HSH :: Volume #7

#636: Shen Lang final destiny! Many years later!( Asked monthly ticket)

Shen Lang, closed right up against people like you unable to save the civilization, could not save the world!” 沈浪,靠着你这种人是拯救不了文明,拯救不了世界的!” You were too preliminary!” “你太低级了!” Then Jiang Li releases the strong incomparable psychic force, desperately steamroll Shen Lang’s soul. 然后姜离释放强大无比的精神力,拼命地碾压沈浪的灵魂。 Right, is that direct steamroll. 没错,就是那种直接的碾压。 Is one group of stronger energetic souls, extrudes a weaker soul. 就是一团更强的精神灵魂,去挤压更弱的灵魂。 Jiang Li swallowed unceasingly, swallows...... reached the limit instantaneously. 姜离不断吞噬,吞噬……瞬间到达了极限。 He can also swallow the spiritual strength of hell crystal, but the Shen Lang’s brain actually reached the limit, its capacity was limited. 他还可以吞噬地狱晶体的精神力量,但是沈浪的大脑却到极限了,它的容量是有限的。 However this also made Shen Lang see clearly, the beforehand limit was not the limit, now his brain domain, is opened several times of capacities livingly. 不过这也让沈浪看清楚了,之前的极限根本就不是极限,如今他的脑域空间,活生生被撑开了几倍的容量。 Before occupied these energetic soul information of brain domain to be compressed unceasingly. 之前占据脑域空间的那些精神灵魂信息都在不断被压缩。 As if a Wuling Hongguang, what provision rides seven people, but when necessary, can push the next 51 people. 就仿佛是一辆五菱宏光,规定的是乘坐七个人,但必要的时候,可以挤下五十一个人。 The Jiang Li soul is getting bigger and bigger in the space that in the Shen Lang brain seizes, 70%, 80%, 90%. 姜离灵魂在沈浪大脑之内占领的空间越来越大,百分之七十,百分之八十,百分之九十。 Finally, achieved 99%! 最后,达到了百分之九十九! The remaining Shen Lang’s souls, the energetic soul of great misfortune bright king, the energetic information of Empress Medusa, the big dragon altogether adds in the soul information that in the Shen Lang brain territory leaves behind, only took up 1% spaces. 剩下沈浪的灵魂,大劫明王的精神灵魂,美杜莎女皇的精神信息,还有巨龙在沈浪脑域内留下的灵魂信息一共加起来,只占了百分之一空间。 Jiang Li continues to conduct the soul steamroll to Shen Lang. 姜离继续对沈浪进行灵魂碾压。 Is insufficient the steamroll to 1% spaces, wants the steamroll to 1/1000, 1/10000. 碾压到百分之一空间还不够,要碾压到千分之一,万分之一。 From the unemployment problem, the soul is not the material, it is similar to the magnetic field, is similar to the electronic signal and so on, naturally it is more complex. 从宏观角度上来说,灵魂不是物质,它类似于磁场,类似于电子信号之类,当然它更加复杂。 But Jiang Li is direct to the Shen Lang’s destruction, extrudes unceasingly, extrudes to become one group of souls, then continues to extrude, has extruded the limit, among the electrons in soul the distance exceeds some boundary, then has collapsing. 姜离沈浪的毁灭非常直接,就是不断挤压,将一团灵魂挤压成为一点,然后再继续挤压,一直挤压到了极限,灵魂内的电子之间距离超过某个界限,然后发生坍塌。 Such Shen Lang’s soul, even if thoroughly were destroyed. 那样沈浪的灵魂,就算是彻底被摧毁了。 This process is very high-level, is thorough. 这个过程很高级,也非常彻底。 A simpler way, that is towed to entrain directly from the brain the Shen Lang soul, dissipates directly in the air, quick unravelled. 原本还有一种更加简单的办法,那就是直接将沈浪灵魂从大脑里面拖拽出来,直接消散在空气中,很快就灰飞烟灭了。 But Jiang Li wants is high-level, thorough, destroys from the macroscopic and microcosm together. 姜离要的就是一种高级,一种彻底,从宏观和微观世界一起毁灭。 The Jiang Li soul is over Shen Lang thousand times, ten thousand times, even also continues. 姜离的灵魂超过沈浪千倍,万倍,甚至还不止。 Therefore in steamroll, the strength of fundamental passivity. 所以在碾压的时候,根本毫无抵抗之力。 Quick, the Shen Lang innumerable soul information, became a point by the steamroll directly, moreover is continue compress. 