HTMS :: Volume #91

#9051: Decodes the concealed treasure chart!

Soon , the Yun Longhang father appeared, carried off Yun Longhang as well as that concealed treasure chart. 不久之后,云龙行的父亲出现,带走了云龙行以及那张藏宝图。 Other half Quasi-Emperor where dare to fight the Unmu-do island lords. 其余的半步准帝哪里敢跟云雾岛岛主动手。 That is Quasi-Emperor. 那可是准帝啊。 The Unmu-do island Lord has not treated, leading the son to leave. 云雾岛岛主也并没有多待,带着儿子离开了。 Should be wants to study the concealed treasure chart. 应该是想要研究藏宝图吧。 At this time could not attend to the revenge. 这个时候也顾不上复仇了。 However sends out the person to go, looks for the Ling Xiao whereabouts everywhere. 不过还是派出人去,到处寻找凌霄的下落。 But Ling Xiao to avoid troubling, changes external appearances only, moves in the restaurant. 凌霄为了避免麻烦,改头换面,重新入住酒楼。 Starts stable cultivation base. 开始稳固修为 As for that concealed treasure chart, then gave the lunar shadow to help study. 至于那藏宝图,则交给了月影去帮忙研究。 He could not look place that in any case that map shows where. 反正他是看不出来那地图所示的地方在哪里。 After all he was too strange to this place. 毕竟他对这个地方实在太陌生了。 Hopes Unmu-do that group of people can understand the mystery in this chart for him. 还是希望云雾岛那帮人能替他参透这幅图之中的奥秘吧。 At that time, in the fog city, skin the completely withered old man has been wrapping the body with the white cloth strip. 彼时,云雾城中,一个皮肤都已经完全干枯的老者用白色的布条包裹着身子。 His vitality has been close to dry up. 他的生命力已经接近枯竭。 Life completely. 寿元将尽。 He stayed for more than 500 years in half Quasi-Emperor this boundary. 他在半步准帝这个境界足足停留了五百多年了。 Cannot break through. 还是不能突破。 But melts the god technique to become his final hope. 而化神术将会成为他最后的希望。 This map, is he obtains. 这份地图,是他无意间得到的。 But for several years actually could not find the god technique eventually in it place. 但几年来却终究是找不到化神术所在之地。 Therefore then let out several maps, hopes that some people can help find that place. 于是便放出去了几张地图,希望有人可以帮忙找到那地方。 „ It is not good, is not good! Without enough time! Without enough time! “不行,不行!来不及了!来不及了! Must have more people to participate. 必须有更多的人参与进来。 Although such competition is bigger, but can also find that place as soon as possible. 虽然这样竞争更大,可是也能够尽早找到那地方。 Otherwise, my oil completely lamp was dry. ” 不然,我就油尽灯枯了。” The shape such as mummy's common old man exuded the low and deep shouting sound. 形如木乃伊一般的老者发出了低沉的嘶吼声。 The old men left the dwelling. 老者离开了住处。 Next day, the same concealed treasure chart presented many in the entire fog city unexpectedly. 第二天,同样的藏宝图居然在整个云雾城中出现了许多份。 People fight. 人们纷纷争抢。 But the map are getting more and more. 但地图越来越多。 Must have over a hundred. 足足得有上百份。 From the beginning, martial artist also go all out to compete, was robbed by half Quasi-Emperor. 一开始,武者们还拼命争夺,都是被半步准帝抢夺走了。 Afterward half Quasi-Emperor was disinclined to snatch. 后来半步准帝都懒得去抢了。 Divine Pill boundary complete martial artist had many obtained the concealed treasure chart. 神丹境圆满武者都有很多获得了藏宝图。 Must have over a thousand. 足足得有上千份了。 This makes people suspect, this can be a somebody's practical joke. 这让人们不禁怀疑,这会不会是某人的一个恶作剧。 Are these maps false? 难道这些地图都是假的? Naturally, some people infer, possibly some people obtained the concealed treasure chart, but is unable to decode the concealed treasure chart the secret. 当然,也有人推断,可能是有人得到了藏宝图,但无法破解藏宝图的秘密。 Therefore the rubbing had/left so many, hopes that everyone helps him look. 