HF :: Volume #1 妖精的尾巴

#61: Light and thunder! Fierce combat that in the middle does not allow to send

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( Thanked spatial street old lane very and calm sky and ice lunar shadow and Qi Guanxuan Qi and cloud Qiqing the valley and two dimensions our dream and tower stayed hitting enjoyed!) (十分感谢‘空街旧巷’、‘无风皓天’、‘冰・月影’、‘亓官轩琦’、‘云歧青谷’、‘二次元我们的梦’、‘塔呆’的打赏!) ( Sought collection, to seek recommendation, to seek click, to ask to hit to enjoy and seek appraisal, so many days inundated by bottom carriage, if the Lian Residence article lost support, animation dwelling really must vanish, friend friends, to the support...) (求收藏、求推荐、求点击、求打赏、求评价,那么多的日漫都被下架了,如果连宅文都失去支持,动漫宅就真的得消失了,友友们,给个支持吧...) biri biri-!” 哔哩哔哩--!” The sound that the lightning junction strikes is disseminating in the air. 雷电交击的声音在空气中传播着。 Buzz-!” “嗡--!” Atmosphere also in crazy shake. 大气也在疯狂的震荡。 The berserk thunder strength of coming made Noah lift the head finally, vision tight apparent that pounded to come fiercely, by lightning wrapping on gigantic fist, footsteps extremely optional slightly moved toward the left one step. 迎面而来的狂暴雷力让诺亚终于是抬起了头,目光紧视在那猛砸而来,被雷电给包裹在其中的硕大的拳头上,脚步极为随意的往左边小移了一步。 Scoffs-!” “嗤--!” The fist that was lingered by lightning ray scratches near Noah's ears to pound, thunder sound crazy sound. 那被雷光萦绕的拳头擦着诺亚的耳边一砸而过,雷音疯狂的响动。 Was easily evaded the attack by Noah, Laxus is actually one laughs wildly, fist strange slanting wields suddenly, is pounding to go to below Noah shoulder ruthlessly fiercely. 诺亚轻易的避过了攻击,拉克萨斯却是一声狂笑,拳头陡然诡异的斜挥而出,狠狠对着下方诺亚肩膀猛砸而去。 However, the fist of Laxus just wielded then to solidify suddenly. 然而,拉克萨斯的拳头才刚刚挥下便是突然凝固住了。 When does not know, Noah's hand has grasped Laxus to pound fiercely, but below wrist/skill, strength unceasing exerting in hand in the wrist/skill of Laxus, making Laxus feel the faint trace the pain. 不知道什么时候,诺亚的手已经握上了拉克萨斯猛砸而下的手腕,手中的力道不断的施加在拉克萨斯的手腕上,让拉克萨斯都感觉到丝丝的痛楚了。 Strength actually very strong...” “力气倒是挺强的…” The attack was blocked again, Laxus in the eyes also appeared wiped to be astonished, at once, was gripped in the hand of wrist/skill by Noah, lightning ray rose suddenly immediately. 攻击再次被阻,拉克萨斯眼中也是浮现了一抹讶异,旋即,被诺亚握住了手腕的手上,雷光顿时暴涨。 biri biri-!” 哔哩哔哩--!” The berserk golden electric arc condensed one group in the hand of Laxus, changed into one group of scalding hot plasma bodies. 狂暴的金黄色电弧在拉克萨斯的手上凝聚成了一团,化为了一团灼热的电浆体。 Laxus on such as grasps lightning to be the same together, shouted angrily. 拉克萨斯就如同手握着雷电一样,一声怒喝。 Raging Bolt-!” 狂暴伏特--!” Also rises suddenly by hand power that lightning packages, obstinately forcefully will grasp above Noah's hand gives to work loose, having a swift and fierce strength, the anger to pound under. 雷电所包裹的手力量随之暴涨,愣是硬生生的将握在上面的诺亚的手给挣脱,带着一股凌厉的力道,怒砸而下。 Scoffs-!” “嗤--!” This pounds, even the air has the sound that was torn, golden electric arc also the entire scene according to bright. 