HF :: Volume #1 妖精的尾巴

#54: Could be your bride is not possible?

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( Thanked Qi Guanxuan Qi and book friend Something went wrong and to select a language and ‚the corner/horn Xiaotian frost and in moon/month nine days fell white honeysuckle flower and shadow and cloud Qiqing the valley hitting to enjoy very!) (十分感谢‘亓官轩琦’、‘书友[Not Found]’、‘择一语’、‘角晓天霜’、‘月上九天落银花’、‘蒂影’、‘云歧青谷’的打赏!) ( New week, seeking collection, to seek recommendation, to seek click, to ask to hit to enjoy and seek appraisal, asking friend friends to give a support...) (新的一个星期,求收藏、求推荐、求点击、求打赏、求评价,求友友们给点支持...) Ha-!” “哈--!” Bang-!” “嘭--!” vicious shouting sound changed into the echo muffled sound to cover entirely the wilderness reverberation of one by one deep hole with one sufficiently. 一声凶狠喝声与一声足以化为回音的闷响声在布满了一个个深坑野外回荡而起。 Meanwhile, covers entirely in deep hole in which one that the one by one size varies, rich mist and dust is filling the air like the explosion, a form also flies upside down from the rich mist and dust, after departing more than ten meters away distance, stopped, steady standing in ground, but figure is quite distressed. 与此同时,布满一个个大小不一的深坑的其中一个里面,一阵浓郁的烟尘如爆炸般弥漫着,一道身影也从浓郁的烟尘中倒飞而出,飞出十几米远的距离以后才停了下来,稳稳的站在了地面上,但身形却颇为狼狈。 Distressed that is natural. 狼狈那是理所当然的。 Words that because, the Master present condition of form, insists on describing, that was chased down. 因为,身影的主人现在的状况,硬要形容的话,那就是被追杀。 Moreover, that type that cannot hit back. 而且,还是不能还手的那一种。 In such a case, what attacks own is one strength differs incomparable opponent with oneself at present, isn't Noah possibly also distressed? 在这样的情况下,攻击自己的还是一个目前实力跟自己相差无比的对手,诺亚又怎么可能不狼狈呢? After the mist and dust diverges, the scene in deep hole also exposed in the air. 等到烟尘散去以后,深坑中的景象也暴露在空气中了。 In there, a Mira hand keeps off in the chest front, part of oneself that fair immature tender body will give to block, but also can only block the chest front the spot, another hand changed into a fierce Devil arm completely, above is surging darkness aura, showing Mira is being anger the shy expression. 在那里,米拉一只手挡在胸前,将自己那白皙稚嫩的娇躯的一部分给挡住,但也就只能挡住胸前的部位而已,另一只手则是完全化为了一只狰狞的恶魔手臂,上面涌动着黑暗气息,彰显着米拉愤怒又害羞的表情。 But in Mira behind, Lisanna squats in the ground, the body coiled one group, the immature body will completely protect, the corner of the eye with tears, seemed given to bully to be the same, making in the Noah heart ascend the feeling of guilty. 而在米拉身后,丽莎娜蹲在地面上,身体卷成了一团,将稚嫩的身体完全保护了起来,眼角含着泪,仿佛被人给欺负了一样,让诺亚心中都升腾起了罪恶感了。 „... Wait!” Looks that Mira appearance that strikes an attitude the strategic place to come, Noah hastily flustered yelling. “等…等等!”看着米拉作势又要冲过来的模样,诺亚连忙慌慌张张的叫喊而起。 You... what are you doing? To kill me?” “你…你这是干什么?