很快,沈浪无数的灵魂信息,直接被碾压成为了一个点,而且还在继续压缩。 Quick must reach some limit, must start intrinsic collapsing, thorough destruction. 很快就要到达某个极限,就要开始内在坍塌,彻底毁灭。 This...... is a bit like the fusion. 这……有点像是聚变啊。 Must reach the limit, soon to enter the limit of destruction. 就要到达极限了,马上就要进入毁灭的极限了。 But in the meantime. 而就在此时。 An incomparably eye-catching light shadow, drops from the clouds fiercely! 一个无比夺目的光影,猛地从天而降! Not recognizing this is anything, is similar to a meteor to be ordinary, from nine days, at nearly the speed of light, pounded toward the Jiang Li palace fiercely, pounds fiercely toward Extreme North Continent. 认不出这是什么东西,就如同一颗流星一般,从九天之外,以近乎光速,朝着姜离的宫殿猛地砸了过来,朝着极北大陆猛地砸来。 But at the same time! 而与此同时! In the Shen Lang’s brain, the energetic soul of great misfortune bright king millennium inheritance, Medusa some energetic soul information, the energetic souls of 13 Daxian, explode fiercely, almost releases the suicide attack to Jiang Li fiercely. 沈浪的大脑之内,大劫明王千年传承的精神灵魂,美杜莎的部分精神灵魂信息,十三名大贤师的精神灵魂,猛地爆开,几乎向姜离猛地释放出自杀性攻击。 Rumbling rumbling......” “轰轰轰轰……” This is more like in the microcosm nuclear explosion to be ordinary. 这更像是微观世界里面的核爆一般。 Representation that displays only, was only the Shen Lang’s eye glittered merely slightly. 唯一表现出来的表象,仅仅只是沈浪的眼睛稍稍闪烁了一下。 Then! 然后! That strange ray that flies from the space, only has a point merely, a bright eminent to pinnacle point. 从天上飞来的那个诡异光芒,仅仅只有一个点,一个亮硕到了极致的点。 Incomparably hit fierce in the Jiang Li ancient times palace, hit on Extreme North Continent. 无比凶猛地撞击在姜离的远古宫殿上,撞击在极北大陆上。 Rumbling rumbling......” “轰轰轰轰轰……” Earth-shaking explosion. 惊天动地的爆炸。 The might went far beyond the nuclear bomb, surpassed Regret of the Dragon. 威力远远超过了核弹,超过了龙之悔 The entire sky, was illuminated again. 整个天空,再一次被照亮。 Entire Extreme North Continent, was exploded an incomparably giant astonishing hole hole. 整个极北大陆,被炸出了一个无比巨大惊人的洞孔。 The ray that blooms, over ten times, 100 times of Sun, lets everyone's vision instantaneously, vanishes completely! 绽放出来的光芒,超过十倍,一百倍的太阳,瞬间让所有人的视觉,全部消失! But Jiang Li looks at this, the face is trembling fiercely, then laughs to say loudly: Ha, interesting, interesting!” 姜离望着这一幕,面孔猛地一颤,然后放声大笑道:“哈哈哈,有意思,有意思!” Good great suicide attack.” “好伟大的自杀性攻击啊。” Was too great, you do utmost, for pokes a hole in my empire?” “太伟大了,你们竭尽全力,就是为了在我的帝国上戳出一个孔吗?” .............................. ………………………… This time, is the true time like the water, time flies. 这一次,是真正的时光如水,岁月如梭。 Does not know how long time passed by, perhaps is several years, perhaps is longer. 不知道多久时间过去了,或许是几年,或许是更久。 As if the deep sleep for a long time was very very long, as if only deep sleep flash. 仿佛沉睡了很久很久,又仿佛只沉睡了一瞬间。 The feeling of but reviving, that time is stranger than in the ghost town, really seems like from the hell returns, rebirth generally. 但苏醒过来的感觉,比在鬼城那一次还要离奇,真的像是从地狱归来,重生了一般。 First feels existence of soul, but cannot feel the body. 先是感觉到灵魂的存在,但是感觉不到身体。 Also crossed some little time, the strength of soul as if spreads gradually the whole body, he can feel the four limbs and body. 又过了好一会儿,灵魂的力量仿佛渐渐蔓延到全身,他能够感觉到四肢和身体了。 Also crossed for a long time was very very long, he restored a wee bit strengths, restored the sense of hearing, restored the sensation. 又过了很久很久,他才恢复了一丁点力气,恢复了听觉,恢复了感知。 Also crossed for a long time was very very long, he opened the eyes. 