HS :: Volume #22

#2174: Returns to Divine Venerate Continent

Chapter is wrong, this reported 『章节错误,点此举报』 After realizing the crisis, Qin Feng wants not to want then to pat a palm toward Void, the True Yuan hand imprint floats spatially, actually in rising blasted open to the midair suddenly, forms a splinter to be spatial. The apex renews the quickest cracking spatial range is very small, but also is inferior to 1/10 of that old man, the aura also appears weak, such as appears briefly to vanish does not see. 意识到危机后,秦枫想都不想便朝虚空拍去一掌,真元手印浮空,却在升到半空时突然炸裂,形成了一片裂空。顶点更新最快不过裂空范围很小,还不及那位老者的1,气息也显得虚弱,如昙花一现消失不见。 Well? What aura is this? Originally you just stepped into the ants of paradise!” That old man stares first, afterward shows the pleasantly surprised look. “咦?这是什么气息?原来你是刚踏入仙界的蝼蚁!”那名老者先是一愣,随后露出惊喜神色。 Qin Feng was also shocked, although he does not know a oneself present immortal level, but definitely has stepped into the immortal row, but the aura of person of immortal [say / way] already the transformation was immortal qi, but was the True Yuan hand imprint that he that palm laid out a moment ago from where? 秦枫也愣住了,他虽然不知道自己如今的仙道水平,但肯定是已经踏入了仙列,可仙道之人的气息早已转化为仙气,而他刚才那一掌拍出的真元手印又是从何而来? At this time the young point member also flew, when heard the senior brother saying that Qin Feng initially entered the immortal saying that worry instantaneous dissipation in heart. 这时年轻一点的修士也飞了过来,当听到师兄说秦枫只是初入仙道,心中的顾虑瞬间消散。 Snort! Trivial just entered immortal ants, dares to rob the gold/metal abstention of my sea fontanel, you should better also come gold/metal Jie immediately, otherwise I want you dead like a dog.” “哼!区区一只刚入仙道的蝼蚁,也敢抢夺我海天门的金戒,你最好立即将金戒还来,否则我要你不得好死。” Qin Feng somewhat afraid, the opposite party that these two people of spoken languages said already stepped into the immortal [say / way] evidently, and immortal accomplishment appearance, he braved to hide into the thought of time microcosm immediately, may not stimulate to movement the immortal sea with enough time, sky over the entire immortal seamount surged an intense fluctuation of energy, his immortal sea severe pain of shaking was incomparable. 秦枫被这二人的言语说的有些心虚,看样子对方是早已踏入仙道、并且仙道大成的模样,他立即冒起了躲入时间小世界的念头,可还没来得及催动仙海,整个仙海山上空涌起一股强烈能量波动,震的他仙海剧痛无比。 „It is not good! The time microcosm lost induces.” Qin Feng calls out in alarm in the heart. “不好!时间小世界失去感应了。”秦枫在心中惊叫。 That old member laughs: Ha Ha! Previous time makes you hide into microcosm, how this chapter of old man possibly again has the similar fault.” 那个年长的修士大笑起来:“哈哈!上次让你躲入小世界中,这回老夫怎么可能再有同样的失误。” Also rubbish with him anything, a palm pats him to bring back gold/metal Jie!” “还跟他废话什么,一掌拍死他取回金戒!” The young member anything patience, has not seen Qin Feng to be aloof, he was saying is near to empty toward Qin Feng pats the next palm. 年轻一些的修士没什么耐心,见秦枫无动于衷,他说着便临空朝秦枫拍下一掌。 Turbulent immortal qi explodes the opening Void instantaneously, that opening likely is Flying Dragon, the extremely fast goes toward the Qin Feng top of the head spread. 汹涌的仙气瞬间将虚空炸出裂口,那道裂口像是一条飞龙,极速的朝秦枫头顶蔓延而去。 At present is not only unable to hide into the time microcosm, could not go on Altair and Vega space, but Qin Feng can only brace oneself to meet the approaching enemy, when a palm lays out, has not presented a True Yuan aura, the flood that fierce immortal qi as if opens the sluice gates actually, having the rainbow to pass through potential of direct impact Yun Xiao date. 眼下不光是无法躲入时间小世界中,就连星界空间也进不去了,无奈之下秦枫只能硬着头皮迎击,当一掌拍出,并没有出现一丝真元气息,倒是一股凶猛的仙气仿佛开闸的洪水,带着长虹贯日之势直冲云霄 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 The explosion fluctuates. 爆炸起伏。 