HSH :: Volume #6

#550: Be of great success! Stupa Mountain compromise!( Asked monthly ticket)

This outcome what's the matter? 这究竟是怎么回事? Shen Lang really can perform the miracle, is away from several hundred li (0.5 km) antiquity vestige that blows up southern part sea region? 难道沈浪真的能够上演神迹,隔着几百里炸毁南部海域的上古遗迹吗? Naturally is impossible, he is not a god. 当然不可能,他又不是神。 If his such awesome, did do early? Why can make a move to the present? 况且如果他这么牛逼的话,早干嘛去了?为何要到现在才出手? This antiquity vestige, if must enter from the entrance, is separated several thousand li (0.5 km). 这个上古遗迹,如果要从入口进入的话,间隔几千里。 However must from the Diamond Peak antiquity vestige direct past words, only dozens li (0.5 km). 但是要从金刚峰上古遗迹直接过去的话,只有区区几十里而已。 Didn't you feel at this time the Shen Lang outside Diamond Peak extremely in Shen Lang? 难道,你们不觉得此时金刚峰之外的这个沈浪太过于沈浪了吗? Naturally his performance does not have the flaw, clearly to the pinnacle, could not pick up any problem completely. 当然他的表现毫无破绽,逼真到极致了,完全挑不出任何毛病。 Those words, Chaplin participated to imitate Chaplin competition to result in second merely. 还是那句话,卓别林参加模仿卓别林大赛仅仅得了第二名。 Therefore this rides the person on ultrasonic wave flight beast is not true Shen Lang, but is the substitute person mirror, the mirror of wear antiquity armor. 所以这个骑在超声波飞行兽上的人不是真正的沈浪,而是替身镜子,穿着上古铠甲的镜子。 This probably was the world's most perfect substitute person, every action and every movement, even each look, each expression did not have the flaw. 这大概是世界上最完美的替身了,一举一动,甚至每一个眼神,每一个表情都毫无破绽。 He when with Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain Sect Leader Ren exchange also similarly excellent, that two giants simply had not discovered, or besides the Shen Lang’s woman and family member, other person of root home courts cannot branch out the difference of Shen Lang and mirror. 他在和赢广浮屠山任宗主交流的时候也同样是绝佳的,那两个巨头根本没有发现,或者说除了沈浪的女人和家人之外,其他人根本区分不出沈浪和镜子的区别。 Moreover knows the person who the mirror has is also minimal. 而且知道镜子存在的人也微乎其微。 Then true Shen Lang where? 那么真正的沈浪在哪里? He and Qiu Yao’er put on the antiquity vestige, disguised as to become to accompany to ride Snow Vulture, followed in the mirror behind came, acted his personal bodyguard. 他和仇妖儿穿着上古遗迹,假扮成为随从骑着雪雕,跟随在镜子的身后来的,扮演他的贴身侍卫。 Also a little, the substitute person mirror is unable to open the entrance of Diamond Peak antiquity vestige, is actually Shen Lang opening, your mirror puts on airs according to coming up the palm. 还有一点,替身镜子根本无法开启金刚峰上古遗迹的入口,其实是沈浪开启的,你镜子只是装模作样将手掌按上去而已。 After the Diamond Peak access front door opens, Jin Jun first walked from inside. 金刚峰的出入口大门开启之后,矜君先从里面走了出来。 Because since Shen Lang leaves, inside person frequently is waiting for Shen Lang to come back. 因为自从沈浪离开之后,里面的人时时刻刻都在等待着沈浪回来。 Moreover they also believe completely, His Majesty Shen Lang will certainly come back to save them, speaking of will certainly achieve. 而且他们也完全坚信,沈浪陛下一定会回来拯救他们,说到一定会做到的。 However, the energy in Diamond Peak antiquity vestige must consume thoroughly cleanly, by that time is unable again and outside exchanges the air, inside oxygen will exhaust gradually, the ray will also vanish, thorough total darkness. 但是,金刚峰上古遗迹内的能量就要彻底消耗干净了,到那个时候就无法再和外面交换空气,里面的氧气会渐渐耗尽,光芒也会消失,彻底暗无天日。 Naturally , even after the energy exhausts, Diamond Peak inside air still enough maintains for about 1-2 days, because in such big vestige, air of surviving. 