HSH :: Volume #2

#104: Zhang Chong shocks shockingly! Ultra strange decision( 6)

Hears the Shen Lang’s words, looks at that several woman the running sore of body again, Wang Lian was completely dull. 听到沈浪的话,再看那几个女人的身体的毒疮,王涟完全呆了。 His eye a while looks at Shen Lang, a while is looking at these women, a while looks to approach own bird. 他的眼睛一会儿望着沈浪,一会儿望着那些女人,一会儿又望向自己的小鸟。 It can be said that. 可以这么说吧。 Regarding these x gets sick Wang Lian to know from A to Z. 对于这些x病王涟了如指掌。 Their these jurens play in secret very much open, sometimes also asks the pitiful woman who gets sick like this to appreciate specially. 他们这些举人私底下玩得很开的,有些时候还专门找来这样得病的可怜女人进行鉴赏。 Moreover his some friends have not the careful move. 而且他的有些朋友也有不小心中招的。 In the surrounding person of surface was very at that time sorrowful, sheds bitter tears to shout, won't the student be so careful? However in the heart is merry compels, ha, the next branch test was short of an opponent. 当时周围人表面上无比悲痛,痛哭流涕喊道,年兄怎会如此不小心啊?但是心中却快活得一逼,哈哈哈,下一科考试又少了一个对手了。 But now, Wang Lian become the move. 而现在,王涟自己成为了中招者。 Then will be pitiful, he can definitely expect to obtain. 接下来会有多么悲惨,他完全能够预料得到。 Did not have penicillin in the ancient times, therefore plum / poisonous was incurable disease, can only wait for death. 在古代没有青霉素,所以梅/毒是不治之症,只能等死的。 „..................” “啊……啊……啊……” Wang Lian is whooshing sad and shrill, goes all out to hit the wall with the head. 王涟凄厉地嘶吼着,拼命用脑袋撞墙。 He goes crazy desperately, goes all out to vent the fear of innermost feelings. 他拼命地发疯,拼命发泄自己内心的恐惧。 Then, he looks down oneself bird one suddenly. 接着,他忽然低下头看了自己的小鸟一眼。 Shen Lang hands over a blade silently, said slowly: Now sheared, perhaps also with enough time.” 沈浪默默递过去一把刀,缓缓道:“现在割了,或许还来得及。” Sheared, sheared......” Shen Lang saying: In such world is undesirous, did not have the worry again.” “割了吧,割了吧……”沈浪道:“这样世上再无欲望,再无烦恼了。” Wang Lian looks to the Shen Lang’s vision, was full of the deeply ingrained hatred, fiercely said: Shen Lang don't you want to live? You have died to being imminent, why can also harm me?” 王涟望向沈浪的目光,充满了刻骨的仇恨,厉声道:“沈浪你不想活了吗?你已经死到临头了,为何还要来害我?” Shen Lang retrocedes one step. 沈浪后退一步。 Jin Hui leaves ranks, all things of will tell Wang Lian yesterday evening. 金晦出列,将昨天晚上发生的所有事情都告诉了王涟 Then, Wang Lian thorough was dull! 然后,王涟彻底呆了! The innermost feelings surged the limitless pain. 内心涌起了无边无际的痛楚。 Did Shen Lang win unexpectedly? 沈浪竟然赢了? In this aspect, did he win? 在这种局面,他都赢了? Thinks again own last night has made all, Wang Lian ice all over the body is cold, staggers to sit falls to the ground. 再想想自己昨夜做过的一切,王涟遍体冰寒,踉跄坐倒在地。 His juren academic honor must be eliminated. 他的举人功名要被剥夺了。 Moreover, he also offended Liu Wuyan. 而且,他还得罪了柳无岩 He ended, he ended! 他完了,他完了! Why, why?” Wang Lian sits on the ground wails. “为什么,为什么?”王涟坐在地上嚎啕大哭。 