HSH :: Volume #6

#544: World ultimate truth? Yan Capital compromise!( Asked monthly ticket)

Shen Lang is a person of powerful and unconstrained style, because has watched too many movies, no matter will have any him does not appear extremely in accidental/surprised, in a chest racket, the body presented a nano to fight armor even if directly, his direct incarnation for the steel hero was also acceptable. 沈浪是一个天马行空的人,因为看过了太多的电影,所以不管发生什么他都不会显得太过于意外的,哪怕在胸口一拍,身上直接出现了一个纳米战甲,他直接化身为钢铁侠也是可以接受的。 Finally nothing happened, like put on antiquity king Jie to be the same at that time. 结果什么都没有发生,就如同当时戴上了上古王戒一样。 No, even with put on ancient Wangjie to be different at that time. After putting on king Jie, Shen Lang can also at least the switch energy vortex. 不,甚至和当时戴上古王戒不一样。戴上王戒之后,沈浪起码还能开关能量漩涡呢。 But now after this Core of the Dragon installment mounts into his chest, he feels very mysterious strength obviously, but definitely is unable to display. 而现在这个龙之核心装置镶嵌入他的胸口之后,他明明感觉到非常神奇的力量,但完全无法施展。 Then Shen Lang attempted repeatedly, but does not have to attain as before, he as before is such lacking the strength to truss up a chicken. 接下来沈浪尝试了一遍又一遍,但依旧毫无所获,他依旧是那么的手无缚鸡之力。 It is not really right, his 0% all sorts of feeling receive within the body to have an inexplicable energy. 真是不对劲啊,他百分之百感受到体内有一股莫名的能量啊。 But this thing is similar to the love to be common, you can feel obviously, actually cannot see unable to feel. 但这玩意就如同爱情一般,你明明能够感受得到,却看不见也摸不着。 This should be a very powerful and advanced antiquity equipment, moreover is profound, therefore you require the time to unearth its strength probably.” Qiu Yao’er said. “这应该是一个非常强大而又先进的上古装备,而且非常高深,所以你大概需要时间才能挖掘出它的力量。”仇妖儿道。 Shen Lang cannot help but remembered Adolf that set of antiquity to equip, the sincerity was super awesome, his martial arts Bue reached the queen also to obviously slightly almost, finally after having this antiquity equipped, Queen and Hella jointly cannot injure Adolf's half fine hair, at that time really brought shocking beyond comparison to Shen Lang. 沈浪不由得想起了阿道夫那套上古装备,真心是超级牛逼,他的武功明明比埃达女王还要稍稍差一点点的,结果有了这个上古装备之后,埃达女王和海拉联手都不能伤害阿道夫的半根汗毛,当时真的给沈浪带来无以伦比的惊艳。 But Adolf's that antiquity equipment probably was also the embed in the chest heart position. 而阿道夫的那个上古装备好像也是镶嵌在胸口心脏位置的。 „One side first temporarily places.” Shen Lang said: Perhaps in the future it to me the greatest pleasant surprise, Yao'er will not deceive you, I really felt oneself grown stronger, perhaps you are not my opponent, otherwise did we go back to try in the evening?” “先暂时放在一边吧。”沈浪道:“或许未来它会给我莫大之惊喜,妖儿不骗你,我真的觉得自己变强了很多,说不定连你都不是我的对手了,要不然我们晚上回去试试?” Ok.” Qiu Yao’er said. “行。”仇妖儿道。 Then, the Shen Lang vision looked to that antiquity prisoner, at this time he had turned into the rock completely, had nothing to distinguish with the beforehand these antiquity anthropolites, as if a stone statue was common. 接下来,沈浪目光望向了那个上古囚犯,此时他已经完全变成了岩石,和之前那些上古人类化石没有任何区别了,就仿佛一个石头雕像一般。 Was sorry.” Shen Lang said: I really want to know, charms your Queen Medusa to be actually beautiful to what kind of degree, made you betray own empire unexpectedly.” “抱歉了。”沈浪道:“我真的很想知道,迷住你的那个美杜莎女王究竟美丽到何等程度,竟然让你背叛了自己的帝国。” But this antiquity prisoner seems saying that four characters as before: I did not regret. 而这个上古囚犯仿佛依旧在说那四个字:我不后悔。 .................................... ……………………………… Although has harvested the Core of the Dragon installment, but Shen Lang decides to continue to explore, he was knew at this time, in this prison will be impossible to have Regret of the Dragon’s. 尽管已经收获了龙之核心装置,但沈浪决定继续探索,他此时算是知道了,这个监狱里面不可能会有龙之悔的 However this prison certainly very awesome, because the first prison cell is detaining the infringement of such awesome merely, the first rebel of Jiang Family royalty, then also three prison, that inside detains should be what kind of awesome prisoner? 但是这个监狱一定很牛逼,因为仅仅第一间囚室就关押着这么牛逼的侵犯,姜氏皇族的第一叛徒啊,接下来还有三间囚牢,那里面关押的该是何等牛逼的囚犯啊? Shen Lang arrives in front of the second prison, this must be slightly bigger than the first prison, on the outside sign writes the dark empress prison. 沈浪来到第二间囚牢面前,这比第一间囚牢要稍稍大一些,外面牌子上写着黑暗女皇囚牢。 