HSSB :: Volume #14

#1326: At present gradually clear Immortal Gate

Goes a step further...?” Feng Yunsheng muttered, repeated the Yan Zhaoge's words. “更进一步…吗?”封云笙喃喃自语,重复燕赵歌的话. Supreme Being powerhouse who can reach that altitude, who is resigned to mark, doesn't yearn for a higher scenery? 能达到那种高度的大能强者,谁甘心原地踏步,不向往更高的风景? Not is only Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable.” Yan Zhaoge said slowly: Immortal Courtyard present Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal, although has been short of four, but has, they profited because of Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, crossed Primordial Heavenly Tribulation, seemed like has had the greatest advantage and actual benefit, should the path that but they continued, what to do?” “不仅仅是无量天尊。”燕赵歌徐徐说道:“仙庭如今的大罗天仙,虽然少了四个,但是还是有的,他们因无量天尊而受益,渡过元天劫,看似已经得了莫大好处和实惠,但是他们继续前行的道路,该怎么办?” In Pure Land equivalent to my Taoism Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal realm Buddhism powerhouse, what to do should also?” 净土相当于道门大罗天仙境界的佛门强者,又该怎么办?” The Yan Zhaoge vision is profound: They not like my Taoism authentic Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal, when or in years past Spirit Mountain Sakyamuni Buddha was, Buddha same unrestrained immortal of Buddhism authentic family background, the longevity and day was uneven.” 燕赵歌目光幽深:“他们可不像我道门正宗大罗天仙,又或者昔年灵山释迦牟尼佛祖尚在之时,佛门正宗出身的佛陀一样不朽自在,寿与天齐。” They like our generation Three Pure Ones Orthodox Heavenly Monarch, there is a life predestined time of death.” “他们就像我辈三清正宗天君一样,也有寿元大限的。” After Feng Yunsheng hesitation moment, said: „When many suspicions, do not arrive matter genuinely occurred are unable to confirm, then said that listens with a External Way people, is difficult to vacillate their ideas.” 封云笙沉吟片刻后说道:“很多猜想,不到事情真正发生时无法验证,便是说与外道中人听,也难动摇他们的观念。” No matter plan diligently also well, is the exterior chance luck.” Yan Zhaoge said: „To win, the words two directions that said simply, either weaken the match, either promotes itself.” “不管是自己筹谋努力也好,是外部机缘运气也罢。”燕赵歌言道:“想要获胜,简单说的话两个方向,要么削弱对手,要么提升自己。” Now Senior Suo and others strove for the development opportunity for me, among External Way the relative strength is unbalanced, will erupt the fierce war, that many free time have not felt embarrassed with us, I and others accumulated the promotion diligently the opportunity.” “如今索前辈为我等争取到了发展良机,外道之间实力对比失衡,将爆发剧烈大战,没那么多空暇同我们为难,正是我等努力积累提升的机会。” Feng Yunsheng nods the head: This is naturally.” 封云笙颔首:“这是自然。” To Yan Zhaoge and the others, does not wait for us, but the value of time especially is also precious. 燕赵歌等人来说,时不我待,而时间的价值也格外宝贵。 Gives them the time, if given time, must become the great talent. 给他们时间,假以时日,都必成大器。 But contradictory lies, they not necessarily have that sufficient time. 而矛盾就在于,他们未必有那么充足的时间。 Match to ignore they will not grow, encircle and suppress are inevitable. 对手不会放任他们成长,围剿和打压都是必然的。 Therefore Yan Zhaoge and the others needs to plan carefully, uses appropriately the opportunity, increases the odds of success for one's own side. 所以燕赵歌等人更需要仔细筹谋,善加利用机会,为己方增添胜算。 In universe of looks at Feng Yunsheng in Hall of Pills is void sits cross-legged to sit directly, then the expiration and inspiration sits in meditation, after nourishing own, Yan Zhaoge also sits down in her opposite. 看着封云笙丹殿内宇宙虚空里直接盘膝而坐,便即吐纳打坐,温养自身后,燕赵歌也在她对面坐下。 However, Yan Zhaoge has not sat in meditation immediately calmly cultivates. 不过,燕赵歌没有立即入定静修。 His vision somewhat moves fast slightly, looks all around all around to encircle, in glance palace great boundless universe. 他目光微微有些飘忽,环顾四周围,扫视殿内广阔无垠的茫茫宇宙。 