HSH :: Volume #7

#652: Settles me! Shen Lang Jiang Li makes war!( Asked monthly ticket)

Was present everyone to be shocked completely, Shen Lang has really hidden the truth from everyone. 在场所有人都完全惊呆了,沈浪真的是瞒过了所有人。 In this only has a person probably merely, slightly has a knowledge, that is Princess Ning Han, although Shen Lang anything has not said that but he guessed indistinctly, has to say the intuition of woman also was really keen. 这里面大概仅仅只有一个人,略有所知,那就是宁寒公主,尽管沈浪什么都没有说过,但他还是隐约地猜测出来,不得不说女人的直觉还真是敏锐。 Moreover Princess Ning Han has not made any reminder to Pavilion Lord Zuo Ci from beginning to end. 而且宁寒公主从头到尾都没有对左辞阁主做任何提醒。 But even, this disguiser really was really so exposed, Ning Han came under huge shock and attack. 但就算如此,这个伪装者真真被揭露的时候,宁寒还是受到了巨大的震撼和打击。 In this world even the teachers betray, what person does that have unable to betray? 这个世界上连老师都背叛,那还有什么人不能背叛的? This is Ning Han idol always, she and father Ning Yuanxian does not kiss, regarded the father to be ordinary Zuo Ci completely. 这可是宁寒一直以来的偶像,她和父亲宁元宪并不亲的,完全把左辞当成了亲生父亲一般。 Shen Lang is looking at the palm your hell soul bead, but at this time the wall screening house from street control center thorough is uneventful. 沈浪望着手心的你地狱魂珠,而此时影壁控制中心已经彻底风平浪静了。 all, majority was a play that Shen Lang and this wall screening house from street control center jointly performed. 刚才的一切,大部分都是沈浪和这个影壁控制中心联合演的一场戏而已。 The Shen Lang vision is looking at Zuo Ci. 沈浪目光望着左辞 Zuo Ci raised the head slightly, relaxes, as if wants the certificate as before own anything. 左辞微微抬起头,直起腰,依旧仿佛想要证明自己什么。 However he knelt eventually, and gets up the neck rickets. 但是他终究还是跪了下去,并且把脖子佝偻起来。 Shen Lang looks at him long time, has not been making the sound, really does not know that this mentioned from where. 沈浪望着他良久,都没有发出声音,真的不知道该从何说起。 Actually Shen Lang suspected Zuo Ci from the beginning, was because that false Shen Lang too real. He is using the life and soul as before deducts Shen Lang, really as if must do utmost to defeat Shen Lang. 其实沈浪一开始就怀疑左辞了,就是因为那个假沈浪太真了。他依旧在用生命地和灵魂去演绎沈浪,就真的仿佛要竭尽全力击败沈浪 When the sensibility of Shen Lang performance dragon, obtained the entire desert Capital energy management Center jurisdiction time, entire false Shen Lang relaxes unexpectedly, then gave up all resistances. 但是当沈浪上演龙之感悟,取得了整个漠京能量控制中心权限的时候,整个假沈浪竟然松了一口气,然后放弃了所有抵抗。 Therefore Shen Lang guessed immediately, this false Shen Lang should be a mirror, because determined Shen Lang real, therefore the mirror felt relieved, and proved Shen Lang with the way of self-destruction. 所以沈浪顿时猜测到,这个假沈浪应该就是镜子,因为确定沈浪是真的,所以镜子放心了,并且用自毁的方式证明沈浪 The mirror he had not been seized the shed, was not antiquity human changes, he was the genuine mirror, 100% mirrors. 镜子他没有被夺舍,也不是上古人类变化而成的,他就是真正的镜子,百分之百的镜子。 He has no flaw, that is because he such as hot ultramarine. Moreover the key is he holds the faith to fight, in his mind Shen Lang is false, is the disguiser who Jiang Li sends, to usurp the power of desert Capital, therefore he goes all out to prevent Shen Lang. 他之所以没有任何破绽,那是因为他更加如火纯青了。而且关键是他抱着信念而战,在他的心目中沈浪就是假的,就是姜离派来的伪装者,就是为了篡夺漠京的权力,所以他拼了命都要去阻止沈浪 Since His Majesty Shen Lang has not come back, my mirror appears temporarily, unites the will of the people for your majesty, in brief the Great Qian Empire final pure land cannot fall into the enemy hand absolutely. 既然沈浪陛下没有回来,那我镜子就暂时出现,为陛下凝聚人心,总之大乾帝国最后的净土绝对不能落入敌人手中。 Is holding this faith, therefore the mirror displays does not have any flaw, let alone others cannot recognize, really Shen Lang could not find his faint trace flaw. 正是抱着这个信念,所以镜子表现得没有任何破绽,别说其他人认不出来,真的就连沈浪也找不到他的一丝丝破绽。 The performance boundary of this person, has been able to be high, but Shen Lang sees his time, thought that perhaps has such a day. 这个人的表演境界,已经能够非常非常高了,但是沈浪见到他的时候,就觉得或许有这么一天的。 Since the mirror is not a disguiser, that Zuo Ci’s probability was very high, because false Shen Lang is he takes to bring. 既然镜子不是伪装者,那左辞的概率就很高了,因为假沈浪是他带进来的。 However Shen Lang has also inspected the Zuo Ci’s spirit, without was seized the shed, was not antiquity human changes, he was 0% hundred Pavilion Lord Zuo Ci, his within the body hell crystal did not have. 但是沈浪也检查过左辞的精神,没有被夺舍,更加不是上古人类变化出来的,他就是百分之百左辞阁主,他体内一点地狱晶体都没有。 This is a good news, is a bad news. 