HF :: Volume #1 妖精的尾巴

#33: Unexpected piece of news and decision

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( Thanked ice very lunar shadow and panda!’, Black cat dot colored glaze and paces back and forth and ‚ the qin soul goes down in the world and cloud Qiqing the valley and dragon day i and ‚the sing young and two dimensions our dream and ‚the small h dwelling and calm Skyline and shadow and 703 rabbits hitting to enjoy in without your world ’!) (十分感谢‘冰・月影’、‘熊猫啊!’、‘黑猫丶琉璃’、‘在没有你的世界里徘徊’、‘吢魂落魄’、‘云歧青谷’、‘龙天i’、‘sing仔’、‘二次元我们的梦’、‘小h宅’、‘无风的天际线’、‘蒂影’、‘703的兔子’的打赏!) ( Sought the collection! Sought the recommendation! Sought the click! Asked to hit to enjoy! Sought the appraisal! Looked that sake of symbol gives a support in us all night!) (求收藏!求推荐!求点击!求打赏!求评价!看在咱通宵码字的份上给点支持吧!) The temperature moderate sunlight according to was not big in that scale, does not calculate in the small village, according to a garden in obsolete hotel, let wait a man and a woman body one after another in garden to cover a gold/metal gauze. 温度适中的阳光照在了那规模即不算大,亦不算小的村落里,也照在了一个老旧的旅馆的庭院中,让待在庭院中的一男一女身上纷纷都笼罩上了一层金纱。 Drinks —— to drink —— to drink ——!” “喝——————!” With imposing clear shouting sound, Noah grasps Knight Sword, to practice three months of standard posture to exercise slash industriously, every struck can pull up together glittering in its front, but sword light and sharp sky-splitting sound, a pleasant feeling. 伴随着一声声凛然的清喝声,诺亚手持骑士剑,以勤练了三个月的标准姿势锻炼着斩击,每一击都能在其前方拉起一道闪烁而过的剑光与尖锐的破空声,给人一种赏心悦目的感觉。 Not far away, Wendy sat on the threshold, small hands held the cheek, limpid big eyes to gaze at Noah that wielded a sword in the garden, on the face has a satisfied expression, the vision not to leave Noah. 不远处,温蒂坐在了门槛上,小手托着腮帮子,水汪汪的大眼睛则是一直注视着在庭院里挥剑的诺亚,脸上带着一个满足的表情,目光也一直没有离开过诺亚 This is Noah, Wendy and Jellal three people of comes back after the forests the third day. 这是诺亚温蒂杰拉尔三人从森林里回来以后的第三天。 In first day, Noah then goes to the village head home, told the village head, oneself have completed Quest, making the village head tell that the villagers in village can be the same to the past, returning to the forest to hunt. 在回来的第一天里,诺亚便前往村长家,告诉村长,自己已经完成了任务,让村长吩咐村里的村民们可以跟以往一样,回到森林里狩猎了。 Regarding Noah's words, the village head naturally is thanked, while the tactful expression made Noah first stay last several days in the village, when entered the villagers in forest to confirm after sky of spirit and breakage that in the forest has not sobbed again, then paid to complete the commission reward. 对于诺亚的话,村长自然是一边进行感谢,一边委婉的表示让诺亚先在村落里住上几天,等到进森林里的村民们证实森林里再也没有哭泣的幽灵与破裂的天空以后,再来支付完成委托的报酬。 This is the natural matter. 这是理所当然的事情。 Noah has not thought only own a few words can win village head's trust, then brings Wendy, the hotel in this village lived. 诺亚也没有想过单凭自己的一句话就能获得村长的信任,便带着温蒂,在这个村落里的旅馆住了下来。 As for Jellal, originally, Noah also thinks that he will leave directly, finally, Jellal also remained, temporarily lived in the village. 