HTMS :: Volume #91

#9043: Welcome to the hell!

Ling Xiao has entered under 10,000 meters. 凌霄已经进入到了一万米之下。 Reason that must go to there , because Saint Mark Formation of that place can use. 之所以要到那里去,是因为那个地方的圣纹阵可以利用。 Surrounds these people completely. 完全将这些人困住。 Let their one unable to escape. 让他们一个都逃不出去。 Soaring to Heaven Sect old man and Zhao Wutian and the others presented under 10,000 meters space quickly. 凌天宗的老者与赵武天等人很快就出现在了一万米之下的空间。 Here had arrived at most deep place. 这里已经到了最深处。 Steps on above the ground, instead makes one have a steadfast feeling. 踩在地面之上,反而让人有一种踏实的感觉。 Look, but is some broken Saint Mark Formation, although the might is big, but is not worth mentioning to Quasi-Emperor. “看吧,不过是一些残破的圣纹阵而已,虽然威力不小,但对准帝而言还是不值一提。 Your these years do not know how think, do not dare unexpectedly. ” 你们这些年也不知道是怎么想的,居然不敢下来。” The Soaring to Heaven Sect old man disdains to say. 凌天宗的老者不屑道。 Zhao Wutian has not spoken. 赵武天没有说话。 He always felt that the matter is not simple. 他总感觉事情没那么简单。 The hearsay of Hidden Dragon Stone pit hands down from generation to generation for generations, possibly is not with no reason at all. 伏龙石坑的传闻可是祖祖辈辈传下来的,不可能是无缘无故。 However makes him say this inside to have what danger, he cannot say. 不过让他说出这里面有什么危险,他也说不上来。 Only can not speak. 只能是不说话了。 The next quarter, Ling Xiao suddenly appeared. 下一刻,凌霄突然出现了。 Stands in the place of their not far away. 就站在他们不远处的地方。 He is saying with a smile: Welcome to march into the hell.” 他微笑着道:“欢迎诸位步入地狱。” Boy, you used here terrain to kill our Quasi-Emperor, but will not think this, can cope with us. “小子,你利用这里的地形杀了我们一个准帝,不过不会以为这样,就可以对付我们了吧。 Really is funny. ” 真得是好笑。” The Soaring to Heaven Sect old man disdains to say. 凌天宗的老者不屑道。 He can detect, here besides Ling Xiao, not the aura of other lives. 他能察觉到,这里除了凌霄之外,并没有其余生灵的气息。 Therefore he was not worried. 所以他一点都不担心。 I killed this boy!” “我去杀了这小子!” Zhao Chan joins voluntarily. 赵婵主动请缨。 Before lost face, she must try to rectify an embarrassing situation for oneself. 之前太丢脸了,她一定要为自己找回面子。 Zhao Wutian nods, looked that said to Zhao another two Quasi-Emperor: You block the escape route of that boy, do not make him escape again.” 赵武天点了点头,看向赵家另外两名准帝道:“你们拦住那小子的退路,不要让他再逃了。” Although Zhao Chan was not necessarily able to kill Ling Xiao. 虽然赵婵未必能杀了凌霄 But this place, making Zhao Chan probe, has nothing improper. 但这地方,让赵婵去试探一下,也没什么不妥。 The aura that Zhao Chan releases the terrifying, experienced the beforehand fight, she actually also promoted much. 赵婵释放出恐怖的气息,经历了之前的战斗,她其实也提升了不少。 Also became to the resistance of dreamland stronger. 对梦境的抗性也变得更强了。 Therefore she has the confidence to kill Ling Xiao, before snow, shame. 所以她有信心杀死凌霄,一雪前耻。 Boy, I, no matter you want to do, you think that hid from us not to dare to come here? Really is laughable. “小子,我不管你想干什么,你以为躲在这里我们就不敢进来了?真得是可笑。 Now, I deliver you to return to the western paradise! ” 现在,我就送你归西!” The ice-cold sound resounds, Zhao Chan sudden sword thorn to Ling Xiao. 冰冷的声音响起,赵婵突然一剑刺向凌霄 Over a hundred meters giant sword air/Qi, the might is overbearing. 足足有上百米长的巨型剑气,威力霸道至极。 This sword, must pierce Ling Xiao. 这一剑,就要将凌霄洞穿。 However, Ling Xiao stands there has not moved. 然而,凌霄站在那里并没有动。 In the eye shows the smile. 眼中露出微笑。 