HSSB :: Volume #10

#980: Riding roughshod

not bad.” Is school of Sect Master, that old man surnamed Wang has straightened up the body: Yuan Zhengfeng is my Raised Path Mountain School enemy, the old man only hates this time comes Xuanning Mountain Range is not he......” 不错。”到底是一派掌门,那姓王的老者还是挺直了身体:“元正峰乃我陌山派敌人,老夫只恨这次来宣宁山脉的不是他……” Although the polite speech said brightly, this Sect Master Wang footsteps are actually approaching retreat. 场面话虽然说得敞亮,这王掌门的脚步却在向后退 But his voice has not fallen, Yan Zhaoge sigh one arrives in front of him: Elder has matter younger brother Zifu its work, the gratitude and grudges that Grand Master has, my this makes grand disciple took on for him.” 但他话音未落,燕赵歌“呼”的一下来到他面前:“长辈有事弟子服其劳,师祖结下的恩怨,我这做徒孙的替他担了。” Then, direct palm racket falls, hits the Sect Master Wang crown crushes! 说罢,直接一掌拍落,将王掌门天灵盖打得粉碎! Surrounding all south martial artist, all on face change color. 周围所有南方武者,全都脸上变色。 The Xuanning Mountain Range environment is bad, the martial artist attitude is agile and fierce. 宣宁山脉环境恶劣,武者作风剽悍。 The people, are ran amuck the ruthless offense dominate the daoist thing in the respective domain, unruly. 现场众人,在各自地盘上都是横行惯了的狠戾霸道人物,桀骜不驯。 But at this moment, in all person hearts gives birth fears intent, at present this is one adds also the cut-throat character compared with them! 可是这一刻,所有人心中都生出惧意,眼前这是一个比他们所有人加起来还凶狠的人物! They come this, for the Parasoltree Slope face. 他们来此,也不过为了梧桐坡的面子。 But wants them to know perfectly well to die, but also wants to be initiative to lose one's life, is the Parasoltree Slope face is not then easy-to-use. 但要他们明知必死,还要主动上去送命,便是梧桐坡的面子也不好使。 Made Vast Spirit Mountain of landlord person, eye looks at must exterminate an entire family for this reason! 作为此地主人的浩灵山,眼看着都要灭门了! The Yan Zhaoge personal appearance moves, is difficult to distinguish the trace, after a palm kills that Raised Path Mountain School Sect Master, the personal appearance immediately dodges to another side. 燕赵歌身形移动间,令人难辨踪影,一掌打死那陌山派掌门后,身形又立即闪向另一边。 Cloud Turning Heaven Light Sword sword tip refers, arrived in front of Purple Tide Sword School Sect Master Zhao Zhen. 云转天光剑剑锋所指,已经到了紫潮剑派掌门赵真面前。 tyrannical the sword of Slaying Azure Dragon breaks the Purple Sea Sword air/Qi forcefully. 凶戾斩青龙之剑强行破开紫海剑气。 Zhao Zhen draws back does not have to draw back, in palm Purple Sea Sword delimits several circular arcs in the midair continuously, in the circle the ferrule. 赵真退无可退,掌中紫海剑在半空中连续划几个圆弧,圈里套圈。 Boundless purple sword qi, is overlapped at this moment, as if single layer single layer world. 茫茫紫色剑气,这一刻重重叠叠,仿佛一重又一重世界。 The each level world, all just likes the world in Vast Ocean World, everywhere is the endless vast, torrential blue sea. 每重世界,皆犹如沧海大世界里的天地,到处都是无尽汪洋,滔滔碧海。 His intention by the defensive, wears down Yan Zhaoge's sword tip purely, delays the Yan Zhaoge's footsteps. 他意图纯粹以守势,消磨燕赵歌的剑锋,拖延燕赵歌的脚步。 