这一砸,连空气都是产生了被撕裂开来的声音,金黄色的电弧也将整个现场照得一片明亮。 Feels the overwhelming power that Laxus is striking, in the Noah heart also slightly feels surprisedly, finally no longer took the defensive, the body draws back suddenly, grips tightly the fist. 感受着拉克萨斯一击的威猛,诺亚心中也是略感惊讶,终于不再采取守势,身体猛然一退,紧握起了拳头。 Buzz-!” “嗡--!” White radiant radiance emerges on Noah's fist, as Noah's wields, ruthlessly hits with the fist of lightning the Laxus front surface pounds in one. 白色的璀璨光辉诺亚的拳头上涌现而出,随着诺亚的挥动,狠狠的与拉克萨斯迎面砸来的雷电之拳撞在了一起。 Bang-!” “嘭--!” The stuffy sinking sound gets up, the berserk fresh breeze also assailed to all around. 闷沉声响起,狂暴的劲风也吹袭向了四周 Bang-!” “砰--!” The center of fresh breeze, the instance in plasma body in Laxus hand in touching Noah hand white radiant radiance, one such as the frail powder is the same, including one second cannot maintain, changed into the complete dice, crush. 劲风的中心,拉克萨斯手中的电浆体在触及诺亚手中的白色璀璨光辉的瞬间里,一如脆弱的粉末一样,连一秒钟的时间都维持不住,化为了完整的一块块小方块,粉碎了开来。 ultimate level destruction Magic- 《Crush》! 超上级破坏魔法--『粉碎』 It can crush is not only then pure material! 它能够粉碎的可不是只有纯粹的物质而已! Learns the smartness, even Magic can at one fell swoop crush! 学到高明之处,连魔法都能够一举粉碎 Four years later, Noah also finally 《Crush》 grasping sufficiently the destruction opponent Magic degree! 时隔四年,诺亚也终于是将『粉碎』给掌握到足以破坏对手魔法的程度了! „-!” “--!” The Laxus body slightly feels stagnates, at once quickly restores, in the eyes passed over gently and swiftly wipes the ominous glow, lifted including another hand, on the double fist the violent is flashing lightning rays of light, and hysterical/frenzy dance, pulls up dazzling lightning fist shades, almost covered entirely Noah's field of vision, brings sharp broken sound of the wind, unceasing is reverberating in the nighttime sky. 拉克萨斯身体略感一滞,旋即迅速恢复,眼中掠过一抹凶芒,连另一只手都举了起来,双拳上暴闪着雷电光芒,并狂乱的狂舞而出,拉起一道道眼花缭乱的雷电拳影,几乎布满了诺亚的视野,带着尖锐的破风声响,不断的在夜空中回响着。 Facing Laxus is so crazy the fierce offensive, Noah complexion as before unchanged, similarly raises the fist, above glittering 《Crush》 unique Magic Power is dazzling up. 面对着拉克萨斯这般狂猛的攻势,诺亚面色依旧不变,同样举起拳头,上面闪烁『粉碎』特有的魔力炫光。 With the help of splendid detection ability, regardless of Laxus attack speed the quick, true attack, cannot escape Noah's to spy on as before. 在出色的感应能力的帮助下,不论拉克萨斯的攻击速度有多快,真正的攻击,依旧逃不开诺亚的窥探。 Therefore, when that contains the berserk lightning fist shadow is raiding, shaking the fist that Noah immediately refuses to admit being inferior, ruthlessly to rumbling. 因此,当那蕴含着狂暴雷电的拳影袭来时,诺亚立即不甘示弱的挥拳,狠狠的对轰了回去。 Bang- bang- bang- bang- bang-!” “砰-砰-砰-砰-砰-!” Suddenly, 《Fairy Tail》 front door front, white light and lightning ray unceasing flashing before. 一时间,『妖精的尾巴(Fairytail)』大门前方,白光与雷光不断的闪现。 Comes the fist to the both sides fist of war toward, afterimage appear in the space repeatedly, arouses depressed sounds. 对战的双方拳来拳往,一道道残影在空间里频频浮现,激起一声声沉闷的响声。 That solely is not the fist and fist to the bang in the together sound, sound that golden lightning was routed by 《Crush》 at one fell swoop. 