HTMS :: Volume #94

#9361: Is yourself courts death!

On the road, Ling Xiao was about also clear the desolate fights the use of stage. 路上,凌霄也大约清楚了荒战台的用途。 This desolate fights the stage, is place that in the village can fight only. 这荒战台,是村庄里唯一能够战斗的地方。 Originally is among the wild people compares notes the place of technique. 本来是荒人之间切磋技艺之地。 However some outcomers idle bored, therefore also started to fight a fight using the desolate. 不过一些外来者闲得无聊,于是也开始利用荒战台战斗了。 Only needed to pay some Saint stones to be then OK. 只需要缴纳一些圣石便可以了。 The desolate fights on the stage to fight a advantage, even your severe wound, so long as under falling fights the stage, cannot make a move to the convenience again. 荒战台上战斗有个好处,就算你重伤,只要掉落下战台,对方便不能再出手了。 Otherwise will be attacked by wild person Great Emperor. 否则就会遭到荒人大帝的攻击。 Therefore, many martial artist are not willing to slaughter outside, once because is injured, with dying similarly. 所以,很多武者不愿意在外面厮杀,因为一旦受伤,跟死差不多了。 But here, relative security. 但在这里,相对安全一些。 Hears here, Ling Xiao also had the thought that he solitarily, is injured outside is very dangerous matter. 听到这里,凌霄也生出了念头,他只身一人,在外面受伤是很危险的事情。 Would rather in the desolate fights on the stage with the person showdown, even if the life-and-death fight, so long as to opening up wasteland to fight the stage basically to be then all right. 倒不如在荒战台上与人对决,哪怕是生死之战,只要离开荒战台便基本没事儿了。 This can discipline own war technique. 这样可以磨练自身的战技。 Also can promote cultivation base. 也可以提升修为 After all he has the method that controls others to run away. 毕竟他有控制别人逃走的方法。 Soon, Ling Xiao saw fights the stage. 不久之后,凌霄就看到了一座战台。 Fighting the stage is very big, the circular, the diameter is over ten thousand meters. 战台很大,圆形的,直径足足有上万米。 Surroundings hanging and vertical many youth, even wild person. 周围悬空而立许多青年,甚至还有荒人。 Although here set the seat, but that used to the wild person, the quantity are not many. 这里虽然设置了座位,但那原本就只是给荒人用的,数量并不多。 Therefore most people stand are looking. 所以大多数人都是站着看的。 martial artist does not care about these issues luckily. 幸好武者倒也不在乎这些问题。 The surrounding person is really many, in addition the wild person, must have over ten thousand people at least. 周围的人真是多啊,加上荒人,起码得有上万人。 This time desolate fights above stage, two to war. 此时的荒战台之上,正有两人在对战。 To both sides of war obviously is the outcomers. 对战的双方显然都是外来者。 Two people strength is not very strong, is only Ninth Layer/nine layers Quasi-Emperor cultivation base. 两人实力都不算很强,都只是九重准帝修为而已。 However the bloodlines true body is the high-grade prefectural level true body. 不过血脉真身都是上品地级真身。 Currently speaking, Ling Xiao in the desolate ancient battlefield has also never seen the talent under any high-grade prefectural level true body. 目前来说,凌霄在荒古战场还从未见过任何一个上品地级真身之下的天才。 Here is really crowd of stars gathers together. 这里真得是群星荟萃啊。 Two people strength is well-matched. 两人实力旗鼓相当。 Hit long time, makes no distinction between victory and defeat as before. 打了很长时间,依旧是不分胜负。 Suddenly, under strikes, two people also depart, hit, in the desolate fought around above stage barrier. 突然,一击之下,两人同时飞出,撞在了荒战台周围的屏障之上。 Life-and-death fight?” “生死之战?” Ling Xiao gawked. 凌霄愣了一下。 The desolate fights on the stage, only then a possibility does not permit. 荒战台上,只有一种可能不允许下来。 That is the life-and-death fight. 那就是生死之战。 Needs to sign the life and death contract ahead of time. 需要提前签订生死契约。 Once signs, does not die continuous. 一旦签订,不死不休。 Only if some side died in battle, otherwise that was impossible to finish. 除非某一方战死,不然那就不可能结束。 Even another side forgiveness is impossible. 就算是另外一方饶恕都不可能。 Naturally, if you can fight around stage barrier to destroy the desolate, pours also yes. 