HSSB :: Volume #8

#703: Nether Light Emperor Tomb

Yan Zhaoge sits facing each other with Zhou Housheng, after Zhou Housheng silent long time, opens the mouth to ask: Little Friend Yan said that obtains a treasure, is it possible that was related with Sacred Cult with Lord Emperor in years past?” 燕赵歌周浩生对坐,周浩生沉默良久之后,开口问道:“燕小友说得到一件宝物,莫非是与昔年帝君圣教有关?” I cannot affirm.” Yan Zhaoge said truthfully: This was Yan derived other people in years past the hand, but the original master of treasure, once was chased down by Bright Light Sect.” “我也不敢肯定。”燕赵歌如实说道:“这是燕某昔年得自他人之手,而宝物的原主人,曾经遭到光明宗追杀。” Zhou Housheng heard this, a pair of snow white long eyebrow the peak gets up immediately slightly. 周浩生闻言,一对雪白长眉顿时微微耸起。 Yan Zhaoge continues saying: After that I estimate, can feel that this thing should truly is related with Nether Light Great Emperor as well as in years past Nether Light Sacred Cult.” 燕赵歌继续说道:“其后,我自己揣摩,能感觉到,此物应该确实同幽明大帝以及昔年的幽明圣教有关。” Zhou Housheng is once more silent, Yan Zhaoge tranquil looks at he. 周浩生再次沉默,燕赵歌平静的看着他。 After long time, Zhou Housheng said slowly: Actually, the old man does not know truth that Lord Emperor died in the past.” 半晌后,周浩生徐徐说道:“其实,老夫也不知道帝君当年陨落的真相。” , He has supplemented saying: Besides Lord Emperor, at that time Sacred Cult core high level, mostly together on the wane, the remaining people, the insider is few.” 顿了顿,他补充说道:“除了帝君之外,当时圣教核心高层,也大多一起凋零,剩下的人,知情者寥寥无几。” Yan Zhaoge frowns. 燕赵歌蹙眉。 In powerhouse who Post-Great Cataclysm emerges, Nether Light Great Emperor Yin Tianxia, may be called one of the top characters. 大破灭之后涌现的强者中,幽明大帝尹天下,堪称顶尖人物之一。 His falling from the sky, affects is not small, but including Nether Light Sacred Cult one of us, does not know unexpectedly detail truth, does not know that who the enemy is? 他的陨落,影响不小,但居然连幽明圣教自家人,都不知道其中细节真相,不知道对头是谁? Three Sovereigns take action? Other said that the Emperor-title character does besiege?” Yan Zhaoge straightforward asking. 三皇出手吗?还是其他称帝号的人物围攻?”燕赵歌直截了当的问道。 The Zhou Housheng sound is lower and deeper: All previous older generation, in heart all some guesses, but actually throughout misses the point, the lots, we are also incapable of inquiring about.” 周浩生声音低沉许多:“历代先辈,心中皆有猜测,但是却始终不得要领,很多东西,我们也无力探寻。” His vision is spooky, scene that in the mind the reappearing ancient people hand down. 他目光幽幽,脑海中浮现故老相传的情景。 At that time, when is the Nether Light Sacred Cult heyday, the Nether Light Great Emperor Yin Tianxia lead subordinates powerhouses left main headquarters, in the hearsay expedites the foreign land. 彼时,还是幽明圣教极盛之时,幽明大帝尹天下率麾下众强者离开总坛,传闻中是远征异域。 All appear very ordinary, who knows to never to return. 一切都显得很平常,谁知一去不复返。 The high-level big shot attempt that in Nether Light Sacred Cult remains behind relates, does not have the message. 幽明圣教中留守的高层大佬尝试联系,却无音讯。 Until some, Nether Light Great Emperor Yin Tianxia all alone returned to Nether Light Sacred Cult main headquarters on the 1st, on the same day then died in a sitting posture falls from the sky. 直到某一日,幽明大帝尹天下孤身一人返回幽明圣教总坛,当天便坐化陨落。 Just before the end before, teaches the juniors to inquire the reason, Yin Tianxia is silent, writes strange rune in void. 临终前,教中子弟询问缘由,尹天下闭口不言,在虚空中书写一个古怪符纹 After he falls from the sky, that rune no doubt expansion is black hole, inhales his corpse. 在他陨落后,那符纹固然扩张为一个黑洞,将他尸身吸入。 Nether Light Sacred Cult main headquarters building large-scale collapse, the fragment regarding rune and Yin Tianxia corpse, constructs gigantic tomb. 