HS :: Volume #21

#2095: Repair eye

hundred-thousand member mind entirely Chan, in one can really greatly under the anger felt that is similar to the ants is tiny. 十万修士心神俱颤,在一位化真大能的怒火下感觉如同蝼蚁般渺小。 Many people have trod to meet to leave, has more people to hide in the mountain peak several kilometers away, wants the progress of peeping situation. 不少人已经踏接离,却有更多的人只是躲藏在数千米外的山峰,想要偷看局势的进展。 These people guess right, that group of demon top influences have not retreated. No. over a hundred Venerable in Thunder King and other can really greatly under leadership, confronts with the red tea, the light is the imposing manner on the people surging as if wants Ruin the Heavens, Destroy the Earth, has started the Frantic hurricane beyond the No. 2 demon peak. 这些人猜的没错,那一伙魔都的顶尖势力并没有撤退。上百号强尊在雷王等三位化真大能的带领下,与红茗对峙,光是众人身上涌起的气势仿佛要毁天灭地,在二号魔峰外掀起了狂暴飓风。 At this time, departed the people from the demon peak, was a member of profound demon clan, although cultivated for on is inferior to the thunder king that side team to be formidable, actually was also wave of not allow to neglect Strength. 这时,从魔峰里飞出众人,都是玄魔一族的修士,虽然修为上不及雷王那边的队伍强大,却也是一波不容忽视的力量 Thunder King, it seems like do you want to look for trouble?” The red tea sends besieging that Venerable to be actually without turning a hair facing the audiences. “雷王,看来你们是要找麻烦了?”红茗面对众派强尊的围攻却面不改色。 On the thunder king has the electric light to flee in all directions, the sound likely is thunderous ear-spitting: Red tea Buddy, your profound demon clan already did not match to hold the No. 2 demon peak, if you are willing to resign the demon peak voluntarily, I can consider to keep your life actually.” 雷王身上有电光流窜,声音像是雷鸣震耳:“红茗老弟,你们玄魔一族早就不配占有二号魔峰,如果你肯自愿让出魔峰,我倒是可以考虑留你一命。” Snort b treasure trove that but the past years red counter on seized, only if trod from my corpse, otherwise gave up any idea of the dozen of No. 2 demon peaks the idea.” Red Devils does not make concessions. “哼b可是当年红逆上占领的宝地,除非从我的尸体上踏过去,否则休想打二号魔峰的主意。”红魔毫不退让。 Thunder king complexion ice-cold, is dazzling, the sudden palm lays out, having Thunder Guangru the long line to fly together. 雷王脸色冰冷,身上的雷芒耀眼起来,突然一掌拍出,带起一道雷光如长龙飞去。 cī lā! 刺啦 Is turbulent. 雷海汹涌。 That white cuts Void to arrive at the Red Devils top of the head instantaneously, actually sees the latter look to be faint, but lifts in the hands, a Daoist waist thick or thin thunder photoemission goes, embezzles Changkong (vast sky). 那白色雷芒瞬间划破虚空降临红魔头顶,却见后者神色淡漠,只是抬手间,一道人腰粗细的雷光射去,将长空吞没。 hōng lóng! 轰隆 Thunder Shi has not disappeared. 雷势未消。 Finally blasts out in the thunder king top of the head. 最终在雷王头顶炸开。 That strikes the palm that as if the deity pats, half piece of Void dramatic turmoil, on a thunder king real armor disrupts instantaneously, the whole person flies upside down. 那一击仿佛天神拍下的手掌,半片虚空剧烈动荡,雷王身上的一件真器护甲瞬间碎裂,整个人倒飞出去。 All around piece calls out in alarm, this fights splendidly peerless! 四周一片惊叫,这一战精彩绝伦! Usually let alone saw that the real member has fought, even to see that can be difficult really greatly. But at this time demon Senior almost all arrives, tribulations the strengthen Venerable is both hands cannot count, is nothing unusual while the cauldron, the congealing body big piece, the empty god on the contrary has become setting the base 平时别说见到化真修士打架了,就算想见到个化真大能都难上加难。