HS :: Volume #22

#2166: The ice ten thousand years come

Being heavily engaged that two people of hitting. 二人打的不可开交。 That several true God that He Kui brings revere also got rid. 贺愧带来的那十几位真神强尊也出了手。 The Qin Feng people fall into during the fierce combat once more, they discovered that the inside story of Kobe gate may be really formidable, the true God boundary member like was ordinary Disciple common sees, kills one batch to come one batch. 秦枫众人再次陷入激战当中,他们发现神户门的底蕴可真强大,真神境修士像是普通弟子一样寻常多见,杀了一批又来一批。 However the foundations of these true God boundary member are unstable, look like to pursue higher Realm, fast promotes. Their True Yuan are hard to compare favorably with Shenzhou-7 Monarch and the others, the god reads is inferior. 不过这些真神境修士的根基并不稳定,就像是为了追求更高境界,一路飞快提升上来。他们的真元难以媲美神七君等人,神念更是不及。 Qin Feng has discovered quickly this secret, therefore changed the mode of operations, spells to change to the god to read the offensive from True Yuan hardly. 秦枫很快就发现了这个秘密,于是更改了作战方式,从真元硬拼改为神念攻势。 As soon as he leaps fires into two true God Disciple, that two people of looks in great surprise, when getting back one's composure reveals to sneer, immediately initiated fiercely attacking toward Qin Feng. 他一跃冲向两名真神弟子,那二人神色大惊,等回过神时露出冷笑,立即朝秦枫发起了猛攻。 True Yuan is turbulent, Qin Feng actually turns a blind eye, when the god read the stimulation of movement, surged the incomparably intense magnetic field from him, the air agitation, has formed a stretch of domain instantaneously. 真元汹涌,秦枫却视若不见,当神念催动,从他身上涌起无比强烈的磁场,瞬间将空气搅动,形成了一片领域。 In domain, All Living Things as if static, stops together with that two Kobe gate Disciple offensive slow. 领域之中,万物仿佛静止,连同那两位神户门弟子的攻势都停缓下来。 But the Qin Feng god read fast ejects, basic could not see including the essence attack style that actually listened to Changkong (vast sky) to spread two bangs, that two Kobe gate Disciple exploded, the god who flew to run away at the scene reads also instantaneously destroys. 秦枫的神念飞快击出,根本连实质的攻击招式都看不到,却听长空传出两声巨响,那两名神户门弟子当场爆炸,飞逃的神念也瞬间毁灭。 The true God falls from the sky, can have the fierce sound, changes together with the celestial phenomenon. 真神陨落,都会带起剧烈的动静,连同天象也为之所变。 The crowd that battled in abundance looks like, the look is unpredictable, but all these actually start, the Qin Feng form twinkle, fires into person many places once more. 正在激战的人群纷纷看来,神色变化莫测,而这一切却只是开始,秦枫身影闪烁,再次冲向人多的地方。 The similar style, domain formation, the god read the grow like a weed, that stretch of world as if crashed into the hell, the gods of five true God boundaries Venerable the explosion destruction, was five Celebrity on sky falls from the sky to vanish likely. 还是同样的招式,领域形成,神念迅速蔓延,那一片天地仿佛坠入地狱,五名真神境的神尊爆炸毁灭,像是天空上的五颗明星陨落消失。 Grand Elder falls from the sky one after another, what's all this about?” 大长老接连陨落,这是怎么回事?” Is that Young Hero behavior, he cannot look 30, cultivates to so be unexpectedly terrorist.” “是那个少侠所为,他看着不出30,修为竟然如此恐怖。” „The boundary of true God such as the slaughter dog, we had not been lifted the destiny that the hand extinguishes by others...... Everybody hurries to escape, the Kobe gate must exterminate an entire family.” “真神之境都如屠狗,我们还不是被人家抬手就灭的命运……大家赶紧逃命吧,神户门要被灭门了。” The crowd is scared, when has seen the so heroical fight. 人群恐慌,何时见过如此壮烈的战斗。 Actually spreads a bang in Changkong (vast sky), these just departed not the far member to explode one after another, the crowded sound like is sets off the firecrackers. 却在长空传出一阵巨响,那些刚飞出不远的修士接连爆炸,密集的声响像是放鞭炮一样。 The south day waits for the person to stop hand certainly, the line of sight looks vigorously toward the distant place mountain valley. 南天绝等人停下手来,视线极力朝远处山谷望去。 The formidable aura floats from that side, but does not see some people to appear, actually suddenly spreads a pitiful yell from the crowd, northern Sand Region First person oneself explodes perishes, before dying, even links words without enough time to send out. 