HF :: Volume #1 妖精的尾巴

#13: Erza! Unexpected great strength!

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( Thanked dragon day very i and ice lunar shadow and two dimensions our dream and ‚the small h dwelling and night breeze was clear and ‚you were my i and ‚the selfish motives war casualty and book friend Something went wrong and 0 o Xi Shigou o0 hitting to enjoy!) (十分感谢‘龙天i’、‘冰・月影’、‘二次元我们的梦’、‘小h宅’、‘晚风清轻’、‘你是我的i’、‘私念の殇’、‘书友[Not Found]’、‘0o西施狗o0’的打赏!) ( Changed to Status/condition that A signed finally officially! Also showed that the data decided recommends the position time arrived! Friend friends! Collection, recommendation and click! Supports one! Overcomes sky for this book!!!) (终于正式改成a签的状态了!也证明数据决定推荐位的时候到了!友友们!收藏、推荐、点击!都支持一个!为本书打下一片天空啊!!!) Noah not, because was protected flaunts grown man ideology to clash by the female student, but calm standing in the rear area, looked suddenly presented Knight Sword Erza to the hand. 诺亚并没有因为被女生保护就逞大男人主义的冲出去,而是冷静的站在后方,看向了手中突然出现一把骑士剑艾露莎 Noah has looked, Erza Magic, Magician standing-by Magic ———— Requip Magic of precisely close combat department! 诺亚已经看出来了,艾露莎魔法,正是近战系的魔导士常备的魔法————换装魔法 That is one type can summon Magic of all kinds of weapon from the Magic different space! 那是一种能够从魔法异空间中召唤出各式各样的武器的魔法 This Magic is not very unusual, even it can be said that compared with Laxus group Lightning System Magic more common Magic of meeting, uses this Magic Magician to be many, will use this Magic including some novices. 这种魔法并不是很稀奇,甚至可以说是比拉克萨斯所会的元素类雷电系魔法更常见的魔法,使用这种魔法魔导士很多,连一些新手都会使用这种魔法 Naturally, this not representative Requip Magic is very weak. 当然,这并不代表换装魔法很弱。 Noah clear remembering, Makarov had said that grasps is never Magic that the Requip Magic Magician truly powerful that part looks, but is oneself combat skill. 诺亚清晰的记得,马卡罗夫曾经说过,掌握换装魔法魔导士真正强大的那一部分看的从来不是魔法本身,而是本人战斗技巧 To put it bluntly, Requip Magic can summon the weapon from the Magic different space, but after the summon the weapon comes, this Magic did not have the big use, how to use the weapon to fight, that was each meeting Requip Magic Magician the matter that needed to consider. 说白了,换装魔法不过就是能够从魔法异空间中召唤出武器来而已,而召唤出武器来以后,这种魔法也就没有多大的用处了,怎么使用武器进行战斗,那是每一个会换装魔法魔导士都需要考虑的事情。 Therefore, grasps Requip Magic Magician to have three types generally. 因此,掌握换装魔法魔导士一般有三种类型。 One: The weapon in Magic different space has Magic Weapon of all kinds of unusual effect, Magician fights through the flexible use these Magic Weapon effects. 一:魔法异空间中的武器是拥有各种各样的奇特效果的魔法武器,魔导士通过灵活的使用这些魔法武器的效果来进行战斗。 Two: Magician is skilled in all kinds of combat skill, proficiently uses the superb situation the weapon in Magic different space, fights through own combat skill. 二:魔导士本身精通各种各样的战斗技巧,将魔法异空间中的武器熟练使用到出神入化的地步,通过自身的战斗技巧来进行战斗。 Three: The weapon in Magic different space has Magic Weapon of all kinds of unusual effect, Magician oneself also has astonishing combat skill, displays powerful combat power through the volume simultaneous/uniform first two types of merits, fights. 三:魔法异空间中的武器即是拥有各种各样的奇特效果的魔法武器,魔导士本人也拥有着惊人的战斗技巧,通过集齐前两种类型的优点来发挥出强悍战斗力,进行战斗。 Can use Requip Magic these powerful magician, is the third type! 能够使用换装魔法的那些强大的魔导士,都是第三种类型! Erza, if later really thinks to be powerful, that is must take the third type of road sooner or later! 艾露莎,以后如果真的想强大起来的话,那是迟早得走上第三种类型的路的! But now, Erza is a 11-year-old child, was in itself an orphan all alone, nature impossible has what fund to provide Magic Weapon, now, grasps in the Erza hand was also an ordinary weapon. 但现在,艾露莎不过是一个11岁的小孩,本身还是一个无依无靠的孤儿,自然不可能有什么资金去配备魔法武器了,现在,握在艾露莎手中的也不过是一把普通的武器而已。 As the matter stands, Erza wants to fight using Requip Magic, besides is the second type, without other possibilities. 这样一来,艾露莎想运用换装魔法进行战斗,除了是第二种类型以外,没有其它可能了。 