当然了就算能量耗尽之后,金刚峰里面的空气也足够维持1-2左右,因为这么大的遗迹里面,还有残存的空气。 But after all arrived at the crucial moment, therefore the Jin Jun’s 50,000 people for the time-saving, have been waiting in access behind, so long as front door opening, they well up immediately. 但毕竟到了生死关头,所以矜君的五万人为了节省时间,就一直在出入口的后面等候着,只要大门一开启,他们立刻就涌出来。 Was getting more and more short from the time of energy exhaustion, at that time Jin Jun and everyone going all out air-blowing. 距离能量耗尽的时间越来越短了,当时矜君和所有人都在拼命鼓气。 Everyone should not be anxious, His Majesty Shen Lang comes certainly back, he had said the words will cash in forever.” “大家不要急,沈浪陛下一定回来的,他说过的话永远都会兑现。” I believed His Majesty Shen Lang in out of the door.” “我相信沈浪陛下就在门外了。” Then, exhausts also has the quarter of an hour the time from the energy, the entrance of Diamond Peak vestige really opened, the face of His Majesty Shen Lang appears in everyone's front. 然后,距离能量耗尽还有一刻钟的时候,金刚峰遗迹的入口果然开启了,沈浪陛下的面孔出现在所有人的面前。 Jin Jun and tens of thousands people excited incomparable, shouted loudly your majesty to long live. 矜君和几万人激动无比,高呼陛下万岁万岁万万岁。 His Majesty Shen Lang really and in the imagination is equally great, will never be disappointing. 沈浪陛下果然和想象中一样伟大,永远都不会让人失望。 However almost all people have not recognized, at present this Shen Lang is only a substitute person, even Jin Jun also is very from the beginning difficult to distinguish, but he soon discovered. 但是几乎所有人都没有认出来,眼前这个沈浪只是一个替身而已,甚至矜君一开始也很难分辨出来,但他很快就发现了。 When because the crowd wells up from the Diamond Peak vestige, actually two person adverse currents enter, instead entered in this vestige, these two person whole bodies covered in the antiquity armor, but the person gave a very vague hand signal toward Jin Jun. 因为当人群从金刚峰遗迹涌出来的时候,却有两个人逆流而入,反而进入了这个遗迹之内,这两个人全身都笼罩在上古铠甲之内,但是其中有一个人朝着矜君做了一个非常隐晦的手势。 Brother Jun, Lanzhou University, Wu Lie gives me, you continue.” Jin Jun one surprised, then understood instantaneously, orders Wu Lie and Lanzhou University two people follows in Shen Lang and Qiu Yao’er behind. 矜兄,把兰大,武烈交给我,你们继续出去。”矜君一愕,然后瞬间明白了,命令武烈和兰大二人跟在沈浪仇妖儿身后。 At that time Stupa Mountain vulture warrior very more than 10,000 meters upper air, moreover hid in the cloud layer, in addition Shen Lang entered in the Diamond Peak vestige in the crowd shield, they can discover that was fishy. 当时浮屠山秃鹫武士非常一万多米的高空,而且还藏在云层之中,加上沈浪是在人群掩护中进入金刚峰遗迹之内的,他们能够发现才有鬼了。 After entering the Diamond Peak antiquity vestige, Shen Lang and Qiu Yao’er go to unmanned place immediately, exchanged the armor of Stupa Mountain special warrior, then Qiu Yao’er clamped Shen Lang under the waist, brings Wu Lie and Lanzhou University dashes about wildly to go toward the east energy vortex fast. 进入金刚峰上古遗迹之后,沈浪仇妖儿立刻来到无人的地方,换上了浮屠山特种武士的铠甲,然后仇妖儿沈浪夹在腰下,带着武烈和兰大飞快地朝着东边的能量漩涡狂奔而去。 Because the energy of Diamond Peak antiquity vestige must exhaust quickly, the quarter of an hour was less. 因为金刚峰上古遗迹的能量很快就要耗尽了,还有一刻钟不到了。 Once the energy exhausts, what happened? 而一旦能量耗尽,会发生什么事情? The energy vortex will also close. 能量漩涡也会关闭。 What once the energy vortex closure will have? 而一旦能量漩涡关闭又会发生什么? The Stupa Mountain’s special warrior, the hell regiment defends in another side of energy vortex frequently, once this vortex closes, they first will be amazed, then sends for the exploration, will have the large-scale hell regiment, the special warrior welled up along the special channel of antiquity vestige, entered in the Diamond Peak antiquity vestige. 