HSSB :: Volume #14

#1323: Demon of Yin Wood, such as shade comes true

Meng Wan in years past once entered Nine Nether to seek for Feng Yunsheng with Yan Zhaoge and Fu Yunchi together. 孟婉昔年曾同燕赵歌傅云驰一起进入九幽寻找封云笙。. Initially also together had contacted Sword Demon Yin Shiyang after the Yan Zhaoge's grandfather Sword God Yan Xingtang war trace that left behind. 当初还一起接触过剑魔殷十阳燕赵歌的祖父剑神燕星棠大战后遗留的痕迹。 „The Demon of Yin Wood words, remember that father had raised, is in Six Great Absolute Demons, after unusual had not extinguished cream of the crop Great Demon that the rebirth, has through ancient times.” 乙木之魔的话,记得爹爹曾经提过,乃是六大绝魔之中,少有一直没有灭后重生,亘古存在的最顶尖大魔。” To Twelve Allheaven Demon Gods such existence, has listened to Yan Zhaoge and the others the same day explanation, the Meng Wan naturally memory is profound. 十二都天神魔这样的存在,听过燕赵歌等人当日的讲解,孟婉自然记忆深刻。 Fu Yunchi said: not bad, Demon of Yang Fire, Demon of Yang Metal, Demon of Yin Water, after Demon of Yang Earth extinguishes, rebirth many times, only have Heart's Demon and Shadow Demon, since the day of the founding, has lasted until now.” 傅云驰言道:“不错,丙火之魔,庚金之魔,癸水之魔,戊土之魔都灭后重生许多次,唯有心魔影魔,自诞生之日起,一直存续到如今。” Although experiences attacks repeatedly, because of the Demon Exterminate Rebirth reason, in Nine Nether equivalent to Great Demon of my Taoism Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal level, incessantly Six Great Absolute Demons.” “虽然经历多次打击,但因为魔灭重生的缘故,九幽相当于道门大罗天仙层次的大魔,不止六大绝魔。” But the Six Great Absolute Demons strength, dominates above other Great Demon throughout, is next to Six Great Ancestral Demons.” Fu Yunchi shook the head: Demon of Yang Metal in the past just the rebirth was Sword Demon Yin Shiyang not long, then with a Supreme Lord of the Gold Luminary Venus war, finally was still in the weak restoration ahead of time to fall from the sky, entered nirvana once more.” “但六大绝魔的实力,始终凌驾于其他大魔之上,仅次于六大祖魔。”傅云驰摇了摇头:“庚金之魔当年刚刚重生为剑魔殷十阳没有多久,便同金曜太白上尊一战,结果尚处于虚弱复原中就提前陨落,再次入灭。” If gives him some time, he then can reappear Demon of Yang Metal endless tip to slaughter the terrifying power of common people quickly in years past.” “如果多给他一些时间,他很快便能重现昔年庚金之魔无尽锋芒屠戮苍生的恐怖力量。” Although definitely does not hope that Demon of Yang Metal reappears the world, but to its strength, Brocade Emperor gives the full affirmation. 虽然肯定不希望庚金之魔重现于世,但对其实力,锦帝还是给予充分肯定。 Meng Wan looks to Feng Yunsheng: Demon of Yang Metal is so formidable, still experienced more than once enters nirvana, that exists forever until now Demon of Yin Wood...” 孟婉看向封云笙:“庚金之魔如此强大,尚经历不止一次入灭,那长存至今的乙木之魔…” The Yan Zhaoge connection said: Shadow Demon, is Demon of Yin Wood, situation is quite special, the strength fluctuation is relatively big.” 燕赵歌接口道:“影魔,也就是乙木之魔,情况比较特殊,实力波动相对较大。” After he thinks, said: If must describe that Shadow Demon strength, perhaps that has eight characters to be just right.” 他想了想后,说道:“如果要形容影魔的实力,那或许有八个字正好恰当。” With strong, with weak weak.” “遇强则强,遇弱则弱。” Fu Yunchi heard this, nods: not bad that said.” 傅云驰闻言,点点头:“说的不错。” Although has not inherited the Dark Luminary Luo Supreme Lord Jian Shunhua memory, but these years the story in Nine Nether, Feng Yunsheng to some Demonkind also quite thorough understanding, similarly nod the head: To the match of same level, to the Heavenly Immortal following realm person , he so long as realm oppressed others is OK.” 虽然没有继承暗曜上尊简瞬华的记忆,但这些年来在九幽中的阅历,封云笙群魔也有较为深入的了解,同样颔首:“不过是相对于同层次的对手而言,对天仙以下境界的人来说,他只要境界压人就可以了。” Yan Zhaoge said with a smile: Below Heavenly Immortal, root originally breaks his change very much ugly, the genuine and fake are difficult to distinguish, does not fight from the defeat.” 