HSSB :: Volume #14

#1321: More than one person sees

Feng Yunsheng heard that the word of Yan Zhaoge, has smiled: „Do you see? If heaven pities me, I had not reported at that time actually too in a big way hope that is only some words such as the fishbone in the throat, must say.” 封云笙闻听燕赵歌之言,笑了起来:“你看到啦?天可怜见,我那时其实没有报太大希望的,只是一些话如鲠在喉,一定要说出来。” Is I planned to enter Land of Nether Border training, at first has not wanted to enter Nine Nether, all are the chance coincidences.” “本来是我自己打算进入幽垠之地历练一番,最初也没想要进入九幽,一切都是机缘巧合。” However this goes, then has initiated the Supreme Lord of the Dark Luminary Rāhu accident, has not expected including me, your naturally will not expect.” “而这一去,便引发了暗曜罗睺上尊的变故,连我自己都没有料到,你自然也不会料到。” I think, if I did not turn over, you will seek my, but the news lags that many years to pass, Nine Nether so is also broad, wants to find the clue not to be easy.” “我想,如果我一直不归,你会去寻我的,但消息滞后那么多年过去,九幽又那么广阔,想找到线索不容易。” Feng Yunsheng sighed: But, the message gave the person who most wants to see to see eventually, was really good!” 封云笙叹息一声:“不过,留言终究还是给最想见到的人见到了,真好!” She looks to Yan Zhaoge, glances gently: What is better, I have succeeded, comes back successfully, sees Zhaoge again you, sees the master again they.” 她看向燕赵歌,眼波轻柔:“更好的是,我成功了,成功回来,再见到赵歌你,再见到师父她们。” Therefore, we whether to fulfill agreement completely?” Yan Zhaoge intends to tease her: „Should you not the content that forgot you to leave a message? Um, this coming back, we...” “所以,咱们是不是可以履行未尽的约定了?”燕赵歌有意逗她:“你该不会忘了你自己留言的内容了吧?嗯,这次回来,咱们…” Feng Yunsheng laughs in spite of trying not to immediately: You always suddenly are not how proper.” 封云笙顿时失笑:“你怎么总是忽然就不正经了。” Her squint looks to Yan Zhaoge: I do not have the issue, what now has the issue is you yo.” 她斜眼看向燕赵歌:“我没问题啊,现在有问题的是你呦。” Yan Zhaoge lowers the head to have a look at itself: What issue do I have?” 燕赵歌低头看看自己:“我有什么问题?” Remembers that the beforehand some people said my body is weak, cannot withstand the expedition.” Saying that Feng Yunsheng smiles: Now situation probably reverses yo.” “记得以前有人说我身子弱,不堪挞伐。”封云笙笑眯眯的说道:“现在情况好像倒转喽呦。” Yan Zhaoge blinks the eye. 燕赵歌眨巴眨巴眼睛。 Feng Yunsheng eye curved: I always maintain the calm automatic control words, wasn't too senseless? But I, if forgets kindnesses the investment, perhaps you really must be manipulated too glyph...” 封云笙则眼睛弯弯:“我始终保持冷静自控的话,不是太无趣了吗?可我如果忘情投入的话,你说不定真的要被摆弄成‘太’字形…” Before remembering , when they teased, about so-called too glyph and wood the difference of glyph, the Yan Zhaoge complexion immediately black became the bottom of the pot. 想起之前两人调笑时,关于所谓“太”字形和“木”字形的区别,燕赵歌脸色顿时黑成锅底。 Wèi, excessive!” He is rousing the eye, looking angrily at Feng Yunsheng. “喂喂,过分了啊!”他鼓着眼睛,“怒视”封云笙 Feng Yunsheng chuckle keeps laughing. 封云笙咯咯”笑个不停。 Yan Zhaoge looks at she, smiles suddenly, smiles harbors evil intentions very much: Actually also not necessarily, other method, you calmly practice moderation, can have the detail, has the appeal.” 燕赵歌看着她,突然也笑起来,笑得很是不怀好意:“其实也不见得,还有别的方法,你冷静自持,才能有细节,才有情趣的。” Sees his smiling face, Feng Yunsheng has did not have a premonition well that pays attention the Yan Zhaoge line of sight the point of descent, immediately understands his meaning, aerobic and funny. 一见他笑容,封云笙就有不好预感,留心燕赵歌视线的落点,顿时明白他意思,又好气又好笑。 She is not already bashful is not angry, instead both hands pinch the waist: You had the pleasure, I partly was actually hanging, how was that good?” 