HS :: Volume #22

#2163: Means

When several people of gods read to release, a surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5km) place seemed to be near at hand. 当几人神念释放出去,方圆万里之地仿佛近在咫尺。 Not is only the god elixir valley is bitten the soul insect to seize by nine, other city mountain ranges have to bite the form of soul insect. 不光是神仙药谷被九头噬魂虫占领,其他的城池山脉都有噬魂虫的身影。 Although everybody already guessed correctly that ice ten thousand years of that not only raised one in time microcosm to bite the soul insect, when looked at the reaches external surface innumerable biting soul insect, was by deep shock. 虽然大家早就猜到凌万年那狗贼不只养了时间小世界中的一头噬魂虫,但看到外面数不清的噬魂虫时,还是被深深的震撼到了。 What to do now should? These many bite the soul insect, kills clean?” “现在该怎么办?这么多噬魂虫,怎么杀的干净啊?” Several Supreme hearts live desperately, some time ago everybody used energy to cut to kill one to bite the soul insect fully, but now the most eastern wild continent is bitten the soul insect to invade by nine, wants to strike to kill completely, simply is fantasy story. 几位至尊心生绝望,不久前大家费劲全力才斩杀了一头噬魂虫,而如今大半个东野洲都被九头噬魂虫侵占,想要全部击杀,简直是天方夜谭。 Qin Feng is lost in thought that he bold ideas, that bites the soul insect to feed in the time microcosm nine actually completely, but this idea has encountered the hindrance quickly, even if Qin Feng refine the time microcosm now, but he also can only oneself enter in the microcosm, does not have the means to receive other things to go. 秦枫陷入沉思,他倒是有一个大胆的想法,那就是把九头噬魂虫全部送进时间小世界,可是这个想法很快遇到了阻碍,就算秦枫如今已把时间小世界炼化,但他也只能自己进入小世界中,根本没办法收其他事物进去。 Had!” Qin Feng suddenly at present one bright. “有了!”秦枫突然眼前一亮。 Numerous position Supreme in abundance look like, why must to hate to ask: Young Hero Qin! You think that coped with nine to bite the means of soul insect?” 众位至尊纷纷看来,何须恨问道:“秦少侠!你想到对付九头噬魂虫的办法了?” Means, I am also just about to ask Senior, can't your valuable bottle gourd suction swallows the immortal insect? Why doesn't need to attract these nine to bite the soul insect?” Qin Feng asked. “办法还真有一个,我正要问问前辈,你那个宝葫芦不是可以吸走吞噬仙虫么?为何不用来吸掉这些九头噬魂虫?”秦枫问道。 Why must to hate to heave a deep sigh: Oh! Although my bottle gourd is a microcosm, is actually the Low Grade incomplete microcosm, can receive also not completely mature swallowing immortal insect at most, but nine bit the soul insect already to turn into another shape, the state of mind was very formidable, even can produce the self- magnetic field, by my Xiaohulu world, but also is unable suction this type of thing.” 何须恨摇头叹息:“唉!我的葫芦虽然是小世界,却是低级不完整的小世界,顶多也就能收掉还未完全成熟的吞噬仙虫,而九头噬魂虫早就变成了另一种形态,神魂无比强大,甚至能够产生自我磁场,以我的小葫芦世界,还无法吸走这种事物。” Qin Feng has not lost , to continue to ask: Then the time microcosm can accept nine to bite the soul insect?” 秦枫并没有失落,继续问道:“那么刚才的时间小世界可以收下九头噬魂虫么?” Naturally! Otherwise before everybody, strikes that kills to bite the soul insect already to shake off the fetter of microcosm reaches external.” Why must to hate very affirmative saying. “当然可以!否则大家之前击杀的那头噬魂虫早就挣脱小世界的束缚来到外界了。”何须恨很肯定的说道。 I was planning that takes away nine to bite the soul insect with time microcosm, this means how?” Qin Feng said the idea of oneself. “我正打算用时间小世界来收走九头噬魂虫,这个办法如何?”秦枫说出了自己的想法。 Several Supreme look changes, on many faces show the pleasantly surprised expression. 几位至尊神色变化,很多人脸上露出惊喜表情。 Why must to hate to shout immediately: Well! How I have not thought that Young Hero Qin can definitely try.” 何须恨立即喊道:“咦!我怎么没想到,秦少侠完全可以一试。” But currently has an issue, although I refine to melt the time microcosm, did not have the means to inhale other things, does not know why must to hate the Senior valuable bottle gourd how to achieve?” Qin Feng asked. “可现在有个问题,我虽然炼化了时间小世界,却没办法吸入其他事物,不知道何须恨前辈的宝葫芦是如何做到的?”秦枫问道。 