HTMS :: Volume #95

#9402: Sleepy beast

These people are also willing to keep the fight at least. 这些人最起码还肯留下来战斗。 Like the phoenix nine these fellows, did not look that the situation to did not run. 不像凰九那些家伙,一看情况不对就跑了。 Received these people, Ling Xiao offered a sacrifice to the hemorrhage sword, fled toward the distant place at the crazy speed. 收了这些人,凌霄祭出血剑,以疯狂的速度朝着远处遁逃。 Saint soldier! Inside the boy hand has the Saint soldier!” “圣兵!那小子手里头有圣兵!” Do not make him escape, holds him!” “不要让他逃了,抓住他!” The Saint soldier, regarding the emperor level powerhouse, is still the extremely rare thing. 圣兵,对于帝级强者,依然是极为稀罕的东西。 Ling Xiao has unexpectedly. 凌霄居然有。 They naturally cannot let off. 他们自然不会放过。 Dozens Great Emperor level powerhouses pursued to Ling Xiao. 数十个大帝级强者追向了凌霄 I scratch, do not pursue me!” “我擦,别都来追我啊!” Ling Xiao speechless. 凌霄一阵无语。 Although his speed is discontented, treated as the flying sword flight with the blood sword, the speed has exceeded was skilled in level Mortal Emperor. 他的速度虽然不满,以血剑当做飞剑飞行,速度已经超越了精通级人帝 The point is that the opposite has three accomplishment level Mortal Emperor, peak level Mortal Emperor! 可问题是,对面有三个大成级人帝,还有一个巅峰级人帝啊! How this escaped. 这怎么逃得了啊。 After one hour, most people had been thrown by him in behind. 一个小时之后,大多数人已经被他扔在了后面。 But that four fellows, but also is pursuing. 但那四个家伙,还在追击。 Especially that peak level Mortal Emperor, the rapidness of speed, made others be able not hold a candle simply. 尤其是那个巅峰级人帝,速度之快,简直令其余人望尘莫及。 Is also getting more and more near from Ling Xiao. 距离凌霄也越来越近。 Pitifully the strength was eventually weaker, is unable to play a hemorrhage sword bigger might, otherwise the flying speed should be faster.” “可惜实力终究还是弱了些,无法发挥出血剑更大的威力,不然飞行速度应该更快一些。” Ling Xiao sighed, helpless somewhat. 凌霄叹了口气,有几分无奈。 Whiz! 嗖! Peak level Mortal Emperor erupted the attack suddenly. 巅峰级人帝突然爆发了攻击。 A fist bang approached Ling Xiao. 一拳轰向了凌霄 Of might, astonishing incomparable. 威力之强,惊人无比。 Escapes spatially!” “遁空!” Ling Xiao remains is escaping spatially, uses at crucial moment. 凌霄留着遁空,就是关键时候用的。 Escapes one time spatially, the most long-distance range may be the kilometer. 一次遁空,最远距离可达上千米。 Later opens the space gate, spans over ten thousand li (0.5 km). 之后再开启空间门,跨越上万里。 Even so, throws three accomplishment level Mortal Emperor distant. 但即便如此,将三个大成级人帝扔的远远的。 But that peak level Mortal Emperor actually pursued as before. 可是那巅峰级人帝却依旧是追了上来。 Suddenly is several thousand li (0.5 km), this special caught up with the space gate quickly. 瞬息间就是数千里地,这特么快赶上空间门了。 Really is troublesome!” “真是麻烦啊!” Ling Xiao is helpless. 凌霄无奈。 Peak level Mortal Emperor, he absolutely is not an opponent. 巅峰级人帝,他绝对不是对手。 Therefore does not have any idea of fight. 所以没有任何战斗的想法。 Continued to fly some time, he displayed to escape again adds on the space gate spatially. Spread out again. 继续飞行了一段时间,他再次施展遁空加上空间门。再一次拉开了距离。 These two abilities have cooling, is unable the long-term usage, otherwise, the opposite party to be abandoned by him early. 这两种能力都是有冷却的,无法连续使用,否则的话,对方早被他抛开了。 However now, a while was far, a while was near. 不过现在,一会儿远了,一会儿近了。 It is not able to drop out that peak level Mortal Emperor. 始终无法将那巅峰级人帝抛下。 Really is very hard to deal with. 真得是非常难缠。 Must try to find a solution!” “得想个办法!” Ling Xiao knits the brows. 凌霄皱了皱眉。 This way, sooner or later will be caught up. 这样子下去,迟早会被追上的。 The space gate and escapes spatially consumes true yuan extremely. 