HSH :: Volume #5

#480: World will of the people in ginger! Super kills greatly!

The past twenty years, Ning Shao almost in the morbid state cultivation, therefore his martial arts was very high, even to astonishing situation. 过去二十几年时间内,宁绍几乎都在病态地修炼,所以他的武功很高的,甚至到了惊人的地步。 But at this time, after his whole person pulled out flies, ruthlessly pounds the entire bookshelf, was buried by the innumerable books. 但此时,他整个人被抽飞出去之后,狠狠砸到了整个书架,被无数的书籍埋了。 Enough some little time, he braved from one bunch of books, the blood of wipe mouth and nose, arrives at the Connecting the Heaven Temple Great Master Kong Zheng front gently directly, whips his back gently, said: Shao knew, the teacher's younger brother must be angry not.” 足足好一会儿,他才从一堆书籍中冒了出来,轻轻擦拭口鼻的鲜血,直接走到通天寺空诤大师的面前,轻轻拍打他的后背,道:“绍知道了,师叔莫要生气了。” At this time the Ning Shao sound was the unprecedented temperateness, was completely ordinary like the cleverest younger generation. 这个时候宁绍的声音是前所未有的温和,完全如同最乖巧的晚辈一般。 Teacher's younger brother felt relieved, I became confused angrily, from the present to the Heavenly Exceed City decisive battle, I absolutely not in a Shen Lang’s person fine hair.” Ning Shao said in a low voice: Is unfair to the teacher's younger brother, I gave the elders to court disaster.” “师叔放心,我只是被愤怒冲昏了头脑,从现在到天越城大决战,我绝对不会在动沈浪的人一根汗毛。”宁绍低声道:“对不起师叔,我给长辈们惹祸了。” Then he pours tea personally, then places the Great Master Kong Zheng front. 接着他亲自去倒茶,然后放在空诤大师的面前。 Kong Zheng is looking at present at present this martial-looking uncommon young people, an innermost feelings cannot help but sigh, in the brain cannot help but recalls for 28 years ago, is he personally comes to the King of Yue palace to lead away five -year-old Ning Shao. 空诤望着眼前眼前这个英武不凡的年轻人,内心不由得一声叹息,脑子里面不由得回忆起二十八年前,就是他亲自来越王宫牵走五岁的宁绍 Although Ning Shao is not his disciple, but the martial arts initiation is actually he educates. What Great Master Kong Zheng cultivation is the Connecting the Heaven Temple martial arts, does not excel to the Great Tribulation Temple’s martial arts, therefore after Ning Shao, with spatial Grandmaster face/color. 虽然宁绍不是他的弟子,但是武道启蒙却是他教育的。只不过空诤大师修炼的是通天寺的武功,对大劫寺的武功并不擅长,所以宁绍之后跟了空颜大师。 Teacher's younger brother, our these 10,000 monk soldier battle efficiencies how?” Ning Shao said: Heard that Zhu Hongxue plays very smoothly in Western Region various countries, the Great Tribulation Temple’s monk soldier was eliminated innumerably.” “师叔,我们这一万僧兵战斗力如何?”宁绍道:“听说祝红雪西域诸国打得非常顺利,大劫寺的僧兵被消灭了无数。” Kong Zheng said: Runs away to Great Tribulation Temple of Western Region various country's, no longer is true Great Tribulation Temple. All Great Tribulation Temple elites were extinguished by His Majesty Jiang Li, many antiquity ancient book secret technique, Great Tribulation Temple has been lost.” 空诤道:“逃到西域诸国的大劫寺,已经不再是真正的大劫寺。所有的大劫寺精英都被姜离陛下灭了,很多上古典籍秘术,大劫寺都已经失传了。” Ning Shao said: However, these antiquity ancient books and did the secret techniques fall into our hands?” 宁绍道:“然而,这些上古典籍和秘术都落入了我们手中是吗?” Kong Zheng said: His Majesty Jiang Li is a very extraordinary person, he research to the bloodlines beyond comparison. Moreover his boundary is very high, the research about bloodlines likes benefitting all living things, rather than the revelries of a small number of elites.” 空诤道:“姜离陛下是一个很了不起的人,他对血脉的研究是无以伦比的。而且他境界很高,关于血脉的研究喜欢惠及众生,而不是少数精英的狂欢。” The Kong Zheng words saying very vaguely, after this meaning is Jiang Li died, about bloodlines research the success by six big unique influences and Great Yan Empire seized, Connecting the Heaven Temple also obtained part. 空诤的话说得非常隐晦,这意思是姜离死了之后,关于血脉研究的成功被六大超脱势力和大炎帝国夺走了,通天寺也得到了一部分。 Research of six big unique influences on the bloodlines like high end, likes building that astonishing top player. But the bloodlines research of His Majesty Jiang Li can actually each hopeful is transformed and powerful. 六大超脱势力对血脉的研究喜欢高端化,喜欢打造那种惊人的顶尖高手。而姜离陛下的血脉研究却可以让每一个人都有希望得到蜕变和强大。 Based on this point, six big influences trains the super regiment secretly, naturally also included Connecting the Heaven Temple. 正是基于这一点,六大势力纷纷秘密训练出超级军团,当然也包括了通天寺 Therefore what he meant was that Connecting the Heaven Temple monk soldier, because obtained the Jiang Li achievement, therefore is not the Great Tribulation Temple monk soldier regiment can compare. 所以他的意思是,通天寺的僧兵因为得到了姜离的成果,所以根本就不是大劫寺僧兵军团可以比拟的。 Ning Shao said: Hidden Yuan Society's 10,000 blood and iron regiments, in Raging Tide City whole army has been annihilated.” 宁绍道:“隐元会的一万铁血军团,在怒潮城全军覆灭了。” Great Master Kong Zheng said: Hidden Yuan Society is Hidden Yuan Society, Connecting the Heaven Temple is Connecting the Heaven Temple, Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion is Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion, Raging Tide City is Raging Tide City, Heavenly Exceed City is Heavenly Exceed City.” 空诤大师道:“隐元会隐元会,通天寺通天寺,天涯海阁天涯海阁,怒潮城怒潮城,天越城天越城。” This saying meaning was clearer, the Hidden Yuan Society's blood and iron regiment to a great extent is Stupa Mountain and result of Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion slightly gracious gift, moreover trains merely less than two years. 这话意思更加明白了,隐元会的铁血军团很大程度是浮屠山天涯海阁稍微恩赐的结果,而且仅仅训练出不到两年时间而已。 The Connecting the Heaven Temple monk soldier has trained for twenty years, moreover made use of the Jiang Li research results, therefore is not the Hidden Yuan Society blood and iron regiment can place on a par completely. 通天寺的僧兵已经训练了二十几年了,而且利用了姜离的研究成果,所以完全不是隐元会铁血军团能够相提并论的。 