HSH :: Volume #6

#580: Emperor Lord Shen Lang long live! Great imperial undertaking!( Asked monthly ticket)

Several days ago Raging Tide City. 几天之前的怒潮城 The main force army expedites Qian Capital, entire Raging Tide City’s guarded falls on Jaket, Hella Princess and the others in the hands. Although Shen Lang has said that Stupa Mountain is not necessarily able to go north to attack Raging Tide City in the main force navy of black castle, but the Skeleton Gang fleet is at the absolute alert posture. 主力大军远征乾京,整个怒潮城的守卫就落在了杰克唐,海拉公主等人的手中。尽管沈浪说过,浮屠山在黑色城堡的主力海军未必会北上进攻怒潮城,但是骷髅党舰队还是处于绝对的战备状态。 These months, Raging Tide City all ordnance factory night and day, wish one could to erupt crazily completely all productive forces. Also in these 2-3 months, also produced three superfortresses, but has not transported to the frontline, but was used to defend the Raging Tide City’s airborne defense area. 这几个月时间内,怒潮城所有的兵工厂疯狂地连轴转,恨不得把所有的生产力全部爆发出来。也就是在这2-3个月时间内,又生产出了三艘超级空中堡垒,不过并没有运往前线,而是用来防守怒潮城的空中防区。 nightmare stone rifle that makes, 20 small Strength of the Dragon, is used to defend Raging Tide City completely. 生产出来的噩梦石步枪,二十具小型龙之力,也全部用来防御怒潮城 At this time entire Raging Tide City has ten Wan Xinjun, New Army that in addition Wu, Chu and Yue three kingdoms is through the training, approximately total about 200,000. 此时整个怒潮城有十万新军,加上吴楚越三国前来受训的新军,大约总数在二十万左右。 Although the top innumerable quantities are not many, but could also be reluctantly impregnably. 虽然顶级无数的数量并不多,但也勉强算得上是固若金汤了。 Jin Jun and Su Nan are not , the entire Raging Tide City’s civil and military heavy burden fell into Suo Xuan, Nangong Ao, Jin Zhuo and the others on completely the shoulders. 矜君苏难都不在,整个怒潮城的文武重担全部落入了索玄南宫敖金卓等人的肩上。 Luckily, Kingdom of Yue Prime Minister Ministry Terrace Zhang Chong, Kingdom of Chu Privy Envoy Li Xuanqi, Kingdom of Wu pivot shaft dense deputy envoy and the others has led the backbone officials in various countries to enter Raging Tide City, started the taking turns on duty profession, otherwise Raging Tide City population many Ministry Terrace and Privy Council wanted insane is not possible tired. 幸好,越国尚书台宰相张翀,楚国枢密使李玄奇,吴国枢密副使等人已经带领各国的骨干官员进入怒潮城,开始了轮值生涯,要不然怒潮城人数不多的尚书台枢密院非要累疯了不可。 Before had a person, goes all out to lose weight, finally failed, no matter he ate again little, no matter he exercised the good fortune pain again, after 180 jin (0.5 kg), almost cannot reduce again. 之前有一个人,拼了命想要减肥,结果失败了,不管他吃得再少,不管他锻炼得再幸苦,到了一百八十斤后就几乎再也减不下来了。 That person is great writer of fiction Jin Mucong, now others are thin, moreover turned into the handsome fellow. 那个人就是伟大的小说家金木聪,现在人家已经瘦下来了,而且还变成帅哥了。 But...... single. 但……还是单身。 This time may have the person unable to have a liking for him, but Jin Mucong future Duke successor, moreover changed thin also changed the graceful. 这次可不是没有人看不上他,金木聪可是未来公爵继承人,而且变瘦了也变帅了。 Most essential was his status also changed, Secretary Great Qian Empire the doctor of Chinese medicine, the government position was not high, but the position strategic point, in the words of modern he was the Great Qian Empire Ministry Terrace secret, Wu Crown Prince, clear/pain Crown Prince is also this position. 最关键是他的身份也变了,大乾帝国秘书郎中,官职是一点都不高的,但是位置要害啊,用现代的话说他可是大乾帝国尚书台的大秘,吴太子,楚太子也是这个职位。 To marry the Jin Mucong's aristocrat thousand gold (daughter) should not be too many, even King of Chu and Wu royal capital wants to marry him the daughter, naturally, these two Great King daughter maximum ages were only 18 years old, but can definitely get married. 想要嫁给金木聪的贵族千金不要太多,甚至楚王和吴王都想要把女儿嫁给他,当然了,这两位大王的女儿最大的年龄才十八岁,但完全可以嫁人了。 Jin Mucong stays single, was not to Zhu Ning odd/surplus emotion not, but too...... was too busy. 金木聪之所以保持单身,不是对祝柠余情未了,而是太……太忙了。 Moreover he discovered after got older, after changing led, actually longs for that had the love to come, did not want the casual illicit intercourse. 而且他发现年纪变大了之后,变帅了之后,竟然渴望起爱情来了,不愿意随随便便苟合。 Naturally, in this world, wants to long for that in this age free to choose a mate is absurd, particularly the top aristocrat like Jin Family, is really because...... Jin Zhuo Duke was too busy, but Madame Su Peipei is also very busy, the key she thought that oneself son can also be young. 当然,在这个世界,在这个年代想要渴望自由恋爱是荒谬的,尤其是像金氏这样的顶级贵族,实在是因为……金卓公爵太忙了,而苏佩佩夫人也很忙,关键她觉得自己的儿子还能年轻。 Good, is actually because she has a thought that wants to add relationship to relationship with Shen Lang, she knows Shen Lang in the Yan Capital also younger sister, is the Ji Ning little princess. 好吧,其实是因为她内心有一个念头,想要和沈浪亲上加亲,她得知沈浪炎京还有一个妹妹,也就是姬宁小公主。 Jin Mucong writes with vigor earnestly, naturally not in symbol, but is managing the official business, on his table has over several hundred documents to wait for him to look at least. As for the dream of writing, returned to Raging Tide City to unravel four years ago. 