Below has a sign to brief the crime of this prisoner: This person makes the disaster plague, slaughters thousands of people, the monstrous crimes. 下面有一个牌子介绍这个囚犯的罪行:此人制造天灾瘟疫,屠杀千万人,罪恶滔天。 After Shen Lang looked, immediately holds breath cold air. 沈浪看了之后顿时倒吸一口凉气。 Prisoner really one by one awesome that in this prison detains. 这个监狱里面关押的囚犯果然一个比一个牛逼 That Jiang Family royalty biggest rebels are frightened a moment ago enough, the successors as antiquity empire he betrayed oneself country. 刚才那个姜氏皇族最大的叛徒已经足够惊悚了,作为上古帝国的继承人他背叛了自己国家。 But does this second dark empress, slaughter unexpectedly surely? Cannot believe simply. 而这第二个黑暗女皇,竟然屠杀千万?简直不敢相信啊。 Moreover disaster plague these four characters sound somewhat appalling. 而且天灾瘟疫这四个字听上去有些让人毛骨悚然啊。 Qiu Yao’er cannot help but looks at one toward Shen Lang, because Shen Lang also exterminated several cities using the plague, in certain degrees he is a little also similar to this dark empress. 仇妖儿不由得朝沈浪望去一眼,因为沈浪也利用瘟疫灭绝了好几座城市了,某些程度上他和这位黑暗女皇也有点相似啊。 But the plague virus affirmation that in the Shen Lang brain only then a thought that this dark empress grasps is super, how otherwise possibly to slaughter surely? 沈浪脑子里面只有一个念头,这个黑暗女皇掌握的瘟疫病毒肯定超级可怕,否则怎么可能屠杀千万? The Shen Lang slightly hesitant moment, puts out a hand according to the gate of second prison, immediately above appeared a character: Crime. 沈浪稍稍犹豫片刻,伸手按在第二间囚牢的门上,顿时上面浮现出了一个字:罪。 Finally was not the regret character, the last stroke of this crime character also had antiquity king Jie hollow, Shen Lang puts out a hand to tally hollowly in this in king Jie. 终于不是悔字了,这个罪字的最后一划上同样有一个上古王戒的凹陷,沈浪伸出手将王戒吻合在这个凹陷上。 Qiu Yao’er holds Shen Lang’s to say gently: You know that I will never prevent you to handle anything, but...... this I urged you to be prudent time.” 仇妖儿轻轻牵着沈浪的手道:“你知道我从来不会阻止你做什么事情,但……这一次我劝你慎重。” Shen Lang nods. 沈浪点了点头。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Immediately the crime character in gate vanished, what replaces it is an energy vortex . Moreover the color and difference in first prison of gate this energy vortex, is differently-colored, this energy vortex is the purple. 顿时门上的这个罪字消失了,取而代之的是一个能量漩涡,而且这个能量漩涡的颜色和第一个囚牢门上的不一样,颜色不一样,这个能量漩涡是紫色的。 Shen Lang deeply inspires, then places in the hand this energy vortex, in heart floating thought. 沈浪深深吸一口气,然后将手放在这个能量漩涡上,心中浮动意念。 Pass!” “关!” Then he closes the eye, the waiting looks in the second prison the so-called dark empress, this monstrous crimes woman. 然后他闭上眼睛,等待看第二间囚牢里面所谓的黑暗女皇,这个罪恶滔天的女人。 When he opens the eye, actually the discovery at present as before is the energy vortex. 但是当他睁开眼睛的时候,却发现眼前依旧是能量漩涡。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? After wearing antiquity king Jie, Shen Lang can definitely open and close any energy vortex? Now unexpectedly isn't why good? 戴了上古王戒之后,沈浪完全可以开启和关闭任何一个能量漩涡的啊?为何现在竟然不行了? Closure.” Shen Lang ordered again. “关闭。”沈浪再一次下令。 However this energy vortex is rippling as before, does not have any change. 但是这个能量漩涡依旧荡漾着,没有任何变化。 The Shen Lang doubts, then walk toward this energy vortex slowly. 沈浪疑惑,然后缓缓地朝着这个能量漩涡走去。 Since is unable to close, I can always penetrate this energy vortex? 既然无法关闭,那我总能够穿透这个能量漩涡吧? The result...... is not good, Shen Lang kept off outside directly, definitely is unable to enter. 结果……还是不行,沈浪直接被挡在了外面,完全无法进入。 This outcome what's the matter? 这究竟是怎么回事啊? Shen Lang the surprise, he can penetrate any energy vortex immediately before obviously easily, now isn't why good? 沈浪顿时诧异了,之前他明明可以轻而易举穿透任何一个能量漩涡的,为何现在就不行了? Is because own jurisdiction was insufficient? Is because the level of this energy vortex is higher? Because this Core of the Dragon installment embed in chest, therefore lost the jurisdiction of penetration energy vortex? Is impossible. 是因为自己的权限不够了?是因为这个能量漩涡的级别更高?还是因为这个龙之核心装置镶嵌在胸口之内,所以失去了穿透能量漩涡的权限?不可能啊。 Then, Shen Lang attempted many, definitely is unable to penetrate. 接下来,沈浪尝试了很多遍,都完全无法穿透。 The greatly ultra instead spirit, fermented the ultrasonic wave again, sprays toward this energy vortex directly fiercely. 大超反而精神起来了,再一次酝酿超声波,直接朝着这个能量漩涡猛地喷射。 Whiz!” “嗖!” The result is ordinary like the heavy sea, does not have any response of the ultrasonic energy hit of greatly ultra spraying in this energy vortex, vanished directly without a trace. 