HSSB :: Volume #10

#973: Treaties of Alliance

When Yan Zhaoge arrives in Vast Spirit Mountain at the foot of the hill, Vast Spirit Mountain on at this moment, gathered many people. 燕赵歌抵达浩灵山山脚下时,此刻的浩灵山上,已经聚集不少人。 Vast Spirit Mountain Mountain Lord Taoist East Spring, is for this reason the landlord person, is the high-spirited time. 浩灵山山主东泉道人,作为此地主人,正是意气风发的时候。 In Xuanning Mountain Range, operating the rudder of majority of influence, including some famous acting alone martial artist, gets together in Vast Spirit Mountain at this moment. 宣宁山脉中,大部分势力的掌舵者,包括一些出名的独行武者,此刻都齐聚浩灵山 Before today, they not necessarily take orders from Vast Spirit Mountain. 在今天以前,他们未必听命浩灵山 The aspect that Night Flower Sect and Vast Spirit Mountain two contend with, lets in Xuanning Mountain Range other influences, has big independent Space, can achieve success one way or another. 夜华门浩灵山两强相争的局面,让宣宁山脉内其他势力,有非常大的自主空间,可以左右逢源。 Although the person with no mind of his own always most hiring hates, is actually the two sides offends. 虽说墙头草从来都最招人恨,其实是两边都得罪。 But before Night Flower Sect and Vast Spirit Mountain decide the victory and defeat thoroughly, they also need to win over most support. 但在夜华门浩灵山彻底分出胜负之前,他们还需要争取大多数的支持。 However, the auspicious day of people as if finally must to the end. 不过,众人的好日子似乎终于要到头了。 Vast Spirit Mountain seized the opportunity, takes advantage of somebody's authority from Phoenix Rites Mountain Parasoltree Slope, takes the favorable position. 浩灵山抓住了机会,从凤仪山梧桐坡借势,抢占先机。 Night Flower Sect this backwardness, wants to snatch again the opportunity, countless sufferings and hardships. 夜华门这一步落后,再想将机会抢回来,千难万难。 In Xuanning Mountain Range other Sect, are not necessarily glad to lower the head to Vast Spirit Mountain, but the Parasoltree Slope powerhouse personally arrives at the Treaties of Alliance scene, the people have obediently to come. 宣宁山脉中其他宗门,未必乐意向浩灵山低头,可是梧桐坡强者亲自来到会盟现场,众人也只好乖乖前来。 Ultimately, but Vast Spirit Mountain then establishes own situation, unclearly a meteorology of school of Xuanning Mountain Range martial arts world hegemon. 大势所趋,而浩灵山便借此奠定自己的大势,隐隐然一派宣宁山脉武林盟主的气象。 Night Flower Sect Sect Master secluded cultivation, but for does not offend Parasoltree Slope, there is in the powerhouse to catch up with Vast Spirit Mountain. 夜华门掌门闭死关不出,但为了不得罪梧桐坡,也有门中强者赶来浩灵山 This makes people feel that they as if lowered a head. 这就更让人感觉他们仿佛低了一头。 This owes stuffily, Night Flower Sect has to eat, can only destroy the tooth to swallow toward the stomach. 只是这个闷亏,夜华门不得不吃,只能打碎了牙往肚里咽。 To this's Night Flower Sect elder, looks at high-spirited Taoist East Spring, in heart depressed, indescribable. 到此的夜华门长老,看着意气风发的东泉道人,心中郁闷,难以言表。 His has much is not happy, the mood of Vast Spirit Mountain disciple good. 他的心情有多不好,浩灵山门人的心情就有多好。 Thank person of same belief today this, joined together to accomplish a great task.” Taoist East Spring sits on the seat of honor, smile said: This Treaties of Alliance, no other his intent, wants to come as we all know, southeast martial artist, named Yan Zhaoge, arrives at area my Southern Flaming Heaven Realm eastern part.” “感谢诸位同道今日来此,共襄盛举。”东泉道人坐在主位上,微笑说道:“此次会盟,别无他意,想来大家都知道,有一东南武者,名叫燕赵歌,来到我南方炎天境东部一带。” This child once killed Parasoltree Slope personal disciple in years past, guilty of the most heinous crime, deserves to be damned, is only this child slick deceitful, before could not find to strike to kill his opportunity continuously.” “此子昔年曾杀死梧桐坡亲传弟子,罪大恶极,死有余辜,只是此子油滑狡诈,之前一直找不到击杀他的机会。” This time he brings about own destruction, arrives at my Southern Flaming Heaven Realm, south every me martial artist, this courageously strives to be the first, cutting will kill, just now can console the dead soul in heaven.” “这次他自寻死路,来到我南方炎天境,凡我南方武者,都该奋勇争先,将之斩杀,方才能告慰死者在天之灵。” The Taoist East Spring line of sight looks all around all around: This time invited everybody to come, was for this reason, besides my Xuanning Mountain Range fellow people of same belief, Phoenix Rites Mountain Parasoltree Slope Mr. Yuan, south side Well-Illuminated Sea Purple Tide Sword School Mr. Zhao.” 