HSH :: Volume #7

#638: Invincible empire! Great Emperor Jiang Lang!( Asked monthly ticket)

How long hasn't Shen Lang seen Xu Qianqian? He does not remember that in any case since overcomes Raging Tide City, destroys completely Zhuo Zhaoyan, after rescuing Xu Qianqian, has almost not seen her. 沈浪有多久没有见过徐芊芊了?他自己都不记得了,反正自从打下怒潮城,灭掉卓昭颜,救出徐芊芊之后,就差不多没有怎么见过她了。 Naturally, as Shen Lang Great Qian Empire’s rises, the Xu Qianqian’s enterprise also does enjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, almost monopolized East and West all silk trades, cannot describe with rich. 当然,随着沈浪大乾帝国的崛起,徐芊芊的事业也做得风生水起,几乎垄断了东西方所有的丝绸贸易,已经不能用富甲一方来形容了。 In the past his father Xu Guangyun mixed for dozens years, becomes slow reluctantly 1 million. But the Xu Qianqian’s caravan goes to Silun Empire, almost made his father's money for a lifetime. 当年他爹徐光允混了几十年,也才勉强成为了徐百万。而徐芊芊的商队去一趟西仑帝国,就差不多赚到了他父亲一辈子的钱。 Within several years, Xu Qianqian could have been called is having wealth equivalent to that of an entire nation. Moreover, she still in Great Qian Empire household section Department of Trade, the Ministry of Rites Department of Foreign Affairs two yamen and government position, as if also achieved Fifth Rank, Shen Lang had not cared specially, but nonchalant has swept one in the report of Ministry Terrace. 几年之内,徐芊芊已经称得上是富可敌国了。不仅如此,她还在大乾帝国户部贸易司,礼部外交司两个衙门兼了官职,仿佛还做到了五品,沈浪没有特别在意,只是不经意在尚书台的报告中扫过了一眼。 These year of Shen Lang do not have the time to see her, Xu Qianqian deliberately is also avoiding meeting with Shen Lang. 那些年沈浪没有时间见她,徐芊芊也在刻意避免和沈浪相见。 She is not Zhang Chunhua, must marry Shen Lang brazen-faced and shameless, she has the dignity woman. However does not marry the Shen Lang’s words, she basically did not marry, because no one dares to marry. 她不是张春华,死皮赖脸要嫁给沈浪,她是有尊严的女人。但是不嫁给沈浪的话,她也基本上嫁不出去了,因为无人敢娶。 Such 67 years, Shen Lang and Xu Qianqian’s meet few. 就这样六七年时间内,沈浪徐芊芊的见面屈指可数。 Now, how many years was this passes? Xu Qianqian seems like is still so young, looks at the skin and beautiful appearance purely, even exceeded the past years. However from the look, seemed also mature from the makings. 如今,这算是几年时间过去了?徐芊芊看起来依旧如此年轻,单纯看皮肤和美貌,甚至超过了当年。但是从眼神,从气质又仿佛成熟了许多。 Naturally, Shen Lang only looked at her one eyes . Moreover the vision has not demonstrated any mighty waves. 当然,沈浪只看了她一眼,而且目光没有显示出任何波澜。 Said that where?” Xu Qianqian asked lightly. “说吧,在哪里?”徐芊芊淡淡问道。 Her makings really changed, even filled withering, feeling of having absolute power over somebody. 她气质真的改变了很多,甚至充满了肃杀,生杀予夺的感觉。 Shen Lang silent did not say. 沈浪沉默不言。 Xu Qianqian said lightly: Feels me to be unqualified, can't listen to your report?” 徐芊芊淡淡道:“觉得我不够资格,不能听你的汇报?” Shen Lang silent did not say as before. 沈浪依旧沉默不言。 Xu Qianqian sat lazy, to oneself but actually one glass of red wines, the difference about 300 milliliters, then drank completely. 徐芊芊慵懒地坐了下来,给自己倒了一杯红酒,差不过三百毫升左右,然后一口气饮尽。 Makes Sir Governor come.” Xu Qianqian said. “去让总督大人过来。”徐芊芊道。 Yes!” “是!” Outside warrior walked. 外面一个武士走了出去。 Then, secret room inside fell into peacefully, Xu Qianqian continues to drink one after another, one is more than half jin (0.5 kg), even the red wine was too still ominous. 