This anything hinders actually, actually the microcosm can with the Weapon fusion, but the Weapon request to fusion is very high, if at least also half Immortal Tool rank. My Xiaohulu is best quality goods real, afterward please -and-a-half Immortal Tool Great Master promotion transformations, this talent and microcosm merge into one organic whole.” Why must to hate the explanation to say. “这个倒不是什么阻碍,其实小世界可以和武器融合,不过对融合的武器要求很高,至少也要是半仙器级别。我那个小葫芦原本就是一件极品真器,后来请一位半仙器大师提升改造,这才和小世界融为一体。”何须恨解释说道。 Qin Feng is suddenly enlighted. 秦枫恍然大悟。 He does not lack the fusion Weapon, let alone was half Immortal Tool, was only Immortal Tool he has two. 他可不缺融合的武器,别说是半仙器了,光是仙器他就拥有两把。 After a ponder, Qin Feng decided that fuses with the time microcosm with the rainbow. 一番思考后,秦枫决定用天虹跟时间小世界融合。 Comes in the rainbow to have the Divine Dragon bloodlines and that can greatly wipes the god to read, believes that will fuse to be twice the result with half the effort \; Two come, if fuses with Peerless Good Sword, afterward will initiate the unnecessary awkwardness, after all that there snatches from Shenzhou-7 Monarch Peerless Good Sword. 一来天虹中拥有神龙血脉和那位大能的一抹神念,相信融合起来会事半功倍\;二来要是用绝世好剑融合,事后会引发不必要的尴尬,毕竟那把绝世好剑是从神七君那里抢过来的。 After making the decision, Qin Feng had the rainbow to enter the time microcosm immediately. 做出决定后,秦枫立即带着天虹进入了时间小世界。 Outside day, this place three years. 外面一天,此地三年。 Even if Qin Feng is the first time fusion microcosm, but he pounds time. 就算秦枫第一次融合小世界,但他砸的起时间。 Refining up the process and refine tools of fusion is mostly the same except for minor differences, but Qin Feng now is only the level of best quality goods refine tools grandmaster, if he wants to fuse with the rainbow the microcosm thoroughly, but must step up the refine tools level to the rank of immortal first. 炼化融合的过程和炼器大同小异,不过秦枫如今只是极品炼器宗师的水平,他若想彻底将小世界跟天虹融合,还要先将炼器水平提升到仙师的级别。 Qin Feng entered has closed up Condition, but the southern day several people actually have not been idling certainly, their diving posture fired into black fog Changkong (vast sky), planned first to bite the soul insect to annihilate that only nine outside god elixir valley. 秦枫进入了闭关状态,但南天绝几人却没有闲着,他们飞身冲向黑雾长空,打算先把神仙药谷外的那只九头噬魂虫消灭掉。 Nine true God Peak Supreme is published, curls up fierce True Yuan, as if nine real dragon hovering sky. Is running away the member who in the black fog struggles in abundance looks like, the look is complex. 九位真神巅峰至尊重新问世,身后卷起凶猛真元,仿佛九条真龙翱翔天空。正在黑雾中逃窜挣扎的修士纷纷看来,神色复杂。 What is that?” “那是什么啊?” Good strength greatly old aura, should sees the evil beast unseemly behavior, eastern wild continent was not WTO entry Venerable to get rid.” “好强大苍老的气息,应该是见邪兽作怪,东野洲的不入世强尊出手了。” True God? These are Senior of true God boundary!” “真神?这几位都是真神境的前辈啊!” Knew that the boundary of true God, the crowd has burst with joy immediately, even has forgotten immediately dangerous situation. 得知真神之境,人群顿时沸腾了,甚至忘记了当下的危险处境。 Even if in the Divine Venerate Continent spiritual qi most abundant east wild continent, the true God big energy is also existence of phoenix wool water, but quite famous several true God big shots, were eastern wild continent nine star sect Men Sect Master, the given name already on the eastern wild continent well-known. 哪怕是在神尊大陆灵气最盛的东野洲,真神大能也是凤毛菱角的存在,而比较出名的几位真神大佬,都是东野洲九星宗门的门主,名号早已在东野洲上家喻户晓。 However these member wait for the person to feel certainly strange to the south day, even is unable to recognize any true God Senior, this looks like nine true God Supreme drops from the clouds, can be imagined to shock that everybody brings. 然而那些修士对南天绝等人感到陌生,甚至无法认出任何一位真神前辈,这就像是有九位真神至尊从天而降,给大家带来的震撼可想而知。 Was saved! We were saved!” “得救了!咱们得救了!” What evil thing in these black fog is hiding? Really was too formidable! However nine true God Supreme arrive, certainly can cut to kill the evil thing.” “这些黑雾里到底藏着什么邪物?