这是一个好消息,也是一个坏消息。 The bad news is because, Zuo Ci might also be brainwashed by Jiang Li. 坏消息是因为,左辞有可能也被姜离洗脑了。 The good news is, Zuo Ci is definitely utterly confused these days, no longer beforehand calm wisdom. 好消息是,左辞这段时间肯定心乱如麻,不复之前的冷静睿智。 However Shen Lang must hurry to uncover him, because the hell soul bead on mirror that Sword of the Dragon disappears. 但是沈浪必须赶紧将他揭出来,因为镜子那支龙之剑上的地狱魂珠不见了。 Although the energy of that hell soul bead wants to be smaller, moreover inside soul is complex, not only there are Fire God Church over a thousand big priests, many Medusa royal family little elder sisters' souls, but can also pollute the wall screening house from street energy management center, is only the might is not big. 尽管那一颗地狱魂珠的能量要小很多,而且里面的灵魂非常复杂,不但有火神教的上千大祭司,还有许多美杜莎王族小姐姐的灵魂,但也是可以污染影壁能量控制中心的,只是威力没有那么大。 Therefore, it is not used to pollute desert Capital energy management Center the good method. 所以,它并不是用来污染漠京能量控制中心的好手段。 On the contrary the hell soul bead of Shen Lang wrist/skill, has the powerful hell crystal, inside had the soul of dozens antiquity human, this was the paralysis invasion energy management center best sharp weapon. 相反沈浪手腕的这颗地狱魂珠,拥有强大的地狱晶体,里面有几十名上古人类的灵魂,这才是瘫痪入侵能量控制中心的最佳利器。 Therefore he must create an opportunity, making the disguiser attain own hell soul bead, otherwise he must pollute desert Beijing Control Center with Sword of the Dragon that hell soul bead. 所以他必须制造一个机会,让伪装者拿到自己的地狱魂珠,否则他就要用龙之剑的那一颗地狱魂珠去污染漠京控制中心了。 Then hell crystal, hell soul bead, once after entering the wall screening house from street energy management center, the result is fatal? 那么地狱晶体,地狱魂珠一旦进入影壁能量控制中心后,结果是不是致命的? Yes, is fatal. 是的,非常致命。 Because hell crystal thing was too fearful, swallows all, spreads all. Moreover the souls of inside more than ten antiquity human, they will do everything possible to expand, the spread, swallows. 因为地狱晶体这玩意太可怕了,吞噬一切,蔓延一切。而且里面有十几个上古人类的灵魂,他们会想尽办法进行扩张,蔓延,吞噬。 Therefore Shen Lang before turning into fossil, injects own soul to the hell soul bead. 所以沈浪在变成化石之前,把自己的灵魂注入到地狱魂珠之内。 Therefore, the person who at this time controlled the hell soul bead was Shen Lang. 所以,这个时候掌控地狱魂珠的人是沈浪 After the hell soul integument throws into the wall screening house from street control center, the numerous strange effects , is also acting in a play completely. 当地狱魂珠被扔进影壁控制中心之后,制造出来的重重离奇效果,也完全是在演戏。 The paralysis that the paralysis of defense system, the space hidden, the cold air attack, the yellow sand sweeps across, all sorts of all, are Shen Lang control the sensation effect that the energy management center is making. 防御系统的瘫痪,空间隐藏的瘫痪,冷空气侵袭,黄沙席卷,种种一切,都是沈浪控制着能量控制中心制造出来的感知效果而已。 All these only for a goal, lure the snake from its hole. 这一切都只为了一个目标,引蛇出洞。 Finally, he succeeded. Zuo Ci this disguiser directing. 结果,他成功了。把左辞这个伪装者给引了出来。 Naturally, successfully after uncovering this disguiser, and has no refreshed feeling of being of great success, endless breathing out implored. 当然,成功揪出这个伪装者之后,也并没有什么大功告成的爽快感,只有无尽的嘘吁。 Six big unique influences, remaining Zuo Ci and Gang Yi, he can definitely can be called one of human survivor leaders, finally including his surrender. 六大超脱势力,就剩下左辞冈一了,他完全可以称得上人类幸存者的领袖之一,结果连他的投降了。 Moreover he does not surrender for himself, he has prepared to commit suicide, renounces. 而且他不是为了自己而投降,他已经准备自杀了,非常决绝。 He for Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion’s in the future, for Zhu Hongxue, can go on living to surrender for Ning Han. 他是为了天涯海阁的未来,为了祝红雪,为了宁寒能够活下去而投降的。 In the future on the Jiang Li ship, will have your passage ticket. 未来姜离的船上,会有你们的一张船票。 These words, are distressed, how helpless, if this is the betrayal, that is also noble the helpless betrayal. 这句话,多么痛心啊,多么让人无奈,如果这是背叛,那也是高尚而已无奈的背叛。 Zuo Ci does not fear death, what he is afraid is his Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion, his disciples will completely cut off the way out. 左辞不怕死,他害怕的是他的天涯海阁,他的弟子们会彻底断绝生路。 Your majesty, please executes me.” Zuo Ci said slowly. “陛下,请您处死我吧。”左辞缓缓道。 Everyone looks to Shen Lang, the vision entreats, but actually does not dare to speak the plea. 所有人望向沈浪,目光哀求,但是却不敢出言求情。 The crime that because Zuo Ci commits was too big, betrays Great Qian Empire, betrays Sovereign Emperor, approaches own enemy to surrender. 