HRP :: Volume #4 忍界巅峰

#557: The stir endures wedding (Last Part)

On a Konoha street, was responsible for the Uchiha Clan clansman in Konoha prison calling the security guard section members and is responsible for protecting her Sand Ninja to surround the evening. 木叶的一处街道上,负责木叶监狱的宇智波一族族人叫来了警卫部成员将夕和负责保护她的砂忍们包围了。 Sand Ninja protect the evening after behind, is the Sand Ninja stand of head serious asking: Your what is this?” 砂忍们将夕护在身后,为首的砂忍站出来严肃的问到:“你们这是什么意思?” Sorry, Sunagakure everyone please do not misunderstand, we are only look for that woman. Initially she submerged the Konoha collection information to be captured to deliver to our Konoha prison by Sir Jiraiya, but does not know that this woman used what method to escape from the prison, these our Konoha prison had the record. “抱歉,砂忍村的各位请不要误会,我们只是来找那个女人的。当初她潜入木叶搜集情报被自来也大人抓获送到了我们木叶监狱,可是不知道这个女人用了什么方法从监狱中逃脱了,这些我们木叶监狱都有记录。 Therefore we are only catch the fleeing criminal, not with the meaning of conflict Sunagakure everyone has. ” 所以我们只是来抓逃犯的,没有和砂忍村各位发生的冲突的意思。” Sand Ninja hears word who is responsible for protecting the evening looked and she tries to prove hastily to the evening: Evening Sir, what they said is real?” 负责保护夕的砂忍们闻言连忙看向夕和她求证:“夕大人,他们说的是真的?” The evening nods: Truly is this.” 夕点了点头:“确实是这样。” The Sand Ninja complexion all of a sudden becomes ugly, the head in Konoha prison showed the smile: Sunagakure everyone heard, then please follow us!” 砂忍们的脸色一下子变得难看起来,木叶监狱的负责人则是露出了笑容:“砂忍村的各位都听到了,那么请你跟我们走吧!” The evening has not said anything, is responsible for protecting her Sand Ninja stand to speak of: Evening Sir is impossible to give you, the village gives our duty is to spare nothing the protection good evening Sir.” 夕还没说什么,负责保护她的砂忍站出来说到:“夕大人是不可能交给你们的,村子交给我们的任务是不惜一切代价保护好夕大人。” What security guard section leading is Uchiha Izumi, she hears the Sand Ninja attitude is so firm, immediately realized what the status of this person possibly did not say like the Konoha prison that side is this ordinary spy. 警卫部带队的是宇智波泉,她听到砂忍们的态度如此坚决,马上就意识到这个人的身份可能不像木叶监狱那边说的是这个普通的间谍。 A Uchiha Izumi brow wrinkle, low voice instruction behind clansman investigates this woman the situation of named evening. 宇智波泉眉头一皱,小声吩咐身后的族人去调查一下这个叫夕的女人的情况。 Did not need to investigate, her matter I told you.” The Uchiha Clan clansman just about to embarks to be blocked by sudden Yamanaka Ryo. “不用去调查了,她的事情我告诉你们。”宇智波一族的族人刚要出发就被突然出现的山中远拦下了。 The appearance of Yamanaka Ryo let eat the melon people instantaneous ebullition: Oh! Is that Ryo-sama?” 山中远的出现让吃瓜群众们瞬间沸腾了:“天哪!那是远大人?” Ryo-sama will appear unexpectedly, the status of it seems like that this woman is not very ordinary.” 远大人居然会出现,看来这个女人的身份很不一般啊。” „It is not ordinary, Ryo-sama came, has't she can the little darling be without a fight?” “再不一般,远大人都来了,她还不得乖乖束手就擒?” Excuse me, you are silly, have a look at the position of Ryo-sama stand, is obviously protecting this woman.” “拜托,你是不是傻,看看远大人站的位置,明显是在护着这个女人。” Is listening to the discussion in crowd, Yamanaka Ryo is somewhat awkward, he coughed two to speak of: „ Spring, everyone in Konoha prison, she is the Pakura elder sister. 听着人群中的议论,山中远有些尴尬,他干咳了两声说到:“泉,木叶监狱的各位,她是叶仓的姐姐。 