But the sword of Yan Zhaoge's Slaying Azure Dragon, does not go straight there and come straight back constantly, the exquisite exquisite change, high is not only lower than it Zhao Zhen swords art. 燕赵歌的斩青龙之剑,并非一味直来直去,其中精妙小巧的变化,比之赵真剑法只高不低。 The rogue purplish red sword glow, bright seems to be brilliant, actually fills with the destruction aura multi-coloured rays. 凶恶的紫红剑芒,仿佛璀璨绚烂,却又充满毁灭气息的霞光 sword light penetrates the numerous world, the thorn to Zhao Zhen. 剑光穿透重重世界,刺向赵真 The Zhao Zhen horizontal sword keeps off, on Purple Sea Sword sword edge was cut together the gap by Yan Zhaoge's Cloud Turning Heaven Light Sword immediately! 赵真横剑挡去,紫海剑剑刃上顿时被燕赵歌的云转天光剑斩出一道缺口! Immortal Bridge Martial Saint, stimulates to movement high grade sacred armament, but displays comprehensively strength, if martial arts and weapon conjunction, can encourage the power and influence mutually. 仙桥武圣,催动上品圣兵,可全面发挥其中力量,若是武学与兵器契合,更可以相互助长威势。 Purple Sea Sword as the treasure of Purple Tide Sword School town gate, Purple Sea Secret Sword Art with Zhao Zhen agrees certainly with. 紫海剑作为紫潮剑派镇门之宝,同赵真紫海剑诀当然契合。 But was still Seeing Divinity Martial Saint Yan Zhaoge, his strength was leave alone intrepid, stimulates to movement high grade sacred armament still difficultly to try. 而仍是见神武圣燕赵歌,别管他个人实力多么强悍,催动上品圣兵仍然难尽全力。 But at this moment, truly Zhao Zhen Purple Sea Sword nearly cut off by Cloud Turning Heaven Light Sword! 可是此刻,确实赵真紫海剑险些被云转天光剑斩断! Purple Sea Sword and Cloud Turning Heaven Light Sword quality, difference is similar. 紫海剑云转天光剑的品质,差相仿佛。 It is not Cloud Turning Heaven Light Sword is stronger than Purple Sea Sword, but is Yan Zhaoge is stronger than Zhao Zhen! 并非云转天光剑紫海剑更强,而是燕赵歌赵真更强! The Yan Zhaoge air/Qi decides the Yin-Yang two meters, treadons the Eight Diagrams series, during the personal appearance rotations keeps completely, after a sword frustrates draws back Zhao Zhen, has not pursued, but before arrived at the Yuan Xiancheng body, once more. 燕赵歌气定阴阳两仪,脚踏八卦连环,身形转动间完全不停,一剑挫退赵真之后没有追击,而是再次到了袁显成身前。 Yuan Xiancheng sees that double palm one wrong, changes to Fire Phoenix to shoot up to the sky, gives way to traffic Yan Zhaoge's sword momentum. 袁显成见状,双掌一错,化作火凤冲天而起,避让开燕赵歌的剑势 This Phoenix Rites Mountain legacy, Parasoltree Slope Head Apprentice, Martial Saint Eighth Layer, the Immortal Bridge intermediate stage realm powerhouse, facing Yan Zhaoge of Seeing Divinity level, starts the strategy that adopts the tour to fight to give way to traffic unexpectedly. 这位凤仪山嫡传,梧桐坡首徒,武圣八重,仙桥中期境界的强者,面对见神层次的燕赵歌,居然开始采取游斗避让的策略。 Um?” Yan Zhaoge eyes flash, the sword again punctures. “嗯?”燕赵歌目光一闪,挺剑再刺。 At the same time, his top of the head Great Sun shines, overbearing Greater Yang Seal changes to flaming real Great Sun, hits toward Yuan Xiancheng. 同一时间,他头顶大日普照,霸道的太阳印化作熊熊真实大日,也朝袁显成打去。 Under both sides converging attack, Yuan Xiancheng is helpless, in the hand are many a handle feather fan. 