Shen Lang attacks the Raging Tide City’s time to resort to all means that can crazily the fire attack, because the entire Raging Tide City innocent person, has not fired a piece of white not to matter. However Heavenly Exceed City, here does not have many innocent civilians, even some countless tendency Shen Lang’s people. 况且沈浪攻打怒潮城的时候可以不择手段,可以疯狂地火攻,因为整个怒潮城没有无辜之人,烧成一片白地都无所谓。但是天越城却不可以,这里有很多无辜百姓,甚至有无数心向沈浪的人。 Therefore not only the war of Heavenly Exceed City cannot injure and innocent, even the harm to city must minimize. 所以天越城之战不但不能伤及无辜,甚至对城市的损害也要降到最低。 Great Master Kong Zheng words is right, in fact the Hidden Yuan Society's 10,000 blood and iron army are powerful, if starts truly, this group of people will bring the giant casualties to Shen Lang. 空诤大师的话是对的,事实上隐元会的一万铁血军非常强大,如果真正开打的话,这群人会给沈浪带来巨大之伤亡。 Kills the Hidden Yuan Society blood and iron regiment truly is not other, but is the Stupa Mountain’s gu insect, that 10,000 blood and iron regiments are more powerful than Shen Lang Nirvana army are the iron facts. 真正杀死隐元会铁血军团的不是别的,而是浮屠山的蛊虫,那一万铁血军团比沈浪涅槃军更加强大是铁打的事实。 But the Connecting the Heaven Temple monk soldier is more powerful than the Hidden Yuan Society blood and iron army, is the iron fact. Naturally the Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion blood soul army are more powerful than the Connecting the Heaven Temple monk soldier, this is also the iron fact. 通天寺僧兵比隐元会铁血军更加强大,也是铁打的事实。当然天涯海阁血魂军比通天寺僧兵更加强大,这也是铁打的事实。 The Stupa Mountain’s gu insect weapon is fearful, even has the destructive lethality, but also has the huge exclusiveness, can only have Stupa Mountain to use, to give the words of others to backlash incautiously. 浮屠山的蛊虫武器非常可怕,甚至拥有毁灭性的杀伤力,但却也有巨大的排他性,只能有浮屠山自己来用,交给其他人的话一不小心就会反噬。 Jiang Li tumbles, the world eats to the full.” Great Master Kong Zheng said: Because of the His Majesty Jiang Li destruction, six big unique influences obtained the promotion in varying degrees. However among six big influences is also different, for example our Connecting the Heaven Temple and White Jade Capital leave on the day badly, we are always the first unique influence from the bottom.” 姜离跌倒,天下吃饱。”空诤大师道:“因为姜离陛下的覆灭,六大超脱势力都得到了不同程度的提升。但是六大势力之间也是不同的,比如我们通天寺白玉京就天差地别,我们始终是倒数第一的超脱势力。” Ning Shao said: Master felt relieved, I know own mission, only when the unique influence and secular royal power will tie up to go a step further together. I will certainly be similar to a nail to be common, sews in Kingdom of Yue firmly, competes for the space with Zhu Family unceasingly.” 宁绍道:“师傅放心,我知道自己使命,只有当超脱势力和世俗王权捆绑在一起才会更进一步。我一定会如同一根钉子一般,牢牢钉在越国,不断和祝氏争夺空间。” Great Master Kong Zheng said: „The war of this Heavenly Exceed City is the chance of a lifetime, because you are King of Yue, our Connecting the Heaven Temple has the qualifications to dispatch troops. Perhaps you shut out 10,000 monk soldiers is too few, but this is we biggest negotiations achievement, 10,000 monk soldiers were the Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion’s bottom lines.” 空诤大师道:“这次天越城之战是千载难逢的机会,因为你是越王,我们通天寺才有资格出兵。你或许嫌弃一万僧兵太少了,但这已经是我们最大的谈判成果了,一万僧兵是天涯海阁的底线了。” In this world most things in the table of being able to see underground conduct, for example these days looks as if uneventful, but among several big unique influences, does not know that waged many rounds struggles. 这个世界上大部分的事情都是在看不见的桌子地下进行的,比如这段时间看上去仿佛风平浪静,但是几大超脱势力之间,不知道进行了多少个回合的斗争了。 First was Zhu Family and Hanging Temple jointly the Connecting the Heaven Temple bird certainly city selling. Then was Connecting the Heaven Temple and Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion conducted the difficult negotiations, finally penetrated Kingdom of Yue a hand. 首先是祝氏悬空寺联手把通天寺的鸟绝城给卖了。接着是通天寺天涯海阁进行了艰难的谈判,终于把一只手深入了越国 Great Master Kong Zheng said: Before the world ate Jiang Li, now was one's turn eats his son Shen Lang, chance of a lifetime.” 空诤大师道:“之前天下吃姜离,现在轮到吃他的儿子沈浪了,千载难逢的机会啊。” Looked at the words saying that this world really did not have something new. In the past taking advantage of using Saddam's name, the US forces entered Middle East massively, controlled this world island sovereignty firmly. 瞧着话说得,这个世界还真是没有新鲜事啊。当年借着打萨达姆的名义,美军大规模地进入了中东,牢牢把控住了这个世界岛统治权。 Now taking advantage of using the Shen Lang’s name, Connecting the Heaven Temple wants to infiltrate the influence on Kingdom of Yue. This Shen Lang does not seem like the enemy, is Tang Xuanzang meat is seem like ordinary. 如今借着打沈浪的名义,通天寺想要把势力渗透到越国境内。这沈浪看上去不像是敌人,倒像是唐僧肉一般。 I see the Ning Yuanxian old friend.” “我去见见宁元宪老友。” .................. ……………… Great Master Kong Zheng feeds the gruel to Ning Yuanxian. 空诤大师宁元宪喂粥。 Old friend, how did you turn into now this appearance?” Great Master Kong Zheng sighed: Several years ago we meet, you may be younger than me, now actually seems am years old older than ten me.” “老友,你怎么变成现在这个样子了?”空诤大师叹息道:“几年前我们见面的时候,你可比我年轻多了,如今倒是仿佛比我老了十岁。” The Ning Yuanxian vision is scattered in disorder, the instinct opens mouth to sip gruel, hears ten this characters, he talked endlessly to discuss: Ten, 11, 12, 13......” 宁元宪目光散乱,本能地张嘴喝粥,听到十这个字,他就喋喋不休念道:“十,十一,十二,十三……” Great Master Kong Zheng said: Still remembers we saw His Majesty Jiang Li at that time together time, he also directed my martial arts, helping me break through the most essential bottleneck, at that time I was really with stunning good looks, in our eyes the incomparably difficult bottleneck, his finger/refers then broke gently, this was what kind of martial arts wisdom, was transforms castoffs into delicaties simply.” 空诤大师道:“还记得我们当时一起去见姜离陛下的时候,他还指点了我武功,帮我突破了最关键的瓶颈,那个时候我真是惊为天人啊,在我们眼中无比困难的瓶颈,他轻轻一指便破了,这是何等武道智慧啊,简直就是化腐朽为神奇。” 20, 21, 22......” Ning Yuanxian is counting as before. “二十,二十一,二十二……”宁元宪依旧在数数。 