至于杰拉尔,本来,诺亚还以为他会直接离开,结果,杰拉尔却是也同样留了下来,暂时住在了村落里。 Although according to the inference, Anima should the li (0.5 km) area this not start again, but in order to insurance, keeps the observation some time.” “虽然照推断来说,阿尼玛应该不会再在这一带里发动了,但保险起见,还是留下来观察一段时间吧。” Then, Noah, Wendy and Jellal three people then accompanied to stay in the village, stayed in the hotel similarly. 就这样,诺亚温蒂杰拉尔三人便结伴留在了村落,也同样住在了旅馆里。 What is worth mentioning is, although three people stayed in the hotel in village similarly, but actually only lived in two room. 值得一提的是,虽然三人同样住在了村落的旅馆中,可却只住了两间房。 Noah is in the Wendy entire life the person of first meeting. 诺亚温蒂生平中第一个遇到的人。 Now, vanishes to disappear as Wendy mother's Grandeeney suddenly, Wendy sought painstakingly for several days in the forest, cried for several days, it can be imagined, the middle process is less than ten years old regarding one, and little girl of non- rhyme human affairs, had is unendurable. 现在,作为温蒂母亲的格兰蒂涅突然消失不见了,温蒂更是在森林中苦苦寻找了好几天,也哭了好几天,可想而知,中间的过程对于一个不到十岁,并且不韵世事的小女孩来说,到底有多么的难熬了。 Perhaps also precisely because of this, as the Wendy first meeting person, was first gave the Wendy warm person, Noah seemingly had the extremely high position in the heart of Wendy in just three days. 或许也正是因为这样,作为温蒂第一个遇上的人,也是第一个给予了温蒂温暖的人,诺亚温蒂的心中貌似在短短三天内拥有了极高的地位。 In addition the Wendy only family member disappears, these in three days, Wendy basically does not have the moment to leave Noah, sleeps continually must with a Noah room, a bed, otherwise then meets the sad expression that wants to cry, mounts Noah thoroughly. 再加上温蒂唯一的亲人不见了,这三天里,温蒂基本上是没有一刻离开过诺亚,连睡觉都必须跟诺亚一个房间,一张床,否则便会一副想哭出来的悲伤表情,算是彻底黏上诺亚了。 Does not have under the means that Noah also can only , whatever Wendy. 没办法下,诺亚也只能任由温蒂去了。 Drinks —— to drink —— to drink ——!” “喝——————!” shouting sound that are full of the rhythm in unceasing resounding, ice-cold blade edge flash also unceasing glittering in garden. 一声声饶有节奏的喝声在不断的响起,冰冷剑锋的闪光也不断的在庭院里闪烁着。 These three days, Noah is basically used to exercise sword technique and magic control completely, follows to compare in Magnolia, is different except for the place without Erza is the sparring partner, other does not have any changes. 这三天的时间,诺亚是基本全部用来锻炼剑技魔力控制力,跟在玛格诺利亚比起来,除了地点不同与没有艾露莎做陪练,其他的都没有什么变化。 Even outside, Noah does not forget to exercise oneself that preliminary to obtain the acknowledgment, is only combat ability at present. 即使是在外面,诺亚也不忘锻炼自己那才初步获得承认,也是目前唯一的战斗能力 But in one side has looked Noah practiced Wendy of sword actually to glimpse the scene that had a person nearness, after being startled, stood up, is exhaling the sound to Noah tenderly. 而在一旁一直看着诺亚练剑的温蒂却是瞥见了有一个人在靠近的场景,怔了怔以后,站起身来,对着诺亚娇呼出声。 Elder Brother Noah! Jellal came back!” 诺亚哥哥杰拉尔回来了!” In the Noah hand just cut next half of Knight Sword to stagnate immediately in the midair, has not cut following the trend. 诺亚手中刚刚斩下一半的骑士剑立即停滞在了半空,没有顺着趋势斩下去。 