结果如同死沉大海一般,大超喷射的超声波能量撞击在这个能量漩涡上没有任何反应,直接就消失得无影无踪了。 Qiu Yao’er left took out a dagger, threw toward the energy vortex. 仇妖儿出抽出了一支匕首,朝着能量漩涡扔了过去。 Instantaneously, this dagger vanishes in a puff of smoke directly, displays this energy vortex strong destruction strength. 瞬间,这支匕首直接灰飞烟灭,表现出这个能量漩涡强大的毁灭力。 , Even if by Shen Lang’s antiquity king Jie , can only open the first prison merely, second could not open. 没有想到啊,哪怕以沈浪的上古王戒,也仅仅只能开启第一个囚牢,第二个都打不开了。 Then Shen Lang arrived at the third prison. 然后沈浪来到了第三个囚牢。 This prison was big, the entire several thousand square meters, the light altitude is about 50 meters. 这件囚牢就非常大了,整整几千平方米,光高度都有五十米左右。 Outside this third prison the sign, writes the status of this prisoner as before, the crime under suspect. 这第三间囚牢外面依旧有一个牌子,写着这个囚犯的身份,还有犯下的罪行。 However, this writing Shen Lang could not have understood completely, even Shen Lang searches with the wisdom brain, has not discovered this language completely. This is not the Chinese character, is not the Greek, is not the Roman alphabet, is not the Latin, is not the cuneiform character, is not the glyph. 但是,这文字沈浪已经完全看不懂了,甚至沈浪用智脑进行搜索,也完全没有发现有这种文字。这不是汉字,也不是希腊语,更不是罗马字母,还不是拉丁语,不是楔形文字,也不是象形文字。 This language is abstruse, Shen Lang studies slightly, almost wallows. 这种文字非常深奥,沈浪稍稍研究一下,就几乎沉迷于其中。 Naturally is not because wallows in the meaning of this character, because he ponders long time, has not ravelled completely these character inside meanings. The one who lets him wallow is the one logic of this writing, it as if is not only a written language, is a very mysterious logic. 当然并不是因为沉迷于这个字的意思,因为他思考良久,都完全没有弄明白这些字里面的意思。让他沉迷的是这个文字的一种逻辑,它仿佛不仅仅是一种书面语言,还是一种非常神秘的逻辑。 This language is high-level, is at least higher-level than the existing writing that Shen Lang knows, it can describe many contents with the shortest character. 这种文字非常高级,至少比沈浪知道的现有文字高级,它能够用最短的字来描述最多的内容。 Then, Shen Lang has stood under this line of writing, thinks unceasingly, thinking. 就这样,沈浪一直站在这行文字下面,不断思索,思索。 Has not known how long, Qiu Yao’er whipped the Shen Lang’s surface passageway gently: We left are very long, King of the Blood Lian should come.” 不知道过了多久,仇妖儿轻轻拍打沈浪的面孔道:“我们离开已经很久了,廉亲王应该已经来了。” Shen Lang awakens fiercely said: How long did I ponder a moment ago?” 沈浪猛地惊醒道:“我刚才沉思多久了?” Five double-hour.” Qiu Yao’er said. “五个时辰。”仇妖儿道。 Was Shen Lang startled one to jump in a big way? Five double-hour? 沈浪惊了一大跳?五个时辰? He felt obviously five minutes, have not thought this flash the time, passed by unexpectedly five double-hour. 他明明感觉连五分钟都不到啊,没有想到这一瞬间的时间,竟然过去了五个时辰。 However, he wallows in the research of this language merely, has not understood on this any meaning as before. 然而,他仅仅只是沉迷于这种文字的研究而已,依旧没有明白这上面的任何意思。 What writing is this? Really wonderful. 这是什么文字?真是奇了。 After arriving at this world, Shen Lang has seen all antiquity ancient books, all antiquity inscribed texts, originated on Earth. 来到这个世界之后,沈浪见过的一切上古典籍,一切上古碑文,都是来源于地球上的。 Has the Chinese character, has the Arabic character, has Latin, has Greek wait/etc.. 有汉字,有阿拉伯字,有拉丁文,有希腊文等等。 This almost makes him think that will not present other writing again, but suddenly emitted such profound mysterious writing, is this true on ancient writing? Why hasn't that seen in all antiquity ancient books? 这几乎让他以为不会再出现其他文字了,而忽然就冒出了这么深邃神秘的文字,这难道才是真正的上古文字?那为何在所有的上古典籍中都没有看到呢? Moreover this plants the ancient writing really to be similar a charm, can the entire energetic soul completely immerse. 而且这种上古文字真的仿佛有一种魔力,能够让人整个精神灵魂完全沉浸。 As if this is not only a language, is a special spiritual thinking pattern, is representing another civilized direction? 仿佛这不仅仅是一种文字,还是一种特殊的精神思考方式,代表着另外一个文明方向? Since the second prison cannot go, that third definitely could not go. 既然第二个囚牢都进不去,那第三个肯定更加进不去了。 Shen Lang arrives in front of the fourth prison again, this prison was giant, the area should over tens of thousands square meters, the altitude over more than 200 meters of wall. 沈浪再来到第四个囚牢面前,这个囚牢就非常非常巨大了,面积应该超过几万平方米,墙壁的高度都超过二百多米。 It is not able to imagine, actually in this fourth prison to be detaining what? 无法想象,这第四个囚牢里面究竟关押着什么啊? Is one group of prisoners, is a prisoner? 