而此时魔都的化真前辈几乎全部到场,劫变强尊更是双手都数不过来,乘鼎不足为奇,凝体大片,虚神反倒成了垫底 Red tea old dog, eats my One Sword!” “红茗老狗,吃我一剑!” A dark demon [gold/metal] tablet Void thorn, seems like the simple sword incurs, condenses a sharp sword in Changkong (vast sky) instantaneously. 黑暗魔头金碑虚空一刺,看似简单的剑招,瞬间在长空凝聚出一把利剑。 Then the sharp sword likely is tumbling fog, irresistible, Changkong (vast sky) that passes through was cut the trace, forms a black no war zone. 那把利剑像是一片翻滚云雾,势不可挡,所经过的长空都被切出了痕迹,形成一道黑色的真空地带。 What is that?” The member in distant place calls out in alarm. “那是什么?”远处的修士惊呼。 This is the collapse space! Has not thought that [gold/metal] tablet Senior One Sword warded off the collapse space!” “这是塌陷空间啊!没想到金碑前辈一剑辟出了塌陷空间!” After having humanity leaves that black crack spatial essences, the hundred-thousand member are unable to be calm. They had certainly heard collapse space, that is a potential surface of extreme twist deformation, not having the vitality may say, even if melts can go in really greatly must die without doubt. 有人道出那片黑色裂空的实质后,十万修士都无法淡定了。他们当然听说过塌陷空间,那是一种极度扭曲变形的位面,毫无生机可言,就算是化真大能进去也是必死无疑。 But that black fissure is approaching the red tea fast, the people at heart worried for him, the red tea look big change, did not have the beforehand calm again, the uneven division mark approached too, has separated lays out the big hand spatially. 而那道黑色裂痕正在快速逼近红茗,众人都在心里为他捏了把汗,红茗神色大变,再也没了之前的淡定,不等裂痕靠近太多,已经隔空拍出大手。 Buzz! 嗡! The True Yuan great hand lifts off, the sign language is having an unusual fluctuation of energy. 真元巨手升空,手语带着一股奇特的能量波动。 When hand oil sword qi collides, that black crack spatial trace stops moving, actually sees Changkong (vast sky) to flash before broader black holes, lent the strong death aura. 当手油剑气碰撞,那道黑色裂空痕迹停止移动,却见长空闪现出一片更为广阔的黑洞,散发出浓烈的死亡气息。 Really is collapse space b the big collapse space!” “真的是塌陷空间b么大的塌陷空间啊!” Melts can really greatly collision was too terrorist, our demon really Senior is fortunately few, if everywhere is melts , the fight entire demon of must be covered by the black hole “化真大能的碰撞太恐怖了,还好咱们魔都的化真前辈屈指可数,要是遍地都是化真,打起架来整个魔都都要被黑洞笼罩” I feel the aura that arrived, moreover is the collisions of two fields.” “我感受到了场的气息,而且是两股场的碰撞。” Speaking of the location, in the crowd was one piece calls out in alarm. 提起场地,人群中又是一片惊呼。 Actually more member hear the interlude, is unable to move that altitude. But is the most initial boundary, generally must achieve the congealing body to cultivate for can sense initially, if thinks the boundary accomplishment, Wudao (martial dao) Realm has stepped into congealing body Peak even to ride the cauldron mostly 其实更多的修士只是听说过场,根本无法碰触到那种高度。而就是最初始的境,一般也要达到凝体修为才能初步感悟,若想境大成,武道境界多半已经踏入了凝体巅峰甚至乘鼎 The present red tea and [gold/metal] tablet two people are to melt really the boundary, the location at least is also the accomplishment. 眼下的红茗和金碑二人都是化真之境,场地至少也是大成。 When two people fight intensely, other member discovered that even is unable to help. Two people of locations are incomparably formidable, must die simply the place to the bystander, the member who even if changes while the cauldron even tribulation enters, meets is struck to kill instantaneously. 当二人激烈交手,其余修士发现甚至无法帮忙。