当然,如果你能将荒战台周围的屏障破坏了的话,倒也是可以的。 However basically has no possibility. 不过基本没什么可能。 The desolate fights the barrier of stage is the powerhouse arrangement of Great Emperor level. 荒战台的屏障是大帝级的强者布置的。 But enters here outcomer is completely martial artist under half Great Emperor. 而进入这里的外来者全部都是半步大帝之下的武者 The desolate fights on the stage unable to admit defeat. 荒战台上不能认输。 The life-and-death fight cannot admit defeat. 生死之战更不能认输。 Steps the desolate to fight the stage, actually has very big risk, therefore generally martial artist not with powerful martial artist fight. 踏上荒战台,其实还是有很大风险的,所以一般武者不会跟比自己强大的武者战斗。 If unable to escape the arena, that passed away. 因为如果无法逃下擂台,那就一命呜呼了。 Most people will choose strength suitable martial artist to the war, will not sign the life and death contract. 大多数人都会选择实力相当的武者对战,也不会签订生死契约。 Does not know that these two have a grudge, signed the life and death contract. 不知道这两人是不是有仇,才签订了生死契约。 Fights on the stage, although two people seem like anyone unable to do to anyone. 战台上,虽然两人看起来谁也不能奈何谁。 At this time, so long as insisted for one hour. 这个时候,只要坚持一个小时。 Both people can relieve the life and death contract simultaneously. 两个人都可以同时解除生死契约了。 Otherwise because was endless. 因为不然没完没了了。 Couldn't others return? 人家还上不上了? Therefore, this is the exceptional case. 所以,这属于特例。 Generally, the life and death showdown must come out the life and death. 一般情况下,生死对决都是要决出生死的。 However, these two youth do not seem to want to delay such a long time. 不过,这两个青年似乎不想拖延那么长时间。 Reason that the choice life-and-death fight , because they have a grudge. 之所以选择生死之战,就是因为他们有仇。 The strength has not related. 实力相当也没关系。 Life and death often in flash. 生死往往就在一瞬之间。 The fighting wills of some people were weak, defeated. 有人的战斗意志薄弱了,就败了。 Finally, one of them while the opposite party feeble-minded opportunity, got rid of the opposite party. 最终,其中一人趁着对方意志薄弱的机会,将对方干掉了。 The method of killing the opposite party, unexpectedly is not the fierce martial skill, is pure bites with the tooth, suffices to be primitive, but can also end the fight. 杀死对方的方法,竟然不是什么厉害的武技,就是单纯的用牙咬,够原始,但也能解决战斗。 And after a side dies . 其中一方死后。 The fight ended. 战斗结束。 Another person was also lifted to fight the stage. 另外一人也被抬下了战台。 At this time, there is a form together to jump on. 此时,又有一道身影纵身而上。 cultivation base of this person is peak Quasi-Emperor, about 30% durations and degrees of cooking. 此人的修为是巅峰准帝,大约30%火候。 Wears the blue clothes, grasps the sharp sword. 身穿蓝衣,手持利剑。 Who comes to fight with me?” “谁来与我一战?” I come!” “我来!” Wears the person of azure garment to soar. 一个身穿青衫之人腾空而起。 Jumped up the arena. 跳上了擂台。 This person is also peak Quasi-Emperor, but only has 10% durations and degrees of cooking. 此人也是巅峰准帝,不过只有10%火候。 It seems like, wants to challenge. 看起来,是想挑战自我。 Therefore has not chosen the life and death struggle. 所以没有选择生死战。 As the matter stands, is unable to win by his strength even, can still save the life. 这样一来,以他的实力就算无法取胜,也能保住性命。 Really is troublesome, does a fellow of your 10% crucial moment ask me to do? Wastes the time!” “真是麻烦,你一个10%火候的家伙来找我干什么?浪费时间!” Generally does not have the enmity words, strength high martial artist is not willing with the strength low martial artist fight. 一般没仇的话,实力高的武者是不太愿意与实力低的武者战斗的。 Because of too waste time. 因为太浪费时间了。 Also no harvest. 还没什么收获。 That also not necessarily!” “那也未必!” The person of azure garment said with a smile: You could not be higher than many me!” 青衫之人笑道:“你比我也高不了多少!” Impenetrably thickheaded, then on life-and-death fight, otherwise, I refuse to waste the time with you!” “冥顽不灵,那就生死之战,否则,我拒绝与你浪费时间!” The life-and-death fight, can kill the opposite party to benefit. 