燕赵歌笑道:“天仙以下,根本就很难看破他的变化,真假难辨,不战自败。” Shadow Demon, is in Twelve Allheaven Demon Gods, initial Demon of Yin Wood, existed since old times, until the present. 影魔,乃是十二都天神魔之中,最初的乙木之魔,自古存在,直到如今。 The special power, is change makes others' appearance. 其特殊权能,便是变化作别人的模样。 Not only in the appearance does not have the flaw, what is more important, including that person of cultivation strength, martial arts method, can one and copies, is completely consistent. 不仅外貌上毫无破绽,更重要的是,连那人的修为实力,武学法门,也都可以一并照搬,完全一致。 Therefore has with strongly, with weak was weak a saying. 所以才有遇强则强,遇弱则弱一说。 Battle efficiency that in same realm, actual and person fights, possibly the upper limit is much higher , the possible lower limit to lower extraordinarily. 同一个境界内,实际与人交手的战斗力,可能上限高得吓人,也可能下限低得出奇。 However, the Shadow Demon change, as if can only work as match's surface change, closely associated. 不过,影魔变化,似乎只能当着对手的面变化,如影随形。 Since the ancient times, so far, has not presented Shadow Demon after many years, does not meet, changes the precedent of same person. 自古以来,目前为止,尚未出现过影魔时隔多年,不碰面,重新变化同一个人的先例。 Naturally, this does not represent him certainly unable to achieve, Shadow Demon is deceitful, the bystander is hard to know his concrete details. 当然,这不代表他一定做不到,影魔性情狡诈,外人难以知晓他具体底细。 When Shadow Demon can from the birth, then continuously active since, is difficult to kill the degree to endure compared with Heart's Demon, mainly is because this special authority. 影魔能从诞生时起,便一直活跃至今,难杀程度堪比心魔,主要便是因为他这一特殊权柄 And wonderful, almost nobody he cannot change. 其中神妙,几乎没人他不能变化。 Had the explicit writing legend record merely, Shadow Demon had changed Middle Heaven Purple Tenuity of the North Pole Star Grand Sovereign Great Emperor of head of Taoism Four Augusts, has changed Monster Race duplicate sea Great Saint flood dragon Demon King, has changed Buddhism Ksitigarbha, even has also changed Nine Nether first generation Demon of Yang Fire. 仅仅有明确文字传说记载,影魔就曾经变化过道门四御之首的中天紫微北极太皇大帝,变化过妖族覆海大圣魔王,变化过佛门地藏菩萨,甚至还变化过九幽自家第一代丙火之魔 Our generation study military Cultivation Way, realizes from experience the world good fortune, the naturally truth.” Yan Zhaoge explained: While we realize from experience the world, exerts the influence to this day, but world Great Way wonderful principle, there are to feed back to us.” “我辈学武修道,体悟天地造化,自然道理。”燕赵歌解释道:“在我们体悟天地的同时,也对这天地施加影响,而天地大道妙理,又有反馈给我们。” „The Shadow Demon strange place, likely lies, he can contact the feedbacks of world Great Way to other people, thus forms such as shade comes true wonderful.” 影魔的奇异之处,很可能在于,他可以接触天地大道对其他人的反馈,从而形成‘如影成真’的神妙。” But, the shadow eventually is shadow, therefore he, although can change uses all sort of absolute art, but is unable to turn into these absolute art truly own, naturally is unable to make it spread.” “不过,影子终究是影子,所以他虽然能变化使用诸般绝学,但无法将这些绝学真正变成自己的,自然也就无法使之流传。” Generally , he does not have the means change compared with he more ancient existence, is unable to change the powerhouse who is higher than the Heavenly Immortal level.” “一般认为,他没办法变化比他更古老的存在,无法变化高于天仙层次的强者。” Yan Zhaoge let go the palm: Even but if so , was still very overbearing, after all he as first-generation Demon of Yin Wood, was ancient, is older than his age, cultivation is high, is quite limited.” 燕赵歌摊了摊手掌:“可是即便如此,也仍然很霸道了,毕竟他作为第一代乙木之魔,已经非常古老,比他年岁还老,修为还高的,极为有限。” Naturally, Shadow Demon such as shade comes true, not necessarily certainly cannot restrain. 当然,影魔的如影成真,也未必一定不能克制。 At least, the head of Grand Pure Later Heaven Five Absolutes, the world yellow and black is exquisite, the history had shown that he did not change. 