金木聪埋头奋笔疾书,当然不是在码字,而是在办公务,他桌子上起码有超过几百份文件等待着他看。至于写作的梦想,在四年前回到怒潮城就已经灰飞烟灭了。 He a day works now for 17 hours, almost does not know outside daytime at night. 他现在一天工作十七个小时,几乎完全不知道外面的白天黑夜。 But in the meantime! 而就在此时! Suddenly, the space resounded grating alarm sound. 忽然,天上响起了一阵刺耳的警报声。 The enemies raid, the enemy raids! 敌袭,敌袭! The Jin Mucong face trembles, this alarm sound from airborne transmits, is small, but is not Regret of the Dragon, the type and previous Zuo Ci arrive similarly. 金木聪面孔一颤,这个警报声是从空中传来的,人数不多,但又不是龙之悔,类型和上次左辞到来差不多。 Now Raging Tide City all high levels can listen to the alert type easily. 现在怒潮城所有的高层都能轻而易举听出警报类型。 A moment later, airborne broadcast a sound. 片刻之后,空中传来了一道声音。 Jin Zhuo Duke, Sir Suo Xuan, Sir Zhang Chong, Princess Hella......” 金卓公爵,索玄大人,张翀大人,海拉公主……” This sound is not loud, but can actually resound through each corner. 这个声音不大,但是却可以响彻每一个角落。 Jin Mucong leaves the seat, arrives at out of the window. 金木聪离开座位,来到窗外。 Then, only saw that the gate of inside office opened, Jin Zhuo Duke, Suo Xuan Sir and the others all walked. 然后,只见到里面办公室的门打开了,金卓公爵,索玄大人等人全部走了出来。 Arrives at outside the castle, immediately saw the airborne shadow floats, three superfortresses pursue desperately. 来到城堡之外,顿时见到空中一道黑影漂浮,三艘超级空中堡垒拼命地追过去。 The innumerable antiquity giant strong crossbows, the antiquity giant war crossbow, the nightmare stone air defense machine gun, waited has alerted completely. 无数的上古巨型强弩,上古巨型战弩,噩梦石防空机枪,等等都已经全部戒备。 However next flash! 然而下一瞬间! That person's shadow jumped down from the antiquity vulture directly, that was several kilometers upper air. 那个人影直接从上古秃鹫一跃而下,那可是几千米的高空啊。 After the freedom falls to the ground, his as if kite general, falls in the ground unexpectedly light, falls on Raging Tide City’s big castle. 自由落地之后,他竟然仿佛纸鸢一般,轻飘飘地落在地面上,落在怒潮城的大城堡处。 In an instant, several hundred warriors surround him all round, including more than ten grandmaster level powerhouses. 转眼之间,几百名武士将他团团包围,其中包括十几名宗师级强者。 Jin Zhuo Duke leaves ranks to bow saying: „Does Sect Leader Ren, have what instructing me?” 金卓公爵出列躬身道:“任宗主,有何见教?” Right, the come person is Lord of Stupa Mountain. 没错,来的人就是浮屠山之主 Sect Leader Ren said: If I have not remembered incorrectly, I and Great Qian Empire or the relations by marriage, His Majesty Shen Lang is my son-in-law is right? Is your the hospitality?” 任宗主道:“如果我没有记错的话,我和大乾帝国还是姻亲吧,沈浪陛下是我的女婿对吗?你们这是待客之道吗?” Jin Zhuo and Suo Xuan, Hella looks at each other one, then waves. 金卓索玄,还有海拉对视一眼,然后挥了挥手。 Several hundred warriors draw back completely, because surrounds Sect Leader Ren to be not meaningful, martial arts of opposite party was too too strong, even powerful to surpassing the Raging Tide City’s cognition, at that time Zuo Ci came Raging Tide City no one to keep off, today Sect Leader Ren came is also the same. 几百名武士全部退开,因为包围任宗主没有任何意义,对方的武功太强太强了,甚至强大到超过了怒潮城的认知,当时左辞怒潮城无人能挡,今日任宗主来了也是一样的。 Jin Zhuo Duke said: Sect Leader Ren, please!” 金卓公爵道:“任宗主,请!” Sect Leader Ren said submissively: Jin Zhuo Duke, Sir everyone, please!” 任宗主拱手道:“金卓公爵,诸位大人,请!” Then, Raging Tide City’s several great people, with the extremely high etiquette, greet Sect Leader Ren to enter in the Raging Tide City big castle, and puts down in the hand the incomparably busy official business to accompany, moreover conducted was not luxurious, but very grand banquet. 接下来,怒潮城的几个大人物,用极高的礼仪,迎接任宗主进入怒潮城大城堡之内,并且放下手中无比繁忙的公务进行陪同,而且还举办了不奢华,但是非常隆重的宴会。 extremely sorry, should ask Ning Yuanxian your majesty to come to be invited along, but the time was too tight.” Jin Zhuo Count said: Therefore cannot conduct the coordinated reception to Sect Leader Ren, ashamed utmost.” 非常抱歉,原本应该请宁元宪陛下前来作陪,但是时间太紧迫了。”金卓伯爵道:“所以不能对任宗主进行对等接待,惭愧之至。” Coordinated reception? The meaning of Jin Zhuo this saying treated as Lord of Stupa Mountain with the Wang Ping of level Wu, Chu and Yue three kingdoms. 对等接待?金卓这话的意思就是把浮屠山之主当作和吴楚越三国之王平级了。 This specification, I am satisfied.” Sect Leader Ren said, he carries the wine glass said toward Zhang Chong and Li Xuanqi: Opens, Li Grand Preceptor, you are Kingdom of Chu and Kingdom of Yue’s hold up the day of jade column, how to appear in Raging Tide City?” “这个规格,我已经非常满意了。”任宗主道,他端起酒杯朝着张翀和李玄奇道:“张相,李太师,你们是楚国越国的擎天玉柱,怎么会出现在怒潮城内呢?” Zhang Chong bends the waist to say slightly: Kingdom of Yue Ministry Terrace and Privy Council, must send out the relevant official to come Raging Tide City taking turns on duty, these days was one's turn me to come.” 张翀微微弯腰道:“越国尚书台枢密院,都要派出相关官员前来怒潮城轮值,这段时间轮到我来了。” Li Xuanqi said: I am also so, several years ago has seen Sect Leader Ren fortunately, now sees, the appearance does not change, the graceful bearing as before, really makes one admire.” 