HSH :: Volume #6

#542: Yan Capital big J sentiment! Ultra-long-range nuclear strike!

Yao'er, can't you be victorious Ying Wuming?” Shen Lang asked. 妖儿,你打不过赢无冥?”沈浪问道。 The Qiu Yao’er nod said: Right, I cannot be victorious he.” 仇妖儿点头道:“对,我打不过他。” Shen Lang in that sinkhole of comet big hit is captured no doubt within the plan, but Qiu Yao’er and Ying Wuming’s fight also really whole-heartedly, she lost finally. 在彗星大撞击的那个天坑中沈浪被俘固然是在计划之内,但仇妖儿赢无冥的战斗也是真的全力以赴,结果她还是输了。 Similar to such that Ying Wuming said that Qiu Yao’er some all he has, Qiu Yao’er no he also has. Ying Wuming is the Jiang Li only being in direct line disciple, the bloodlines of most awesome he has, most awesome antiquity equipped him also to have, most awesome antiquity ancient book he had as before. 就如同赢无冥说的那样,仇妖儿有的一切他都有,仇妖儿没有的他也有。赢无冥姜离唯一的嫡传弟子,最牛逼的血脉他有,最牛逼的上古装备他也有,最牛逼的上古典籍他依旧有。 Therefore Qiu Yao’er cannot be victorious he to be very normal. 所以仇妖儿打不过他很正常。 Shen Lang is holding appreciatively antiquity king Jie in hand, even picks directly, then must wrap/sets on the Qiu Yao’er’s finger. 沈浪把玩着手中的上古王戒,甚至直接摘下来,然后要套在仇妖儿的手指上。 Do not act unreasonably.” Qiu Yao’er said. “你别乱来。”仇妖儿道。 Shen Lang takes up Qiu Yao’er’s, above is completely empty, does not have including an most common ring, Shen Lang admits the mouth him, bites to nip gently. 沈浪拿起仇妖儿的手,上面空空如也,连一只最普通的戒指都没有,沈浪将他放进嘴里,轻轻地噬咬着。 Yao'er, you said that I am victorious Ying Wuming?” Shen Lang said suddenly. 妖儿,你说我打得过赢无冥吗?”沈浪忽然道。 Qiu Yao’er has turned the head, looks at Shen Lang to say long time: „Are you earnest?” 仇妖儿转过头,望着沈浪良久道:“你认真的?” Shen Lang said: You said how I can be victorious Ying Wuming? Frank and upright, independent combat to beat him? Has this possibility?” 沈浪道:“你说我如何才能打得过赢无冥呢?光明正大,单打独斗击败他呢?有没有这个可能性呢?” Qiu Yao’er thinks for a long time is very very long, Shen Lang thinks that she will say the word of satire, but never expected that Qiu Yao’er said: You are really different from everyone, lack the strength to truss up a chicken want to defeat one powerful to the limitless enemy, even your he actually many does not know.” 仇妖儿想了很久很久,沈浪以为她会说出一些讽刺之言,但没有想到仇妖儿道:“你果然和所有人都不一样,手无缚鸡之力就想要击败一名强大到无边无际的敌人,甚至你连他究竟有多强都不知道。” Shen Lang said with a smile: Yeah, but cultivates the behavior to ambitious, if realized.” 沈浪笑道:“可不是嘛,但是做人总要有理想的嘛,万一实现了呢。” For a long time, in the Shen Lang brain has been thinking an issue. 很长时间内,沈浪脑子里面一直都在想一个问题。 How to defeat Kingdom of New Qian most in a short time? 如何在最短时间内击败新乾王国 Reassigns the Wu, Chu and Yue three kingdoms’ financial capacity of the people directly, trains the New Army, then does the Northern Expedition enter Kingdom of New Qian? 直接抽调吴楚越三国的民力,训练新军,然后北伐杀入新乾王国 This is under the bad plan. 这是下下策。 In the future he may the Northern Expedition, but the goal should be Great Yan Empire. The Kingdom of New Qian itself is the Great Qian Empire original part, there many official, many people have the profound memory to Great Qian Empire, to the Jiang Li sentiment also. 未来他或许会北伐,但目标应该是大炎帝国新乾王国本就是大乾帝国原来的一部分,那里的很多官员,很多子民对大乾帝国还有深刻的记忆,对姜离的感情也还在。 Ning Yuanxian has said repeatedly, the Kingdom of New Qian’s official and people were complex to the Shen Lang emotion, were full of the sympathy, even also a little emotion, but kept at a respectful distance, they were afraid the war, did not want to change the present situation. 宁元宪一再说过,新乾王国的官员和子民对沈浪情感非常复杂,充满了同情,甚至还有一点情感,但是又敬而远之,他们害怕战争,不希望改变现状。 Therefore, if asked in their hearts more lyrical to whom, that definitely was a Jiang Li department. But if asked that Shen Lang and Ying Guang fathers and sons, whom they will choose to give loyalty to? They will choose the Ying Guang fathers and sons. 所以,如果问他们心中对谁更充满感情,那肯定是姜离一系。但如果问沈浪赢广父子,他们会选择效忠谁?他们会选择赢广父子。 Shen Lang had said long before, he to capturing the world, rules the world to have no interest, his only goal is the world does not have the enmity. 沈浪很早以前就说过,他对夺取天下,君临天下没有任何兴趣,他唯一的目标就是天下无仇。 Now his personal enemy list already few names, remaining Ying Guang fathers and sons, Lord of Stupa Mountain, Great Yan Empire Sovereign Emperor and others. 如今他的仇人名单已经没有几个名字了,就剩下赢广父子,浮屠山之主,大炎帝国皇帝等寥寥几人。 Extinguished the Ying Guang fathers and sons, not only can avenge a grievance, solves the Kingdom of New Qian’s best way. 灭了赢广父子,不但能够报仇雪恨,更是解决新乾王国的最佳办法。 First, Kingdom of New Qian and officials and common people are full of the hatred to Great Yan Empire, because twenty years ago after Jiang Li dies a violent death, the Great Yan Empire’s army turns into the domestic animal, devastated over six months time on the Great Qian Empire’s land, killed 1 million people, spoiled several million females, almost each family tears of blood. 首先,新乾王国和官员和百姓对大炎帝国是充满仇恨的,因为二十几年前姜离暴毙之后,大炎帝国的军队就变成畜生,在大乾帝国的土地上蹂躏了半年多时间,杀了百万人,糟蹋了几百万女子,几乎家家血泪。 