浮屠山的特种武士,地狱军团时时刻刻都守在能量漩涡的另外一边,一旦这个漩涡关闭,他们先会惊诧一下,然后派人过来探索,紧接着会有大规模的地狱军团,特种武士沿着上古遗迹的特殊通道涌过来,进入金刚峰上古遗迹之内。 But at this time, Shen Lang can definitely enter in the southern part sea region antiquity vestige with the status of Stupa Mountain special warrior . 而这个时候,沈浪完全可以用浮屠山特种武士的身份进入南部海域上古遗迹之内,神不知鬼不觉。 A matter, Stupa Mountain’s Elder Wu has been captured, in the nightmare stone installment and spits under the function of real medicinal preparation, Shen Lang had completely grasped the Stupa Mountain hell regiment, the list of special warrior, rank, password, token wait/etc.. 还有一件事情,浮屠山的吴长老已经被俘了,在噩梦石装置和吐真剂的作用下,沈浪已经完全掌握了浮屠山地狱军团,特种武士的名单,级别,口令,令牌等等。 .............................. ………………………… Tenth, nine, eight, seven...... three, two, one! 十,九,八,七……三,二,一! The time, the Diamond Peak antiquity vestige energy exhausted thoroughly. 时间到,金刚峰上古遗迹能量彻底耗尽了。 No vibration, all are silent. 没有什么震动,一切都无声无息的。 But in entire vestige instantaneously dark, all rays vanished. 只不过整个遗迹内瞬间就暗了下来,所有的光线都消失了。 But at the same time! 而与此同时! The energy vortex between two antiquity vestiges vanished directly. 两个上古遗迹之间的能量漩涡直接消失了。 In order to construct the encirclement ring, Ying Guang and Sect Leader Ren have reassigned most military, but guards the energy vortex also has several thousand hell regiments, several hundred special warriors. 为了构建包围圈,赢广任宗主已经抽调走了大部分兵力,但守卫在能量漩涡这边的还有几千名地狱军团,几百名特种武士。 Hell regiment military officers who the instance when the energy vortex vanishes, defends here one surprised, then shouted loudly loudly: Attack!” 当能量漩涡消失的瞬间,防守此处的地狱军团将领一愕,然后大声高呼:“攻击!” Then, these several thousand hell regiments, several hundred special warriors attack crazily. 然后,这几千名地狱军团,几百名特种武士疯狂攻击。 The innumerable antiquity giant strong crossbows, the antiquity fought the crossbow, the antiquity bow and arrow shot crazily, was completely ordinary like the rainstorm. 无数的上古巨型强弩,上古战弩,上古弓箭狂射而出,完全如同暴雨一般。 Naturally all these are meaningless, because another side of energy vortex completely empty, anything does not have, moreover a darkness, pitch-dark. 当然这一切都是毫无意义的,因为能量漩涡另外一边空空如也,什么都没有,而且一片黑暗,伸手不见五指。 At this time, the hell regiment generals do not dare to act rashly as before, because knows that in the Diamond Peak antiquity vestige had Shen Lang’s tens of thousands under personal command. 这个时候,地狱军团将军依旧不敢轻举妄动,因为都知道金刚峰上古遗迹里面有沈浪的几万嫡系 He sends one team of special warriors immediately, one team of hell regiments explored since the antiquity vestige special channel, a total of dozens people. 他立刻派遣一队特种武士,一队地狱军团进入上古遗迹特殊通道里面探索,总共几十人之多。 But in this special tunnel, not only pitch-dark, but also several damages and collapsing, each about more than ten li (0.5 km) have a darkroom. 而这个特殊隧道之内,不但伸手不见五指,而且还有几处损毁和坍塌,每个十几里左右有一个暗室。 Therefore put on the Stupa Mountain antiquity equipment Shen Lang and Qiu Yao’er mixes in easily, and round trip caught up fast, across the boundary of two antiquity vestige, entered in the Stupa Mountain’s antiquity vestige. 所以穿着浮屠山上古装备的沈浪仇妖儿轻而易举混入其中,并且快速地往回赶,穿过两个上古遗迹的边界,进入了浮屠山的上古遗迹之内。 But in this side of original energy vortex, Stupa Mountain’s General Lin Yan is bringing over a thousand hell regiments, several hundred special warrior building up arrays, prepared to enter in the Diamond Peak antiquity vestige along the special tunnel at any time. 