HSSB :: Volume #16

#1556: Again non- person of same belief

Ancient Investiture of the Gods Era, Supreme Pure Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure disciple is prosperous, teaches all comers without discrimination, enjoys Wan Xianlai toward it reputation. 上古封神纪元,上清灵宝天尊门下鼎盛,有教无类,享有万仙来朝之美名。 …… …… Besides the Heavenly Lord of the Countless Treasures, Golden Spirit Holy Mother, Unequalled Holy Mother and other Supreme Pure legacy Supreme Being powerhouses, seven immortal attendants listen, revere Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure for the master, is a side overlord character. 除了多宝天尊金灵圣母无当圣母上清嫡传大能强者以外,更有七仙随侍听讲,尊灵宝天尊为师,皆是一方霸主般的人物。 Horned Head Immortal with Spirit Toothed Immortal, is two, respectively are Ancient heterogeneous Azure Furred Lion and Six Toothed White Elephant practice has. 虬首仙灵牙仙,便是其中两位,分别为上古异种青毛狮子六牙白象修练有成。 Ancient Era in that Investiture of the Gods war, Supreme Pure is other all Jiao collaborates to break last years, disciple descendant is mostly on the wane. 只是上古纪元末年那一场封神大战中,上清为其他诸教联手所破,门下传人大多凋零。 Horned Head Immortal and Spirit Toothed Immortal, although has not suffered a disaster to fall from the sky Name List of the Investiture of the Gods, but separately captures alive by Jade Pure disciple Heavenly Lord of Broad Methods Mañjuśrī and True Person Puxian, hit present the primary form, degenerated into mount. 虬首仙灵牙仙虽然未曾遭劫陨落上了封神榜,但分别被玉清门下文殊广法天尊普贤真人生擒,打得现了原形,沦为坐骑 After that Heavenly Lord of Broad Methods Mañjuśrī and True Person Puxian entered the Buddhism, changes to Mañjuśrī and Samantabhadra. 其后文殊广法天尊普贤真人都入了佛门,化作文殊菩萨普贤菩萨 The Buddhism internal honorific titles have the dissertation, but called Great Encompassing by, called Grand Void by the Bodhisattva, was the Taoism custom, compared the Buddhism level and interior theory. 佛门内部尊号自有论说,而以佛称大罗,以菩萨称太虚,是道门习惯,将佛门层次和自己内部论比。 No matter Mañjuśrī or Samantabhadra, are the card say existence of Great Encompassing in fact. 不管文殊菩萨还是普贤菩萨,事实上都是证道大罗的存在。 Horned Head Immortal and Spirit Toothed Immortal also therefore entered the Buddhism along with them, still separately made their mount, hereafter people mostly by the azure lion white elephant name, but not famous it. 虬首仙灵牙仙也因此随他们入了佛门,仍然分别作他们的坐骑,此后世人大多以青狮白象称呼而不名之。 These two, in years past makes Great Monster, is Taoism Supreme Pure descendant, is existences of arrogant eating delicacies world. 这两个,昔年不论是做大妖,还是道门上清传人,都是傲啸天地的存在。 The Investiture of the Gods later years, them, naturally are the great shame, the suffering years. 封神之后的岁月,于他们而言,自然是奇耻大辱,煎熬岁月。 What a pity, nobody can extricate for them. 可惜,没人能替他们解脱。 The Three Pure Ones founders above worldly matters was not, although there is Elderly Monarch to save the world, has not inquired about. 三清祖师都已超脱不在,虽有老君存世,却从没过问。 Horned Head Immortal and Spirit Toothed Immortal can get out of trouble, after initially Medieval Era had ended the matter. 虬首仙灵牙仙能够脱困,还是当初中古纪元结束后的事情。 At that time a Maitreya Buddha changed the Central Hovering Pure Land religious doctrine, caused group to discuss a conflict, in the end Central Hovering Pure Land split, massive Buddhism Venerable were separated, join in Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss Pure Land. 彼时弥勒尊佛更改中央娑婆净土教义,引起群佛论道争端,到头来中央娑婆净土分裂,大量佛门尊者脱离,投身西天极乐净土 In that Buddhism internal cataclysm, Horned Head Immortal and Spirit Toothed Immortal can the retrieval freedom. 在那一场佛门内部的大动乱里,虬首仙灵牙仙才得以重获自由。 After withdrawing, they also no longer pose as Taoism Supreme Pure descendant, but changes to throw the Chen Mountain Sea of Stars Monster Race world, has made Monster Race Great Saint. 脱身之后,他们也不再以道门上清传人自居,而是改投辰山星海妖族世界,做了妖族大圣 Before this, because of Immortal Courtyard and White Lotus Pure Land battle, Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss Pure Land and Monster Race also leave the mountain, launches gambling and war. 