HF :: Volume #7 恶魔高校

#639: Takes out exceptionally integrates

( Thanked mayonnaise chicken S very 1888 dozens enjoyed! And calm sky and life silver and thunder sound hitting enjoys!) (十分感谢‘蛋黄酱小鸡s’的1888打赏!以及‘无风皓天’、‘人生银家’、‘雷响’的打赏!) ———— By the skills with which I wield spell words, may justice of the world manifest, Both eloquent and powerful. I am the Sword of Wisdom, that which holds all victory in my hands ———— ————以我言灵之技,让世上的正义显现,此等咒语乃强力且雄辩,是招呼胜利的智慧之剑———— Just liked the ancient times hymn same spell words extremely clear reverberation in the surroundings, making the entire space be covered by the radiant golden light. 犹如远古的圣歌一样的言灵极为清晰的回荡在了周围,让整个空间都被璀璨的金光所覆盖。 Buzz————!” 嗡————!” All over the body radiant gorgeous incomparable, in the surface has the warrior design that grasps a golden sword flashes in front of Noah's suddenly. 一个通体璀璨绚丽无比,表面上有着手持一把黄金剑的战士的图案在诺亚的面前陡然闪现。 Searched in the hand that radiant gorgeous incomparable design, the next moment, Noah sword pulling out. 将手探进了那璀璨绚丽无比的图案中,下一刻,诺亚将剑给拔了出来。 Zheng————!” 铮————!” In an instant, wants rich rays of light to sparkle from the sword in Noah hand compared with surroundings any golden light. 刹那间,比周围任何的金光都要浓郁的光芒诺亚手中的剑上闪耀而起。 That, is one builds by golden impressively all over the body, on the sword blade also portrays one by one jerkily the sword of writing is difficult to understand. 那,赫然便是一把通体由黄金打造而成,剑身上还刻画着一个个生涩难懂的文字的剑。 Only then in using the warrior Incarnation situation can use, can give the golden sword that cuts off Divinity. 只有在使用了战士化身的情况下才能使用,能够将神格都给斩断的黄金剑。 Now, Noah aimed at Hyoudou Issei the sword this. 现在,诺亚将这把剑对准了兵藤一诚 Regarding the Hyoudou Issei within the body Sacred Gear regular script, Noah has fully understood. 对于兵藤一诚体内神器(sacredgear)的正体,诺亚已经有了充分的了解了。 Now 13 Longinus one of them, in Two Heavenly Dragons the Red Dragon by legend Sacred Gear ———— Boosted Gear. 当今十三种神灭具(longlnus)的其中之一,由传说中的二天龙中的红龙所化的神器(sacredgear)————赤龙帝的笼手(dgear) Can power of infinite multiplication user, power that but can also multiplying comes gives to others, enhances others 's power the strength of investigation ultrasaurus. 能够无限倍增使用者的力量,还能将倍增得来的力量转让给他人,提升他人的力量的究极龙之力。 Gives Hyoudou Issei this power, and lodges in the Hyoudou Issei within the body Red Dragon. The named ———— 将这个力量赋予兵藤一诚,并寄宿在兵藤一诚体内的红龙。其名为———— Heavenly Dragon Ddraig, your power bears regarding the present host is too big, should be leaves his body the time!” 天龙德莱格,你的力量对于现在的宿主来说负担实在太大,该是离开他身体的时候了!” Changed into the forging hand the knowledge in mind completely the material of sword, Noah was less in the sudden hand, under gaze of Hyoudou Issei cannot respond completely. That is sparkling the radiant rays of light golden sword the hand, straight, jabbed into the chest of Hyoudou Issei. 将脑海中的知识全部化为了锻造手中之剑的材料,诺亚在猝手不及,完全没有能够反应过来的兵藤一诚的注视下。将手中那闪耀着璀璨光芒黄金剑,笔直的,刺进了兵藤一诚的胸口。 Puchi————!” 噗嗤————!” Tearing sound, reverberation. 撕裂声,回荡而起。 The Hyoudou Issei whole body stagnates, dull is looking Golden Sword that jabs into the chest, quite a while did not have the response flower top grade male. 兵藤一诚浑身一滞,呆呆的望着刺进自己胸口的黄金之剑,半天没有了反应花都极品男。 Issei-kun!” 一诚君!” Kiba Yuuto has a big shock. Just when wants to go forward, actually by Noah that tranquil sound preventing. 木场佑斗大惊失色。正想上前时,却是被诺亚那平静的声音给阻止了。 In one side static looks, do not bother!” “在一旁静静的看着,别搅局!” hearing Noah's words, Kiba Yuuto almost stopped the footsteps subconsciously, forcefully makes figure solidify there. No longer moves. 听到诺亚的话,木场佑斗几乎是下意识的停下了脚步,硬生生的让身形凝固在那里。不再动弹。 At this time, Noah cast Hyoudou Issei body the vision. 