而在原能量漩涡的这一边,浮屠山的林岩将军正带着上千名地狱军团,几百名特种武士集结列阵,随时准备沿着特殊隧道进入金刚峰上古遗迹之内。 Put on Shen Lang and Qiu Yao’er of Stupa Mountain special warrior walked directly, loudly said: General Lin Yan, the Diamond Peak antiquity vestige energy has exhausted completely, Jin Jun and other did the people in that side, we catch two captives? They are preparing to ambush us in the special tunnel at that time.” 穿着浮屠山特种武士的沈浪仇妖儿直接走了出来,大声道:“林岩将军,金刚峰上古遗迹能量已经全部耗尽,矜君等几万人就在那边,我们抓到了两个俘虏?他们当时正在特殊隧道之内准备伏击我们。” General Lin Yan of hell regiment one surprised, then looks to Wu Lie and Lanzhou University, somewhat looks familiar, all of a sudden their status. 地狱军团的林岩将军一愕,然后望向武烈和兰大,有些眼熟,一下子记不起来他们的身份。 Portrait!” “画像!” Immediately one big folds the portrait to appear in his hands, he turned several pages fast, immediately found two people of portraits. 顿时一大叠画像出现在他手中,他飞快翻了几页,立刻找到了二人的画像。 Because in Jin Jun that tens of thousands people, Wu Lie had followed Shen Lang for a long time, but Lanzhou University is Jiang Li special bloodlines, the ranking very front rows of two people. 因为矜君那几万人中,武烈曾经长期跟随过沈浪,而兰大更是姜离特殊血脉者,两个人的排名都非常前列。 This is two big characters.” General Lin Yan said: Detains the prison to go them.” “这还是两个不小的人物啊。”林岩将军道:“将他们关押到监狱去。” Yes!” Shen Lang said. “是!”沈浪道。 Wait......” General Lin Yan said: Lifts your mask.” “等等……”林岩将军道:“掀开你的面罩。” Shen Lang without delay, lifted own mask directly, revealed very special face, many blood vessels inflate, crawls like the earthworm generally on the face. 沈浪二话不说,直接掀开了自己的面罩,露出了非常特殊的面孔,许多血管膨胀,如同蚯蚓一般爬在脸上。 This is the common characteristics of many special warriors, because they experienced several bloodlines to transform, the face was usually scary. 这是许多特种武士的共同特征,因为他们经历了好几次血脉改造,面孔通常都非常吓人。 Goes, these two criminals are quite important, close into No. 2 prison.” The Lin Yan elder said. “去吧,这两个犯人还比较重要,关入二号监狱之内。”林岩长老道。 Yes!” Shen Lang said. “是!”沈浪道。 Then he and Qiu Yao’er two people are sending under custody Wu Lie and Lanzhou University walk toward No. 2 prison. 然后他和仇妖儿两个人押送着武烈和兰大朝着二号监狱走去。 This all the way, has the Stupa Mountain’s special warrior continuously, the hell regiment wells up, because both elders in antiquity vestige obtained the report, the energy vortex opened unexpectedly bewilderedly, because is worried to have the war, therefore other Stupa Mountain armies in antiquity vestige gave support. 这一路上,源源不断有浮屠山的特种武士,地狱军团涌来,因为上古遗迹内的两个长老都得到了汇报,能量漩涡竟然莫名其妙开启了,因为担心发生战事,所以上古遗迹内的其他浮屠山军队纷纷前来支援。 .................................... ……………………………… Was Shen Lang ripe to Stupa Mountain’s this antiquity vestige? 沈浪浮屠山的这个上古遗迹熟吗? Generally speaking is not ripe, but with approaching these over a hundred li (0.5 km) regions of energy vortex is familiar, because Princess Stupa Ren Yingying led him to come at that time, and opened many secret warehouses, secret laboratory, secret library. 总体来说是不熟的,但对于靠近能量漩涡的这上百里区域却非常非常熟悉,因为当时浮屠公主任盈盈曾经带着他来过,并且开启了好些个秘密仓库,秘密实验室,秘密图书馆。 But he and Qiu Yao’er send under custody two prisoners toward No. 2 prison walks, has not received any suspicion. 而他和仇妖儿押送两个囚犯朝着二号监狱走去的时候,没有受到任何怀疑。 Shen Lang also prepared many passwords, prepares to deal, but without thinking asked his password on no one from the start. 原本沈浪还准备了许多口令,准备应对的,但是没有想到压根就没有任何人问他口令。 