又过了很久很久,他才睁开了双眼。 Here is a cave, he has to lie on a glittering and translucent carving bed, the surrounding all seem so strange. 这里是一个山洞,他有躺在晶莹剔透的一张床上,周围的一切显得如此陌生。 Also crossed some little time, his four limbs restored move, crawled difficultly. 又过了好一会儿,他的四肢恢复了动弹,艰难地爬了起来。 This...... is this laboratory? White Jade Capital laboratory? Also or was other antiquity laboratories? „ 这……这算是一个实验室吗?白玉京的实验室?又或者是其他上古实验室?“ In the entire laboratory is simple, only has a bed, a table. 整个实验室内非常简单,只有一张床,还有一张桌子。 Shen Lang arrives in front of the table, above leaves leeway a paper. 沈浪走到桌子面前,上面留有一张纸条。 Your face, reminder, energy aura and energetic aura had changed, besides you, no one has known that your status, you can walk.” “你的面孔、提醒、能量气息、精神气息都已经发生了改变,除了你自己之外,已经无人知道你的身份,你可以走出去了。” This was on the paper all contents, above also inscription: Zero. 这就是纸条上所有的内容了,上面还有一个落款:零。 What do you mean? 什么意思? This zero is a person, is an organization? 这个零是一个人,还是一个组织? On the table also the mirror, from the beginning is completely fuzzy, as if no focusing to be ordinary, the Shen Lang eye winks, starts to stare. 桌子上还有一面镜子在,一开始是完全模糊的,就仿佛没有对焦一般,沈浪眼睛一眨,开始凝视。 Immediately in mirror all become clear, he saw oneself fresh face. 顿时镜子里面的一切变得清晰起来,他看到了自己的新面孔。 Really thoroughly changed. 果然是彻底变了。 Really strange, this face is very delicate and pretty, but is completely different from beforehand Shen Lang. 真是离奇啊,这张面孔还是非常俊美,但是和之前的沈浪已经完全不一样了。 This body, had the radical change. 还有这具身体,也发生了彻底的变化。 Beforehand Shen Lang is emaciated, although the four limbs are slender, but absolutely does not have the muscle feeling, very probably the stature of woman. 之前的沈浪非常羸弱,虽然四肢修长,但完全没有肌肉感,非常像是女人的身材。 But now this wants to be tall and straight stronger, the muscle is vigorous, but is not excessive. 而现在这具身体就要挺拔强壮许多了,肌肉矫健发达,但是却不过分。 Moreover the physical quality, the strength feeling, was better than more before. 而且身体素质,力量感,都比之前好很多很多。 He also wants the attractive handsome man from one compared with the woman, turned into the valiant handsome man. 他从一个比女人还要漂亮的美男子,变成了英姿勃勃的美男子。 .................. ……………… In addition, in this laboratory also had no thing again, any information did not have. 除此之外,这个实验室内就再也没有任何东西了,什么信息都没有。 Where is here? How long has the time passed by? 这里是什么地方?时间已经过去多久了? Jiang Li must destroy the Shen Lang soul time, actually to have what? 姜离要摧毁沈浪灵魂的时候,究竟发生了什么? All are memoryless. 一切都毫无记忆。 He indistinct remembers roaring and satire that Jiang Li disdains. 他隐约之记得姜离不屑的咆哮和讽刺。 Too great, you do utmost, only to poke a hole in my empire? 太伟大了,你们竭尽全力,只为了在我的帝国戳一个孔吗? At least from this tone, Jiang Li had victory in the hand at that time as before, all suicide attacks, poked a hole merely. 至少从这个口气上,姜离当时依旧胜券在握,所有自杀性的攻击,都仅仅只是戳了一个孔而已。 However other information, absolutely did not have. 但是其他信息,就完全没有了。 Shen Lang walked, discovered that the ground has Hongxian together to be striking dazzlingly. 沈浪走了出去,发现地上有一道红线非常醒目刺眼。 He just took this line. 他刚刚迈出这条线。 Instantaneously behind all of laboratory, complete smashing. The entire antiquity laboratory, turned into the most common wilderness cave. 瞬间身后实验室的一切,全部粉碎。整个上古实验室,变成了最最普通的荒野山洞。 Where is here? 这里是哪里? In the past how long? 过去多长时间了? Who is this zero? What did this world have? 这个零是谁?这个世界发生了什么? .................. ……………… Shen Lang went out of the cave, then he saw an incomparably strange world. 