然后,密室里面陷入了安静,徐芊芊继续一杯一杯地喝酒,一口就是半斤多,就算是红葡萄酒也太凶了。 After a while, a young martial-looking man walked, almost one meter nine high, the stature was majestic, felt the powerful strength feeling, was similar to the falcon to be ordinary sharp-eyed. Moreover he as if always deeply frowns. 过了一会儿,一个年轻英武的男人走了进来,差不多一米九高,身材雄壮,充满了强大的力量感,目光锐利如同鹰隼一般。而且他仿佛时时刻刻都是眉头紧锁的。 Moreover, his face is very thin, forms the intense inverse proportion with the majestic stature. 另外,他的面孔特别瘦,和雄壮的身材形成强烈的反比。 This is Heavenly South City Sir Governor? 这位就是天南城总督大人 Said that......” young governor said: Where?” “说吧……”年轻的总督道:“在哪里?” Shen Lang thought a while, arrives in front of the map, with beginning a stroke to select, this is that place that he wakes up. 沈浪想了一会儿,来到地图面前,拿起笔点了一下,这就是他醒来的那个地方。 Oh, here?” The young governor said: Really is same like the mouse, hits hits not.” ,这里啊?”年轻的总督道:“真是如同老鼠一样,打都打不尽。” Then he tears off a map conveniently, draws a circle in some place. 然后他随手扯下一张地图,在某个地点上画一个圈。 Comes the person......” “来人……” commander walked. 名将领走了进来。 Dispatches 3000 air forces, this place radius in 30 li (0.5 km), totally destroys......” Sir Governor to say. “派遣三千名空军,把这个地方半径三十里内,全部摧毁……”总督大人道。 That commander said: Yes, what weapon do the Sir please ask with?” 名将领道:“是,大人请问用什么武器?” Hell ball!” The governor said: In brief, the radius in 30 li (0.5 km), destroys cleanly, a mouse cannot live.” “地狱弹!”总督道:“总之,半径三十里内,摧毁得干干净净,连一只老鼠都不能活。” Yes!” “是!” This commander took the written order to walk, a moment later. 名将领拿着手令走了出去,片刻之后。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖……” 3000 air forces soared, departed Heavenly South City. 三千空军腾空而起,飞出了天南城 Meanwhile, three giant fliers. 与此同时,还有三个巨大的飞行物。 What is this? The airplane like the airplane, the airship like the airship, in brief is not the colossus. 这是什么?飞机不像飞机,飞艇又不像飞艇,总之是庞然大物。 Oh, this was the flying fortress of evolution version, wanted big several times compared with once the Raging Tide City’s flying fortress, each flying fortress had the independence energy core. Above densely and numerously is all kinds of weapons, small Strength of the Dragon has continually. ,这是进化版的空中堡垒了,比曾经怒潮城的空中堡垒还要大几倍,每一个空中堡垒都有独立的能量核心。上面密密麻麻都是各种武器,连小型龙之力都有。 Moreover the flying speed is extremely fast, surpassed the black great vulture easily, was really the strong skymaster, if in the past Shen Lang had this weapon, has swept away the world. 而且飞行速度极快,轻而易举超过了黑色巨雕,真是超强的空中霸王了,当年沈浪要是有这武器,早就横扫天下了。 The short moment, this 3000 airborne regiments vanish in within eyesight, flies toward the south side, was to eliminate that place that Shen Lang said. 短短片刻,这三千空中军团就消失在视野之内,朝着南边飞去,就是要去消灭沈浪所说的那个地点了。 What this does seem like? Probably a superpower, asked one, terrorist where? Then will not send, sends out the powerful air force to wash directly, cancels from the world that region thoroughly, no matter the terrorist, is anyone, died directly cleanly. 这一幕像是什么?像是一个超级强国,就问一句,恐怖分子在哪里?然后根本就不会派人去,直接派出强大的空军洗地,把那个区域彻底从世界上抹去,那不管是恐怖分子,还是什么人,都直接死得干干净净了。 