HSSB :: Volume #12

#1114: The fate is wonderful

looks at exceptionally funny, the numerous Lesser White Peak disciples cancould help smiling smile. 看着异常滑稽的一幕,一众少白峰弟子都忍俊不禁笑了起来。 Wang Shun and the others shames under the anger, somewhat was muddleheaded. 王顺等人羞怒之下,也是有些昏了头。 They can definitely destroy on to be cut to keep the surcoat of character. 他们完全可以毁去自己身上被划破留字的外袍。 Although some are uncouth, but is not affected much. 虽然有些不雅观,但并无大碍。 The shame was still the shame, the behavior that not because of burying head in the sand became does not exist, may at least at present be insufficient so embarrassedly. 耻辱仍然是耻辱,不会因为掩耳盗铃的行为而变得不存在,可至少眼下不至于如此难堪。 Yan Zhaoge does not have prevent departure Wang Shun and the others. 燕赵歌没有留难王顺等人 In fact, his 14 characters, all does not write to Wang Shun one line of looks. 事实上,他那14个字,也不全是写给王顺一行人看的。 The main audience, has someone else. 最主要的观众,另有其人。 The distant place, cloud cluster deep place, two lines of sight, calmly look to here. 远方,云团深处,两道视线,正静静看向这边。 Interesting, can perceive including existence of old man?” An old sound thought aloud. “有意思,连老夫的存在也能觉察到吗?”一个苍老的声音自言自语。 Side him, another sound resounds: Should perceive the position of disciple, but non- discovery teacher you.” 在他身旁,另一个声音响起:“应该只是觉察弟子的方位,而非发现师尊您。” The old men muttered said: Yan Xingtang and Di Qinglian posterity, is really outstanding, no wonder can make that big noise in Realm Above the Realm, seems as if there is potential of green is born of blue unexpectedly.” 老者喃喃说道:“燕星棠狄清涟的后人,果然不同凡响,难怪能在界上界闹出那么大的动静,看上去竟似乎有青出于蓝之势。” Also is frivolous, where when Jade Green Stream Heaven was?” Second sound coldly said. “却也轻狂得很,当碧游天是什么地方了?”第二个声音冷冷说道 Might as well, he is less peaceful in Realm Above the Realm.” The old men have smiled one: We walk.” “无妨,在界上界他更不安生。”老者笑了一声:“我们走。” The person's shadow in cloud cluster vanishes does not see, in world cloud woolpack Shu, calm. 云团中的人影消失不见,天地间云卷云舒,波澜不惊。 The Yan Zhaoge's vision takes back from that direction, whispered at heart: True Immortal... Cloud Emperor? Emperor Hong? Other people?” 燕赵歌的目光从那个方向收回,心里嘀咕:“真仙云帝弘帝?还是其他人?” The opposite party leaves, the Yan Zhaoge's attention then returns at present. 对方离开,燕赵歌的注意力便重新回到眼前 Hears Exiled Immortal not to set up sword cultivator with the sword, can actually have so profound sword art attainments, Wen admires.” Wen Daihong gazes after Wang Shun and the others to go far away, sighs, cups one hand in the other across the chest toward the Yan Zhaoge arch once more: Offensive impolite place, but also asked Exiled Immortal to forgive.” “听闻谪仙并非以剑立道的剑修,却能有如此精深的剑术造诣,文某佩服。”文代洪目送王顺等人远去,叹息一声,再次朝燕赵歌拱拱手:“唐突无礼之处,还请谪仙恕罪。” Some of his really frustrations. 他着实有些挫败感。 at present Yan Zhaoge, was not necessarily able such as the Yan Xingtang same sword to press Jade Green Stream Heaven in years past. 眼前燕赵歌,未必能如昔年燕星棠一样剑压碧游天 But the issue is, Yan Zhaoge Yan Xingtang was different in years past, is pure sword cultivator. 但问题在于,燕赵歌也不似昔年燕星棠一样,是纯粹的剑修 Defeats under this kind of match sword, to Wen Daihong of Supreme Pure legacy family background, loses. 败在这样一个对手剑下,对上清嫡传出身的文代洪来说,更加失落。 Fortunately, Yan Zhaoge also studies Supreme Pure sword art. 所幸,燕赵歌也是修习上清剑术 If said that this fought no doubt is he loses to Yan Zhaoge, but also was Supreme Pure sword art loses to Supreme Pure sword art, did not have finally disgraced proficient. 如其所言,这一战固然是他输给燕赵歌,但也是上清剑术输给上清剑术,总算还没有丢人到家。 But thinks that Supreme Pure sword art actually also exceeds this Supreme Pure to be legitimate in Jade Pure legacy martial artist, Wen Daihong feels ashamed. 可是想到上清剑术在一个玉清嫡传武者手里却还胜过他这上清正统,文代洪就又感到羞愧。 