空间门和遁空是极为消耗真元的。 Even his true yuan is vigorous, cannot waste like this. 即便他真元浑厚无比,也不能这样浪费啊。 If by some chance encounters the danger, belch fart? 万一遇到危险,岂不是嗝屁了? This gadget, was used to escape, is not used to compete. 这玩意儿,本来就是用来逃命的,可不是用来比赛的。 The long-term usage is impossible. 连续使用根本不可能。 The desolate ancient battlefield is too big, according to this speed, escaping is not possible. 荒古战场太大,按照这个速度,逃出去几无可能。 Here nearest place, was south barren hill. 这里距离最近的地方,便是南荒山。 Ling Xiao thought of a great idea suddenly. 凌霄忽然想到了一个好主意。 Goes to the southern barren hill. 去南荒山。 Enters nine life holy sepulchres, should very be safe. 进入九命圣墓,应该会很安全。 Obviously, the wild person is unable to enter that place. 显然,荒人是无法进入那地方的。 Otherwise, they will definitely compete for the jade pendant. 否则,他们肯定会争夺玉佩。 But without does, therefore can only think that they are unable to enter. 但没有那么做,所以只能认为他们无法进入。 Bets!” “赌一把!” Must escape in any case in any case. 反正横竖都得逃命。 Ling Xiao plans to bet. 凌霄打算赌一把。 Really the incorrect words, Ling Xiao planned that made the lunar shadow help. 实在不行的话,凌霄就打算让月影帮忙了。 Although the lunar shadow comes out is not definitely good. 尽管月影出来肯定不好。 After all here principle disorder. 毕竟这里法则紊乱。 But most crisis time, has to do. 但最危机的时候,也不得不那么做了。 Thinks of here, he flew toward nine life holy sepulchres directly. 想到这里,他直接朝着九命圣墓飞了过去。 Although two people distances are close unceasingly, but that peak level Mortal Emperor is actually not able to catch up with him. 尽管两人的距离在不断接近,但那巅峰级人帝却始终无法追上他。 Essential time, the Ling Xiao space gate and escapes spatially. 关键的时候,凌霄就会施展空间门和遁空。 Thus spreads out. 从而拉开距离。 The one who makes Ling Xiao somewhat helpless is, his present space and time domain scale is too low. 凌霄有些无奈的是,他现在的时空领域档次太低。 Must result to promote as soon as possible. 必须得尽快提升上来。 Such, can cause the space gate and escaping spatial ability large scale promotion. 那样,就能使得空间门和遁空能力大幅度提升了。 Pursues catches up, in an instant, was for three days and three nights. 一追一赶,转眼间,就是三天三夜。 Finally, nine life holy sepulchres appear at present. 终于,九命圣墓出现在了眼前。 Ling Xiao ran into that transmission gate directly, entered in the holy sepulchre. 凌霄直接冲进了那传送门之中,进入了圣墓之内。 Mentioned also strangely. 说来也奇怪。 Even if he obtains nine to assign/life the inheritance of Martial Saint, but the opening condition in this holy sepulchre actually has not changed. 即便他已经得到九命武圣的传承了,但这圣墓的开启状态却没有变。 Does not know that is what reason. 不知道是何原因。 Is because nine did assign Martial Saint not dead completely? 难道是因为九命武圣并没有完全死去? Ling Xiao since later, waited for a while in the channel. 凌霄进入之后,在通道里等了一会儿。 Really does not see some people to come. 果然并不见有人进来。 He basically can determine now. 他现在基本上可以确定了。 The opposite party are unable to come. 对方无法进来。 Does not know that is the wild person is unable to come , the pure emperor level powerhouse is unable to come. 只是不知道是荒人无法进来,还是单纯帝级强者无法进来。 This is unable to confirm. 这个无法验证。 However no matter which type, they should be safe. 不过不管哪一种,他们都应该算是安全了。 Ling Xiao continues stand forth, arrived in the life jungle. 凌霄继续向前走去,来到了生命丛林之中。 The strength of here life is abundant, as the place of cultivation is also good. 这里生命之力充裕,作为修炼之地也是不错。 According to the idea of Ling Xiao, the opposite party will definitely be stopping up them outside. 按照凌霄的想法,对方肯定会在外面堵着他们的。 Therefore, must prepare here long-term cultivation. 所以,必须得做好在这里长期修炼的准备。 