Paternal aunt, has imperial capital well you not to live, why insists on our type of bleak places.” The governor said: „Any thing of imperial capital compares here well, I also want to move by any means possible.” “姑姑,有好好的帝京你不住,为何硬要来我们这种荒凉之地啊。”总督道:“帝京的什么东西都比这里好,我千方百计还想要调回去呢。” Xu Qianqian said: Here is my hometown.” 徐芊芊道:“这里才是我的家乡。” Sir Governor said: But your majesty in imperial capital.” 总督大人道:“但是陛下在帝京。” Xu Qianqian said: He not in imperial capital, after the North Pole drastic change, he does not see the person, in North Pole Saint Capital, Crown Prince cannot see him, the noble concubines have not seen him.” 徐芊芊道:“他不在帝京,从北极剧变之后,他连人都不见,都在北极圣京,太子都见不到他,贵妃们也没有见过他。” But at this time Shen Lang knows finally, who this Sir Governor was. 而此时沈浪终于知道,这位总督大人是谁了。 His younger brother Shen Jian’s son, Shen Cheng. 他弟弟沈建的儿子,沈城 No wonder just saw that somewhat looks familiar slightly, when he is very young, Shen Lang also hugs him frequently, moreover he and Shen Mi sister and brother relations are good. 难怪刚刚看到就稍稍有些眼熟,在他很小的时候,沈浪还经常抱他,而且他和沈宓姐弟关系非常好。 Never expected that was he...... unexpectedly so big? This, this minimum thirty years old? 没有想到他……竟然这么大了?这,这起码已经三十几岁了吧? In other words, had the time passed by for dozens years? Does he actually become Governor Heavenly South Province’s? 也就是说,时间已经过去了几十年了?他竟然成为了天南行省的总督? But in the meantime, outside resounded a voice of military officer. 而就在此时,外面又响起了一个将领的声音。 Sir Governor, the Black Water Platform secret agent comes to report.” 总督大人,黑水台密探前来汇报。” Governor Shen Cheng knits the brows: Endless, was tired. This damned place I do not want to stay, the wild place, the wild place, Paternal aunt, you looks for the relations, moves to go to the imperial capital me.” 总督沈城皱眉道:“没完没了,烦死了。这个鬼地方我一点都不想呆了,蛮荒之地,蛮荒之地,姑姑啊,你去找找关系,把我调去帝京吧。” Xu Qianqian said: „Do I look for the relations? Ruling Crown Prince is your younger brother, the border crossing protects King of the Blood is your younger brother, Sovereign Emperor your majesty is your uncle, you are the imperial family ancestor and relative, relating isn't much more intimate than me?” 徐芊芊道:“我找关系?执政太子是你的弟弟,越境守护亲王是你的弟弟,皇帝陛下是你的伯父,你是皇室宗亲,关系不比我要亲密得多?” Shen Cheng said: Who said? Everyone knows that you are one of the Sovereign Emperor your majesty wives, without the name of noble concubine, has the power of noble concubine.” 沈城道:“谁说的?谁都知道您是皇帝陛下的妻子之一啊,没有贵妃之名,有贵妃之权。” Xu Qianqian sneers saying: After the North Pole drastic change, our supreme Sovereign Emperor your majesty women have not bumped, even has not seen him, is what noble concubine.” 徐芊芊冷笑道:“从北极剧变后,我们这位至高无上的皇帝陛下连女人都没有碰过,甚至都没有见过他,算是哪门子的贵妃。” After hearing these information, the Shen Lang cannot help but innermost feelings shiver. 听到这些信息后,沈浪不由得内心颤抖。 This? This is nothing? 这?这算什么? Originally in their mouth supreme Sovereign Emperor your majesty, is not Jiang Li, but is his Shen Lang? 原来他们口中至高无上的皇帝陛下,不是姜离,而是他沈浪 At least, the entire world thinks that he is Shen Lang! 至少,整个天下都认为他是沈浪 Shen Cheng said: Our Sovereign Emperor your majesty has a higher pursue, he had been aloof the low level emotion completely, all that he makes to save this world.” 沈城道:“我们的皇帝陛下有更高的追求,他已经完全超脱了低级情感,他所做的一切都是为了拯救这个世界。” Sir......” outside military officer said in a low voice. “大人……”外面的将领低声道。 