故而才拓印出了这么多份,希望大家帮他找。 Both inferences have. 两种推断都有。 But the curiosity and greedy made many people invest in decoding of map. 但好奇心和贪婪还是让很多人投入到了地图的破解之中。 If by some chance became? 万一成了呢? Unmu-do island Lord to study map, even convened massive martial artist. 云雾岛岛主为了研究地图,甚至召集了大量的武者 Finally, under pools brains and brawn, discovered the mystery of this map finally. 终于,群策群力之下,总算是发现了这张地图的奥秘。 Melts the god technique really in the sea monster lake.” “化神术果然还是在海怪湖之中。” Unmu-do many experts went to the sea monster lake again. 云雾岛很多高手再次前往了海怪湖。 Meanwhile, there is other person to discover this secret. 与此同时,也有另外的人发现了这个秘密。 Goes toward the sea monster lake together. 一起朝海怪湖而去。 Ling Xiao naturally also heard this wind sound/rumor. 凌霄自然也听到了这个风声。 Whether or not, must try the opportunity. 不管是不是真得,总要试试机会。 He also submerged in the crowd. 他也潜入到了人群之中。 Flies toward sea monster lake most deep place with massive martial artist. 与大量的武者朝着海怪湖最深处飞去。 The sea monster lake, is tumbling the huge spray, as if has anything to mix the wind and cloud to be the same in inside. 海怪湖,翻滚着巨大的浪花,就仿佛有什么东西在里面搅动风云一般。 The strong winds wreak havoc! 狂风肆虐! The ocean waves sweep across unceasingly. 海浪不断席卷而来。 martial artist feel somewhat fearful and apprehensive. 武者们都感觉有些心惊胆战。 Here, Ling Xiao discovered many half Quasi-Emperor. 在这里,凌霄发现了更多的半步准帝 It seems like, decoding of map, attracted more experts. 看起来,地图的破解,也引来了更多的高手。 Unmu-do is headed by Yun Longhang as before. 云雾岛依旧以云龙行为首。 However these has 13 -and-a-half Quasi-Emperor time. 不过这一次足足有十三个半步准帝 Did not know many compared with the previous time. 比上一次不知道多了多少。 Even side Yun Longhang also true Quasi-Emperor accompaniment. 甚至云龙行身边还有一个真正的准帝陪同。 Although is only First Layer Quasi-Emperor. 虽然只是一重准帝 But Quasi-Emperor steamroll half Quasi-Emperor, this saying to be not false. 准帝碾压半步准帝,这话可不是假的。 Melting the god technique is not big to the Quasi-Emperor significance. 化神术对准帝意义并不大。 Its main significance is to aim at martial artist under Quasi-Emperor. 它的主要意义就是针对准帝之下的武者 But the Unmu-do island lords experienced the previous matter time, naturally does not think that own son encounters the mishap again. 但云雾岛岛主经历了上一次的事情,自然不想自己的儿子再遭遇不测。 Does not die previous time by luck. 上一次侥幸不死。 These does not dare to be negligent time. 这一次可不敢大意了。 Unmu-do is really fierce, to melt the god technique, sent that the expert, even true Quasi-Emperor.” “云雾岛真得是厉害,为了化神术,派来了那么都高手,甚至还有一个真正的准帝。” The people sobbed. 众人唏嘘不已。 Ling Xiao looked at that Quasi-Emperor one. 凌霄看了那个准帝一眼。 From the feeling, this Quasi-Emperor and Zhao Chan strength is similar. 从感觉上来说,这个准帝赵婵的实力差不多。 He uses the full power, can absolutely with its war. 他倾尽全力,绝对能够与其一战。 After all, his present strength former to fighting Zhao Chan time must be stronger. 毕竟,他现在的实力比之前对战赵婵的时候还要更强了。 Naturally, this must use the strength of infant. 当然,这得用上毛毛的力量。 As for others, Ling Xiao simply has not paid attention. 至于其他人,凌霄根本没放在眼里。 These half Quasi-Emperor, actually Yun Longhang is existence of peak. 这些半步准帝,其实云龙行都算是其中顶尖的存在。 Yun Longhang is cultivation base has not achieved half step Quasi-Emperor, will otherwise be more terrifying. 云龙行也就是修为没有达到半步准帝,不然会更恐怖。 Big brother, you came!” “大哥,你来了!” In the meantime, the form flies together, is not the Unmu-do island lord. 就在此时,一道身影飞来,并非云雾岛岛主。 