Great Master Kong Zheng said: But even such beauty died, lost. Therefore under this day, has no belief. I had not believed that Connecting the Heaven Temple had not believed that turned into the Great Tribulation Temple’s appearance unexpectedly. I have not practiced the evil merit, but I have not prevented Connecting the Heaven Temple others to cultivate the evil merit. The key is also no one accuses us is the dishonest ways, we cultivation evil cultivation art, is representing the world correct path as before, interesting?” 空诤大师道:“但是连这样的天人都死了,都输了。所以这天下之间,已经没有什么信仰了。我没有信仰了,通天寺也没有信仰了,竟然变成了大劫寺的模样。我没有修炼邪功,但是我也没有阻止通天寺的其他人修炼邪功。关键是也没有人来指责我们是邪门歪道,我们修炼邪恶的功法,依旧代表着天下正道,有意思吧?” „The Ning Yuanxian old friend, after His Majesty Jiang Li died, you knelt down directly, I also knelt down. But you also stood unexpectedly, extraordinary, extraordinary.” Great Master Kong Zheng said: But visits you now this appearance, for that station is worth? Is worth?” 宁元宪老友,姜离陛下死了之后,你直接跪下了,我也跪下了。但你竟然还站起来了,了不起,了不起。”空诤大师道:“但是看着你现在这个样子,为了那一站值得吗?值得吗?” 29, 29, 29......” Ning Yuanxian counted 29 times cannot continue again, as if can only maintain here by his intelligence quotient, then the vision was more scattered in disorder, the whole person was stupider. “二十九,二十九,二十九……”宁元宪数到了二十九的时候再也继续不下去了,仿佛以他的智商只能维持这里了,然后目光更加散乱,整个人更加痴呆了。 Great Master Kong Zheng said: Old friend, I could not stand in any case. After His Majesty Jiang Li died, you knelt merely, but we to protect oneself, was instead bit His Majesty Jiang Li one, in our hands had Emperor Jiang Family the blood of clan, now our Connecting the Heaven Temple must eat the Shen Lang’s flesh to grow up, hahahaha......” 空诤大师道:“老友,我反正是站不起来了。姜离陛下死了之后,你仅仅只是跪了下去,而我们为了保护自己,则是去反咬了姜离陛下一口,我们手中都有了姜氏帝族的鲜血,如今我们通天寺又要吃沈浪的血肉长大了,哈哈哈哈……” Great Master Kong Zheng exudes the sad and shrill laughter. 空诤大师发出凄厉的笑声。 Old friend, five -year-old Ning Shao had twisted in the past, not only killed many small creature cruelly, even massacred three palace maids, therefore you deliver to Connecting the Heaven Temple him, wants to persuade him with the Buddhist doctrine, you thought at that time our Connecting the Heaven Temple is bright just, however you actually thought mistakenly, we are darker than Great Tribulation Temple.” “老友啊,当年五岁的宁绍就已经扭曲了,不但残忍的杀了很多小动物,甚至残杀了三个宫女,所以你把他送到通天寺,就是想要用佛法感化他,你当时觉得我们通天寺是光明正义的,然而你却想错了,我们已经比大劫寺还要黑暗了。” Does not have the method, our Connecting the Heaven Temple is not White Jade Capital, we do not have to keep aloof, in the past we have almost declined must be perished, was His Majesty Jiang Li extinguished Great Tribulation Temple, and supported us, this let Connecting the Heaven Temple and Hanging Temple rises. Also because of so, after His Majesty Jiang Li dies a violent death, we must backlash crazily, this can go on living.” “没有法子啊,我们通天寺不是白玉京,我们没有那么高高在上,当年我们几乎已经式微得被亡了,是姜离陛下灭了大劫寺,并且扶持了我们,这才让通天寺悬空寺重新崛起了。也正是因为如此,姜离陛下暴毙之后,我们才更加要疯狂反噬,这样才能活下去。” We are not Executing the Heaven Pavilion, we are not Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion, is not Stupa Mountain, our Connecting the Heaven Temple was too weak.” “我们不是诛天阁,我们也不是天涯海阁,更不是浮屠山,我们通天寺太弱了。” Old friend, I do not know that you were really insane, feigns madness. But if you insane were also really good, Sun of this world has set, world already total darkness.” “老友啊,我不知道你是真的疯了,还是装疯。但如果你真的疯了也挺好了,这个世界的太阳已经落山了,天下已经暗无天日了。” ........................ …………………… The Connecting the Heaven Temple 10,000 monk soldiers entered Heavenly Exceed City as if to open some signal to be common, then the armies entered. 通天寺的一万僧兵进入天越城仿佛开启了某个信号一般,接下来一支又一支军队进驻。 The army of Kingdom of Yue capital city are getting more and more, finally in the city cannot be stationed completely, outside the city all military compounds filled completely also insufficiently, four sides in the wilderness starts to pitch camp. 越国都城的军队越来越多,最后城内完全驻扎不下,城外所有的军营都全部满了还不够,四面荒野上都开始扎营。 Almost entire Kingdom of Yue’s army gave up the original station, rushes to Heavenly Exceed City and Shen Lang decisive battle. 几乎整个越国的军队都放弃了原来的驻地,赶往天越城沈浪决战。 Some entire Heavenly Exceed City defense line actually how many armies? 200,000, 300,000, 400,000? 整个天越城防线究竟有多少军队?二十万,三十万,四十万? Seeming like the army as if must be more than civilians, because the national capital people stay at home completely, even if goes out basically does not talk. 看上去军队仿佛比平民还要多了,因为国都民众全部闭门不出,就算出门也基本上不交谈了。 Before Ning Yuanxian reigned, the national capital people want to spurt to spurt, spurt Shen Lang to spurt Ning Zheng, spurted Ning Zheng to spurt Ning Yuanxian, any unenlightened ruler, anything does not know that sense of honor pretty boy said completely unscrupulously, after every by Shen Lang hit the face one time, ampere-minute several months, then spurted. 之前宁元宪在位的时候,国都民众想喷就喷,喷完沈浪宁政,喷完宁政宁元宪,什么昏君,什么不知廉耻小白脸完全肆无忌惮地说出口,每一次被沈浪打脸之后安分几个月,然后又接着喷。 But now no one has dared to open the mouth, entire Kingdom of Yue arrested hundreds of thousands Shen Lang surviving members, 1/3 grasp in the national capital, the person who therefore dares to open the mouth was grasped to mine the common salt completely, grasps is entire family. 而现在已经没有人敢开口了,整个越国逮捕了十几万沈浪余孽,其中三分之一就是在国都抓的,所以敢开口的人全部被抓去挖矿煮盐了,一抓就是全家。 In the two years really covers like the white terror sky over the national capital, innumerable person in constant anxiety, no one knows that which day of Zhu Family army, or the new King of Yue’s army will break in the family/home to make an arrest directly. 这两年真的如同白色恐怖笼罩在国都上空,无数人惶惶不可终日,谁也不知道哪一天祝氏的军队,或者新越王的军队会直接冲入家中抓人。 