二人的场地都是无比强大,对外人来说简直就是必死之地,哪怕是乘鼎甚至劫变的修士进入,也会瞬间被击杀。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 Changkong (vast sky) is a bang. 长空又是一阵巨响。 The red tea and [gold/metal] tablet simultaneously greatly spit several blood, the body fly upside down. 红茗和金碑同时大吐数口鲜血,身体倒飞出去。 Under two people of offensive collisions the collapse space will expand is bigger, Void has as if formed dark clouds, but everybody is clear that is a piece of huge collapse space, any thing enters must perish. 二人的攻势碰撞下将塌陷空间扩充更大,虚空仿佛形成了一片黑云,可大家都清楚那是一片巨大的塌陷空间,任何事物进入都要灭亡。 „Do you step into, how possibly injure me? Hasn't stepped into really Second Boundary to you directly?” [gold/metal] Beigang stood firm the body then to send out the interrogation, even did not give a thought to the injury of body. “你才踏入化真,怎么可能伤我?不对你直接踏入了化真二境?”金碑刚稳住身子便发出质问,甚至不顾身体的伤势。 The people are shocked, the vision gets together on red tea. 众人惊呆,目光齐聚红茗身上。 Some time ago everybody was witnesses him to initiate Thunder Jie, surmounted, but after success breakthrough, the red tea was turns really cultivating of First Boundary into, how changes Cheng Hua really Second Boundary? 不久前大家是目睹他引发雷劫,跨越化真,而成功突破后,红茗就是化真一境的修为,怎么会变成化真二境 [Gold/Metal] Brother Bei, you determined that hasn't misread? That has only stepped into really Second Boundary?” Nie Yuan whole face question. “金碑师兄,你确定没看错?那只老贼踏入了化真二境?”聂远满脸质疑。 [gold/metal] Bei carefully has felt under red tea aura, resolute saying: Will not be wrong, he has stepped into really Second Boundary.” 金碑又仔细感受了下红茗身上的气息,语气坚定的说道:“不会错的,他真的踏入了化真二境。” The crowd shocks, is unable to understand how red tea achieves. 人群震撼,无法理解红茗是怎么做到的。 Besides red tea, on the scene can also three people, separately be really greatly thunder gate Sect Master Thunder King, the day demon sends Head Nie Yuan and demon powder cultivates First person dark demon [gold/metal] Bei. But in these three people, only then [gold/metal] Bei broke through really Second Boundary, stays as for Thunder King and Nie Yuan in the town First Boundary ten years, actually throughout could not find the breakthrough the opportunity. 除了红茗外,在场的化真大能还有三人,分别是雷门门主雷王、天魔派掌门聂远和魔都散修第一人黑暗魔头金碑。而这三人中,也只有金碑突破了化真二境,至于雷王和聂远停留在化镇一境十余年,却始终找不到突破的机遇。 „Had you found that type of stone?” The [gold/metal] tablet look changes suddenly, other people do not know that actually he can breakthrough Second Boundary, because of a chance coincidence, find the immortal stone in Antiquity ruins. “你找到了那种石头?”金碑神色突然大变,其他人并不知道,其实他能突破化真二境,是因为一次机缘巧合,在一处上古遗迹中找到了仙石。 I do not know that you were saying anything, must hit hits, should not be womanishly fussy.” The red tea installs is very proper. “我不知道你在说什么,要打就打,别婆婆妈妈的。”红茗装的很到位。 But [gold/metal] Bei had recognized the opposite party found the immortal stone the fact, because after stepping into, understands, cultivate Dao as if already to the end, how regardless to absorb world spiritual qi again, cultivates to be hard to surmount. 但金碑认定了对方找到仙石的事实,因为踏入化真之后就会明白,修道仿佛已经到头,无论再怎么吸收天地灵气,修为都难以跨越上去。 However after meeting that immortal stone, [gold/metal] Bei understands that is not cultivate Dao to the end, but is spiritual qi of western Haizhou is not enough to provide cultivation of real member, the speed endures compared with the turtle fast. 