But first does not raise Erza Requip Magic to use what situation, she grasps basic combat skill, proficiently utilizes the weapon is an issue. 可先不提艾露莎换装魔法能够使用到什么地步,她本身有没有掌握基本的战斗技巧,熟练运用武器都是一个问题。 Thus, can Erza fight? 这样,艾露莎能战斗吗? The worry in Noah heart, quick by the practical action of following Erza scattering. 诺亚心中的这个担忧,很快就被接下来艾露莎的实际行动给打散了。 Hah————!” The hand grasps the Knight Sword Erza Rin sound to drink, to the Phantom Lord Magicians direction that three charges are coming, ruthlessly cut a sword. 喝————!”手握骑士剑艾露莎声一喝,对着那三个冲锋而来的幽鬼的支配者(lord)魔导士们的方向,狠狠的斩出了一剑。 Qiāng————!” 呛————!” a sword light flashes past in the front space, in the Erza hand Knight Sword also as if changed into the light, collision that in attack the Magicians hand of Phantom Lord with weapon heavily grasps in one. 一道剑光在前方空间中一闪而过,艾露莎手中骑士剑也仿佛化为了光,与来袭的幽鬼的支配者(lord)魔导士们手中所握的武器重重的碰撞在了一起。 Clang————!” 锵————!” The sound that metal collision strikes resounds along with the spark, Erza and that three Magician retreat one step. 金铁交击的声音伴随着火花响起,艾露莎与那三个魔导士均都后退了一步。 impossible!” Saw with own eyes own strikes unexpectedly the little rascal keeping off by simply has not paid attention, three people of also retreat one step, in three Magician hearts full is shocking. 不可能!”眼见自己的一击居然被一个根本没有放在眼里过的小鬼给挡下,连带的自己三人还都后退了一步,三个魔导士心中满是震惊。 Hah————!” On Erza charming face was also wells up flushed of faint trace to be red, vision stubbornly is staring at front three Magician, knew in the heart that the opposite party made noise on having a low opinion of the enemy Erza tender shout from the beginning again, in a tight hand Knight Sword, the footsteps trod forward, pulled closer with front three Magician distances instantaneously, in the eyes disclosed that a share of child will definitely not have swift and fierce that Knight Sword has delimited, sharp sword light also from its front one flashed quite the same as again, but passed. 喝————!”艾露莎俏脸上也是涌上了一丝丝的酡红,目光死死的盯着前方的三个魔导士,心知对方一开始就轻敌的艾露莎再次娇喝出声,一紧手中骑士剑,脚步向前一踏,与前方三个魔导士的一点距离瞬间拉近,眼中透露出一股小孩子绝对不会有的凌厉,骑士剑划过,犀利的剑光也浑然从其前方再度一闪而逝。 Puchi————!” 噗嗤————!” Three still Magician in shock only feel their chest front pain, a dark red fresh bloody stool before three people of bodies for the first time present. 三个还在震惊中的魔导士只感到自己的胸前一痛,一阵殷红的鲜血便从三人的身前乍现了。 Ah————!” 啊————!” the next moment, the pitiful yell sound reverberates in the air. 下一刻,惨叫声在空气中回荡。 Oneself three Magician fronts had a huge wound shortly, if the dark red blood also does not ask for money to flow before three people of bodies, not only Mogria shocked, even Noah felt that shocks exceptionally. 眼看着自己这边的三个魔导士胸前出现了一道巨大的伤口,殷红的鲜血也如不要钱般在三人的身前流淌而出,不仅莫格利亚震惊了,连诺亚都感到震撼异常。 His worry is completely unnecessary! 他的担心完全是没有必要的! Although Erza has not provided Magic Weapon probably, but own combat skill is extremely skillful, had no time to let compared with general Magic swordsman! 虽然艾露莎好像还没有配备魔法武器,但自身的战斗技巧极其纯熟,比一般的魔导剑士都不遑多让了! Phantom Lord three Magician not only are in the gang is in addition weakest, but also had a low opinion of the enemy, was solved suddenly, is not the strange matter! 再加上幽鬼的支配者(lord)的三个魔导士不但是一伙人里最弱的,还轻敌了,瞬息间被解决,并不是什么奇怪的事情! It seems like that Erza is like oneself, even is young, but like that is not lax to own exercise likely common child. 看来,艾露莎跟自己一样,即使年纪还小,但对自身的锻炼并没有像一般的小孩那般松懈。 Stated differently, what Noah exercise is the Magic Power controlling force, this cannot utilize in the fight, but Erza exercise is actually sword technique, utilized in the fight to have more than enough to spare! 不同的是,诺亚锻炼的是魔力的控制力,这并不能运用到战斗中,而艾露莎锻炼的却是剑技,运用到战斗中绰绰有余了! Erza, was so strong... 艾露莎,原来这么强… Noah tight grasped own fist, after oneself learned/studied the Magic matter also to anticipate. 诺亚紧紧的握起了自己的拳头,对自己以后学习魔法的事情也更加的期待了。 