是一群囚犯,还是一个囚犯? If one, the build of that this prisoner rather extremely was also astonishing. Because this prison has tens of thousands square meters big, several hundred meters high. 如果是一个的话,那这个囚犯的体型也未免太过于惊人了。因为这个囚牢足足有几万平方米大,几百米高。 Naturally, outside on this fourth prison sign also writes as before is being on the ancient writing, Shen Lang definitely is unable to understand as before, can only record with the wisdom brain photography. 当然,这第四间囚牢外面的牌子上也依旧写着是上古文字,沈浪依旧完全无法看懂,就只能用智脑拍摄记录下来。 This time he has not studied the writing on fourth prison sign, but arrived in front of the fifth prison directly. 这次他没有研究第四个囚牢牌子上的文字,而是直接来到了第五个囚牢面前。 This antiquity prison, altogether on five prison cells. 这个上古监狱,总共就五间囚室。 Here prisoner, the status is one by one scary. 这里的囚犯,身份一个比一个吓人。 The second prisoner is slaughter dark empress surely, the build of fourth prisoner should big to the panic-stricken situation. 第二个囚犯就已经是屠杀千万的黑暗女皇,第四个囚犯的体形应该大到惊骇的地步。 That this fifth prisoner should be most fearful, his status was either highest, the crime of either committing is biggest. 那这第五个囚犯应该是最可怕的了,他要么身份最高,要么犯下的罪行最大。 Described this fifth prisoner with an very two noun, antiquity strongest boss? Antiquity ultimate prisoner? 用一个非常二的名词来形容这第五个囚犯,上古最强boss?上古终极囚犯? However...... 然而…… This fifth prison is not big, even also wants to be smaller than the first prison. 这第五间囚牢一点都不大,甚至比第一间囚牢还要小一些。 Moreover, on this fifth prison wall also has a sign, but above is completely empty, does not have any writing, no matter on Chinese character ancient writing, no. 不仅如此,这第五间囚牢墙壁上也有一个牌,但是上面空空如也,没有任何文字,不管是汉字还是上古文字,统统都没有。 Has not written the name status of this person, has not written his charge. 没有写这个人的名字身份,也没有写他的罪名。 This seemed more mystical. 这就显得更加神秘了。 Is a even name no prisoner, really ultimate boss? 一个连名字都没有的囚犯,果然是终极boss吗? Then, Shen Lang is attempting the hand according to the gate of fifth prison cell. 接下来,沈浪尝试着将手按在第五间囚室的门上。 The result has no response, even before the gate of prison could not open, but should still appear the light shadow character. 结果没有任何反应,之前囚牢之门就算打不开,但是也会浮现出光影字。 But this fifth, had not responded completely. 而这第五间,完全没有反应。 Shen Lang activating the power of this leafed door does not have, even the energy vortex is unable to awaken. 沈浪连激活这扇门的权力都没有,连能量漩涡都无法唤醒。 Shen Lang and Qiu Yao’er look at each other one, exchanged the dignity in eye. 沈浪仇妖儿对视一眼,交换了眼中的凝重。 This thinks that this was an antiquity vestige, will get rich, has not thought that unexpectedly was an antiquity prison. 本以为这是一个上古遗迹,会发大财的,没有想到竟然是一个上古囚牢。 Naturally he got rich, because obtained a super awesome Core of the Dragon installment, although Shen Lang does not know how completely this thing should cause. 当然他还是发大财了,因为得到了一个超级牛逼龙之核心装置,尽管沈浪完全不知道这玩意该怎么使出来。 However now Shen Lang feels clearly, in this antiquity prison, even the Core of the Dragon installment is not important. 但是现在沈浪清晰感觉到,在这个上古监狱里面,甚至连龙之核心装置都不是重要的。 More importantly here prisoner, particularly the final three prisoners, more essential are the final that prisoner, nameless does not have the surname, but in the Shen Lang eye he was almost ultimate boss. 重要的是这里的囚犯,尤其是最后三个囚犯,更关键是最后的那个囚犯,无名无姓,但在沈浪眼中他几乎算是终极boss了。 He thought that oneself was away from the ultimate truth of this world to be very near, particularly the truth of antiquity civilization, the truth that even antiquity civilization extinguished can harvest in this antiquity prison. 他觉得自己距离这个世界的终极真相已经很近了,尤其是上古文明的真相,甚至上古文明涅灭的真相都能在这个上古监狱中有所收获。 Only pitifully, Shen Lang does not have the jurisdiction to open the doors of these prison now. 只可惜,沈浪现在还没有权限打开这些囚牢之门。 Perhaps also by far less than at this time. 或许也远远不到这个时候。 But at least, the ultimate truth of this different world opened a small corner to him, although anything cannot spy on, but can actually feel that limitless backdrop. 但至少,这个异世界的终极真相向他开启了一个小小的角落,尽管什么都窥探不到,但却能够感觉到那无边无际的天幕。 Shen Lang does not know completely the ultimate truth is anything, feeling that but the aura of some feeling this truth, some whole bodies have trembled slightly, even is not willing to think deeply. 沈浪完全不知道终极真相是什么,但稍稍感受一些这个真相的气息,就已经有种浑身战栗的感觉,甚至不太愿意去深思。 