Two years ago, the population of national capital sharply fell directly 30%, all ran away to the remote region. 比起两年前,国都的人口直接锐减了30%,全部逃到偏远区域了。 On this day , the army entered Heavenly Exceed City. The familiar person, the familiar army, Hidden Yuan Society's Shu Tingyu, leads 10,000 blood and iron regiments to come again. 这一日,又有一支军队进驻了天越城。熟悉的人,熟悉的军队,隐元会的舒亭玉,再一次率领一万铁血军团前来。 Zhu Rong greets him to enter the city personally. 祝戎亲自迎接他入城。 Sir Zhu Rong, the war of Raging Tide City is really the tragedy in the extreme.” Shu Tingyu said: Actually the battle efficiency of our blood and iron army is strong, is at least stronger than Shen Lang Nirvana army, finally actually dies under the Stupa Mountain’s gu insect completely, the opportunity of continually going to battle with did not have to change into the bloody pus directly.” 祝戎大人,怒潮城之战真是无以复加的悲剧。”舒亭玉道:“其实我们铁血军的战斗力非常强,至少比沈浪涅槃军强,结果却全部死在浮屠山的蛊虫之下,连出战的机会都没有就直接化为脓血了。” Zhu Rong said: This time, this will not fight us not to need Stupa Mountain’s any gu insect, they must support the war of Heavenly Exceed City with other ways. Moreover war the loss about Raging Tide City, we will also find the way to make up for Hidden Yuan Society's.” 祝戎道:“这一次不会了,这一战我们不需要浮屠山的任何蛊虫,他们必须用其他方式支援天越城之战。另外关于怒潮城之战的损失,我们也会想办法弥补隐元会的。” Shu Tingyu asked: „Can Sir Zhu Hongxue finish at the wars of Western Region various country's?” 舒亭玉问道:“祝红雪大人在西域诸国的大战要结束了吗?” Zhu Rong said: Was quick.” 祝戎道:“快了。” Shu Tingyu said with a smile: Do not look that Heavenly Exceed City fights us to have several hundred thousand armies, actually the key looks at the Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion blood soul army. This crowd of Kingdom of Yue’s armies their tendency where, but also is not very good to say.” 舒亭玉笑道:“别看天越城之战我们有几十万军队,其实关键还是看天涯海阁血魂军。这群越国的军队他们心向何方,还很不好讲的。” ........................ …………………… Qi Guo presidential palace. 岐国公府。 First Black Water Platform Great Provincial Governor Yan Er, first Marquis who Guards the West Zhong Yao, first Privy Council deputy envoy Zhong Er, the Qi Guogong Ning Qi four people sat in one rarely. 黑水台大都督阎厄,前镇西侯种尧,前枢密院副使种鄂,岐国公宁岐四人非常难得地坐在了一起。 Yan Er the time, has lived near Ning Qi in the two years, but Zhong Yao and Zhong Er deeply occupy to be shallow completely, even the front door rarely opens, before arrogant and willful domineering Zhong Shishi, as if turned into the front door two not thousand gold (daughter) young ladies, now she 28 years old has not gotten married as before. After Zhong Family lost to Shen Lang, Zhong Shishi and Zhu Hongping engagement also let it go. 阎厄这两年时间,一直都住在宁岐附近,而种尧种鄂则完全深居浅出,连大门都很少开启,之前骄纵跋扈的种师师,也仿佛变成了大门不出二门不迈的千金大小姐,如今她已经二十八岁了依旧没有嫁人。种氏家族败给了沈浪之后,种师师祝红屏的婚约也不了了之了。 „The Heavenly Exceed City decisive battle must break out quickly.” Yan Er said: „The meaning of Ning Shao is to let you commands a Kingdom of Yue’s regiment, general Zhong Yao also commands a regiment.” 天越城大决战很快就要爆发了。”阎厄道:“宁绍的意思是让你统领越国的一支军团,种尧大帅也统帅一支军团。” Ning Qi nods saying: Right.” 宁岐点了点头道:“对。” Yan Er said: What to do do you plan?” 阎厄道:“那你打算怎么办?” Ning Qi said: That hits, I do not have a deficit Shen Lang’s, makes war I to have no pressure with him. Moreover the critical campaign is not one's turn us to hit, the Connecting the Heaven Temple monk soldier, the Hidden Yuan Society's blood and iron army, the Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion’s blood soul army, they eliminate the Shen Lang’s main force particularly.” 宁岐道:“那就打呗,我并不亏欠沈浪的,和他开战我没有什么心理压力。而且关键战役轮不到我们来打,通天寺僧兵,隐元会的铁血军,尤其是天涯海阁的血魂军,他们才是消灭沈浪的主力。” Yan Er said: But the idea in army is very chaotic.” 阎厄道:“可是军中的想法很乱。” The ideas of Kingdom of Yue several hundred thousand armies are truly chaotic, in each individual heart has a steelyard, yearned that worships the His Majesty Jiang Li scale. 越国几十万军队的想法确实很乱,每一个人心中都有一杆秤,向往崇拜姜离陛下的秤。 Especially in the two years the entire Kingdom of Yue order chaos, the empire ruled the Kingdom of Yue’s deliberation hall completely, the white terror covered sky over Kingdom of Yue completely, seized unceasingly, implicated unceasingly, who dared saying that Jiang Li word of praise, immediately entire family arrests. 尤其这两年整个越国秩序大乱,帝国完全统治了越国的朝堂,白色恐怖完全笼罩在越国上空,不断地抓捕,不断地株连,谁胆敢说姜离一句好话,立刻就全家逮捕。 Yan Er said: „Before more than two years, before Shen Lang far escaping overseas, protected all was loyal his section numerous, a person has not died, a person of alone Douliu greatly unique influence and Great Yan Empire’s innumerable armies, harvested the world will of the people. Therefore these several hundred thousand armies, the innermost feelings toward anyone, are not very good to say!” 阎厄道:“两年多前,沈浪远遁海外之前保护了所有忠诚他的部众,一人未死,一人独斗六大超脱势力和大炎帝国的无数大军,收获了天下人心。所以这几十万军队,内心向着谁,很不好讲的!” Zhong Er said suddenly: Knows Zhu Wenhua? He was castrated by Shen Lang, but after returning to the national capital, lived in seclusion directly, not saying a word, he is the Shen Lang true mortal enemy, now has blurred his standpoint.” 种鄂忽然道:“知道祝文华吗?他被沈浪阉割了,但是回到国都之后,直接隐居了,一言不发,他可是沈浪真正的死敌,如今连他的立场都已经模糊了。” Yan Er said: Soon before, Ning Shao killed the so-called Shen Lang surviving members 500 people, Shen Lang on the slaughter a Connecting the Heaven Temple city as the retaliation, and forces Zhu Family and Ning Shao with the strange method, does not dare to move his person fine hair, Shen Lang this person truly hides shortcomings very much.” 阎厄道:“不久之前,宁绍杀了所谓沈浪余孽五百人,沈浪就屠了通天寺的一座城作为报复,并且用诡异的手段逼迫祝氏宁绍,不敢动他的人一根汗毛,沈浪此人确实很护短啊。” Ning Qi raises the hand, said: „The everyone elder, do not continue again, the meaning that you want to express I understand. In entire Kingdom of Yue, will of the people in ginger not in Ji.” 