Your Shen Lang obviously is only lowly ants, why can act in a self-serving manner.” Wang Lian sobbing sound said: Why you can get married Jin Mulan, why you can enjoy the nabobism, why can you win?” “你沈浪明明只是一个卑贱的蝼蚁,为什么就可以为所欲为啊。”王涟泣声道:“为什么你能迎娶金木兰,为什么你能够享受荣华富贵,为什么你能赢啊?” I am a juren, I am a talented person, why you can obtain these things, can't I obtain?” “我是举人,我是才子啊,凭什么你能得到这些东西,我却得不到?” Wang Lian goes all out to vent the pain of innermost feelings. 王涟拼命发泄着内心的痛苦。 Shen Lang said sincerely: Brother Wang Lian, your issues I also engage in introspection frequently.” 沈浪真诚道:“王涟兄,你的这些问题我也经常扪心自问。” My Shen Lang always asked the heaven, will I why so graceful? Will I why so outstanding? Why can I such awesome? However I asked several, ascends the sky has not replied me, I could not find the answer.” “我沈浪经常问上天,为什么我会这么帅?为什么我会这么优秀?为什么我会这么牛逼?但是我问了好几遍,上天都没有回答我,至今我都找不到答案。” Wang Lian does not cry, because he had food stuck in the throat. 王涟不哭了,因为他被噎住了。 „......” Nearby Jin Hui caused one intensely ill. “咳咳……”旁边的金晦引起了一阵强烈不适。 What's wrong?” Shen Lang asked lightly. “怎么?”沈浪淡淡问道。 All right, Son-in-Law said right.” Jin Hui said, then he looks the Son-in-Law look thought some did not feel relieved, changed a statement: Lord said right.” “没事,姑爷说得对。”金晦道,接着他看着姑爷的眼神觉得有些不放心,又改口道:“主子说得对。” „, You will chat, I like.” Shen Lang said. “诶,就你会聊天,我喜欢。”沈浪道。 pū cì......” nearby four pitiful beautiful women could not bear provoke laughter. 噗刺……”旁边四个可怜的美女忍不住被逗笑了。 They looked to the Shen Lang’s vision were full of the affection, was really lovable young my dear, but their quick vision became incomparably low-spirited. 她们望向沈浪的目光充满了喜爱,真是可爱的小郎君啊,但是她们很快目光变得无比黯然。 Because side young my dear is also lovable, more serves as contrast their life tragedy more, they had the dirty sickness, shortly after the life. 因为身边这个小郎君也可爱,就越衬托得她们人生越悲剧,她们得了脏病,命不久矣了。 Shen Lang said: Brother Wang Lian, why therefore is similar me so to be such graceful the outstanding abstruse issue, you did not want to interrogate and torture the soul. We think that the present matter, for example does rip?” 沈浪道:“王涟兄,所以类似我为何这么帅这么优秀的深奥问题,你就不要在拷问灵魂了。我们想想眼前的事情吧,比如割掉?” Brother Wang Lian, your friend should have these sickness, dying is very miserable is very miserable.” 王涟兄,你身边的朋友应该有得过这些病的吧,死得都很惨很惨吧。” I thought that you rip now also with enough time .” The Shen Lang expression incomparably said earnestly: Now the blood poison has not entered your veins, now rips your life is also saved, passed half quarter again without enough time.” “我觉得你现在割掉还来得及,真的。”沈浪表情无比认真道:“现在血毒还没有进入你的筋脉,现在割掉你的命还有得救,再过半刻钟就来不及了。” Brother Wang Lian, the man must to oneself, say sometimes ruthlessly again should enjoy you to enjoy.” 王涟兄,男人有些时候就要对自己狠一点,再说该享受你都已经享受过了啊。” Begins, for your life, begins!” “动手吧,为了你的性命,动手吧!” Without enough time, the poor life was again important late. After ripping, could open the front door of new world? You should know man hi way one type, could not do incessantly 1, made 0 also to be able.” “再晚就来不及了,小命重要啊。