HSSB :: Volume #15

#1433: This game, had not ended!

Nine Headed Great Saint tries to approach. 九头大圣试图靠近。 Before this hits Feng Yunsheng and Great Demon that is heavily engaged, at this moment is collaborating to prevent its way. 此前打得不可开交的封云笙大魔,这一刻则在联手阻挡其去路。 Other Monster Race, are continuing similarly to Muddied Heaven Demon-Dispelling Rite launches the impact. 其他妖族,同样在继续向混天辟魔仪发起冲击。 At present Demon of Yin Water incarnation Ice Demon, seems like rebirth, successfully resurrecting, but he borrows the body rebirth depending on body Chen Xuanzong, is Profound Immortal. 眼下癸水之魔化身冰魔,看似重生,成功复活,但他借体重生的凭体陈玄宗,还是玄仙 Therefore present Ice Demon, is not the outstanding person who the Great Encompassing level demon Venerable the neutrality, one of the Twelve Allheaven Demon Gods of haughty entire world. 所以现在的冰魔,也还不是大罗层次魔尊中立的佼佼者,傲世寰宇的十二都天神魔之一 Although, because Chen Xuanzong is in the Profound Immortal peak the reason, this moment join the demons, almost can immediately Five Elemental Chakras. 虽然,因为陈玄宗处于玄仙巅峰的缘故,此刻入魔,几乎立马就能五气朝元 But to numerous Great Monster, in range that still in can clench teeth to insist. 但对一众大妖来说,仍然在能咬牙坚持的范围内。 Muddied Heaven Demon-Dispelling Rite that especially was restored to revolve blocks, Ice Demon was unable to reach to Realm of Grand Void at this moment immediately, was still the Quiet Profound Immortal level. 尤其受恢复运转的混天辟魔仪所阻,冰魔此刻还不能立马臻至太虚之境,仍然是清静玄仙层次。 But Ling Qing, Gao Qingxuan and Daoist Yun Zheng vision, cannot help but also falls on Chen Xuanzong. 凌清高清漩云征道人的目光,不由自主也都落在“陈玄宗”身上。 Three people of vision start become profound. 三人的目光开始变得幽深。 If person real Fallen Demon, leeway that then has not turned head. 如果人真的堕魔,那么没有回头的余地。 The demon is the demon, no longer manner. 魔就是魔,不复为人。 Although the appearance appearance is invariable, spoken language sound is invariable, even is invariable including the custom and memory. 虽然面貌长相不变,言语声音不变,甚至连习惯和记忆都不变。 But that is another exists completely. 但那已经完全是另一个存在了。 Supreme Lord of the Water Luminary Mercury Chen Xuanzong does not exist, what remains in world is Ice Demon Chen Xuanzong. 水曜辰星上尊陈玄宗不复存在,留在世上的是冰魔陈玄宗 Regarding Monster Race, whether or not turning into demon, plans to extinguish kills Chen Xuanzong and Chu Lili. 对于妖族而言,不管是否成魔,都打算灭杀陈玄宗楚黎黎 But regarding Gao Qingxuan and the others, can supressing seal Demon of Yin Water person of same belief Chen Xuanzong, being worth them aiding, battles with the powerful enemy. 而对于高清漩等人来说,能镇封癸水之魔的同道陈玄宗,值得他们援助,与强敌激战。 But if wipes out the Demon Will failure, Chen Xuanzong finally join the demons becomes the new generation Demon of Yin Water incarnation, their standpoints are consistent with Monster Race. 但是如果拔除魔念失败,陈玄宗最终入魔成为新一代癸水之魔化身,那他们的立场同妖族一致。 Was similar to Yan Xingtang cut to kill Sword Demon Yin Shiyang in the past, Chen Xuanzong in person strikes to kill previous generation Ice Demon Chu Huan. 正如同当年燕星棠斩杀剑魔殷十阳,陈玄宗本人击杀上一代冰魔楚桓 Long Xingquan wrinkles the brow similarly. 龙星泉同样皱紧眉头。 He lifts to look to Yan Zhaoge. 他抬首望向燕赵歌 Blocks these Monster Race, delays time, will have the favorable turn.” During the Yan Zhaoge speeches, receives Queen of the Earth Handbook, entered Muddied Heaven Demon-Dispelling Rite rapidly in light sphere. “挡住这些妖族,拖延时间,会有转机。”燕赵歌说话间,收起后土手书,已经飞速入了混天辟魔仪所化的光球里。 People look at each other in dismay. 众人面面相觑 Feng Yunsheng took a deep breath, on the face the expression vanishes all, the vision is quiet, starts to prevent Nine Headed Bug wholly absorbed. 