This makes Zhao Chan have not a good premonition, but point of no return has to send at this time, she cannot because of a guess, frighten begins not to dare, that was really disgraced. 这让赵婵有一种不好的预感,可此时箭在弦上不得不发啊,她总不能因为一点猜测,就吓得连动手都不敢了吧,那实在是太丢人了。 Whiz! 嗖! In the meantime. 就在此时。 In the hair of Ling Xiao projected green venom. 凌霄的头发之中射出了一道绿色的毒液。 The seemingly common venom, actually routs that giant sword air/Qi instantaneously. 看起来毫不起眼的毒液,却瞬间就将那巨型剑气击溃。 Sword air/Qi disintegration. 剑气崩碎。 The venom actually shoots the goal to point to Zhao Chan as before forward. 毒液却依旧向前射去目标直指赵婵 The venom speed is too fast, quickly to inconceivable situation. 毒液速度太快,快到不可思议的地步。 Zhao Wutian and the others stop without enough time. 就连赵武天等人都来不及阻拦。 In the blink of an eye, had before then arrived at the Zhao Chan body . 一眨眼的工夫,便已经到了赵婵身前。 Bang! 轰! Obviously only then the venom of fingernail size, the bang on the body of Zhao Chan, is common like the terrifying shell. 明明只有指甲盖大小的毒液,轰在赵婵的身上,却如同恐怖的炮弹一般。 Direct blasting open. 直接炸裂。 The Zhao Chan entire body was blasted open. 赵婵整个身体都被炸裂了。 The god of surviving reads to the present has not as if been able to believe that all these are. 残存的神念似乎到现在还不敢相信这一切是真得。 The bloodlines fight armor not to have the significance before this attack. 血脉战甲在这攻击之前毫无意义。 Her all defenses on as if the bean curd general, were rumbled easily broken. 她的所有防御就仿佛豆腐块一般,轻而易举地就被轰碎。 Finally, her god read in being unwilling to dissipate with the pain. 终于,她神念在不甘与痛苦之中消散。 One generation of Quasi-Emperor, fall from the sky. 一代准帝,陨落。 Ling Xiao smilingly walked. 凌霄笑眯眯地走了过去。 Swallowed the Zhao Chan energy essence, pours into to the ancestral dragon bloodlines. 吞噬了赵婵的能量精华,注入到祖龙血脉之中。 The Quasi-Emperor energy essence really shocked. 准帝的能量精华实在是太震撼了。 Only flickers, then promoted half god-ranked five levels the ancestral dragon bloodlines of Ling Xiao! 只一瞬,便将凌霄祖龙血脉提升到了半神品五级! The Ling Xiao dragon Yuan were also many. 凌霄的龙元又多了一道。 This means that his strength promoted First Layer. 这意味着他的战力又提升了一重 How can!” “怎么会!” Is impossible!” “不可能!” Who is?” “是谁?” The Soaring to Heaven Sect old men, Zhao Wutian as well as another two Quasi-Emperor are the complexion drastic changes. 凌天宗老者、赵武天以及另外两位准帝都是脸色剧变。 They do not believe this are the hands that Ling Xiao has. 他们根本就不信这是凌霄出的手。 What may feel strange, they actually cannot induce the aura of any life. 可奇怪的是,他们却感应不到任何生灵的气息。 Only if, the strength of this attacker far exceeds their several, can isolate their investigations, making them the blind person. 除非,这个攻击者的实力远超他们几个,才能隔绝他们的探查,让他们成为瞎子。 Hehe, I do not want to make the friend of mine make a move. “呵呵,本来我不想让我的朋友出手的。 But does not have the means. 但没办法啊。 Your these Quasi-Emperor kill me jointly, even if I have the having god-given wisdom that still to die. 你们这几个准帝联手杀我,我就算有天纵之才那也得死啊。 Therefore, I can only look for the reinforcement. ” 所以,我只能找救兵了。” Ling Xiao said with a smile lightly: „ Soaring to Heaven Sect , is really disappointing, because I and gratitude and grudges between that waste Xiao En. 凌霄淡淡笑道:“凌天宗,啧啧,真是让人失望啊,难道就因为我与那废物肖恩之间的恩怨。 Can you drive me to commit suicide? 你们就要置我于死地? Also colludes with Zhao Jia unexpectedly? 竟然还与赵家勾结? Solemn Soaring to Heaven Sect, is really makes one despise, luckily I have not joined you, otherwise does not know that has regrets. ” 堂堂凌天宗,真得是让人不齿,幸亏我没有加入你们,不然不知道有多后悔呢。” Shut up, you dare to slander Soaring to Heaven Sect!” “住口,你敢诽谤凌天宗!” Xiao Nan angrily rebukes saying: You are anything!” 