强大的气息从那边飘来,但不见有人出现,却突然从人群中传出一声惨叫,北沙洲第一人正己爆炸灭亡,死前甚至连一句话语都来不及发出。 Oneself Junior Disciple Brother!” “正己师弟!” Who is unseemly behavior, has skill on present one high under!” “是何人作怪,有本事就现行一较高下!” The south day waited for the person, simultaneously at heart also to have the flurried mood certainly indignantly. 南天绝等人气愤不已,同时心里也产生了慌乱情绪。 They were Divine Venerate Continent past Supreme, each one already stepped into true God Peak Venerable the big energy, even/including Shenbian presented the enemies not to realize, even oneself was killed by the enemy second. 他们身为神尊大陆的当年至尊,个个都是早已踏入真神巅峰的强尊大能,却连身边出现了敌人都未曾察觉,甚至正己被敌人秒杀。 The explosion spreads again. 爆炸再一次传出。 This chapter is monster Wang Hai bin blows up. 这回是妖王海彬炸毁。 In the air hikes up a strange aura instantaneously, but also survival several Supreme are flustered, the great strength of enemy makes them somewhat desperate. 空气中瞬间飘起一阵诡异气息,还存活的几位至尊人心惶惶,敌人的强大让他们有些绝望。 Ha Ha! Many years do not see, fellow old friends cross good?” “哈哈!多年不见,各位老友过的还好吧?” The sound that teased together old appeared, although hear sound did not see that person, but several Supreme looks transient. 一道苍老戏谑的声音出现,虽然闻声不见其人,但几位至尊神色瞬变。 Ice ten thousand years! I know that was you came, be not playing tricks, has to plant comes to a war.” Haizhou Wu Daoist shouts suddenly. “凌万年!我知道是你来了,别在装神弄鬼,有种就现身一战。”西海洲吴道人突然喊道。 His voice just fell, the body spreads the bang, read together with the god is blown up, died to vanish at the scene. 他话音刚落,身上传出巨响,连同神念被炸毁,当场陨落消失。 The dignified atmosphere presses in the numerous position Supreme heart, everybody enhances 12 vigilance, tried to find an ice ten thousand years of form from the gloomy sky, was actually hard to discover. 凝重的气氛压在众位至尊心头,大家提高12分的警惕,试图从灰暗的天空下找到凌万年的身影,却难以有所发现。 However at this time, wild wind emerged, that hurricane flew from the mountain valley deep place, everywhere one visit as if had the war to be ordinary, became a ruins picture. 然而这时,一阵狂风涌现,那道飓风从山谷深处飞来,所到之处仿佛发生了战争一般,变为一片废墟景象。 The hurricane stops finally in the battlefield midair, is binding the old man of black robe present, his crane sends the young face, the under foot is stepping on White Clouds, the body aura is unique, as if the immortal harnesses. 飓风最终停在战场半空,一位裹着黑袍的老者现行,他鹤发童颜,脚下踩着一朵白云,身上气息独特,仿佛仙人驾到。 Ice ten thousand years!” south day certainly sound ice-cold. “凌万年!”南天绝声音冰冷。 The Changkong (vast sky) old man said with a smile: Several Hundred-year passed, you are still marking, but I already stepped into the immortal row.” 长空的老者笑道:“几百年过去了,你们还在原地踏步,而我早已踏入仙列。” Now you in my eyes are several ants, so long as I am glad, momentarily can extinguish kills you, oneself that three people are the bright examples.” “如今你们在我眼中不过是几只蝼蚁,只要我乐意,随时可以灭杀你们,正己那三人就是鲜活的例子。” Steps into the immortal row?! 踏入仙列?! Several Supreme looks transient, the matter that they most are worried about occurred. 几位至尊神色瞬变,他们最担心的事情还是发生了。 The ice ten thousand years continue saying: Looked, in everybody knew that in a share, I can not kill you, you submit like He Kui in my hanger-on, watchdog when from now being obedient, if this immortal Venerable the mood to be good, might direct your Flying Immortal.” 凌万年继续说道:“看在大家认识一场的份上,我可以不杀你们,你们就像贺愧一样屈服在我门下,从此以后当一只听话的看门狗,要是本仙尊心情好了,有可能会指点你们飞仙。” In He Kuiyan twinkle fine glow, clashes Changkong (vast sky) to hold the fist in the other hand to say immediately: Many thanks ice Head! The subordinates will be surely loyal and devoted to the Kobe gate, does not have two hearts certainly.” 贺愧眼中闪烁精芒,立即冲长空抱拳说道:“多谢凌掌门!属下定会对神户门忠心耿耿,绝无二心。” Ha Ha! Good dog! Good dog!” The ice ten thousand years have a good laugh. “哈哈!好狗!好狗啊!”凌万年仰天大笑。 