宁岐举起手,道:“诸位长辈,你们不要再继续说了,你们想要表达的意思我懂。在整个越国,人心在姜不在姬。” This saying to be extremely dangerous, if made the bystander listen, will have the danger of life. 这话已经极度危险了,如果让外人听了去,甚至会有性命之危了。 Ning Qi continues saying: But the word said very clearly, motley crew! Several years ago Shen Lang helps Ning Zheng snatch the throne, the will of the people first in Ning Yi, then in me, finally we lost, the will of the people are precious and inexpensive.” 宁岐继续道:“但是有一个词说得非常清楚,乌合之众!几年前沈浪帮助宁政夺嫡的时候,人心先在宁翼,然后在我,结果我们还是输了,人心珍贵而又廉价。” Now the world to the dark, innumerable person heart in regards new Sun Shen Lang, but this is only the happy fantasy. Dozens years ago His Majesty Jiang Li is so powerful, like genuine Sun, countless people sacrificed for him one filling where the other drops, but even His Majesty Jiang Li such Sun destroyed, Shen Lang is so small and weak, but also cannot undertake the heavy responsibility of Sun, he seems like a meteor. No, should say that is the unlucky star.” “如今天下至暗,无数人心中把沈浪当成新的太阳,但这只是美好的幻想。几十年前姜离陛下如此强大,如同真正的太阳,无数人为他前仆后继地牺牲,但连姜离陛下这样的太阳都毁灭了,沈浪如此弱小,还承担不起太阳的重任,他更加像是一颗流星。不,应该说是妖星。” Ning Qi said: Royal Father and Ning Zheng once forgave my two lives, even Ning Zheng turned over the throne to another throne at crucial moments to me, this made me change. But I have not given loyalty to Shen Lang, has almost not thought this matter. Before more than one year, under Ning Shao the aim makes me lead several hundred thousand armies to go to Sand Barbarians to attack Jin Jun, I also went, although hits not attractively.” 宁岐道:“父王和宁政曾经饶过我两命,甚至在关键时刻宁政把王位禅让给了我,这让我改变了。但我从来都没有效忠过沈浪,几乎也没有想过这件事。一年多前,宁绍下旨让我率领几十万大军去沙蛮族攻打矜君,我也去了,尽管打得不好看。” „The everyone uncle, Shen Lang was too small and weak, cannot undertake the anticipations of ten thousand numerous, the Royal Father had said that after Sun crashes, not necessarily cannot raise again, but at least now he is also only a small star.” 诸位叔父,沈浪太弱小了,承担不起万众的期待,父王曾经说过,太阳坠落之后未必不能再升起,但至少现在他还只是一颗小小的星星。” Therefore, Heavenly Exceed City fights us also to hit. If our anti- aims, the anger of Great Yan Empire Sovereign Emperor thunder gets down, we wanted head to fall to the ground. No matter there is any idea, after waiting for the war of Heavenly Exceed City to end, said.” “所以,天越城之战我们还要打。如果我们抗旨的话,大炎帝国皇帝雷霆之怒一下来,我们都要人头落地了。不管有什么想法,都等天越城之战结束后再说。” „Does Shen Lang want the certificate he is new Sun? That line, first defeated Connecting the Heaven Temple, Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion and Hidden Yuan Society's allied armies to say again.” 沈浪想要证明他是新的太阳?那行,先击败通天寺天涯海阁隐元会的联军再说。” Not only we are staring at him, north King of Wu, western King of Chu is also staring at him. If he is really Sun, that shines to give off heat in this Heavenly Exceed City war.” “不仅仅我们盯着他,北边的吴王,西边的楚王也都在盯着他。如果他真的是太阳,那就在这一场天越城大战中发光发热吧。” ........................ …………………… Kingdom of Yue will of the people in ginger not in Ji. 越国人心在姜不在姬。 Shen Lang even more felt that clearly this point, at least entire Heavenly South Province entered a very strange condition. 沈浪越发清晰地感觉到了这一点,至少整个天南行省进入了一种非常诡异的状态。 No army, all cities actually as before systematic, no one goes to and a Shen Lang side as before has any contact, but everyone's vision seems staring at Marquis of Xuanwu Residence. This being a focus of public attention, the long-waited feeling was really strange. 没有任何军队,所有城池却依旧井然有序,依旧没有人去和沈浪一方有任何接触,但所有人的目光都仿佛盯着玄武侯爵府。这种万众瞩目,万众期待的感觉实在是太怪了。 Shen Lang the time in front of the map, almost consulted around Heavenly Exceed City any terrain every day, light/only the sand table manufactured more than ten, the biggest Heavenly Exceed City sand table, even exceeded more than ten square meters size. 沈浪每一天时间都在地图面前,几乎查阅遍了天越城周围的任何地形,光沙盘就制作了十几个之多,最大的天越城沙盘,甚至超过了十几平米大小。 The Heavenly Exceed City’s information almost transmits every day continuously, since Shen Lang return, the black mirror division spies who before laid down are awakened immediately completely, moreover is completely no use unimpeded in Kingdom of Yue, can see the will of the people in the ginger. 天越城的情报几乎每一天都源源不断地传来,自从沈浪归来之后,之前埋下的黑镜司间谍立刻全部被唤醒,而且在越国境内完全畅通无助,从中也能看出人心在姜。 „The army that now the Heavenly Exceed City defense line assembles surpasses 400,000, but our true enemies are Connecting the Heaven Temple and Hidden Yuan Society, have the Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion regiment, the Kingdom of Yue’s 400,000 army will of the people are very chaotic.” “如今天越城防线集结的军队超过四十万,但我们真正的敌人是通天寺隐元会、还有天涯海阁军团,越国的四十万大军人心很乱。” Shen Lang said: In these 400,000 armies, are how many people the tendency us?” 沈浪道:“这四十万军队中,有多少人是心向我们这边的?” Is over half.” The black mirror division spies said: But half are completely the army that Zhu Family trains, iron core with us for the enemy. Other half of army, so long as we won Connecting the Heaven Temple, Hidden Yuan Society and Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion’s allied armies, they can immediately the truce, even...... treachery.” “超过一半。”黑镜司间谍道:“但还有一半完全是祝氏训练出来的军队,是铁了心和我们为敌的。另外一半军队,只要我们赢了通天寺隐元会天涯海阁的联军,他们立刻就会停战,甚至……倒戈。” Shen Lang said: But some person and do you contact secretly?” 沈浪道:“可有人和你们秘密接触吗?” The black mirror division spies said: No, but we act very conveniently, even some brothers exposed the whereabouts, has not brought the danger as before, because of unmanned reporting, saw that we do not seem to seen general. Entire Kingdom of Yue longs for that you can win, hopes that you can become new Sun.” 黑镜司间谍道:“没有,但是我们行动非常方便,就算有的兄弟暴露了行踪,也依旧没有带来危险,因为无人举报,看到我们就仿佛没有看到一般。