割掉以后,说不定能够打开新世界的大门呢?你应该知道男人嗨的方式不止一种啊,做不了一,做0也是可以的啊。” Countdown starts.” “倒计时开始。” You do not rip, the blood poison must enter the veins, could not rescue again, you must die.” “你再不割掉,血毒就要进入筋脉,再也救不回来了,你就要死定了。” Ten, nine, eight, seven......” “十,九,八,七……” Wang Lian is shivering, conducted the most painful live or die. 王涟颤抖着,进行了最最痛苦的生死抉择。 He felt like, now rips the possibility, perhaps really with enough time. 他隐约觉得,现在割掉可能,或许真的来得及。 The life is more important. 还是性命更重要啊。 After ripping, oneself can also enter the palace to work as the court eunuch, can definitely have the head place with own talent. 割掉之后,自己还可以进宫当太监,凭着自己的才华肯定会出人头地吧。 After becoming the court eunuch, he will betray oneself all, receiving in exchange reaches the eunuch peak. 成为太监之后,他会出卖自己的一切,换取登上宦官的巅峰。 By that time, he kills again, the Count of Xuanwu Residence extermination, skins the cramp Shen Lang. 到那个时候,他再杀回来,将玄武伯爵府灭门,将沈浪扒皮抽筋。 Why takes revenge, all are worth, all are worth! 为何复仇,一切都是值得的,一切都是值得的! Shen Lang, after I become the eunuch big shot comes back, certainly kills your entire family, kills your entire family! 沈浪,等我成为宦官大佬回来之后,一定杀你全家,杀你全家! Right, this is the opportunity that I take revenge only. 对,这已经是我唯一复仇的机会了。 Rips itself, enters the palace to work as the court eunuch, revenges, revenges! 割掉自己,进宫当太监,报仇,报仇! „......” “啊……” Has the full hatred, Wang Lian to pick up the ground the dagger, wields fiercely among own hip. 带着满腔的仇恨,王涟捡起地上的匕首,朝着自己的胯间猛地挥下。 True shearing to govern forever! 真正的割以永治啊! The true desire practices this merit, must first from the palace. 真正的欲练此功,必先自宫啊。 awesome! 牛逼啊! Shen Lang looks at scalp tingles. 沈浪看得头皮发麻。 Shen Lang said submissively: Brother Wang Lian, your awesome, my Shen Lang clothing/taking.” 沈浪拱手道:“王涟兄,你牛逼,我沈浪服了。” The Wang Lian big hoarseness exclaimed: What kind of? What kind of?” 王涟大声嘶吼道:“怎么样?怎么样?” Shen Lang said: Brother Wang Lian awesome, you unexpectedly really from palace. The blood and iron real man, the little brother pays homage to full of admiration.” 沈浪道:“王涟兄牛逼,你竟然真的自宫了。铁血真汉子,小弟膜拜得五体投地。” But...... Brother Wang Lian I forgot to tell you, before you woke up, I have poured into your bloodlines all poisonous blood, therefore you ripped are not useful.” “但是……王涟兄我忘记告诉你了,在你醒来之前,我已经将所有的毒血注入你的血脉了,所以你割掉也没有什么用了。” These fearful dirty sickness, will erupt on you, you will die as before incomparably pitifully.” “那些可怕的脏病,还是会在你身上爆发的,你依旧会死得无比悲惨的。” „Some few words saying well, your pitifulness, is my joy.” “有一句话说得好,你的悲惨,就是我的快乐。” I satisfied, said goodbye!” “我满足了,告辞!” You wait for death here rottenly, I will send people to give you to deliver the food.” “你就在这里腐烂等死吧,我会派人给你送饭的。” „The next life, remembers that do not provoke I such graceful person, is very sensitive because of the graceful people.” “下一辈子,记得千万不要招惹我这么帅的人,因为帅的人都很敏感。” Then, Shen Lang swaggers away. 然后,沈浪扬长而去。 The door shuts tightly. 房门紧闭。 