想杀了我吗?” Therefore, you do want to leave behind the last words?” “所以,你想留下遗言吗?” The Mira double cheek has been maintaining glowing red Status/condition, the eye somewhat is also moist, actually showed the vicious expression actually, finally instead makes Mira seem like wronged to be the same, making Noah mind tremble, vision cannot help but has cast aside the Mira that fair and rosy tender body again. 米拉双颊一直保持着红彤彤的状态,眼睛也有些湿润,却硬是摆出了凶狠的表情,结果反而让米拉看起来像是受了委屈一样,令得诺亚都不由的心神一颤,目光不由自主的再度撇过米拉白里透红的娇躯。 „Do you also look?!” Mira that protects in the chest front hand one tightly, the expression is ashamed and resentful of that peak. “你还看?!”米拉那护在胸前的手一紧,表情是那种极致的羞愤。 could it be that do you really want dead time one?!” 难道你真想死一次吗?!” I... I do not have that meaning!” Noah is hastily excessive, just wants to say anything time, heard Mira to say. “我…我没有那个意思!”诺亚连忙偏过头,刚想说点什么的时候,就听见米拉这么说了。 I only asked your question!” Bites own lip, the Mira sound is starting changes lowly changes is small. “我只问你一个问题!”咬着自己的嘴唇,米拉的声音开始变低变小。 You... saw right?” “你…看到了对吧?” Noah's body was stiff immediately, the beautiful scene that in the mind appears just saw impossible that can forget to a certain extent absolutely. 诺亚的身体立即僵硬了起来,脑海中不禁浮现刚刚看到的从某种程度上来说绝对不可能会忘记的美景。 Fair flesh. 白皙的肌肤。 Slender waist. 纤细的腰肢。 Beautiful curve. 美丽的曲线。 Immature tender body. 稚嫩的娇躯。 And that just started to grow, being some scale chest and makes the will of the people tremble small bright red. 以及那刚刚开始发育,颇具规模的胸部和让人心颤的小小嫣红。 Remembered these, has not had a Noah face of such experience not accidentally/surprisingly red one after next, the look also appeared the turbulent mood, let the eye of Mira including the tears. 想起了这些,从没有过这样的经历的诺亚一张脸毫无意外的红了一下下,眼神也浮现了动荡的情绪,让米拉的眼睛都含起了泪了。 You really saw!” “你果然都看到了!” Not... wait/etc!” Noah can only be helpless, head chaotic conducted one seemingly to argue, was actually the words of nonsense. “不…等等!”诺亚只能手足无措,脑袋混乱的进行了一番看似辩解,其实不过是胡言乱语的话来。 In the final analysis, that cannot be my mistake, is you are approaches arbitrarily, I... I do not want to see such thing!” “说到底,那也不能算是我的错,是你们自己擅自接近的,我…我才不想看到那样的东西呢!” Doesn't want to see such thing?” On the previous second of face also brings many charming Mira face to get dark directly, in heart shy changed into anger entirely. “才不想看到那样的东西?”前一秒脸上还带着不少娇羞的米拉一张脸直接黑了下来,心中的害羞通通化为了愤怒 Such being the case, you give me dead!” “既然如此,你就给我去死吧!” Wait!” “等等啊!” Looks that Mira held up to change into the hand of Devil arm toward the scene of oneself flushing, Noah can only the panic avoidance. 看着米拉举起化为了恶魔手臂的手往自己这边冲来的情景,诺亚只能惊慌失措的躲避。 However, in the situation that in the wrong cannot hit back, Noah and Mira two people strength is almost the same, as the matter stands, Noah without a doubt is absolute leeward, avoiding was also can only describe with the distress. 但是,在理亏又不能还手的情况下,诺亚米拉两人的实力又相差无几,这样一来,诺亚毫无疑问是绝对的下风,躲避起来也是只能用狼狈来形容了。 Fortunately, Mira seems like the attack of berserk seemingly has not taken many murderous aura, but wields the chaotic dance there randomly, although somewhat compels Noah to be distressed, but actually cannot bring many threat. 