Thus it can be seen, progress of Noah in sword technique aspect can describe with ten thousand li in a day simply, even if Erza sees this, should cannot help but commend makes noise. 由此可见,诺亚剑技方面的进步简直可以用一日千里来形容,哪怕是艾露莎看到这一幕,应该都会不由自主的称赞出声。 Elder Brother Noah.” Wendy does not know when has run up to Noah's side, in the hand holds a towel, gave Noah. 诺亚哥哥。”温蒂不知道什么时候已经跑到诺亚的身边,手中捧着一条毛巾,递给了诺亚 Thanks.” Noah received the towel, the wiping away sweat water, touches the head of Wendy, while Wendy shows the comfortable expression, turns the head, looked that to Jellal that walked. “谢谢。”诺亚接过毛巾,擦了一下汗水,摸了摸温蒂的脑袋,在温蒂露出舒服的表情的同时,转头,看向了走过来的杰拉尔 What kind of?” “怎么样?” Is stable.” Jellal nodded. “还算稳定。”杰拉尔点了点头 Anima has not continued at present again in the sign that this place starts, I think, here also calculated the security.” 阿尼玛目前没有再继续在这个地方发动的迹象了,我想,这里也算安全了。” hearing this, Noah also nodded. 闻言,诺亚点了点头 Even if had been together three days, Jellal does not want to tell the Noah's sign the ultra Spatial Magic Anima matter as before, therefore, Noah did not know about Anima. 即使已经共同相处了三天的时间了,杰拉尔也依旧没有想将超亚空间魔法阿尼玛的事情告诉诺亚的迹象,所以,诺亚阿尼玛也是一点都不了解。 However, from Jellal that here also calculates safely in the words can infer, if makes Anima successfully start, will bring in absolutely is not weak at the Noah Magic Power rampage catastrophe! 不过,从杰拉尔那句‘这里也算安全了’的话中可以推断出,若是让阿尼玛成功发动的话,绝对会引来不弱于诺亚魔力暴走的大灾难! precisely to suppress this disaster, Jellal will appear here. 正是为了遏止这种灾难,杰拉尔才会出现在这里。 According to the view of Jellal, he will also continue to walk randomly the all over the world, tracks down trail that Anima starts, steps the Anima journey of unceasingly closing will soon start. 杰拉尔的说法,他还会继续游走世界各地,追寻阿尼玛发动的踪迹,踏上不断关闭即将发动的阿尼玛的旅程。 Knows this point, Noah throws own vision to Jellal body. 知道这一点,诺亚将自己的目光投至杰拉尔身上 „Did plan leave?” “打算离开了吗?” Jellal opened the mouth, just wants to say anything time, a sound broke him. 杰拉尔张了张嘴巴,刚想说点什么的时候,一个声音打断了他。 Guest who Fairy Tail comes!” 妖精的尾巴(fairytail)来的客人!” newcomer, precisely walks from outside of hotel, arrives at Noah body the boss in the hotel. 来者,正是从旅馆的外面走进来,来到诺亚身前的这间旅馆的老板。 what happened?” Noah looked to the hotel operator, looks appearance that his started to speak but hesitated, slightly frowned. 怎么了吗?”诺亚看向了旅馆老板,看着他那欲言又止的模样,微微皱了皱眉头 What happened?” “是发生了什么事了吗?” Is the village head wants me to have the words to give you.” The hotel operator shakes the head, like this said. “是村长要我带话给你。”旅馆老板摇了摇头,这样子说道。 Some time ago, three ages with your similar white hair child to village head there inquired that your trail, shortly afterwards then entered in the forest, until now has not come back, the village head makes me ask you, are that three people your companion?” “不久前,有三个年纪跟你差不多的白发小孩到村长那里去询问你的踪迹,紧接着便进了森林里,直到现在都没有回来,村长让我问你,那三人是不是你的同伴啊?” Three white hair children?” “三个白发小孩?” Wendy and Jellal two people looked simultaneously to Noah, therefore, they also saw appearance that clearly Noah's complexion suddenly changed. 