整个越国都渴望您能够胜利,希望您能成为新的太阳。” Shen Lang said: Now in Heavenly Exceed City, how many does the army of unique influence have?” 沈浪道:“如今天越城中,超脱势力的军队有多少?” The black mirror division spies said: Connecting the Heaven Temple 10,000 monk soldiers, Hidden Yuan Society from the beginning only then 10,000 blood and iron army, but soon, also there is a Hidden Yuan Society's army to enter Heavenly Exceed City. Now the everyone wait for the Zhu Hongxue blood soul army to return, this was known as that must eliminate your majesty main force.” 黑镜司间谍道:“通天寺一万僧兵,隐元会一开始只有一万铁血军,但是不久之后,又有隐元会的军队进驻了天越城。现在所有人都等待祝红雪的血魂军归来,这才是号称要消灭陛下的主力。” Shen Lang said: „Did Zhu Hongxue end at the wars of Western Region various country's?” 沈浪道:“祝红雪西域诸国的战争结束了吗?” The black mirror division spies said: Was quick, Western Region various countries and Great Tribulation Temple allied armies disastrous defeats. Zhu Hongxue must continue westbound, makes a connection with the channel of ten thousand li (5,000 km) big wilderness directly, because of your appearance, he possibly ended the wars of Western Region various country's ahead of time, returns to Kingdom of Yue.” 黑镜司间谍道:“快了,西域诸国和大劫寺联军惨败。原本祝红雪还要继续西进,直接打通去万里大荒漠的通道,但是因为您的出现,他可能提前结束西域诸国的战争,返回越国。” Shen Lang said: How many Western Region various countries and Great Tribulation Temple allied armies have specifically, so-called are 1 million is really false?” 沈浪道:“西域诸国和大劫寺联军具体有多少,所谓的百万是真是假?” Really.” The black mirror division spies said: Twenty countries went to battle, was called to defend one's country the holy war at Western Region various country war, therefore the so-called 1 million armies are real, rather than imaginary number.” “真。”黑镜司间谍道:“先后有二十几个国家出战,在西域诸国这场战争被称之为守土圣战,所以所谓的百万大军是真实的,而不是虚数。” Shen Lang said: But lost to the Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion’s 20,000 blood soul army as before is right?” 沈浪道:“但依旧败给了天涯海阁的两万血魂军对吗?” The black mirror division spies said: In fact, but also is less than 20,000.” 黑镜司间谍道:“事实上,还不到两万。” The Shen Lang innermost feelings sighed, the real greatest satire, the mysterious regiments of several big unique influences, to a great extent were because after assimilating the Jiang Li bloodlines research results, established. 沈浪内心叹息,真实莫大的讽刺啊,几大超脱势力的神秘军团,很大程度上都是因为吸收了姜离的血脉研究成果之后才建立的。 Even many regiments, Jiang Li establishes without enough time, finally was actually completed by several big unique influences. Believes that supreme Sovereign Emperor your majesty, is not glad to see this. 甚至很多军团,姜离都来不及建立,结果却被几大超脱势力建成了。相信那位至高无上的皇帝陛下,也不是非常乐意见到这一幕吧。 Shen Lang said: Continues to monitor the Western Region direction, waits for the Zhu Hongxue blood soul regiment to return, the Heavenly Exceed City decisive battle must break out officially.” 沈浪道:“继续监视西域方向,等祝红雪血魂军团归来,天越城大决战就要正式爆发了。” Yes!” “是!” .................. ……………… Raging Tide City target range! 怒潮城靶场! Shen Lang’s first batch of rifle guns left the plant finally, the Gold Mountain Island smelting workshop is Shen Lang designs personally, compared with Western World Mulan City these workshops, advanced were too simply many. 沈浪的第一批线膛炮终于出厂了,金山岛的冶炼工坊都是沈浪亲手设计的,比起西方世界木兰城的那些工坊,简直先进了太多。 Gold Mountain Island had several thousand blacksmiths, in addition Shen Lang several thousand blacksmiths who bring from the West, the continuous superior steel, therefore the construction speed of artillery far exceeds in Western World. 金山岛原本就有几千名铁匠,加上沈浪从西方带来的几千铁匠,还有源源不断的上等钢铁,所以火炮的建造速度远超在西方世界的时候。 Naturally, the rifle gun was also bigger, Shen Lang compared with the lubricated chamber cannon construction difficulty must use the good steel strong artillery especially, therefore after this, installed the research and development of rifle gun is almost the hell level difficulty. 当然了,线膛炮比起滑膛炮建造难度也大了许多,尤其沈浪还要用上好的钢铁铸炮,所以这后装线膛炮的研发几乎是地狱级难度。 compares, the research and development of column cone-shape high explosive shell instead are much smoother, including contact fuse progress, is much smoother than the imagination, because in the Shen Lang wisdom brain has the relevant material, nothing but turns into the practice the theory and that's the end. 相较而言,圆柱锥形榴弹的研发反而要顺利得多,包括触发引信的进度,也比想象中要顺利得多,因为沈浪智脑内都有相关的资料,无非就是将理论变成实践就是了。 Said is more direct, is the innumerable experiments, the innumerable failure, succeeded gradually, because of the material of wisdom brain, at least the direction is the absolutely correct. 说得再直接一些,就是无数次实验,无数次失败,渐渐就成功了,因为了智脑的资料,至少方向是绝对正确的。 This first batch of rifle guns, only have five merely. 这第一批线膛炮,仅仅只有五门。 Open fire!” “开炮!” Open fire!” “开炮!” As General Lan Feng orders, after five, installs the rifle gun to open fire unceasingly. 随着兰风将军一声令下,五门后装线膛炮不断开火。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖嗖……” This shell speed was simply astonishing, had the speed of chest cavity to surpass probably for more than 400 meters per seconds. 这炮弹速度简直惊人了,出膛的速度大概超过了四百多米每秒。 Naturally the artillery flying speed and rifle gun have certain relations, but does not have the decisive relations, the key used the brand-new shell, the gas tightness and blasting explosive energy efficiency promoted. Before with the sphere solid ball, the gas tightness was very even strong, the explosive explosion had the energy of part to be wasted eventually. 当然火炮飞行速度和线膛炮有一定关系,但没有决定性关系,关键还是采用了全新的炮弹,气密性和炸药能效提升了很多。之前用圆球实心弹,就算气密性很强,炸药爆炸终究有部分的能量被浪费掉了。 Merely after several seconds, five rounds of high explosive shells achieve the goal two kilometers away easily. 仅仅几秒钟之后,五发榴弹就轻而易举达到两千米之外的目标。 Rumbling rumbling......” “轰轰轰轰……” The earth-shaking explosion, the flame soars to the heavens, the ground shivers. Two houses were bombed directly, brick bat splash. 