至少,太清后天五绝之首,天地玄黄玲珑,历史已经证明他变化不了。 But Jade Pure first book Everlasting Heavenly Book, most end passes through Thoughtless Extinguishing Primordial Scripture with Supreme Pure, although has not undergone the confirmation, but Shadow Demon cannot change mostly. 玉清首书无极天书,和上清最末一经混灭元经,虽然没有经过验证,但影魔多半也不能变化。 In recently, Suo Mingzhang showed that Severing Heavenly Book, can interrupt Shadow Demon in view of his change. 就在最近,索明璋则证明,截天书,可以中断影魔针对他的变化。 If not so, Shadow Demon fears not that neat retreating. 若非如此,影魔怕也不会就那么干脆利落的退走。 „When these are issue of Demon of Yin Wood facing same level Supreme Being powerhouse, but nowadays...” A Meng Wan eye of present worried look, looks to Feng Yunsheng. “这些都是乙木之魔面对同层次大能强者时的问题,而现如今…”孟婉目现忧色,看向封云笙 Feng Yunsheng shows a faint smile: Matter that does not have the means that lucky Nine Nether Evil Demon everybody shouted hits, Demon of Yin Wood cannot be too unscrupulous.” 封云笙微微一笑:“也是没办法的事,万幸九幽邪魔人人喊打,乙木之魔也不能太肆无忌惮。” After the people also chatted one, Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng said goodbye with the Red Lotus Cliff people, left this side space and time, returned to Eastern Blue Heaven Realm to be. 众人又聊了一阵后,燕赵歌封云笙红莲崖众人告辞,出了这方时空,返回东方苍天境所在。 Eastern Blue Heaven Realm stretches now, Broad Creed Mountain also gradually restores to revolve, the Broad Creed disciple regains consciousness in abundance. 东方苍天境如今舒展开来,广乘山也渐渐重新恢复运转,广乘门人纷纷苏醒。 Everybody swallows Pill Qi medicine air/Qi practice, while the adjustment adapts to the temporary astatic condition. 大家一边吞服丹气药气修练,一边调整适应目前暂时的不安定状况。 The Broad Creed Mountain people mentality mostly is very but actually gentle. 广乘山中人心态倒大都很平和。 As witness who the legend grows out of nothing truly, they to the Yan Zhaoge's confidence, are more sufficient than other people are also firmer. 作为传奇真正从无到有的见证者,他们对燕赵歌的信心,比其他人更充足也更坚定。 In years past new Kunlun Nine Luminaries Supreme Being senior, really worthily a brilliance time.” Ah Hu studies the Yan Zhaoge's appearance, palm is feeling own chin: But, has the idea seriously respectively.” “昔年新昆仑九曜诸位大能前辈,真不愧光耀一个时代。”阿虎学着燕赵歌的模样,手掌摸着自己的下巴:“不过,也当真是各有主意。” In the end, Earth Sovereign ends up to turn out loner on the contrary, in years past Nine Luminaries, did not have one with his heart.” “到头来,地皇反倒落得孤家寡人,昔年九曜,没一个跟他一条心。” Xiaoai sits cross-legged to sit, both hands on the knee, is holding own chin, groans saying: He gets what one deserves.” 小爱盘膝而坐,双手支在膝盖上,托着自己的下巴,哼哼说道:“他活该。” Yan Zhaoge shrugs the shoulders: Said strictly that completely is, possibly also on Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang and Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin, naturally, Supreme Lord of the Shadow Luminary Ketú that has not had in fact.” 燕赵歌耸耸肩膀:“严格说起来,完全是一路的,可能也就日曜太阳上尊月曜太阴上尊,当然,还有那个事实上并不存在的隐曜计都上尊。” Supreme Lord of Wood Luminary Jupiter Senior Shao, although favors His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity similarly, has the person of oneself idea, ancestor Supreme Lord of the Gold Luminary Venus situation seems to be similar.” 木曜岁星上尊邵前辈虽然同样倾向于南极长生陛下,却也是有自己主意的人,先祖金曜太白上尊似乎情况类似。” Moreover, these, high, ice two whether really at any time with drawing back, is matter perhaps.” “而且,这其中,高、凌二位是否真的任何时候都同进同退,也是没准的事情。” In path general orientation consistent, does not mean the handling matters method, the manner principle, the method attitude wait / etc. is the same. 道路大方向上一致,并不意味着处事手段,为人原则,方法作风等等就都一样。 Similarly possibly has the difference. 同样可能存在分歧。
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