实在是太强大了!不过有九位真神至尊降临,一定能斩杀邪物。” In everybody heart the reignition hope, they genuinely had not realized that nine bite the great strength of soul insect. 大家心中重燃希望,他们还没有真正意识到九头噬魂虫的强大。 The south day nine people rush certainly respectively bite in the great top of the head of soul insect, immediately initiates must kill strikes. 南天绝九人分别冲到噬魂虫的一颗巨头顶上,立即发起必杀一击。 Shortly the celestial phenomenon big change, will form nine crack holes to float spatially. 顷刻间天象大变,形成了九道裂洞浮空。 That nine black holes rapidly expand, cover sky over biting the soul insect giant head, wants the judgment day the visual feeling. 那九道黑洞迅速扩大,笼罩在噬魂虫巨大的头颅上空,一副要世界末日的视觉感。 The crack hole actually falls half, stopped has been hard to tenesmus in the midair, that only bit the nine giant face upwarding raves of soul insect, the fierce aura that in the mouth spouted defeats the air instantaneously, qi stream revolved voluntarily, has formed nine black hole hurricanes unexpectedly. 裂洞却落到一半,停在了半空难以下坠,那只噬魂虫的九颗巨头仰天狂吼,嘴中喷出的凶猛气息瞬间将空气击破,气流自行旋转起来,竟然形成了九道黑洞飓风。 The extremely rare strong scenery appears at present, the member who looks is dumbfounded. 极其罕见的壮景浮现眼前,看的修士目瞪口呆。 That two black holes float empty to bumping, separates a piece of complete breakage the space, in the space the turbulent flow dashed, forms must die the place. 那两股黑洞浮空对碰,隔出一片完全破裂的空间,空间中乱流冲撞,形成了必死之地。 Good fierce evil thing! Takes it not to have the means including nine true God Senior!” “好厉害的邪物!连九位真神前辈都拿它没办法啊!” This evil thing resembles Dragon Non- dragon, what ghost gadget is?” “这邪物似龙非龙,到底是什么鬼玩意?” Legend has an evil thing of paradise, the god who can swallow the member knows to expand oneself, the mature body has the hydra body, is called as nine to bite the soul insect, is it possible that present evil thing is nine bites the soul insect?” “传说有一种仙界的邪物,可以吞噬修士的神识来壮大自身,成熟体拥有九头蛇身,称作九头噬魂虫,莫非眼前的邪物就是九头噬魂虫?” That is not the evil beast of paradise, why will appear in Divine Venerate Continent?” “那不是仙界的邪兽么,为何会出现在神尊大陆?” Everybody is hard to understand that nine bite the appearance of soul insect, they do not know the arrival of Thousand-year great misfortune. 大家难以理解九头噬魂虫的出现,他们也不知道千年大劫的到来。 The south day certainly nine people with being heavily engaged that biting the soul insect hits, did not have Qin Feng Bing Xin yan and ice prints nine days of unique skill, wants to cut off bites the head of soul insect becomes exceptionally difficult. 南天绝九人和噬魂虫打的不可开交,没了秦枫的冰心焰和冰印九天绝技,想要斩断噬魂虫的头颅变得异常困难。 Has fought for day a night. 足足恶斗了一天一夜。 south day several people of True Yuan lose certainly seriously, the offensive is obviously feeble, but nine bite the soul insect as if to fiercely compete and successfully compete, gradually from leeward transfers the winning side. 南天绝几人的真元损耗严重,攻势明显衰弱下来,可九头噬魂虫仿佛越战越勇,渐渐的从下风转为上风。 „It is not good! Such is dragging everybody to die, leaves here first, waited for Young Hero Qin to go out said again.” “不行!在这么拖下去大家都要死,还是先离开这里,等秦少侠出关再说。” The south day felt certainly the god knew the sea unable to shoulder, that inundated the darkness fog to seize every opportunity, momentarily must drill into his mind to be ordinary. 南天绝感觉到神识海已经扛不住了,那漫天黑雾无孔不入,随时都要钻入他的脑海一般。 The quickest renewal, non- ball window reading invited. 最快更新,无弹窗阅读请。 Ps: The book friends, I am incomparable items Du Shao, recommends free novel App, supports novel downloading, to listen to storytelling, zero advertisement and many reading patterns. Please pay attention to the WeChat public number: dazhuzaiyuedu( long according to three seconds of duplication) book friends pays attention quickly! Ps:书友们,我是绝品杜少,推荐一款免费小说App,支持小说下载、听书、零广告、多种阅读模式。请您关注微信公众号:dazhuzaiyuedu(长按三秒复制)书友们快关注起来吧!
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