When the Ying Guang fathers and sons statement must be separated from the Great Yan Empire’s time, the Kingdom of New Qian’s people and officials seem very tranquil. 所以当赢广父子表态要脱离大炎帝国的时候,新乾王国的民众和官员显得非常平静。 So long as then beat the Ying Guang fathers and sons, the Kingdom of New Qian’s official and people almost do not have the choice, can only give loyalty to Shen Lang. 那么只要击败了赢广父子,新乾王国的官员和子民几乎毫无选择,只能效忠沈浪 Killed Ying Guang Shen Lang to suppose the treacherous plan, was that only dragon egg, inside installed the fearful radioactive substance, under year after year radiation, the Ying Guang’s body fatal will have been attacked. 赢广沈浪已经设下了毒计,就是那只龙蛋,里面装了可怕的放射性物质,长年累月的辐射之下,赢广的身体已经会受到致命之打击。 But how to kill Ying Wuming? Especially defeats Ying Wuming frankly and uprightly, truly indulges in fantasy. 但如何杀赢无冥?尤其是光明正大击败赢无冥,确实是异想天开。 But Shen Lang is such powerful and unconstrained style, no matter he can always achieve, first sets a goal, then wants completely all means to realize him, even does not fold the method completely. 沈浪一直都是这样天马行空的,他从来不管能不能做到,都是先设定一个目标,然后想尽一切办法去实现他,甚至完全不折手段。 Naturally he is at a loss now completely, even the little direction does not have. 当然他现在完全是束手无策的,甚至连一点点方向都没有。 Naturally, cannot say that does not have the little direction, can only say the fuzzy direction, but a path darkness to this direction. 当然,也不能说没有一点点方向,只能说有模糊的方向,但是通往这个方向的道路一片黑暗。 Your majesty, some people of secrets come visiting.” Zhang Chunhua directly entered the room, then looked to the vision of Qiu Yao’er stature was full of the envy. “陛下,有人秘密来访。”张春华直接进入了房间,然后望向仇妖儿身材的目光充满了妒忌。 Shen Lang from the bed, enters the bath barrel to bathe to change clothes, Zhang Chunhua with came up is Shen Lang takes a bath, changed the brand-new long gown. 沈浪从床上起来,进入浴桶沐浴更衣,张春华跟了上来为沈浪洗澡,换上了全新的袍服。 Your majesty, this guest, you cannot certainly think that is.” Zhang Chunhua is Shen Lang is combing the hair while said that then could not bear on his lip kissed some little time, seemed very mysterious. “陛下,这个来访的客人,你一定想不到是谁。”张春华一边为沈浪梳着头发一边说道,然后又忍不住在他嘴唇上吻了好一会儿,显得非常神秘兮兮。 Is that person secret visit can let Zhang Chunhua this attitude? 是那个人秘密来访会让张春华这种态度? Shen Lang said: Is Great Yan Empire King of the Blood Lian is right?” 沈浪道:“是大炎帝国廉亲王对吗?” Immediately, Zhang Chunhua stayed, looks at Shen Lang some little time, is sitting on his leg directly the tender sound said: Then why is intelligent? You made my sentiment move, were you good? I a little thought.” 顿时,张春华呆了,望着沈浪足足好一会儿,直接坐在他的腿上娇声道:“干嘛那么聪明?你又让我情动了,请问你还行吗?我有点想了。” Shen Lang shakes the head saying: „It is not good, your Elder Sister Qiu Yao’er tossed about my three times a moment ago.” 沈浪摇头道:“不行了,刚才你仇妖儿姐姐足足折腾我三次。” Lay down Qiu Yao’er on bed turned a supercilious look, changed to one side the cheek, the devil stature is turning away from Shen Lang, this man boasted really has not had the rough draft. 躺在床上的仇妖儿翻了一个白眼,将脸蛋转到一边,魔鬼身材背对着沈浪,这个男人吹牛还真是不打草稿。 ........................ ........................ After empire King of the Blood Lian leaves southern part sea region Black Castle, has not returned to Yan Capital immediately, but is the secret visits Raging Tide City. 帝国廉亲王离开南部海域黑城堡之后,并没有立刻返回炎京,而是秘密造访怒潮城 His Majesty Shen Lang, we met finally again, several years later, has been well since last meeting.” Great Yan Empire King of the Blood Lian said with a smile. 沈浪陛下,我们终于再一次见面了,时隔多年,别来无恙啊。”大炎帝国廉亲王笑道。 In the Shen Lang brain cannot help but recalled was very long, where this recorded and King of the Blood Lian has seen, this was really several years ago things, was old King of Chu and King of Yue Ning Yuanxian border will hunt, at that time empire King of the Blood Lian, but at that time Shen Lang was only a peon, King of the Blood Lian looked straight at continually has not looked. 沈浪脑子里面不由得回忆了很久,这才记起来和廉亲王在哪里见过,这真是好几年前的事情了,就是老楚王越王宁元宪边境会猎的时候,当时帝国廉亲王就在,不过当时沈浪只是一个无名小卒而已,廉亲王连正眼都没有看过。 Shen Lang said: Has been well since last meeting Your Highness King of the Blood, my elder brother Yun Mengze how?” 沈浪道:“别来无恙亲王殿下,我的兄长云梦泽如何?” King of the Blood Lian said: This matter you should know that he and you related were too close, certainly must receive biggest involvement, I can only say that he is also living.” 廉亲王道:“这种事情你应该知道的,他和你关系太密切了,肯定要受到最大的牵连,我只能说他还活着。” Shen Lang heart twitches slightly, but quick threw this thought in one side, because this matter cannot discuss now, will make him very passive. 沈浪心脏微微一阵抽搐,但是很快将这个念头抛在了一边,因为这件事情现在不能谈,会让他很被动。 Also no wonder Zhang Chunhua mysterious expression, because arrival of empire King of the Blood Lian truly very amazed, normally Great Yan Empire and Shen Lang are completely absolutely irreconcilable, what do both sides have to talk about? 也难怪张春华会神秘兮兮的表情,因为帝国廉亲王的到来确实非常让人惊诧,按说大炎帝国沈浪完全不共戴天,双方又有什么好谈的? King of the Blood Lian said: King of A Commandery Min?” 