Naturally the Shen Lang’s destination is not No. 2 prison, but is nearby completely common construction, in an antiquity vestige very remote place. 当然沈浪的目的地不是二号监狱,而是旁边一个完全不起眼的建筑,在上古遗迹一个非常偏僻的地方。 This building one point about several thousand square meters, although was also big, but tens of thousands square meters big project is not frequently big compared with other, moreover a point is common. 这个建筑一点大约几千平米,虽然也不小了,但比起其他动辄几万平米的大型建筑就不大了,而且一点都不起眼。 Where then it is? 那它是什么地方呢? Energy key control room! 能量核心控制室! The surrounding area in several hundred li (0.5 km) a total of dozens antiquity energy core controlled here, but in the entire antiquity vestige, but had dozens to continue like the control center fully. 方圆几百里之内总共几十个上古能量核心都在这里进行控制,而在整个上古遗迹,而像这样的控制中心整整有几十个不止。 To a certain extent, this energy key control room is most important. 某种程度上,这能量核心控制室是重中之重。 Then here does defend sternly? Not. 那么这里防守森严吗?并没有。 Because here gate is the closure, continuously by the present has not opened, no one can open. 因为这里的门是关闭的,一直到现在为止都没有开启过,也没有人能够开启。 This situation were too many, this antiquity vestige most constructions were close, over a thousand official scholars used for 1-2 years to calculate less than ten passwords, opened less than ten historic building. 这种情况太多了,这片上古遗迹大部分建筑都是关闭的,上千名大学士用了1-2时间才计算出了不到十个密码,开启了不到十个上古建筑。 But here secret warehouse, secret weapon cache, secret library, secret laboratory altogether over several hundred. 而这里的秘密仓库,秘密武器库,秘密图书馆,秘密实验室总共超过几百个。 In the Stupa Mountain eye, which important rank does not surpass this energy key control room, originally outside this also three special warriors, seven hell regiment warrior guards. 浮屠山眼中,哪个重要级别不超过这个能量核心控制室啊,原本这外面还有三名特种武士,七名地狱军团武士守卫的。 But the situation is now special, after two wars, the Stupa Mountain casualties are serious, the casualty are innumerable. Moreover this time to surround the Jin Jun’s tens of thousands people, Sect Leader Ren and Ying Guang transferred hundreds of thousands armies. 但现在情况特殊,经过两次大战后,浮屠山伤亡惨重,死伤无数。而且这一次为了包围矜君的几万人,任宗主赢广调走了十几万大军。 In addition disappearance of energy vortex, there are large numbers of special warriors, the hell regiment supported. But this antiquity vestige the big, entire several thousand li (0.5 km), light/only this region was several hundred li (0.5 km), after most armies transferred, appeared spacious. 加上能量漩涡的消失,又有大批的特种武士,地狱军团去支援了。而这片上古遗迹有多大,整整几千里,光这片区域就有好几百里,大部分军队调走之后,就显得空旷起来。 Therefore at this time beyond the energy management center, only has three hell regiment warrior guards merely. 所以此时能量控制中心之外,仅仅只有三名地狱军团武士守卫。 Qiu Yao’er walks, at the same time the inspection surrounding all environment, determine in all fields of vision no one. 仇妖儿一路走来,一边检查周围所有环境,确定所有视野内都没有人。 According to the rule, a recent patrol warrior takes 39 seconds to appear probably. 按照规律,最近的一支巡逻武士大概需要三十九秒钟才会出现。 Shen Lang and Qiu Yao’er walked directly, because they put on the antiquity armor of special warrior, the rank was higher than the hell regiment warriors. 沈浪仇妖儿直接走了过去,因为他们穿着特种武士的上古铠甲,级别远比地狱军团武士更高。 After the energy key control outdoor three hell regiment warriors see, immediately stands fiercely straightly, then salutes. 能量核心控制室外的三个地狱军团武士见到之后,立刻猛地笔直站立,然后敬礼。 Pays a visit the general.” “拜见将军。” The special warrior is quite scarce, for of pleasant to hear, the hell regiment warriors will often flatter to shout the general. 