封云笙深吸一口气,脸上表情尽数消失,目光平静无波,开始专心致志阻挡九头虫 Is the demon of that Great Encompassing level Venerable on the contrary, in the heart has the anxiety. 反倒是那大罗层次的魔尊,心中又生出疑虑。 Yan Di heard this, does not utter a word similarly, only indicates own manner by the practical action. 燕狄闻言,同样一声不吭,只以实际行动表明自己的态度。 His blade cuts to White Deer Spirit. 他一刀斩向白鹿精 After Gao Qingxuan and the others hesitates slightly, finally also continues to stop the Monster Race attack. 高清漩等人微微沉吟之后,终于也还是继续阻拦妖族进攻。 Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin Ling Qing silent gaze this. 月曜太阴上尊凌清沉默的注视这一幕。 Now the development of situation, before has surpassed them , the range that plans to control, in other words, the situation in their anticipated control, did not slide to the worst result, that is the Demon of Yin Water rebirth, Chen Xuanzong or Chu Lili finally join the demons. 现在事态的发展,已经超出他们之前计划控制的范围,换言之,局势已经不在他们预期掌控中,滑向了最坏的结果,那就是癸水之魔重生,陈玄宗或者楚黎黎最终还是入魔 Continues to maintain Chen Xuanzong, is only the futile effort, even instead gave became Ice Demon he returns to the Nine Nether opportunity. 继续维护陈玄宗,只是徒劳,甚至反而给了已经成为冰魔的他更多逃回九幽的机会。 If other people, in the Ling Qing eye, such act, is equal to lose the reason, the emotion becomes confused, or refuses stubbornly to admit defeat, is not willing to face the reality, is not willing to face the result of failure, still wanted the futile effort to struggle. 如果是其他人,在凌清眼里,此等行径,等同失去理智,情感冲昏头脑,又或者死不认输,不肯面对现实,不肯面对失败的结果,仍要徒劳挣扎。 Every so often, cannot achieve make a decision when it's time to decide, finally is injures someone to cause self infliction, leaves a legacy of trouble infinitely. 很多时候,做不到当断则断,结果便是害人害己,遗祸无穷。 The person but who at this moment such is Yan Zhaoge, Ling Qing is not then good to make this judgment. 但此刻这么做的人是燕赵歌,凌清便不好作此判断。 Although is very passive, but she is willing to believe that is Yan Zhaoge has any method to hide the truth from her, at this moment sees the time of true facts. 虽然很被动,但她更愿意相信是燕赵歌有什么手段瞒着她,此刻才是见真章的时刻。 After the moment hesitates, Ling Qing take action , to continue to stop front Monster Race powerhouse with Yan Di and Gao Qingxuan and the others finally. 片刻犹豫之后,凌清终于还是出手,同燕狄高清漩等人继续阻拦面前的妖族强者。 But in Muddied Heaven Demon-Dispelling Rite in light sphere, Chen Xuanzong raise one's head, coldly looks at arrives in this's Yan Zhaoge. 而在混天辟魔仪所化的光球内,“陈玄宗抬头,冷冷看着降临于此的燕赵歌 The Yan Zhaoge similar vision is dense, looks at each other with it: Ice Demon, this game, had not ended.” 燕赵歌同样目光森然,与之对视:“冰魔,这一局,还没结束。” Wastes the plans. Chen Xuanzong said indifferently: I whether to live to this place, now truly was unable to make the conclusion, but with your game, I have won.” “白费心机。陈玄宗”淡然说道:“吾能否生离此地,现在确实还不能作定论,但跟你们的这一局,吾已经赢了。” Does not die from Nine Nether does not live, the resurrecting rebirth, arrives at this in society once more.” “从九幽非死非生之中,复活重生,再次降临这世间。” I, if has not won, how Lili will wake up?” “吾如果没赢,黎黎怎会醒来?” As if confirming his words, opposite Chu Lili at this moment, the closed eye, the eyelash vibrates gently. 仿佛在验证他的话,对面的楚黎黎这一刻,闭合的眼睛,睫毛轻轻抖动一下。 Then, her pair of eyes opens slowly, somewhat ignorant looks at at present scene, likely just from sinking in the dormancy woke up. 然后,她双眼徐徐睁开,有些懵懂的看着眼前景象,像是刚刚从沉眠中醒来。 At this moment, when her appearance, one such as past Yan Zhaoge initially saw. 这一刻,她的模样,一如当年燕赵歌初见时。 But appearance that no longer just now Demonic Aura is encumbered. 而不再是方才魔气缠身的样子。 Even her Demon Will, has cleared away. 甚至她一身魔念,都已经涤荡一空。 Because that Demon of Yin Water, had another appropriately depending on body. 