Shen Lang pastes the forehead in the gate of fifth prison, his anything has not felt, inexhaustible void. 沈浪将额头贴在第五个囚牢的门上,他什么都没有感觉到,只有无穷无尽的虚空。 Yao'er, you felt the most frightened truth that you can imagine what is? Truth that the truth of this world, antiquity civilization extinguished?” Shen Lang asked. 妖儿,你觉得你能够想象到的最惊悚真相是什么?这个世界的真相,上古文明涅灭的真相?”沈浪问道。 Qiu Yao’er shakes the head saying: I do not think.” 仇妖儿摇头道:“我不会去想。” Shen Lang said: „Don't you attempt to think?” 沈浪道:“那你不尝试着去想想吗?” Qiu Yao’er said: When you go into seriously to ponder, your innermost feelings will favor, such may be guided to the wrong path.” 仇妖儿道:“当你去深究细想,你的内心就会有所倾向,那样可能就会被引导向错误的道路。” Shen Lang cannot help but one surprised. 沈浪不由得一愕。 The Qiu Yao’er’s words are very simple, but is implying a very essential philosophy. 仇妖儿的话很简单,但是却暗含着一个非常非常关键的哲理。 Wants the preinstall standpoint? 要不要预设立场? Walks!” Shen Lang said: Goes back, the future future will be very important, but the present aspect is more important, King of the Blood Lian should to wait insanely.” “走吧!”沈浪道:“回去吧,未来的未来很重要,但眼下的局面更重要,廉亲王应该要等疯了。” But at this time, greatly ultra has lain on the ground is bored greatly whistling rests. 而此时,大超已经趴在地上无聊得呼呼大睡了。 Shen Lang going forward flexure its chin said: Went home, went home.” 沈浪上前挠了挠它的下巴道:“回家了,回家了。” Greatly ultra opens the eye fiercely, grasps Shen Lang to dash about wildly to go toward outside directly. 大超猛地睁开眼睛,一把抓起沈浪直接朝着外面狂奔而去。 It really does not want to stay in this inside, because in this antiquity prison energy aura made greatly ultra not be very uncomfortable, even was afraid very much, but was afraid any its completely feeling is also not clear specifically. 它真是一点都不想在这里面呆了,因为这个上古监狱里面的能量气息让大超很不舒服,甚至很害怕,但具体害怕什么它又完全感受不清晰。 Here explored entire day of time, Shen Lang left this seabed the antiquity prison, and closed the entrance again thoroughly, ceased anybody to enter. 在这里探索了整整一天时间,沈浪离开这个海底的上古监狱,并且再一次将入口彻底关闭,杜绝任何人进入。 Because he can feel, this antiquity prison was essential, was important compared with Stupa Mountain’s that giant antiquity vestige. 因为他能够感受到,这个上古监狱非常非常关键,比起浮屠山的那个巨型上古遗迹还要重要。 Although in it possibly no antiquity equipment, the antiquity weapon, did not have Regret of the Dragon, but inside had the secret and ultimate truth. 尽管它里面可能没有什么上古装备,上古武器,更没有龙之悔,但里面有秘密和终极真相。 .............................. ………………………… King of the Blood Lian finally saw Shen Lang again. 廉亲王终于再一次见到了沈浪 He was angry, but merely instantaneous, his angry aura vanished without a trace, because did not have the significance. 原本他非常愤怒的,但仅仅瞬间,他的愤怒气息就消失得无影无踪了,因为毫无意义。 His Majesty Shen Lang, we want your only flight beast, not just wants him.” King of the Blood Lian said. 沈浪陛下,我们之所以想要你的那只飞行兽,并非只是想要得到他。”廉亲王道。 Shen Lang said: I understand, you do not need us to have one high mobile, high speed, the air force of high elevation, even if only has one merely, if such by some chance I go crazy, carries out the air raid to Great Yan Empire, was virtually impossible to guard against.” 沈浪道:“我明白,你们不需要我们拥有一个高机动,高航速,高海拔的空军,哪怕仅仅只有一只,那样万一我要是发疯的话,对大炎帝国进行空袭的话,就防不胜防了。” King of the Blood Lian said: Talked with the smart person really reduces effort, therefore you, since does not want to hand over this only flight beast, then broke off its wing also yes, like his flying ability is not worrying.” 廉亲王道:“和聪明人交谈果然非常省力,所以您既然不想交出这只飞行兽,那么将它的翅膀折断也是可以的,这样他的飞行能力也就不让人担心了。” Shen Lang carries the teacup say/way: King of the Blood Lian, you said one again, I must catch up with the person.” 沈浪端起茶杯道:“廉亲王,你再多说一句,我就要赶人了。” Great Yan Empire King of the Blood Lian stops this topic immediately. 大炎帝国廉亲王立刻停止了这个话题。 Shen Lang said: King of the Blood Lian, the words have said clearly, no matter we negotiated are successful, Yan Capital launches two Regret of the Dragon at Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain, first shocked, second let the Yan Capital whole body of ministers, making world various countries have a look at Great Yan Empire to be dignified.” 