The numerous Supreme Pure martial artist mood, besides losing, intertwined. 一众上清武者的心情,除了失落以外,就是纠结了。 Lesser White Peak family background martial artist, although presents the life of Master Sect to entertain Yan Zhaoge, at this moment is also the same mood, the shall be grateful as a personal favor. 少白峰出身的武者们,虽然奉师门之命招待燕赵歌,此刻也是相同心情,感同身受。 People look at each other in dismay, performs all smiles bitterly: No matter what, Uncle-Master Yan in any case kept several points of face countenance.” 众人面面相觑,尽皆苦笑:“不管怎么说,燕师叔好歹还是留了几分颜面。” What is embarrassed is Cloud Emperor disciple Grey Spirit Valley Wang Shun they, although Senior Wen lost, such result actually does not affect us and relations of Tang Miaofeng purple light hole lineage/vein, will not enrage His Majesty Emperor Hong, causes it standpoint change.” “难堪的是云帝门下灰灵谷王顺他们,文前辈虽然输了,这样的结果却也不至于影响我们和唐妙峰紫光洞一脉的关系,更不会触怒弘帝陛下,使之立场改变。” The Lesser White Peak people before the martial arts contest is hanging the heart, has put: This all are good, even if there is this matter following, our to report Master Sect elder processing is.” 少白峰众人在比武前悬着的心,都放了下来:“这就一切都好,此事纵有后续,我们禀报师门长辈处理便是。” Although in the Wen Daihong heart intertwines, but truly has not had the obstruction. 文代洪心中虽然纠结,但确实没有产生芥蒂。 When is steady after the mood, he to the military, studied diligently the sword art temper to manifest suddenly wholeheartedly, instead said to Yan Zhaoge curious consulting: Observes Exiled Immortal Slaying Immortal Sword below, as if isn't self- Jade Green Stream Heaven lineage/vein?” 待到心境平稳后,他一心向武,钻研剑道的性子又发作了,反而向燕赵歌好奇的请教道:“在下观谪仙戮仙剑,似乎不是出自我碧游天一脉?” Walks while said.” Yan Zhaoge smiles is continuing goes to the Lesser White Peak line, has not concealed on the road: In front of honorable person did not tell the lie, Yan's Fallen Immortal Sword, truly does not stem from Jade Green Stream Heaven, but is previously is wandering abroad lasted, chance that oneself hit.” “边走边说吧。”燕赵歌微笑着继续向少白峰行去,在路上并未隐瞒:“真人面前不说假话,燕某的陷仙剑经,确实不是出自碧游天,而是先前在外游历时,自己撞的机缘。” Wen Daihong and the others heard this suddenly. 文代洪等人闻言恍然。 Yan Zhaoge thoroughly understands Supreme Pure sword art, they are prepared. 燕赵歌通晓上清剑术,他们心里都有准备。 Although Di Qinglian already passed away, but Profound Sovereign will take care of her posterity, Yan Zhaoge obtains Jade Green Stream Heaven sword art legacy, is not extraordinary. 虽然狄清涟早已过世,但玄皇自会看顾她的后人,燕赵歌得到碧游天剑道传承,不出奇。 Other person of cultivation are low, does not look clearly, Wen Daihong as with the person who Yan Zhaoge fights directly, is the outstanding person in Jade Green Stream Heaven peer, can actually see the clue. 其他人修为较低,看不真切,文代洪作为同燕赵歌直接交手的人,又是碧游天同辈人里的佼佼者,却能看出端倪。 No wonder, looks at the Exiled Immortal Slaying Immortal Sword way below, a little likely is in the legend, Heavenly Lord of the Countless Treasures lineage/vein legacy.” Wen Daihong acclaimed was saying. “难怪,在下看谪仙戮仙剑路数,有点像是传说里,多宝天尊一脉的传承。”文代洪赞叹着说道。 Jade Green Stream Heaven's Supreme Pure legacy, although transits the discipling from respectively, but gets to the bottom upwardly, mostly can trace with is Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure personal disciple Unequalled Holy Mother lineage/vein. 碧游天的上清嫡传,虽然各有师承,但向上追根溯源,大多都可以追溯到同为灵宝天尊亲传弟子无当圣母一脉。 Other legacy, have, but minority, moreover after all was inferior that Unequalled Holy Mother lineage/vein are legitimate. 其他传承,也有,但是少数,而且终归不如无当圣母一脉正统。 But Yan Zhaoge's Slaying Immortal Sword, stems from Classical Monastery Original Abundant Daoist lineage/vein, the upward tracing, is Heavenly Lord of the Countless Treasures Way Lineage. 