特种武士比较稀少,所以为了好听,地狱军团武士往往会拍马屁喊将军。 Shen Lang and Qiu Yao’er do not make noise, arrives at three people of front directly. 沈浪仇妖儿不出声,直接来到三人的面前。 Begin! 动手! The Qiu Yao’er lightning attacks, strikes the corona three hell regiment warriors instantaneously. 仇妖儿闪电出击,瞬间将三个地狱军团武士击晕。 Quickly, quickly, quickly! 快,快,快! All are quick! 一切要快! But at this time, the Stupa Mountain’s patrol warrior beyond several hundred meters, quick must appear in within eyesight. 而此时,浮屠山的巡逻武士已经在几百米外,很快就要出现在视野之内了。 The time also has is less than two seconds. 时间还有不到二秒钟。 Shen Lang arrives at out of the door of this energy key control room fast, approached antiquity king Jie directly. 沈浪飞快来到这个能量核心控制室的门外,直接将上古王戒靠近。 The gate of this control center needs to use the complex password, dozens official scholars use for dozens years to be not necessarily able to calculate. 原本这控制中心的门是需要用复杂密码的,几十名大学士用几十年时间都未必能够计算出来。 But the antiquity king Jie jurisdiction was too high, Shen Lang can open easily. 但上古王戒的权限太高了,沈浪轻而易举就可以开启。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Really is less than merely for one second, the gate of this energy management room opened. 果然仅仅不到一秒钟,这个能量控制室的门就开启了。 Shen Lang, Qiu Yao’er, Wu Lie, the Lanzhou University four people crash in indoor this energy management fast, Shen Lang closes the front door with the quickest speed. 沈浪,仇妖儿,武烈,兰大四人飞快冲进这个能量控制室内,沈浪又用最快速度将大门关闭。 The quick Stupa Mountain’s patrol leader passed through here, the instinct looks at one toward here. 很快浮屠山的巡逻队经过了这里,本能朝着这边望来一眼。 All normal, the front door gold coin of energy management room, outside three hell regiment warriors stand as before straightly, motionless. 一切正常,能量控制室的大门金币,外面三个地狱军团武士依旧笔直站立,一动不动。 .................................... ……………………………… This energy management rooms and other control rooms are the same, no one has come, because regarding Stupa Mountain, it has not developed the value, is not the secret weapon cache and so on, otherwise does not absolutely need to consume the tremendous effort to open here. 这个能量控制室和其他控制室一样,都从来没有人进来过,因为对于浮屠山来说,它并没有开发价值,又不是秘密武器库之类,否则根本没有必要耗费巨大精力开启这里。 Naturally Shen Lang is also first coming, although he that volume of antiquity scrolls in sarcophagus has looked at the blueprint, but true large-scale energy key control room, Shen Lang first sight. 当然沈浪也是第一次进来,尽管他在石棺里面的那卷上古卷轴看过图纸,但真正的大型能量核心控制室,沈浪还是第一次见到。 At present is dense and numerous is the nightmare stone installment, over several thousand continue, is glittering all kinds of rays. 眼前密密麻麻都是噩梦石装置,超过几千个都不止,闪烁着各式各样的光芒。 Also was Shen Lang has read the scroll of antiquity King, knows that these things were anything, changed into others, even if were Stupa Mountain has developed this antiquity vestige more than four years, did not know these things completely. 也就是沈浪读过上古王者的卷轴,知道这些东西是什么,换成其他人,哪怕是浮屠山已经开发这个上古遗迹四年多时间了,也完全不认识这些东西。 Shen Lang deeply inspires, assigns out the material of related energy key control room from the Chilean brain again. 沈浪深深吸一口气,再一次从智脑里面调出相关能量核心控制室的资料。 Right, all tally. 没错,一切吻合。 Then he begins fast, first obtained here maximum jurisdiction with antiquity king Jie. 然后他飞快地动手,先用上古王戒获得这里的最高权限。 Then, sways from side to side this innumerable nightmare stone installments, first chose 20 large-scale antiquity energy core, today self-destruction procedure. 然后,扭动这无数的噩梦石装置,先选择二十个大型上古能量核心,今日自毁程序。 