幽明圣教总坛的建筑大规模崩毁,碎片围绕符纹尹天下的尸身,构建成一座巨大陵寝 tomb vanishes in the black hole deep place finally, black hole goes through the change, changes into a stream of light direct impact horizon, disappears in light of this. 陵寝最终消失于黑洞深处,黑洞辗转变化,化为一道流光直冲天际,就此不见踪影。 In the empty world has writing to reappear, said: Diverges respectively.” 空荡荡的天地间则有文字浮现,曰:“各自散去。” Teaches the people completely all vacant, actually also knows that oneself Nether Light Sacred Cult, this time met with the great misfortune. 教中众人尽皆茫然,却也知道,自家幽明圣教,此番遭逢大劫。 From now on, in the Pre-Great Cataclysm also reputation not poor, declines in Post-Great Cataclysm Realm Above the Realm momentum astonishing Nether Light Sacred Cult gradually. 自此,在大破灭前也名声不菲,在大破灭后界上界更声势惊人的幽明圣教逐渐败落。 In Nether Light Sacred Cult rising process, has many personal enemies, when is weak everybody hits a man who is down, therefore even more dark weak. 幽明圣教崛起过程中,也结下不少仇家,虚弱之际墙倒众人推,于是越发暗弱。 Until the final light dark fission, a side colossus vanishes into thin air. 直到最后光暗分裂,一方庞然大物烟消云散。 Yan Zhaoge is hesitating asking: Expedites the foreign land...... Nine Nether?” 燕赵歌沉吟着问道:“远征异域……九幽吗?” Zhou Housheng shakes the head: „The details, the old man does not know.” 周浩生摇头:“其中详情,老夫也不知道。” He looks to Yan Zhaoge: All along treasures that the Lord Emperor corpse, as well as possibly has, is missing, in our these posterity, will then be from now on many a legend, related Nether Light Emperor Tomb legend.” 他看向燕赵歌:“帝君的尸身,以及可能存在的所有随身宝物,都下落不明,自此我们这些后人之中,便多了一个传说,有关幽明帝陵的传说。” Yan Zhaoge has savored a lip: „The Sect Master Zhou implied meaning, in Yan hand is this thing, related with Nether Light Emperor Tomb?” 燕赵歌咂摸了一下嘴唇:“周宗主言下之意,燕某手里这件东西,是与幽明帝陵有关?” Old man thinks.” Zhou Housheng said slowly: „The Lord Emperor body falls, has not left behind any relic, if must say, in the past constructed emperor tomb time, some fragments scattered, perhaps was only with the Lord Emperor itself related treasure.” “老夫是这么想的。”周浩生徐徐说道:“帝君身陨,没有留下什么遗物,如果一定要说的话,当年构筑帝陵的时候,有些碎片散落下来,或许是唯一同帝君本身有关的宝物了。” The Yan Zhaoge slight bow, takes out that half black and half white's metal fragment, places on the tabletop, then pushes to Zhou Housheng slowly. 燕赵歌微微点头,取出那枚半黑半白的金属碎片,放在桌面上,然后徐徐推向周浩生 In Zhou Housheng both eyes erupts the astonishing brilliance suddenly. 周浩生双目中陡然爆发出惊人光彩。 He has not put out a hand to take, but the vision becomes concise like the essence, gazes at that metal fragment. 他没有伸手去取,但目光变得凝练如实质,注视那金属碎片。 In his pupil, there is dim actually concise vigorous brilliance slightly to flash, is getting more and more pale, to changes into the deep quiet darkness finally. 其瞳孔中,有黯淡却凝练雄浑的光华微微闪动,越来越淡,到最后化为深沉静谧的黑暗。 On the metal fragment, emerges the marvelous sight, the white half, becomes incomparably dim, but the black half, actually shines through bright brilliance. 金属碎片上,涌现奇观,白色半边,变得无比黯淡,而黑色半边,却透射出璀璨光华 Yan Zhaoge sees that in the heart nods secretly, to the Zhou Housheng this level cultivation powerhouse, really had great power to be able. 燕赵歌见状,心中暗自点头,到了周浩生这个层次修为的强者,举手投足间,果然都有莫大威能。 The half black and half white's metal fragment keeps vibrating, is centered on it, Space of nearby small range, really had the potential of collapsing. 半黑半白的金属碎片不停震动,以其为中心,附近小范围的空间,竟然有了坍塌之势。 Yan Zhaoge is the spirit inspires with Zhou Housheng: Looks at this appearance, if really there is a strangeness.” 燕赵歌周浩生都是精神一振:“看这模样,果真有古怪。” After Zhou Housheng ponder moment, catches the eye to look to Yan Zhaoge, the vision reveals to inquire about the color. 周浩生沉思片刻后,抬眼看向燕赵歌,目光流露探寻之色。 The Yan Zhaoge slight bow, hints him to display independently. 