Eastern wild continent powder cultivated First person King Yun to be unable to continue watching, exclaimed to Changkong (vast sky): Ice ten thousand years your this, gives up any idea of us to submit, we like that are not despicable like He Kui, the gentleman may not kill the shame, at the worst dies!” 东野洲散修第一人王运看不下去了,冲长空吼道:“凌万年你这只狗贼,休想我们屈服,我们可不像贺愧那般下贱,士可杀不可辱,大不了就是一死!” Everybody who King Yun the words said one's blood bubbles up to the brim, actually listens to a bang, King Yun explodes at the scene perishes. 王运的话说的大家热血沸腾,却听一阵巨响,王运当场爆炸灭亡。 Died was too sudden, the southern day several people did not have any detection certainly, the atmosphere once broke the freezing point, the death aura tentacle has been possible. 死亡来的太突然,以至于南天绝几人都没有任何的察觉,气氛一度跌破了冰点,死亡气息触手可及。 The time of then less than burning a joss stick, with nine that Qin Feng comes together is Supreme, now remaining five people. 这才不到一炷香的时间,和秦枫同来的九为至尊,如今就剩下五人。 South day certainly, your how many are what meaning? Not also and King is Yun equally stubborn?” Ice ten thousand years of faint smile looks to several people. “南天绝,你们几个是什么意思?不会也跟王运一样倔强吧?”凌万年似笑非笑的看向几人。 In everybody heart anxious, south day somewhat rebukes oneself certainly, this time entered the decision of Kobe gate to be careless, how regardless of should also find out an ice ten thousand years of strength to make the plan not to be late first again. 大家心中急切,南天绝有些自责,这次杀入神户门的决定过于草率了,无论如何也应该先摸清楚凌万年的实力再做打算不迟。 But in the world has not regretted after the fact eats, was seeing with own eyes four companions die, the anger in south day heart is also certainly hard to suppress again, a palm pats toward the ice ten thousand years. 可天底下没有后悔药吃,眼见着四位同伴陨落,南天绝心中的怒火再也难以压制,一掌朝凌万年拍去。 Everybody on together, chance, only then one time, must kill ice ten thousand years of this inevitably!” “大家一起上,机会只有一次,势必要杀了凌万年这个狗贼!” Sees the southern day to leave the move certainly, other four people do not flinch, immediately follows to go, got rid then be outspoken to put forth must kill the technique. 见南天绝出招,其余四人也不退缩,立即跟随而去,一出手便毫无保留的使出了必杀技。 The dark cloud will be shortly airtight, that is actually the offensive that four people of fist seal will overlap to form, the fog fast falls, seemed the sky collapses generally, pressed Kobe gate Disciple to be hard to breathe. 顷刻间乌云密闭,那却是四人的掌印重叠形成的攻势,云雾飞快坠下,仿佛是天空塌下来了一般,压得神户门弟子难以呼吸。 The fist seal fog must explode in an ice ten thousand years of top of the head, but an ice ten thousand years of look is light as usual, he lifts in the hands dexterously, wild wind gets up suddenly, seems the wind blows Yun San like that under five people the turbulent True Yuan imposing manner dissipation that collaborates to form do not see. 掌印云雾就要在凌万年头顶爆炸,可凌万年神色平淡如常,他轻巧抬手间,狂风骤起,仿佛是风吹云散那般,五人联手下形成的汹涌真元气势消散不见。 Since you propose a toast do not eat to be made to drink as a forfeit, that immortal Venerable helps you!” “既然你们敬酒不吃吃罚酒,那本仙尊就成全你们!” On an ice ten thousand years of face flashes through wipes the mean look, the god reads during the stimulation of movement, a magnetic fluctuation, south the day five people will surround instantaneously certainly. 凌万年脸上闪过一抹阴狠神色,神念催动间,一阵磁场波动,瞬间将南天绝五人包围。 In domain air static, five people are hard to move, simultaneously a formidable impulse enters the god to know the sea, heard the god to know the bang that the sea exploded. 领域内空气静止,五人难以动弹,同时一股强大的冲击力进入神识海,跟着就听到了神识海爆炸的巨响。 First sets a small target, for example 1 second remembers: The book lives in a strange or foreign place the cell phone version reading website: 先定个小目标,比如1秒记住:书客居手机版阅读网址: Ps: The book friends, I am incomparable items Du Shao, recommends free novel App, supports novel downloading, to listen to storytelling, zero advertisement and many reading patterns. 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