HSSB :: Volume #10

#982: Said that kills kills

Blazingly like the fire, and vitality thrives. 炽热如火,而又生机勃发。 The formidable aura, making people on the scene almost probably suffocate, at present had the illusion. 强大的气息,令在场众人几乎要窒息,眼前生出幻觉。 In as if boundless raging fire, a Chinese parasol tree treasure tree is towering and vertical, the top of the tree hears the clear and melodious phoenix cry sound. 仿佛无边烈火中,一株梧桐宝树参天而立,树顶传来清越的凤鸣声。 Then sees that Chinese parasol tree treasure tree to drop from the clouds, falls on the Vast Spirit Mountain summit. 然后就见那梧桐宝树要从天而降,落在浩灵山山顶。 Although does not have a spoken language, but everyone knew the newcomer status. 虽无一句言语,但每一个人都已经知晓来者身份。 Phoenix Rites Mountain Parasoltree Slope old and renowned scholar elder, Martial Saint Ninth Layer, Immortal Bridge later stage realm powerhouse, Precious Parasoltree Subduing Mountain Zhang Shuren. 凤仪山梧桐坡耆宿长老,武圣九重,仙桥后期境界强者,“宝梧镇岳张树仁 numerous southern martial artist feels to dance with joy. 一众南方武者都感到欢欣鼓舞。 previously hear of Yan Zhaoge and Zhao Zhen talked, although knows that Zhang Shuren was catching up. 先前燕赵歌赵真交谈,虽然已经知道张树仁在赶来。 But does not rely on hearsay, seeings is believing. 但耳听为虚,眼见为实。 Even if Zhao Zhen has not blustered, Zhang Shuren is catching up, but the evening, if arriving, people here, possibly early died in the Yan Zhaoge subordinate. 就算赵真没有虚张声势,张树仁真的在赶过来,可如果到的晚了,在这里的人们,也可能早都已经死在燕赵歌手下。 But now, Zhang Shuren appeared, making all south martial artist be reassured. 而现在,张树仁真的出现,让所有南方武者吃了颗定心丸。 Yan Zhaoge naturally feels nearness of Zhang Shuren. 燕赵歌自然感受到张树仁的靠近。 Presents in all people, he discovers Zhang Shuren first, must be earlier than Yuan Xiancheng and Zhao Zhen. 在场所有人里,他最先发现张树仁,比袁显成赵真都还要更早。 Regarding this Martial Saint Ninth Layer powerhouse's arrival, the Yan Zhaoge's response is, after a sword cuts off Zhao Zhen handiwork, has not stagnated, uses a sword again. 对于这位武圣九重强者的到来,燕赵歌的反应是,一剑斩断赵真手笔后,没有丝毫停滞,再出一剑。 Both hands are completely waste, swords art was broken, Zhao Zhen that protects oneself True Primordial to collapse, can only helplessly looks at Yan Zhaoge's sword tip to him in front. 双手尽废,剑法被破,护身真元崩溃的赵真,只能眼睁睁看着燕赵歌的剑锋到他面前。 In the sky transmits drinks lowly, a flame lowers rapidly. 天空中传来低喝,一道火光飞速降下。 The goal of this flame is not Yan Zhaoge, but is Zhao Zhen. 这火光的目标不是燕赵歌,而是赵真 In the flaming flame, emerges white clouds, is Zhao Zhen direction a slim chance of survival, received and instructed him to run away the birth day. 熊熊火焰里,涌现出一线白气,为赵真指引一线生机,接引他逃出生天。 But Yan Zhaoge another hand stretches out, the index finger and thumb from the sky close up, one pinches toward the middle. 燕赵歌另外一只手伸出,食指和大拇指在空中合拢,朝中间一掐。 That implication vitality unceasing Secret Virtue White Qi, was interrupted immediately, but Zhao Zhen way out, completely cut off. 那寓意生机不绝的一线阴德白气,顿时被截断,而赵真的生路,也被彻底断绝。 On Cloud Turning Heaven Light Sword sword tip, a brilliance revolution, an excellent head, non-stop flies the heaven. 云转天光剑剑锋上,光华一转,一颗大好头颅,直飞上天。 The head rises the high spot, then to the whereabouts, during the turn over, reveals a face of dead but will not close the eyes. 头颅升到高点,然后向下落,翻转间,露出一张死不瞑目的面孔。 Southern Flaming Heaven Realm eastern part can be counted on one's fingers expert, Martial Saint Eighth Layer, the Immortal Bridge intermediate stage realm powerhouse, lords over Well-Illuminated Sea Purple Tide Swordsman Zhao Zhen, dies under the Yan Zhaoge sword today! 南方炎天境东部屈指可数高手,武圣八重,仙桥中期境界强者,独霸通明海的“紫潮剑客赵真,今日死在燕赵歌剑下! Sees this, southern martial artist that just calmed down, all hearts shake. 看见这一幕,刚刚定下心来的南方武者们,又全体心头一抖。 