那正是因为,癸水之魔,已经有了另一个更合适的凭体。 Teacher...” The line of sight of Chu Lili had focal point, is looking at Chen Xuanzong crazily. “师尊…”楚黎黎的视线重新有了焦点,痴痴望着陈玄宗 In her vision appears the complex mood. 她目光中浮现复杂至极的情绪。 Pleasantly surprised, cheerful, missing, is in love, worried, terrified... 惊喜,欢快,思念,爱恋,担忧,惶恐… However quick, all, become are alarmed all: „... Aren't you a teacher?!” 但是很快,所有一切,尽数变为惊怖:“…你不是师尊?!” Chen Xuanzong said indifferently: Why isn't? Isn't Chu Huan your father?” 陈玄宗”淡然说道:“为什么不是?楚桓难道不是你父亲吗?” Chu Lili one dull. 楚黎黎一呆。 Chu Huan was still your father, I similarly was still your teacher. Chen Xuanzong said calmly: I was still I, but the past was Jade Pure Chen Xuanzong, now has made Ice Demon Chen Xuanzong.” 楚桓仍然是你父亲,吾同样仍是你的师尊。陈玄宗”平静说道:“吾仍是吾,只不过从前是玉清陈玄宗,如今作了冰魔陈玄宗。” From most from the beginning, the both sides thought as if also has the difference, to at this moment, the difference vanished gradually, the thought starts to tend to the unification. 从最一开始,双方意念似乎还有分歧,到了此刻,分歧已经渐渐消失,意念开始趋向于统一。 Chu Lili is looking at the opposite party, suddenly completely loses one's voice, does not know that should say any good. 楚黎黎望着对方,一时间完全失声,不知该说什么好。 In Jade Green Stream Heaven lives in seclusion, she longs, hopes that can see front person again. 早在碧游天隐居时,她朝思暮想,希望能重见面前的人。 Later leaves Jade Green Stream Heaven, endures patiently the Demon Will attack with hardship, finally falls into the hand of Nine Nether, from now on will lose the consciousness. 之后离开碧游天,苦苦忍耐魔念侵袭,最后落入九幽之手,自此失去意识。 Now just regained consciousness, person of missing unexpectedly in at present. 如今刚刚苏醒,思念的人居然就在眼前 But such meeting, actually with her expected that is completely different. 可是这样的见面,却跟她预想中完全不同。 We have said that this game, had not ended.” At this moment, Yan Zhaoge actually suddenly steps the previous step. “我方才说过,这一局,还没结束呢。”就在这时,燕赵歌却猛然踏上前一步。 Chen Xuanzong body has the movement that must dodge, because of the disturbance of Muddied Heaven Demon-Dispelling Rite, he thoroughly had still not grasped this body, by appearing extremely stiffly clumsy. 陈玄宗”身体有要闪躲的动作,但因为混天辟魔仪的干扰,他尚没有彻底掌握这具身躯,是以显得极为僵硬笨拙。 Before Yan Zhaoge arrived at his body easily, puts out a hand a direction in his forehead, the strength infiltrates, goes directly to Niwan Palace. 燕赵歌轻易到了他身前,伸手一指点在他眉心上,劲力透入,直达泥丸宫 You could not help him.” Was affected by this, Chen Xuanzong the thought as if once more has the difference. “你帮不了他。”受此影响,“陈玄宗”的意念似乎再次产生分歧。 But affects to the general situation, insignificant. 但对大局影响,无足轻重。 However, from Chen Xuanzong in forehead, drills cold air suddenly, interweaves gradually fades in a rune incantation seal. 不过,自“陈玄宗”眉心中,突然钻出一道道寒气,交织间渐渐显化一个符纹咒印。 „Is this your means? Helps him draw out buries in advance in incantation seal in within the body. Chen Xuanzong a face indifferently: His memory, his knows, with me with the normalizing body, I knows the function of this incantation seal now.” “这就是你们的办法?帮他引出预先埋藏在体内的咒印。陈玄宗”一脸漠然:“他的记忆,他的所知,与吾现在同归一体,吾知道这咒印的作用。” Demon Sealing Counter Incantation. 禁魔反咒 Chen Xuanzong last resort. 陈玄宗最后的手段。 If beforehand plan really complete failure, Demon of Yin Water taking advantage of body rebirth, then does not need other people to worry, Chen Xuanzong in person then has a mind to mediate. 如果之前计划真的全部失败,癸水之魔借体重生,那么不用其他人操心,陈玄宗本人便有心自我了断。 Therefore, your final means that perishes together with me? Chen Xuanzong coldly said. “所以,你们最后的办法,还是跟吾同归于尽?陈玄宗冷冷说道
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