两面夹击之下,袁显成无奈,手里多出一柄羽扇。 Feather fan that five colors phoenix plume feather composes, surges radiance, edge just likes sabre edge, brandishes along with Yuan Xiancheng, intercepts the Yan Zhaoge's offensive. 五色凤凰翎羽组成的羽扇,涌动光辉,边缘处犹如刀锋,随着袁显成挥舞,截击燕赵歌的攻势。 This is Yuan Xiancheng along weapons, high grade sacred armament Five Phoenixes Fan. 此乃袁显成随身兵刃,上品圣兵五凰扇 Has experienced Yan Zhaoge that Forest Green Bamboo Staff with own eyes after wonderful strange, Yuan Xiancheng did not want to use this treasure. 亲眼见识过燕赵歌那根墨绿竹杖的神妙奇异之后,袁显成本不欲动用此宝。 But front Yan Zhaoge extremely fierce and tough, is above the imagination, Yuan Xiancheng could not have scruples that many at this moment. 但面前燕赵歌太过凶悍,超乎想象,袁显成这一刻也顾忌不了那许多。 But the following matter makes Yuan Xiancheng quite depressed. 可接下来事情就让袁显成极为郁闷。 His not bright Five Phoenixes Fan, Five Phoenixes Fan just took out, in Yan Zhaoge on are many Forest Green Bamboo Staff. 他不亮五凰扇也就罢了,五凰扇刚刚取出,燕赵歌手里就多出一根墨绿竹杖 „” A sound, feather fan surface radiance is dim immediately. “啪”的一声响,羽扇表面光辉顿时黯淡。 Suffers again several, the feather fan that the phoenix plume feather weaves, almost disperses the frame, turns into a place feather. 再挨几下,凤凰翎羽编织成的羽扇,差点散架,变成一地羽毛。 Interdependence of two neighboring states, Zhao Zhen wants to rescue again, sees this, the footsteps cannot help but slows down. 唇亡齿寒,赵真本想再来救援,见到这一幕,脚步不由自主变慢。 He looks subconsciously to Purple Sea Sword in his hand, the gap on looks at Purple Sea Sword, in the heart hesitating. 他下意识看向自己手中的紫海剑,看着紫海剑上的缺口,心中迟疑 According to wonderful of that Forest Green Bamboo Staff, with the condition that Purple Sea Sword is damaged now, Zhao Zhen suspected, once the sword stick contact impact, Purple Sea Sword directly were likely broken. 照那墨绿竹杖的神妙,和紫海剑现在受损的状况,赵真怀疑,一旦剑杖接触碰撞,紫海剑很可能直接被打断。 Purple Sea Sword is not only Zhao Zhen individual sword, is Purple Tide Sword School Supreme Treasure, is damaged has made him love dearly, if were broken, that should not know what to do? 紫海剑不仅是赵真个人佩剑,也是紫潮剑派至宝,受损已经让他心疼至极,若是被打断,那该如何是好? Yuan brother, Yan Zei is fierce, is not suitable resists with all one's strength, retreats Radius Mountain, so long as keeps off him in Southern Flaming Heaven Realm, he had to give the date of head finally.” “袁兄,燕贼凶猛,不宜力敌,退守方圆山吧,只要把他挡在南方炎天境内,他终有授首之日。” Zhao Zhen heaved a deep sigh, sound transmission gave Yuan Xiancheng, while received Purple Sea Sword. 赵真长叹一声,一边传音袁显成,一边收了紫海剑 He points at lightly, use the finger to replace the sword, stimulates to movement the Purple Sea Sword air/Qi to attack to the Yan Zhaoge scruff, the attempt is Yuan Xiancheng breaks through. 他手指轻点,以指代剑,催动紫海剑气攻向燕赵歌后颈,尝试为袁显成解围。 Yan Zhaoge turns round to receive the sword, as if must resist the Zhao Zhen offensive first. 燕赵歌回身收剑,似乎要先抵挡赵真的攻势。 Who knows his took a deep breath, whole body high and low acupoints opens and closes suddenly, dim radiance emerges. 