But is Yun Longhang Elder Brother Yun Longwu. 而是云龙行的哥哥云龙无 Yun Longwu compares Yun Longhang, is obviously more terrorist. 云龙无相比云龙行,明显更加恐怖。 Same over 30 years old. 同样三十多岁。 Only compared with Yun Longhang greatly 2-3 years old. 只比云龙行大2-3岁。 But has half god-ranked first-level bloodlines. 但却拥有半神品一级血脉。 Moreover cultivation base is half Quasi-Emperor. 而且修为已经是半步准帝 This existence, almost can promote Quasi-Emperor inevitably. 这种存在,几乎是必然能晋升准帝的。 Has with the strength of ordinary Quasi-Emperor to war. 已经拥有了与普通准帝对战的实力。 Is a trouble.” “又是一个麻烦。” Ling Xiao knits the brows. 凌霄皱了皱眉。 Yun Longwu may be more fearful than his younger brother. 云龙无可比他那个弟弟可怕多了。 Even if Ling Xiao can win, absolutely will not be relaxed. 就算凌霄能赢,也绝对不会轻松。 Seemed like him to oppose. 看起来他作对了。 Changes external appearances only, hidden the identity, will not annoy to trouble. 改头换面,隐藏身份,就不会惹来麻烦了。 At least now cannot. 最起码现在不会。 „!” “出发吧!” Yun Longwu looked at Yun Longhang one, waves, leading the person to continue to fly toward front. 云龙无看了云龙行一眼,挥了挥手,带着人朝前面继续飞去。 Behind follows a group of martial artist. 后面跟着一大群武者 However majority are tries one's luck. 不过大多数都是来碰运气的。 If by some chance can pick up a bargain? 万一能捡个便宜呢? The people discovered not long unexpectedly in the sea monster lake has a giant reef. 没有多久众人居然发现了海怪湖上有一块巨大的礁石。 Above that reef, then exists to have the clue that the map shows. 那礁石之上,便存在有地图所示的线索。 Ling Xiao actually looked the map knows early has this thing, because he is not ripe to here terrain, where also does not know. 凌霄其实看地图早知道有这东西,但因为他对这里地形不熟,也不知道在哪里。 After may see, thought instantaneously. 可看到了之后,就瞬间想起来了。 According to clue, after one hour, the people found the second clue. 根据线索,一个小时之后,众人找到了第二个线索。 Continues to look! 继续找! The third clue! 第三个线索! Also spent for one hour. 又花费了一个小时时间。 Was elected as the good fourth clue time, the people actually fell into the difficulty. 当选好道第四个线索的时候,众人却陷入到了困难之中。 This is an island. 这是一座小岛。 In the island has some strange giant stones. 岛上有一些奇怪的巨石。 The giant stone arranges in some special way. 巨石以某种特殊的方式排列。 But as if needs anything, can open the true clue. 但似乎需要什么东西,才能开启真正的线索。 Difficult office. 难办了。 This should be the last clue, but if cannot make these giant stones have the response, did not have the means.” “这应该是最后一个线索了,但如果不能让这些巨石产生反应,就没办法了。” Yun Longwu takes the map, knits the brows to say. 云龙无拿着地图,皱眉道。 Ling Xiao looked at these giant stone one. 凌霄看了那些巨石一眼。 Isn't this gadget, a typical Saint Mark Formation arrange style? 这玩意儿,不就是一个典型的圣纹阵排列方式吗? Only must change the order, the giant stone will have the response. 只需改变顺序,巨石就会产生反应。 This need extremely high Saint mark attainments. 只是这需要极高的圣纹造诣。 Obviously, although here some people understand the Saint mark, but does not have that high attainments. 显然,这里虽然有人懂圣纹,但却没有那么高的造诣。 I try!” “我来试试!” Ling Xiao went out of the crowd. 凌霄走出了人群。 This time he, keeps the whiskers, simply is a full beard. 此时的他,留着络腮胡,简直就是一个大胡子。 He arrived among these giant stones. 他走到了那些巨石之间。 Deferred to own judgment to move the direction the giant stone. 按照自己的判断将巨石移动了方向。 Finally at that moment. 最后那一刻。 Giant stone suddenly twinkle ray, interconnection. 巨石骤然闪烁光芒,互相连接起来。 Changed to a ray unexpectedly, shot around waters. 竟然化作了一道光芒,射向了附近的水域。
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