Knew, knows......” Governor Shen Cheng said: Makes him come.” “知道了,知道了……”沈城总督道:“让他进来。” After the moment, a Black Water Platform secret agent walked, he seems like with the coolies of these lowest levels is exactly the same, the face is dirty is unable to distinguish, the beard hair is disorderly, as if more than ten years have not handled. 片刻后,一个黑水台的密探走了进来,他看上去和那些最底层的苦力一模一样,面孔脏得无法分辨,胡须头发杂乱,仿佛十几年都没有打理过了。 Sir, the villain ambushes in this group of slaves, has roughly checked the relevant suspect.” The Black Water Platform secret agent said: This is the list, altogether 39 people, they are circulating the rumor, tries to subvert our great empire, tries to tarnish Sovereign Emperor your majesty reputation, moreover prepares to make one to be in a tumult greatly.” “大人,小人埋伏在这群奴隶中,已经大致查到了相关的嫌疑者。”黑水台密探道:“这是名单,总共有三十九人,他们正在散布谣言,试图颠覆我们伟大帝国,试图玷污皇帝陛下的名声,而且还准备制造一起大骚动。” Tumult?” Governor Shen Cheng sneers saying: Relies on this flock of draft animals.” “骚动?”沈城总督冷笑道:“就凭借这群牲口。” Xu Qianqian said lightly: Please note the expression, our empire does not have the slave, without the draft animal, they are only making reparations.” 徐芊芊淡淡道:“请注意言辞,我们帝国没有奴隶,没有牲口,他们只是赎罪者。” Yes.” That Black Water Platform secret agent said: „The rebel who sneaks although are few, but they have very strong sedition, our Heavenly South Province has over 1.5 million forgiving, once were stirred up completely, the consequence is dreadful.” “是。”那个黑水台密探道:“潜入进来的叛逆虽然少,但是他们有很强的煽动性,我们天南行省有超过一百五十万的恕罪者,一旦全部被煽动,后果不堪设想。” 1.5 million? 一百五十万? Shen Lang was shocked, only does Heavenly South City, have 1.5 million slaves? 沈浪惊呆了,区区一个天南城,就有一百五十万的奴隶? Governor Shen Cheng said: This group of people are really sinful, all that the Great Emperor makes to save this world, we are also living, this world also fortunately survives, because of the kindness of Great Emperor, this group of people also tries to subvert the great empire completely unexpectedly? Which several areas do they mainly reside in?” 沈城总督道:“这群人真是罪孽深重,大帝所做的一切都是为了拯救这个世界,我们之所以还活着,这个世界之所以还幸存,完全是因为大帝的恩德,这群人竟然还试图颠覆伟大的帝国?他们主要分布在哪几个区?” Area 13, Area 19.” The Black Water Platform secret agent said: This is 39 people of detailed lists, the crowd that they stir up, should be over 1000 people, possibly stirred up potential target, over 3000 people.” “地13区,19区。”黑水台密探道:“这是三十九人的详细名单,还有他们煽动的人群,应该超过了一千人,可能被煽动的潜在目标,超过三千人。” Governor Shen Cheng said lightly: Prepares to patrol the army, prepares to exterminate the potential traitor.” 沈城总督淡淡道:“准备巡察军,准备剿灭潜在叛乱者。” Yes!” The Black Water Platform secret agent said: How many people adjusts?” “是!”黑水台密探道:“调多少人?” 10,000!” Shen Cheng said. “一万!”沈城道。 Yes.” Nearby Black Water Platform military officer said. “是。”旁边的黑水台将领道。 Shen Cheng referred to Shen Lang saying: You, return to the unit!” 沈城指了一下沈浪道:“你,归队!” That Black Water Platform military officer looked at one toward Shen Lang, hints him with. 那个黑水台将领朝沈浪看了一眼,示意他跟上去。 Shen Lang with. 沈浪跟了出去。 