生死之战,能杀了对方得到好处。 The ordinary fight, he has not grasped surrounds the opposite party. 普通战斗,他可没有把握困住对方。 Does not have the issue!” “没问题!” Clothes martial artist nods to say. 青衫武者点了点头道。 Although slightly hesitant, but felt probably oneself can insist at least for one hour, therefore complied. 虽然稍微犹豫了一下,但大概是觉得自己最起码能坚持一个小时,所以就答应了。 Buzz! 嗡! With signing of life and death contract, fought around stage to raise the close barrier. 随着生死契约的签订,战台周围升起了封闭的屏障。 Kills!” “杀!” Clothes martial artist takes the lead to launch the attack, grasps the sword, powerful, killed just like the strong winds generally to the opponent. 青衫武者率先发动攻击,手持战刀,威风凛凛,宛若狂风一般杀向了对手。 That blue clothes youth sneers. 那蓝衣青年冷笑一声。 Suddenly domain of eruption water. 突然间水之领域爆发。 His surroundings, presented a large area of sea water unexpectedly. 他的周围,居然出现了大面积的海水。 The sea water sweeps across. 海水席卷而过。 In being exposed to light of implication terrifying. 内中蕴含恐怖的见光。 Bang! 轰! A loud sound. 一声巨响。 The azure garment martial artist complexion big change, retrocedes again and again. 青衫武者脸色大变,连连后退。 Although had not been struck to fly, is this disadvantage, actually relative big. 虽说没有被击飞,可是这劣势,却相当之大。 Kills!” “杀!” Meaning that the blue clothes youth has not shown mercy completely. 蓝衣青年完全没有手下留情的意思。 He comes up to discipline to fight the technique, hopes that same cultivation base martial artist challenges him. 他上来是为了磨练战技的,希望同等修为武者来挑战他。 Unexpectedly came such a. 居然来了这么一个。 He is naturally uncomfortable. 他自然不爽。 Therefore must blow away this fellow, quite makes other cultivation base not dare to challenge him martial artist that he is lower than again. 所以必须得干掉这个家伙,好让其余修为比他低的武者不敢再挑战他。 Clothes martial artist falls on completely leeward. 青衫武者完全落在下风。 Retrocedes unceasingly. 不断后退。 Resists unceasingly. 不断抵抗。 As if by rabbit that the fierce tiger pursues. 仿佛被猛虎追逐的兔子。 He misjudged. 他失算了。 The opposite party were too strong. 对方太强了。 Originally thinks own good and evil can insist for one hour, in the process that in fights with this blue clothes youth can break through. 本来以为自己好歹能坚持一个小时,在与这蓝衣青年战斗的过程中可以突破自我。 But he made a mistake, the opposite party was too strong. 可是他错了,对方太强了。 Let alone one hour. 别说一个小时。 Merely after more than ten minutes . 仅仅十多分钟之后。 He died under a sword light. 他就死在了一道剑光之下。 A Heaven's Chosen of prefectural level high-grade bloodlines true body, was killed unexpectedly. 一个地级上品血脉真身的天骄,居然就这么被杀了。 A person died in battle, the barrier vanishes. 一人战死,屏障消失。 The life-and-death fight ended. 生死之战结束。 This is the desolate fights the stage. 这就是荒战台。 Sometimes, your having a low opinion of the enemy, will directly cause your death. 有些时候,你的轻敌,就会直接导致你的死亡。 These people, basically uniformly are the high-grade prefectural level true bodies. 这些人,基本清一色都是上品地级真身。 But the strength still has the disparity. 但实力依然存在差距。 This had the direct relation with the domain, martial skill, weapon, experience. 这跟领域、武技、兵器、经验等都有直接关系。 That blue clothes youth cultivation base is not only fiercer than azure garment martial artist, but also the fight skill is also more powerful. 那个蓝衣青年不仅仅修为比青衫武者厉害,而且战斗技巧也更加强大。 Therefore can the steamroll. 所以才能碾压。 Do not blame me, is yourself courts death!” “别怪我,是你自己找死!” The blue clothes youth has taken storage ring from the opposite party hand. 蓝衣青年从对方手上拿过了储物戒 This war, he must have the harvest. 这一战,他必须得有收获啊。 Since cannot the disciplining martial skill, that take storage ring of opposite party. 既然不能磨练武技,那就拿了对方的储物戒 Also good. 也不错。
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