Naturally these antiquity energy cores not here, but distributes in the surrounding area in each region within several hundred li (0.5 km), but can here the common control. 当然这些上古能量核心都不在这里,而是分布在方圆几百里内的各个区域之内,只不过在这里可以集中控制而已。 Shen Lang puts out the pocket watch say/way: „When.” 沈浪拿出怀表道:“对时。” Qiu Yao’er also pulls out the pocket watch: In the afternoon 3 0.2 15.” 仇妖儿也掏出怀表:“下午三点二十五分。” Shen Lang said: Right, in the afternoon 3 0.2 15.” 沈浪道:“对,下午三点二十五分。” Then, he established the self-destroying time of 20 large-scale antiquity energy core at about 3:50. 然后,他把二十个大型上古能量核心的自毁时间设置在三点50左右。 This is also he and mirror agrees on the good time. 这也是他和镜子约定好的时间。 Because all are smooth, therefore is not urgent, he completed all these 25 minutes ahead of schedule. 因为一切非常顺利,所以一点都不紧迫,他提前25分钟就完成了这一切。 Then time dī dī passes. 然后时间滴滴答答地流逝。 25 minutes passed by. 二十五分钟过去了。 Indoor the energy key control, innumerable nightmare stone start to glitter, conducts the countdown to warn. 能量核心控制室内,无数的噩梦石开始闪烁,进行倒计时警示。 Five, four, three, two, one!” “五,四,三,二,一!” Rumbling rumbling......” “轰轰轰轰……” 20 large-scale antiquity energy core in turn from exploding, according to the time of Shen Lang setting, each explosion was separated for about three seconds. 二十个大型上古能量核心依次自爆,根据沈浪设定的时间,每一次爆炸间隔三秒钟左右。 Therefore, had in the sea level that incomparably magnificent. 所以,才有了海面上那无比华丽的一幕。 Large explosion continuously, is common like the shocking incomparable giant fountain. 此起彼伏的大爆炸,如同惊艳无比的巨型喷泉一般。 But these large-scale antiquity energy cores, small 34 meters in diameter, big entire ten meters. 而这些大型上古能量核心,小的直径34米,大的整整十米。 Although the explosion power is inferior to Regret of the Dragon, but each explosion power over several hundred tons, even over a thousand tons tnt. 爆炸威力虽然不如龙之悔,但每一个爆炸威力都超过几百吨,甚至上千吨的tnt。 In this large explosion, the antiquity vestige within several hundred li (0.5 km), collapsed unceasingly, meets a cruel death. 在这大爆炸中,几百里内的上古遗迹,不断坍塌,粉身碎骨。 Naturally Shen Lang has calculated the burst radius, therefore he absolutely does not have the issue indoor this energy key control, will not be exploded affects. 当然沈浪已经计算好了爆炸半径,所以他在这个能量核心控制室内是绝对没有问题的,不会受到爆炸波及。 .......................................... …………………………………… The picture returns to the ground! 画面回到地面上! In the substitute person mirror is lifelike and in the performance of empty boasting, the entire destruction large explosion, continued entire one minute. 在替身镜子逼真而又浮夸的表演中,整场毁灭大爆炸,持续了整整一分钟时间。 Then temporarily stopped. 然后暂时停止了。 The tsunami that however raises has come. 但是掀起的海啸已经汹涌而来。 The vibration of ground , after entire a half minute, stops. 地面的震动,也整整过了半分钟之后才停止。 The mirror opened the eyes, said with a smile: King of the Blood Ying, Sect Leader Ren, this destruction drama, performance how?” 镜子睁开了双眼,笑道:“赢亲王,任宗主,这一场毁灭大戏,表演得如何啊?” The Sect Leader Ren face is twitching, the vision is looking at the tsunami of coming, grieved such as twists. 任宗主面孔抽搐着,目光望着汹涌而来的海啸,心痛如绞。 That large explosion, destroyed several hundred li (0.5 km) antiquity vestige a moment ago, how many secret warehouses, the secret library, is the secret laboratory destroyed in a moment? 就刚才那一阵大爆炸,摧毁了几百里的上古遗迹,有多少秘密仓库,秘密图书馆,秘密实验室毁于一旦? But the audience hundreds of thousands people are also looking at this helplessly, brain inside blank. 而全场十几万人也眼睁睁望着这一幕,脑子里面一片空白。 This, is this possible? 