惊天动地的爆炸,火焰冲天,地面颤抖。两座房子直接被炸塌了,砖块飞溅。 Shen Lang subordinate various people were almost shocked, Shen Lang had said the might of rifle barrel with rifling artillery will be very strong, but has not thought that will be stronger than the former smooth bore solid shell so many, is completely several times of increase, this simply is the sharp weapon of slaughter. 沈浪麾下诸人几乎完全惊呆了,沈浪说过线膛榴弹炮的威力会很强,但是没有想到会比之前滑膛实心炮弹强得这么多,完全是几倍的增加,这简直是屠杀的利器。 Before the lubricated chamber cannon effective striking distance were not most over one kilometer, but beyond this rifle gun easily two kilometers, even can hit. 之前滑膛炮有效的攻击距离最多不会超过一千米,而这线膛炮轻而易举就两千米之外,甚至能够打得更远。 Moreover after the shell has the chest cavity, the trajectory is much stabler, the speed is also much faster, after the key is to fall to the ground, lethality that explodes, simply beyond comparison. 而且炮弹出膛之后,弹道要稳定得多,速度也要快得多,关键是落地后爆炸的杀伤力,简直无以伦比。 Your majesty, this new artillery was really strong, had these artilleries, we completely had the confidence to win the next war.” “陛下,这新火炮实在是太强了,有了这些火炮,我们完全有信心打赢下一场大战。” This new artillery is true revolutionary kills greatly.” “这新火炮才是真正革命性的大杀器。” However this experiment is not perfect, in the first round of test fire, the artillery firing gear jammed, successfully opens fire for the second time, moreover after open fire, appeared discouraged. Moreover, a total of five rounds of shells finally only then four rounds of explosions, round of dud, this is not very mature on behalf of the shell front contact fuse. 不过这次实验并不是完美的,第一轮试射中,有一门火炮击发装置卡壳了,第二次才成功开炮,而且开炮之后,还是出现了泄气。不仅如此,总共五发炮弹最终只有四发爆炸,有一发哑弹,这代表着炮弹前方的触发引信还不够成熟。 General Lan Feng ordered: Cannoneer, removes immediately dud.” 兰风将军下令道:“炮手,立刻去排除哑弹。” Yes!” A cannoneer incomparably rushes bravely, placed scrap blasting explosive in the dud front section, then lights the lead wire, then evacuates fast. “是!”一名炮手无比勇敢地冲了上去,在哑弹的前段安放了一小块炸药,然后点燃引线,接着飞快地撤离。 A moment later, a loud sound, that dud exploded finally. 片刻之后,一声巨响,那一枚哑弹终于爆炸了。 The time is tight, is very close to the Heavenly Exceed City decisive battle, leaving the Shen Lang’s time are not much. 时间已经非常紧迫了,距离天越城大决战已经很近了,留给沈浪的时间不多了。 His artillery workshop must solve a lot of problems that the rifle gun has as soon as possible, and makes massively. 他的火炮工坊必须在最短时间内解决线膛炮存在的大量问题,并且大规模地制造。 So long as there are 100 new-style artilleries, we can win the Heavenly Exceed City decisive battle.” General Lan Feng exciting say/way. “只要有一百门新式火炮,我们就能打赢天越城大决战。”兰风将军兴奋道。 Shen Lang smiles without saying anything. 沈浪笑而不语。 .................. ……………… Dear younger brother, I came back.” Hella crashed in the big castle warmly to hug Shen Lang, the vision searched for everywhere, has not seen her heart and liver darling Yaoyao, a little lost slightly. “亲爱的弟弟,我回来了。”海拉冲进大城堡热烈地拥抱了沈浪一下,目光到处搜寻,没有见到她的心肝宝贝幺幺,稍稍有点失落。 Several days ago, Hella led the bravest Skeleton Gang warrior to mount that islands of Zhu Family secret base, after several small and fierce fights, took the entire island finally. 十几天前,海拉率领最勇敢的骷髅党武士登上了祝氏家族秘密基地的那个岛屿,经过了几场小型而又激烈的战斗,终于拿下了整个岛。 The black death cannot kill the everyone on islands poisonously as before, has the survivor of small part as before, this crowd of person martial arts its high, Hella and Princess Dora and other experts make a move personally, finally enters the people in islands to surpass several hundred talents to kill these survivors completely. 黑死病毒依旧没能杀死岛屿上的所有人,依旧有小部分的幸存者,这群人武功其高,海拉多拉公主等高手亲自出手,最后进入岛屿的人超过几百人才将这些幸存者全部杀死。 What is strange is they have not isolated thoroughly, without the infection black death is unexpectedly poisonous, therefore Hella captured several people, brings Raging Tide City to wait for the Shen Lang’s research, why this group of people have not infected the virus. 非常古怪的是他们并没有彻底隔离,竟然没有感染黑死病毒,所以海拉俘虏了几人,带来怒潮城等待沈浪的研究,这群人为何没有感染病毒。 Harvests in a big way?” Shen Lang asked. “收获大吗?”沈浪问道。 Harvest is huge, but also does not have to attain.” Hella said: This group of people before, sealed at the point of death completely all secret weapons in some secret room in antiquity vestige, we resorted to all means that is unable to open this secret room. No matter with the blasting explosive, is the thermit, the gate of this secret room returns safe and sound.” “收获巨大,但是又毫无所获。”海拉道:“这群人在临死之前,把所有的秘密武器全部封存起来在上古遗迹内的某个密室之内,我们动用了一切手段,都无法打开这个密室。不管是用炸药,还是铝热剂,这个密室的门毫发未损。” But I can affirm, in this antiquity vestige secret room definitely deposited very astonishing antiquity secret weapon. At that time we saw clearly on the hot-air balloon, the bow and arrow that in that islands everyone equipped can project kilometer far, particularly the giant strong crossbow, can shoot to 1500 meters upper air, moreover can explode.” “但是我敢肯定,这个上古遗迹密室内肯定存放了非常惊人的上古秘密武器。当时我们在热气球上看得清清楚楚,那个岛屿上所有人装备的弓箭能够射出千米之远,尤其是巨型强弩,能够射到一千五百米的高空,而且还能爆炸。” Not only that in the island has few people even to wear boots, can have the astonishing speed, moreover can bounce to jump more than ten meters high.” “不仅如此,岛上有极少数人甚至穿着一种靴子,能够拥有惊人的速度,而且还能弹跳跃起十几米高。” These antiquity civilization equipment, Shen Lang has seen before more than two years, six big unique influence several thousand top powerhouses, wear the buoyancy boots completely, can tread the wave the line. 这些上古文明装备,沈浪在两年多前就见过了,六大超脱势力几千名顶级强者,全部都穿着浮力靴,都能够踏浪而行。 