因为左辞犯下的罪太大了,背叛大乾帝国,背叛皇帝,向自己的敌人投降。 Shen Lang is shaking hand the sword, the attempt must hold up. Zuo Ci the crime of violation, is doomed dead. 沈浪握着手中的剑,尝试地要举起。左辞所犯之罪,必死无疑。 Enough some little time, the Shen Lang’s sword put. 足足好一会儿,沈浪的剑又放了下来。 Pavilion Lord Zuo Ci, when are you surrender Jiang Li?” Shen Lang asked. 左辞阁主,你是什么时候投降姜离的?”沈浪问道。 I...... I do not know.” Zuo Ci said: „ Because of his not time boundary, but if you must ask when I am and Jiang Li conduct the exchange, that is five years ago, I really despaired at that time, surged impulsive, must alone go to North Pole, I must have a look, actually there turned into anything, actually I must have a look at Jiang Li to have powerful. Even I almost wanted to launch the death attack to him, but he has not killed me. In there, I and he had a conversation. „ “我……我不知道。”左辞道:“因为他并没有一条时间界限,但如果您要问我是什么时候和姜离进行交流的,那是在五年之前,我当时真的绝望了,涌起了一股冲动,要只身去北极,我要去看看,那里究竟变成了什么,我要看看姜离究竟有都么强大。甚至我几乎想要向他发动死亡进攻,但是他没有杀我。就是在那里,我和他进行了一番交谈。“ Then you were conquered by him.” Shen Lang said. “然后你就被他征服了。”沈浪道。 No, I refuted him at that time unceasingly, the anger reprimanded him.” Pavilion Lord Zuo Ci said: But he has nothing to refute me, but calmly narrated. Narrated that the first destruction records the Yuan greatly, ancient times the destruction in empire, even if overdrew 130 million square kilometers land, made the energy cover, cannot block the first drastic change of Sun. The second destruction records the Yuan greatly, the antiquity East empire 200 years ahead of schedule, constructed many cities in underground, tried to evade big to extinguish. At that time what Jiang Xie was not a mainstream, antiquity Jiang Family, antiquity Ji Family, lost the empire to want various completely means that wanted to evade big to extinguish, but failed completely.” “没有,我当时不断地反驳他,愤怒斥责他。”左辞阁主道:“但是他却没有任何驳斥我,只是静静地叙说。叙说第一次毁灭大记元,远古帝国的覆灭,哪怕透支了1.3亿平方公里土地,建造了能量罩,都挡不住太阳的第一次剧变。第二次毁灭大记元,上古东方帝国提前200年,把许多城市建造在地下,试图躲过大涅灭。当时姜歇的并不是主流,上古姜氏,上古姬氏,失落帝国都想尽各种办法,想要躲过大涅灭,但全部都失败了。” Shen Lang said: That White Jade Capital? White Jade Capital what's the matter?” 沈浪道:“那白玉京呢?白玉京是怎么回事?” Zuo Ci said: White Jade Capital was the antiquity East empire imperial authority influences and all unique influences, a salvation organization that jointly formed. Naturally they were also defeated finally, has to before big extinguishes, takes the spaceship to flee with several hundred people, with innumerable materials, frozen various eggs, the essence plant. After the spaceship escapes from the margin for safety, is wandering outside, when innumerable years later, they regained consciousness enough came, but at this time the ecology of our star recovered gradually, they descended to the ground, started the recovery of new civilization difficultly.” 左辞道:“白玉京是上古东方帝国皇权势力和所有超脱势力,联合组建的一个救世组织。当然他们最后也失败了,不得不在大涅灭之前,带着几百人乘坐飞船逃离,带着无数资料,冰封起来的各类卵子,还有精种。飞船逃出安全范围之后,就在外面漂流着,等到无数年后,他们苏醒了够来,而这个时候我们星球的生态渐渐复苏,他们重新降落到地面上,艰难地开始新文明的复苏。” So that's how it is, unexpectedly so. 原来如此,竟然如此。 Shen Lang is strange, antiquity empire Jiang Family, Ji Family was why noblest, to this world, is these two surname characters to be how noble. 沈浪还非常奇怪,为何上古帝国姜氏,姬氏最高贵,怎么到了这个世界,就是这两个姓氏字高贵。 Originally all these, were inherit directly from antiquity human, even the bloodlines were. 原来这一切,都是直接从上古人类继承下来的,甚至连血脉都是。 Shen Lang said: „The civilization development of why this world so slowly?” 沈浪道:“那为何这个世界的文明发展得如此缓慢?” Zuo Ci said: „The salvation influence headed by White Jade Capital believes that reason that will have world big to extinguish, is completely because the energy of human to this world demands too, moreover dares to steal to be the strength fragment of Divine Dragon, made big dragon war giant beast unexpectedly, will therefore offend the Spiritual God, causing antiquity big to extinguish. Therefore White Jade Capital must make one civilization develop, the sustainable development, the suppressed antiquity civilization, hopes as far as possible can take a different path. Perhaps this world big extinguishes, will not arrive again.” 左辞道:“以白玉京为首的救世势力认为,之所以会有世界大涅灭,完全是因为人类对这个世界的能量索取太多,而且竟敢去窃取属于神龙的力量片段,竟然还制造出了巨龙这种战争巨兽,所以才会触犯神灵,导致上古大涅灭。所以白玉京要让人类文明重新发展,可持续发展,尽量压制上古文明,希望能够走出一条不一样的道路。