沈浪道:“廉亲王,话已经说得非常明白了,不管我们谈判是不是成功,炎京都会向赢广浮屠山发射两枚龙之悔,一来是震慑,二来是让炎京群臣,让天下诸国看看大炎帝国威严不可侵犯。” King of the Blood Lian said: Right, these two Regret of the Dragon we will certainly launch. When however launches, the launch goal place where, was this essential? We can definitely postpone for several months to launch, for example, when the Ying Wuming’s army destroys completely Royal Capital of Chu, for example and other Jin Jun tens of thousands people died completely certainly the re-radiation.” 廉亲王道:“没错,这两支龙之悔我们一定会发射。但是在什么时间发射,发射的目标地点在哪里,这就非常关键了是吗?我们完全可以延后好几个月进行发射,比如等到赢无冥的军队灭掉楚王都,又比如等矜君几万人全部死绝了再发射。” Shen Lang said: Right, we must discuss is this, when launches? Where is the launch goal? Was inferior how I give Yan Capital two to suggest, launches in December 29th, launches outside Diamond Peak, destroys Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain’s allied armies, will surely give them the biggest attack. Because they got down the unescapable net in that Riboux, used the astonishing incomparable martial arts regiment, the hell regiment, secret regiment, therefore this Regret of the Dragon can definitely compared with previous time bring a more astonishing lethality. But second does, how might as well launch toward the Stupa Mountain headquarters?” 沈浪道:“对,我们要谈的就是这个,何时发射?发射目标是哪里?不如我给炎京两个建议如何,在十二月二十九发射,一枚发射到金刚峰外,摧毁赢广浮屠山的联军,一定会给他们最大打击。因为他们在那里布下了天罗地网,动用了惊人无比的武道军团,地狱军团,秘密军团,所以这支龙之悔完全可以比上次带来更加惊人的杀伤力。而第二枚,不如就朝着浮屠山总部发射如何?” King of the Blood Lian said: Ok, completely Ok. What price however can His Majesty Shen Lang pay?” 廉亲王道:“可以啊,完全可以。但是沈浪陛下能出什么价钱呢?” I keep secret.” Shen Lang said. “我保密。”沈浪道。 King of the Blood Lian said: Security? What keeps secret?” 廉亲王道:“保密?保密什么?” Shen Lang said: „The lord of Executing the Heaven Pavilion obtained fake dragon egg.” 沈浪道:“诛天阁之主得到了一枚假龙蛋。” This saying, King of the Blood Lian trembles slightly, then calls out in alarm said: What dragon egg? Can't I understand completely? In this world also has dragon egg?” 这话一出,廉亲王微微一颤,然后惊呼道:“什么龙蛋?我完全听不懂啊?这个世界上还有龙蛋吗?” Shen Lang said: I before very doubts this point, Executing the Heaven Pavilion is completely Great Yan Empire’s under personal command, even all previous various day of Pavilion Lord were surnamed Ji, obviously was the whole family. But the comet hits the Dingyuan city time, killed Great Yan Empire West Route more than 600,000 people, in this majority is the army of Kingdom of Jin extremely dependent country, this I can understand, even the pit dead Connecting the Heaven Temple secret regiment I can also understand, but Executing the Heaven Pavilion’s that 20,000 secret regiment why? Also did the pit die in inside? Sovereign Emperor your majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince should clearly know that comet hit, they clearly know that I do not have dozens Regret of the Dragon from the start.” 沈浪道:“我之前一直都非常疑惑这一点,诛天阁完全是大炎帝国的嫡系吧,甚至历代诸天阁主都姓姬,明明算是一家人啊。而彗星撞击定远城的时候,杀了大炎帝国西路军六十几万人,这里面大部分都是晋国极其附属国的军队,这点我能够理解,甚至坑死通天寺的秘密军团我也能理解,但诛天阁的那两万秘密军团为什么啊?也坑死在里面了?皇帝陛下,太子殿下应该都非常清楚地知道彗星的撞击的发生,他们清楚地知道我压根就没有几十支龙之悔。” King of the Blood Lian was silent. 廉亲王闭口不言。 Shen Lang continues saying: Also a little, I made fake dragon egg. Naturally at that time no one knows this dragon egg genuine and fake, dragon egg, priceless, not to mention this dragon egg, solely other darling were priceless., Great Yan Empire have the innumerable experts extremely, why sends the Executing the Heaven Pavilion’s person to intercept dragon egg? Does the comet big hit, have really dragon egg? Others are not clear, but Great Yan Sovereign Emperor your majesty is definitely clear, making His Highness the Crown Prince also should be clear. Since clear(ly) knew so, why can also make this fake dragon egg fall into the Executing the Heaven Pavilion main hand?” 沈浪继续道:“还有一点,我弄了一个假龙蛋。当然当时没有人知道这颗龙蛋的真假,龙蛋啊,价值连城啊,且不说这个龙蛋了,就单单其他宝贝都价值连城。,大炎帝国自己拥有无数的绝顶高手,为何偏偏派遣诛天阁的人来拦截龙蛋呢?彗星大撞击,有没有真龙蛋?别人不清楚,但大炎皇帝陛下肯定清楚吧,让太子殿下也应该清楚吧。既然明知道如此,为何还要让这颗假龙蛋落入诛天阁主手中呢?” King of the Blood Lian is still silent. 廉亲王依旧沉默。 Shen Lang said: Naturally, this is top-secret top-secret, except for Great Yan Sovereign Emperor and His Highness the Crown Prince, in Yan Capital also no one knew again. Your Highness King of the Blood Lian should also know that recently, because you must come to negotiate with me, therefore His Highness the Crown Prince needed to make you know this point.” 