那不单单是拳头与拳头对轰在一起的声音,还是金黄色的雷电『粉碎』给一举击溃的声音。 Noah, with becomes S-Class Mage entire four years of Laxus to put together so many rounds unexpectedly, but undefeated! 诺亚,居然是与成为了S级魔导士整整四年的拉克萨斯拼了这么多个回合而不败! This possibly with is S-Class Mage Mira and Erza cannot achieve with Laxus continually! 这可能连跟拉克萨斯同为S级魔导士米拉艾露莎都做不到! Only then Laxus knows, superficially, two people seemingly put together draw, but is at a disadvantage is actually he himself! 而只有拉克萨斯才知道,表面上看,两人貌似拼了一个平手,但处于下风的却是他自己! Wraps lightning one time every on Laxus fist will rise by Noah's 《Crush》 to being relentless will strike the powder instantaneously! 包裹在拉克萨斯拳头上的雷电每一次涨起都会被诺亚的『粉碎』给毫不留情的瞬间击散! In other words , Laxus that and Noah to bang in together fist, but is the pure barbarian fist! 换言之,拉克萨斯那与诺亚对轰在一起的拳头,不过是单纯的蛮拳而已! In such a case, Laxus clear feeling, along with each fist to fist to the bang, on own arm also transmitted an intermittent big strength, shakes the Laxus fist to be painful, the body trembles crazily. 在这样的情况下,拉克萨斯清楚的感觉到了,伴随着每一次拳对拳的对轰,自己的手臂上也是传来了一阵阵不小的力道,直震得拉克萨斯拳头生疼,身体狂颤。 Noah in these four years, goes all out to be possible not only to only have Magic that exercises! 诺亚在这四年里,拼命锻炼的可不仅仅只有魔法 Physical Ability! 身体能力 reaction ability! 反应能力 Fighting Ability! 格斗能力 detection ability! 感应能力 To fighting experience! 对战经验! wait wait/etc etc, in Noah's exercise range! 等等等等,都在诺亚的锻炼范围内! Obviously, only Physical Ability, Noah compares Laxus even better! 显然,单凭身体能力,诺亚拉克萨斯更胜一筹! Thunderbolt-!” 雷压怒涛--!” Laxus in the eyes emerged to wipe the earnest color, in the heart until now belittles also to receive to be many to Noah's, the fist wind changed, shouted angrily, berserk thunderous sound then towering resounded in the midair. 拉克萨斯眼中涌现一抹认真之色,心中一直以来对诺亚的小觑也收起了不少了,拳风一变,一声怒喝,狂暴的雷鸣声响便突兀的在半空中响起。 Immediately, in the sky, the emergence of pitch black thunder clouds no omen, among glittering from Laxus body is ascending, but rebellion/riot lightning, and rapid retraction. 顿时,天空中,一团漆黑的雷云毫无前兆的出现,其内闪烁着从拉克萨斯身上升腾而起的暴动雷电,并迅速回缩。 Bang-!” “轰隆--!” the next moment, such as violent storm falling thunder appears from the thunder clouds, falls, being relentless pounds ruthlessly toward under. 下一刻,如狂风暴雨般的落雷从雷云中浮现,一落而下,毫不留情的往下方狠狠砸来。 In Noah jet black eyes wells up to wipe cold severe suddenly, powerful incomparable Magic Power just like the mountain torrent to be the same, from violently surge that its within the body blots out the sky. 诺亚漆黑的眼眸中骤然涌上一抹冷厉,一股强悍无匹的魔力犹如山洪一般,自其体内铺天盖地的暴涌而出。 At this moment, Noah finally huge Magic Power that no one can be a worthy opponent showing! 这一刻,诺亚终于是将自己那无人能够匹敌的庞大魔力给展现了出来了! Magic Power in violently surge, Noah's fist is also gripping tightly, the fist above white light gathering, to the above, is rumbling suddenly. 魔力暴涌,诺亚的拳头也在紧握,拳头上面白光汇聚,对着上方,骤然轰出。 