这样或许世界大涅灭,就不会再到来了。” Sounding, this idea seems to be reasonable. 听上去,这个想法仿佛非常有道理。 Even if currently Earth also has many such viewpoints, even is the mainstream viewpoint. 哪怕现在地球也有很多这样的观点,甚至是主流观点。 Transition mining of human to earth resource, one day will enrage Earth finally, conducts the destructive penalty to human. 人类对地球资源的过渡开采,终有一日会触怒地球,对人类进行毁灭性的惩罚。 Therefore under the leadership of White Jade Capital, this world to the antiquity nightmare stone civilization was the comprehensive suppression and blockade attitude. Great Yan Empire, becomes the White Jade Capital absolute ally. 所以在白玉京的主导之下,这个世界对上古噩梦石文明是全面的打压和封锁态度。大炎帝国,更是成为了白玉京的绝对盟友。 However the time can change some, when Pan Dora magic box, once opens, could not receive again. Once the human empire tasted the powerful strength, could not go back again. 不过时间能够改变一些,当潘多拉的魔盒一旦开启,就再也收不回去了。人类帝国一旦尝到了强大的力量,也就再也回不去了。 Therefore was several big unique influences is first developing the antiquity civilization gradually, the excavation antiquity vestige. 所以先是几大超脱势力在渐渐发展上古文明,发掘上古遗迹。 Then Jiang Li appears, the great strength of antiquity civilization, outstanding, exposes dazzlingly completely in the front of the world, the instantaneous unity attracted countless people. 接下来姜离横空出世,把上古文明的强大,优秀,耀眼完全展露在世人的面前,瞬间团结吸引了无数人。 Therefore the whole world welcomed the big recovery of antiquity civilization, big eruption. 所以整个世界迎来了上古文明的大复苏,大爆发。 But then White Jade Capital could not have suppressed completely, to suppress the spread of hell crystal, to control that vault energy cover, the White Jade Capital person has died similarly. 而当时的白玉京已经完全压制不住了,为了镇压地狱晶体的蔓延,为了控制那个穹顶能量罩,白玉京的人已经死得差不多了。 Now looks like, White Jade Capital seems like a Holy Mother same organization. 现在看来,白玉京非常像是一个圣母一样的组织啊。 His Majesty Shen Lang, the White Jade Capital approach is wrong, their ideas are also wrong.” Zuo Ci said: World big extinguishes, simply are not related with the development of human civilization, this is the universe principle, this was the galaxy rule, after Sun to certain age, will move toward the death. But he moved toward the death, certainly will have the big eruption, will counter-attack crazily. Your Highness Jiang Xie this theory, almost received all mainstream rebuttals in the past. However the truth often grasps in the hand of small number of people.” 沈浪陛下,白玉京的做法是错的,他们的想法也是错的。”左辞道:“世界大涅灭,和人类文明的发展根本没有关系,这是宇宙法则,这是星系规律,太阳到了一定年龄之后,就会走向死亡的。而他走向死亡,一定会有大爆发,会疯狂反扑的。姜歇殿下当年这个理论,几乎受到了所有主流的驳斥。但是真理往往掌握在少数人的手里。” Shen Lang said: To a certain extent, I also think that his view, these world big extinguish , because Sun marched into the drastic change big eruption of death. Such situation then also has many times, the last time Sun will explode directly, because it is not very big, will therefore collapse to become a very slightly very small white dwarf. Therefore in the principle of the world destruction, I thought that Jiang Li is correct.” 沈浪道:“某种程度上,我也认为他的说法,这几次世界大涅灭,都是因为太阳步入死亡的剧变大爆发。这样的情形接下来还有很多次,最后一次太阳会直接爆炸,但因为它还是不够大,所以会坍塌成为一个很小很小的白矮星。所以在世界毁灭的原理上,我觉得姜离是正确的。” Then Shen Lang said: That false Shen Lang, yes mirror is right? He performs desperately, is protection desert Capital, because he regarded Jiang Li to send the disguiser me was right?” 接着沈浪道:“那个假沈浪,是镜子对吗?他拼命地表演,就是要保护漠京,因为他把我当成了姜离派来的伪装者对吗?” Zuo Ci nods saying: Yes, will not only by doing so have any flaw. However, at that time most people in the heart of hearts long for you are real His Majesty Shen Lang, because everyone does not want to see unrelieved His Majesty Shen Lang, only then you changed, that conforms to everyone's anticipation, everyone can the brain make up, you disappeared for dozens years, definitely was the Nirvana, definitely grown stronger.” 左辞点了点头道:“是的,只有这样,才不会有任何破绽。但是,当时大多数人在内心深处还是渴望您是真的沈浪陛下,因为所有人都不想见到一个毫无变化的沈浪陛下,只有您变化了,那才符合所有人的期待,所有人都会脑补,您消失了几十年,肯定是涅槃了,肯定是变强了。” Zuo Ci these words, said that completely will of the people, everyone longs for that sees Shen Lang to transform, any transformation compares irrevocably is better. 左辞这段话,又说尽了人心,所有人都渴望见到沈浪蜕变,任何蜕变都比一成不变更好。 His Majesty Shen Lang, you begin, killed me.” Zuo Ci elongated the neck again, now he was the quarter of an hour is not really willing to live. 沈浪陛下,您动手吧,杀了我吧。”左辞再一次伸长了脖子,现在他真的是一刻钟都不愿意多活了。 