That young member in Changkong (vast sky), in the eye projects the unbelievable and panic-stricken ray extremely, he even without enough time dodges, the body blasted open instantaneously, turns into immortal qi to disperse. 那名年轻一些的修士愣在长空,眼中射出难以置信又惊恐万分的光芒,他甚至来不及闪躲,身体瞬间炸裂,化成了一股仙气散开。 „Have you, you killed pear Junior Disciple Brother?” “你,你杀了梨师弟?” Year Elder dull at the scene, after several seconds, suppresses Second words: „Is this possible? Didn't you just enter the immortal to say? Why can the second kill immortal accomplishment pear Junior Disciple Brother? Is it possible that did you hide the strength?” 长老者呆愣当场,数秒后才憋出第二句话:“这怎么可能?你不是刚入仙道么?为何能够秒杀仙道大成的梨师弟?莫非你隐藏了实力?” Qin Feng does not understand the immortal Realm division, but he realized that cultivating of oneself for completely above at present these two, it seems like Hundred-year of self-torture in the time microcosm does not waste. 秦枫根本不懂仙道的境界划分,但他意识到自己的修为完全在眼前这两人之上,看来在时间小世界中苦修的一百年并不是白费。 As for True Yuan that the First palm lays out, before the Qin Feng guess is steps into immortal, keeps the vitality in within the body, because after entering the paradise, had not gotten rid, therefore that vitality stores up in the body throughout. 至于第一掌拍出的真元,秦枫猜测是踏入仙道前留在体内的元气,因为进入仙界后一直没有出过手,所以那股元气始终储存在身体里。 What is an immortal accomplishment? How does Realm of this paradise divide?” Qin Feng asked. “仙道大成是什么?这仙界的境界到底是如何划分?”秦枫问道。 That old man look more startled, he realized oneself guess wrong, present Young Hero has not entered shortly after the paradise, even cultivating including paradise to not understand. 那位老者神色更惊,他意识到自己的猜测并没有错,眼前的少侠才入仙界不久,甚至连仙界的修为都不懂。 But the old man thinks that does not understand, since enters the ants of paradise, how possible second to kill the immortal accomplishment member, that at least must step into Realm of immortal grandmaster to achieve. 可老者又想不明白了,既然是才入仙界的蝼蚁,怎么可能秒杀仙道大成的修士,那至少也要踏入仙道宗师的境界才能做到啊。 „Were you deaf or mute? If not willing saying that follows your Junior Disciple Brother to go.” Qin Feng sound ice-cold, body surging faint trace kills intent. “你是聋了还是哑巴了?要是不愿意说,那就追随你的师弟而去吧。”秦枫声音冰冷,身上涌起丝丝杀意。 That old man awakens fiercely, although is not willing to accept the present fact, but he was entered really the younger generation of paradise threatening by one. 那名老者猛地惊醒过来,虽然不愿接受眼前的事实,但他真的被一位才入仙界的晚辈给威胁了。 Young Hero shows mercy! Your issue is not good to reply, because the paradise does not have standard Realm to delimit, but immortal small accomplishment, accomplishment and grandmaster, under the immortal, Exalted Immortal and immortal revere and other big Realm, however the Realm height does not represent the strength the height, cuts the phenomenon that kills the high Realm member in the paradise low Realm member innumerably......” 少侠手下留情!你的问题并不好回答,因为仙界没有标准的境界划定,不过仙道分小成、大成、宗师、下仙、上仙、仙尊等许多大境界,然而境界高低并不代表实力的高低,在仙界低境界修士斩杀高境界修士的现象数不胜数……” What Realm do you look at me to be?” Asking of Qin Feng coldly. “那你看我应该是什么境界?”秦枫冷冰冰的问道。 Young Hero at least is also the boundary of immortal grandmaster, otherwise was hard to kill my Junior Disciple Brother through immortal qi on the second.” 少侠至少也是仙道宗师之境,否则难以通过仙气就秒杀了我那位师弟。” You just did not say that in paradise Low Grade Realm cuts to kill High Grade Realm is the common matter, why affirmed that my Realm is higher than your Junior Disciple Brother?” Qin Feng is not quite clear. “你刚不是说仙界中低级境界斩杀高级境界是常有之事么,为何就肯定我的境界比你师弟还高?”秦枫还是不太明白。 How this said that because Young Hero only had used a moment ago the immortal qi attack, immortal qi judges the Realm height the sole criterion, but many low Realm member immortal seas are developed, can cut to kill High Grade immortal in the same old way.” Explanation that the old men take the trouble very much. “这个怎么说呢,因为刚才少侠只用了仙气攻击,仙气是判断境界高低的唯一标准,但许多低境界的修士仙海发达,照样可以斩杀高级仙者。”