Special envoy, I know that you carry out the secret task.” That Black Water Platform military officer said: But your establishment establishes provisionally in Black Water Platform, therefore put in great inconvenience to you in Heavenly South City these days, possibly temporarily must obey our dispatching. However you could rest assured that matter that you do not want to handle, I will not open the mouth absolutely.” “特使,我知道你是执行秘密任务的。”那个黑水台将领道:“但是您的编制暂定在黑水台,所以在天南城这段时间就委屈您了,可能暂时要听从我们的调遣。不过您放心,你不想做的事情,我绝对不会开口。” No.” Shen Lang said. “没什么。”沈浪道。 Special envoy? What special envoy? 特使?什么特使? Shen Lang leaves the governor's mansion time, after a giant mirror, then he knows that finally anything was a special envoy. 沈浪离开总督府的时候,经过了一面巨大的镜子,然后他终于知道什么是特使了。 The contour of antiquity human, was called the special envoy. 上古人类的外形,就被称之为特使。 Looked alone had not felt, now and this Black Water Platform military officer stands, can obviously see the difference. 单独看还不觉得,现在和这位黑水台将领站在一起,就能明显看出差别了。 The Shen Lang’s stature, the face, is different from them, was the contour of antiquity human. The face is profounder, the four limbs are slenderer . Moreover the height exceeded two meters two, still is very vigorous. 沈浪的身材,面孔,都和他们不一样,是上古人类的外形。面孔更加深邃,四肢更加修长,而且身高超过了两米二,却依旧无比矫健。 The Jiang Li antiquity civilization staged a comeback, brought several hundred thousand antiquity human, moreover was transformed the body of energy. 姜离的上古文明卷土重来的时候,带来了几十万的上古人类,而且被改造了能量之躯。 Moreover, buried in the underground antiquity anthropolite is also reactivated. But these antiquity human, should be the special classes. 而且,很多埋在地下的上古人类化石也已经被复活了。而这些上古人类,应该都是特殊阶层。 Rebel ambushes so many people all of a sudden, what plans to make?” Shen Lang asked. “叛逆一下子潜伏进来这么多人,打算做什么?”沈浪问道。 That Black Water Platform military officer said: Must conduct a suicide attack, destroys several energy columns of vault, wants to create a big event, tries to shock the entire empire.” 那个黑水台将领道:“要进行一场自杀性袭击,摧毁穹顶的几个能量柱,想要制造一个大事件,试图震惊整个帝国。” Shen Lang said: Only has 39 people?” 沈浪道:“只有三十九人?” The Black Water Platform military officer said: Verifies the status only has 39 people, but in fact should be more. Special envoy, that tonight's action, do you participate?” 黑水台将领道:“查明身份的只有三十九人,但实际上应该更多。特使,那今天晚上的行动,您参加吗?” Participates.” Shen Lang said. “参加。”沈浪道。 The Black Water Platform military officer said: Good, we inform you when the time comes, naturally when necessary, you will return to the imperial capital in the future, the hope can for our fine talk several.” 黑水台将领道:“好,那我们到时候通知您,当然必要的时候,您未来返回帝京,希望能够为我们美言几句。” Shen Lang understood, as antiquity human privileged, being responsible for is Jiang Li monitors each region. 沈浪明白了,作为上古人类是有特权的,负责为姜离监视每一个区域。 But that zero organization, for the Shen Lang action, should massacre under a Jiang Li antiquity human, then builds to become his appearance Shen Lang. 而那个零组织,为了方便沈浪行动,应该是杀掉了姜离麾下的一个上古人类,然后把沈浪打造成为他的模样。 Then, this Black Water Platform military officer entered in a magnificent house with Shen Lang. 接下来,这个黑水台将领带着沈浪进入了一栋华丽的房子之内。 , The entire 13 houses, are him simply luxuriously at this time completely, inside male and female retinue was over hundred people. 简直奢华之极,整栋十三层的房子,此时全部属于他一个人,里面的男女仆从超过了百人。 Inside good wine delicacies, have everything expected to find. 里面的美酒佳肴,应有尽有。 