Determined periphery the security, Ling Xiao put everyone. 确定了周围安全,凌霄将所有人都放了出来。 Has 5,000-6,000 people. 足足有5,000-6,000人。 Besides several had entered here Heaven's Chosen, others are very strange, where here is. 除了几个曾经进入过这里的天骄之外,其余人都很奇怪,这里是什么地方。 Here is nine life holy sepulchres.” “这里是九命圣墓。” Ling Xiao explained: „ Does not have the means that peak level Mortal Emperor to pursue too tightly, I am unable to get rid, can only come to here. 凌霄解释道:“没办法,巅峰级人帝追得太紧,我无法摆脱,只能来这里了。 However they do not seem to be able to come, therefore here should be safe. 不过他们似乎不能进来,所以这里应该是安全的。 Perhaps must prepare for a long time here cultivation. ” 诸位恐怕要做好长时间在这里修炼的准备了。” Can save the life temporarily, is very good, many thanks Ling brother!” “能暂时保住性命,已经很不错了,多谢凌兄!” The people feel grateful in abundance said. 众人纷纷感激道。 No need, small matter.” “不必,一点小事儿而已。” Ling Xiao shakes the head to say. 凌霄摇了摇头道。 Ling Xiao, what then has to plan, we are impossible to treat forever here?” 凌霄,接下来有什么打算,我们也不可能永远待在这里?” Bai Fengfeng looked that asked to Ling Xiao. 白凤凤看向了凌霄问道。 The snow lotus, red sleeve and thunder clap also looked to him. 雪莲、红袖、雷震子也都看向了他。 Ling Xiao powerful, wise, has become the leader in people mind. 凌霄实力强大、足智多谋,已经成为了众人心目中的领袖。 Temporarily no means that can only cultivation the promotion strength. “暂时没什么好办法,只能是修炼提升实力了。 Their strengths want to be increased to be unlikely again. 他们的实力想要再提升不太可能。 But we actually. 但我们却可以。 Once promotion high-grade half Great Emperor, I thought that I am capable of blocking that peak level Mortal Emperor. 一旦晋升上品半步大帝,我觉得我还是有能力挡住那巅峰级人帝的。 Others, is a cinch. 其余人,不在话下。 Many promotion, like this, are also easier to maintain a livelihood. ” 诸位也得多多提升,这样,更容易活命。” Ling Xiao said. 凌霄道。 These people besides part day of level low-grade true body peak talent. 这些人除了部分天级下品真身的顶尖天才之外。 Remaining is also the high-grade prefectural level true body. 剩下的也都是上品地级真身。 The aptitude is good. 资质非常好。 So long as their strengths have been increased, then to the hope is enormous. 只要他们的实力有所提升,那么冲出去的希望是极大的。 The people nod, scatter in all directions to separate, starts to cultivate in the life jungle. 众人点了点头,四散分开,在生命丛林之中开始修炼。 Ling Xiao also sits true yuan that restores to lose. 凌霄也坐下来恢复损耗的真元 After restoring to finish . 恢复完毕之后。 He alone walks toward outside, wants to have a look outside situation. 他一个人朝着外面走去,想要看看外面的情况。 Except for the transmission gate, he suffered the attack immediately. 除了传送门,他立即就遭受到了攻击。 Not is only that peak level Mortal Emperor outside, three accomplishment level Mortal Emperor have also arrived. 不仅是那巅峰级人帝在外面,三个大成级人帝也已经到了。 Boy, you best treat for a lifetime in inside, otherwise, I must kill you!” “小子,你最好一辈子待在里面,不然,我必杀你!” That peak level Mortal Emperor saw Ling Xiao to re-enter the holy sepulchre, the anger exclaimed. 那巅峰级人帝看到凌霄重新进入了圣墓,怒吼道。 Ling Xiao smiles, has not paid attention. 凌霄笑了笑,没有理会。 But re-entered the life jungle. 而是重新进入了生命丛林。 He plans to promote the life old tree again. 他打算将生命古树再次提升。 As the matter stands, the rank of god bloodlines will also promote. 这样一来,众神血脉的等级还会提升。 The present is ultra god-ranked third-level mid-graded, is equivalent to the mid-graded day level true body. 如今是超神品三级中品,相当于中品天级真身。 But if promotes Great Emperor the rank of life old tree, it is estimated that can achieve the ultra god-ranked third-level high-grade. 但如果将生命古树的级别提升到大帝,估计能达到超神品三级上品吧。
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