沈浪走出了山洞,然后他看到了一个无比离奇的世界。 He stands very high, therefore looks. 他站得非常高,所以看得很远。 A whole world deathly stillness, really as if died completely. 整个世界一片死寂,真的仿佛全部都死了。 Within eyesight all, are the snow and ice. 视野之内的一切,都是冰雪。 All land, the mountain, the forest, was covered by the snow and ice completely. 所有的大地,高山,森林,全部被冰雪覆盖。 But here is not North Pole, but once inland. 但这里不是北极,而是曾经的内陆。 At this time the space blue sky, the blue sky such as washes. 此时天上万里无云,碧空如洗。 Shen Lang looked up sky, did not know is the misconception, Sun as if increased, moreover changed red, without before was so intense. 沈浪抬头看了一下天空,不知道是不是错觉,太阳仿佛变大了一些,而且还变红了,没有之前那么强烈了。 The weather is really cold, should in dozens degrees Celsius below zero. 天气真的非常非常冷,应该在零下几十摄氏度。 Key here should not be North Pole, is not Extreme North Continent. 关键这里应该不是北极,也不是极北大陆啊。 Shen Lang does not have antiquity king Jie, did not have Heart of the Dragon, he can also depend on this body now anti- frozen. 沈浪已经没有上古王戒,也没有龙之心了,他现在还能靠这个身体抗冻。 However...... actually absolutely does not have the issue. 但是……竟然完全没有问题。 He...... cannot even feel any ice-cold pain. 他……甚至感觉不到什么冰冷的痛苦。 Did the whole world die? Was the entire star covered by the snow and ice? 整个世界都死了吗?整个星球都被冰雪覆盖了吗? Does not have the civilization, without life, without country? 已经没有文明,没有生命,没有国家了吗? Shen Lang overlooks each diligently, some little time, has not seen any city completely, trace that any village, any civilization has. 沈浪努力眺望每一处,足足好一会儿,完全没有看到任何城市,任何村庄,任何文明存在的痕迹。 Then Shen Lang acts according to the illumination of Sun often, other series of conditions, calculated own position. 接下来沈浪根据太阳的光照时常,还有其他一系列条件,推算出了自己的方位。 He in southern part sea region south! 他在南部海域之南! Gets this answer time, Shen Lang also has a scare. 得到这个答案的时候,沈浪也吓了一大跳。 southern part sea region south, that is the absolute tropics, south this also wants compared with Sand Barbarians most southern end, again toward the words of south was southeast the sea region state, again toward south was the ultra tropical wilderness mainland, above besides the innumerable animals, almost did not have human there. 南部海域之南,那可是绝对的热带,这比沙蛮族的最南端还要南,再往南的话就是东南海域国度了,再往南就是超热带原野大陆,上面除了无数的动物之外,几乎是没有人类在那里的。 But now this regional unexpectedly also thousand li (500 km) frozen, under mountain this vast is not the plain, but frozen sea. 而现在这片区域竟然也千里冰封了,山下这一望无边的不是平原,而是被冰冻的海洋啊。 Even southern part sea region became the ever-frost sea. 南部海域都成为永冻之海了。 Before Shen Lang went to North Pole time, the ever-frost sea was away from the Yan Capital also more than 10,000 li (0.5 km), here exceeded 20,000 li (0.5 km) from Yan Capital. 之前沈浪去北极的时候,永冻之海距离炎京还有一万多里呢,这里距离炎京超过两万里了。 In other words, did the ever-frost sea spread 30,000 li (0.5 km) toward south? 也就是说,永冻之海往南蔓延了三万里? This, this actually over the past several years? 这,这究竟过去几年了啊? Did the entire star unexpectedly become such cold? Shen Lang also discovered, the air also became thin, here obviously was the sea level, had the feeling of altitude sickness. 整个星球竟然变得这么冷了?紧接着沈浪还发现,空气也变得稀薄了很多,这里明明是海平面,却有了高原反应的感觉。 Naturally Shen Lang this complete new body seems to be powerful, will therefore not have high instead, but can calculate the drop of oxygen concentration, approximately before only then 30%. 