廉亲王道:“敏郡王呢?” Shen Lang said: Died, Regret of the Dragon explodes time, died directly.” 沈浪道:“死了,龙之悔爆炸的时候,直接就死了。” Oh.” King of the Blood Lian nods, then carries one cup of tea to drink, has not mentioned King of A Commandery Min this person again, what as if death is only an insignificant person is ordinary. 。”廉亲王点了点头,然后端起一杯茶饮下,再也没有提起敏郡王这个人,仿佛死的只是一个微不足道的人一般。 Mentioned me not to look like like the comet?” King of the Blood Lian said with a smile: „Before Heavenly Exceed City decisive battle, I also visit Heavenly Exceed City, saw then King of Yue Ning Shao, finally King of Yue and Zhu Hongxue rout. Later I have visited King of Wu, wants to force him to compromise, finally Wu Wang Da opens the buddhist commandment against taking life, kills cleanly the cabinet. This Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain allied armies must attack your Raging Tide City, I visited, finally Elder Wu and Ying Wuque died in battle. As if before the war, I visit that side, which side must lose.” “说来我像不像扫把星啊?”廉亲王笑道:“天越城大决战之前,我也去拜访天越城,见了当时的越王宁绍,结果越王祝红雪大败。之后我又去拜访过吴王,想要逼迫他妥协,结果吴王大开杀戒,把内阁杀得干干净净。这一次赢广浮屠山联军要来攻打你怒潮城,我又去拜访了,结果吴长老赢无缺战死。仿佛大战之前,我去拜访那一方,哪一方就要输。” Shen Lang said: King of the Blood Lian, this keeps in line with your wish probably, Yan Capital is certainly glad to see defeat of Stupa Mountain and Ying Guang allied armies.” 沈浪道:“廉亲王,这大概更加符合您的心意吧,炎京一定非常乐意见到浮屠山和赢广联军的战败。” King of the Blood Lian said: Cannot say defeats, because their battle efficiencies go far beyond your, but has not thought that you escape unexpectedly from their hands, and launched Regret of the Dragon, slaughtered Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain’s army.” 廉亲王道:“也不能说战败,因为他们的战斗力还是远远超过你的,只不过没有想到你竟然从他们手中逃脱出来,并且发射了龙之悔,屠杀了赢广浮屠山的军队。” Shen Lang said: If this fights Ying Wuque and Elder Wu wins total victories, killed certainly my Raging Tide City, and captured my entire family. What to do your can Great Yan Empire? Meets the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind, launches Regret of the Dragon to eliminate Elder Wu and Ying Wuque’s army directly?” 沈浪道:“如果这一战赢无缺吴长老大获全胜,杀绝了我的怒潮城,并且俘虏了我全家。那你们大炎帝国会怎么办?会螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后,直接发射龙之悔消灭吴长老赢无缺的军队吗?” King of the Blood Lian said: I in Stupa Mountain’s Black Castle, have been the hostage, ended to the war leaves. Words that I do not go, they do not dare to attack Raging Tide City wholly absorbed.” 廉亲王道:“我一直都在浮屠山的黑城堡,就是做人质的,一直到大战结束才离开。我不去的话,他们也不敢专心致志来攻打怒潮城。” Shen Lang said: King of the Blood Lian is really honest.” 沈浪道:“廉亲王还真是坦白。” King of the Blood Lian said: Mentioned, my son really Raging Tide City sea region, died under Regret of the Dragon.” 廉亲王道:“说来,我的那个儿子还是实在怒潮城海域,也是死在龙之悔下。” Shen Lang said: Is that anomaly that Ning Yan once married? Was he also the observer on the Ning Han flagship at that time?” 沈浪道:“就是宁焱曾经嫁的那个变态?他当时也在宁寒旗舰上做观察员吗?” King of the Blood Lian said: Right, is he.” 廉亲王道:“对,就是他。” Shen Lang said: He died, you probably are not very sad, after all he made your family reputation receive the tarnish.” 沈浪道:“他死了,您大概也不是很伤心吧,毕竟他让您的家族声名受到了玷污。” King of the Blood Lian drank half cup of tea, has not met these words. 廉亲王又喝了半杯茶,没有接这句话。 His Majesty Shen Lang, has felt in your mind oneself very just unparalleled?” King of the Blood Lian said suddenly: You felt all that oneself make, generally is bright like Sun, but our is Great Yan Empire evil?” 沈浪陛下,在你的心中是不是一直觉得自己非常正义无双?”廉亲王忽然道:“你觉得自己所做的一切,都如同太阳一般光明,而我们大炎帝国则是邪恶的?” Shen Lang shakes the head saying: I do not care about these, I have said that my goal only then, the world does not have the enmity. I have no interest least bit in to become Eastern Human Sovereign, so long as all removes the person on personal enemy list, my duty ended even, I must go to the wave...... the mark horizon.” 沈浪摇头道:“我不在意这些的,我一直都说过,我的目标只有一个,天下无仇。我对成为东方人皇没有半点兴趣,只要将仇人名单上的人全部除掉,那我的任务就算是结束了,我就要去浪......迹天涯了。” Others must say that these words I do not believe that but said from the His Majesty Shen Lang mouth, I entirely believe.” King of the Blood Lian said: You are really the little political ambition do not have continually, otherwise you will not only grasp Raging Tide City to the present, ignores to the Wu, Chu and Yue three kingdoms’ power completely.” “别人要说这句话我不信,但从沈浪陛下嘴里说出来,我完全相信。”廉亲王道:“你真是连一点点政治野心都没有,否则到现在你也不会只掌握一个怒潮城,对吴楚越三国的权力完全置之不理。” Shen Lang fills to the brim to the King of the Blood Lian teacup, asks: King of the Blood Lian, you were also the Great Yan Empire’s core high level, moreover your mother was my grandmother's younger sister was right?” 