Special envoy Sir, this is we best entertainment place, we prepared ten females for you, does not have the flaw completely chastely, welcome you to enjoy.” The Black Water Platform military officer said. “特使大人,这是我们最好的招待处,我们为您准备了十个女子,全部都是纯洁无瑕的,欢迎您享用。”黑水台将领道。 Then, ten females kneel in front of Shen Lang’s completely, there is a Caucasian, has the black person, has the Vida Clan person, has the person of Asian descent wait/etc.. 然后,十个女子全部跪在沈浪的面前,有白人,有黑人,有维达族人,有黄种人等等。 Shen Lang can look from clothes, his level is not high. But at present this Black Water Platform military officer is 10,000-Man Commander, true real power great person. Because this time Shen Lang was the contour of antiquity human, therefore Black Water Platform 10,000-Man Commander must flatter. 沈浪从身上的衣服可以看出来,他级别不高的。而眼前这个黑水台将领是万户,真正的实权大人物。就因为此时沈浪是上古人类的外形,所以黑水台万户都要来巴结。 Obviously, this Great Jiang Empire antiquity human has been in pyramid to be sharp, this is the race class, the ordinary human government position is even big, still nature in the face of antiquity human short three points. 可见,这个大姜帝国上古人类已经处于金字塔尖了,这是种族阶层,普通人类就算官职再大,在上古人类面前也自然矮了三分。 .................. ……………… Shen Lang arrives in the study room, stands in front of a big map. 沈浪来到书房内,站在一张大地图面前。 On this was the Great Jiang Empire area, Shen Lang looked at one, amazed. 这上面就是大姜帝国的疆域了,沈浪看了一眼,就惊诧不已。 Unexpectedly...... such hugeness. 竟然……如此之巨大。 Now Great Jiang Empire, not only included entire Eastern World, but also included Western Region various countries, southeast sea region various countries, and entire Silun Empire, Silun Empire southern part’s sea region, even the Amazon state is no exception, becomes the area of ginger empire completely. 如今大姜帝国,不但包括了整个东方世界,还包括了西域诸国,东南海域诸国,以及整个西仑帝国,还有西仑帝国南部的海域,甚至连亚马逊国度也不例外,全部成为了姜帝国的疆域。 Moreover each city, was protected by the giant vault energy cover, such vault energy cover, altogether has 199. 而且每一个城市,都被巨大的穹顶能量罩保护起来,这样的穹顶能量罩,总共有一百九十九个。 In other words, present Great Jiang Empire has 199 provinces, total population possibly over 500 million. 也就是说,如今的大姜帝国有一百九十九个行省,总人口可能超过五亿。 This yes damn. 这是见鬼了。 A thorough frozen world, as if end general world, some unexpectedly so many population? 一个彻底冰封的世界,仿佛末日一般的世界,竟然有这么多人口? Is the Jiang Li energy civilization so powerful? In this environment, but can also be able to raise so many people? 姜离的能量文明就这么强大吗?在这个环境下,还能养得起这么多人? Shen Lang cannot help but remembered these strange crops, finished eating the forage grass that grows immediately, these are similar to are planted on the ground, motionless cattle. 沈浪不由得想起了那些诡异的农作物,还有吃完立刻生长出来的牧草,还有那些如同被种在地上,一动不动的牛羊。 These hundreds of millions people should over 60% be the slaves, they live in the underground cavern in vault energy cover edge completely, is ordinary like the ant. 这几亿人应该超过百分之六十都是奴隶,他们全部住在穹顶能量罩边缘的地下洞穴之内,如同蚂蚁一般。 On the map, Shen Lang sees entire Kingdom of Yue, is divided into four regions as before, Heavenly South, Heavenly North, Heavenly West, Heavenly Exceed. 在地图上,沈浪看到整个越国,依旧分为四个区域,天南,天北,天西,天越 Beforehand Kingdom of Yue did not exist, is called the border crossing, the imperator is the protection causes, above governor. 