Buzz-!” “嗡--!” Under the gaze of vision in Laxus shocks, Noah fist that on wields toward the above, radiant white radiance explodes suddenly, changes into together the substantive impact light beam, brings the grating sonic boom sound, shoots up to the sky, with that like crazy thunder Pengzhuang who the rainstorm lowered in one. 拉克萨斯略带震撼的目光的注视下,诺亚朝着上方挥出的拳头上,璀璨的白色光辉蓦然爆开,化为一道实质般的冲击光束,带着刺耳的音爆声,冲天而起,与那如暴雨般降下的狂雷碰撞在了一起。 Thump-!” “咚--!” The depressed loud sound sound changed is the echo, the vigorous impact fresh breeze also in violently surge, making the 《Fairy Tail》 surrounding ground split to just like the spider web crack. 沉闷的巨响声化为回音,浑厚的冲击劲风也在暴涌而出,让『妖精的尾巴(Fairytail)』周围的地面裂开了一道道犹如蜘蛛网般的裂缝了。 The crazy thunder that if the rainstorm drops was also routed to one by one by the white impact light beam instantaneously, crush comes. 而如暴雨般落下的狂雷也在瞬间被白色的冲击光束给一一击溃,粉碎开来。 shortly afterwards, the white impact light beam castrated ran upon the jet black thunder clouds that did not reduce. 紧接着,白色的冲击光束去势不减的撞上了漆黑的雷云。 Bang-!” “砰--!” Jet black thunder clouds immediately on step crazy thunder fate, was given to wash out by the white impact light beam instantaneously, changed into the complete blocks, crush. 漆黑的雷云顿时步上狂雷的下场,瞬间被白色的冲击光束给冲散,化为了完整的一块块方块,粉碎了开来。 Then, such as the black granule came by thorough crush in the jet black thunder clouds, but falling gently slowly under below contrast of background, Noah complexion is solemn, lifts the fist, mixes with one that the fierce fresh breeze is pounding to come fiercely, printed the Laxus view. 然后,在漆黑的雷云如黑色的粒子般被彻底的粉碎开来,缓缓的飘落而下的背景的衬托下,诺亚面色冷峻,举拳,夹杂着凶猛的劲风猛砸而来的一幕,印入了拉克萨斯的眼帘。 in the eyes clear collective showing such, Noah's fist also enlargement slowly in the pupil of Laxus, lets the pupil contraction of Laxus. 眼中清晰的汇映着这样的一幕,诺亚的拳头也在拉克萨斯的瞳孔中缓缓的放大,让拉克萨斯的瞳孔紧缩而起。 Buzz-!” “嗡--!” When Noah's fist will soon hit Laxus, Magic Power of surging forward since Laxus that strong within the body ascends. 就在诺亚的一拳即将击中拉克萨斯的时候,一股汹涌澎湃的魔力拉克萨斯那强壮的身体内升腾而起。 Drinks-!” Laxus angrily roared, muscle fierce sticking out of whole body, such as on the iron hammer both arms appeared unexpectedly scales stripes, body also flashed the berserk electric light. “喝--!”拉克萨斯怒吼出声,全身的肌肉猛的隆起,如铁锤般的双臂上竟是浮现了一道道似鳞片般的条纹,身上也闪起了狂暴的电光。 Mixes with a fist of berserk lightning to wield, Laxus that also reverberated like the wild beast angry roaring sound in the nighttime sky. 夹杂着狂暴雷电的一拳挥出,拉克萨斯那如野兽般的怒吼声也回荡在了夜空中。 Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist-!” 雷龙的崩拳--!” Therefore, covers the radiant white light fist with covering the fist of berserk lightning, ruthlessly, collision in one. 于是,覆盖着璀璨白光的拳头与覆盖着狂暴雷电的拳头,狠狠的,碰撞在了一起。 Thump-!” “咚--!” Under nighttime sky, before 《Fairy Tail》 gate, the storm impact storm explodes to open suddenly, bringing lightning that four are shooting quite the same as with rising suddenly, but the white light, floods in each corner of scene. 夜空下,『妖精的尾巴(Fairytail)』的门前,暴风般的冲击风浪蓦然一爆而开,带着浑然四射的雷电与暴涨而起的白光,充斥在现场的每一个角落。 For a very long time, is unappeasable. 久久,无法平息。
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