HS :: Volume #19

#1812: Ten thousand Thunder Chaozong

Qin Feng hesitates without enough time, immediately hunting for the sea turtle takes back System, although he knows the result of doing this is very possible is the oneself life loses Thunder Jie, but he cannot look helplessly hunts for the sea turtle to be divided. 秦枫来不及犹豫,立即把猎鳌收回系统,虽然他知道这样做的结果很可能是自己命丧雷劫,但他也不能眼睁睁的看着猎鳌被劈死。 After hunting for the sea turtle enters System, Qin Feng feels its weak aura, although that matter induces is very weak, but at least showed that hunted for the sea turtle to live. 当猎鳌进入系统后,秦枫感受到了它微弱的气息,虽然那层感应很虚弱,但至少证明猎鳌是活了下来。 hōng lóng! 轰隆 Of top of the head actually once more descends, Qin Feng crashes into instantaneously, he had suspected oneself is the entire Spirit Root member, is struck by lightning ordinary to him is adiaphorous, but these nine change the real thunder might makes him collapse instantaneously. 头顶的雷芒却再次降落,秦枫瞬间坠入雷海之中,他一直怀疑自己是全灵根修士,普通雷击对他并无作用,可这九变真雷的威力让他瞬间崩溃。 The First Layer blue ray projects from him, under the thunder stroke of this Frantic, Vajra Art breaks through once more , to promote to Fourth Layer holy war Thunder body. 一层蓝色光芒从他身上射出,在这狂暴的雷击下,金刚诀再次突破,升级到四层圣战雷身。 Qin Feng that matter Blue Light dodges passes, was divided to extinguish by might instantaneously, even if holy war Thunder body, is invincible in Saint King Boundary, can resist fiercely attacking of Buddha Light Boundary member reluctantly, but in Divine Venerate Continent must kill under the thunder tribulation, collapses at the first blow completely. 只是秦枫身上的那层蓝光一闪即逝,瞬间被雷芒的威力劈灭,哪怕是圣战雷身,也只是在圣王境无敌,可以勉强抵挡佛光境修士的猛攻,但在神尊大陆的必杀雷劫下,完全不堪一击。 Qin Feng does not have the thoughts to go to joyful Vajra Art breakthrough of once more, because he does not know that oneself can survive in this time Thunder Jie, when royal purple Thunder Guangpi is, was brushed by the innumerable steel whip likely, must pull out the broken putty his body. 秦枫没心思去喜悦金刚诀的再次突破,因为他都不知道自己能不能在这次雷劫中存活下来,当蓝紫色的雷光劈在身上时,像是被无数条钢鞭抽打,要将他的身体抽成碎泥。 Qin Feng felt that the consciousness vanishes once more gradually, actually at this time, good fortune Heart Art started to revolve voluntarily, and speed of revolving was getting more and more fast, what changed was the aura of his within the body is tumbling crazily, as if formed a small vortex class in within the body. 秦枫感觉到意识再次渐渐消失,却在这时,造化篇心诀开始自行运转,并且运转的速度越来越快,随之变化的是他体内的气息在疯狂翻滚,仿佛在体内形成一个小型漩涡流。 Thunder Yuansi, everywhere......” “雷源似海,雷海漫天……” The old sound spreads when the Qin Feng mind together, he can affirm that is not the System sound, actually in this sound resounds, the consciousness of Qin Feng fast restores, the brain becomes exceptionally clear. His raise head looked at the eye to inundate the heavenly thunder sea, tastes several character real knacks that in the mind was reappearing, as if suddenly had some sudden enlightenment. 一道苍老的声音在秦枫脑海中传开,他可以肯定那不是系统的声音,却在这声音响起时,秦枫的意识飞快恢复,大脑变得异常清晰。他抬头看了眼漫天雷海,回味着脑海中浮现的几字真诀,仿佛突然有了一些顿悟。 Thunder Tianjue the First type, directs the thunder!” “雷天诀第一式,引雷!” In the Qin Feng mind the white light dodges, he caught that spoken parts light suddenly, the instinct jumped, toward Void here One Sword. 秦枫脑海中白光一闪,他突然抓到了那道白光,本能跃起,朝虚空此处一剑 The real B sword chops the blue sword glow, the sword glow resembles together, brings several Thunder and Lightning to soar to the heavens instantaneously. 真乙剑劈出一道蓝色剑芒,剑芒似雷芒,瞬间带起十几道雷电冲天。 Two thunder strokes clash in Void, send out the fierce sound, the thunder stroke that but Qin Feng chops is too weak, was wrecked by Thunder Jie instantaneously. 两股雷击在虚空对撞,发出剧烈的动静,只是秦枫劈出的雷击还是太弱,瞬间被雷劫击毁。 pī li pā lā! Also is several pounds on Qin Feng, his body twitched fiercely several, wields the Second sword furiously. 