沈浪廉亲王的茶杯倒满,问道:“廉亲王,您也是大炎帝国的核心高层了,而且您的母亲还是我的祖母的妹妹对吗?” Right.” King of the Blood Lian said: Jiang and Ji two surnames, the itself is the world most honored surname, we married for generations, almost shares everything, to His Majesty Jiang Li this generation, two families were thoroughly torn apart.” “对。”廉亲王道:“姜姬两姓,本就是天下最尊贵的姓氏,我们世世代代联姻,几乎不分彼此的,一直到了姜离陛下这一代,两家才彻底撕裂。” Shen Lang said: In my personal enemy list already few individuals, but a crucial personal enemy, I have not even known that who he is, can you tell me? Who was the past years killed His Majesty Jiang Li?” 沈浪道:“我的仇人名单上已经没有几个人了,但是还有一个关键性仇人,我甚至不知道他是谁,您能告诉我吗?当年是谁杀了姜离陛下?” King of the Blood Lian said: Your father His Majesty Jiang Li, Number One Powerhouse Under the Heaven, your mother Number Two Powerhouse Under the Heaven, both died a violent death finally, this is for hundred years unsolved mystery, you asked that who I am do kill His Majesty Jiang Li and Empress? Really overestimated my weight/quantity.” 廉亲王道:“你的父亲姜离陛下,天下第一强者,你的母亲天下第二强者,结果双双暴毙了,这是百年来的未解之谜,你来问我是谁杀死姜离陛下帝后?真是高估我的分量了。” Shen Lang said: „Don't you know?” 沈浪道:“你也不知道?” King of the Blood Lian said: Really does not know.” 廉亲王道:“真的不知道。” Shen Lang said: That Great Yan Sovereign Emperor does your majesty know?” 沈浪道:“那大炎皇帝陛下知道吗?” King of the Blood Lian thinks a while said: Your majesty should be knows that no, he definitely is knows.” 廉亲王想了一会儿道:“陛下应该是知道的,不,他肯定是知道的。” Shen Lang said: This troubled, he is impossible to tell my right? Only if I beat him, only if I will enter the Yan Capital imperial palace he to tell me all these, right?” 沈浪道:“这就麻烦了,他不可能告诉我的对吗?除非我击败他,除非我杀入炎京皇宫他才会告诉我这一切,对吗?” King of the Blood Lian said: Almost is this.” 廉亲王道:“差不多是这样的。” Shen Lang said: But now, I even and him for the qualifications of enemy not right? I must first destroy completely the Ying Guang fathers and sons, destroys completely Stupa Mountain, has the qualifications and he becomes the enemy?” 沈浪道:“但是现在,我甚至连和他为敌的资格都没有对吗?我还必须先灭掉赢广父子,灭掉浮屠山,才有资格和他成为敌人?” King of the Blood Lian said: You must say.” 廉亲王道:“你要这么说也可以。” Shen Lang said: That this does King of the Blood Lian have what advises?” 沈浪道:“那这次廉亲王来有何指教呢?” King of the Blood Lian said: In the past Zhu Hongxue led the blood soul army to chase down Jin Jun, has killed Sand Barbarians most southern end’s Heavenly Absolute Peak, was Diamond Peak. The Jin Jun’s tens of thousands people escaped into the Diamond Peak antiquity vestige, now should also in inside?” 廉亲王道:“当年祝红雪率领血魂军追杀矜君,一直杀到沙蛮族南端的天绝峰,也就是金刚峰矜君的几万人遁入金刚峰上古遗迹之内,如今应该还在里面吧?” Shen Lang said: This is the open secret.” 沈浪道:“这已经算是公开的秘密了。” King of the Blood Lian said: However now Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain stored up with large army around the Diamond Peak antiquity vestige, set up the unescapable net, waited for you to turn oneself, this was they at the south chessgame. But in the north side, Ying Wuming assembles the Kingdom of New Qian’s army, the Stupa Mountain’s army, can attack momentarily, destroys completely Wu, Chu and Yue three kingdoms’ any royal capital instantaneously. This north-south chessgame, how does His Majesty Shen Lang plan to decode?” 廉亲王道:“而如今赢广浮屠山囤积重兵在金刚峰上古遗迹周围,设下了天罗地网,就等着你自投,这是他们在南边的棋局。而在北边,赢无冥集结新乾王国的军队,还有浮屠山的军队,随时可以突袭,瞬间灭掉吴楚越三国的任何一个王都。这南北棋局,沈浪陛下打算怎么破解呢?” Shen Lang said: King of the Blood Lian didn't your come?” 沈浪道:“廉亲王您这不就来了吗?” King of the Blood Lian said: Sighted person did not speak the code words, first we do not allow you to fall into Ying Guang and in the Stupa Mountain hand absolutely again, your beforehand lunatic act, brought huge passive to Great Yan Empire. Without you, Ying Wuming is unable to participate in the unique influence parliament on behalf of Stupa Mountain.” 廉亲王道:“明人不说暗话,首先我们是绝对不允许你再一次落入赢广浮屠山手中的,你之前的疯子行径,给大炎帝国带来了巨大的被动。如果没有你,赢无冥也根本无法代表浮屠山参加超脱势力议会。” Shen Lang shrugs the arm, has not spoken. 沈浪耸了耸肩膀,并没有说话。 King of the Blood Lian said: Now only then a thing can prevent the Ying Wuming army to attack Wu, Chu and Yue three kingdoms, only then a thing can force Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain’s army evacuates around Diamond Peak, that is Regret of the Dragon, moreover insufficient. It is well known, His Majesty Shen Lang only had Regret of the Dragon, moreover must be used to protect Raging Tide City, cannot use absolutely. Then in this world, only then we can truly have Regret of the Dragon.” 廉亲王道:“现在只有一件东西能够阻止赢无冥大军突袭吴楚越三国,也只有一件东西能够逼迫赢广浮屠山的军队撤离金刚峰周围,那就是龙之悔,而且一支还不够。众所周知,沈浪陛下只剩下一支龙之悔了,而且要用来保护怒潮城,是绝对不能动用的。那么这个世界上只有我们才能真正拥有龙之悔了。” Shen Lang said: Is it possible that can Yan Capital borrow Regret of the Dragon to me? That too thanked, our signs, you borrow me ten Regret of the Dragon, in a year my also your 100.” 沈浪道:“莫非炎京要借龙之悔给我?那就太感谢了,我们这就签约,你借我十支龙之悔,一年内我还你一百支。” At this time, the face of King of the Blood Lian pulls down immediately. 此时,廉亲王的脸顿时都拉了下来。 