The death to him, was really an extrication, was escape. 死亡对于他来说,真的是一种解脱,也是一种逃避。 Although to protect Zhu Hongxue and Ning Han, to protect Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion everyone, but betrays betrays, was notorious. 尽管是为了保护祝红雪宁寒,为了保护天涯海阁所有人,但背叛就是背叛,一身英名丧尽了。 Shen Lang holds up the big sword again, places on the Zuo Ci’s neck, said slowly: Pavilion Lord Zuo Ci, don't you favor me to the present? Thought that my certainly failure is right?” 沈浪再一次举起大剑,放在左辞的脖子上,缓缓道:“左辞阁主,您到现在都不看好我是吗?觉得我一定会失败对吗?” Zuo Ci nods saying: You had too many weakness, your too heavy sentiment, this is unable to defeat Jiang Li, is unable to save this world. You have a look, you kill me unable to start now continually, if in the future will need you to kill others, you will kill? If you in the future need you to kill several million, several million people, can save this world, do you kill? In the future if needs to kill 100 million people, can save 1 million people, do you kill? These things you cannot achieve, only then Jiang Li can the eye not wink can achieve.” 左辞点了点头道:“您有太多弱点了,您太重情了,这样是无法击败姜离的,更无法拯救这个世界。您看看,您现在连杀我都下不了手,未来如果需要您杀其他人呢,您杀不杀?你未来如果需要您杀几百万,几千万人,才能拯救这个世界,您杀不杀?未来如果需要杀一亿人,才能拯救一百万人,您杀不杀?这些事情您都做不到,只有姜离才能眼睛不眨就能做到。” Shen Lang sighed: Pavilion Lord Zuo Ci, you said right, you said right.” 沈浪叹息道:“左辞阁主,您说得对,您说得都对。” He organizes the language saying: Murders decisively, unfeeling, Jiang Li hundred times in me. Between I and him, who can win finally, is not really good to say. The path that I and he take who is correct, who can save this world, is not good to say.” 他组织着语言道:“论杀伐果断,冷酷无情,姜离百倍于我。我和他之间,谁能赢到最后,真的非常不好讲。我和他走的道路谁是正确的,谁才能拯救这个世界,也不好讲。” His Majesty Jiang Li thinks that his path is the absolutely correct, moreover seems like also correct. But path that I take, looks like that the twists and turns to fluctuate, almost does not have the clear sense of direction, no accurate goal.” 姜离陛下认为他的道路是绝对正确的,而且看上去也是正确的。而我走的道路,看上去显得那么波折起伏,几乎没有清晰的方向感,也没有一个准确的目标。” But can some people take the road of another salvation not? If the Jiang Li road walks does not pass, must have another road not?” “但是总要有人走另外一条救世之路不是吗?如果姜离的路走不通,总要有另外一条路的不是吗?” Where Shen Lang is to think at this time completely, where spoke. 沈浪此时完全是想到哪里,就说到哪里。 Zhu Hongxue said: I believe completely your majesty path can walk to pass, the road of your salvation, is the road of true salvation. Although I cannot understand anything am the nuclear fusion, anything is studies like Sun, then can defeat Sun.” 祝红雪道:“我完全坚信陛下的道路能够走通,您的救世之路,才是真正的救世之路。尽管我听不懂什么是核聚变,什么是像太阳学习,然后才能战胜太阳。” Shen Lang said: Path that I and Jiang Li two people must take, is frank and upright. Path that he must take, is swallows entire star all strengths and vitalities, builds an unprecedented giant spaceship, with several hundred thousand people of souls far away from this galaxy, to the unlimited remote galaxy, found another star to settle down, there Sun also has billions years of happy years, there star also vital.” 沈浪道:“我和姜离两个人要走的道路,都是光明正大的。他要走的道路,就是吞噬整个星球所有的力量和生机,打造一艘前所未有的巨大飞船,带着几十万人的灵魂远离这颗星系,前往无限遥远的星系,找到另外一颗星球定居下来,那里的太阳还有几十亿年的美好岁月,那里的星球也充满生机。” However the path that I must take is, the antiquity civilization and technical civilization unified, successfully developed the controllable nuclear fusion reaction, this can obtain the continuous energy. Receives deep level reason that round trip understanding world big extinguishes, understood that actually the solar at the point of death beforehand drastic change is what? Can the outer space defend outside? This Sun truly soon died, but is away from its radical explosion, very long time.” “而我要走的道路就是,上古文明和科技文明相结合,成功地发展出可控核聚变反应,这样才能得到源源不断的能量。接下来去了解世界大涅灭的深层次原因,去了解太阳临死之前的剧变究竟是什么?能不能在外太空进行防御?这颗太阳确实快要死了,但距离它的彻底爆炸,还有很长的时间。” The path that I must take unites everyone, the wisdom of set everyone, develops the powerful civilization. Hundreds of millions people unite, unity is strength, prevents the 90 years later destruction crises, did not sacrifice the big piece crowd, did not sacrifice the entire star.” “我要走的道路是团结所有人,集合所有人的智慧,发展强大的文明。