After the moment, coming two doctors to be fully-armed, deceived the whole body, they came to give the Wang Lian hematischesis, and sutured the wound. 片刻后,来了两个大夫全副武装,蒙住了全身,他们进来给王涟止血,并且缝合伤口。 „..................” “啊……啊……啊……” Leaves behind crazy Wang Lian, living to might as well die! 留下疯狂的王涟,生不如死! ...... …… Many thanks four elder sisters.” Shen Lang bows to salute toward that four pitiful beautiful woman. “多谢四位姐姐。”沈浪朝着那四个可怜的美女躬身行礼。 Is that beautiful humanity of head: No, can help you such graceful boy at the point of death before, is a joyful matter.” 为首的那个美人道:“没什么,临死之前能够帮到你这么帅的男孩子,也是一件快乐的事情。” The second beautiful woman clenches jaws, the sob said: Young Master Shen, you may know where on me the dirty sickness comes? Is the person who this Wang Lian brings passes to me, on then verse club he lost, I was only have not borne smile one, she retaliated me like this.” 第二个美女咬牙切齿,哭泣道:“沈公子,你可知道我身上的脏病是哪里来的吗?就是这王涟带来的人传给我的,当时的诗会上他输了,我只是没有忍住笑了一声而已,她就这样报复我。” No wonder this beautiful woman has been hoodwinking the face a moment ago, does not make Wang Lian recognize. 难怪这个美人刚才一直蒙着脸,就是不让王涟认出来。 The Shen Lang facial color said sorrowfully: Several elder sisters, if trades in another world, I could cure your sickness. However here, I cannot cure, sorry!” 沈浪面色悲痛道:“几位姐姐,如果换在另外一个世界,我或许能够治好你们身上的病。但是在这里,我治不好,对不起!” The Shen Lang’s words they cannot understand, but they can actually hear deeply regretting in Shen Lang heart. 沈浪的话她们听不懂,但是她们却能够听到沈浪心中的痛惜。 Shen Lang warmly said: I prepare a lonesome and quiet courtyard, planted to fill the flowers and plants, every day some people will send to food and pretty clothing, even the rouge cosmetic will not be few, four elder sister's following days lived there peacefully. Your parental family members, I will send to a sum of money, must make them be able to enjoy old age in peace.” 沈浪温柔道:“我准备一个幽静的院子,种满了花草,每天都会有人送去食物和漂亮的衣衫,甚至胭脂水粉也不会少,四位姐姐接下来的日子就安静地住在那里吧。你们的父母家人,我会送去一笔钱,务必让他们能够安享晚年。” Is that pitiful beautiful woman tears of head said blurredly: Many thanks young master.” 为首的那个可怜美人眼泪迷离道:“多谢公子。” Then, on her face reveals charmingly says with a smile: Young Master Shen, if there is a next life, moreover my body is clean. Runs into you again, I will make you unable to get out of bed for three days and three nights, rest you.” 接着,她脸上露出妩媚一笑道:“沈公子,如果有下一辈子,而且我身子干净的话。再一次遇到你,我会让你三天三夜下不了床,睡死你。” Shen Lang said faintly: Little elder sister, you harmed my stone!” 沈浪幽幽道:“小姐姐,你害得我石更了!” These words should be biggest awarding, a few words that also most has not discriminated against. 这句话应该是最大的褒奖,也是最没有歧视的一句话。 Several pitiful beautiful women smile, tears turbulently. 几个可怜的美人噗哧一笑,眼泪汹涌而出。 Then, they retroceded one step, lest own breath can contaminate Shen Lang. 然后,她们又后退了一步,唯恐自己的呼吸会沾染到沈浪 Really lets person of my dear who loves the ghost, really envies Jin Mulan. 真是让人爱煞的郎君啊,真是羡慕金木兰啊。 Can be so attractive, is so intelligent, is so lovable, husband who sympathizes warm. 