这时,诺亚才将目光投到了兵藤一诚身上 Excuse me, Hyoudou-san, as extremely ordinary human, you are not as if able to control within the body Sacred Gear, that is too to you dangerous, is also too dangerous to the surrounding person, therefore. Makes me give to take it!” “不好意思,兵藤同学,作为一个极其普通的人类,你似乎无法掌控自己体内神器(sacredgear),那对你来说太危险,对周围的人来说也太危险,所以。还是让我将它给取出来吧!” The words fall, Noah loosened the hand that holds the sword, making Golden Sword insert on the Hyoudou Issei chest. Oneself approached retreat to leave one step. 话落,诺亚松开了持剑的手,让黄金之剑插在兵藤一诚胸口上。自己则向后退出了一步。 Sacred Gear that is manufactured by God in the Holy Bible, once lodged in human within the body, that also had the means to take it. 圣经中的神所制作出来的神器(sacredgear)一旦寄宿在了人类体内,那倒也不是没有办法将其取出来。 Azazel provide then has to Noah's that artificial Sacred Gear manufacture technique/technology in Sacred Gear the method of others' within the body taking. 阿萨谢尔提供诺亚的那份人工神器(sacredgear)的制造技术里便有着将神器(sacredgear)从别人的体内取出来的方法。 Once just, takes out from within the body of host Sacred Gear, the life of that host will also follow on the wane, vanishes directly. 只不过,一旦将神器(sacredgear)从宿主的体内取出,那宿主的生命也会跟着凋零,直接消失。 Because, Sacred Gear when lodging in people within the body. Then already life direct connection with host in one. 因为,神器(sacredgear)已经在寄宿于人的体内时。便已经跟宿主的生命直接连接在了一起了。 Therefore, to save the Hyoudou Issei life. And takes out its within the body Sacred Gear safely, Noah will use the sword. The contact of Hyoudou Issei with its within the body Sacred Gear cutting off. 所以,为了保住兵藤一诚的性命。并将其体内神器(sacredgear)安全取出,诺亚才会使用了剑。将兵藤一诚与其体内神器(sacredgear)的联系给斩断。 As the matter stands, even if took out Sacred Gear, Hyoudou Issei will not lose the life. 这样一来,即使取出神器(sacredgear),兵藤一诚也不会丧失性命了。 At that moment, Noah spread out own palm, aimed at Hyoudou Issei's direction the hand. 当下,诺亚摊开了自己的手掌,将手对准了兵藤一诚的方向 Immediately, rushing Magic Power emerges from Noah's palm, changed into the substantive dim light, covered the Noah's entire palm. 顿时,澎湃的魔力诺亚的手掌上涌现而出,化为了实质般的幽光,笼罩住了诺亚的整个手掌。 Comes out to me!” “给我出来吧!” With falling of these words, Noah that is covering the dim light palm, directly, pierced the chest of Hyoudou Issei. 随着这句话的落下,诺亚那覆盖着幽光的手掌,直接,洞穿了兵藤一诚的胸口。 However, this has not actually aroused what abnormal noise all of a sudden, only makes Noah's palm unexpectedly like searching the water surface, while the chest of Hyoudou Issei reverberates a ripple, jabbed into Hyoudou Issei within the body. 但是,这一下子却没有激起什么异响,只是诺亚的手掌竟是像探进了水面一样,在兵藤一诚的胸口回荡起一圈波纹的同时,刺进了兵藤一诚体内 Then, Noah own hand pulling out. 然后,诺亚将自己的手给拔了出来。 But in Noah's hand, all over the body scarlet, front has green gem, seemed like gauntlet static lying down of fierce dragon claw above, is releasing the exceptionally remarkable fluctuation all over the body. 而在诺亚的手中,一个通体赤红,前端有着绿色的宝玉,看上去就像是一只狰狞的龙爪手甲静静的躺在了上面,通体释放着异常惊人的波动。 That is the fluctuation that power of dragon arouses. 那是龙的力量所激起的波动。 Looks scarlet gauntlet in own hand, Noah's eyes flickered. 看着自己手中的赤红手甲,诺亚眼眸一闪 „Is this Boosted Gear?” “这就是赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)吗?” So long as the time is enough, the body of host also has ability to undertake, that can the power short promotion of user to the god and Devil King Longinus of level. 只要时间足够,宿主的身体也有能力承担,那就能够将使用者的力量短暂的提升至神与魔王的层次的神灭具(longlnus) If not for Hyoudou Issei and has no ability, depends on this Sacred Gear, he can reach the sky in a single bound absolutely, becomes existence that Devil, Angel, Fallen Angel and even other mythology system are unable to neglect. 若不是兵藤一诚本身并没有什么才能的话,靠着这个神器(sacredgear),他绝对能够一步登天,成为恶魔天使堕天使乃至其余神话体系都无法忽视的存在。 Eh...” …” After Boosted Gear left the body, Hyoudou Issei then knelt in the ground directly, slowly but actually, his chest, that radiant Golden Sword dissipation slowly beautiful woman Elder Sister personal male medical latest chapter. 