老者很费力的解释着。 Qin Feng understood approximately, the simple point said that the paradise not only cultivates the aura, pays great attention to the promotion of immortal sea, actually this also manifests on Divine Venerate Continent, Qin Feng does not know that many use formidable gods knew the offensive to jump the ranks to cut to kill the enemy. 秦枫已经大致明白了,简单点说,仙界不光修气息,更注重仙海的提升,其实这点在神尊大陆上也有体现,秦枫不知道多少次利用强大的神识攻势越级斩杀了敌人。 Then an immortal new person wants to step into immortal grandmaster, how long time requires?” Qin Feng continues to ask, he wants to have a look at the oneself talent to be in any level in the paradise. “那么一个仙道新人想要踏入仙道宗师之列,需要多久时间?”秦枫继续发问,他想看看自己的天赋在仙界处于什么水平。 If the normal member, at least also takes Thousand-year, this is guarantees in the cultivation resources unceasing situation, if talent startled day member, three 500 years can step into immortal grandmaster.” The old men said. “若是正常修士,至少也要一千年,这还是保证修炼资源不断的情况下,如果天赋惊天的修士,三五百年的就能踏入仙道宗师之列。”老者说道。 Thousand-year? 千年 Qin Feng has treated Hundred-year in the time microcosm, then steps into the boundary of immortal grandmaster, he in thinking this news, if spreads to paradise major sect and schools, can start storm in the paradise. 秦枫只是在时间小世界了待了一百年,便踏入仙道宗师之境,他在想这个消息要是传入仙界各大门派,会不会又在仙界中掀起一股风暴。 Qin Feng has taken back the mind, he may not have the time to go to the paradise wanderer, now the matter of primary importance returns to Divine Venerate Continent, cuts the dog head of ice ten thousand years of that. 秦枫收回了心神,他可没时间去仙界闯荡,现在最重要的事情就是重返神尊大陆,斩下凌万年那老贼的狗头。 A bang blasts out sky over the immortal seamount. 一声巨响在仙海山上空炸开。 Qin Feng lifts in the hands, then the racket has broken to pieces that old man. 秦枫只是抬手之间,便拍碎了那位老者。 Although initially enters the paradise, but Qin Feng is not the new military recruits of allowing to be oppressed, his very clear these two people pursued him for a long time, perhaps also looked for the reinforcements. 虽然只是初入仙界,但秦枫可不是任人宰割的菜鸟,他很清楚这二人追了他许久,说不定还找了援兵。 Solved the sea fontanel two, Qin Feng has changed the place immediately, started to feel the strength of inheritance. 解决完海天门那两人,秦枫立即换了地方,开始重新感受传承之力。 One month later, that mysterious and formidable Strength becomes incomparably clear, as if grasps in the Qin Feng hand general, so long as he lifts in the hands, this infinite great strength can bomb Changkong (vast sky). 一个月后,那股神秘又强大的力量变得无比清晰,仿佛就握在秦枫手中一般,只要他抬手之间,这股无穷巨力就能轰炸长空 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 Qin Feng has wielded the hand finally. 秦枫最终挥了手。 Boundless air/Qi wells up Void. 一股磅礴之气涌上虚空 The bang is earthshaking, a moment later, Changkong (vast sky) opened a crack. 巨响惊天动地,片刻之后,长空开了一道裂缝。 The black hole that the offensive of that crack and immortal forms is different, has an extremely familiar aura, Qin Feng realized immediately the gate of Deva opens, this returns to the Divine Venerate Continent crack. 那道裂缝和仙者的攻势形成的黑洞不同,有股极其熟悉的气息在内,秦枫立即意识到天界之门打开,这就是重返神尊大陆的裂缝。 He leaps the body to go immediately, just arrived at the midair, in the fissure has an intense suction to inhale him, the time he felt that at present one black, was dashed the stupor by fierce Time-Space qi stream. 他立即跃身而去,刚到半空,裂痕中有股强烈的吸力将他吸入进去,顿时间他就感觉眼前一黑,被剧烈的时空气流冲撞昏迷。 Joins the bookmark, easy reading 『加入书签,方便阅读』 Ps: The book friends, I am incomparable items Du Shao, recommends free novel App, supports novel downloading, to listen to storytelling, zero advertisement and many reading patterns. 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