能有这么漂亮,这么聪明,这么可爱,这么温体贴的丈夫啊。 ...... …… Yesterday evening after the engagement banquet ended, Zhang Jin watched to ride a horse to rush to Raging River County. 昨天晚上订婚宴会结束后,张晋不眠不休骑马赶到了怒江郡 Before sunrise time, he had entered Administrator Residence. 天不亮的时候,他就已经进了太守府 Father Zhang Chong has not rested, but looks at the urgent report of national capital to be in a daze. 父亲张翀没有睡,而是望着国都的急报发呆。 Jin Jun plots a rebellion! 矜君谋反! Will this curl up what kind of astonishing storm? 这会卷起何等的惊人风暴? How many people will have therefore dead? 会有多少人因此而死? What change in situation will the new deal have? 新政会出现什么变局? All throw blurredly! 一切都扑所迷离啊! After Zhang Jin to/clashes, kneels in father's front directly. 张晋冲进来之后,直接跪在父亲的面前。 Father, the engagement feast besieged the Count of Xuanwu Residence preview failure.” Zhang Jin said: Asked the father to forgive.” “父亲,订婚宴围攻玄武伯爵府预演失败了。”张晋道:“请父亲恕罪。” Zhang Chong nods. 张翀点了点头。 This result, he has expected. 这个结果,他已经预料到了。 concealed poem that four characters in Shen Lang book, may you be punished by heaven Jin Jun, he has discovered. 沈浪书中的藏头诗那四个字,天诛矜君,他早就发现了。 He discovers immediately, this kills the Shen Lang’s opportunity, the opportunity that entire Count of Xuanwu Residence gets into the water. 他立刻发现,这是弄死沈浪的机会,是将整个玄武伯爵府拖下水的机会。 However, his instinct is not happy. 但是,他本能不是高兴。 But smells intense plot taste. 而是嗅到一股强烈的阴谋味。 Therefore, he first sent several waves of people, the first wave goes to the governor's mansion, the second wave has gone, the tertiary wave goes to Kingdom of Nan'ou. 所以,他第一时间派去了几波人,第一波去总督府,第二波去过都,第三波去南殴国 From Shen Lang this conceals poem he judged that a possibility, Jin Jun possibly plots a rebellion. 沈浪这首藏头诗中他判断出一个可能性,矜君可能谋反。 The Jin Jun reputation is excellent, he and monarch are not the fathers and sons surpass the fathers and sons, is perfectly suited to each other with Princess Ning Luo. 矜君名声极好,他和国君不是父子胜似父子,和宁萝公主更是情投意合。 However these things deceived the ordinary people, deceived Li Wenzheng this new successful candidate, where also deceived Zhang Chong this shrewd and crafty real power great person. 然而这些东西骗得了普通老百姓,骗得了李文正这种新进士,又哪里骗得过张翀这种老奸巨猾的实权大人物。 However Zhang Chong really cannot believe, Jin Jun will plot a rebellion on own initiative. 但是张翀真的不敢相信,矜君会主动谋反。 Therefore, he has not made Zhang Jin hold this fatal blade to Shen Lang, but looked for Li Wenzheng this silly fork. 所以,他没有让张晋沈浪捅这致命一刀,而是找来了李文正这个傻叉。 The sense of crisis of this person, the political keen feeling is really astonishing. 此人的危机感,政治敏锐感真是惊人。 However, when matter happened truly, Zhang Chong is shocked. 但是,当事情真正发生的时候,张翀还是惊呆了。 Jin Jun really plotted a rebellion unexpectedly blatantly! 矜君竟然真的公然谋反了啊! Then, domestic politics / bureau must change. 接下来,国内的政/局要变啊。 Does a Shen Lang little son in law who takes wife's name, know this secret ahead of time? 