沈浪道:“当然,这是绝密中的绝密,除了大炎皇帝太子殿下,炎京之内再也无人知道了。廉亲王殿下应该也是最近才知道吧,因为您要来和我谈判,所以太子殿下就有必要让您知道这一点了。” Enough some little time, King of the Blood Lian said: His Majesty Shen Lang, you also are really a hooligan, moreover is a stingy incomparable hooligan, before I negotiated, His Highness the Crown Prince has also talked with me specially, said that you may coerce Yan Capital with this matter, never expected that you really could do, was you must plot to murder the Executing the Heaven Pavilion lord obviously, you can be the chip this matter unexpectedly, the person cannot shameless to this situation.” 足足好一会儿,廉亲王道:“沈浪陛下,您还真是一个流氓,而且还是一个抠门无比的流氓啊,我来谈判之前,太子殿下还专门和我谈话过,说你可能会拿这件事情来要挟炎京,没有想到你真做得出来啊,明明是你自己要谋害诛天阁主啊,你竟然连这件事情都能作为筹码,人不能无耻到这个地步啊。” Shen Lang said: I am wish made this dragon egg harm Yan Capital somebody, but pitifully, Yan Capital supreme was too intelligent, knew many, but His Highness the Crown Prince clearly knew so, made the fake dragon egg fall into the Executing the Heaven Pavilion main hand as before, harbored evil intentions. If I told the Executing the Heaven Pavilion lord this matter secret, that what happened?” 沈浪道:“我本来是想要让这颗龙蛋去害炎京的某个人的,但可惜啊,炎京的至尊太聪明了,知道得太多了,但太子殿下明知道如此,依旧让假龙蛋落入诛天阁主手中,居心叵测啊。如果我把这件事情秘密告诉诛天阁主,那会发生什么事情?” King of the Blood Lian also wanted to threaten the exit|to speak, but eventually gave up. 廉亲王本来也想要威胁出口,但最终还是放弃了。 Because Shen Lang already shameless to does not have any secret , he no matter must harm anyone to be normal . Moreover the person in his strategic point, Yan Capital is glad to see him succeed. 因为沈浪已经无耻到没有任何秘密了,他不管要去害谁都是正常的,而且他要害的人,炎京更加乐见其成。 But Shen Lang threatens Yan Capital with this matter, is really...... Height of shamelessness, make the blood boil. 沈浪用这件事情来威胁炎京,实在是……无耻之尤,令人发指。 Good, your blackmailing, first Regret of the Dragon, we will successfully launch the Stupa Mountain headquarters.” King of the Blood Lian said: We chat this second Regret of the Dragon’s launch goal now, you want to launch beside Diamond Peak it, do you want to destroy to siege the Jin Jun’s Ying Guang Stupa Mountain allied armies? You want to borrow our strength to boast, want to overawe the world thoroughly, wants to give Ying Guang to strike fatally? Can...... you need to pay the price, the high price.” “好,你的讹诈成功了,第一枚龙之悔,我们会发射到浮屠山总部。”廉亲王道:“那我们现在来谈谈这第二支龙之悔的发射目标,你想要将它发射到金刚峰之外,你想要摧毁围困矜君的赢广浮屠山联军?你想要借我们的力量吹牛,想要彻底威震天下,想要给赢广致命一击?可以……你需要出价钱,大价钱。” Shen Lang said: Strength of the Dragon launcher huge unwieldy incomparable, moreover Regret of the Dragon transmission range, only then 500 li (0.5 km), therefore wants Regret of the Dragon and Strength of the Dragon transports to Diamond Peak place 500 miles away launches again is impossible, because the midway must pass through Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain’s sphere of influence, far more than 10,000-20,000 li (0.5 km).” 沈浪道:“龙之力发射装置巨大笨重无比,而且龙之悔发射距离只有五百里,所以想要把龙之悔龙之力运输到金刚峰500里之外的地点再进行发射是不可能的,因为中途要穿过赢广浮屠山的势力范围,何止10,000-20,000里。” King of the Blood Lian said: This you did not need to be worried, we said can achieve, can certainly achieve.” 廉亲王道:“这点你就不用担心了,我们说了能够做到,就一定能够做到。” Shen Lang said: Ultra-long-range strategy attack? The strategic attack of over 15,000 thousand li (500 km)?” 沈浪道:“超远程战略打击?超过一万五千里的战略打击?” King of the Blood Lian said: His Majesty Shen Lang, your noun is good, ultra-long-range strategy attack. In this world almost all people do not have this concept, but you can actually say, even probes our Great Yan Empire’s strategic attack strength taking advantage of this, is truly intelligent. I tell you now clearly clearly, Great Yan Empire can achieve this point, very being glad makes you see this point.” 廉亲王道:“沈浪陛下,你这个名词不错,超远程战略打击。这个世界上几乎所有人都没有这个概念,而你却能够提出来,甚至借此来试探我们大炎帝国的战略攻击力,确实聪明。那我现在清楚明白地告诉你,大炎帝国能够做到这一点,也非常乐意让您见到这一点。” Grass! 艹! This is a good news, but also is a huge bad news. 这是一个好消息,但也是一个巨大的坏消息。 But to the aspect is a good news, once can very -long-range strategy attack, cancel from this world the enemy outside Diamond Peak thoroughly, that gives Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain’s attack is fatal, moreover can rescue Jin Jun and other people. 