李玄奇道:“我也是如此,几年之前有幸见过任宗主,如今一见,容颜不改,风姿依旧,真是让人艳羡。” Sect Leader Ren said: Does not dare saying that does not dare saying that I and Sir Li Xuanqi general age, is old.” 任宗主道:“不敢这么说,不敢这么说,我和李玄奇大人一般年岁,也已经老了。” Then, both sides conducted one to exchange greetings. 接下来,双方又进行了一番寒暄。 Jin Zhuo Duke said: Right Sect Leader Ren, what important matter your time comes to have? If there is an important matter, I can send people Qian Capital to report that immediately reported to your majesty.” 金卓公爵道:“对了任宗主,您这次来可有什么要事吗?如果有要事,我可以立刻派人去乾京禀报陛下。” Sect Leader Ren said: Qian Capital should fight at this time is just luxurious.”. 任宗主道:“乾京此时应该大战正酣吧。”。 Jin Zhuo Duke said: I believe quickly, can end this war, my Great Qian Empire should be able to regain Qian Capital smoothly. Although that side war is important, but the Sect Leader Ren matter as is also important, please say.” 金卓公爵道:“我相信很快,就能结束这一场战事了,我大乾帝国应该能够顺利收复乾京。那边的战事虽然重要,但任宗主的事情也同样重要,请讲。” Sect Leader Ren said: Does not have other matter actually, my daughter and His Majesty Shen Lang became engaged also for almost ten months, she has not left my side is so long, therefore really thought of that how many days this time came is to lead the daughter to go back to stay a while? Needs to go to Qian Capital to report that reported to His Majesty Shen Lang?” 任宗主道:“倒是也没有别的事情,我女儿和沈浪陛下订婚也差不多十个多月了,她从来都没有离开过我身边这么久,所以煞是想念啊,这次来就是想要带女儿回去小住几天,请问可以吗?需要去乾京禀报沈浪陛下吗?” Jin Zhuo and Suo Xuan, Zhang Chong and the others looked at each other one, then said with a smile: Sect Leader Ren chatted, the parents thought of that the daughter is perfectly justified, the daughter of marrying can also return to the maternal home frequently, sure.” 金卓索玄张翀等人对视一眼,然后笑道:“任宗主说笑了,父母想念女儿乃是天经地义,嫁出去的女儿还经常能够回娘家呢,当然可以。” Sect Leader Ren said: Does not need to report that reported to His Majesty Shen Lang?” 任宗主道:“不需要禀报沈浪陛下?” Jin Zhuo Duke said: Does not need, this matter I can take responsibility, Sect Leader Ren can go back with your daughter momentarily.” 金卓公爵道:“不需要,这件事情我就能做主,任宗主随时可以带着令爱回去。” Sect Leader Ren said: That too many thanks.” 任宗主道:“那就太多谢了。” Then, both sides did not discuss that this matter, is half character does not raise to Qian Capital that side war, talked about some irrelevant topics, atmosphere relative good, was similar both sides is completely not the enemy, but was the true relations by marriage is ordinary. 接下来,双方谁也不谈这件事情,对乾京那边的战事更加是半个字不提,就只是聊一些无关的话题,气氛相当之好,就仿佛双方完全不是敌人,而是真正的姻亲一般。 Almost after one double-hour, the banquet ended. 差不多一个时辰后,酒宴结束。 Hella said: Sect Leader Ren, can your see the daughter?” 海拉道:“任宗主,您这就要去看女儿吗?” Sect Leader Ren said with a smile: Convenient?” 任宗主笑道:“方便吗?” Hella said: Naturally convenient, please come with me.” 海拉道:“当然方便,请跟我来。” Then, Hella with the Sect Leader Ren unceasingly thorough Raging Tide City basement. 然后,海拉带着任宗主不断深入怒潮城地下室。 Before arriving at a leafed door, Hella goes forward to sway from side to side the nightmare stone switch, opened this leafed door, then said: Sect Leader Ren, your daughter in inside.” 来到一扇门前,海拉上前扭动噩梦石开关,开启了这扇门,然后道:“任宗主,您的女儿就在里面。” Sect Leader Ren pushes the door, walked. 任宗主推门,走了进去。 Then saw Ren Yingying, immediately fell into the incomparable surprise. 然后见到了任盈盈,顿时陷入了无比的诧异。 Does Ren Yingying change is so unexpectedly big? She, is she human? 任盈盈变化竟然这么大?她,她还是人类吗? Since enters in the dragon box, Ren Yingying is transforming every day, the face is changing, the body is changing. 自从进入龙盒之内,任盈盈每一天都在蜕变,面孔在改变,身体在改变。 Most obvious is the spur that conducts the back, three months ago is also 12 cuns (2.5 cm) merely, but currently is half foot directly. 最最明显的就是背上的骨刺,三个月前还仅仅只有一两寸而已,而现在直接有半尺了。 Her eye pupil also changed, the completely not humanlike eye, is profound, mysterious, even is fearful. 还有她的眼瞳也发生了变化,完全不似人类的眼睛,非常深邃,神秘,甚至可怕。 Her energy aura, is powerful makes one tremble. 还有她身上的能量气息,强大得让人颤栗。 However, she has not waked from beginning to end, continuously in deep sleep, but the vitality is exuberant, even is powerful. 不过,她从头到尾都没有醒过来,一直都在沉睡,但是生命力却非常旺盛,甚至是强悍。 Moreover about a month ago, her transformation fell into the suspension. 而且大约一个月前,她的蜕变陷入了暂停。 Because of her transformation, the antiquity dragon He energy consumed eventually cleanly, in addition dragon blood marrow, actually her body had swallowed many energies obviously. 因为她的蜕变,上古龙盒的能量终究还是消耗干净了,曾经加过一次龙血髓,可见她的身体究竟吞噬了多少能量。 Moreover before every day she in stayed the last two double-hour in the antiquity dragon box, otherwise vitality fast on the wane. 而且之前每一天她都在在上古龙盒里面呆上两个时辰,否则生机会飞快地凋零。 However one month ago, this condition also stopped, even if places in her the dragon box, she has not continued to change, and has not consumed dragon He the energy, as if her transformation entered some bottleneck period. 但是一个多月前,这种状况也停止了,就算把她放在龙盒里面,她也没有继续变化,而且也没有消耗龙盒的能量,仿佛她的蜕变进入了某种瓶颈期。 