但是遇到那块仙石后,金碑就明白过来,并不是修道到头,而是西海洲的灵气不足以提供化真修士的修炼,速度堪比龟速。 Little gives Father to install silly, if today does not hand over the stone, I want you dead like a dog.” “少给老子装糊涂,今日若不交出石头,我要你不得好死。” The [gold/metal] tablet suddenly becomes crazy, the people cannot find out the brains completely, does not know in his mouth so-called what gadget ‚is stone? Makes this really Senior so excited unexpectedly. 金碑突然变得疯狂起来,众人完全摸不清头脑,不知道他口中所谓的‘石头’是什么玩意?竟然让这位化真前辈如此激动。 Two people the dogfight is also unclear, the black hole steel that on Void just about to vanishes, has covered the trim No. 2 demon peak again. 二人又缠斗不清,虚空上刚要消失的黑洞重新钢,笼罩了整片二号魔峰。 Surrounds the member to draw back draws back again, finally many people were frightened the escape by the giant black hole of top of the head, the subordinate who Thunder King and the others brought was also frightened by the so terrifying battle formation, got rid secondary attack, wanting the family to end this extravagant war. 围观修士一退再退,最后不少人被头顶的巨大黑洞吓到逃命,雷王等人带来的手下也被如此恐怖的阵势吓到,纷纷出手助攻,想要眷结束这侈战。 Cloud of smoke float over. 硝烟弥漫。 The No. 2 demon peak sky bang is restless, the mountain peak chair, felt vigorously momentarily must rumble to collapse. 二号魔峰上空巨响不息,山峰大力椅,感觉随时都要轰塌。 In Qin Feng and bustling place in dance feeling mountain valley is intense, even stands in the ground wants to stand firm the body becomes difficult. 身在山谷中的秦枫和红尘舞感觉更是强烈,甚至站在地上想要稳住身子都变得困难起来。 „It is not good, I must exit to help the father!” The bustling place dance has stood from the ground suddenly. “不行,我要出去帮助父王!”红尘舞突然从地上站了起来。 Qin Feng is busy the lineup, while shouts: Do not exit, this showdown is not your I can join, went to bring death.” 秦枫一边忙着布阵,一边喊道:“你别出去,这种对决不是你我能够加入的,去了只是送死。” The bustling place dance is unbearably anxious: I cannot look that the father was besieged by the people.” 红尘舞急不可耐:“那我也不能看着父王被众人围攻啊。” Qin Feng found out the god knowledge, examined under outside tactical situation. 秦枫将神识探出,查看了下外面的战况。 Bustling that at this time the both sides influence hits, the red tea can besiege by three really greatly, appears somewhat lacks the ability to do what one would like. 此时双方势力打的热火朝天,红茗更是被三位化真大能围击,显得有些力不从心。 You do not use, is taking hundred li (0.5km) light monkey precision bombing, me also requires two burning a joss stick time, after eye repair, everybody was safe.” “你不用出去,拿着百里光狙瞄准轰炸,我这边还需要两炷香时间,等阵眼修复后大家就安全了。” Qin Feng throws the light monkey to the bustling place dance, originally he in repairing No. 2 demon peak that place defeated eye. 秦枫将光狙丢给红尘舞,原来他一直在修复二号魔峰上那处被击破的阵眼。 When hundred li (0.5km) light monkey starts, the bustling place dance felt immediately a formidable Strength overflow comes out, her white hands shiver, this can the second kill the tribulation Weapon changes existence of Late Phase. 当百里光狙入手,红尘舞顿时感觉到一股强大的力量外溢出来,她玉手颤抖,这把武器可是能够秒杀劫变后期的存在。 hōng lóng! 轰隆 The moment, the bustling place dance has adjusted the mood, light the monkey moves, aims at Nie Yuan outside peak is a spear|gun. 只是片刻,红尘舞已经调整好了情绪,光狙移动,对准峰外的聂远就是一枪。 Rushes to the thunder to be billowing. 奔雷滚滚。 Flamings white but instantaneously, Nie Yuan simply had not realized, when discovered when places, escaped continually without enough time. 炽白的雷芒瞬间而至,聂远根本没有察觉,等发现身处雷海时,连逃跑都来不及了。