此前,因为仙庭白莲净土争斗,西天极乐净土妖族也都出山,展开博弈和大战。 Spirit Toothed Immortal and Horned Head Immortal also make an appearance before this, with Western Paradise Buddhism authentic powerhouse war. 灵牙仙虬首仙此前也有露面,和西天佛门正宗的强者大战。 Yan Zhaoge does not know that Unequalled Holy Mother does have to try to contact with them, but looks at today's appearance, even if there is a contact, wants to come is also extremely not the happy result. 燕赵歌不知道无当圣母有没有试着跟他们接触,不过看今天的模样,即便有过接触,想来也是极不愉快的结果。 When let alone, in the past Great Cataclysm, Taoism suffers a disaster, Monster Race do Great Saint of these two intention resentment have to be a traitor, feared matter that is very difficult to talk about. 更何况,当年大破灭时,道门遭劫,这两位心怀怨气的妖族大圣有没有反戈一击,怕都是很难讲的事情。 previously expected that they entered Chen Mountain Sea of Stars, to the battles between other Taoism and influences, possibly is the manner that two do not help. 先前预想,他们入了辰山星海,对道门和其他势力之间的争斗,可能是两不相帮的态度。 But now looks like, actual situation is more awful than the expectation. 但如今看来,实际情况比预想中要糟糕。 Yan Zhaoge stands in North Deep Doppelgänger the Giant Ape shoulder, looks to Horned Head Immortal and Spirit Toothed Immortal: „The past age, how the Three Pure Ones founder handles affairs, Yan is unsuitable to butt, your two make what idea is also the individual freedoms, since two so said that our again non- person of same belief.” 燕赵歌站在北冥分身所化的巨猿肩头,看向虬首仙灵牙仙:“昔年事,三清祖师如何行事,燕某不便置喙,你们二位作何想法亦是个人自由,不过既然二位如此说,那我们就再非同道了。” Fallen Immortal ancient sword, as well as later Executing Immortal ancient sword, is difficult to deliver to two.” Yan Zhaoge said calmly: Everybody depends on the skill respectively, offends no wonder.” 陷仙古剑,以及稍后的诛仙古剑,恕难交予二位。”燕赵歌平静说道:“大家各凭本事,得罪莫怪。” As he spoke, both sides Xu Fei and Pan Pan two Great Saint Golden Body, have shot up to the sky. 随着他说话,两旁徐飞盼盼所化的两头大圣金身,已经冲天而起。 Suits me!” Horned Head Immortal drinks greatly, in hand are many treasured sabre, chops to fall on the overhead. “正合我意!”虬首仙一声大喝,手里多出一把宝刀,就当头劈落。 That sabre light azure glow flap flap, dies out rogue, pours somewhat Executing Immortal Sword sword intent to reveal. 刀光青芒猎猎,寂灭凶恶,倒有几分诛仙剑剑意流露。 Horned Head Immortal Ancient uses the sword, Medieval to use the blade, is actually his angry Taoism, abandons the sword not to use, oneself enter sabre art swords art, do not operate a path. 虬首仙上古用剑,中古用刀,却是他恼怒道门,弃剑不用,自己将剑法化入刀法,别开一番道路。 During the sabre light trundles, as if must soar to the heavens suddenly Yuan two unexpectedly, wraps up completely. 刀光滚动间,竟似乎要把两头冲天暴猿,全部兜住。 Sees in two Giant Ape the golden light twinkle, the simultaneously condensed into stick, supports the Horned Head Immortal blade, in another midair turns round, then hits toward the azure lion head on! 就见两头巨猿手里金光闪烁,齐齐凝结成棒,一条架住虬首仙的刀,另一条半空中拐个弯,便朝青狮脑袋上打去! Wild ape plays tricks!” The Spirit Toothed Immortal long nose flung, has hit a loud nose: Somebody else fears you, our generation actually did not fear.” “泼猴弄鬼!”灵牙仙长鼻子一甩,打了个响鼻:“别个怕你,我辈却是不怕。” long spear, on the lance point the faint trace white clouds circulation, destroys the myriad things, punctures toward a Giant Ape pocket heart. 一杆长枪,枪尖上丝丝白气流转,毁灭万物,就朝着一头巨猿兜心刺去。 Spirit Toothed Immortal actually studied the Supreme Pure Absolute Immortal Sword mystery the past years, melted into the spearplay method, was in a class by itself. 灵牙仙却是将当年所学上清绝仙剑的奥妙,化入枪术法门中,独具一格。 The change seems inferior to Absolute Immortal Sword Scripture to be graceful, but swifter more and violent violent! 变化似乎不及绝仙剑经曼妙,但更加迅猛暴烈! Pan Pan changes Giant Ape is unperturbed, in the hand golden light melts As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel to select, the standard keeps off long spear. 盼盼所变巨猿夷然无畏,手里金光所化如意金箍棒一挑,格挡长枪 long spear tendency slightly slow, Giant Ape stands up from failure jumps, has made that pierce the good fortune spear point. 