In years past Heavenly Court Divine Palace’s Hall of Pills, falls into his control now. 昔年天庭神宫的丹殿,如今落入他的掌控。 But when initially gained Hall of Pills, the process with that Palace Spirit Heavenly Awakening contact, had delimited the Yan Zhaoge's mind at this time once more, making him recall unceasingly in the experience of Pre-Great Cataclysm. 但当初获取丹殿时,同那殿灵天苏接触的经过,这时再次划过燕赵歌的脑海,让他不断回忆起自己在大破灭前的经历。 That in the recollection of Heavenly Court Divine Palace Book Collection Pavilion. 那段在天庭神宫藏书阁的回忆。 But before said goodbye North Star Supreme Palace Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor, as well as Heavenly Monarch Zhao and the others, touched him. 而之前再见勾陈上宫天皇大帝,以及赵天君等人,都更触动他。 Was only a pity that he is unable to talk with these people face to face, therefore in the heart is puzzled, can only continue to bury in heart. 只可惜,他无法当面同这些人交谈,于是心中很多困惑,只能继续埋藏于心底 Heavenly Monarch Zhao and Lord smallpox Primordial Monarch of the Blue Dawn and the others, North Star Great Emperor, is actually top Supreme Being that past Heavenly Court Divine Palace knew how things stand. 赵天君、主痘碧霞元君等人也就罢了,勾陈大帝,却已经是当年天庭神宫有数的顶尖大能 Perhaps Yan Zhaoge's many questions, can get the answer in his there. 燕赵歌的不少疑问,或许都能在他那里得到答案。 With it similar, South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, compares in North Star Great Emperor, more ancient existence. 与之相似者,还有南极长生大帝,相较于勾陈大帝,更加古老的存在。 Jade Pure Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning founder own biography , is also outside Name List of the Investiture of the Gods, limited several entered one of the Heavenly Court Divine Palace’s Jade Pure legacy Supreme Being. 实打实的玉清元始天尊祖师亲传,也是封神榜外,有限的几位入了天庭神宫的玉清嫡传大能之一。 After Investiture of the Gods Era and Journey to the West Era until nowadays Era, the information that he has, is likely richer than North Star Great Emperor. 历经封神纪元西游纪元直到现如今的纪元,他所掌握的信息,很可能比勾陈大帝还要丰富。 Shouted...” Yan Zhaoge long put out a breath, combs the chaotic train of thought that the mood returns to normal gradually. “呼…”燕赵歌长长吐出一口气,梳理纷乱的思绪,心境渐渐平复。 He takes back the line of sight, no longer lingers void, starts calmly to cultivate. 他收回视线,不再流连虚空,也开始静修。 Takes the Three Pure Ones simultaneous cultivation path, opens the predecessor not to have, each advance, needs him to try to find out the summary unceasingly. 三清同修的道路,开前人之未有,每一步前进,都需要他自己不断摸索总结。 cultivation until now, a biggest checkpoint gradually is finally clear in at present. 修行至今为止,最大的一个关卡终于在眼前渐渐清晰。 Shoves open Immortal Gate, then walks the normal way, is a difficulty, let alone now such brand-new path. 推开仙门,便是走正常路数,都是一道难关,更别说现在这样全新的道路。 By this step, by the energy of Yan Zhaoge, is extremely careful, otherwise does not raise the Immortal Tribulation danger for the time being, after , the path that continues to rise hits the foundation, he must not be irritable. 是以这一步,以燕赵歌之能,也慎之又慎,否则姑且不提仙凡劫的危险,但是为了之后继续上升的道路打好根基,他也要急躁不得。 Now because Suo Mingzhang makes the Immortal Courtyard strength be damaged, the reason that the struggle of Buddha [say / way] soon once more will erupt, makes Yan Zhaoge have the time that some peaceful mind have practiced finally. 如今因为索明璋仙庭实力受损,佛道之争即将再次爆发的缘故,总算让燕赵歌有了些静心修炼的时间。 But since tople days, he has resided in Hall of Pills, has the new inspiration gradually. 而这些日子以来,他居于丹殿内,也渐渐生出新的灵感。 At present, then must further polish, making the inspiration become the practical and feasible plan. 眼下,便要进一步打磨,让灵感变为切实可行的计划。 Yan Zhaoge closes pair of eyes gently, enters gradually is unable not to read, most favors the cultivation region. 燕赵歌轻轻闭上双眼,渐渐进入无法无念,最利于修行的境地。 ...... …… When Yan Zhaoge stimulates to movement Hall of Pills to whirl away many world, is separated from the Taoism universe, in endless void wanders at the same time, there are other people to shuttle back and forth in this boundless boundless Territory Beyond the Void. 燕赵歌催动丹殿卷走诸多世界,脱离道门宇宙,于无尽虚空中漂流的同时,也有其他人在这茫茫无际的域外虚空里穿梭。 The bright chilly moonlight, flashes past in the dark space and time. 皎洁清冷的月光,在黑暗的时空中一闪而过。 Passes through the stack-up fold the numerous space and times, the bright moonlight stops suddenly. 穿越层叠褶皱的重重时空,明亮月光忽然停下。 Round quiet cold full moon, calmly hangs in the darkness, illuminates surrounding void. 一轮幽冷满月,静静悬于黑暗中,照亮周围的虚空。 brilliance everywhere, a person's shadow appears gradually, is actually a white clothing youth. 光华到处,一个人影渐渐浮现,却是一个白衣青年。 The youth skin color is pale, does not see scarlet, as if on the clothes him is whiter, including the spiritual slightly somewhat dispirited, is only the look is peaceful, does not see the color of frustration. 青年肤色苍白,不见血色,仿佛比他身上衣服还白,连精神都略有几分萎靡,只是眼神安宁,不见挫败之色。 Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang, Gao Han. 正是日曜太阳上尊,高寒 But at this moment the moonlight of quiet cold full moon is gradually dim, seemed swallowed by Nether Dark. 而此刻幽冷满月的月光渐渐黯淡,仿佛被幽暗吞噬。 Although the moonlight is dim, but a female goes out from the moonlight, made in society instead many several points of brilliance. 月光虽然黯淡,但一个女子从月光走出,则让世间反而多了几分光彩。 Chess misses one move, has not succeeded.” Gao Han looks at to Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin Ling Qing that he walks, regrettable shaking the head. “棋差一招,没有成功啊。”高寒看着向他走来的月曜太阴上尊凌清,遗憾的摇摇头。 The Ling Qing look is invariable, replied confidently: Has not succeeded, Jian Shunhua let slip, instead is she obtains the Great Demon power in order to that Young Miss of resurrecting.” 凌清神色不变,坦然答道:“没成功,简瞬华失手了,反而是她借以复活的那个小姑娘获得大魔权能。” She looked at Gao Han one: „It is not Demon of Yang Metal, but is... End of World Heavenly Demon.” 她看了高寒一眼:“不是庚金之魔,而是…末法天魔。” End of World Heavenly Demon...” Gao Han raises head slightly, seems pondering anything. 末法天魔…”高寒微微仰头,似乎在思考什么。 Ling Qing sees not to be strange, does not closely examine, did not urge. 凌清对此见惯不怪,也不追问,也不催促。 Sees with own eyes Gao Han to recover, she does not continue to inquire that the related Supreme Lord of the Dark Luminary Rāhu Jian Shunhua matter, as if has cast behind this matter: Your injury how?” 眼见高寒回过神来,她并不继续询问有关暗曜罗睺上尊简瞬华的事情,仿佛已经把此事抛诸脑后:“你伤势如何?” Went against to be pared One Flower, the poor life did not have half.” After Gao Han thinks carefully, said: Did not have the most strip.” “顶上被削去一花,小命没了半条。”高寒仔细想了想后,重新说道:“没了大半条。” Ling Qing said indifferently: If not Fellow Daoist Suo shows mercy, you feared that was the entire life must not have.” 凌清淡然说道:“若非索道友手下留情,你怕是整条命都要没了。” Gao Han shows a faint smile: „Similar to Fellow Daoist Suo says, must kill people taking advantage of his blade, doesn't pay some prices to be possible? Was a pity that in the end the price has paid, the plan has not actually succeeded, falls short.” 高寒微微一笑:“如同索道友自己所言,要借他的刀来杀人,不付出些代价怎么可能?只是可惜,到头来代价是付出了,计划却没成功,功亏一篑。” This time is not successful, His Majesty North Star then had the protection, later is more difficult to succeed.” Ling Qing said. “这一次不成功,勾陈陛下便有了防备,以后更难成功。”凌清言道。 Might as well, later finds the opportunity again slowly.” Gao Han said easely: previously , etc. you came back actually, I related with His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity, heard the matter that formerly did not know, untied me to have doubts much.” “无妨,以后再慢慢找机会。”高寒悠然说道:“倒是先前等你回来的时候,我同南极长生陛下联系,听说了一件从前不知道的事情呢,解开了我不少疑惑。”
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