当然沈浪这具全新的身体仿佛非常强大,所以不会有高反,但还是能够计算出氧气浓度的下降,大约只有之前的百分之三十不到。 This was fatal, did the oxygen vanish unexpectedly 70%? How does that human also survive? 这是致命了吧,氧气竟然消失了百分之七十?那人类还怎么生存? The civilization of this world also in? Besides Jiang Li the antiquity new generation of staging a comeback, everyone died? 这个世界的文明还在不在?是不是除了姜离的卷土重来的上古新人类之外,所有人都死光了? Great Qian Empire, Silun Empire, Shen Lang’s family member, but also in? 大乾帝国,西仑帝国,还有沈浪的家人,还在不在? World common people, but also in? 天下万民,还在不在? .................. ……………… Then, Shen Lang must make a decision, walks toward north, walks toward south. 接下来,沈浪要做一个决定,是往北走,还是往南走。 Here is ever-frost southern part sea region, the words that therefore walks toward north, will enter in once sand border, toward the northern words, will enter in Kingdom of Yue’s again. 这里是永冻的南部海域,所以往北走的话,会进入曾经的沙蛮国境内,再往北的话,就会进入越国的境内。 Shen Lang deeply inspires, dashes about wildly in the north direction, is really ordinary like the high-spirited horse, dashes about wildly 200 li (0.5 km) not to feel each hour weary. 沈浪深深吸一口气,朝着北边方向狂奔,真的如同烈马一般好,每小时狂奔二百里也不觉得疲倦。 His body was really transformed intrepidly were more. 他这身体真的被改造得强悍了很多很多。 Shen Lang toward north, toward north, has dashed about wildly fully more than 4000 li (0.5 km). 沈浪一直往北,一直往北,整整狂奔了四千多里。 Toward north, the weather even more is severely cold. 一路往北,天气越发严寒。 Frozen sea, all islands also by snow-covered, the trace of does not have any life. 一路都是被冰冻的海洋,所有的岛屿也都被冰雪覆盖,没有任何生命的痕迹。 In the frozen sea level, naturally also has no ships, has not met any human all the way. 冰封的海面上,自然也没有任何舰船,一路上都没有遇到任何人类。 According to Shen Lang’s plans, according to Shen Lang’s forms in one's mind, is not such, the civilization of human will not perish thoroughly. 按照沈浪的计划,按照沈浪的构思,不是这样的啊,人类的文明不会彻底灭亡的啊。 Suddenly, he stopped. 忽然,他停了下来。 Transformed the direction, dashes about wildly in the southeastern direction, dashes about wildly in the Devil Triangle direction. 转变了方向,朝着东南方向狂奔,朝着魔鬼大三角的方向狂奔。 The entire more than 10,000 li (0.5 km), Shen Lang dashed about wildly for several days and several nights, his body as if not know completely wearily general, the heart as if releases the strength continuously. 整整一万多里,沈浪狂奔了几天几夜,他的身体仿佛完全不知道疲倦一般,心脏仿佛源源不断释放出力量。 Finally, he arrived at the Devil Triangle front again. 终于,他再一次来到了魔鬼大三角的面前。 Then he seemed framed, is completely motionless. 然后他仿佛被定格住了,完全一动不动。 Devil Triangle, once he was how familiar. 魔鬼大三角,曾经他是多么熟悉啊。 Here once was the restricted area of the whole world, the most dangerous place, any human cannot enter, even if the unique influence were no exception. 这里曾经是整个世界的禁地,最危险的地方,任何人类都不能进入,哪怕超脱势力也不例外。 Here has the wall of the world, the black thick fog covered several thousand li (0.5 km), the connection sea and sky. 这里有世界之墙,黑色的浓雾笼罩了几千里,连接海洋和天空。 In the black thick fog, the innumerable tornado, the innumerable lightnings, here seems to be hell general existence. 黑色浓雾里面,无数的龙卷风,无数的闪电,这里原本是仿佛地狱一般的存在。 But now...... the wall of the world did not have, the black thick fog did not have, the tornado did not have, the lightning did not have. 而现在……世界之墙没有了,黑色浓雾没有了,龙卷风没有了,闪电没有了。 What did not have. 什么都没有了。 Here sea region also thoroughly frozen, loses the ruins of empire city also, these houses are tall and pleasing to the eye, once half above sea level, half under sea water. 这里的海域也彻底被冰封了,失落帝国城市的废墟还在,那些房子美轮美奂,曾经一半在海面之上,一半在海水之下。 