His Majesty Shen Lang, you were not the then small son in law who takes wife's name small ruffian, so talked irresponsibly unexpectedly, the opens the mouth came, can have the serious style of little king? 沈浪陛下,你不是当时的小赘婿小痞子了,竟然还是如此信口雌黄,张口就来,能不能有一点点君王的严肃风范? Hehe? Let alone also 100, 1000 Shen Lang dare should even. 嘿嘿?别说还一百支了,就算还一千支沈浪都敢应下来。 This looks like certain brother to rub small loans to be the same, paid out the wages completely at that time, has not thought to , even if you 10,000% interest brothers dare to borrow, money back is impossible to render back the money, if , after that who also dares to borrow me? This is brothers' creed. 这就像是某些老哥撸小贷一样,完全就当时发工资,从来没有想过要还,你就算百分之一万的利息老哥们都敢借,还钱是不可能还钱的,如果还了,那以后谁还敢借我?这就是老哥们的信条。 King of the Blood Lian said: Taking advantage of Regret of the Dragon is impossible, but we can launch, attacks Kingdom of New Qian or Stupa Mountain, moreover launches two one time, the specific objectives of naturally launching are decided by you, but actually must undergo the verification agreement of Yan Capital.” 廉亲王道:“借龙之悔是不可能的,但我们可以代为发射,攻击新乾王国或者浮屠山,而且一次性发射两支,当然发射的具体目标由你来定,但是却要经过炎京的审核同意。” Although Shen Lang had expected, but was somewhat shocked. 尽管沈浪有所预料,但还是有些惊呆了。 This world was too dark, Great Yan Empire unexpectedly and Shen Lang wants pit Ying Guang jointly. 这个世界太黑暗了,大炎帝国竟然和沈浪联手要坑赢广 This looks like the American imperialists to lend to draw the lamp the nuclear bomb probably, bombs some country? 这大概就像是美帝把核弹借给拉灯,去轰炸某国? Shen Lang said: Although like this might as well lend me Regret of the Dragon directly, but I can also accept, I do not select.” 沈浪道:“这样虽然不如直接把龙之悔借给我,但我也能接受,我这个人不挑的。” King of the Blood Lian said: His Majesty Shen Lang clearly knows, Regret of the Dragon is the world's most powerful strategy level kills, priceless. For the previous time only 1-2 Regret of the Dragon, you are willing to use your life to take risk unexpectedly. Then these for two Regret of the Dragon, what price you are willing to pay time?” 廉亲王道:“沈浪陛下清楚地知道,龙之悔是世界上最强大的战略级杀器,价值连城。上一次为了区区1-2龙之悔,你竟然愿意用自己的生命去冒险。那么这一次为了两支龙之悔,你愿意付出什么代价呢?” Shen Lang pats the table say/way fiercely: I was generous most, 1 million gold coins.” 沈浪猛地一拍桌子道:“我这个人出手最大方了,一百万金币。” King of the Blood Lian face twitches. 廉亲王面孔一阵抽搐。 Shen Lang, I fuck your mother, do you use 1 million gold coins to go for me to buy two Regret of the Dragon to give a try? Otherwise I have 2 million gold coins, did you sell to me your Regret of the Dragon? 沈浪,我艹你娘,你用一百万金币去给我买两支龙之悔试试看?要不然我出两百万金币,你把你那支龙之悔卖给我? „Isn't this price good?” Shen Lang said: Was a little low, I gave a higher price, high to letting your fearful and apprehensive price.” “这个价格不行?”沈浪道:“有点低了啊,那我就给一个更高的价格,高到让你心惊肉跳的价格。” King of the Blood Lian said: Please say.” 廉亲王道:“请说。” Shen Lang said: I cede east a Great Qian kingdom province to Great Yan Empire.” 沈浪道:“我把大乾王国东边的一个行省割让给大炎帝国。” ? Loses dignity and has the country insulted? Such ruined family? Your this compared with Yuan Shikai's 21 also excessively? 呃?这么丧权辱国?这么败家的吗?你这比袁世凯的二十一条还过分啊? King of the Blood Lian said: You said that but River East Province of present Great Qian kingdom?” 廉亲王道:“你说的可是现在大乾王国的河东行省吗?” The Shen Lang nod said: Right, this province entire 190,000 square kilometers, I use him to trade two Regret of the Dragon, this price was astonishing enough, was absolutely terrified enough.” 沈浪点头道:“对,这个行省整整十九万平方公里,我用他来换两支龙之悔,这个价钱够惊人了吧,足够毛骨悚然了吧。” King of the Blood Lian said: Right, this price is truly astonishing. But His Majesty Shen Lang, this River East Province is the Ying Guang fathers and sons now, you cede to win the landscape, trades my Great Yan Empire’s Regret of the Dragon?” 廉亲王道:“没错,这个价格确实很惊人。但沈浪陛下,这河东行省现在是属于赢广父子的啊,你割让赢氏的江山,来换我大炎帝国的龙之悔?” Shen Lang said: Kingdom of New Qian is also my Great Qian Empire inalienable part, therefore River East Province is also belongs my?” 沈浪道:“新乾王国也是我大乾帝国不可分割的一部分啊,所以河东行省也是属于我的啊?” King of the Blood Lian face another twitches, the chest is quite oppressed, has the feeling that plants to explode. 廉亲王面孔又一阵抽搐,胸口好憋闷,有种要炸的感觉。 Before knew Shen Lang to be shameless, but after has not thought of to become so-called Emperor Lord of Great Qian, then as before was shameless. 之前就知道沈浪无耻,但没有想到成为所谓大乾帝主后,依旧那么无耻。 This initial price was enough astonishing, this Russia said to European Union probably, I ceded the eastern half of Germany for completely your, so long as you paid 100 billion euros to be OK. 这个开价是足够惊人了,这就大概俄罗斯跟欧盟说,我把德国的东半部全部割让给你们的,只要你们付出一千亿欧元就可以了。 What? You said that what relations eastern Germany and Russia do have? East Germany dozens years ago is the Soviet Camp, is a part of our Warsaw Organization. 什么?你说德国东部和俄罗斯有什么关系?在几十年前东德可是属于苏联阵营的,可是我们华沙组织的一部分。 