沈浪一个小小赘婿,是如何提前知道这个秘密啊? This is also not most essential, what is most essential is he takes the bull by the horns unexpectedly, lays down this fatal trap in the book, waits for others to step on. 这还不是最关键的,最关键的是他竟然当机立断,在书中埋下这个致命陷阱,等着别人踩进去。 Almost, Zhang Jin stepped on. 差一点点,张晋就踩进去了。 Once Zhang Jin steps on, that consequence is dreadful, even his Zhang Chong’s future was dangerous. 一旦张晋踩进去,那后果不堪设想,连他张翀的前途都危险了。 This little son in law who takes wife's name, is really...... awesome! 这个小赘婿,真是……牛逼啊! You said completely yesterday evening matter.” Zhang Chong said. “你把昨天晚上的事情全部细细道来。”张翀道。 Zhang Jin kneels on the ground, last night matter of 1510 occurrence. 张晋跪在地上,将昨夜发生之事一五一十道来。 Son disappointed the father, asking the father to fall the crime.” Zhang Jin kotows. “儿子让父亲失望了,请父亲降罪。”张晋叩首。 No, you not wrong.” Zhang Chong said: You had made some mistakes before, but last night dealing was correct.” “不,你没有错。”张翀道:“你之前犯过一些错误,但昨夜的应对是正确的。” Zhang Jin said: But the son suffered a crushing defeat last night.” 张晋道:“但儿子昨夜输得一败涂地。” Zhang Chong said: That does not close your matter, was your enemy...... is too fierce.” 张翀道:“那不关你的事情,是你的敌人太……厉害了。” This saying executed the heart, making Zhang Jin more uncomfortable. 这话就更诛心了,让张晋更加难受。 Fierce, fierce......” Zhang Chong said: For a long time very long has not seen such fierce young people very much, having the talent is not anything, the key is full of wisdom, having the wisdom is not anything, the key is cruel and merciless.” “厉害啊,厉害啊……”张翀道:“很久很久没有见过这么厉害的年轻人了,有才华不算什么,关键有智慧,有智慧也不算什么,关键心狠手辣。” Really is astounding, the character was really so a pity in Count of Xuanwu Residence, what a pity!” Zhang Chong is stroking hand «Boundless Love Affair of the Golden Lotus», admires greatly saying: This boy, if with me, had confidence for ten years to mount the position of prime minister for the father.” “真是让人惊艳啊,如此人物在玄武伯爵府真是可惜了,可惜了!”张翀抚摸着手中的《金/瓶/梅之风月无边》,激赏道:“这小子如果跟了我,为父有把握十年之内登上宰相之位。” Zhang Jin clenches jaws saying: „Does there child want completely all means that to kill him?” 张晋咬牙切齿道:“那儿子想尽一切办法,杀了他?” Cannot massacre, this is a seductress, how to possibly give you opportunity?” Zhang Chong said: „Did he and Jin Mulan consummate a marriage? Has rested?” “杀不掉的,这就是一只狐狸精,怎么可能会给你机会?”张翀道:“他和金木兰圆房了吗?睡过没?” Administrator Zhang Chong this saying is really the powerful and unconstrained style. 张翀太守这话真是天马行空啊。 Zhang Jin was shocked, he said some little time: Should not have.” 张晋都惊呆了,足足好一会儿他道:“应该没有。” Has?” Zhang Chong said. “有还是没有?”张翀道。 No.” Zhang Jin said. “没有。”张晋道。 Zhang Chong said: Asked your younger sister Chunhua to come, making her find the way to be close to Shen Lang, rested him!” 张翀道:“去叫你妹妹春华过来,让她想办法接近沈浪,睡了他!” ...... …… Note: Sixth delivers, the cakes and pastries are really exhausted! The Brother pays respects request monthly ticket, gives me the strength, did obeisance to you! 注:第六更送上,糕点真是精疲力尽!拜求兄弟们的月票啊,给我力量,给你们拜了!
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