People personal appearance subconscious retreat, that drops from the clouds, the Chinese parasol tree treasure tree that in the raging fire the branches and leaves flutter, is unable to drive out their heart chill in the air at this time. 众人身形下意识后退,那从天而降,烈火中枝叶招展的梧桐宝树,此时也无法驱走他们心头寒意。 Yuan Xiancheng saw with own eyes that Zhao Zhen was killed, complexion immediately changes, rushes comes. 袁显成眼见赵真被杀,脸色顿时一变,冲上前来。 But that vigorous overbearing Greater Yang Seal pounds to fall, blocks Yuan Xiancheng steadily, letting him only looks at Zhao Zhen to be decapitated helplessly. 但那雄浑霸道的太阳印砸落,稳稳挡住袁显成,让他只能眼睁睁看着赵真身首异处。 oh, interesting?” Yan Zhaoge is similar any matter not to occur to be the same, optional has turned around, looks to Yuan Xiancheng. ,有趣?”燕赵歌仿佛什么事情都没发生一样,随意的转过身来,看向袁显成 However, Yuan Xiancheng of this Nirvana rebirth, is different from previously. 不过,这次涅槃重生的袁显成,与先前不同。 Shuts tightly besides the right eye, Yuan Xiancheng at this moment, no longer is previously one gradually old appearance. 除了右眼紧闭以外,此刻的袁显成,不再是先前一副垂垂老矣的模样。 His appearance, at this time seemed as if a 40 – 50 years old middle-aged person. 他的外貌,这时看上去仿佛一个四、五十岁的中年人。 From the five senses appearance, vaguely can also see Mr. previously appearance, but was all of a sudden younger. 从五官长相来看,依稀还能看出先前老人的模样,但一下子年轻了许多。 When his first Nirvana rebirth, the appearance has not actually changed. 他第一次涅槃重生时,外貌却没有变化。 This time sacrificed doppelgänger that oneself right eye has built up to come the bath hot rebirth, lets the appearance change of Yuan Xiancheng, as if feels rejuvenated. 这次牺牲自己一直右眼炼成的分身来浴火重生,却让袁显成的模样改变,仿佛返老还童。 When the appearance seems returns to oneself maturity, but a Yuan Xiancheng cultivation strength, is divided light and darkness weakly several points. 只是模样看上去返回自己壮年之时,但袁显成一身修为实力,分明暗弱了几分。 Still was Martial Saint Eighth Layer, the Immortal Bridge intermediate stage realm powerhouse, was still tyrannical, but carried in the Four Virtues true meaning, Karmic Virtue Deep Soil became thin. 仍然是武圣八重,仙桥中期境界的强者,仍然强横,但身负四德真意之中,功德厚土变得稀薄许多。 When associated to Yuan Xiancheng just take action, in both eyes two phoenixes departed, defeated/carrying Secret Virtue White Qi, defeated/carrying Karmic Virtue Deep Soil, Yan Zhaoge expressed admiration: If hits blindly your remaining left eyes, or forced you to sacrifice the left eye third Nirvana rebirth, will you change the youth appearance?” 联想到袁显成出手时,双目中两头凤凰飞出,一负阴德白气,一负功德厚土,燕赵歌啧啧称奇:“要是把你剩下的左眼打瞎,或者逼迫你牺牲左眼第三次涅槃重生,你是不是会变回青年模样?” Yuan Xiancheng real, compared with the child of Zhuang Shen, phoenix imperial prince Zhuang Chaohui is old. 袁显成的真实年纪,比庄深之子,“凤皇子”庄朝晖要大。 However Zhang Shuren and Blaze King Peng He they are smaller than Precious Parasoltree Subduing Mountain. 但是远比“宝梧镇岳张树仁和“燚王彭鹤他们小。 Naturally, at the ordinary person age, the Yuan Xiancheng age also was very definitely big. 当然,以常人的寿数来看,袁显成的年纪肯定也很大了。 But if calculates at the Immortal Bridge Martial Saint life length, Yuan Xiancheng was quite young. 可如果以仙桥武圣的寿命长度来计算,袁显成就极为年轻了。 Said is the youth, and is not overrated. 说是青年,并不为过。 His former appearance was old, now looks like, refine the double pupil to be related for phoenix doppelgänger with him. 他之前外貌苍老,现在看来,和他炼化自己双瞳为凤凰分身有关。 His right eye refining up phoenix doppelgänger that becomes, shoulders Karmic Virtue Deep Soil, the left eye refining up phoenix doppelgänger, then shoulders Secret Virtue White Qi. 其右眼炼化而成的凤凰分身,背负功德厚土,左眼炼化出来的凤凰分身,则背负阴德白气 This convenience, the Yuan Xiancheng early time, only needs self-torture Fortune Virtue Purple Light and Sacred Virtue Wave Ripple then, lets him in the Seeing Divinity Martial Saint level, then Four Virtues Reinforced Body. 