但对眼前局面来说是一个好消息,一旦能够超远程战略打击,将金刚峰外的敌军从这个世界上彻底抹去的话,那给赢广浮屠山的打击是致命的,而且还能救出矜君等几万人。 Shen Lang said: What does Yan Capital want? The direct opens the mouth, naturally not the realistic condition do not say, you had also said I am stingy, moreover super is concerned about face-saving.” 沈浪道:“炎京想要什么?直接开口吧,当然不切合实际的条件就不要说了,你也说过我这个人抠门之极,而且还超级爱面子。” King of the Blood Lian said: We need is very simple, asking His Majesty Shen Lang to open a box to us.” 廉亲王道:“我们需要的很简单,请沈浪陛下给我们开一个箱子。” Opens the box? Actually is this condition, Shen Lang has not really thought completely. 开箱子?竟然是这个条件,沈浪真的完全没有想到。 Actually is what box? So is unexpectedly important? What thing will inside have? Makes Yan Capital compromise to Shen Lang unexpectedly for this reason? 究竟是什么箱子啊?竟然这么重要?里面会有什么东西?竟然让炎京为此向沈浪而妥协? Shen Lang one said surprised: Yan Capital should have the bloodlines jurisdiction super high person, what box has unable to open? Needs me to act unexpectedly?” 沈浪一愕道:“炎京应该也有血脉权限超级高的人,有什么箱子打不开的呢?竟然需要我出手?” King of the Blood Lian said: Some boxes, are not the bloodlines more take a higher position to open. Some involve some wisdom, for example southern part sea region Black Stone Island that antiquity vestige entrance, world several unique influences did utmost at that time, is unable to untie as before, His Majesty Shen Lang helped Stupa Mountain open that antiquity vestige with four color theorems, then also gradually changed the pattern of this world.” 廉亲王道:“有些箱子,不是血脉越高就能开启的。有些是涉及到某种智慧,比如当时南部海域黑石岛的那个上古遗迹入口,天下几个超脱势力都竭尽全力,依旧无法解开,还是沈浪陛下用四色定理帮助浮屠山开启了那个上古遗迹,进而也稍稍改变了这个天下的格局。” Shen Lang said: „Is this box very essential? Very important? About arriving at flame country life?” 沈浪道:“这个箱子很关键?很重要?关于到炎国命脉?” No comment.” King of the Blood Lian said: I think that this with His Majesty Shen Lang irrelevant, we have the tremendous sincerity to come. Moreover we can first handle matters, latter receives money. Naturally we did not worry that you do not give money, the world also no one can renege the Yan Capital debt.” “无可奉告。”廉亲王道:“我想这就和沈浪陛下无关了吧,我们是抱有巨大诚意而来的。而且我们可以先办事,后收钱。当然我们也不担心你不给钱,天下还没有人能够赖掉炎京的债。” Shen Lang said: This I believe.” 沈浪道:“这点我坚信。” King of the Blood Lian said: „Does His Majesty Shen Lang accept this condition? This to you, should does not have any pay.” 廉亲王道:“沈浪陛下答应这个条件吗?这对你来说,应该没有任何付出。” Shen Lang to oneself one cup of tea, the brain revolved but actually fast, drinks up this cup of tea, he exposes to the sun however says with a smile: Isn't the help opens a box? I most like opens the box to play, I complied, complied absolutely.” 沈浪给自己倒了一杯茶,脑子飞快地运转,喝完这杯茶,他晒然一笑道:“不就是帮忙开一个箱子吗?我最喜欢的就是开箱子游戏了,我答应,绝对答应。” King of the Blood Lian said: Good, we finalized.” 廉亲王道:“那好,我们成交了。” Shen Lang said: December 29th, you launch two Regret of the Dragon, the first shoots towards Stupa Mountain headquarters. Under second shoots towards Diamond Peak, carries out very -long-range strategy attack.” 沈浪道:“十二月二十九,你们发射两枚龙之悔,第一枚射向浮屠山总部。第二枚射向金刚峰之下,进行超远程战略打击。” King of the Blood Lian said: „After completing this attacks twice, we will send this box, making you help open, is in December 30, naturally to express our sincerity, in this period of time I can be the hostage in Raging Tide City, to final completion that we trade.” 廉亲王道:“完成这两次打击之后,我们会送来这只箱子,让你帮忙开启,也就是十二月三十,当然为了表达我们的诚意,在这段时间内我可以在怒潮城作为人质,一直到我们双方交易的最终完成。” Shen Lang said: Saying it and meaning it, the cooperation is happy.” 沈浪道:“一言为定,合作愉快。” King of the Blood Lian sets out saying: Cooperation is happy.” 廉亲王起身道:“合作愉快。” Shen Lang said: December 29th, the time of testimony miracle.” 沈浪道:“十二月二十九,见证奇迹的时刻。” King of the Blood Lian said: We wait together!” 廉亲王道:“我们一起拭目以待!” Two people stand, puts out a hand to grasp, this evil transaction achieved officially. 两个人站起来,伸手相握,这笔邪恶的交易正式达成了。 .............................. ………………………… Note: Second delivers, if the brothers have the monthly ticket, please throw feeds to me, really a little empty! 注:第二更送上,兄弟们若有月票,请投喂给我,真的有点虚了! Thanks the small star very to lead 20,000 coins to hit to enjoy. 谢谢小星星贼帅两万币打赏。
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