她既不羞也不恼,反而双手掐腰:“你有乐趣了,我却半吊着,那怎么行?” Seeing Yan Zhaoge wants to say anything, Feng Yunsheng horizontal his eyes, the vision fell on Yan Zhaoge: You let alone depend on your five Miss, probably I have not resembled.” 燕赵歌想说什么,封云笙横了他一眼,目光落在燕赵歌手上:“你别说凭你的五姑娘啊,好像我自己没有似的。” Moreover, initially enters the nuptial chamber, finally on such mutual account, you did not think that instead is regrettable?” “而且,初入洞房,结果就这么互相了账,你不觉得反而才是遗憾吗?” Yan Zhaoge hey hey smiles: Actually, you looked fortunately, not only has made the profound impression, and has a more further full anticipation.” 燕赵歌嘿嘿笑着:“其实还好啊,你看,既留下了深刻的印象,又有更进一步的充分期待。” Feng Yunsheng does not know whether to laugh or cry looks at he: I leave the Realm Above the Realm’s time, you are world-famous Exiled Immortal, how also a weary appearance? If sees to other people, feared that will be everybody will flee immediately together, returns to Realm Above the Realm.” 封云笙哭笑不得看着他:“我离开界上界的时候,你就已经是名满天下的谪仙人了,怎么还一副惫懒模样?若是给其他人看见,怕是大家会立马一起奔逃,返回界上界了。” Naturally will not see to other people.” Saying of Yan Zhaoge as if nothing had happened. “当然不会给其他人见到了。”燕赵歌若无其事的说道。 Feng Yunsheng has no alternative, the finger selected has selected him: You...” 封云笙无可奈何,手指点了点他:“你呀…” Although the expression a little rebukes, but in heart especially is soft. 语气虽有点嗔怪,但心中却格外柔软。 This is my man... 这是我的男人… In order to says goodbye him, I can insist that can defeat that to fearful Supreme Lord of the Dark Luminary Rāhu formidable... 就是为了能回来再见他,我才能一直坚持下来,才能战胜那强大到可怕的暗曜罗睺上尊 Was right, mentioned sees to other people...” Yan Zhaoge remembers anything suddenly, the corners of the mouth cancel: Somewhat regrettable, you initially left a message, continue I to see.” “对了,说起给其他人见到…”燕赵歌忽然想起什么,嘴角勾起来:“有些遗憾,你当初的留言,不止我一个人看见。” Feng Yunsheng has gawked. 封云笙愣了一下。 Yan Zhaoge extends take action, is placed in front of her, first rolls up to receive the thumb: Brocade Silk Great Emperor, His Majesty the Brocade Emperor.” 燕赵歌则伸出手,摆在她面前,首先蜷缩收起大拇指:“锦绣大帝,锦帝陛下。” Feng Yunsheng: „?” 封云笙:“啊?” Yan Zhaoge then receives the index finger: All-Covering Forests Great Emperor, All-Covering Emperor your majesty.” 燕赵歌接着收起食指:“森罗大帝,罗帝陛下。” Feng Yunsheng: „...” 封云笙:“呃…” Yan Zhaoge receives the middle finger finally: Your handkerchief junction, Great Sun Saint Sect's Meng Wan Junior Apprentice Sister Meng.” 燕赵歌最后又收起中指:“还有你的手帕交,大日圣宗的孟婉孟师妹。” „...” Feng Yunsheng this time thoroughly did not have including the sound. “…”封云笙这次连声音都彻底没了。 Results in her who the woman's head covering is competent with the Yan Zhaoge bickering dirt, this moment facial features shame red. 燕赵歌斗嘴污得巾帼不让须眉的她,此刻面容羞得一片通红。 Initially was because struggled with Supreme Lord of the Dark Luminary Rāhu Jian Shunhua, set at the deathtrap then to live, under situation of uncertain future, the sentiment was difficult to control self, knew perfectly well that possibly fell in others eyes, could not bear write down that message. 当初是因为与暗曜罗睺上尊简瞬华斗争,置之死地而后生,前途未卜的情况下,情难自禁,明知可能落在别人眼里,还是忍不住写下那段留言。 To a certain extent, Feng Yunsheng nearly harbors to keep the idea of last words, stays behind that Duan Hua. 某种程度上来说,封云笙近乎怀着留遗言的想法,留下那段话。 Now calm after the storm, is no longer critical, recalls that Feng Yunsheng naturally somewhat is also embarrassed. 如今雨过天晴,不再危急,回想起来,封云笙自然也有些不好意思。 When hears other useless people to rephrase in own words that Yan Zhaoge in person sees the message, Feng Yunsheng also to relax joyfully. 