HSSB :: Volume #17

#1662: Soul Brake Jade clue

Although Suo Mingzhang opens Grand Calmness Sovereign Cliff Heaven is cave mansion dojo, but North Star Great Emperor, Fairy Yun Xiao and Unequalled Holy Mother they do not open the door generally Na Tu, blooms a loose leaf, does not have the common custom mortal to multiply to live. 索明璋虽然开辟太安皇崖天为洞府道场,但并不似勾陈大帝云霄仙子无当圣母他们一般开门纳徒,开枝散叶,亦没有世俗凡人繁衍生息。 In a big side universe, except for little stars, has Fang Tiandi to be opened. 偌大的一方宇宙里,除了点点繁星,就只有一方天地被开辟。 In this side world, although the mountains running water, the vegetation fresh flower does not lack, but does not have the habitation aura. 在这方天地里,虽然山川流水,草木鲜花不缺,但毫无人烟气息。 In valley, big Deep Green Splendour Divine Tree stands erect, the deep blue branches and leaves stretch, the white bloom is calm, as if there is delightful wind chimes sound to resound unceasingly. 一座山谷里,高大的苍华神树矗立,碧蓝的枝叶舒展,白花无风自动,仿佛有悦耳的风铃声不断响起。 Under the tree, a short hair man sits there. 树下,一个短发男子坐在那里。 His leg unbends forward, another leg stands curvingly, receives before the body. 他一条腿向前伸直,另一条腿弯曲立起,收在身前。 On knee that his arm, building at ease is setting up curvingly. 其手臂,闲散的搭在弯曲立起的膝盖上。 The men back on the bough of Deep Green Splendour Divine Tree, obviously at ease at will, but is actually similar the center of this side world, imitates, if entire Grand Calmness Sovereign Cliff Heaven center. 男子背靠苍华神树的树干,明明闲散随意,但却仿佛这方世界的中心,更仿若整个太安皇崖天的中心。 His line of sight looks like to Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng. 他的视线正向燕赵歌封云笙看来。 Yan Zhaoge looks at at present scene, as if returns to first time to see Suo Mingzhang the time. 燕赵歌眼前景象,就仿佛回到第一次见索明璋的时候。 At this moment, has that Deep Green Splendour Divine Tree to accompany in its side. 只是此刻,有那苍华神树陪在其身旁。 Here, only then a person of tree life, stays in a Falling Sovereign Reed Heaven side world including Mars Halberd, does not disturb Suo Mingzhang. 这里,只有一人一树生活,连荧惑戟都是在竺落皇笳天一方世界中栖身,不来打扰索明璋 Zhaoge and Yunsheng came.” Suo Mingzhang stands up slowly, looks to smile. 赵歌云笙来了。”索明璋徐徐站起身,面露微笑。 Senior Suo, coming this to have the matter to be tired of your take action.” Yan Zhaoge has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest toward Suo Mingzhang, preoccupies Blue Lotus Treasure Colored Banner. 索前辈,来此是有事烦你出手。”燕赵歌索明璋拱了拱手,先取出青莲宝色旗 Suo Mingzhang has met the flag, after sizing up one, has not said anything, in the palm shines the flame directly. 索明璋接了旗子,打量一眼后,没有多说什么,手掌中直接亮起火光。 The bright flame jumps on the flag, flag itself not affected, but originally in green flag surface, immediately reappearing black stain. 明亮的火光在旗上跳跃,旗子本身不受影响,但原本青色的旗面上,顿时浮现黑色的污迹。 The flame same black stain has collision, even inspires a side to rock void slightly. 火光同黑色的污迹产生碰撞,甚至引动一方虚空微微晃动。 But under the suppression of Suo Mingzhang, all cannot raise the big storm, the flag seems likely is gently is only fluttering. 但在索明璋的压制下,一切都掀不起大风浪,旗子看上去只像是在轻轻飘扬。 The flame is bright throughout, but black stain, then starts to remove slowly. 火光始终明亮,而黑色的污迹,则开始徐徐褪去。 Although the speed is not fast, but its advancement seems to be irreversible, how whatever the black stain resists, can only retreat in defeat again and again. 速度虽然不快,但其进程仿佛不可逆转,任凭黑色的污迹如何抵抗,都只能节节败退。 Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng saw, again and again nods. 燕赵歌封云笙见了,都连连点头。 Is capable of dispelling deep pool of sea water contamination that Nine Nether demon sea person, not necessarily has Suo Mingzhang one. 有能力祛除那九幽魔海之渊海水污秽的人,未必只有索明璋一个。 But at present in a Taoism people, Suo Mingzhang processes this to be without doubt quickest, is most convenient. 