得此便利,袁显成较早时候,只需要苦修福德紫光圣德水波即可,让他早在见神武圣层次,便四德加身 To nowadays, Yuan Xiancheng cultivation was getting higher and higher, outside Forder and Saint virtue, starts to practice the merit and good deeds done in secret true meaning. 到了现如今,袁显成修为越来越高,在福德和圣德之外,也开始修练功德与阴德真意。 Two big doppelgänger boosts, he accumulates will be thicker than other Parasoltree Slope martial artist. 有两大分身助力,他积累会比其他梧桐坡武者更厚实。 However before is having the achievement truly, once doppelgänger vanishes, his own strength will also be affected, the drop are many. 但是在真正有成果以前,一旦一具分身消失,他自身实力也会受到影响,下降不少。 Loses the right eye refining up doppelgänger, the attainments on his Karmic Virtue Deep Soil slide suddenly. 失去右眼炼化的分身,他功德厚土上的造诣急剧下滑。 If the left eye refining up doppelgänger also vanishes, then Secret Virtue White Qi returns similarly is damaged large scale. 若是左眼炼化的分身也消失,则阴德白气同样回大幅度受损。 The Yuan Xiancheng right eye shuts tightly, the left eye stared stubbornly was just cutting to kill Zhao Zhen Yan Zhaoge. 袁显成右眼紧闭,左眼死死盯着刚刚斩杀赵真燕赵歌 Meanwhile, an old man drops from the clouds, appears side Yuan Xiancheng. 与此同时,一个老者从天而降,出现在袁显成身旁。 Southern martial artist, recognizes all, this old Parasoltree Slope ancient elder, Precious Parasoltree Subduing Mountain Zhang Shuren. 南方武者,无不认出,此老正是梧桐坡宿老,“宝梧镇岳张树仁 Unexpectedly obviously becomes is not your match?” Zhang Shuren earnest looks at Yan Zhaoge. “居然连显成也不是你的对手吗?”张树仁认真的看着燕赵歌 Yan Zhaoge booth booth palm: Uses strength to bully the weak, relies on audiences Ling Gua, these do not gather the Saint virtue true meaning, besieges me with other people together, the strength that he can display, compares on a person also to be weaker actually, but on him, truly was not my match then.” 燕赵歌摊摊手掌:“恃强凌弱,恃众凌寡,这些都不合圣德真意,与其他人一起围攻我,他个人能发挥的力量,其实比一个人上还要弱一些,但他一个人上,也确实不是我对手便是了。” Southeast Cao, feared that has not completely understood your potential and strength.” Zhang Shuren not many puzzled, then said: Old Man receives Junior Apprentice Brother Peng transmit the message, you from outside return to Realm Above the Realm void, but before you, place that is, humble sect has many people to enter.” “曹东南,怕也没看透你的潜力与实力。”张树仁不多纠结,转而说道:“老朽接到彭师弟传讯,你从界外虚空返回界上界,而你之前所在的地方,本门有多人进入。” Zhang Shuren gazes at Yan Zhaoge, asked slowly: They, how?” 张树仁注视燕赵歌,徐徐问道:“他们,如何了?” All died in inside.” Yan Zhaoge replied calmly: If must be, is related with me, Zhuang Chaohui is I cuts to kill personally.” “全死在里面了。”燕赵歌平静答道:“如果要算的话,都跟我有关,庄朝晖是我亲手斩杀。” After Zhang Shuren silent has flickered, lifts the hand: Already so, and makes Old Man look that actually you have what outstanding place.” 张树仁沉默了一瞬后,抬起手:“既如此,且让老朽看一看,你究竟有何出众之处。” Different majors in sabre art from other Phoenix Rites Mountain Parasoltree Slope people. 不同于凤仪山梧桐坡其他人主修刀法 What the Zhang Shuren essence excels is palm law. 张树仁精擅的乃是掌法。 Parasoltree Divine Palm of the original creation, holds one generation of beginnings, is Phoenix Rites Mountain Parasoltree Slope legacy adds absolute art again. 其独创的梧桐神掌,开一代之先河,为凤仪山梧桐坡传承再添一门绝学 As the Zhang Shuren palm lifts, gigantic parasoltree is towering and vertical, changes into the essence, shows the vigorous vitality at the same time, brings the suffocating constriction. 随着张树仁手掌抬起,巨大梧桐树参天而立,化为实质,彰显强大生命力的同时,也带来令人窒息的压迫感。 Every parasoltree branches and leaves cover Space under range, performs is all swallowed by the raging fire, vanishes into thin air! 凡是梧桐树枝叶笼罩范围下的空间,尽皆被烈火吞噬,化为乌有!
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