King of the Blood Lian was knew, before Shen Lang the normal negotiations were completely not feasible. To play that type to bargain back and forth? Is completely impossible, you dare to ask an outrageous price, Shen Lang dares to inundate the universe to promise you. 廉亲王算是知道了,和沈浪之前正常的谈判完全是不可行的。想要玩那种讨价还价?完全不可能,你敢漫天要价,沈浪就敢漫宇宙地答应你。 Therefore the King of the Blood Lian direct initial price said: We take a thing, is your is only special the flight beast. So long as you comply to give us it, we are willing for you for shooting two Regret of the Dragon, attack Kingdom of New Qian and Stupa Mountain. This price should not be high, your only flight beast even again precious, cannot compare two Regret of the Dragon.” 所以廉亲王直接开价道:“我们要一件东西,就是你的那只特殊飞行兽。只要你答应把它交给我们,我们愿意为你代射两支龙之悔,攻击新乾王国浮屠山。这个价格应该不高吧,你那只飞行兽就算再珍贵,也比不上两支龙之悔。” Shen Lang said with a smile: This is all well and good, your but these two Regret of the Dragon you wanted to fire. You know that I was separated from Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain’s grasp, therefore they cannot re-radiation Regret of the Dragon, unable to conduct the strategic deterrent to Great Yan Empire again. Therefore Yan Capital must punish Ying Guang, this is you must launch two Regret of the Dragon to attack Kingdom of New Qian and Stupa Mountain’s goal. Moreover you are not willing to tear to pieces the facial skin with Ying Guang publicly, is not willing openly to acknowledge oneself use Regret of the Dragon to destroy Great Yan Dynasty various march. Therefore uses my name launch, my black pot cannot white back. Therefore I not only cannot pay money, you must to me money, I be able to lend you to launch Regret of the Dragon the name.” 沈浪笑道:“话是没错,你但这两支龙之悔你们本来就想要射击。你们知道我脱离了赢广浮屠山的掌握,所以他们不能再发射龙之悔了,再也无法对大炎帝国进行战略威慑了。所以炎京要惩罚赢广,这才是你们要发射两支龙之悔攻击新乾王国浮屠山的目的。而且你们又不愿意和赢广公开撕破脸皮,更不愿意公开承认自己用龙之悔摧毁大炎王朝侯国。所以就用我的名义发射,我这个黑锅不能白背啊。所以我不但不能付钱,你们还要给我钱,我才能把名义借给你们发射龙之悔。” ! 呃! King of the Blood Lian must spit blood simply, Shen Lang this person is simply shameless. 廉亲王简直要吐血,沈浪此人简直恬不知耻啊。 Our Great Yan Empire launches two Regret of the Dragon to attack Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain for you, but can also pay money to you?” King of the Blood Lian said: His Majesty Shen Lang, cultivates the behavior cannot shameless to this situation.” “我们大炎帝国为你发射两支龙之悔攻击赢广浮屠山,还要付钱给你?”廉亲王道:“沈浪陛下,做人不能无耻到这个地步啊。” Shen Lang said: King of the Blood Lian, please make clear, is you must launch Regret of the Dragon to attack Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain, then makes me carry black pot, my is Shen Lang the terrorist? Like a revolutionary brick, where needs toward where to move? Also after I rescued Jin Jun, the strength was more powerful, was not can be evenly matched with Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain, mutually wounded? This fully serves the Great Yan Empire’s benefit.” 沈浪道:“廉亲王,请你搞清楚,是你们自己要发射龙之悔攻击赢广浮屠山,然后让我背黑锅,我沈浪难道是恐怖分子吗?如同革命的一块砖,哪里需要就往哪里搬?再说我救出矜君之后,实力更加强大,不是更加能够和赢广浮屠山势均力敌,两败俱伤吗?这完全符合大炎帝国的利益啊。” King of the Blood Lian looks at Shen Lang to say long time: Since, that does not need to discuss in this case again, our that two Regret of the Dragon can definitely not launch. We can definitely look helplessly the Jin Jun tens of thousands people died in the Diamond Peak antiquity vestige, we can also look helplessly the Ying Wuming’s army destroyed completely Kingdom of Chu royal capital, your His Majesty Shen Lang is completely then helpless, brings ruin and shame upon oneself.” 廉亲王望着沈浪良久道:“既然这样的话,那也就不必再谈了,我们那两支龙之悔完全可以不发射的。我们完全可以眼睁睁看着矜君几万人死在金刚峰上古遗迹之内,我们也可以眼睁睁看着赢无冥的军队灭掉楚国王都,然后你沈浪陛下完全无能为力,身败名裂。” Shen Lang said: Makes a mistake King of the Blood Lian? The present is your Great Yan Empire wants sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, holding the weak shovel is you must do, who lets you are an overlord. Since cannot strengthen my strength, it is necessary to weaken Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain’s strength, I and Yan Capital the interest in this point is completely consistent, but now you for unexpectedly this little petty profit does break the Great Yan Empire’s strategic plan? Are you shortsighted?” 沈浪道:“有没有搞错啊廉亲王?现在是你们大炎帝国坐山观虎斗啊,扶弱铲强本来就是你们要做的,谁让你们是霸主啊。既然不能增强我的力量,那就有必要削弱赢广浮屠山的力量,在这一点上我和炎京的利益完全是一致的,而现在你竟然为了这一点点蝇头小利而打破大炎帝国的战略部署?你们就那么鼠目寸光吗?” The King of the Blood Lian anger exclaimed: His Majesty Shen Lang, you meant, we also request you to comply, do we replace you to launch two Regret of the Dragon to attack Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain? We also request you to make us save your Royal Capital of Chu, saves Jin Jun?” 廉亲王怒吼道:“沈浪陛下,那你的意思是说,我们还要求着你答应,我们代替你发射两支龙之悔攻击赢广浮屠山咯?