但目前道门中人里,索明璋处理这个无疑最快,最顺手。 Gives Suo Mingzhang Blue Lotus Treasure Colored Banner, Yan Zhaoge no longer was then worried that he looks at the Suo Mingzhang procedure, while chatted this time matter process approximately. 青莲宝色旗交给索明璋,燕赵歌便不再担心,他一边看索明璋作法,一边大致谈了谈这次的事情经过。 Although Suo Mingzhang lives a solitary life, but his strength and status, no matter other powerhouses of influence, are Taoism people, is impossible neglects. 索明璋虽然离群索居,但他的实力和地位,不管是其他势力的强者,还是道门中人,都不可能忽视。 Once in a while, will have the message that other Taoism people give regularly to him. 每隔一段时间,都会有道门其他人定期传递进来的消息给他。 Since Yan Zhaoge in person today visits Grand Calmness Sovereign Cliff Heaven, then simply directly chatted with Suo Mingzhang. 燕赵歌本人今天既然到访太安皇崖天,便索性直接跟索明璋聊起来。 Primordial Unity True Man and Three Altars Deity of the Multitudes are also in good health, may celebrate encouraging.” Suo Mingzhang eye presently the color of admiring greatly: „The Three Altars Deity of the Multitudes prestige, always likes thunder reverberating in one's ears.” 太乙真人三坛海会大神还健在,可喜可贺。”索明璋目现激赏之色:“三坛海会大神的威名,一向如雷贯耳。” His good Wucheng, with concentration study at the same time, is not the generation of divorcing oneself from reality, rich of actual combat experience, in the past new Kunlun Nine Luminaries time, then ranked among the best. 他好武成性,潜心钻研的同时,并非闭门造车之辈,实战经验之丰富,早在当年新昆仑九曜时期,便数一数二。 To a certain extent, he also especially combative. 某种程度上来说,他也格外好斗。 Because of the Shao Junhuang reason, Suo Mingzhang restrains many now, or should say, before he not, is so pure. 因为邵君篁的缘故,索明璋现在收敛许多,或者应该说,他不似以前那么纯粹。 But regarding great reputation match outside, has the opportunity contact, he will have one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing. 但对于盛名在外的对手,有机会接触,他还是会见猎心喜。 However, after hearing the Nie Jingshen matter, Suo Mingzhang also falls into silent. 不过,在听说聂惊神的事情后,索明璋也陷入沉默。 He to Nie Jingshen, like like that is not familiar with Yan Zhaoge, may also all along appreciate its talent. 他对聂惊神,不像对燕赵歌那般熟悉,可也一贯赞赏其才华。 The past matter, Suo Mingzhang felt similarly regrettable. 当年的事情,索明璋同样感到遗憾。 Good after long time, he in a soft voice said: Was a pity.” 好半晌之后,他才轻声说道:“可惜了。” „The Senior Apprentice Brother Nie matter, after only has to wait, discussed.” Yan Zhaoge but is actually very at this moment tranquil: We, is tightening the present first.” 聂师兄的事情,唯有留待后论。”燕赵歌此刻倒很平静:“我们,还是先着紧眼下。” His gently put out a breath: „The Senior Apprentice Sister Yu injury convalesced gradually, now has not regained consciousness, because of our conservative reasons, wanting her not to leave the old ailment future trouble, after is appropriate, then awakens her.” 他轻轻吐出一口气:“禹师姐伤势已经渐渐痊愈,如今尚未苏醒,是因为我们保守的缘故,想要她不留病根后患,待一切妥当后,再唤醒她。” So far, but also misses the last named Soul Brake Jade treasure not to collect.” “截至目前为止,还差最后一件名为魂刹玉的宝物不曾凑齐。” previously, Ying Longtu and the others goes out to travel at the same time, then also again while convenient searches this phase difference the last treasure. 先前,应龙图等人外出游历的同时,便也再顺便搜索这相差的最后一件宝物。 Finally Soul Brake Jade had not found, actually bangs into the Great Desolation Yuan Residence, meets Primordial Unity True Man and Nezha, this had the following all sorts of matters. 结果魂刹玉没找到,却无意间撞入大荒元府,遇见太乙真人哪吒,这才有了后续种种事情。 But, this time finally had the one point practical clue, was the accident is happy.” Yan Zhaoge said. “不过,这次总算有了一点切实的线索,却是意外之喜了。”燕赵歌说道。 Oh? the line of sight of Feng Yunsheng and Suo Mingzhang looks to him. 哦?封云笙索明璋的视线都看向他。 