噼里啪啦!又是几道雷芒砸在秦枫身上,他身体猛地抽搐了几下,奋力挥出第二剑。 Thunder Tianjue Second type, Thunder Bian!” “雷天诀第二式,雷变!” This sword glow changes to several blue thunder birds to soar to the heavens, must the imposing manner that Void blows up, when is actually struck by lightning and Thunder Jie hits instantaneous, Qin Feng as if heard whinning of death, that several thunder birds dissipate instantaneously. 这次剑芒化作几只蓝色的雷霆鸟冲天,一副要将虚空炸毁的气势,却当雷击和雷劫撞击瞬间,秦枫仿佛听到了死亡的哀嚎,那几只雷霆鸟瞬间消散。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 As if even/including Leijie had realized the Qin Feng strong revolt psychology, several other also crashes, each Thunder and Lightning some people of waists are thick or thin, everywhere one visit air blasting open, a Ruin the Heavens, Destroy the Earth battle formation. 似乎连雷劫都意识到了秦枫坚强的反抗心理,剩余的十几道雷芒同时坠落,每一道雷电都有人腰粗细,所到之处空气炸裂,一副毁天灭地的阵势。 Qin Feng places, raise head then can see the staggered magnificent scene, at this moment died to him is very near, but he did not have the nervousness, in the heart is the dead situation is likely tranquil, can make him start the mighty waves without anything. 秦枫身处雷海之中,抬头便能看见雷芒交错的壮观场景,这一刻死亡离他很近,但他却没了紧张情绪,心中像是一潭死水平静,没有任何事情能让他掀起波澜。 After Thunder Tianjue is his homemade non- shade blade, reward that System gives, this is one set of Earth Level High Quality thunder is Merit Technique, the might is infinite. 雷天诀是他自创无影刀后,系统给予的奖励,这是一套地级上品的雷系功法,威力无穷。 Qin Feng only comprehended the first two types at present, but when inundates the heavenly thunder sea to fall down, he had one type after dying, sudden enlightenment that remaining years of life! 只是秦枫目前只领悟了前两式,但当漫天雷海就要坠地之间,他有了一种死后余生的顿悟! Thunder Yuansi, everywhere......” “雷源似海,雷海漫天……” Qin Feng greatly is at present bright, One Sword punctures spatially: Thunder Tianjue Third type, ten thousand Thunder Chaozong!” 秦枫眼前大亮,一剑刺空:“雷天诀第三式,万雷朝宗!” It seems like simple One Sword, caused to change instantaneously, that was just about who divided to fall the Qin Feng top of the head suddenly changes, punctured along with his One Sword, unexpectedly reverse flew back toward Changkong (vast sky). When interlocks in Changkong (vast sky) able to move unhindered, has formed a rare celestial phenomenon, on float does not fall on the upper air, because the long sword in Qin Feng hand has not fallen. 看似简简单单的一剑,瞬间引起了雷海变化,那正要劈落秦枫头顶的雷芒突然变向,随着他那一剑刺出,竟然反向朝着长空飞回。当雷芒在长空交错纵横,形成了一副罕见的雷海天象,那雷海就悬浮在高空不落,因为秦枫手中的长剑未落。 In the flash, Qin Feng saw the light suddenly Thunder Tianjue Third type ten thousand Thunder Chaozong, he has realized the great strength of this type, is not only uses own aura to transform Thunder Yuan, can guide the outside thunder source to attack unexpectedly. 只是在一瞬间,秦枫就顿悟了雷天诀第三式万雷朝宗,他意识到了这一式的强大,不仅是利用自身气息转化雷源,竟然还能引导外界雷源进行攻击。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 Of upper air starts to blast open, the Qin Feng forehead emits the First Layer cold sweat, he just saw the light suddenly after all ten thousand Thunder Chaozong, the technique and controlling force are not adept, but at this time guides must kill Thunder Jie, is only after the several seconds, Qin Feng has felt urgently strenuous. 高空的雷海开始炸裂,秦枫额头冒出一层冷汗,他毕竟刚刚顿悟万雷朝宗,手法和控制力还不娴熟,而此时引导的又是必杀雷劫,只是短短几秒钟后,秦枫已经倍感吃力。 Thinks without enough time that his One Sword chops to fall! 来不及多想,他一剑劈落! Wields a sword the movement to be ordinary when with him, simple agile, is not fancy. 和他挥剑时的动作一般,简单利落,毫无花俏。 This One Sword might actually shocks myriad, that inundates the heavenly thunder sea to fall to fall along with the sword unexpectedly, was actually directed outside star by Qin Feng. 