几亿人团结一心,众志成城,阻挡九十年之后的毁灭危机,不牺牲大片人群,更加不牺牲整颗星球。” Jiang Li said right, when will conduct colonizes the galaxy the time in the future, in the human civilization hand will have the innumerable stars, what trivial ruined one to be considered as? But this is a fallacy, in this as if poor wretch hand only then a silver coin, but he thought that own future will get rich, will have over a million gold coins, what therefore spent only silver coin to be considered as? Therefore took away to drink this silver coin, in the present has the liquor to be drunk in the present. However tomorrow, does not have the food to eat.” 姜离说得对,等到未来进行殖民星系的时候,人类文明手中会有无数星球,区区毁掉一颗又算得了什么?但这是一个谬论,这就仿佛一个穷光蛋手中只有一个银币,但是他觉得自己未来会发财,会有上百万金币,所以花掉区区一个银币又算得了什么?所以把这个银币拿去喝酒了,今朝有酒今朝醉。但是明日,就已经没有饭吃了。” Right, the Jiang Li salvation goal understands clearly. But my strategic route is fuzzy, even the theory did not have the complete formation, even cannot see the chance of success completely. However, must some people take another road,” “没错,姜离的救世目标非常清晰明了。而我的战略路线却非常模糊,甚至连理论都还没有完整形成,甚至也完全看不到成功的希望。但是,总要有人走另外一条路吧,” Therefore while big fellow, me talks clearly the words, the future path I will have the direction, but without assurance, moreover must depend upon several million, several million, even hundreds of millions people of efforts, if will want to walk with me, will walk. If not want to follow me, can go to that side Jiang Li, believes that in the future on his spaceship, will have your passage ticket.” “所以趁着大家伙都在,我就把话说清楚,未来的道路我有方向,但是没有把握,而且要依靠几百万,几千万,甚至几亿人的努力,如果想要跟我走下去的,就走下去。如果不想跟我走下去的,可以去姜离那边,相信未来在他的飞船上,会有你们的一张船票。” This saying. 这话一出。 Zhu Hongxue first knelt, kotows said: Feudal official is willing to follow your majesty, meets a cruel death, goes through fire or water, refuses to balk.” 祝红雪先跪了下来,叩首道:“臣愿意追随陛下,粉身碎骨,赴汤蹈火,在所不惜。” Then Princess Ning Han also knelt, kotows said: Male and female servants are willing to follow your majesty, no matter how this road, will meet a cruel death in the future.” 接着宁寒公主也跪了下来,叩首道:“臣妾愿意追随陛下,不管未来这条路会怎么样,是不是粉身碎骨。” A moment later, a limping form walked, is the Shen Lang’s substitute person mirror, knelt toward Shen Lang. 片刻之后,一个蹒跚的身影走了进来,正是沈浪的替身镜子,朝着沈浪跪了下来。 I, I, although does not know that can make anything, but I am also willing to follow your majesty, goes through fire or water, refuses to balk.” “我,我虽然不知道能做什么,但是我也愿意跟随陛下,赴汤蹈火,在所不惜。” Everyone cannot help but looks to him. 所有人不由得望向他。 Really is exactly the same, moreover wears antiquity king Jie, Heart of the Dragon, is grasping Sword of the Dragon. 真的是一模一样,而且还戴着上古王戒,龙之心,握着龙之剑 These things are I give the mirror.” Zuo Ci said: I told him, dark Jiang Great Emperor sent a disguiser to enter desert Capital, must usurp the Great Qian Empire final pure land, therefore he came with me. Does utmost, performance His Majesty Shen Lang.” “这些东西都是我交给镜子的。”左辞道:“我跟他说,黑暗姜大帝派遣了一个伪装者进入漠京,要篡夺大乾帝国最后的净土,于是他就跟我来了。竭尽全力,表演沈浪陛下。” Mirror say/way: Why I do not know, so long as my thought that that energy vortex released, but I absolutely did not have the ability to organize the energy vortex equation.” 镜子道:“我也不知道为何,只要我一个意念,那个能量旋涡就释放出来了,但是我完全没有能力去组织能量旋涡方程式的。” This point is not difficult, because of Heart of the Dragon, Sword of the Dragon is Jiang Li makes, he is the actual master of this set of equipment. 这一点都不难,因为龙之心,龙之剑都是姜离制造出来的,他才是这套装备的真正主人。 But in the meantime, under the leadership of Zhu Hongxue, the ultrasonic wave flight beast surpassed greatly. 而就在此时,在祝红雪的带领下,超声波飞行兽大超走了进来。 Then, it instantaneous compelled ignorant. Any situation, really has two masters. 然后,它瞬间懵逼了。啥情况,竟然有两个主人。 That, which should I plunge? 那,那我该扑向哪一个啊? The greatly ultra instinct must plunge the mirror, because in his hand had antiquity king Jie, its instinct by that recognition. 大超本能又要扑向镜子,因为他手上有上古王戒,它本能是靠那个识别的。 However it as if looked that everyone's meaningful glance some are not right, therefore his a while looks to Shen Lang, a while looks to the mirror, exuded a calling out in grief sound. 但是它仿佛看所有人的眼色有些不对劲,所以他一会儿望向沈浪,一会儿望向镜子,发出了一阵悲鸣声。 I am only a flight beast, does your human own recognition, why need to feel embarrassed me? Hard to be inadequate you to think that I am more intelligent than you? 我只是一只飞行兽而已啊,你们人类自己的识别不出来,为何要为难我啊?难不成你们认为我比你们还要聪明? Zuo Ci kneels down to kotow again said: Asked your majesty to kill me, the feudal official did not have the face to live again in this world, asking your majesty to help, settles my life.” 