HSSB :: Volume #12

#1175: Earth demon Buddha

Mercury Sovereign vanishes, is extremely possibly related with Nine Nether, this is an important clue, can substantially reduce seeks for the range. 辰皇消失,极可能同九幽有关,这是一条重要的线索,可以大大缩小寻找范围。 However, the possibility still had. 但是,可能性仍有很多。 Involves Nine Nether, will be doomed to spend the massive time energy. 牵扯到九幽,就注定会花费大量时间精力。 Once finds fault, the time of waste is not the one point least bit. 一旦找错,浪费的时间便不是一点半点。 But regarding Yan Zhaoge, this time instead previous time seeks for Feng Yunsheng to be easier. 但对于燕赵歌而言,这次反而比上次寻找封云笙要更容易。 Is willing not to have him, Mercury Sovereign strength cultivation is higher. 愿意无他,辰皇实力修为高出许多。 Since the matter involves Nine Nether, then Yan Zhaoge does not need to stare at Mercury Sovereign to seek, stares in Nine Nether Demon Territory the unusual phenomenon to seek then. 既然事情涉及九幽,那么燕赵歌不需要盯着辰皇去寻找,更多盯着九幽魔域里反常的现象去寻找即可。 Yan Zhaoge first chose one possibly to have the Space crack of connection with Nine Nether. 燕赵歌首先挑选了一道可能同九幽有关联的空间裂缝。 This crack, is at the cicatrization condition. 这条裂缝,目前还处于愈合状态。 And absolutely does not have the demon atmosphere to seep out, changed others not to be easy to seek, but had Yan Zhaoge that certain browsed to the present to Phaseless Demonic Scripture, the difficulty wanted to be smaller. 其中完全没有魔氛渗出,换了别人还不易寻找,但对如今已经对无相魔经有一定涉猎的燕赵歌来说,难度则要小许多。 The people fly in the Realm Above the Realm’s world of ice and snow, treads the midair fully, then the finger flies high gently a stroke. 人在界上界的冰天雪地里飞行,足踏半空,然后手指凌空轻轻一划。 The fingertip one point red glow is partly visible, the Fallen Immortal Sword sword glow breaks that originally unstable Space slit easily. 指尖一点红芒若隐若现,陷仙剑的剑芒轻而易举破开那本就不稳定的空间缝隙。 After this Space slit breaks, forms a domain channel gradually. 空间缝隙破开后,渐渐形成一条界域通道。 Yan Zhaoge marches into. 燕赵歌步入其中。 Before going, he pauses to turn head, void is empty to the distant place nods the head slightly expresses best wishes, then takes a step, only need lead the way. 临进去前,他停步回头,冲着远方空无一物的虚空微微颔首致意,然后重新迈步,仅需前行。 After Yan Zhaoge vanishes, described withered, vision turbid, but also the somewhat humpbacked old man, walked slowly and aimlessly slowly step by step the domain channel entrance place. 燕赵歌消失之后,一个形容枯槁,目光浑浊,还有些驼背的老者,慢慢一步步踱到了界域通道入口处。 Northern Supreme. 正是北方至尊 His looks at at present pitch-dark domain channel entrance, sighed, sat cross-legged to sit down. 看着眼前黑漆漆的界域通道入口,叹息一声,盘膝坐下。 Domain channel that Yan Zhaoge enters, although there is Land of Nether Border to take the cushion, by no means direct connectivity Nine Nether, but Northern Supreme also has to be careful. 燕赵歌进入的界域通道,虽然有幽垠之地作为缓冲,并非直接连通九幽,但北方至尊也不得不小心。 North his oversees, a big responsibility is at any time stares to tighten these with Realm Above the Realm connected Land of Nether Border, Nine Nether Demon Territory that as well as behind possibly has. 坐镇北方,一大职责就是随时盯紧这些与界上界相连的幽垠之地,以及背后可能存在的九幽魔域 Although will not have to do with Yan Zhaoge directly, but Yan Zhaoge, since spilled the beans to go, Northern Supreme then naturally must come this oversees, provided against contingencies. 虽然不会同燕赵歌直接打交道,但燕赵歌既然开了口子进去,北方至尊便自然要来此坐镇,以防万一。 Some old man turbid pair of eyes, the looks at at present domain channel, talked to oneself silently in a low voice: Eventful time...” 老者有些浑浊双眼,默默看着眼前的界域通道,低声自语:“多事之秋啊…” Has Northern Supreme oversees, Yan Zhaoge makes a connection with this crack, then did not have the extra worries. 北方至尊坐镇,燕赵歌打通这条裂缝,便也没了后顾之忧。 He marches into, passes through the channel, waits for the at present temporal and spatial variation to consolidate gradually, appears in front is Nether Dark. 