How... possible...” Looks helplessly own three Magician cannot fall to the ground, looks at the front Erza that to grip tightly Knight Sword, whole face imposing the posture of heroic spirit, remembers Magic Power and Laxus that strong strength Noah that powerful resulted in does not make sense, Mogria complexion started to twist. “怎么…可能…”眼睁睁的看着自己这边的三个魔导士倒地不起,望着前方艾露莎那紧握骑士剑,满脸凛然的英气之姿,又想起了诺亚强悍得不像话的魔力拉克萨斯强大的实力,莫格利亚面色开始扭曲了。 15 years old! 一个十五岁! Two 11 years old! 两个十一岁! So the age, is one can fight draw oneself, can defeat three Magician instantaneously, there is still one has is letting itself for it frightened Magic Power, Fairy Tail child Innate Skill outstanding to this degree? 如此年纪,便是一个能够跟自身拼成平手,一个能够瞬间击败三个魔导士,还有一个拥有着让自己都为之恐惧的魔力,妖精的尾巴(fairytail)的小孩天赋都优秀到这种程度吗? If makes these three children grow, in the future, Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord, if really each other does not cope, these three people will become the Phantom Lord most alarmed most and afraid enemy absolutely! 如果让这三个小孩成长起来,将来,妖精的尾巴(fairytail)幽鬼的支配者(lord)若是真的彼此不对付了,这三个人绝对会成为幽鬼的支配者(lord)最为惊惧的敌人! Absolutely, cannot make them grow! 绝对,不能让他们成长起来! In the heart of Mogria ascends for the first time true murderous aura. 莫格利亚的心中第一次升腾起真真正正的杀气 Suffers to death! Little rascal!” “受死吧!小鬼!” The whole body rises the berserk electricity glow, a Mogria low roar, the body is changing into a lightning, plunders in the space, flashed to the Erza direction. 浑身涨动着狂暴的电芒,莫格利亚一声低吼,身体化为一道闪电,在空间中一掠而过,闪向了艾露莎的方向。 Be careful!” Although Mogria action extremely in suddenly, but detection ability extraordinary Noah actually detected opposite party body Magic Power as before, hastily spoke reminder. “小心!”虽然莫格利亚的举动太过于突然,但感应能力超绝的诺亚却依旧察觉到了对方身上魔力,连忙出声提醒。 ————!” Just wielded Erza of sword not to have on the slow one breath then to hear Noah's words with enough time, complexion congealed, raised the head, looks at the lightning that is pillaging to come, clenches teeth, advances instead of retreating, figure violently shoots, in hand Knight Sword not fancy straight thrust to lightning of coming. ————!”刚刚才挥出一剑的艾露莎还没有来得及缓上一口气便听到了诺亚的话,面色一凝,抬头,望着那暴掠而来的闪电,咬了咬牙,不退反进,身形暴射而出,手中骑士剑毫无花俏的直刺向迎面而来的闪电。 Finds Erza unexpectedly advances instead of retreating launched the offensive, the Mogria corners of the mouth overflowed the curve that wiped to disdain, changed into the lightning figure heavily stagnated, lets figure extremely towering appearance, Knight Sword when that front surface suddenly/violently to stab came appears at present less than one meter distance, the palm sprang suddenly, bent/tune to become claw, above violent flashed the astonishing electricity glow, grasped Knight Sword that suddenly/violently to stab came. 瞧见艾露莎竟然不退反进的发动了攻势,莫格利亚嘴角溢出一抹不屑的弧度,化为闪电的身形重重的一滞,让身形极为突兀的显现而出,待得那迎面暴刺而来的骑士剑出现在眼前不到一米的距离时,手掌才猛然弹出,曲成爪型,上面暴闪起惊人的电芒,一把握住了那暴刺而来的骑士剑 Ding————!” 叮————!” In clear sound, sharp Knight Sword is grasped by Mogria unexpectedly directly in flashing in the hand of electricity glow, could not move. 在一声清脆的响声中,锋利的骑士剑竟是直接被莫格利亚握在闪动着电芒的手中,动弹不得了。 The Erza complexion slightly changes, makes an effort to twitch Knight Sword, but the hand of opposite party actually just like the great pliers to be common, obstinately sharp Knight Sword gripping tightly in hand, making Knight Sword be entirely still. 艾露莎脸色微微一变,用力抽动着骑士剑,可对方的手却犹如巨钳一般,愣是将锋利的骑士剑给紧握在手中,让骑士剑纹丝不动。 „A in the end still little rascal!” Sneering is looking Erza that clenches teeth to twitch Knight Sword, Mogria shakes another hand suddenly, in the hand flashes the berserk electricity glow similarly, a fist of heavily, pounded on Erza Knight Sword. 终究还是一个小鬼!”冷笑的望着咬牙抽动着骑士剑艾露莎,莫格利亚猛然握起另一只手,手上同样闪起狂暴的电芒,重重的一拳,砸在了艾露莎骑士剑上。 Clang————!” 锵————!” Crazy fierce power erupted from Knight Sword immediately, shakes grasped Knight Sword Erza to the hand. 一股狂猛的力量顿时从骑士剑上爆发,震向了手握骑士剑艾露莎
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