However these are not most important.” Hella said: We suspected that in this antiquity vestige, they are still conducting some fatal fearful weapon research and development. Because we clash, the survivors said were a pity, what a pity they have not succeeded, otherwise can kill us instantaneously completely, even the entire entire fleet will destroy, however our fleets dispersed around the islands at that time, from several kilometers, how they also to destroy our fleets instantaneously?” “然而这些都不是最重要的。”海拉道:“我们怀疑这个上古遗迹中,他们还在进行某种更加致命可怕的武器研发。因为我们冲进去的时候,有一个幸存者说可惜,可惜他们还没有成功,否则能够将我们瞬间全部杀死,甚至将整个整个舰队都毁灭,然而当时我们的舰队分散在岛屿周围,距离几千米,他们如何瞬间把我们的舰队也毁灭呢?” Shen Lang said: Caught several captives?” 沈浪道:“抓来了几个俘虏?” Three.” Hella said. “三个。”海拉道。 Shen Lang said: Leads me to go, prepares to interrogate!” 沈浪道:“带我去,准备审讯!” .................. ……………… These three captives are not powerful military, but is the bachelor, had the astonishing will, Skeleton Gang had conducted crazy suffering to them, their character did not only say as before. Skeleton Gang is almost the expert of penalty, what interrogated and tortured is the method is very wise, does not have to attain. 这三个俘虏都不是强大的武者,而是学士,拥有惊人的意志,骷髅党已经对他们进行了疯狂的折磨,他们却依旧只字不言。骷髅党几乎是刑罚的专家,拷问的是手段是非常高明的,却毫无所获。 After Shen Lang acts, all were different. 沈浪出手之后,一切就都不同了。 Because he has the most powerful spitting real medicinal preparation, this medicine Shen Lang started in the former Count of Xuanwu Residence’s time with, withstood the test. The CIA of American imperialists interrogated with this thing, almost succeeded without a single exception, because its direct role in the brain, the strong willpower was even useless. 因为他有最强大的吐真剂,这种药物沈浪在之前玄武伯爵府的时候就开始用了,屡试不爽。美帝的中情局都用这玩意进行审问,几乎毫无例外地成功了,因为它直接作用于大脑,就算再强的意志力都没有用。 After the bachelor in this Zhu Family secret base injected one, he immediately opens the front door of new world. 给这个祝氏家族秘密基地的学士注射了一针之后,他立刻打开了新世界的大门。 „Did you seal in the secret weapon the secret room in antiquity vestige?” Shen Lang asked. “你们是不是把秘密武器都封存到上古遗迹的密室中了?”沈浪问道。 Yes, sealed completely.” That official scholar floating say/way, the whole person as if entered the thorough dream condition. “是啊,全部封存了。”那个大学士飘然道,整个人仿佛进入了彻底梦幻的状态。 Shen Lang said: How does that open that secret room?” 沈浪道:“那如何打开那个密室?” Could not open, was impossible to open.” That bachelor hee hee said with a smile: Does not have the maximum jurisdiction, was impossible to open that secret room.” “打不开了,不可能打开了。”那个学士嘻嘻笑道:“没有最高权限,根本不可能打开那个密室了。” Shen Lang said: Who has the maximum jurisdiction?” 沈浪道:“谁有最高权限?” scholar Zhu Family said: Master, Young Lord.” 祝氏学士道:“主人,少主。” Shen Lang said: What secret weapon in secret room has?” 沈浪道:“密室里面都有什么秘密武器?” Secret weapon?” scholar Zhu Family said: Inside most important is not the secret weapon, but kills greatly, super kills greatly, destroys day of extinguishes the place kills greatly, so long as a detonation, bang, you anything does not have at present, no matter any army, no matter any castle, unravelled directly.” “秘密武器?”祝氏学士道:“里面最最重要的不是秘密武器,而是大杀器,超级大杀器,毁天灭地的大杀器,只要一引爆,轰的一声,你眼前什么东西都没有了,不管什么军队,不管什么城堡,直接灰飞烟灭了。” Shen Lang said: This secret kills greatly existence, does Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion know?” 沈浪道:“这个秘密大杀器的存在,天涯海阁知道吗?” Does not know, they do not know.” The Zhu Family official scholar said blurredly: Our Zhu Family is impossible to depend upon Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion forever, we want powerful, must have the true strength.” “不知道,他们不知道。”祝氏大学士迷离道:“我们祝氏家族不可能永远依靠天涯海阁,我们想要强大,必须拥有真正的力量。” Shen Lang said: That this super kills greatly, did you succeed?” 沈浪道:“那这个超级大杀器,你们成功了吗?” Has not succeeded.” scholar Zhu Family said: „The thing of antiquity world was too complex, we used the entire more than ten years, only progressed little. This secret base was used to train the family secret experts, since discovered after in antiquity vestige super killed greatly, our families used the innumerable strengths, concentrated on to study this to kill greatly. Several years, the entire more than ten years, have not completed the final breakthrough, can never grasp its strength.” “没有成功。”祝氏学士道:“上古世界的东西太复杂了,我们用了整整十几年时间,都只进展了一点点。原本这个秘密基地是用来培养家族秘密高手的,但是自从发现了上古遗迹内的这个超级大杀器之后,我们家族就动用了无数的力量,专注研究这个大杀器。十几年啊,整整十几年时间,都没有完成最后的突破,始终不能掌握它的力量。” Shen Lang said: Where that does super kill greatly? Also in the secret room in antiquity vestige?” 沈浪道:“那个超级大杀器在哪里?也在上古遗迹的密室内吗?” Right, right.” Zhu Family official scholar say/way: So long as we succeed, grasps to destroy day of the strength of extinguishing the place, our Zhu Family was really by that time powerful, we established rare achievement, hahahaha......” “对,对。”祝氏家族大学士道:“只要我们成功,就掌握毁天灭地的力量,到那个时候我们祝氏就真的强大了,我们就立下不世之功了,哈哈哈哈……” Shen Lang said: Prepares, we go to this Zhu Family secret base immediately.” 沈浪道:“准备一下,我们立刻去这个祝氏家族秘密基地。” Shen Lang can feel in this antiquity vestige secret room super kills greatly will have the huge role to him, even can control the entire war. Otherwise Zhu Family will not invest over a thousand people, consumes for more than ten years to study it. 沈浪能够感觉到这个上古遗迹密室内的超级大杀器对他会有巨大之作用,甚至能够左右整个战局。否则祝氏家族不会投入上千人,耗费十几年时间去研究它。 After half double-hour, Shen Lang boards the quickest ships, goes toward that secret islands navigation. 半个时辰后,沈浪登上最快的舰船,朝着那个秘密岛屿航行而去。 Several days later, Shen Lang mounted Zhu Family to operate dozens years of secret base islands. 几天之后,沈浪登上祝氏家族经营了几十年的秘密基地岛屿。 Hopes this guild has the huge harvest beyond comparison. 希望此行会有无以伦比的巨大收获。 .................. ……………… Note: Today renews 16,500! The everyone benefactor monthly ticket helps me, immediately was exploded, but can also save? 注:今天更新一万六千五!诸位恩公月票助我,马上被爆,还能挽救一下吗? Thanks anything 111, the rain free 20,000 coins hit to enjoy. 谢谢什么111,雨逍遥的两万币打赏。
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