他步入其中,穿越通道,等眼前时空变化渐渐稳固下来,出现在面前的就是一面幽暗 In gloomy void cannot see stellar scintillation, only piece of Nether Dark radiance, shiny black shines. 晦暗的虚空中见不到星光闪烁,唯有一片幽暗光辉,黑油油的发亮。 As if from invisible changes into this moment void visible, but above has contaminated the dirt. 虚空在这一刻仿佛从无形化为有形,而上面则沾染了污垢。 A piece by void that Nine Nether corrodes, grows Land of Nether Border that becomes. 正是一片被九幽侵蚀的虚空,所衍生而成的幽垠之地 Yan Zhaoge has not paused, but keeps forwarding, goes toward the Land of Nether Border most deep place line. 燕赵歌没有停步,而是一路不停向前,向着幽垠之地最深处行去。 There, is Nine Nether will be. 那里,将是九幽所在。 After making a long and wearisome journey, the terrifying aura that Nine Nether absorbs person heart and soul, is getting more and more thick. 经过长途跋涉,九幽摄人心魄的恐怖气息,越来越浓厚。 Finally, at present gloomy Land of Nether Border had the end finally, but sees layer on layer the black fog to fill the air, has the evil severe Xionge blood red gloss glitters. 最终,眼前晦暗的幽垠之地终于有了尽头,但见重重黑雾弥漫,更有邪厉凶恶的血红光泽在其中闪烁。 This terror all, limitless, such as day like sea. 这恐怖的一切,无边无际,如天如海。 Yan Zhaoge has not stopped, one step treads in join the demons atmosphere baleful qi. 燕赵歌没有丝毫停顿,一步踏入魔煞气之中。 This coming, he can feel, Phaseless Demonic Scripture and whole wide world Thunder Zhang, Six Spirits Demon Fists wait / etc. demon art that oneself have, the independent nature seems to be more intense, is more active. 这次进来,他能感觉到,自己身怀的无相魔经、八荒雷掌、六灵魔拳等等魔功,自主之性似乎更加强烈,更加活跃。 „The disappearing demon is long, the Daoist priest demon disappears, but every so often, the Daoist priest demon is also truly long, imitates, if body both sides.” “都说道消魔长,道长魔消,但很多时候,确实道长魔也长,仿若一体两面。” Yan Zhaoge is not surprised, reason that this coming, own demonic nature seems to be easier to be stimulated , because his in person cultivation realm is higher, strength stronger reason. 燕赵歌并不惊讶,之所以这次进来,自身魔性仿佛更容易被激发,乃是因为他本人修为境界更高,实力更强的缘故。 Therefore demon art also with as the tide rises, the boat floats. 所以一身魔功也跟着水涨船高 Especially on the same day in Nine Nether, stemming from dealing with launching an attack of Brocade Emperor and Chen Qianhua, the Yan Zhaoge concise Faceless Heavenly Demon incarnation, and displays the good fortune demon after whole wide world Thunder Zhang of record. 尤其当日在九幽里,出于应对锦帝陈乾华的发难,燕赵歌凝练无相天魔化身,并施展造化魔经记载的八荒雷掌。 That war, making Yan Zhaoge progress by leaps and bounds in these two Demonic Path absolute art attainments. 那一战,让燕赵歌在这两门魔道绝学的造诣上突飞猛进。 Nowadays returns to Nine Nether, naturally is then easier to be roused the demonic nature. 现如今重返九幽,自然便更容易被勾动魔性。 However, makes inadequate puzzle to Yan Zhaoge. 不过,对燕赵歌造不成困扰。 devil that Everlasting Heavenly Book Mysterious Art Silent Flow, the instantaneous suppression moves restlessly, all return to normal. 无极天书玄功默运,瞬间镇压躁动的魔头,一切恢复平静。 His took a deep breath, instead once more obviously melts the body of black big buddha. 深吸一口气,反而再次显化黑色大佛之身。 Then, black big buddha, double holds simultaneously to stretch out straight in front of oneself, has launched the good fortune demon impressively after another absolute art of record. 然后,黑色大佛,双掌齐齐平伸,赫然展开了造化魔经记载的另一门绝学 In Heaven, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Water, Fire, Mountain, and Lake good fortune Eight Extremities, corresponds absolute art of shape of Earthly Land, the Earth Primordial secret art seal. 天、地、风、雷、水、火、山、泽造化八极中,对应坤地之象的绝学,地元秘法印。 In years past in Heavenly Court Divine Palace Book Collection Pavilion, Demonic Path absolute art collected limitedly, was strongest, was complete Phaseless Demonic Scripture. 昔年天庭神宫藏书阁内,魔道绝学收藏有限,其中最强的,便是完整的无相魔经 But good fortune demon, is incomplete. 而造化魔经,则残缺不全。 The good fortune eight, Heavenly Court Divine Palace Book Collection Pavilion collected three types certainly. 