左辞再一次跪下叩首道:“请陛下杀我,臣再也无颜活在这个世界上,请陛下成全,了结我的人生。” Everyone's vision looked again to him, looked again to Shen Lang. 所有人的目光再一次望向了他,再一次望向了沈浪 Should kill? 该不该杀? Jokes aside, kills too tremendous pressure of Zuo Ci not to Shen Lang, he and Zuo Ci’s relate are far to be intimate. 说真的,杀一个左辞沈浪来说并没有太大的精神压力,他和左辞的关系根本就谈不上有多么亲近。 Zuo Ci made the huge mistake, although without causing dire consequence, but made a mistake was wrong. 况且左辞犯下了大错,虽然没有造成可怕后果,但错了就是错了。 Now the essential issue is, Zuo Ci is almost under Shen Lang the most powerful person, moreover what he to Shen Lang individual is loyal, but is he thought that in the future did not have the hope. 现在关键的问题是,左辞几乎是沈浪麾下最强大的一个人,而且他对沈浪个人的是忠诚的,只不过是他觉得未来没有了希望。 If killed him, in the future when chooses a person, damaged a great general. 若杀了他,未来用人之际,就又损了一员大将。 In the future can Zuo Ci, be useful? Moreover in Shen Lang jurisdiction, but can conduct the bloodlines to transform according to this desert Capital energy management Center, the body transforms, energy transformation. 未来左辞,会不会有用?而且沈浪权限中,可是能够根据这个漠京能量控制中心进行血脉改造,身体改造,能量改造的。 Zuo Ci martial arts such, is completely one of the best candidates. Moreover he has filled must die the heart, once such person transforms, may have the huge pleasant surprise. 左辞武功如此之强,完全是最佳的一个人选之一。而且他已经充满了必死之心,这样的人一旦改造,或许会有巨大之惊喜。 Enough after some little time. 足足好一会儿后。 Capital crime may exempt, the suffering is hard to run away, is jailed to wait to punish.” Shen Lang said: Critical moment, must sacrifice for Great Qian Empire.” “死罪可免,活罪难逃,下狱等候论处。”沈浪道:“关键时刻,要为大乾帝国进行牺牲。” Hears these words, Pavilion Lord Zuo Ci, not only has not rushed rejoiced, instead was more painful. 听到这句话,左辞阁主非但没有赶到庆幸,反而更加痛苦了。 Then, his knocks fiercely to the ground. Pounds with the face directly to the hard ground, ruined own appearance instantaneously, whole piece face covered with blood, could not have seen the original appearance completely. 然后,他猛地一头磕向地面。直接就是用面孔砸向坚硬的地面,瞬间毁掉了自己的容貌,整张面孔血肉模糊,已经完全看不出原本的模样。 Feudal official does not have the face to appear in public, this...... should die immediately, but your majesty does not permit the feudal official dead, that...... the feudal official lives on dishonorably!” “臣无颜见人,本……本该立刻死去,但陛下不准臣死,那……臣就苟活下去!” Shen Lang said: Zhu Hongxue, imprisons Zuo Ci, remembers the security, do not leak out.” 沈浪道:“祝红雪,将左辞囚禁起来,记住保密,不要泄露出去。” If this matter disclosed, delivers the fatal blow to the morale and confidence of entire desert Capital several hundred thousand survivors. 若是这件事情透露出去,会给整个漠京几十万幸存者的士气和信心带来致命打击。 Mirror say/way: I...... I can also ruin the face.” 镜子道:“我……我也可以毁掉面孔的。” Shen Lang said: Your matter then said how you arrive at the ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness, actually that side Fire God Church to have anything, a while I inquired you. Now you Heart of the Dragon, antiquity king Jie take down immediately, gives me Sword of the Dragon.” 沈浪道:“你的事情接下来再说,你是如何来到万里大荒漠的,还有火神教那边究竟发生了什么,一会儿我去询问你。现在你立刻将身上的龙之心,上古王戒取下来,把龙之剑也交给我。” Mirror say/way: I have tried, does not take down completely, therefore, if necessary, asking your majesty to kill me. Dozens years later can see your majesty again, the mirror is not really joyful, does not have to ask again. Moreover perhaps the value of mirror, could also not have, even if died at this time, was still lived for dozens years.” 镜子道:“我试过了,完全取不下来,所以,如果有必要的话,请陛下杀了我吧。时隔几十年能够再一次见到陛下,镜子已经不甚欣喜,再无所求。而且镜子的价值,或许也已经能够没有了,就算此时死去,也算是多活了几十年。” Doesn't take down? 取不下来? The mirror draws out the dagger, cut toward own ring finger fiercely, must bringing antiquity king Jie that finger cuts completely. 镜子拔出匕首,朝着自己的无名指猛地斩了下去,要把带着上古王戒的那根手指完全斩下来。 Finally, does not calculate how to cut, finally cuts in the air, as if his finger does not exist general, as if above antiquity king Jie did not exist general. However it obviously there. 结果,不算怎么斩下去,最终都是斩在空气中,仿佛他那根手指不存在一般,仿佛上面的上古王戒也不存在一般。但是它明显就在那里。 Therefore, to avoid me becomes the disaster, killed me.” The mirror said toward the Shen Lang smile. “所以,为了避免我成为祸害,杀了我吧。”镜子朝着沈浪微笑道。 But in the meantime, Sword of the Dragon in mirror hand releases the incomparably bright large ray fiercely. 而就在此时,镜子手中的龙之剑猛地释放出无比亮硕的光芒。 „!” “唰!” Fired into the horizon directly. 直接冲向了天际。 