Sect Leader Ren is looking at the face of Ren Yingying, the spur that particularly she conducts the back, his vision fell into one type to be blurred and frantic. 任宗主望着任盈盈的面孔,尤其是她背上的骨刺,他的目光陷入了一种迷离和狂热。 But in the meantime, outside Hella Princess said: Sect Leader Ren, Princess Ren Yingying the stupor is not good, therefore needs me to prepare a small sedan chair for you? Enable her to ride in inside, returns to Stupa Mountain.” 而就在此时,外面的海拉公主道:“任宗主,任盈盈公主始终昏迷不行,所以需要我为您准备一个小型轿子吗?让她可以乘坐在里面,返回浮屠山。” Sect Leader Ren said: Naturally, thanks Princess Hella.” 任宗主道:“当然,谢谢海拉公主。” A moment later, Hella lifted a splendorous and majestic small sedan chair. 片刻之后,海拉抬进来了一个富丽堂皇的小轿子。 Actually is a box, but for the Ren Yingying dignity, the contour of therefore building to become the sedan chair. 其实就是一个箱子,只不过为了任盈盈的尊严,所以打造成为轿子的外形。 Needs me to put in the sedan chair her?” Hella asked. “需要我将她放入轿子之内吗?”海拉问道。 Naturally, thanks.” Sect Leader Ren said. “当然,谢谢。”任宗主道。 Hella holds Ren Yingying, admitted in that small sedan chair. 海拉抱起任盈盈,放进了那个小轿子之内。 Then, two Amazon female soldiers come, walked with this sedan chair, arrived above the platform in Raging Tide City big castle. 接着,两个亚马逊女战士进来,带着这个轿子走了出去,来到了怒潮城大城堡的平台之上。 Sect Leader Ren said submissively: Sir everyone, many thanks receives cordially, then Ren said goodbye.” 任宗主拱手道:“诸位大人,多谢款待,那么任某告辞了。” Bye.” “再见。” Bye.” “再见。” Sect Leader Ren is lifting the small stuffed dumpling, jumped onto the back of antiquity vulture gently, flutters to soar, in an instant vanishes without a trace, flies in the Stupa Mountain’s direction. 任宗主抬着小饺子,轻轻跃上了上古秃鹫的背,振翅高飞,转眼之间就消失得无影无踪,朝着浮屠山的方向飞去。 Jin Zhuo Duke face upwarded to look some little time, sighed: Continues the work.” 金卓公爵仰天望了好一会儿,叹息道:“继续回去办公吧。” Why can like this? Whatever Raging Tide City Sect Leader Ren carried off Ren Yingying, Jin Zhuo Duke does have this jurisdiction? 为何会这样?怒潮城就任由任宗主带走了任盈盈,金卓公爵有这个权限吗? Naturally no! 当然没有! This is the Shen Lang authorization, after clear/pain wins the border war ended, he transmitted orders to Raging Tide City, once Sect Leader Ren appears sky over Raging Tide City, do not have any hostile act, even if he must carry off Princess Ren Yingying, whatever still he carries off, do not stop, does not want the military force stop. 这是沈浪授权的,楚赢边境大战结束之后,他就传令给怒潮城,一旦任宗主出现在怒潮城上空,千万不要有任何敌对行为,就算他要带走任盈盈公主,也任由他带走,不要阻拦,更不要武力阻拦。 Finally Sect Leader Ren really came unexpectedly! 结果任宗主竟然真的来了! After carrying off Ren Yingying, Sect Leader Ren has not flown to Stupa Mountain directly, but flies in the Qian Capital direction. 带走任盈盈之后,任宗主并没有直接飞往浮屠山,而是朝着乾京的方向飞去。 However...... is away from Qian Capital also several thousand li (0.5 km) times, he receives the report that the Stupa Mountain antiquity vulture scouted. 然而……距离乾京还有几千里的时候,他收到了浮屠山上古秃鹫斥候的汇报。 sect leader, Ying Guang died, that Shen Lang that he grasps is false.” This saying, Sect Leader Ren loses one's voice instantaneously, almost cannot believe own ear. 宗主,赢广死了,他抓的那个沈浪是假的。”这话一出,任宗主瞬间失声,几乎完全不敢相信自己的耳朵。 Did Ying Guang...... die? This, is this possible? 赢广……死了?这,这怎么可能? If Ying Guang’s strong, Sect Leader Ren knows completely, compared with him slightly almost. 赢广的如果有多强,任宗主是完全知道的,也就是比他稍稍差一点点而已。 Can say Raging Tide City, does not have half individual is his opponent. Naturally Qian Capital captive that Shen Lang is the false news also shocks very much, but died compared with Ying Guang, could not be regarded completely anything. 可以说怒潮城这边,没有半个人是他的对手。当然乾京俘虏那个沈浪是假的这个消息也很震撼,但比起赢广死了,就完全算不得什么了。 Naturally Sect Leader Ren knows, Ying Guang these days strange changes, as if became nervous, but was still very powerful, died unexpectedly? 当然任宗主知道,赢广这段时间内有一种诡异的变化,仿佛变得神经质了,但是依旧很强大啊,竟然死了? What method does Shen Lang with kill his? 沈浪是用什么手段杀死他的啊? That Stupa Mountain scouts saying: Shen Lang is false to Ying Guang your majesty that dragon egg, was that dragon egg killed Ying Guang, his entire upper part corrupted, moreover braved the green light, even in night unexpectedly still clearly discernible, was ordinary like the green lights. Moreover at the point of death before, his completely to the utmost crazy.” 那个浮屠山斥候道:“沈浪赢广陛下的那颗龙蛋是假的,就是那颗龙蛋害死了赢广,他的整个上半身都腐烂了,而且冒着绿光,就算在黑夜中竟然也清晰可见,如同绿色灯火一般。而且临死之前,他完全极尽疯癫。” Sect Leader Ren said: He, he is dies, was not cut the head, wasn't attacked?” 任宗主道:“他,他是自己死的,不是被人斩下头颅,也不是被人攻击?” Stupa Mountain scouts saying: Right, finally he is still going crazy, was fantasizing tear to shreds Shen Lang, then drops down directly, was thorough!” 浮屠山斥候道:“对,最后他还在发疯,幻想着自己将沈浪碎尸万段,然后直接就倒下,彻底死了!” Sect Leader Ren closed the eye, the whole body was shivering. 任宗主闭上了眼睛,浑身都在颤抖。 Ying Guang, no matter how to say again, no matter he is ambitious, again how the greedy selfishness, is he 30 years of partner, moreover he is also the Ren juniors,...... died unexpectedly? 