我们还要求着你让我们拯救你的楚王都,拯救矜君咯?” Shen Lang said: Was needless to say asks, I and Yan Capital, although was the enemy, but can also have the common interest occasionally, since the direction were consistent, on a that might as well approximately artillery, everyone your sentiment I was also willing, to behave like scoundrels, said that what asked?” 沈浪道:“也不用说求,我和炎京虽然是敌人,但是偶尔也能有共同的利益,既然方向一致,那也不妨约上一炮,大家你情我愿,男盗女娼,又说什么求呢?” ?! 呃?! Enough some little time, King of the Blood Lian could not speak, was that I know that you were talking nonsense, but said shameless, absolutely did not have the words to refute you. 足足好一会儿,廉亲王说不出话来,就是那种我知道你算是在胡说八道,但是说得太无耻了,以至于完全没有话来反驳你。 That did not need to discuss, said goodbye.” King of the Blood Lian sets out to leave directly. “那不用谈了,告辞。”廉亲王道直接起身离开。 Does not deliver.” Shen Lang said. “不送。”沈浪道。 His Majesty Shen Lang, I hope that you can have the means to save Jin Jun, saves Royal Capital of Chu, or Royal Capital of Yue, your time are not many, once brings ruin and shame upon oneself, is unable to recall again.” King of the Blood Lian said. 沈浪陛下,我希望你能有办法拯救矜君,拯救楚王都,或者越王都,你的时间可不多了,一旦身败名裂,就再也无法挽回了。”廉亲王道。 Shen Lang said: I have brought ruin and shame upon oneself times several, does not care completely.” 沈浪道:“我已经身败名裂好几次了,完全不在乎的。” Then King of the Blood Lian really walked directly. 然后廉亲王真就直接走了。 ........................ ........................ King of the Blood Lian walked, thought of?” Shen Lang asked. 廉亲王是走了,还是装着走了?”沈浪问道。 Zhang Chunhua said: Seemed like really walks.” 张春华道:“看起来好像是真的走了。” Shen Lang said: He will also come back again.” 沈浪道:“他还会再回来的。” Zhang Chunhua said: Why?” 张春华道:“为何?” Shen Lang said: Great Yan Sovereign Emperor closes up, now Yan Capital is Crown Prince assumes personal command. Although he is also outstanding, but cannot compare Sovereign Emperor after all. Previous Ying Guang launches Regret of the Dragon, destroyed the Yulan Country main city, finally Great Yan Crown Prince said livingly this is the earthquake, is spits in the face completely does. Later Ying Wuming attended the unique influence parliament on behalf of Stupa Mountain, in Yan Capital face above fan a slap in the face. Before I in the Ying Guang hand, Kingdom of New Qian can launch Regret of the Dragon to shock Yan Capital, Great Yan Crown Prince can only endure this tone, because his main strategy looked on we and Ying Guang were mutually wounded, Yan Capital profited from another's strife. But now have I broken away from the Ying Guang’s control, Great Yan Crown Prince can not retaliate? Under can bear this tone? Must know how many people now Yan Capital had to stare at this His Highness the Crown Prince, was suspecting that he can inherit this throne? Therefore this slap in the face he meets the fan to go back.” 沈浪道:“大炎皇帝闭关,现在炎京太子坐镇。他虽然也非常出色,但毕竟比不上皇帝。上一次赢广发射龙之悔,摧毁了于兰国主城,结果大炎太子活生生说这是地震,完全是唾面自干。之后赢无冥代表浮屠山出席超脱势力议会,更是在炎京脸上扇了一个耳光。之前我在赢广手中,新乾王国能够发射龙之悔震慑炎京,大炎太子只能忍下这口气,因为他的主要战略还是坐视我们和赢广两败俱伤,炎京坐收渔利。而现在我已经脱离赢广的控制,大炎太子能够不报复吗?能够忍得下这口气吗?要知道现在炎京有多少人在盯着这位太子殿下了,都在怀疑他能不能继承这个皇位呢?所以这个耳光他一定会扇回去。” Zhang Chunhua nods, expressed reasonable. 张春华点了点头,表示有道理。 Shen Lang said: Therefore no matter what, Yan Capital wants to Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain carries out a fatal blow, moreover needs to borrow my name. Because Ying Wuming kept on proclaiming supports Great Yan Empire, Yan Capital also kept on proclaiming talks the loyalty of Ying Family, therefore this mask must wear. No matter I do comply, Yan Capital these two Regret of the Dragon must launch, why do I take out money for this reason? I did not ask for money to be good from them, my acting carried this black pot to be really kind.” 沈浪道:“所以不管怎么样,炎京都想要对赢广浮屠山进行一次致命打击,而且都需要借用我的名义。因为赢无冥口口声声拥护大炎帝国,炎京也口口声声大谈赢氏家族的忠诚,所以这张面具还是要戴的。不管我答应不答应,炎京这两枚龙之悔都要发射,我何必为此掏钱呢?我不向他们要钱就已经好了,我出面背这个黑锅已经够意思了。” Zhang Chunhua said: Therefore, our and Yan Capital is gangs up to commit fornication completely, acts in collusion?” 张春华道:“所以,我们这次和炎京完全是勾搭成奸,沆瀣一气?” Shen Lang said: Right, right.” 沈浪道:“对,没错。” Zhang Chunhua said: My your majesty, your shameless charm, let my heart movement, now might as well while having leisure, we came one truly time ganged up to commit fornication? Under the broad daylight, conducts some drifting along?” 张春华道:“我的陛下,你无耻的神韵,太让我心动了,现在不如趁着有闲,我们来一次真正的勾搭成奸?光天化日之下,进行某种苟且?” Shen Lang hurries to shake the head saying: „It is not good, is not good, Qiu Yao’er just tossed about my four times a moment ago, I iron body cannot withstand even.” 沈浪赶紧摇头道:“不行,不行,刚才仇妖儿刚刚折腾我四次,我就算是铁打的身体也承受不住啊。” Zhang Chunhua one surprised, didn't say three times a moment ago? How to change four times? Husband your boasted also sees the wind to rise? 张春华一愕,刚才不是说三次吗?怎么又变四次了?夫君你这吹牛还见风涨的吗? Husband, we following?” Zhang Chunhua said: Needs to send for Yan Capital?” “夫君,那我们接下来呢?”