Yan Zhaoge nods: This time competes for Shakya sariputra, in Monster Race, braves Monster Race Great Saint that somewhat stems from me to expect. Before this did not have his news, because also he died in the past in Great Cataclysm, does not want still in the world, to come is because previously has hidden Chen Mountain Sea of Stars, now again leave the mountain reason.” 燕赵歌点点头:“这次争夺释迦舍利,妖族之中,冒出来一个有些出乎我预料的妖族大圣。此前一直没有他的消息,还因为他当年已经陨落在大破灭里,不曾想原来还在世上,想来是因为先前一直藏身辰山星海,如今才重新出山的缘故。” Your previously is makes North Deep Doppelgänger follow him.” Feng Yunsheng suddenly. “你先前就是让北冥分身去跟上他。”封云笙恍然。 North Deep Doppelgänger has not returned to Taoism entire sky with them together, after previously competes Shakya sariputra and Blue Lotus Treasure Colored Banner war ended, on disappearing trace. 北冥分身没有跟他们两个一同返回道门诸天,先前争夺释迦舍利青莲宝色旗的大战结束后,就不见了踪影。 Although Feng Yunsheng some detections, but thought that Yan Zhaoge haggles over innately, therefore did not inquire about. 封云笙虽有察觉,但心想燕赵歌自有计较,所以并不过问。 At this moment she listens to Yan Zhaoge to mention this matter, immediately then associates to North Deep Doppelgänger. 此刻她听燕赵歌提及此事,立即便联想到北冥分身 Yes, but did not have the accurate feature, because that Wood Wolf of the Legs travels together with other Monster Race Great Saint, at present is not good to contact, but can always try to find the opportunity.” Yan Zhaoge replied: Now White Lotus Pure Land and Immortal Courtyard battle is just luxurious, Monster Race and Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, although has not made war, but completely is indifferent, Wood Wolf of the Legs leave the mountain, not necessarily will not have again the movement now.” “是啊,不过还没确切眉目,因为那奎木狼与其他妖族大圣同行,目前还不好接触,但总可以试着找找机会。”燕赵歌答道:“如今白莲净土仙庭交战正酣,妖族西方极乐净土虽未开战,但也并非完全漠视,奎木狼如今重新出山,未必不会有动作。” Wood Wolf of the Legs, is he.” Suo Mingzhang and Feng Yunsheng heard this nods. 奎木狼,原来是他。”索明璋封云笙闻言都点点头。 The Wood Wolf of the Legs given name, they have also listened, originally was the Supreme Pure collateral branch, in Ancient Era Battle of Investiture of the Gods suffers a disaster Name List of the Investiture of the Gods, entered Heavenly Court Divine Palace, was one of the Twenty-Eight Mansions star Mr. 奎木狼的名号,他们也听过,本是上清旁支,上古纪元封神之战里遭劫上了封神榜,入了天庭神宫,为二十八宿星君之一。 A that person ability, is quite exquisite, is skilled person who in Heavenly Court Divine Palace in Heavenly Monarch have several. 其人一身本领,颇为精湛,乃是天庭神宫天君之中有数的好手。 In the past the battle of Monster Race and Buddhism was the Medieval Era main melody, but its behind, Taoism and Nine Nether also respectively had the movement, the bad debts mess were innumerable. 当年妖族和佛门的争斗乃中古纪元的主旋律,但其背后,道门九幽也都各有动作,烂账糊涂账无数。 When Wood Wolf of the Legs Medieval Era, once the alias yellow robe was strange, with other Monster Race Supreme Being to create array, hinders to penetrate eastward together. 奎木狼中古纪元时,就曾经化名黄袍怪,同其他妖族大能一起布阵,阻碍西佛东渐。 But he also in other three with four Jupiter, together helps one another Ascetic Sun and Tripitaka one line to cope with other monster. 但他也和四木星中其他三位,一道相助孙行者三藏法师一行人对付别的妖怪。 The matter related to the multi-player game, how the concrete truth, feared at that time said including litigant not distinctly. 事情涉及当时多方博弈,具体真相如何,怕是连当事人自己都讲不分明。 When Great Cataclysm, Heavenly Court Divine Palace suffers a disaster, the majority of powerhouses die, Wood Wolf of the Legs did not have the news, latter newcomer think that his also body dies, unexpectedly has actually thrown Monster Race Chen Mountain Sea of Stars, until the present again present world. 大破灭时,天庭神宫遭劫,大部分强者陨落,奎木狼没了消息,后来者们多以为他也身死,却不料是投了妖族辰山星海,直到如今才重新现世。
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