肖南怒斥道:“你算个什么东西!” Snort, my Soaring to Heaven Sect does the matter, cannot turn your junior to appraise there, you did not have that qualifications!” “哼,我凌天宗做事儿,轮不着你一个小辈在那里评价,你还没那种资格!” The Soaring to Heaven Sect old man coldly said. 凌天宗老者冷冷道。 Hahahaha.” “哈哈哈哈。” Ling Xiao laughed saying: Right? I only feared that later you could not say this words!” 凌霄大笑了起来道:“是吗?我只怕待会儿你就说不出这种话了!” Immediately, he looked to Zhao Wutian: „ Zhao Jia zhu, you know the consequence that you do this what is? I, bear a grudge very much. 随即,他又看向了赵武天:“赵家主,你知道你这样做的后果是什么吗?我这个人,很记仇的。 Today here kills you. 今天在这里杀了你。 I will also extinguish your Zhao whole families. 我还会灭了你赵家满门。 I must let as we all know, your Zhao Wutian offended anyone. ” 我要让所有人都知道,你赵武天得罪了什么人。” Boy, you were too extremely arrogant, you calculate that anything, dares the wild talk to kill us unexpectedly. “小子,你太狂妄了,你算个什么东西,竟然敢妄言杀我们所有人。 Even if you have the friend to help you. 就算你有朋友帮你。 But can the strength of friend strong? 但那朋友的实力能有多强? Also possibly is not the opponents of our several people! ” 也不可能是我们几个人的对手!” Zhao Wutian said gloomily. 赵武天阴森森地说道。 You seemed to think the spider web that just now presents is only one accidental right?” “你们似乎觉得方才出现的蜘蛛网只是一个偶然对吧?” Ling Xiao said with a smile: „ Really is stupid, if I do not have the full assurance, how also to make here come you. 凌霄笑道:“真得是愚蠢,我如果没有十足的把握,又怎么会将你们引到这里来。 The friend of mine is not quite suitable to act outside. 我的朋友在外面不太适合出手。 Here, is safer. ” 在这里,才更加安全。” Do not listen to him to talk nonsense, this boy does the psychological tactic, we make a move together, no matter who, dares to help this boy, kills together!” “别听他瞎说,这小子搞心理战术呢,咱们一起出手,不管是谁,敢帮这小子,一起杀!” In their mind, can Hidden Dragon Divine Province present strong martial artist? 在他们的心中,伏龙神洲能出现多强的武者 Does not pass most is Sixth Layer Quasi-Emperor. 最强也不通过就是六重准帝而已。 Sixth Layer Quasi-Emperor, but also does not have the qualifications steamroll they. 六重准帝,还没有资格碾压他们。 As for instant kill Zhao Chan, beyond no good intention. 至于秒杀赵婵,也没什么好意外的。 Zhao Chan First Layer Quasi-Emperor, by instant kill also normal. 赵婵不过一重准帝而已,被秒杀了也正常。 Good!” “好!” Zhao Wutian nods. 赵武天点了点头。 His Zhao has lost two Quasi-Emperor today, this to Zhao without doubt only one massive loss. 他赵家今天已经损失了两个准帝了,这对赵家无疑只一个巨大的损失。 How he possibly stops there. 他怎么可能就此罢手啊。 If not kill Ling Xiao. 若不杀了凌霄 Obtains an advantage from Ling Xiao, that was too undeserved. 凌霄身上得到点好处,那真得就太冤枉了。 Almost is the same time, four Quasi-Emperor killed to Ling Xiao. 几乎是同一个时间,四个准帝杀向了凌霄 Sixth Layer Quasi-Emperor, Fourth Layer Quasi-Emperor, two Second Layer Quasi-Emperor. 一个六重准帝,一个四重准帝,还有两个二重准帝 Their strength, may be more terrifying than Dragon God Emperor. 他们实力,可比龙神大帝都要恐怖。 Simultaneously makes a move to cope with Ling Xiao. 同时出手对付凌霄 The Ling Xiao ten lives still insufficiently die even. 凌霄就算有十条命也不够死的。 But Ling Xiao stands there, as if anything has not happened general, the corners of the mouth bring back the contemptuous happy expression. 凌霄就站在那里,仿佛什么事儿也没发生一般,嘴角勾起轻蔑的笑意。 Suddenly, a giant spider web appeared before the body of Ling Xiao. 突然,一个巨大的蜘蛛网出现在了凌霄的身前。
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