长枪势头稍缓,巨猿翻身一跳,已经让过那洞穿造化的枪锋 Resulted in the Spirit Toothed Immortal alleviation pressure, Horned Head Immortal with Great Saint Golden Body preying, the pressure reduced one-on-one immediately greatly. 得了灵牙仙缓解压力,虬首仙单对单与一具大圣金身搏杀,压力顿时大减。 Although the Great Saint Golden Body strength is strong, the Grand Void level, to Horned Head Immortal so established Great Encompassing powerhouse, unavoidably suffers a loss eventually. 大圣金身实力虽强,终究还是太虚层次,对上虬首仙这般老牌大罗强者,难免吃亏。 After all if no true As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel in the hand, then very difficult to pose the threat of killing to Monster Race Great Saint. 毕竟若没有真正的如意金箍棒在手,则很难对妖族大圣形成杀伤的威胁。 The son other one side, Master Six Paths Sword Qu Su, unemotionally, the sword leaves the samsara. 儿子啊另外一边,六道剑子瞿苏,面无表情,剑出轮回。 Gao Qingxuan holds Fallen Immortal ancient sword to welcome, socializes with Qu Su. 高清漩陷仙古剑迎上,同瞿苏周旋。 Compared uses Slaying Immortal ancient sword in the past years when Jade Spring Realm, this moment Gao Qingxuan controlled Fallen Immortal ancient sword, transferred the space and time more convenient, almost compared favorably with the Great Encompassing everywhere energy, favored socializes the battle with Buddha Qu Su. 相较于当年在玉泉界时使用戮仙古剑,此刻高清漩驾驭陷仙古剑,挪移时空更加便利,几乎媲美大罗无处不在之能,利于和佛陀瞿苏周旋交战。 However, although at present does not have most to suit Qu Su coordination valuable Sword King Buddha on the scene, but periphery is Great Monster, Monster Qi hiding the sky and covering the earth, even submerges completely shatters that Demon Territory. 不过,眼下虽然没有最适合更瞿苏配合的宝剑王佛在场,但周围全是大妖,妖气遮天蔽日,甚至完全淹没冲垮那魔域 In such environment, the Qu Su swords art change, can guide around Gao Qingxuan unexpectedly Monster Qi, changes to Tiryagyoni Path of Six Paths of Samsara gradually. 在这样的环境下,瞿苏剑法变化,竟然得以引导高清漩周围妖气,渐渐化作六道轮回畜生道 A Qu Su sword quick a sword, seals off Gao Qingxuan to transfer changes Space, wants to strive to excel about to her strikes Tiryagyoni Path! 瞿苏一剑快过一剑,封堵高清漩挪移变化空间,欲要强行将她打落畜生道 Gao Qingxuan sword light extracts, is indistinctly difficult to decide, dark red radiance suddenly in suddenly outside, then also called Qu Su to be unpredictable. 高清漩剑光起出,缥缈难定,暗红光辉忽内忽外,则也叫瞿苏捉摸不定。 Different is hard to be true wound from Great Saint Golden Body and Monster Race Great Saint. 不同于大圣金身难以真正伤及妖族大圣 If this side, Qu Su, in Gao Qingxuan Fallen Immortal ancient sword will be carelessly impolite. 这一边,瞿苏若是一着不慎,高清漩手里陷仙古剑却不会客气。 Qu Su as if turns a blind eye, has not worn down the plan of Gao Qingxuan Immortal Primordial slowly, instead reveals one, even if wound under Fallen Immortal ancient sword, renouncing that must execute the enemy! 只是,瞿苏对此似乎视若无睹,也没有慢慢消磨高清漩仙元的打算,反而流露出一股哪怕伤在陷仙古剑下,也要将敌人格杀的决绝! Gao Qingxuan starts, Yan Zhaoge and his Great Saint Golden Body, are the Qu Su ultimate objectives. 高清漩只是开始,燕赵歌和他身旁的大圣金身,才是瞿苏的终极目标。 But Qu Su does not lose calmly, take action is as before systematic. 只不过瞿苏不失冷静,出手依旧条理分明。 But in years past killed its Treasure of the Master Sword King Buddha foe in the front, Qu Su calm usual at the same time, in the heart killing intent, reached the unprecedented peak! 但昔年杀伤其师宝剑王佛的仇敌就在面前,瞿苏冷静如常的同时,心中杀意,已达前所未有的顶峰! The Yan Zhaoge similar look is calm, over and over confirmed after nearby does not have other enemies in hideaway, turns around to plunge into North Deep Doppelgänger to melt in the Giant Ape ear hole. 燕赵歌同样神色冷静,再三确认附近没有其他隐藏的敌人后,转身跳入北冥分身所化巨猿的耳洞里。 Then this Giant Ape supine Heavenly Unity sound cried loud and long, takes out true As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel, wild hit toward front three matches. 然后这巨猿天一声长啸,取出真正的如意金箍棒,就朝着面前三个对手狂暴打去。 Comes well! Waits is you!” Horned Head Immortal and in Spirit Toothed Immortal sword and spear, although by ruptured, but also with one voice roared. “来得好!等得就是你!”虬首仙灵牙仙手里刀枪虽然被崩开,但也齐声咆哮。 Opens the big mouth. 一个张开大嘴。 Moves the long nose. 一个甩动长鼻。
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