所幸,米拉看似狂暴的攻击貌似也没有带上多少的杀气,只不过是在那里乱挥乱舞而已,虽然逼得诺亚有些狼狈,但却带不来多少的威胁。 Just, regarding Noah, the process actually quite suffers. 只不过,对于诺亚来说,过程却是颇为折磨。 Poured did not say that Noah was afraid by Mira to the attack, but was Mira but now whole body without a thread Status/condition, even if moves to reveal many fair flesh slightly. 倒也不是说诺亚害怕被米拉给攻击,而是米拉现在可是全身不着一缕状态,哪怕是稍微动一下都会露出不少的白皙的肌肤。 Let alone Mira also only keeps off with a hand before own, movement hysterical/frenzy has pursued to the end and hit hard, basically is in continuous advantage Noah. 更别说米拉只是用一只手挡在自己身前,动作狂乱的一直穷追猛打,基本上算是在持续不断的便宜诺亚而已。 in other words, Noah was also the pain is being now joyful. 也就是说,诺亚现在也算是痛并快乐着了。 conversely has squatted in the ground, curled Lisanna of body to take the lead to discover this point, shouted toward Mira hastily. 反倒是一直蹲在地面上,卷着身子的丽莎娜率先发现了这一点,连忙朝着米拉喊道。 Elder Sister Mira! Body!” 米拉姐!身体!” Was planning that to Mira that Noah deals a head-on blow to is discovered finally own is not wonderful, removes to reach behind the back hastily, covers up own upper body with the lower part of the body, tone bitterly is calling. 正打算给诺亚迎头痛击的米拉总算是发现自己的不妙了,连忙撤回手来,遮掩住自己的上身跟下身,语气恨恨的叫着。 Noah! I hate you!” 诺亚我讨厌你!” hearing this, Noah can only not be excessive, urging own line of sight not to fall on Mira and Lisanna body as far as possible, on the face full is the worried expression. 闻言,诺亚只能别过头,驱使自己的视线尽量不落在米拉丽莎娜身上,脸上满是苦恼的表情。 I... I really am not intentional!” “我…我真的不是故意的啊!” ...... …… After an unrest, Mira changed into broken cloth strip clothes to pick and Lisanna that does not know with what technique, obstinately quantity many broken cloth strip weaving the attire of swimsuit, put on with Lisanna together. 一番骚乱以后,米拉将自己与丽莎娜那化为了碎布片衣服捡了起来,不知道用的什么手法,愣是将数量不少的碎布片给编织成了泳衣似的装束,与丽莎娜一起穿上了。 At this time, the Strauss white hair sisters two correct uses as if can stare at Noah that piercing the same vision stares, whole face vicious, is rousing the cheeks, a face is suffering, letting stands in Mira and Lisanna front Noah is restless, the whole body is not comfortable. 此时,斯特劳斯的白发姐妹两正用仿佛能将人给刺穿一样的目光直勾勾的盯着诺亚,一个满脸凶恶,一个鼓着脸颊,一脸委屈,让站在米拉丽莎娜面前的诺亚如坐针毡,浑身都不自在。 To be honest, since because of the relations of Magic Power causes, once the temper tantrum will cause the disaster, Noah has become will control own mood very much. 说实话,自从因为魔力的关系而导致一旦情绪失控就会造成灾难以来,诺亚已经变得很会控制自己的情绪了。 But this, facing this condition, Noah is at a loss even as before. 可即使是这样,面对这种状况,诺亚依旧是束手无策。 After all, this is the first time that Noah met such matter. 毕竟,这是诺亚第一次遇上这样的事情。 Therefore, this is the first time that Noah will also give to do distressedly. 所以,这也是诺亚第一次将自己给搞得这么的狼狈。 Elder Brother Noah!” after a while, Lisanna serious saying. 诺亚哥哥!”一会以后,丽莎娜严肃的说道。 Your also what wants to explain?” “你还有什么想解释的吗?” I only want to say that all are accidental/surprised!” Noah does to summarize with a few words, argued for oneself vigorously. “我只想说,一切都是意外!”诺亚用一句话做下总结,极力为自己辩解。 