而在赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)离开了身体以后,兵藤一诚便直接跪在了地面上,缓缓的倒了下去,其胸口,那璀璨的黄金之剑慢慢的消散开来美女姐姐的贴身男医最新章节。 Issei-kun!” 一诚君!” Witnessed Kiba Yuuto of entire process responded at this time, goes forward hastily , helping up Hyoudou Issei, discovered when Hyoudou Issei also breath relaxes, whole face doubts looked to Noah. 目睹了整个过程的木场佑斗这个时候才反应了过来,连忙上前,扶起兵藤一诚,发现兵藤一诚还有呼吸时才松了一口气,满脸疑惑的看向了诺亚了。 I know that you have many questions, but current words, first places good Hyoudou Issei.” Noah said directly. “我知道你有很多疑问,但目前的话,还是先安置好兵藤一诚。”诺亚直接说道。 I his within the body Sacred Gear taking, later, Hyoudou Issei will not be given to stare again, your bodyguard also stopped, Kiba-san, after all told Hyoudou Issei, you return to the Rias side!” “我已经将他体内神器(sacredgear)给取出来了,以后,兵藤一诚不会再被人给盯上了,你的护卫也到此为止了,木场同学,将一切都告诉兵藤一诚以后,你就回到莉雅丝的身边吧!” Right?” Kiba Yuuto hesitated for a moment, nodded. “是吗?”木场佑斗沉吟了一会,点下了头 I understood.” “我明白了。” Left behind these words, Kiba Yuuto carries Hyoudou Issei, left the clinic. 留下这句话,木场佑斗背起了兵藤一诚,离开了保健室。 Does not know that is Noah's misconception. 不知道是不是诺亚的错觉 Noah always felt, regarding does not need to protect Hyoudou Issei again, Kiba Yuuto as if feels the unusual regret. 诺亚总觉得,对于不用再保护兵藤一诚,木场佑斗似乎感到非常的遗憾。 This makes the Noah also body shake. 这让诺亚也不禁身体一抖。 could it be that, to is really same, did Kiba Yuuto that Hyoudou Issei said have the tendency in that aspect? 难道,真的跟兵藤一诚说的一样,木场佑斗有那方面的倾向? After such a thinks, Noah then does not dare to continue to get down again, shakes the head hastily, attention teleportation will succeed in obtaining on Boosted Gear. 这么一想以后,诺亚便不敢再继续想下去了,连忙摇了摇头,将注意力都转移到了手中的赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)上。 Un?” “恩?” At this time, Noah noticed. 这时,诺亚才注意到了。 In grasping the Boosted Gear situation, in Noah's heart, in that outline connects Ten Incarnations the slate of design to tremble unexpectedly slightly. 在握着赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)的情况下,诺亚的心中,那轮廓上连接着十个化身的图案的石盘竟是微微一颤。 At once, glittering that in the slate outline, two designs then flicker. 旋即,石盘轮廓上,两个图案便忽明忽暗的闪烁了起来。 One is the appearance likely dragon, actually resembles the person is standing the design. 一个是外形像龙,却似人般站立着的图案。 One is to a Golden Beast design that the day howls crazily. 一个是对天狂啸的一只黄金兽的图案。 precisely Draconian Incarnation and Golden Wolf Incarnation design. 正是龙人化身金狼化身的图案。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Detected that this phenomenon, Noah is startled at the scene, along with even vision shift Boosted Gear again. 察觉到这一异象,诺亚当场一怔,随即便将目光再一次的转向赤龙帝的笼手(dgear) „Is could it be that, the relations of Boosted Gear?” 难道,是赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)的关系?” Natural guess. 理所当然的猜测。 After all, Noah after starting Boosted Gear, Draconian Incarnation and Golden Wolf Incarnation will have the response. 毕竟,诺亚是在入手了赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)以后,龙人化身金狼化身才会产生反应的。 Was feeling change of Draconian and Golden Wolf in heart, Noah somewhat hesitated, shortly afterwards is in the heart certain. 感觉着自己心中的龙人金狼的异动,诺亚有些犹豫了起来,紧接着便是心中一定。 No matter what, first tries!” “不管怎么样,先试试吧!” Then, Noah then held up Boosted Gear in hand, toward the position of own chest , pressed ruthlessly. 说完,诺亚便举起了手中的赤龙帝的笼手(dgear),往自己的胸口的位置,狠狠的,按了下去。 Buzz————!” 嗡————!” the next moment, Boosted Gear sends out loud sound trembling sound, and integrated within Noah's body. ( to be continued ) 下一刻,赤龙帝的笼手(dgear)发出一声震颤声,并且融入了诺亚的体内。(未完待续)
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