But now the sea water was frozen, the ruins of these cities, is covering the thick snow and ice. 而现在海水被冻住了,这些城市的废墟,也笼罩着厚厚的冰雪。 A sea monster disappears, Devil Triangle becomes the deathly stillness thoroughly. 一个海怪都不见了,魔鬼大三角彻底成为了死寂。 Statue of Empress Medusa? 美杜莎女皇的雕像呢? Shen Lang continues to dash about wildly, dashes about wildly toward the Devil Triangle center. 沈浪继续狂奔,朝着魔鬼大三角的中心狂奔。 Regarding Shen Lang, the statue of Empress Medusa looks like a flag, an important Coordinate. 对于沈浪而言,美杜莎女皇的雕像就像是一根旗帜,一个重要的坐标。 One day later! 一天之后! Shen Lang went to the Devil Triangle center. 沈浪来到了魔鬼大三角的中心。 The statue of Empress Medusa disappears, it stood erect here, is ordinary like the mountain. Although most of the time are invisible, but these really vanished time thoroughly. 美杜莎女皇的雕像不见了,它原本矗立在这里,如同高山一般。尽管大部分时候都是隐形的,但这一次是真的彻底消失了。 After antiquity extinguished, even if even if Empress Medusa turned into the fossil, is still maintaining to lose the inheritance of empire diligently, did not make it perish thoroughly. 上古涅灭之后,美杜莎女皇哪怕就算变成了化石,也在努力维持失落帝国的传承,不让它彻底灭亡。 But now...... lost the state ruins surely not to have, but Devil Triangle did not have. 而现在……失落国度废墟肯定是没有了,而魔鬼大三角也没了。 Lost the monster mother should with the innumerable sea monsters to escape, did they succeed? Where did they run away to go to? 失落妖母应该带着无数海怪逃亡了,它们成功了吗?他们逃去哪里了? ........................ …………………… Shen Lang lies down above the ice surface, is looking by the snow-covered city ruins, static silent. 沈浪躺在冰面之上,望着被冰雪覆盖的城市废墟,静静无声。 He cannot feel as before coldly, cannot feel the hunger, calmly is looking at the space change of the seasons. 他依旧感觉不到寒冷,也感觉不到饥饿,就这么静静地望着天上斗转星移。 In his brain has the complete memory, about Shen Lang own memory. However in addition, anything did not have, the memory fragment of Empress Medusa, the energetic soul of great misfortune bright king, did not have. 他的脑子里面有完整的记忆,关于沈浪自己的记忆。但是除此之外,什么都没有了,美杜莎女皇的记忆片段,大劫明王的精神灵魂,统统都没有了。 Naturally, already by that part that Shen Lang explains, has become the fragment of his soul, exists. 当然,已经被沈浪解读出来的那一部分,已经成为他灵魂的片段,还是存在的。 The sensibility of middle rank dragon, this most important thing, as in. 中阶龙之感悟,这个最最重要的东西,也依旧在。 Therefore, he has the most intelligent brain as before. 所以,他依旧拥有最智慧的大脑。 However the wisdom brain has vanished to disappear, or did not vanish, but did not need, because in wisdom brain all data, become part of Shen Lang brain, these toward the complex operation, Shen Lang do not need the wisdom brain, oneself can complete independently, moreover is much quicker, is quicker than the supercomputer. 不过智脑已经消失不见了,或者说不是消失了,而是没有必要了,因为智脑里面的一切数据,都成为沈浪大脑的一部分,那些朝复杂的运算,沈浪也不需要智脑,自己就能独立完成,而且还要快得多,比超级计算机还要快。 He calmly lies down on the ice surface, pondered unceasingly, ponder. 他静静躺在冰面上,不断思考,思考。 Several days and several nights later. 整整几天几夜之后。 Shen Lang crawled from the ice surface, he dashes about wildly toward the north side again. 沈浪从冰面上爬了起来,他再一次朝着北边狂奔。 But this destination is Raging Tide City time, his foundation Raging Tide City. 而这一次的目的地是怒潮城,他的根基怒潮城 Although Shen Lang conquered Qian Capital, conquered Yan Capital, but in some sense he homeland in this world only has Raging Tide City. 