一剑的威力却震撼万千,那漫天雷海竟然随着剑落而落,却是被秦枫引到了星界外去。 pī li pā lā! 噼里啪啦 The bang blasts out on the river bed of purple light spirit [lineage/vein], is only the Qin Feng person in star, could not hear that fierce sound, but in star, the thunder clouds dissipates, the spring breeze sways, all restore the original design, resembles any matter not to occur. 巨响在紫霞灵脉的河床上炸开,只是秦枫人在星界中,已经听不到那剧烈的动静,而在星界中,雷云消散,春风吹拂,一切恢复原样,就好像什么事情也没有发生。 Qin Feng actually knows that all have occurred , the aura of his within the body becomes purer abundant, in his mind were many memory to Thunder Tianjue a Merit Technique sensibility, suddenly Qin Feng in same place, even had forgotten breaks through joy that Fokuang six change, he in tasting a moment ago that One Sword, under One Sword inspires unexpectedly, is really inconceivable. 秦枫却知道那一切都真实的发生过,他体内的气息变得更加纯净雄厚,他脑海中多了一份对雷天诀功法感悟的记忆,一时间秦枫愣在原地,甚至忘记了突破佛光六变的喜悦,他在回味刚才那一剑,一剑下竟然引动雷海,实在是不可思议。 Master, gathered the minefield pattern soon unable to withstand!” At this time, in the mind has actually transmitted calling out in alarm of Little Fragrant Pig. 主人,蓄雷阵快要承受不住了!”却在这时,脑海中传来了小香猪的惊叫。 Qin Feng awakens immediately, has more than 100 to gather the minefield pattern in star, but these gather the minefield pattern , if there is explosion, must make the butterfly effect, causes all array method instantaneous avalanches, more than 100 gathered the minefield pattern to preserve the giant thunder source energy, that Thunder Yuan who even just directed Qin Feng was more violent. 秦枫立即惊醒,在星界中有100多个蓄雷阵,而这些蓄雷阵若是有一个发生爆炸,必会引起蝴蝶效应,使得所有阵法都瞬间崩塌,100多个蓄雷阵储藏了巨大的雷源能量,甚至比秦枫刚刚引走的那个雷源还要猛烈。 Qin Feng displays Thunder Tianjue the Third type immediately, immediately the gathering minefield pattern everywhere obtained the summon likely, changes to the light to vanish does not see. 秦枫立即施展雷天诀第三式,顿时满地的蓄雷阵像是得到了召唤,化作光影消失不见。 Short burning a joss stick time, Qin Feng walks larger part Thunder Yuanyin, but he was in the exhausted situation at this time, although that ten thousand Thunder Chaozong sword is fierce, actually extremely consumes internal qi. 短短一炷香时间,秦枫将一大半的雷源引走,而他此时已经到了精疲力尽的地步,那万雷朝宗剑式虽然厉害,却是极其消耗内气的。 star space also remaining twenty gather the minefield pattern, Qin Feng wants them to shift, did not have the strength. 星界空间还剩下二十几个蓄雷阵,秦枫就算有心要将它们转移,却也没了力气。 Little Fragrant Pig, these Thunder Yuan, if blasts out in star space, won't destroy here?” Asking that Qin Feng is worried about. 小香猪,这些雷源要是在星界空间炸开,不会摧毁这里吧?”秦枫担心的问道。 Destroys is insufficient but actually, but will destroy Spirit Grass Spirit Plant in Medicine Garden, Master can receive first important Spirit Grass, or the purchase energy trough, stores up these Thunder Yuan.” “摧毁倒不至于,不过会破坏掉药园里的灵草灵株,主人可以先把重要的灵草收起来,或者购买能源槽,把这些雷源储存进去。” Energy trough? What thing is that?” Qin Feng or first time hear of Little Fragrant Pig mentioned. “能源槽?那是什么东西?”秦枫还是第一次小香猪提起。 Little Fragrant Pig explained: Energy trough is the multipurpose reservoirs, can store up any energy, the simple point said that the energy star stone is also an energy trough, but it can only store up the star energy, Radium Origin Stone that Fire Origin Stone of Firecloud Artillery use, the laser spear|gun uses...... these are one of the energy trough.” 小香猪解释道:“能源槽是万能储存器,可以储存任何能源,简单点说,能源星石也算是一种能源槽,不过它只能储存星界能源,还有火云炮使用的火云石,镭射枪使用的镭元石……这些都算是能源槽的一种。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完) APPapp APPapp G_ covers cup star idol racket A_V to win the champion online to watch! Please pay attention to the WeChat public number!: G_罩杯女星偶像首拍A_V勇夺冠军在线观看!请关注微信公众号!: meinvlu123 meinvlu123 ( Long according to three seconds of duplication) (长按三秒复制) !! !!
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