Initially fled from the Konoha prison is not her original intention, was I brings her from the Konoha prison for Pakura, after this matter , do I to everyone a confession, first let off her to be good today temporarily? ” 当初从木叶监狱逃离也不是她的本意,是我为了叶仓将她从木叶监狱带出来的,这件事之后我会给大家一个交代,今天先暂时放过她可好?” spring Mashang spoke of: Ryo-sama you do not use such politely, you said that we will certainly not be pestering.” The spring leads the person and security guard in section members Konoha prison leaves. 泉马上说到:“远大人您不用这么客气,您都这么说了,我们当然不会在纠缠下去。”说完泉带着木叶监狱的人和警卫部成员离开了。 Evening was sorry, without handling your identity issue, is my negligence.” “夕抱歉,没有处理好你的身份问题,是我的疏忽。” The evening beckons with the hand, hints Yamanaka Ryo not to need to care. 夕摆摆手,示意山中远不用在意。 Yamanaka Ryo then relaxes, leading her to flicker to move back Yamanaka Clan. 山中远这才松了口气,带着她瞬移回了山中一族 Konoha on October 30 , 66, this is a special day, entire endure powerhouses, because this day gets together in Konoha. 木叶66年10月30日,这是一个特殊的日子,整个忍界的强者们,都因为这一天齐聚木叶 The Yamanaka Clan clan place, Akimichi and clansmen of Nara two clans were very early arrived at Yamanaka Clan , helping arrange today's relevant issue together. 山中一族的族地,秋道和奈良两族的族人很早就来到了山中一族,一起帮忙安排今天的相关事宜。 Toward noon, Naruto and Sasuke were arranged to be responsible for receiving the cash as a present and record communication guest in the Yamanaka Clan entrance. 临近中午,鸣人佐助被安排在山中一族的门口负责收礼金和记录来往宾客。 Yamanaka Nori, Suzune, Minato, Kushina, then as the Yamanaka Ryo family member, receives the important guests. 山中菁子,铃音,水门,玖辛奈,则是作为山中远的家人,接待重要的客人们。 Other Yamanaka Clan members are responsible for arranging to take a seat some ordinary congratulation guests. 其他山中一族的成员负责将一些普通的道贺宾客安排就坐。 With the lapse of time, the guest who congratulated were also getting more and more, with before estimated that Yamanaka Ryo and Pakura wedding the joining in the fun person were many, the good Yamanaka Clan clan was big enough, otherwise really may not put down. 随着时间的推移,道贺的宾客也越来越多,和之前预想的一样,山中远叶仓的婚礼来凑热闹人不少,还好山中一族的族地够大,不然真不一定能放下。 Hokage-sama, the Iwagakure person came.” 火影大人,岩忍村的人来了。” Finally came? I first passed.” Said that Minato showed the bright smile to move forward to meet somebody. “终于来了吗?那我先过去了。”说完水门露出了灿烂的笑容迎了上去。 Ōnoki one group of arrival seems like a signal, the person who several other endure the village also appeared. 大野木一行人的到来像是一个信号,其他几个忍村的人也先后出现了。 After these great people welcomed, Orochimaru came, what made one not think, Orochimaru did not congratulate by the Otogakure (Village Hidden by Sound) status, but was Jiraiya Tsunade comes by the Sannin status together. 把这几个大人物迎进去之后,大蛇丸来了,不过让人没想到的是,大蛇丸不是以音忍村的身份来道贺的,而是和自来也纲手一起以三忍的身份来的。 As for Otogakure (Village Hidden by Sound) that side, Orochimaru sent Anko and Kimimaro is the representative. 至于音忍村那边,大蛇丸派了红豆君麻吕做代表。 These important guests basically are the next to last act, their following no guests. Naruto and Sasuke duty also ended. 这些重要的客人基本就是压轴的,他们后面没什么宾客在来了。鸣人佐助的任务也随之结束。 At this time the Yamanaka Clan clan, endures the village one by one, the guests who each family congratulated were cheerful and lively, the atmosphere seemed very harmonious. 此时山中一族的族地中,各个忍村,各个家族道贺的宾客们有说有笑,气氛显得十分融洽。 