赢广啊,不管再怎么说,不管他再怎么野心勃勃,再怎么贪婪私心,都是他三十年的伙伴啊,而且他也是任氏子弟,竟然就……这么死了? The Ren family, had two world characters extremely with great difficulty, now dies! 任氏家族,好不容易出了两个天下绝顶的人物,现在死了一个! Lets the person state of mind simply myriad! 简直让人心绪万千! Also, that dragon egg is unexpectedly false, is really false! 还有,那个龙蛋竟然是假的,果然是假的! Compared with Ying Guang, the attitude of Sect Leader Ren to this dragon egg was calmer much, he had thought innumerable, why will Ying Wuming obtain this dragon egg? 比起赢广,任宗主对这颗龙蛋的态度则要冷静得多了,他曾经无数次想过,赢无冥为何会得到这颗龙蛋? However he also sees this dragon egg repeatedly the miracle, not only will shine, but can also see inside dragon embryo, will also move, the energy aura that but also releases is very powerful, even in a terrified way awes. 但是他也多次见到这颗龙蛋的奇迹,不但会发光,而且还能看到里面的龙胚胎,甚至还会动,而且释放出来的能量气息无比强大,甚至让人惶恐敬畏。 Really was too real, compared simply really must. Naturally also a little, Sect Leader Ren also longs for this dragon egg real. 实在是太真了啊,简直比真的还要真。当然还有一点,任宗主也渴望这颗龙蛋是真的。 However in the heart of hearts, feels have ghost. 但是在他内心深处,却觉得里面有鬼。 Finally, really have ghost. 结果,真的有鬼。 Then, Sect Leader Ren wrote a confidential letter personally, gives that to scout saying: You give Wu Jue, then makes Wu Jue transmit to Ren Tianxiao.” 然后,任宗主就亲自写了一封密信,递给那个斥候道:“你去交给吴绝,然后让吴绝转交给任天啸。” Yes!” The confidential letter that scouts with Sect Leader Ren flew away. “是!”那个斥候带着任宗主的密信飞走了。 But Sect Leader Ren changes the traveling schedule immediately, planned Qian Capital, but returns to Stupa Mountain now directly. 任宗主立刻改变了行程,原本打算去乾京的,但是现在直接返回浮屠山 .................. ……………… Waits for Ren Tianxiao with the Stupa Mountain’s special warrior, after the hell regiment all retreats, Shen Lang leads the Raging Tide City 50,000 armies to enter in Qian Capital. 任天啸带着浮屠山的特种武士,地狱军团全部撤退之后,沈浪带领怒潮城五万大军进驻乾京之内。 Then the 200,000 armies in city, knelt neatly, silent! They had lost all fighting spirits, since that moment that Ying Guang dies, they almost must surrender. 然后城内的二十万大军,整整齐齐跪了下来,无声无息!他们早就失去了所有的斗志,在赢广死的那一刻起,他们就几乎要投降了。 However they give loyalty to Ying Guang to be very long after all, therefore makes them shout loudly His Majesty Shen Lang to long live at this time, they cannot shout, is only calmly kneels on the ground, motionless. 但是他们毕竟效忠赢广很久,所以让他们此时高呼沈浪陛下万岁万岁万万岁,他们也喊不出来,就只是静静地跪在地上,一动不动。 All are smooth, although is not considered as that without firing a single bullet, but also was only demonstration launched round of small Strength of the Dragon from beginning to end, made some openings the city wall, entire Qian Capital has not at least received many injuries. 一切还算顺利,虽然不算是不费一枪一弹,但是从头到尾也只是示威性地发射了一轮小型龙之力而已,也只是把城墙打出了一些豁口,整个乾京至少没有受到多少伤害。 Shen Lang marches into slowly, then walks toward the Great Qian royal palace directly. 沈浪缓缓步入其中,然后直接朝着大乾王宫走去。 But in the entire process, Qian Capital each and every family shuts tightly the door as before, silent. 而整个过程中,乾京的家家户户依旧紧闭房门,无声无息。 Has not resisted, has not welcome, but is incomparably complex looks at Shen Lang by the crack in a door. 没有抗拒,也没有欢迎,而是无比复杂透过门缝看沈浪 The death of Ying Guang, not only shocked Great Ying Kingdom all armies thoroughly, but also shocked the Qian Capital common people. 赢广之死,不但彻底震撼了大赢王国所有军队,还震撼了乾京万民。 Has not really thought that completely, is Ying Guang powerful? Moreover is a despicable vicious person, in this world a few words saying well, disaster absolutely year. 真的完全没有想到啊,赢广何等强大?而且是一个卑鄙狠毒之人,这个世界上一句话说得好,祸害万万年。 But Ying Guang was also a disaster, moreover was one is more powerful much the disaster, looked besides Great Yan Empire Sovereign Emperor, should unpaired, why died suddenly. 赢广也算是一个祸害了吧,而且还是一个强大得让人窒息的祸害,看上去除了大炎帝国皇帝之外,应该毫无对手的啊,为何这么突然就死了。 His Majesty Shen Lang is so unexpectedly easy, killed Ying Guang deliberately your majesty? 沈浪陛下竟然这么轻而易举,又这么处心积虑地杀死了赢广陛下? He of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken, killed Ying Wuming before, now kills Ying Guang? This...... this was also too unthinkable, is he a bigger disaster? 手无缚鸡之力的他,之前杀死了赢无冥,现在又杀死了赢广?这……这也太匪夷所思了,难道他是更大的祸害? However, Qian Capital does not have the war, matter that they most are worried about has not happened. 但是,乾京无战事,他们最最担心的事情没有发生。 The Shen Lang’s face somewhat is cold, because he is extremely discontented with the Qian Capital common people. 沈浪的面孔却有些冷,因为他对乾京万民非常不满。 Perhaps did your these people also fill with the anticipation? Is thinking this is the Great Qian Empire’s imperial capital, even if the top fluctuates the Great King flag, you still as before are the prime citizens? I not only will not move you, instead can also buy the hearts of the people? Also can double is good to you? 你们这些人或许还充满了期待?想着这是大乾帝国的帝都,就算城头变幻大王旗,你们也依旧是头等公民?我非但不会动你们,反而还要收买人心?还要加倍对你们好? Do not have this daydream, then I will certainly toss about your, you make my one year unhappy, I let your ten years, 20 years are unhappy. 