HS :: Volume #22

#2180: All such as beginning big result

One year later. 一年后。 Divine Venerate Continent obtained the reconstruction, sect and schools has stood in great numbers, spiritual qi was more abundant. 神尊大陆得到了重建,门派林立,灵气更盛。 Sealed day great array to vanish, flew into immortal once more becomes dreams in all member hearts. 封天大阵消失了,飞入仙道再次成为所有修士心中的梦想。 Since that Peak one post-war, nobody has seen again also Qin Feng, he disappeared from Divine Venerate Continent probably was the same, without a trace. 自从那巅峰一战后,再也没有人见过秦枫,他好像是从神尊大陆上消失了一样,无影无踪。 Northern Sand Region Hongfang, a youth sits in the lakeside looks at Changkong (vast sky) dull, this is the matter that his past year every day handles. 沙洲红坊市,一位少年坐在湖边呆望长空,这是他近一年来每天都做的事情。 Since Peak one post-war, Hongfang vanished from northern Sand Region, nobody can find this place again, because around Hongfang was arranged Level 9 to hide great array by the youth, in the big downtown streets only then he lives. 自从巅峰一战后,红坊市就从北沙洲上消失了,再也没有人能找到这个地方,因为红坊市四周被少年布置了九级隐藏大阵,偌大的坊市中只有他一人生活。 The youth are Qin Feng, but Hongfang was he just arrived at north Divine Venerate Continent First after Sand Region to settle down. 少年便是秦枫,而红坊市是他刚来到神尊大陆沙洲后的第一个驻足点。 At that time Xu Ruorou several females were sent Elder to settle on to bring back to sect and schools by the beginning of the universe, because Qin Feng actually Spirit Root was inferior, can only be doing odd jobs Disciple that the beginning of the universe sent. 当时许若柔几女被混元派长老看中带回门派,秦枫却因为灵根低劣,只能作为混元派的打杂弟子 Ten for several years, Qin Feng from initially enters Divine Venerate Continent in an instant, became present four continent First Venerable, but all these are not he want, he wants was actually very simple, found the females and mother, then returned to Earth. 一转眼十数年,秦枫从初入神尊大陆,成为了如今的四洲第一强尊,而这一切并非他想要的,他要的其实很简单,找到众女和母亲,然后重返地球。 But all these became the bubble, all people have put in the strength of self-sacrifice inheritance, but he tries various means to try to return to Earth in this year, finally is actually not able to achieve wishes. 可这一切都成为了泡影,所有人都付出了传承之力自我牺牲,而他这一年间尝试各种办法试图回到地球,却最终无法如愿。 Short one year of time, looked like as if crossed in Qin Feng ten centuries, he white-haired, the look vicissitudes, 30 years old, actually likely were the 300-year-old appearance. 短短一年时光,在秦枫看来仿佛渡过了十个世纪,他满头白发,神色沧桑,年仅30岁,却像是300岁的模样。 Master! When I the primary election did make a mistake?” Little Fragrant Pig opens the mouth suddenly, in this year, Qin Feng also can only every day with the Little Fragrant Pig exchange. 主人!是不是我当初选错了?”小香猪突然开口,这一年来,秦枫每天也只能和小香猪交流。 Not true to with wrong, but the result keeps me from accepting.” The Qin Feng sound is hoarse. “没有真正的对与错,只是结果让我无法接受。”秦枫声音沙哑。 Little Fragrant Pig is similar today some changes, but where is different, Qin Feng cannot say. 小香猪今天仿佛有些变化,但哪里不一样,秦枫也说不上来。 I elected really mistakenly, I think that made everybody pay the strength of inheritance voluntarily, can obtain the final victory, everybody will die a worthy death, but all these offense actually wanted a Master person to undertake.” “我真的选错了,我以为让大家自愿付出传承之力,可以得到最终的胜利,大家会死得其所,但这一切的罪过却要主人一个人来承担。” Person died anything not to have, but I understand that now the death sometimes was an extrication, living the person was more tired.” “人死了就什么都没有了,可我现在才明白死亡有时候是一种解脱,活着的人更累。” I think that the time will make Master downplay the emotion and missing, therefore I have made the huge mistake, the time will only let miss is deeper, finally integrates the blood becomes life part.” “我以为时间会让主人淡化情感和思念,于是我又犯了大错,时间只会让思念更深,最终融入血液成为生命的一部分。” Little Fragrant Pig, you let alone, I have not blamed you......” the Qin Feng start to talk. 