HSSB :: Volume #12

#1110: The frustrated Supreme Pure sword cultivates

On Core Dawn Peak, Di Qinglian residual sword intent, has been through repeatedly after all for many years. 丹霞峰上,狄清涟残留的剑意,毕竟历经多年。 Although has not dispersed under the person with high aspirations preservation throughout, but if wants to estimate the truth, can estimate many truth, was still a difficult matter. 虽然在有心人保存下始终未散,但要想从中揣摩出道理,能从中揣摩出多少道理,仍然是一件困难的事情。 Not only needs the excellent peerless Martial Way talent, needs the person on to have enough perception and spiritual intelligence in the sword together. 不仅仅需要高超绝伦的武道天赋,同时也需要人在剑之一道上有足够的悟性和灵性 Yan Zhaoge in the time on the mountain grasping principles, obviously is by far shorter than Gao Xuebo and wanting of Long Xueji and the others expectation many. 燕赵歌在山上悟道的时间,显然远远比高雪泊龙雪寂等人预料的要短出许多。 This lets two apex big sword cultivator, how can not acclaim? 这让两个顶尖大剑修,如何能不赞叹? The Gao Xuebo two brothers receive the news surprisedly, and does not raise, said that side Yan Zhaoge from Core Dawn Peak, road above walks still thinks to estimate the harvest of previously in the heart. 高雪泊兄弟二人接到消息惊讶不已,且不去提,却说燕赵歌丹霞峰上下来,路上边走边还在心中思索揣摩先前的收获。 Grandmother's comprehension study to Executing Immortal Sword, is truly outstanding, some are worth one wanting to think again, detail that ponders over unceasingly.” Yan Zhaoge acclaimed: Light place sees the true facts, the place of detail changes again and again, if is really outstanding.” “祖母对诛仙剑的领悟钻研,确实出众,有许多值得一想再想,不断琢磨的细节。”燕赵歌啧啧赞叹:“平淡之处见真章,细节之处一变再变,果真不同凡响。” Sword Discarding Pond of way halfway up the mountainside, Yan Zhaoge brings back oneself previously to place here treasured sword. 途径半山腰的解剑池,燕赵歌取回自己先前放在这里的宝剑。 Slightly after thinking moment, Yan Zhaoge has left behind Azure Abyss Sword finally, has not carried off. 略微思索片刻后,燕赵歌最后留下了青渊剑,没有带走。 Since Yan Zhaoge has walked Jianghu, initial sword is Spirit Sword Green Dragon, after that makes a gift of what one has received as a gift Junior Apprentice Brother Ying Longtu, is Han Long'er. 燕赵歌行走江湖以来,最初的佩剑乃是灵剑碧龙,其后转赠师弟应龙图,也就是憨龙儿 Han Long'er now also becomes the body of Martial Saint, Spirit Sword Green Dragon of trivial Low Grade Spirit Armament level, early has not gotten along well together. 憨龙儿如今也成武圣之身,区区下品灵兵层次的灵剑碧龙,早已经不合手。 However he has actually loved, if life, carries throughout along, then nowadays has other weapon uses, Yan Zhaoge has presented as a gift his Spirit Sword Green Dragon still the moment not to leave the body. 但是他却一直爱若性命,始终随身携带,便是现如今有了其他兵器使用,燕赵歌赠他的灵剑碧龙也仍然片刻不离身。 After Spirit Sword Green Dragon, sword of Yan Zhaoge frequently use, is High Grade Spirit Armament, Azure Abyss Sword. 灵剑碧龙之后,燕赵歌最经常使用的佩剑,便是上品灵兵,青渊剑 This sword was the past Yan Zhaoge's Grand Master Yuan Zhengfeng sacrifice refining up personally, after that has followed Yan Zhaoge, until Yan Zhaoge ascended to Realm of Martial Saint, after changing to sacred armament, just now no longer used. 此剑乃是当年燕赵歌的师祖元正峰亲手祭炼,其后一直跟随燕赵歌,直到燕赵歌登临武圣之境,改用圣兵后,方才不再使用。 But this handle treasured sword, still also the time often accompanied about Yan Zhaoge. 但这一柄宝剑,仍然也时刻常伴燕赵歌左右。 He refines oneself that Forest Green Bamboo Staff, the first after-burning going in innumerable divine weapon sharp weapons, initially High Grade Spirit Armament on hand almost completely had worked as the fuel, sacred armament had burnt afterward, but this Azure Abyss Sword, is remaining throughout. 他炼制自己那根墨绿竹杖,先后烧进去无数神兵利器,当初手头的上品灵兵几乎全部当了柴火,后来圣兵都烧了许多,但这支青渊剑,始终留着。 In the future, he burns Passage of Time Sword Seal and Yuan when necessary on the following day light sword even Evil Sword Tāo Tiè and other Supreme Treasure, will not love dearly. 在未来,如果有必要,他烧起光阴剑印、元转天光剑甚至邪剑饕餮至宝,也不会心疼。 