不要做这个白日梦,接下来我一定会折腾你们的,你们让我一年不痛快,我就让你们十年,二十年不痛快。 Under the securities of tens of thousands armies, Shen Lang walked into the Great Qian royal palace slowly! 在几万大军的保卫下,沈浪缓缓步入了大乾王宫之内! Resistance? Does not exist! 抵抗?不存在的! The gate of Great Qian royal palace, had opened long time ago, inside person knelt densely and numerously completely place. 大乾王宫的门,早早就已经开启了,里面的人密密麻麻跪满了一地。 Shen Lang raises head to look at palace gate, this second time was he entered the Great Qian palace, but the feeling was a little different. 沈浪仰头望着宫门,这是他第二次进入大乾宫了,但感觉还是有点不一样的。 The previous time, is completely as a guest, but this time, is completely the status of master. 上一次,完全是以客人的身份,而这一次,完全是主人的身份。 However, he has not displayed to be very excited as before. 不过,他依旧没有表现出来特别激动。 Ying Guang dies, Shen Lang is slightly excited, because was away from his world no enmity the goal also to be near one step. However recaptures the Great Qian palace, the feeling was the same. 赢广死的时候,沈浪是稍稍激动的,因为距离他天下无仇的目标又近了一步。但是夺回大乾宫,感觉就一般般了。 He is not excited, but his behind officials are almost excited are moved to tears. 他不激动,但他身后的臣子们就已经激动得差点热泪盈眶了。 Emperor Great Qian Palace, several hundred years is the Jiang Family family, these 30 years fall into rebels hand, now finally return to the Jiang Family hand again. 大乾帝宫啊,几百年都属于姜氏家族,这三十年落入乱臣贼子手中,如今终于再一次回到姜氏手中了。 The His Majesty Shen Lang enterprise, entered the great time. 沈浪陛下的事业,进入了伟大的时刻。 Only then recaptured Qian Capital, recaptured your majesty in Great Qian palace, is true Emperor Lord of Great Qian. 只有夺回了乾京,夺回了大乾宫的陛下,才是真正的大乾帝主 At this time, in their hearts really wishes one could to shout loudly by fits and starts, your majesty long live. 此时,他们心中真的恨不得一阵又一阵高呼,陛下万岁万岁万万岁。 After recapturing Qian Capital, other Kingdom of New Qian’s provinces should not have anything to resist, quick entire Kingdom of New Qian will fall into the Shen Lang’s hand thoroughly. 夺回了乾京之后,新乾王国的其他行省应该不会有什么抵抗,很快整个新乾王国都会彻底落入沈浪的手中。 The Great Qian Empire’s domain, will expand 1.5 million square kilometers, even also continues. 大乾帝国的版图,就会扩张一百五十万平方公里,甚至还不止。 Because Kingdom of Qiang also wins attached, now wins the destruction, recapturing Kingdom of Qiang is also only the time issue, in addition Kingdom of Qiang, in addition Great Nan kingdom, Wu, clear/pain, more, dry, Great Qian Empire’s total domain over 4.5 million square kilometers. 因为羌国也是赢氏的附属,如今赢氏覆灭,夺回羌国也只是时间问题而已,加上羌国,加上大南王国,吴,楚,越,乾,大乾帝国的总版图会超过四百五十万平方公里。 This is a powerful empire proper territory. 这才是一个强大帝国应有的版图啊。 Entire Eastern World, if in addition northern Rong and Sand Barbarians, altogether over 16 million square kilometers, are not north Rong, only then 14 million square kilometers, Shen Lang’s Great Qian Empire has accounted for 1/3, is this what kind of base industry? How to make the Great Qian Empire’s officials excited? 整个东方世界,如果加上北戎和沙蛮族,总共超过一千六百万平方公里,不算北戎的话,只有一千四百万平方公里,沈浪的大乾帝国已经占了三分之一,这是何等基业?如何不让大乾帝国的臣子们激动万分? Your majesty long live, long live, long live!” “陛下万岁,万岁,万万岁!” Suddenly, royal palace inside transmitted one to shout loudly intermittently, the sound was shocking, has a scare Jin Jun and the others. 忽然,王宫里面传来了一阵阵高呼,声音震天,把矜君等人都吓了一跳。 Is this does do? We have not shouted loudly, your rebels instead shouted. 这是干啥呢?我们都还没有高呼,你们这些乱臣贼子反而呼上了。 Shen Lang looks up, discovers in the Great Qian royal palace, knelt densely and numerously place. 沈浪抬头一看,发现大乾王宫里面,密密麻麻跪了一地。 The civil officials takes the lead by original Great Ying Kingdom Ministry Terrace Prime Minister Zhao Lin, but that side the military commander takes the lead by Privy Council deputy envoy Lan Mo, civil and military officials over a thousand people, several thousand eunuch, several thousand palace maids, in addition enough ten thousand people, kneel to bend down completely on the ground shout loudly: His Majesty Shen Lang, long live, long live, long live!” 文官这边由原大赢王国尚书台宰相赵琳带头,而武将那边则由枢密院副使兰末带头,文武百官上千人,还有几千名宦官,几千名宫女,加起来足足万人,全部跪伏在地上高呼:“沈浪陛下,万岁,万岁,万万岁!” Then, everyone static silent lies on the ground, motionless. 然后,所有人静静无声地趴在地上,一动不动。 In the Shen Lang heart sneers, your group of people surrender is really quick enough, really suffices thoroughly, doesn't fall unexpectedly? 沈浪心中冷笑,你们这群人投降的真够快,真够彻底的啊,竟然一个不落? Is Ying Family is ready to give one's life on no one? 就没有一个人为赢氏家族效死? That prime minister Zhao Lin, before more than ten months, you are very not rampant, dug up official's robe directly, cast off the official headgear of top of the head, was known as that what your Kingdom of Qian’s officer I do not do, then changed the Great Ying Kingdom official's robe, shouted loudly Ying Guang to long live? 