温蒂杰拉尔两人同时看向了诺亚,因此,他们也清楚的看到诺亚的脸色陡然一变的样子了。 What's wrong?” Jellal asked. “怎么?”杰拉尔问道。 Is the person who you know?” “是你认识的人?” Is.” Noah complexion some are unattractive, and is asking to the hotel operator. “算是吧。”诺亚脸色有些不好看,并对着旅馆老板问道。 You said that after entering forest, haven't that three people come back again?” “你说,从进了森林里以后,那三人就再也没有回来过了?” not only has not come back.” The hotel operator replied honestly. 不只是没有回来过而已。”旅馆老板老实回答。 „The people in village only noticed that three people entered the forest, had not actually seen that again that three people have come out.” “村里的人们只看到那三人进了森林,却没有再看到那三人出来过了。” Noah silent for a while, nod. 诺亚沉默了一会,点头了。 I understood, helping me thank the village head.” “我明白了,帮我谢谢村长。” Hotel operator smile nod, drew back. 旅馆老板微笑点头,退了出去了。 Elder Brother Noah...” Wendy suddenly feels somewhat anxiously, tight holds silent Noah's hand, no longer let loose. 诺亚哥哥…”温蒂突然感到有些不安,紧紧的抓住沉默不语的诺亚的手,不再放开了。 Noah.” Jellal is asks. 诺亚。”杰拉尔则是开口询问。 Needs to help?” “需要帮忙吗?” The Noah look fluctuated several, finally let out a sigh, Wendy drawing to own front. 诺亚神色变幻了几下,最终叹出了一口气,将温蒂给拉到自己的面前。 If you want to help me, I want to ask you, can bring Wendy to look for Grandeeney?” “如果你想帮我的话,那我想拜托你,能不能带温蒂去找格兰蒂涅呢?” Brings Wendy to look for Grandeeney?” Jellal was somewhat surprised. “带温蒂去找格兰蒂涅?”杰拉尔有些惊讶了起来。 I do not want!” The Wendy small face bleached all of a sudden, fierce grasps Noah's foot. “我不要!”温蒂小脸一下子变白了,猛的一把抱住诺亚的脚 I do not leave Elder Brother Noah!” “我不要离开诺亚哥哥!” Noah as if expected the matter to turn like this, on the face hung up the helpless smile, and squatting lower part of the body, again drew Wendy to own front. 诺亚仿佛料到了事情会变成这样了,脸上挂起了无奈的笑容,并蹲下身,再一次的将温蒂拉到自己的面前。 Wendy, are you obedient, making Jellal lead you to look for Grandeeney to be good?” 温蒂,你听话,让杰拉尔带你去找格兰蒂涅好不好?” I do not want me not to want!” In Wendy directly jumping in Noah's bosom again, tight is holding Noah, an appearance that dies does not let go. “我不要我不要!”温蒂直接再一次的扑进诺亚的怀中,紧紧的抱着诺亚,一副死都不松手的模样。 Elder Brother Noah, same do not throw down me with Grandeeney!” 诺亚哥哥,不要跟格兰蒂涅一样丢下我一个人!” Is listening to the Wendy words, feels Wendy to hold on own small small hands arm some multi- efforts, Noah were surprised. 听着温蒂的话,感受着温蒂抱着自己的小小手臂上到底有多用力,诺亚自己都惊讶了。 Although, Noah also likes Wendy this cute little girl like Little Sister very much, but he has not really thought that Wendy will linger at about oneself unexpectedly. 虽然,诺亚也很喜欢温蒂这个像妹妹一样的可爱小少女,但他真的没有想到温蒂居然会对自己这么依恋。 thought until here, Noah produced awkwardly, is touching in the bosom the Wendy thin and small back, said in a soft voice. 想到这里,诺亚都不由的产生了一点为难,抚摸着怀中温蒂瘦小的后背,轻声说道。 I do not want to separate with Wendy, but, could it be that doesn't Wendy want to look for Grandeeney?” “我也不想跟温蒂分开,可是,难道温蒂不想找格兰蒂涅了吗?” Wendy the whole body trembles immediately. 温蒂顿时浑身一颤。
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