小香猪,你别说了,我并没有怪过你……”秦枫开口。 Little Fragrant Pig first time interrupts the Qin Feng words: Master! Did not say that did not have chance, Ten-year as if snapped fingers, can follow side your such Master, Little Fragrant Pig thought very proud.” 小香猪第一次打断秦枫的话:“主人!再不说就没机会了,十年仿佛弹指而过,能跟随在您这样的主人身边,小香猪觉得很自豪。” What do you want to make?” Qin Feng has an unlucky premonition. “你要做什么?”秦枫有种不祥的预感。 Little Fragrant Pig continues saying: Master! Actually each paradise inheritance has self-destruction System, when inherits the self- destruction, storage Strength will erupt completely, this Strength can Ruin the Heavens, Destroy the Earth, can let the All Living Things rebirth.” 小香猪继续说道:“主人!其实每个仙界传承都有自毁系统,当传承自我毁灭,储存的力量将全部爆发,这种力量可以毁天灭地,也能够让万物重生。” I do not know that the present Hedonist Supreme System inheritance has big inheritance Strength, but I must attempt, I know that Master will oppose my idea, but this time, please permit Little Fragrant Pig willful.” “我不知道如今的至尊纨绔系统传承拥有多大的传承力量,但我必须要尝试一下,我知道主人会反对我的想法,但这一次,请允许小香猪任性一回。” Little Fragrant Pig, does not want!” 小香猪,不要!” Qin Feng whooshes vigorously, but in the mind lost with the induction of Little Fragrant Pig, not only so, he even cannot induce Hedonist Supreme System. 秦枫大力嘶吼,可脑海里已经失去了跟小香猪的感应,不光如此,他甚至连至尊纨绔系统都感应不到了。 Since gold/metal flies from his top of the head together, fluttered under the deep blue sky, Qin Feng was just about the diving posture to hold that gold point, actually listened to hōng lóng, as if the universe initial explosion bang, the space started to twist, Qin Feng lost the consciousness gradually. 一道金芒从他头顶飞起,飘到了蔚蓝天空下,秦枫正要飞身去抓住那个金点,却听‘轰隆’一声,仿佛宇宙初始的爆炸巨响,空间开始扭曲,秦枫渐渐的失去了意识。 ............ ………… Weicheng University. 卫城大学 Qin Feng sat from the school desk fiercely. 秦枫猛地从课桌上坐了起来。 His head severe pain, the boundless information content comes, soon his head blasting open. 他的脑袋一阵剧痛,磅礴的信息量汹涌而来,快要将他的脑袋炸裂。 He remembers that oneself is chatting in the northern Sand Region Hongfang day lakeside and Little Fragrant Pig, but at present is actually in the memory the familiar University classroom. 他记得自己正在北沙洲的红坊市天湖边和小香猪聊天,而眼前却是记忆中再熟悉不过的大学课堂。 That year Xiatian(summer). 那一年夏天 Awakening of Qin Feng in the classroom comes, in the mind left Hedonist Supreme System, the life had the change since then. 秦枫在课堂上一觉醒来,脑海里多出了至尊纨绔系统,人生从此发生改变。 When the strength of self-destruction inheritance explodes, he returned to initial of time axis, sits in multimedia classroom of Weicheng University art department, as if all have not occurred, but his memory also. 当传承之力自毁爆炸,他又回到了时间轴的初始,坐在卫城大学艺术系的多媒体教室里,仿佛一切都没有发生过,但他的记忆还在。 Qin Feng, please pay attention to the classroom discipline...... Good, everybody is peaceful , to continue to attend class.” 秦枫,请你注意课堂纪律……好了,大家安静下来,继续上课。” Because sets out to be too fierce, the knee of Qin Feng went against table of bottoms, spread together the bang, the Yun Xiao Teacher cosmetology on platform ice-cold, was suppressing a lot of disaffection to Qin Feng this Hedonist Young Master. 因为起身太猛,秦枫的膝盖顶到了桌底,传出一道巨响,讲台上的云肖老师美容冰冷,对秦枫这种纨绔大少憋着一肚子的不满。 All as usual. 一切如常。 After Qin Feng has gotten back one's composure , the First time puts out cell phone, the date will frame on June 12, 2015, he obtained System that day. 秦枫回过神后第一时间拿出手机,日期定格在2015年6月12日,正是他得到系统的那一天。 