东泉道人视线环顾四周:“这次邀请大家前来,便是为此,除了我宣宁山脉各位同道以外,还有凤仪山梧桐坡的袁先生,南边通明海紫潮剑派的赵先生。” In nearby seat of honor, sits a white first old man, the bearing is stern, whole body has the crimson spiritual qi circulation, as if flame. 在一旁上座,坐着一个皓首老者,气度森严,全身上下有赤红灵气流转,仿佛火焰。 Old man pupil, not common old person like that turbid, instead extremely clear, simultaneously in the pupil has Fire Phoenix light avatar to flutter indistinctly soaring. 老者瞳孔,并不似寻常老人那般浑浊,反而极为清亮,同时瞳仁里隐约有火凤光影振翅腾飞。 His appearance seems like Blaze King Peng He is older, but the rank actually must be smaller than Peng He actually. 他外貌看似比燚王彭鹤还要苍老,但其实辈分却比彭鹤要小。 This personal name is Yuan Xiancheng, another name Phoenix Pupil, is Southern Supreme Zhuang Shen passes on the big disciple, is illustrious in entire Realm Above the Realm. 此人名为袁显成,别号“凤瞳”,乃是南方至尊庄深亲传大弟子,在整个界上界赫赫有名。 In years past when south and southeast has not had no consideration for face thoroughly, each other was also common fights darkly. 昔年南方和东南还没有彻底撕破脸时,彼此也常有暗斗。 The both sides respective main force, is southeast Head Apprentice, at that time also used by Long Hanhua surnamed Lin, as well as south this Head Apprentice, Phoenix Pupil Yuan Xiancheng. 双方各自的主力,便是东南首徒,当时还用假借姓林的龙汉华,以及这位南方首徒,“凤瞳袁显成 Head under Yuan Xiancheng, then sits a purple clothes middle-aged person. 袁显成下首,则坐着一个紫衣中年人。 This purple clothes intermediate is not Xuanning Mountain Range martial artist, but is south of Xuanning Mountain Range, in Well-Illuminated Sea a side big influence, Purple Tide Sword School Sect Master, Zhao Zhen. 这紫衣中间人并非宣宁山脉武者,而是宣宁山脉以南,通明海里一方大势力,紫潮剑派掌门,赵真 Yan Zhaoge comes Southern Flaming Heaven Realm eastern part, wants to return to the southeast, can only walk Radius Mountain. 燕赵歌南方炎天境东部,想要返回东南,只能走方圆山 Must enter Radius Mountain, then allow passes Xuanning Mountain Range. 要入方圆山,则许通过宣宁山脉 This Zhao Zhen was usually on good terms with Yuan Xiancheng, Yuan Xiancheng comes the Xuanning Mountain Range organization people to surround and capture to block off Yan Zhaoge, Zhao Zhen then also together comes to help a hand. 赵真素来同袁显成交好,袁显成宣宁山脉组织人围捕堵截燕赵歌,赵真便也一同前来帮把手。 He is with smile on the face, sits does not say a word there, only when Taoist East Spring introduced him, the nod expressed best wishes. 他面带微笑,坐在那里一言不发,只在东泉道人介绍他的时候,点头致意。 It seems like common, but includes Taoist East Spring, presents all Xuanning Mountain Range martial artist, actually does not dare to look down on him. 看似不起眼,但包括东泉道人在内,在场所有宣宁山脉武者,却都不敢小瞧于他。 This person wields Purple Tide Sword School, almost lords over Well-Illuminated Sea, is occupies the thumb of small space in entire Southern Flaming Heaven Realm. 此君执掌紫潮剑派,几乎独霸通明海,乃是在整个南方炎天境都占据一席之地的巨擘。 Presents person of same belief, has the astonishing learned skill in the body, Mr. Yuan and Mr. Zhao naturally not to mention.” Taoist East Spring continues saying: „If there is stopped up that young thief surnamed Yan, his naturally only then obediently gives the head.” “在座诸位同道,都有惊人艺业在身,袁先生和赵先生自然更不必说。”