还有那个宰相赵琳,十个月多前,你不是嚣张得很吧,直接扒了身上的官袍,摘掉了头顶的官帽,号称什么你乾国的官我不做了,然后换上了大赢王国的官袍,高呼赢广万岁万岁万万岁的? This attention is unimportant, Shen Lang discovered that their official's robes, the official headgear, traded completely. Before was the Great Ying Kingdom official's robe and hat, but now changes the Great Qian Empire’s official's robe and hat unexpectedly uniformly. 这一关注不要紧,沈浪发现他们身上的官袍,还有官帽,都全部换了。之前是大赢王国的官袍和帽子,而现在竟然清一色换上了大乾帝国的官袍和帽子。 ? Then less than day of time, did you prepare? Tailor who where looks for? 靠?这才不到一天时间,你们就准备好了?哪里找来的裁缝啊? The flag in royal palace, completely changed, before the Great Ying Kingdom black bottom Yellow Dragon flag had been burnt, exchanged the Great Qian Empire’s gold dragon flag, 还有王宫上的旗帜,也完全变了,之前大赢王国的黑底黄龙旗早就被烧了,换上了大乾帝国的黄金龙旗, awesome, awesome, your movements are really quick. 牛逼,牛逼,你们的动作真快。 You surrender quickly, without pressure? 你们这么快投降,没有心理压力的吗? As if felt the Shen Lang’s vision, original Kingdom of New Qian Prime Minister Zhao Lin went all out to kotow said: Your majesty, the feudal official is guilty, the feudal official is guilty, heinous crime, ten months ago offended your majesty unexpectedly, really good regret, feudal official good pain......” 仿佛感受到了沈浪的目光,原新乾王国宰相赵琳拼命叩首道:“陛下,臣有罪,臣有罪,罪该万死啊,十个月前竟然冒犯了陛下,真好悔,臣好痛啊……” Then, this Prime Minister Ministry Terrace has kowtowed, has kowtowed, quick forehead dripping with blood, horrible to look. 接着,这位尚书台宰相一直磕头,一直磕头,很快额头鲜血淋漓,惨不忍睹。 Privy Council deputy envoy Lan Mo crawls forward on one's knees, kotows said: Your majesty, the feudal official also has the mistake, the feudal official also has the mistake. Ten months ago, Chen's uncle Lan Shi acted to dash your majesty, but the crime feudal official as his nephew, has not prevented unexpectedly slightly, the feudal official also heinous crime, the heinous crime, starting today, the feudal official and Lan Shi were unable to co-exist, draw a line.” 紧接着,枢密院副使兰末膝行出来,叩首道:“陛下,臣也有错,臣也有错。十个月前,陈的叔叔兰士出面冲撞了陛下,但罪臣作为他的侄子,竟然丝毫没有阻止,臣也罪该万死,罪该万死啊,从今日起,臣和兰士狗贼势不两立,划清界限。” Originally Great Ying Kingdom Privy Envoy Lan Shi, had put to death by dismemberment, arrives at Qian Capital time, suffered the last blade dead, everyone saw clearly. 原来大赢王国枢密使兰士,已经被凌迟了,来到乾京的时候,挨了最后一刀死了,所有人都看得清清楚楚。 But now takes he most intimate nephew Lan Mo, drew a line impatiently. 而现在作为他最亲密的侄子兰末,迫不及待地划清界限了。 But Lan Mo this saying, Ministry Terrace Prime Minister Zhao Lin got angry immediately, Lan Mo your what meaning? What do you mean? Do you all fall the feudal official to be divided heterogeneous? Before spoke to dash His Majesty Shen Lang, was listed as by you may not the feudal official of forgiveness? 兰末这话一出,尚书台宰相赵琳顿时怒了,兰末你什么意思?什么意思?你这是把所有降臣分为三六九等吗?之前出言冲撞过沈浪陛下的,被你列为不可饶恕之臣? At that time Lan Shi spoke dashing Shen Lang, finally put to death by dismemberment. That present says my Zhao Lin, can put to death by dismemberment? 当时兰士出言冲撞沈浪,结果被凌迟了。那现在是不是说我赵琳,也要被凌迟啊? But Zhao Lin does not dare to distinguish at this time, goes all out to kowtow, bloody, almost did not have the human appearance. 但赵琳此时丝毫不敢分辨,就只是拼命磕头,血流如注,几乎没有人样了。 Feudal official is guilty, the feudal official is guilty, feudal official heinous crime!” “臣有罪,臣有罪,臣罪该万死!” Shen Lang is looking at Zhao Lin, is looking at Lan Mo, in the heart fell into sneering. 沈浪望着赵琳,又望着兰末,心中陷入了冷笑。 Enough some little time, Shen Lang said: Comes the person, draws Lan Mo, puts to death by dismemberment the execution!” 足足好一会儿,沈浪道:“来人,将兰末拉下去,凌迟处死!” This saying, Privy Council deputy envoy Lan Mo falls down immediately, screamed: Your majesty forgives, your majesty forgives, on that day I had not dashed your majesty, was Zhao Lin dashed you, I did not have, I did not have......” 这话一出,枢密院副使兰末顿时瘫倒在地,尖叫道:“陛下饶命啊,陛下饶命啊,那天我没有冲撞过陛下啊,是赵琳冲撞了您,我没有啊,我没有啊……” After the moment, Lan Mo was towed directly, he is also the grandmaster level powerhouse, but absolutely does not have to struggle at this time little meaning of resistance, wails to beg for mercy desperately. 片刻后,兰末直接被拖了下去,他也是宗师级强者,但此时完全没有一点点要挣扎抵抗的意思,就只是拼命地哀嚎求饶。 Several swords, this person the veins of whole body shut off, turned into the disabled person, then Zhu Yao also had did exactly, must put to death by dismemberment a person. 唰唰唰几剑,此人的全身的筋脉都被切断了,变成了废人,接下来祝尧又有活干了,又要凌迟一个人。 But at this time, Ministry Terrace Prime Minister Zhao Lin cannot withstand this fear finally, the direct faint in the past, went all out to twitch on the ground. 而此时,尚书台宰相赵琳终于承受不了这个恐惧,直接昏厥过去,拼命在地上抽搐。 Shen Lang looked that did not look, walks toward the Great Qian palace in directly. 沈浪看也不看,直接朝着大乾宫殿内走去。 Over ten thousand Great Ying Kingdom falling feudal officials, kneel to bend down completely on the ground are motionless, go all out to shout loudly: Your majesty long live.” 上万名大赢王国的降臣,完全跪伏在地上一动不动,拼命高呼:“陛下万岁万岁万万岁。” Shouted loudly repeatedly, finally took the weeping sound unexpectedly. 一遍又一遍高呼,最后竟然带上了哭声。 