之前的越国也不复存在了,统称越境,最高统治者是守护使,在总督之上。 Sand Barbarians Kingdom of Great Nan, becomes the sand boundary at this time, altogether has the cities of two vault, in the south, in the north. Original Kingdom of Qiang, becomes a province, only has city of the vault. 还有沙蛮族大南国,此时也成为了沙蛮境,总共有两个穹顶之城,一个在最南边,一个在最北边。原来的羌国,也成为了一个行省,只有一个穹顶之城。 On the map, Shen Lang saw the imperial capital, constructs as in the original Yan Capital address. However the area turned 34 times to continue, perhaps the unprecedented giant city, did the population surpass surely? 在地图上,沈浪看到了帝京,依旧是在原来的炎京地址上建起来的。但是面积翻了三四倍都不止,前所未有的巨型城市,人口恐怕超过千万? This is really an abnormal empire. 这真是一个畸形的帝国。 Seemed like an ancient empire, had the strange advanced productive forces, had the powerful incomparable army. 看上去像是一个古代帝国,却拥有离奇先进的生产力,拥有强大无比的军队。 Moreover Shen Lang discovered, not only imperial capital, a Saint Capital, in North Pole, is that region that the Jiang Li volume earth to/clashes. 而且沈浪发现,不仅仅有一个帝京,还有一个圣京,在北极,也就是姜离卷土冲来的那个区域。 That side Silun Empire, a Xijing. 西仑帝国那边,还有一个西京。 Therefore so, this empire true imperial capital in North Pole Saint Capital. 所以如此看来,这个帝国真正的帝都在北极圣京啊。 Shen Lang continues to glance through the material, is quick he also to understand, the crops in vault why so crazy, cannot achieve by the photosynthesis, Shen Lang knows where the energy of each city came from. 沈浪继续翻阅资料,很快他也明白,为何穹顶之内的农作物如此疯狂了,靠光合作用根本就达不到,沈浪知道每一座城市的能量来自哪里了。 Core! 地核! Jiang Li is his set, swallows the strength of star crazily, overdraws the vitality of star crazily. 姜离还是他的那一套,疯狂吞噬星球的力量,疯狂透支星球的生机。 Each city giant probe, pricks the land deep place, across the mantle, achieves the core directly. Swallows the energy continuously, stores up to the energy core, is the entire city supply energy. 每一个城市都巨大的探针,刺入大地深处,穿过地幔,直接达到地核。源源不断吞噬能量,储存到能量核心之中,为整个城市供应能源。 This with the principle of antiquity civilization was the same, antiquity energy core by volcano sufficient energy. This is very reasonable energy collection, because the volcanic eruption is the energy too much causes, absorbs the heat of magma with the energy core not only can the stored energy, but can also prevent the volcanic eruption. 这和上古文明的原理还是一样的,上古能量核心是靠火山充能的。这原本是非常合理的能源采集,因为火山喷发是能量过剩才导致的,用能量核心吸取岩浆的热量不但能够储能,而且还能阻止火山喷发。 Antiquity civilization rational exploration star energy, but Jiang Li from the core absorption energy, was equal to directly must kill the entire star. 上古文明还是合理开发星球能源,但姜离直接从地核吸取能量,就等于之要把整个星球弄死。 This was equal to that inserted 199 pipes on a person, blood sucking desperately. This way, star most several hundred years, the energy exhausted thoroughly. By that time, it died thoroughly. 这就等于在一个人身上插了一百九十九根管子,拼命地吸血。这样下去,星球最多几百年,能量就彻底耗竭了。到那个时候,它就彻底死亡了。 Shen Lang sits on the chair, is pondering fast. 沈浪坐在椅子上,飞快地思考着。 Now Great Jiang Empire nominal Sovereign Emperor, is Shen Lang, because Jiang Li has not exposed the status, but uses the Shen Lang’s status directly. 现在大姜帝国名义上的皇帝,还是沈浪,因为姜离并没有暴露身份,而是直接用沈浪的身份。 However returns after North Pole, he has almost not made an appearance probably, should have a more important matter to do. 