沈浪虽然征服了乾京,又征服了炎京,但某种意义上他在这个世界上的家园只有怒潮城 Although had not for a long time eaten and drunk very much, but the Shen Lang’s running speed is getting more and more fast, the strength in within the body really as if continuously general. 尽管已经很久不吃不喝了,但沈浪的奔跑速度越来越快,体内的力量真的仿佛源源不绝一般。 .................. ……………… This goes to Raging Tide City, the entire about 20,000 li (0.5 km). 这一路去怒潮城,整整两万里左右。 All the way, has not met any human as before, any ships, any airborne regiment, anything does not have. 一路上,依旧没有遇到任何人类,任何舰船,任何空中军团,什么都没有。 Several days and several nights later, Shen Lang arrived in front of Raging Tide City’s. 整整几天几夜后,沈浪来到了怒潮城的面前。 Naturally here sea region, iced up thoroughly. 当然这里的海域,也彻底结冰了。 Raging Tide City also, even is complete, has not encountered any destruction. 怒潮城还在,甚至非常完整,没有遭到任何破坏。 However, had been covered by the snow and ice completely, all houses as if were plated glass to be ordinary, glittering and translucent carving, that is the thick ice. 但是,已经完全被冰雪覆盖了,所有的房子就仿佛被镀了一层玻璃一般,晶莹剔透,那是厚厚的冰。 Entire city, a deathly stillness. 整座城市,一片死寂。 Not half person's shadow. 没有半个人影。 In all houses, does not have half individual, does not have half corpse. 所有的房子内,没有半个人,也没有半具尸体。 Once Raging Tide City was lively, was busy, this was the Shen Lang’s industrial center, at most over 300,000 workers, 300,000 armies gathered on this Leizhou Island, Raging Tide City expanded unceasingly, finally the entire city extended the big dozens li (0.5 km). 曾经的怒潮城何等繁华,何等忙碌,这是沈浪的工业中心,最多的时候有超过三十万工人,三十万军队聚集在这个雷洲岛上,怒潮城不断扩建,最后整个城市延绵大几十里。 Now, completely empty. 现在,空空如也。 A deathly stillness! 一片死寂! In the big castle, he once ruled the center, nobody left. 大城堡之内,他曾经的统治中心,也空无一人。 Frost has seized in the house place every inchs. 冰霜已经占领了房子里面的每一寸地方。 Shen Lang dashes about wildly to go to the heaven manor. 沈浪狂奔去天堂庄园。 As before completely empty, does not have half individual, does not have half corpse. 依旧空空如也,没有半个人,没有半具尸体。 The entire manor, was covered by the snow and ice completely. 整个庄园,完全被冰雪覆盖。 Shen Lang all family members live here, his wife and children, mother-in-law, foster father, foster mother, Younger brother, Ning Yuanxian, Consort Bian, Ning Yan, Shen Li, Shen Mi wait/etc.. 沈浪所有的家人都住在这里,他的妻儿,岳母,养父,养母,弟弟,宁元宪,卞妃,宁焱,沈力,沈宓等等。 All family members, all children, once here. 所有的亲人,所有的孩子,曾经都在这里。 Now, disappears completely. 现在,完全不见了。 Even in Shen Lang brain, but also in the echo Ning Yuanxian’s words. 甚至沈浪脑子里面,还在回响宁元宪的话。 Ning Yuanxian said that had found the new faith, the faith that continues to go on living, sits alone in boredom waits for Shen Lang to come back here. 宁元宪说已经找到了新的信念,继续活下去的信念,枯坐在这里等沈浪回来。 He and Ning Yuanxian’s said goodbye, as if yesterday. 他和宁元宪的告别,仿佛就在昨天。 Even he can remember as before clearly, when he said goodbye, hugged Ning Yuanxian, feeling that his body shivered skinnyly. 甚至他依旧能够清晰记得,他告别时,拥抱宁元宪,他身体枯瘦颤抖的感觉。 Father-in-law, you where? 岳父,你们在哪里? My child, my wife, you where? 我的孩子,我的妻子,你们在哪里? The civilization of this world, but also in? 这个世界的文明,还在不在? Jiang Li, did the devil of your monstrous crimes, actually you make what to this world? 姜离,你这个罪恶滔天的魔鬼,你究竟对这个世界做了什么? .................. ……………… Note: Formed in one's mind for n hours, this chapter on 5000 characters! Does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket as before, nourishes my heart, feels grateful everyone. 注:构思了n个小时,这章就五千字了!依旧拜求月票,滋养我心,感恩大家。
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