endured to compare immortality the strength of Energy Scales. 能力三:能得到堪比不死身气鳞之力。 ability four: Can have to exceed wild nature and intuition, may be called divine skill the strength of close combat. 能力四:能具备超越野性与直觉,堪称神技近身格斗之力。 ability five: Can have to appear Boosted Gear, exercises Sacred Gear power, obtains the strength of Boost and Transfer. 能力五:能具现出赤龙帝的笼手(dgear),行使神器(sacredgear)力量,获得倍增与转让之力。 ...... …… Beast Herd ———— unifies Incarnation that Golden Wolf and Red Dragon Emperor soul forms. 兽群————结合金狼赤龙帝的灵魂所形成的化身 ability one: Can have crush all ability Phantasmal Species avatar summoning the soul, urges for the user. 能力一:能将灵魂中拥有着粉碎一切的能力幻想种分身给召唤出来,供使用者驱使。 ability two: Can have the soul in the power direct role in the goal, disregards any barrier Penetrate ability Red Dragon Emperor avatar summoning, urges for the user. 能力二:能将灵魂中拥有着把力量直接作用于目标,无视任何障碍的穿透能力赤龙帝分身给召唤出来,供使用者驱使。 ability three: Can gives the user crush ability and Penetrate ability directly oneself. 能力三:能将粉碎能力穿透能力直接赋予使用者本人 ...... …… After absorbing Red Dragon Emperor power and soul, Noah's Draconian Incarnation and Golden Wolf Incarnation obtained the evolution finally. 吸收了赤龙帝力量与灵魂以后,诺亚的龙人化身金狼化身终于是获得了进化。 ———— Dragon Emperor. ————龙帝 ———— Beast Herd. ————兽群 Noah, getting stronger. ( to be continued ) 诺亚,又变强了。(未完待续)
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