燕赵歌微微点头,示意他可以放手施展。 Zhou Housheng stretches out a finger immediately, the point to that metal fragment, on the metal fragment reflects the unusual brilliance gently immediately. 周浩生当即伸出一根手指,轻轻点向那金属碎片,金属碎片上顿时折射出不同寻常的光彩。 Nearby Space thorough collapsing, forms a small sunspot unexpectedly, spreads the terrifying suction, is indistinct likely is together the void crack. 附近空间彻底坍塌,竟然形成一个小小的黑点,从中传出恐怖吸力,隐约间像是一道虚空裂缝。 Zhou Housheng take action will live stably, then takes out a thing from own miniature bag. 周浩生出手将之稳定住,然后从自己的缩影囊中取出一件东西。 Yan Zhaoge fixes the eyes on to look, that clearly is a piece of roofing tile, is all over the body all black, not obviously tip gloss, as if implication mysterious strength aura. 燕赵歌定睛看去,那分明是一片屋瓦,通体纯黑,不显点滴光泽,仿佛蕴含玄妙的力量气息。 This piece of black tile, is broken. 只是这片黑瓦,是残破的。 Thinks the matter that Zhou Housheng just now mentioned, Yan Zhaoge then knows, after this was also initially Nether Light Great Emperor Yin Tianxia died , the strength, when constructed tomb, under left behind the residual fragment. 想到周浩生方才提及的事情,燕赵歌便知道,这该也是当初幽明大帝尹天下死后之力,构建陵寝时,遗留下的残渣碎片。 The metal fragment met with that incomplete black tile, both sides vibrates immediately together, the surroundings are void unstabler. 金属碎片同那残缺黑瓦相遇,双方顿时一起震动,周围虚空更加不稳定。 Zhou Housheng sees that also takes out different thing, has the lumber, has the stone material, clearly is also with black tile nature similar thing. 周浩生见状,又取出两样东西,有木料,有石料,分明也是同黑瓦性质类似的东西。 Before these things, gathers together, was unresponsive, but gathers around that half black and half white's metal fragment now, actually vibrates, and shines through mysterious radiance. 这些东西之前聚在一起,并无反应,但现在聚集在那半黑半白的金属碎片周围,却都震动起来,并透射出玄妙光辉 The brow of Zhou Housheng stretches, on face shows the smiling face. 周浩生的眉头舒展开来,脸上露出笑容。 Yan Zhaoge careful observation moment: Is only this, seemed still not enough to locate the Nether Light Emperor Tomb position?” 燕赵歌仔细观察片刻:“只是这样,似乎尚不足以确定幽明帝陵的位置吧?” Zhou Housheng said with a smile: Took the favorable position greatly, is in the lead in Bright Light Sect these rebels by far.” 周浩生笑道:“已经大大抢占先机,远远领先于光明宗那些叛逆。” Yan Zhaoge also smiles: This truly is the good news.” 燕赵歌也笑:“这确实是好消息。” That darkness void, said that the ray of light magnificent pasts, as if in manner direction direction. 那黑暗虚空中,道道光华流转间,仿佛在为人指引方向。 And the Space change, Zhou Housheng heart takes down, Yan Zhaoge also remember similarly. 其中空间变化,周浩生心底记下,燕赵歌同样也记下了。 Zhou Housheng awakes, looks at Yan Zhaoge, somewhat cannot smile suddenly. 周浩生一醒,看着燕赵歌,突然有些笑不出来。 Although is the mortal enemy, no matter but Bright Light Sect or Nether Dark Sect, confessed one are most legitimate Nether Light Sacred Cult descendant. 虽然彼此之间是死敌,但不管光明宗还是幽暗宗,都自认自己是最正统的幽明圣教传人 To the thing of Nether Light Sacred Cult carry-over, Nether Dark Sect usually thinks in years past one are the most reasonable successor. 对昔年幽明圣教遗留之物,幽暗宗素来认为自己是最合理的继承人。 Nether Light Emperor Tomb naturally say nothing, such existence, Nether Dark Sect definitely wanted to monopolize. 幽明帝陵自然就更不用说了,这样的存在,幽暗宗肯定是想要独占的。 With Yan Zhaoge at present friendship, although not bad, but to Nether Dark Sect, is willing to compensate to reward Yan Zhaoge in other aspect, but actually does not hope to share Nether Light Emperor Tomb. 燕赵歌目前交情虽然不错,但对幽暗宗而言,更愿意在别的方面补偿酬谢燕赵歌,但却并不希望分享幽明帝陵 The white clothing old man sighed, a little worried suddenly.( To be continued.) 白衣老者叹息一声,突然间有点发愁。(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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