造化八绝之中,天庭神宫藏书阁收藏了三种。 Shakes the whole wide world thunder palm of shape of thunder besides the correspondence, this corresponds Earth Primordial secret art seal of shape of Earthly Land, is one of them. 除了对应震雷之象的八荒雷掌以外,这门对应坤地之象的地元秘法印,也是其中之一。 This moment Yan Zhaoge is used as the basis by Phaseless Demonic Scripture, the incarnation dark big buddha , to promote itself the adaptation degree in Nine Nether Demon Territory, more convenient turnover demon atmosphere baleful qi. 此刻燕赵歌无相魔经做基础,化身黑暗大佛,提升自己在九幽魔域里的适应程度,更方便周转魔氛煞气 Then displays Earth Primordial secret art seal this absolute art. 然后便施展地元秘法印这门绝学 This seal, is not only outside the law, is the internal strength, the law military unites, the wondrous use is many. 此印,既是外法,也是内功,法武合一,妙用多多。 Yan Zhaoge displays at this moment, pours somewhat endures calmly motionless like the earth, static worry deep dense such as the meaning of hiding away. 燕赵歌此刻施展开来,倒有几分安忍不动如大地,静虑深密如秘藏之意。 Just, actually as if Ksitigarbha thoroughly sinks to Naraka, changes over to Demonic Path to be ordinary. 只不过,却仿佛地藏菩萨彻底沉入地狱,转入魔道一般。 In this condition, he sensation ability in Nine Nether, greatly enhances. 在这个状态下,他在九幽中的感知能力,大大提高。 This method, is used to look for Feng Yunsheng, affects not in a big way. 这个方法,用来找封云笙,作用不大。 Comes under the Supreme Lord of the Dark Luminary Rāhu influence Feng Yunsheng, must avoid other people to seek for the hideaway whereabouts, most of the time is keeping moving, and unceasingly thorough Nine Nether. 受到暗曜罗睺上尊影响的封云笙,要躲避他人寻找隐藏行踪,大多数时候在不停移动,并不断深入九幽 But about Mercury Sovereign, Yan Zhaoge speculated that he very possible to fix in some place is motionless. 而关于辰皇,燕赵歌推测,他很可能是固定在某个地方不动的。 In the Yan Zhaoge suspicion, Mercury Sovereign, very possible is suppressing anything. 燕赵歌猜想中,辰皇,很可能是在镇压什么。 Like once bottom of the Eight Extremities World Earth Territory abyss, Greater Yang Seal has suppressed a Nine Nether slit to be the same. 就像曾经在八极大世界地域深渊底部,太阳印一直镇压一条九幽缝隙一样。 Also or, Mercury Sovereign is drawing support from Nine Nether to refine some treasure, practices some secret wait / etc.. 又或者,辰皇在借助九幽炼制某种宝物,修练某种秘传等等。 Otherwise, Chu Lili will not count on that he conveys a message. 要不然,楚黎黎不会指望他来带信。 Since conveys a message, then Chu Lili determined on necessity, Sword Sovereign and Hidden Sovereign, can safe finding Mercury Sovereign. 既然带信,那么楚黎黎就必然确定,剑皇隐皇,可以稳妥的找到辰皇 Then, Yan Zhaoge somewhat counted on that seeks for Mercury Sovereign. 如此一来,燕赵歌才有几分指望进来寻找辰皇 Otherwise fishes the needle to be the same with the sea, if he has that good luck to meet Mercury Sovereign, his straight line first goes to seek Feng Yunsheng. 否则跟大海里捞针一样,他要是有那么好的运气碰见辰皇,他直线就首先去把封云笙寻回来。 This coming, reason that looks for piece of Land of Nether Border to enter Nine Nether casually, Yan Zhaoge holds the plan that is seeking for reverse actually. 这次进来,之所以随便找一片幽垠之地九幽,燕赵歌其实就是抱着反向寻找的打算。 From Nine Nether, looks outward. 九幽里面,往外找。 Where approaches the region of Nine Nether edge to have the unusual place, where then goes, then area that in Nine Nether Demon Territory, Land of Nether Border that also or docks with it seeks for Mercury Sovereign. 哪里靠近九幽边缘的区域有不寻常之处,那么就去哪里,然后在那一带九幽魔域中,又或者与之相接的幽垠之地寻找辰皇 Launches the Earth Primordial secret art seal, Yan Zhaoge calmly feels various slight vibrations of nearby Demon Territory world. 展开地元秘法印,燕赵歌静静感受附近魔域天地的各种细微震动。 The vibration of visible myriad things, vibration of invisible Demonic Aura, the vibration of Space time. 有形万物的震动,无形魔气的震动,空间时间的震动。 All unusual places, do not let off. 一切不同寻常之处,都不放过。 Finally, black big buddha opens eye suddenly, all black vision, shoots down to the distant place. 终于,黑色大佛猛然睁开眼睛,纯黑目光,向远方射落。
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