东泉道人继续说道:“若是堵住了那姓燕的小贼,他自然只有乖乖授首。” But, my Xuanning Mountain Range, the topography landform is extremely as we all know complex, helping the person hide, must find a person, is no different than in the sea to fish the needle.” “但大家都知道,我宣宁山脉,地势地貌太过复杂,便于人隐藏,要找一个人,无异于大海里捞针。” I and others in martial artist of Xuanning Mountain Range survival, naturally is familiar for generations, but must surround and capture that Yan Zhaoge, needs everybody to unite, unification conduct.” “我等祖祖辈辈在宣宁山脉生存的武者,对此地自然熟悉,但要围捕那燕赵歌,也需要大家团结起来,统一行事。” Taoist East Spring said: Snake headless is not good, fortunately this time has Parasoltree Slope Mr. Yuan to leave Radius Mountain to come this specially, letting us to receive and obey the unified verbal command together.” 东泉道人说道:“蛇无头不行,所幸这次有梧桐坡的袁先生专程离开方圆山来此,让我们大家能一起遵奉统一的号令。” Although he said that but presents other Xuanning Mountain Range local area martial artist, at heart is snorting contemptuously. 他虽然这么说,但在场其他宣宁山脉本地武者,都在心里嗤之以鼻。 Yuan Xiancheng can certainly coordinate to give orders, but he is not familiar with the Xuanning Mountain Range geography. 袁显成当然可以牵头发号施令,但他对宣宁山脉的地理并不熟悉。 Truly carries out the concrete execution, certainly wants Xuanning Mountain Range local area martial artist. 真正落实到具体执行,肯定还是要宣宁山脉本地武者 Also is his Taoist East Spring. 也就是他东泉道人 Obviously, Yuan Xiancheng has tacitly consented to Taoist East Spring the fox exploits the tiger's might, other Night Flower Sect and influences , can only hold one's nose to recognize. 只是显然,袁显成已经默许东泉道人狐假虎威,夜华门和其他势力,也只能捏着鼻子认了。 But in heart oppressed, it can be imagined. 但心中憋闷,可想而知。 This poor Daoist shame is a landlord, inviting person of same belief to come this Treaties of Alliance, then to together discuss a regulation, taught that Yan Zhaoge to come to not.” In the Taoist East Spring heart naturally is self-satisfied, but in the surface does not have to reveal slightly. “贫道忝为地主,邀请诸位同道来此会盟,便是为了一同商讨一个章程,教那燕赵歌来得去不得。”东泉道人心中自然得意,不过面上没有丝毫表露。 If extremely lets success go to the head, stirs up Yuan Xiancheng not to be unhappy, that troubled. 若是太过得意忘形,惹得袁显成不喜,那就麻烦了。 Even if facing the Night Flower Sect elder, Taoist East Spring does not have slightly the arrogant appearance. 所以即使面对夜华门长老,东泉道人也没有丝毫盛气凌人的模样。 Everything does not independently decide, profits by opinions from various sources with people, then gives the Phoenix Rites Mountain Parasoltree Slope Yuan Xiancheng decision to make the decision. 凡事更绝不自作主张,与众人集思广益,然后交给凤仪山梧桐坡袁显成拍板做决定。 So long as in any case, most Xuanning Mountain Range martial artist participate in this Treaties of Alliance, his Vast Spirit Mountain has then taken the biggest advantage. 反正,只要大多数宣宁山脉武者来参加这次会盟,他浩灵山便已经占得最大的便宜。 Smooth that very all progressed, but suddenly, seat of honor Yuan Xiancheng, pair of white eyebrow is pressed. 一切本来进展的很顺利,但突然,上座的袁先成,一对白眉蹙起。 Taoist East Spring sees that in consternation, thinks where has affronted Yuan Xiancheng. 东泉道人见状,不由愕然,以为哪里冒犯了袁先成。 Does not wait for him to think is any reason, relation between he and Great Array of Mountain Defence, making him discover that really has the unexpected visitor to approach Vast Spirit Mountain. 不等他思索是什么原因,他与守山大阵之间的联系,让他发现竟然有不速之客靠近浩灵山 Almost at the same time, a sound already resounded. 几乎在同一时间,一个声音已然响起。 Broad Creed Mountain Yan Zhaoge, comes to visit, can the host family in?” 广乘山燕赵歌,前来拜会,主人家可在?” In an instant, various previous moment also bosom thoughts, in a babel of voices main hall, complete silence. 刹那间,前一刻还各怀心思,人声鼎沸的大殿里,鸦雀无声。 People look at each other in dismay, was suspecting whether he misunderstood. 众人面面相觑,都在怀疑自己是否听错了。 Outside person, said...... Yan Zhaoge?” “外面的人,自称……燕赵歌?” That Broad Creed Mountain's Yan Zhaoge?” “那广乘山的燕赵歌?” „Did he come Vast Spirit Mountain on own initiative?” “他主动来浩灵山了?” People on the scene, although has not clamored, but each other in the vision of looking at each other, clearly is full of the unbelievable color. 在场众人,虽没有喧哗,但彼此对视的目光里,分明都充满难以置信的色彩。 Taoist East Spring sigh one stands up from the seat. 东泉道人“呼”的一下从座位上站起。
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