谁知他猛然深吸一口气,周身上下穴窍开阖间,朦胧光辉涌现。 By a that radiance cover, all around void time speed of flow as if slow. 被那光辉一罩,周遭虚空的时间流速仿佛都慢了下来。 Zhao Zhen and Yuan Xiancheng movement, together slows down. 就连赵真袁显成的动作,都一起变慢。 But the Yan Zhaoge in person speed, actually suddenly speeds up! 燕赵歌本人的速度,却陡然加快! A dim radiance appearance, Yuan Xiancheng on the heart called wonderfully, not to leave fast retreat. 朦胧光辉一出现,袁显成就心叫不妙,快速抽身后退 But one quick one slow, Yan Zhaoge already arrived at the vicinity. 但一快一慢之间,燕赵歌已然到了近处。 Forest Green Bamboo Staff falls, hits Five Phoenixes Fan to be hard to support. 墨绿竹杖落下,打得五凰扇难以支撑。 Greater Yang Seal pounds to fall loudly, Yuan Xiancheng Four Virtues Reinforced Body protects the body, forcefully withstood this Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth strikes. 太阳印轰然砸落,袁显成四德加身护体,强行抗住毁天灭地的一击。 But at this time in Yan Zhaoge Cloud Turning Heaven Light Sword type Slaying Azure Dragon fell!! 但这时燕赵歌手里云转天光剑一式斩青龙落下!! Yuan Xiancheng stuffy snort|hum, blood dyes at the scene! 袁显成闷哼一声,血染当场! His defensive power is strong, cannot shoulder Yan Zhaoge to grasp high grade sacred armament to stimulate to movement the sword of Slaying Azure Dragon, attacks with Greater Yang Seal together. 他就算防御力再强,也扛不住燕赵歌手持上品圣兵催动斩青龙之剑,同太阳印一起攻击。 The common attack, he depends the vigorous vitality of body of phoenix, even if were broken protected body True Primordial, is intimate a sword to be also not necessarily able dead. 寻常攻击,他仗着凤凰之身的强大生命力,就算被破了护体真元,挨上一剑也未必会死。 But Yan Zhaoge's Slaying Azure Dragon slaughters all living things myriad things, cuts completely the vitality, again kills Yuan Xiancheng! 燕赵歌的斩青龙屠戮众生万物,斩尽生机,再一次强杀袁显成 To this time, Zhao Zhen sword qi, pursued to Yan Zhaoge behind. 到了这个时候,赵真剑气,才追到燕赵歌身后。 duo!” Yan Zhaoge drinks one lightly, back has not turned around to Zhao Zhen, in the hand the sword tip strength destroys the Yuan Xiancheng vitality continuously. “咄!”燕赵歌轻喝一声,背对赵真没有转身,手中剑锋力量源源不断摧毁袁显成的生机。 But his torso spot, five colors ray sparkle. 而他自己躯干部位,五色光芒闪耀。 In the internal organs five internal organs, as if five gods awaken, during [gold/metal] Mushui the fire clay Five Elements revolutions, the formidable vitality and protects the imperial strength to emerge. 内腑五脏,仿佛有五尊神祗觉醒,金木水火土五行运转之间,强大的生命力和护御之力涌现。 Yan Zhaoge Five Elements Great Firmament Immortal Physique displays, a direct hard anti- Zhao Zhen sword! 燕赵歌五行大罗仙体施展,直接硬抗赵真一剑! After killing Yuan Xiancheng, Yan Zhaoge just now pulls out the sword to turn around, then the body changes to stream of light, burr Zhao Zhen. 强杀袁显成之后,燕赵歌方才抽剑转身,然后身体化作一道流光,飞刺赵真 Zhao Zhen sees that face upwards the sigh, immediately turns around walks. 赵真见状,仰天叹息,立即掉头就走。 This also achieves Martial Saint Eighth Layer realm big sword cultivator, does not dare to continue to fight again with Yan Zhaoge! 这位也达到武圣八重境界的大剑修,不敢再同燕赵歌继续战下去!
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