待听得没用其他人转述,正是燕赵歌本人看见留言,封云笙欣喜同时也松了口气。 Who once thinks that Yan Zhaoge truly first sees the message, but the scene actually continued at that time he. 谁曾想,燕赵歌确实第一时间看见留言,但当时现场却不止他一人。 Thinks that the same day message, was seen by other people, has own good sisters Meng Wan, the bonus is she is natural all along, has the shameful feeling instantaneously. 想到当日的留言,被其他人看见,其中还有自己的好姐妹孟婉,饶是她一贯大方,瞬间也有无地自容的感觉。 In the final analysis, she is also the Chrysanthemum eldest daughter. 说到底,她也还是个黄花大闺女。 Especially they are preparing to see Meng Wan now... 尤其他们二人现在正准备去见孟婉 Thinks of here, Feng Yunsheng a face pitiful facial expression looks immediately to Yan Zhaoge. 一想到这里,封云笙顿时一脸可怜巴巴的神情看向燕赵歌 You leave such looks at I, violated a regulation.” Yan Zhaoge hard to see this appearance, cannot bear extremely traces her top of the head with a smile: Too is usually big with the contrast, sprouting especially.” “你别这么看着我,太犯规了。”燕赵歌也极少见她这幅模样,忍不住笑着摸了摸她头顶:“与平时反差太大,格外的萌。” Feng Yunsheng opens out his hand ill-humoredly: Do not tease Rourou or the Pan Pan appearance.” 封云笙没好气的拨开他的手:“别一副逗肉肉或者盼盼的样子啊。” „, ‚Is sprouting what meaning?” “还有,‘萌’是什么意思?” Told you slowly.” “慢慢告诉你。” They chatted, while arrived at the space and time that Red Lotus Cliff was. 两人一边谈笑,一边来到红莲崖所在的时空。 Feng Yunsheng sees Meng Wan, they meet again after a long separation, naturally is especially delighted. 封云笙见到孟婉,两人久别重逢,自然格外欢喜。 Does not calculate in the different space and times, the difference of time speed of flow, only defers to the Realm Above the Realm time to calculate, two people of sentiment with sisters, had the quick 20 years not to meet. 不算不同时空里,时间流速的差异,只按照界上界时间来算,情同姐妹的二人,也已经有快20年不曾见面。 In Meng Wan from past Southeast Radiant Heaven Realm Imperial Reed Sea carried off by Zhuang Chaohui starts, they again had not then seen. 自当年东南阳天境皇笳海孟婉庄朝晖带走开始,两人便再未见过。 After that Meng Wan is much heavier, Feng Yunsheng is also missing. 其后孟婉重得自由,封云笙却又下落不明。 Therefore until today, just now can reunite. 于是直到今天,方才得以团聚。 Four palm readings grasp, Feng Yunsheng and Meng Wan have just like separate the feeling of world. 四手相握,封云笙孟婉都有恍若隔世的感觉。 Also when the long-time separation, lets they meet at first slightly have unfamiliar. 长久的分离,让她们最初相见时也略有生疏。 But after the phonograph opens, among them then as if had to speak the endless words immediately, endless missing. 但话匣子一打开后,两人之间立即便仿佛有说不尽的话,道不尽的思念。 Feng Yunsheng chatted with Meng Wan, Yan Zhaoge chatted several with Fu Ting and He Xixing. 封云笙孟婉叙话,燕赵歌则同傅婷何熙行多聊了几句。 Then, similarly in Red Lotus Cliff, he also saw Brocade Silk Great Emperor Fu Yunchi. 然后,同样在红莲崖,他也见到了锦绣大帝傅云驰 previously, Fu Yunchi had not gone out, a person secure is always awaiting calmly, even they have not exchanged with Southeast Supreme Cao Jie, Cao Jie and the others has not disturbed him. 先前,傅云驰一直没有外出,始终一个人安静待着,甚至没有和东南至尊曹捷他们交流,曹捷等人也没有打搅他。 However at present settles down, the Yan Zhaoge visit, Brocade Emperor naturally will not see. 不过眼下尘埃落定,燕赵歌来访,锦帝自然不会不见。 After both sides salutes upon meeting, what Brocade Emperor first cares is not own situation, or Hidden Sovereign there whether has to direct the method of his cultivation advance, but first asked: „Did Supreme Lord of Fire Luminary Mars this time, many grasp greatly crossed this tribulation safely?” 双方见礼之后,锦帝首先关心的并非自身处境,又或者隐皇那里是否有指点他修行前进的法门,而是首先问道:“火曜荧惑上尊这次,有多大把握平安渡过此劫?”
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