But this Azure Abyss Sword, just like initial Spirit Sword Green Dragon, is always different. 可这支青渊剑,同当初的灵剑碧龙一样,总是不同的。 The looks at at present blossoming white lotus open lotus pond, Yan Zhaoge keeps Chi Di Azure Abyss Sword finally. 看着眼前朵朵白莲开放的荷塘,燕赵歌最终将青渊剑留在池底。 You had Sword Weigher in the past ‚’ the number, what a pity I cannot personally experience your direction to test, actually do not know whether I can go through a strategic pass.” “您当年有‘剑衡’之号,可惜我不能亲身经历您的指点考较,却也不知道自己是否能过关。” Yan Zhaoge sighed, toward a lotus pond ritual: Jade Green Stream Heaven I often will not reside mostly in this, this has then kept here Azure Abyss Sword.” 燕赵歌叹息一声,向着荷塘一礼:“碧游天我多半不会常居于此,这把青渊剑便一直留在这里吧。” He gets down mountain to come, has Gao Xuebo disciple descendant to wait. 他下得山来,自有高雪泊门下传人守候。 Sees Yan Zhaoge, several Lesser White Peak disciples are surprised, even somewhat cannot get back one's composure. 见到燕赵歌,几名少白峰弟子都大吃一惊,甚至有些回不过神来。 Their previously has resulted in the instruction specially, waits for in this. 他们先前专门得过吩咐,在此守候。 The elders once vague mention, Yan Zhaoge on mountain was grasping principles, do not alarm. 长辈曾隐晦的提及,在山上的燕赵歌是在悟道,不要惊扰。 Although Core Dawn Peak vacant for a long time, but regarding Supreme Pure legacy martial artist, naturally knows where here is. 丹霞峰虽然空置已久,但对于上清嫡传武者来说,自然知道这里是什么地方。 To come in them, the Sword Emperor former residence grasps principles, is year and year out, is very normal matter. 在他们想来,剑帝故居悟道,便是经年累月,也是很正常的事情。 Who knows that Yan Zhaoge several days of time descended the mountain. 谁知道,燕赵歌几天功夫就下山了。 Has changed other people, these Lesser White Peak disciples feared that must suspect Yan Zhaoge to make a futile effort, throughout is difficult the achievement, finally has to give way before difficulties, therefore carelessly finished, such already descended the mountain. 换了个其他人,那些少白峰弟子怕是要怀疑燕赵歌徒劳无功,始终难有成就,最后不得不知难而退,所以才草草结束,这么早就下山来。 But as Supreme Pure legacy, in Azure Water Lens Mountain Lesser White Peak disciple, resulted to tell specially disciple who this waited, they also had the approximate understanding to Yan Zhaoge. 但作为上清嫡传,青萍山少白峰的门人,又是专门得了吩咐来此守候的弟子,他们对燕赵歌也有大致的了解。 Yan Zhaoge in the Realm Above the Realm’s illustrious prestige, now then in Jade Green Stream Heaven most core small group, has spread gradually. 燕赵歌界上界的赫赫威名,如今便在碧游天最核心的小圈子里,也已经渐渐流传开来。 Initially ascends Immortal Bridge, person who can the frontage and Supreme fights, how possibly is the idiot? 一位初登仙桥,就能正面与至尊一战的人,怎么可能是蠢材? Is only, this was also too quick!” The Lesser White Peak disciple secretly whispered at heart: Perhaps doesn't he pass sword art? But since elders allow he mounts Core Dawn Peak, that this will use the sword to...” “只是,这也太快了吧!”少白峰弟子一个个心里都暗自嘀咕:“或许他不通剑道?但既然长辈们许他登上丹霞峰,那怎么也该是会用剑的才对…” Although in heart surprise, but several Lesser White Peak martial artist had not lost the courtesy, goes forward after Yan Zhaoge salutes upon meeting, before leads the way, bringing Yan Zhaoge to return to Lesser White Peak. 心中虽然诧异不已,但几名少白峰武者都没有失了礼数,上前同燕赵歌见礼后,在前引路,带燕赵歌返回少白峰 The Yan Zhaoge vision dodges slightly, felt that some distant place as if people spy on themselves and Core Dawn Peak direction. 燕赵歌目光微微一闪,感觉到远方似乎有人窥探自己和丹霞峰方向。 Sees him to descend the mountain, then the opposite party flees, likely is the person of acting as lookout. 见得他下山来,对方便即遁走,像是望风的人。 „...” A Yan Zhaoge corners of the mouth check, has not said anything slightly much. “呵…”燕赵歌嘴角微微一勾,并没有多说什么。 Realm Above the Realm and Jade Green Stream Heaven are very contradictory deep. 界上界碧游天矛盾很深。 When on such as the past years competed for Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace, the Gao Qing same side and Realm Above the Realm Kunlun Mountain Wonderful Flying Peak Brocade Emperor direct disciple bickers to spurting such that said. 