燕赵歌的戮仙剑,源于宗元观元康道人一脉,向上溯源,乃是多宝天尊道统 Same gate martial arts, the different people practice, has obtained respectively. 同一门武学,不同人练来,各有所得。 In the general orientation is the same, but specific detail has the difference, is very ordinary matter. 大方向上一样,但是具体细节出现差异,是很平常的事情。 Heavenly Lord of the Countless Treasures and Unequalled Holy Mother with are personal disciple of Supreme Pure Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure founder, martial arts that but hands down to Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure, practices legacy, naturally also has the distinction. 多宝天尊无当圣母同为上清灵宝天尊祖师的亲传弟子,但对灵宝天尊传下的武学,修练传承,自然也有分别。 Especially passes through many generations of descendant, after estimating from generation to generation, will have many changes. 尤其是经过多代传人,一代又一代揣摩后,更是会生出诸多变化。 After Investiture of the Gods Era, Heavenly Lord of the Countless Treasures goes into hiding, unusual descendant present world, therefore Wen Daihong saw Yan Zhaoge's Slaying Immortal Sword, cannot affirm. 封神纪元后,多宝天尊销声匿迹,也少有传人现世,所以文代洪见了燕赵歌的戮仙剑,也不敢肯定。 After Yan Zhaoge acknowledged personally, other source confirmed that own suspicion, to praise sighed: Exiled Immortal and my Supreme Pure sword art, the solid fate is significant!” 燕赵歌亲口承认后,他方才证实自己的猜想,不禁赞叹道:“谪仙与我上清剑道,实在缘分匪浅!” He explodes not without reason actually, the word of having no interest. 他倒是有感而发,无心之言。 But falls in other person of ears, has the suspicion of persuasive speaker, seemed urging Yan Zhaoge to abandon Realm Above the Realm to throw Jade Green Stream Heaven to be the same. 但落在其他人耳中,却有说客之嫌,仿佛在劝燕赵歌界上界而投碧游天一样。 numerous Lesser White Peak disciple heard this, has not said that but ears set upright. 一众少白峰弟子闻言,没接话,但一个个耳朵都竖起来。 I also thought that fate thing, was truly difficult to say.” Yan Zhaoge imitates saying with a smile that if not care about muddily. “我也觉得,缘分这东西,确实很难说。”燕赵歌仿若浑不在意的笑道。 After walking the moment, to Lesser White Peak, saw Long Hanhua to wait there. 走了片刻后,到了少白峰,就见龙汉华已经等在那里。 He sees Wen Daihong, first is startled slightly, the intention rotation, as if thinks of anything. 他见到文代洪,首先微微一怔,心念转动,似乎想到什么。 Fellow Daoist Long, Wen comes to apologize to apologize to Spirit Leaf Supreme.” Wen Daihong already , said first. 龙道友,文某是来向灵叶至尊致歉请罪的。”文代洪已经当先说道。 Spirit Leaf Supreme, is Long Hanhua Big Uncle, the Lord of Lesser White Peak Gao Xuebo honorific titles. 灵叶至尊,便是龙汉华大伯,少白峰之主高雪泊的尊号。 Has Lesser White Peak disciple sound transmission to narrate the matter process to Long Hanhua, after Long Hanhua looked at Yan Zhaoge one, first with Wen Daihong smalltalk a few words. 少白峰弟子传音龙汉华讲述事情经过,龙汉华看了燕赵歌一眼后,先同文代洪客套两句 Then the people enter the mountain together, Long Hanhua just now give Yan Zhaoge sound transmission saying: Small Grand Uncle-Master, although thoroughly understands four swords, but heard on Core Dawn Peak only kept Executing Immortal Sword sword intent, your this did Slaying Immortal Sword look like is also own chance?” 然后众人一起入山,龙汉华方才给燕赵歌传音说道:“小师叔祖虽然通晓四剑,但听说在丹霞峰上只留了诛仙剑剑意,你这戮仙剑看来也是自己的机缘了?” Just now also mentioned with them, the fate was truly wonderful.” Yan Zhaoge replied with a smile. “方才还和他们说起呢,缘分确实妙不可言。”燕赵歌笑着答道。 Initially went to Classical Monastery, thinks that is Grand Pure legacy, who once wants actually to be Supreme Pure legacy, he was also very accidental. 当初去宗元观,原以为是太清嫡传,谁曾想却是上清嫡传,他也很意外。 Was, you this time came back from Core Dawn Peak, a matter must consider in detail with you.” Long Hanhua said: My father also in Lesser White Peak, after going at present, he and Big Uncle will tell you details.” “是了,你这次从丹霞峰回来,还有件事情要与你参详。”龙汉华言道:“家父眼下也在少白峰,进去后他和大伯会告诉你详情。”
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