Then, his light shadow covers on the body of mirror, therefore seems like is completely the Jiang Li big body, military might and delicate and pretty incomparable face. 然后,他的光影笼罩在镜子的身上,所以看上去完全是姜离高大的身体,威武而又俊美无匹的面孔。 This...... this is the projection of Jiang Li. 这……这又是姜离的投影。 From Heart of the Dragon, the clone light shadow that antiquity king Jie puts. 龙之心,上古王戒投放出来的分身光影。 His Majesty Shen Lang, that disguiser was truly clutched by you, therefore among us first gambling, you truly won.” The Jiang Li light shadow said. 沈浪陛下,那个伪装者确实被你揪出来了,所以我们之间的第一场博弈,你确实赢了。”姜离的光影道。 Shen Lang said: I not necessarily won, because you conquered Pavilion Lord Zuo Ci from the spirit and mind, making him be willing to become your disguiser.” 沈浪道:“我未必赢了吧,因为你从精神和心灵上征服了左辞阁主,让他心甘情愿成为你的伪装者。” Jiang Li said: Won won, lost lost, no well said. However...... won was not necessarily have the reward. Shen Lang this desert Capital I had not paid attention, because in Zuo Ci this crowd of person hands, its anything is not. However now you come, all were different. Even if pays the huge price, I must destroy your desert Capital.” 姜离道:“赢了就是赢了,输了就是输了,没有什么好说的。但是……赢了未必会有奖励的。沈浪这个漠京我原本没有放在眼里,因为在左辞这群人手中,它什么都不是。但是现在你来了,一切就都不一样了。所以就算付出巨大的代价,我也要将你的漠京摧毁了。” Shen Lang said: But, the defense system of entire desert Capital is in good health as before, where your army could not find it, cannot come in right?” 沈浪道:“但是,整个漠京的防御系统依旧健在,你的军队根本就找不到它在哪里,也根本进不来对吗?” Right, right, said to......” Jiang Li: But His Majesty Shen Lang, you are intelligent, you should know that this Sword of the Dragon, Heart of the Dragon, antiquity king Jie entered that flash of desert Capital, has become a Coordinate. The Coordinate, had the goal, can launch the long-distance attack!” “对,对,对……”姜离道:“但是沈浪陛下,你非常聪明,你应该知道这支龙之剑,龙之心,上古王戒进入漠京的那一瞬间,就已经成为了一个坐标了。有一个坐标,就有了目标,就可以进行远程攻击了!” Jiang Li this saying just said, this Sword of the Dragon bursts out the ray that soars to the heavens again, shot at the sky vault of heaven directly. 姜离这话刚刚说完,这支龙之剑再一次迸发出冲天的光芒,直接射向了天空苍穹。 Jiang Li said: Shen Lang, you have experienced Regret of the Dragon, have you experienced hell crystal Regret of the Dragon? Then, you must experience quickly, my one minute one second will not give you much, prepares to meet the approaching enemy!” 姜离道:“沈浪,你已经见识过龙之悔了,那你见识过地狱晶体龙之悔吗?接下来,你很快就要见识到了,我一分一秒都不会多给你的,准备迎击!” This first gambling was you won, even if did not have the disguiser, I destroyed desert Capital still to use energy slightly, but eventually, was effortless. Before Shen Lang , your opponents, always like giving you one month, two months, or six months, however my day, one minute will not give you much, because my time was too precious. If you even my attack anti-, that also and I struggle without the qualifications, would have no qualifications and I takes the road of other different salvation.” “这第一次博弈是你赢了,但就算没有伪装者,我毁灭漠京也只是稍稍费劲一些而已,但终究来说,还是不费吹灰之力的。沈浪之前你的那些对手,总是喜欢给你一个月,两个月,或者半年时间,然而我一天,一分钟都不会多给你的,因为我的时间太宝贵了。你若连我这点打击都抗不过去的话,那也就没有资格和我斗争,也就没有资格和我走另外不同的救世之路了。” As the Jiang Li words just fell. 随着姜离的话刚刚落下。 Immediately, flew dozens giant flying fortresses from the sky of desert northern Beijing. 顿时,从漠京北边的天空飞来了几十艘巨型空中堡垒。 Shrouding the Heavens blocks out the sun, enormous and powerful. 遮天蔽日,浩浩荡荡。 Launch!” “发射!” Launch!” “发射!” Launch!” “发射!” With order, these giant flying fortresses launch fiercely. 随着一声令下,这些巨型空中堡垒猛地发射。 Over a hundred hell crystal Regret of the Dragon, come from several thousand li (0.5 km), shoots toward desert Capital. 上百颗地狱晶体龙之悔,从几千里之外就呼啸而来,朝着漠京射来。 With destroying day of energy aura that extinguishes the place. 带着毁天灭地的能量气息。 Although from the field of vision, cannot see the shadow of desert Capital completely, cannot see it there. 尽管从视野上,完全见不到漠京的影子,也看不到它在那里。 However Jiang Li in desert Capital, had provided the energy Coordinate. 但是姜离已经在漠京内部,提供了能量坐标。 He to Shen Lang any little time, will really not make war directly, destructive attack. 他果然不会给沈浪任何多一点点时间,直接就开战,毁灭性打击。 .................. ……………… Note: This afternoon holds the important meeting, I raced against time Chapter 1 finished. Brother pays respects request the monthly ticket, asked absolutely. 注:今天下午开重要会议,我争分夺秒把第一章写完了。拜求兄弟们月票,万万拜托了。
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