就如当年争夺玄霄紫金炉时,高晴的同门和界上界昆仑山妙飞峰锦帝门下弟子斗嘴对喷时说的那样。 Realm Above the Realm no doubt does not allow Supreme Pure legacy martial artist to walk, Jade Green Stream Heaven also similarly refuses Jade Pure and Grand Pure descendant to appear. 界上界固然不容上清嫡传武者行走,碧游天也同样严禁玉清太清传人出现。 The status exposed is caught, most times solely did not pursue are so relaxed, but must see the blood. 身份暴露被逮着了,绝大多数时候可不是单单驱逐那么轻松,而是要见血的。 One because of grandmother's reason, enter Jade Green Stream Heaven not to be affected much, but in the final analysis, he is not Supreme Pure legacy. 自己因为祖母的缘故,进入碧游天无大碍,但说到底,他并不是上清嫡传 In the martial artist world, decides a status of person, besides blood relationship, many factors. 武者的世界里,决定一个人的身份,除了血缘以外,还有许多因素。 And most important, then transits the discipling from. 其中最重要的一个,便是师承。 Under some situations, transits the discipling from even must be more typical than the blood relationship. 有些场合下,师承甚至比血缘还要更具代表性。 Under Yan Zhaoge in these Lesser White Peak martial artist eagerly anticipate, leaves Core Dawn Peak, returns to Lesser White Peak. 燕赵歌在那些少白峰武者引领下,离开丹霞峰,返回少白峰 As they leave, naturally also has the Lesser White Peak disciple to try to inform Brother Gao Xuebo in advance. 随着他们动身,自然也有少白峰弟子先行设法通知高雪泊兄弟。 Walks on the road, the Yan Zhaoge manner is gentle, talked with these Lesser White Peak disciples, further understood the Jade Green Stream Heaven local conditions and social customs at the same time, narrated one in Realm Above the Realm and Territory Beyond the Void some stories, making the people broaden the outlook. 走在路上,燕赵歌态度平和,同那些少白峰弟子交谈,进一步了解碧游天风土人情的同时,也讲述自己在界上界域外虚空的一些见闻,让众人大开眼界。 Walks is walking, suddenly sees at present sword light to shine together. 走着走着,突然就见眼前一道剑光亮起。 Stopped that sword light to the people in front, appears a youth form. 剑光到了众人面前停下,现出一个青年身影。 The opposite party appearance is ordinary, the facial expression is upright, but whole body high and low, sword qi is willful. 对方面貌普通,神情方正,但是周身上下,剑气恣意。 He advanced a ritual: Realm Above the Realm Exiled Immortal, Jade Green Stream Heaven Azure Water Lens Mountain Tang Miaofeng purple light hole disciple, Wen Daihong was face to face courteous.” 他先行了一礼:“界上界谪仙当面,碧游天青萍山唐妙峰紫光门下,文代洪有礼了。” The Yan Zhaoge tranquil arch cups one hand in the other across the chest: Does not know that has what instructing me?” 燕赵歌平静的拱拱手:“不知有何见教?” Wen Daihong looks serious: Long time heard that the energy of Exiled Immortal, world rare, have several outstanding for my Post-Great Cataclysm Taoism, Wen admires.” 文代洪神情严肃:“久闻谪仙之能,世所罕见,为我大破灭后道门有数之俊杰,文某佩服不已。” Made the matter of ancestor past years, made the person such as the fishbone in the throat, Wen no talent, requested earnestly to ask for advice one or two to your excellency.” “只是令先祖当年之事,令人如鲠在喉,文某不才,恳请向阁下讨教一二。” The matter of past years, the matter of what past years? 当年之事,什么样的当年之事呢? naturally is Yan Zhaoge's grandfather Yan Xingtang, by the Jade Pure family background, the sword presses Jade Green Stream Heaven, hits numerous Supreme Pure sword cultivator to bow the head to profess allegiance. 自然便是燕赵歌的祖父燕星棠,以玉清出身,剑压碧游天,打得一众上清剑修俯首称臣。 Post-Great Cataclysm, that feared that is one time that Supreme Pure legacy lineage most loses face. 大破灭后,那怕是上清嫡传一脉最丢脸的一次。 More setback loss suffering a defeat and fleeing crisis, Jade Green Stream Heaven has, but is always famous in oneself, the domain that most excels was hit does not have the temperament, this bitter experience may very be frustrated to Supreme Pure legacy... 更多的挫折损失败亡危机,碧游天不是没有过,但在自己历来著称,最为擅长的领域被人打得没脾气,这遭遇对上清嫡传来说可就很窝心了…
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