这,这怎么可能啊? Is Shen Lang a god? Being away from is so far, can he destroy our Stupa Mountain’s antiquity vestige unexpectedly? 沈浪难道是神吗?隔着这么远,他竟然能摧毁我们浮屠山的上古遗迹? Mirror say/way: Sect Leader Ren, destroyed your several hundred li (0.5 km) antiquity vestige a moment ago, approximately occupied you not to develop part 1/5, not only you were grieved, I did not give up, these may be the treasures of antiquity civilization, if blew up it completely, I was a criminal, please believe that I and you same did not feel better. To save the Jin Jun’s tens of thousands people, I have no alternative.” 镜子道:“任宗主,刚才摧毁了你的几百里上古遗迹,大约占了你未开发部分的五分之一,不仅仅你心痛,我也不舍得啊,这些可都是上古文明的瑰宝啊,如果完全炸毁了它,那我就是罪人了,请您相信我和您一样不好受。但是为了拯救矜君的几万人,我不得已而为之啊。” Sect Leader Ren maintains total silence. 任宗主一语不发。 Ying Guang maintains total silence. 赢广一语不发。 Mirror say/way: Sect Leader Ren, I must start the countdown now, you need to relieve the encirclement ring immediately, puts the Jin Jun tens of thousands people to leave here to return to Raging Tide City, otherwise the second round of big destruction must start.” 镜子道:“任宗主,现在我又要开始倒计时了,你需要立刻解除包围圈,放矜君几万人离开这里返回怒潮城,否则第二轮大毁灭就要开始了。” Sect Leader Ren has not replied as before. 任宗主依旧没有回复。 Mirror say/way: Sect Leader Ren, it seems like my performance is not very magnificent!” 镜子道:“任宗主,看来我的表演还不够华丽啊!” Then we continue.” “那么我们继续。” Five, four, three, two, one.” “五,四,三,二,一。” Starts!” “开始!” The mirror hit a sound to refer. 镜子又打了一个响指。 At this time time, in the afternoon 3 0.5 15. 此时时间,下午三点五十五分。 Rumbling rumbling......” “轰轰轰轰……” The large explosion in sea level starts again. 海面上的大爆炸再一次开启。 The magnificent destruction drama, performs again. 华丽的毁灭大戏,再一次上演。 Stupa Mountain’s antiquity vestige, again collapsing destruction. 浮屠山的上古遗迹,再一次大片大片地坍塌毁灭。 Stops, stops, stops!” Stupa Mountain Sect Leader Ren bellows suddenly fiercely. “停,停,停!”浮屠山任宗主忽然猛地大吼。 Was infatuated frames in " Destiny Symphony » mirror immediately, stops both hands brandishing. 陶醉在《命运交响曲》中的镜子立刻定格,停止了双手挥舞。 Then, the large explosion in sea level also stopped. 然后,海面上的大爆炸也停了下来。 It seems like, is really similar he to direct all, is controlling remotely all. 看上去,真的就仿佛他在指挥一切,在遥控一切。 But is actually he at the performance of coordinate large explosion, is staring at the time on table, the minutes and seconds do not perform badly. 但其实是他在配合大爆炸的表演,盯着表上的时间,分秒不差地表演。 Mirror say/way: Sect Leader Ren, do you believe me now? Then you are willing to hurt your self-respect slightly, relieves the encirclement ring? Put my person to leave?” 镜子道:“任宗主,现在你相信我了?那么你愿意稍稍伤害你的自尊心,解除包围圈?放我的人离开了吗?” Stupa Mountain Sect Leader Ren closes the eye long time, opens again, the whole person was slightly peaceful, but is actually similar to the volcano that soon must erupt to be ordinary. 浮屠山任宗主闭上眼睛良久,再一次睁开的时候,整个人稍稍安静了下来,但是却如同即将要爆发的火山一般。 All Stupa Mountain warriors put down the weapon, relieves the encirclement ring, puts the Jin Jun tens of thousands people to leave!” “所有浮屠山武士放下武器,解除包围圈,放矜君几万人离开!” ........................ …………………… Note: Finally finished second, does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket, pays respects request supports, the cakes and pastries kowtow to thank politely everyone. 注:终于写完第二更了,拜求月票,拜求支持,糕点叩头拜谢大家。 Thanks meter/rice 1216 ten thousand Bi hits to enjoy. 谢谢啊米1216的万币打赏。
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