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 The explosion spreads on him, melts Thunder Jie the might to be really earthshaking, Nie Yuan revolution True Yuan protects the body vigorously, was actually exploded to fly. 爆炸在他身上传开,化真雷劫的威力惊天动地,聂远极力运转真元护体,却还是被炸飞出去。 The bustling place dance strikes to go well, on face shows the pleasantly surprised look, under one after another opens fire, as if Thunder Jie in energy trough does not ask for money to resemble to result in the crazy launch. 红尘舞一击得手,脸上露出惊喜神色,手下接连开枪,仿佛能源槽里的雷劫不要钱似得疯狂发射。 Changkong (vast sky) on demon peak greatly can be damaged by explosion with the light monkey by these, the collapse space scattered steel, was gnawed has eaten jeering by the star beast likely. 魔峰上的长空都被这些大能和光狙炸坏了,塌陷空间零散钢,像是被星兽啃食过的嘲。 „Is this Thunder Jie who where comes?” Nie Yuan hit does not have temperament, where he quite a while had not found including the match. “这是哪里来的雷劫?”聂远被打的没有脾气,他半天连对手在哪里都没找到。 In demon peak is also hiding really expert.” [gold/metal] Bei fast said. “魔峰里还藏着一位化真高手。”金碑飞快说道。 „A impossible ¯ demon clan simply not to have melted , the red tea old dog also some time ago broke through.” Thunder King said. “不可能¯魔一族根本没有化真,红茗老狗也是不久前才突破的。”雷王说道。 In [gold/metal] Beiyan flashes through a piece of greedy ray, he affirmed that the red tea had found the immortal stone, and incessantly is one piece two. 金碑眼中闪过一片贪婪光芒,他更加肯定红茗找到了仙石,并且不止是一块两块。 Before did not have, does not have on behalf of the present.” [gold/metal] Bei shouts. “之前没有,不代表现在没有。”金碑喊道。 People look great change that battled, everybody understood in [gold/metal] Beihua profound meaning. 正在激战的众人神色巨变,大家已经明白了金碑话中的深意。 „Is this possible? Had an profound demon clan found breakthrough mysteriously really? Do the clansmen connect breakthrough really?” The thunder king expression somewhat shivers. “这怎么可能?难道玄魔一族找到了突破化真的玄奥?族人接连突破化真?”雷王语气有些颤抖。 This does not say, in brief today must break through the No. 2 demon peak, extinguished an profound demon clan.” “这就不好说了,总之今天必须攻破二号魔峰,灭了玄魔一族。” [gold/metal] Bei fell into crazily, now he cares is not cultivation resources on No. 2 demon peak, but is the immortal stone that the red tea obtains. 金碑已经陷入疯狂,现在他更在乎的并不是二号魔峰上的修炼资源,而是红茗得到的仙石。 The fight more hits is fiercer, two waves of influences both do not make concessions. 战斗越打越猛,两波势力都不退让。 Actually at this time, No. 2 demon peak Shanghai Steel Works wiped the light white light, a formidable ancient aura surged, had shot Thunder King and the others. 却在这时,二号魔峰上钢一抹淡淡的白光,一股强大古老的气息涌起,将雷王等人弹了出去。 Nie Head, what's all this about?” [gold/metal] Beiji said. “聂掌门,这是怎么回事?”金碑急道。 Nie Yuan looks the light cover of steel to the demon peak, the look big change: How can like this? Some people have repaired an eye.” 聂远看向魔峰四周钢的光罩,神色大变:“怎么会这样?有人修复了阵眼。” People look in great surprise. 众人神色大惊。 But array method on No. 2 demon peak Level 9 Antiquity great array, can look for the going forth to battle eye except for Nie Yuan, who the entire demon also has to discover that the eye institute is at? Even has also repaired an eye? 二号魔峰上的阵法可是九级上古大阵,除了聂远能找出阵眼,整个魔都还有何人可以发现阵眼所在?甚至还修复了阵眼? Recommendation metropolis big god Old Shi new book: 推荐都市大神老施新书:
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