On his school desk, Jing Jing (silently) is lying down a small gadget, the fresh-faced plush, sparkling both eyes, the pocket-sized nose, is much longer with Little Fragrant Pig, is actually only a puppet. 在他的课桌上,静静的躺着一个小玩意,粉嫩的毛绒,亮晶晶的双眼,袖珍的鼻子,和小香猪长得一模一样,却只是个玩偶。 Qin Feng weeps copiously instantaneously. 秦枫瞬间泪如雨下。 He has remembered a few words, the life, if only such as initially sees! 他想起了一句话,人生若只如初见! The strength of inheritance made him come back, all people came back, but System blew up to vanish, soul of Little Fragrant Pig System also destroyed. 传承之力让他回来了,所有人都回来了,可系统炸毁消失,系统之魂小香猪也随之毁灭。 You, are you all right?” “你,你没事吧?” The ear broadcasts together the delicate and familiar sound, when Qin Feng is sideways to look that the tears are more turbulent. 耳边传来一道柔弱又熟悉的声音,当秦枫侧身看去,泪水更加汹涌。 The school uniform of blanch Lin Beibei puts on washing, meaningful look somewhat dreads, the sunlight happen to sprinkles by the window on her body, as if Fairy Maiden crashes into this world. 林贝贝穿着一身洗的发白的校服,眼神有些畏惧,阳光透过窗户正好洒在她的身上,仿佛仙女坠入凡尘。 How did you cry?” Lin Beibei first time sees Qin Feng to cry, in her impression, Hedonist Young Master of Qin Feng this stopping at no evil, will only make to cry others. “你怎么哭了?”林贝贝第一次秦枫哭,在她的印象中,秦枫这个无恶不作的纨绔大少,只会把别人弄哭。 Wants, can call the ambulance?” Sees Qin Feng not to speak, the small heart of Lin Beibei must jump out the throat. “要,要不要叫救护车?”见秦枫一直不说话,林贝贝的小心脏都要跳出喉咙。 Can see again you are really good!” Long time, Qin Feng opened the mouth. “能再见到你真好!”良久,秦枫开了口。 Lin Beibei felt that today's Qin Feng is strange, in eye were many something, was any thing she cannot say. 林贝贝感觉到今天的秦枫怪怪的,眼睛里多了一些东西,是什么东西她也说不上来。 I, we are share a table, daily sees...... You do not frighten me, are you all right?” Lin Beibei moved to the body, reveals to look at mental illness same meaningful look. “我,我们是同桌啊,天天都见……你,你别吓我,你没事吧?”林贝贝移了移身子,露出看神经病一样的眼神 You thought that he is lovable?” Qin Feng has taken up the Little Fragrant Pig puppet. “你觉得他可爱么?”秦枫拿起了小香猪玩偶。 In the Lin Beibei eye the twinkle ray, shows the happy expression: „! The good adorable cloth doll, where I have seen probably.” 林贝贝眼里闪烁光芒,露出开心的表情:“哇!好可爱的布娃娃啊,我好像在哪里见过。” You indeed have seen.” The Qin Feng words make Lin Beibei ascertain airtight. “你的确见过。”秦枫的话让林贝贝捉摸不透。 Liked giving to you.” “喜欢就送给你了。” Real?” Lin Beibei is pleasantly surprised. “真的么?”林贝贝惊喜不已。 Has a condition.” “不过有个条件。” What condition?” Lin Beibei shows the vigilant look immediately, Qin Feng is not good in her impression. “什么条件?”林贝贝立即又露出警惕神色,秦枫在她的印象里可一点都不好。 Can help me make up for a missed lesson?” Qin Feng said with a smile. “能帮我补课么?”秦枫笑道。 Lin Beibei mouth big, can fill the next two big duck eggs: You, do you want to study? Haven't I misunderstood?” 林贝贝嘴巴大张,能够塞下两个大鸭蛋:“你,你要学习?我没听错吧?” I am earnest, so long as you help me make up for a missed lesson, this adorable rag doll baby gives to you, and I will also pay for your making up for a missed lesson fee, first paid in advance hundred-thousand to be good.” “我认真的,只要你帮我补课,这个可爱的布偶娃娃就送给你,并且我还会支付你补课费的,先预付十万好了。” Heard the hundred-thousand amount, the Lin Beibei look big change, her mother fell ill the hospitalization to undergo the surgery recently, the operation fee happen to needs hundred-thousand, she was hard the enticement that resisted Qin Feng to propose. 听到十万的金额,林贝贝神色大变,她母亲最近生病住院要做手术,手术费正好需要十万,她难以抗拒秦枫提出的诱惑。 Why do you want such to do?” Lin Beibei asked. “你为什么要这么做?”林贝贝问道。 Because Of You is my future wife!” 因为你是我未来的老婆啊!” ............ ………… ( The book ends) (全书完)
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