张春华道:“需要派人去炎京吗?” Shen Lang said: Does not need, quick King of the Blood Lian will walk in again, when the time comes we want the lion big opens the mouth, assigns two destruction goals, probes while convenient, Great Yan Empire is actually powerful, particularly can carry out very -long-range strategy attack.” 沈浪道:“没有必要,很快廉亲王就会再一次找上门的,到时候我们就要狮子大张口,指定两个毁灭目标,顺便也试探一下,大炎帝国究竟有多么强大,尤其是能不能进行超远程战略打击。” .................. .................. Really, merely two days later. 果然,仅仅两天之后。 This Great Yan Empire’s King of the Blood Lian secret appears in the Raging Tide City big castle again. 这位大炎帝国的廉亲王再一次秘密出现在怒潮城大城堡之内。 His Majesty Shen Lang? I need to conduct the brand-new negotiations with him.” King of the Blood Lian said. 沈浪陛下呢?我需要和他进行全新的谈判。”廉亲王道。 Zhang Chunhua said: extremely sorry, Your Highness King of the Blood, our majesty isn’t present.” 张春华道:“非常抱歉,亲王殿下,我们陛下不在。” King of the Blood Lian shivers saying: Do not reach out for a yard after taking an inch, do not trample Great Yan Empire’s to be patient, this releasing in order to catch method is laughed by knowledgeable people completely.” 廉亲王颤抖道:“不要得寸进尺啊,更加不要践踏大炎帝国的耐心,这种欲擒故纵的手段完全是贻笑大方。” Really is similar to Shen Lang to expect, does Yan Capital carries out the strategic attack the intention to be strong to Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain, have Shen Lang to conduct. 真就如同沈浪所料,炎京赢广浮屠山进行战略打击的意图非常强,有没有沈浪都要进行。 Actually however Yan Capital these two do Regret of the Dragon shoot at where? This needs to negotiate with Shen Lang, if Shen Lang wants to shoot at some fixed goal, for example shoots at Diamond Peak outside Stupa Mountain and Ying Guang allied armies, cancels from this world that powerful main force army thoroughly. Contacts sieging of Jin Jun thoroughly, that needs to pay certain price. 但是炎京这两支龙之悔究竟射向哪里?这就需要和沈浪谈判了,如果沈浪想要射向某个固定的目标,比如射向金刚峰外面的浮屠山和赢广联军,将那支强大的主力大军彻底从这个世界上抹去。彻底接触矜君之围困,那就需要付出一定的代价。 Therefore, King of the Blood Lian negotiated again. 所以,廉亲王再一次来谈判了。 Naturally the fatal issues, the Strength of the Dragon launcher is very huge and unwieldy, Yan Capital from the Diamond Peak far more than ten thousand li (0.5 km), Regret of the Dragon firing range not over 500 li (0.5 km). To cross Kingdom of New Qian, wants to cross the Stupa Mountain sphere of influence transports Strength of the Dragon and Regret of the Dragon to a Diamond Peak 500 li (0.5 km) place launches again? This is almost impossible. 当然有一个致命的问题,龙之力发射装置是非常巨大而又笨重的,炎京距离金刚峰何止万里啊,龙之悔射击距离不超过五百里。想要越过新乾王国,想要越过浮屠山势力范围把龙之力龙之悔运到金刚峰五百里处再进行发射?这几乎是不可能的。 Therefore Shen Lang wants to probe, actually does Great Yan Empire have the long-distance strategic attack ability, this extremely essential. 所以沈浪想要试探,大炎帝国究竟有没有远程战略攻击能力,这点极度关键。 The fact in this world, so-called long-distance strategic-striking capability concept has not existed, Shen Lang came from modern Earth, therefore has this viewpoint. Because modern Earth most important is very -long-range nuclear strike ability. 事实在这个世界,所谓的远程战略打击能力这个概念还不存在,沈浪来自于现代地球,所以才有这个观点。因为现代地球最重要的就是超远程核打击能力。 But Shen Lang really does not know whether Great Yan Empire has this ability, if any, that was...... is too fearful. 沈浪是真不知道,大炎帝国是否拥有这个能力,如果有的话,那实在是......太可怕了。 Naturally if really can realize, eliminates that powerful main force army of Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain outside Diamond Peak, that really enough to the entire world, to Ying Guang and Stupa Mountain unprecedented shock and awe, enough thorough startled explodes the world. 当然如果真的能够实现,消灭赢广浮屠山金刚峰外那支强大的主力大军,那真的足够给整个天下,给赢广浮屠山前所未有的震慑,足够彻底惊爆天下。 extremely sorry, King of the Blood Lian, what method our your majesty is really not must play with you intentionally, he really not in Raging Tide City, please wait for two or three days?” Zhang Chunhua said: He affirmed that comes back to negotiate with you quickly.” 非常抱歉,廉亲王,我们的陛下真的不是故意要和您玩什么手段,他是真的不在怒潮城,请您等两三天时间好吗?”张春华道:“他肯定很快回来和您谈判。” Then Shen Lang is playing to release in order to catch, deliberately avoids meeting with King of the Blood Lian? 那么沈浪是在玩欲擒故纵,刻意避免和廉亲王见面吗? Also is really not, because had an accident/surprise, moreover is an incomparably giant pleasantly surprised accident/surprise. 还真的不是,因为发生了一个意外,而且是一个无比巨大惊喜的意外。 Did he suddenly discover an antiquity vestige? 他竟然发现了一个上古遗迹? Said accurately is not he discovered, but is greatly ultra, it was all right recently, daily plays in the seabed insanely, finally in being away from a Raging Tide City several hundred li (0.5 km) seabed, suddenly discovered an astonishing vortex, in that is hiding an antiquity vestige probably. 准确说不是他发现的,而是大超,它最近没事,天天在海底疯玩,结果在距离怒潮城几百里的海底,竟然发现了一个惊人的漩涡,那里面好像藏着一个上古遗迹。 Therefore Shen Lang hurries to drop out all explores, he has the premonition, oneself must get rich. 于是沈浪赶紧抛下一切去探索,他有预感,自己又要发大财了。
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