But I truly saw, you want to blame my words, I am speechless!” “但我确实看到了,你们想怪我的话,我无话可说!” Wha... what truly saw? You did not understand that covers up?!” Mira felt embarrassed, saying of baring the teeth. “什…什么确实看到了?你就不懂得遮掩一下吗?!”米拉都觉得不好意思了,咧牙呲嘴的说道。 In brief, today's matter you, if dares saying that knows to the fourth person, Noah, you know the consequence!” “总而言之,今天的事情你若是敢说给第四个人知道,诺亚,你知道后果的!” Is saying, Mira while is also moving own finger. 一边说着,米拉还一边扳动着自己的手指。 This movement cannot bring the feeling of threat to Noah, makes him not know whether to laugh or cry , can only raise hand to surrender. 这动作丝毫不能给诺亚带来威胁的感觉,却也着实让他哭笑不得,只能举手投降。 Ok, you can count on that I will be quick today's matter forgetting!” “行,你们放心,我会很快把今天的事情给忘掉的!” Forgot?” Those who make Noah accidental/surprised is, Mira and Lisanna two people complexion not only does not have relaxing of half a point, instead somewhat angry, making Noah slightly somewhat anxious. “忘掉?”让诺亚意外的是,米拉丽莎娜两人的脸色不但没有半分的缓和,反而有些生气了起来,让诺亚稍微有些不安。 How... how? What do I have to speak incorrectly?” “怎…怎么?我有说错什么吗?” Elder Brother Noah...” The Lisanna blame said. 诺亚哥哥…”丽莎娜责怪般说道。 Occurred accidentally/surprisingly forgot anything, that was the irresponsible view oh...” “发生了意外就忘掉什么的,那可是不负责任的说法喔…” Without is so exaggerating?” Noah is ridiculing. “没有那么夸张吧?”诺亚讪笑着。 Hmph! Mira coldly snorted, don't go too far, seemed like compared with just looked at the light light by the Noah whole body the time angry appearance, made Noah intertwine. 哼!米拉冷哼了一声,别过头去,看起来比刚刚被诺亚浑身看光光的时候更加生气的样子,着实让诺亚纠结不已。 Forgot that isn't good? 忘掉也不行? The girl is really difficult to serve... 女孩子真是难伺候呢… Lisanna actually while this time, secretly slid Noah's side, said words that low voice made Noah nearly throw down. 丽莎娜却是趁着这个时候,偷偷的溜到了诺亚的身边,小声的说出了一句让诺亚险些摔倒的话来。 As the matter stands, Elder Brother Noah, you later made others be your bride on being probable is not possible...” “这样一来,诺亚哥哥,你以后就非得让人家做你的新娘不可了哦…” Bride?!” The Noah's voice enhanced to is changed into the degree of echo by own sound sufficiently. “新娘?!”诺亚的声线提高到足以让自己的声音化为回音的程度了。 New... bride?” But hears Mira that Noah screamed in after blankly staring for a moment, the whole piece face became fiery red, and stutter. “新…新娘?”而听到诺亚这么叫出声来的米拉愣了一下以后,整张脸都变得火红了起来,并结结巴巴而起。 Wha... what bride? However is looked that naked does want to make me your bride? You... you left are too naive! I... I will not be swindled!” “什…什么新娘啊?不过是看一下裸体而已就想让我成为你的新娘吗?你…你别太天真了!我…我才不会上当呢!” Looks at Mira that stutter the flustered appearance, Noah can only smile bitterly, Lisanna is practical joke laughter , to continue low voice said in Noah's ears. 看着米拉那结结巴巴的慌张模样,诺亚只能苦笑,丽莎娜则是恶作剧般嬉笑而起,继续小声的在诺亚的耳边说道。 Cannot forget words that others spoke,... inferior (Asia)... elder brother... elder brother...” “可不能忘记人家说的话喔,诺…亚…哥…哥…” These words, making the forced smile on Noah face thicker. 这句话,让诺亚脸上的苦笑变得更浓了。
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