The time to noon, Yamanaka Nori spoke to Kushina quickly low voice: Time was up, Kushina should let come out with Pakura!” 时间很快就到了中午,山中菁子对玖辛奈小声说到:“时间差不多了,玖辛奈该让远和叶仓出来了!” I knew, immediately arranges.” Said that Kushina turned around to run in the room. “我知道了,马上去安排。”说完玖辛奈转身跑进了屋子。 After the moment, the sky fluttered suddenly the snowflake, the guests realized immediately this was today's lead must arrive. 片刻后,天空突然飘下了雪花,宾客们马上意识到这是今天的主角要登场了。 You look at the entrance!” The people look at the entrance immediately. “你们看门口!”众人马上把目光转向门口。 Sees only one to carve the magnificent castle by the ice to float toward the people slowly, in the castle Yamanaka Ryo is hugging Pakura, smiles to hint with the people. 只见一座由冰雕刻成华丽城堡缓缓朝众人飘来,城堡上山中远搂着叶仓,和众人微笑示意。 This fellow really will also play the pattern.” Kushina is mumbling low voice. “远这家伙还真是会玩花样。”玖辛奈小声嘟囔着。 Is seemingly good, UU reads “不过看起来挺不错的,UU看书 Hanayo we marry also how asked sensei to do? ” 花阳咱们结婚的时候也拜托老师这么搞一下怎么样?” Ōtsutsuki Hanayo nods, she also very likes this ice castle. 大筒木花阳点点头,她也挺喜欢这座冰城堡的。 The castle floated the Yamanaka Clan center to stop, Yamanaka Ryo hugged Pakura to jump down from the castle, then hit a sound to refer. 城堡漂浮到了山中一族的中心就停了下来,山中远搂着叶仓从城堡上跳下来,然后打了个响指。 Iced the castle to decompose instantaneously, turns into the innumerable ice crystals, Yamanaka Ryo controlled these ice crystals to spread an ice road, he and Pakura stepped in the ice road. 冰城堡瞬间分解,变成了无数冰晶,山中远控制着这些冰晶铺成一条冰路,他和叶仓踩在冰路上。 In the cheers of people, Yamanaka Ryo and Pakura arrived at Yamanaka Nori child front. 在众人的欢呼声中,山中远叶仓来到了山中菁子面前。 Afterward is the ceremony of wedding, these Yamanaka Ryo and Pakura had a dress rehearsal many times, very smooth completed. 随后就是婚礼的仪式,这些山中远叶仓都彩排了好多次,很顺利的就完成了。 Hence two people in entire endure under the testimony and blessing, officially becomes the couple. 至此两人在整个忍界见证和祝福下,正式成为了夫妻。 After the ceremony ended, Yamanaka Ryo and Pakura together to arriving the guest expressed gratitude, the people will not let up this tossing about Yamanaka Ryo opportunity, one got down Yamanaka Ryo not to know that was filled how much liquor, stood cannot come to a stop. 仪式结束后,山中远叶仓一起向到来的宾客表示感谢,众人可不会放过这个折腾的山中远的机会,一趟下来山中远不知道被灌了多少酒,站都站不稳了。 The people then let off him, Yamanaka Nori arranged the clansman returned to the room immediately Yamanaka Ryo and Pakura. 众人这才放过了他,山中菁子马上安排族人将山中远叶仓送回了房间。 Returns to the room Yamanaka Ryo to enter Ice Element immediately, discharges from within the body the alcohol. 一回到房间里山中远马上进入冰元素化,将酒精从体内排出。 Restores the sober Yamanaka Ryo long stretch/leisurely one breath: These people are really fearful, but said no matter how, was deals with finally.” 恢复清醒的山中远长舒一口气:“这些人真是可怕,不过不管怎么说,总算是应付过去了。” Pakura is static is sizing up the Yamanaka Ryo room, then suddenly turns around to look at Yamanaka Ryo to ask: „, Is this real? Did we really marry?” 叶仓则是静静的打量着山中远的房间,然后突然转身看着山中远问到:“远,这是真的吗?我们真的结婚了吗?” Yamanaka Ryo smiles to support into the bosom Pakura: Really you knew immediately.” Said that Yamanaka Ryo was kissing to the Pakura mouth, the marriage two people grew on the same day. 山中远笑了笑把叶仓拥入怀中:“是不是真的马上你就知道了。”说完山中远对着叶仓的嘴唇吻了下去,结婚当天两人都成长了很多。
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