Your majesty long live!” “陛下万岁万岁万万岁!” After Ministry Terrace Prime Minister Zhao Lin wakes, hurries to kneel to bend down on the ground, blood whole head does not dare to clean, follows over ten thousand people to shout loudly as before with one voice: Your majesty long live!” 尚书台首相赵琳醒过来之后,又赶紧跪伏在地上,满头满脸的血也不敢擦拭一下,依旧跟着上万人齐声高呼:“陛下万岁万岁万万岁!” Shouted finally, these over ten thousand people choked with sobs unexpectedly completely. 喊到最后,这上万人竟然全部泣不成声。 Is because the pain is sad? Is because excited? Completely is not. 是因为痛苦难过吗?是因为激动吗?全部都不是。 This is a very complex emotion, has not experienced to Shen Lang complex, even is unable to realize. 这是一种非常非常复杂的情感,复杂到沈浪没有经历过,甚至无法体会。 ............ ………… After entering the main hall, Jin Jun, Ning Qi wait/etc. everyone, kneels down to kotow neatly said: Feudal official congratulated your majesty, recaptured the ancestor landscape, the foundation ten thousand th immortal meritorious achievements.” 进入大殿之后,矜君,宁岐等所有人,整整齐齐跪下叩首道:“臣恭贺陛下,夺回祖宗江山,开创万世不朽之功业。” Then, the Great Qian Empire officials of several hundred accompanying, kneel on the ground completely, their sounds are to also shiver, even with sob. 然后,几百名随行的大乾帝国臣子,全部跪在地上,他们的声音也是颤抖的,甚至带着哭泣。 To them, was in charge of the Qian Capital significance too to be really significant. 对于他们来说,入主乾京的意义实在太重大了。 Shen Lang said: Brother Jun, you thought that what to do kneels outside these people? Can massacre completely?” 沈浪道:“矜兄,你觉得跪在外面的那些人怎么办?要不要全部杀掉?” This saying, everyone has a scare, the Jin Jun brain prevents the language fast. 这话一出,所有人都吓了一跳,矜君脑子飞快阻止语言。 But Ning Qi crawls forward on one's knees, kneels to bend down on the ground said: Your majesty, your majesty, please thinks, please think the feudal official! The feudal officials what kind of extremes, took risk in the past innumerable your majesty, innumerable with your majesty for enemy. However your majesty gives the feudal official time and time again the opportunity, therefore has kneels before your majesty you now I. Official who our these make mistakes, is similar to the immature child, your majesty can hit, can scold, but please give us absolutely a starting with a clean slate opportunity.” 宁岐膝行上来,跪伏在地上道:“陛下,陛下,请您三思,请您想想臣啊!臣当年何等狂狷,无数次冒险了陛下,无数次和陛下为敌。但是陛下一次又一次给臣机会,所以才有如今跪在陛下您面前的我。我们这些犯错的臣子,就如同不懂事的孩童,陛下可以打,可以骂,但请万万给我们一个改过自新的机会啊。” Your majesty, my Ning Qi loyal in your majesty camp, cannot be regarded completely anything, even the row does not advance 10,000, first 100,000.” Ning Qi kotows said: But, so long as your majesty orders, even if the feudal official meets a cruel death, refuses to balk, the feudal official is willing dead for your majesty frequently. even/including official naughty people can train to correct the like this, please give some Kingdom of Qian these crime feudal official opportunities absolutely. These had betrayed Jiang Family, the person who has committed the crime, the complete severe punishment, this killing of killing, this waste waste, should send to the doing hard labor who is the hard labor, official but who entire Kingdom of Qian has not really transformed the leeway? Over the next two years , can this group of people meet a cruel death for your majesty, dies for you? I believe, asking your majesty to think!” “陛下,我宁岐之忠诚在陛下阵营中,完全算不得什么,甚至排不进前一万,前十万。”宁岐叩首道:“但是,只要陛下一声令下,臣哪怕粉身碎骨,也在所不惜,臣时时刻刻都愿意为陛下而死。连臣这样的顽劣不堪之徒都可以调教改正,请万万给乾国那些罪臣一些机会。那些曾经背叛过姜氏,犯过罪行的人,全部严惩,该杀的杀,该废的废,该送去做苦役的做苦役,但整个乾国真的就没有改造余地的臣子了吗?未来两年后,这群人会不会为陛下粉身碎骨,为您去死?我相信是有的,请陛下三思!” Thunder rain and dew, is Monarch graciousness, kills must certainly kill one batch.” Jin Jun said: But, the feudal official thought that must to the opportunity that this group of people start with a clean slate. Naturally, all are been arbitrary by your majesty sovereign's power, the feudal official obeys completely!” “雷霆雨露,俱是君恩,杀肯定是要杀一批的。”矜君道:“但是,臣觉得也要给这群人改过自新的机会。当然,一切都由陛下乾纲独断,臣完全服从!” But in the meantime, outside resounded the Hidden Snow sound. 而就在此时,外面响起了雪隐的声音。 Your majesty, Stupa Mountain envoy Wu Jue interview!” “陛下,浮屠山使者吴绝求见!” Wu Jue, Stupa Mountain Sect Leader Ren trusted aide, Shen Lang that so-called righteousness brother? 吴绝,浮屠山任宗主的心腹,沈浪那个所谓的义兄? Did he come quickly? What does he want to make? 他这么快就来了?他想要做什么? Makes him come in!” Shen Lang said. “让他进来!”沈浪道。 After the moment, Stupa Mountain Wu Jue walked, kneels down meticulously, kotows said: Feudal official Wu Jue, see your majesty, long live, long live, long live!” 片刻后,浮屠山吴绝走了进来,一丝不苟跪下,叩首道:“臣吴绝,参见陛下,万岁,万岁,万万岁!” .................. ……………… Note: Renews more than 15,000 characters as before, asked the monthly ticket slightly painfully, I want to return to first ten, asked everyone, felt grateful to weep. 注:依旧更新一万五千多字,稍稍痛苦求月票,我想回到前十,拜托诸位了,感恩涕零。
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