但是从北极归来之后,他好像几乎从来没有露面,应该有更加重要的事情要做。 Then, how does he rule this empire? 那么,他是如何统治这个帝国的? Also, actually did the time pass by how many years? Shen Lang also saw, the present is Great Jiang 29th Year. 还有,时间究竟过去了多少年?沈浪也看到了,如今是大姜二十九年 The Jiang Li antiquity civilization staged a comeback, happen to was the empire first year. 姜离上古文明卷土重来的时候,正好算是帝国元年。 Fully over the past 29 years. 整整过去29年了。 In the study room, the ease can find empire Records of the Grand Historian. 书房里面,轻而易举就能找到帝国史记。 Shen Lang saw this supreme Sovereign Emperor your majesty image, right...... that is own face. 沈浪看到了这个至高无上的皇帝陛下图像,没错……那就是自己的面孔。 The empress in empire, is Mulan, but Jin Mulan should at this time not in the imperial capital, 29 years ago vanished. 还有帝国的皇后,正是木兰,但是金木兰此时应该不在帝京,二十九年前就消失了。 consort of empire has several, is completely the Shen Lang’s wives, Ning Yan, Zhang Chunhua and Bing'er, even Dibos. 帝国的妃子有好几个,全部都是沈浪的妻子们,宁焱张春华冰儿,甚至还有狄波丝 Crown Prince of empire, is Shen Ye, this portrait almost and picture equally is clearly lifelike. 帝国的太子,就是沈野,这画像几乎和照片一样逼真清晰。 Brother Shen Lang’s Shen Jian, was conferred Duke. 沈浪的弟弟沈建,被册封了公爵 Even the prime minister in empire, as before is Jin Jun. 甚至帝国的首相,依旧是矜君 Shen Lang’s daughter Jiang Mi, is cannozed as Princess Changle. Jiang strength, is cannozed as the border crossing protection to cause, and empire King of the Blood. 沈浪的女儿姜宓,被册封为长乐公主。姜力,被册封为越境守护使,兼帝国亲王 In other words, Shen Lang’s becomes the royalty, even foster father Shen Wan, was conferred Duke. 也就是说,沈浪的一家都成为了皇族,甚至养父沈万,都被册封了公爵 Jin Mucong, has become Vice Chancellor of empire at this time, the Jin Mucong's son this year is only 30 years old, has become the empire governor, confers rank and title in original Kingdom of Jin. 金木聪,此时已经成为了帝国的副相,金木聪的儿子今年才三十岁,就已经成为了帝国总督,册封在原来的晋国 True one's family and relatives can ride on one's coattails to success. 真正的一人得道,鸡犬升天。 No wonder Shen Jian’s son Shen Cheng, becomes empire Governor Heavenly South Province’s, is ruling several million population, several hundred thousand armies. 难怪沈建的儿子沈城,也成为了帝国天南行省的总督,统治着几百万人口,几十万军队。 Moreover in empire Records of the Grand Historian writes clearly, Great Emperor Jiang Lang is to save the world, year to year situated in Saint Capital. 而且帝国史记上写得清清楚楚,大帝姜浪为拯救世界,常年处于圣京。 In other words, hasn't Jiang Li basically left North Pole? In other words, person who wields the empire government affairs power, is Crown Prince Jiang Ye? 也就是说,姜离基本上没有离开北极?那就是说,执掌帝国政务大权的人,是太子姜野 Means, Shen Lang all family members in imperial capital? 是不是意味着,沈浪所有的家人都在帝京? Including Ning Yuanxian, including Shen Mi, including Bing'er, Ning Yan and the others? 包括宁元宪,包括沈宓,包括冰儿宁焱等人? That somewhat felt strange, at present this empire obviously is strangely abnormal, 60-70% people degenerated into the slave. 那就有些奇怪了,眼下这个帝国显然非常畸形诡异,60-70%的人沦为了奴隶。 Entire empire almost all people are similar to walking corpse to live generally, is completely an evil empire, terrifying empire. 整个帝国几乎所有人都如同行尸走肉一般活着,完全是一个邪恶帝国,恐怖帝国。 Jiang Li is not at year to year, Jiang Ye takes Crown Prince, sits by and does nothing? 姜离常年不在,姜野作为太子,难道坐视不理吗?
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