HTMS :: Volume #91

#9041: Deep dreamland!

Quasi-Emperor, was too fearful. 准帝,太可怕了。 Although a half Quasi-Emperor foot has stepped into the Quasi-Emperor ranks. 虽说半步准帝一只脚已经踏入了准帝的行列。 But the disparity is actually enormous. 但其实差距是极大的。 Completely is not existence of scale. 完全不是一个档次的存在。 Because the bloodlines of Quasi-Emperor will promote god-ranked directly. 因为准帝的血脉都会直接晋升神品 This will have the qualitative change. 这就会产生质的变化。 „To play, I accompany you to play!” “想玩,我就陪你玩!” Ling Xiao smiles: Yin-Yang Saint mark, the universe inverts!” 凌霄笑了笑:“阴阳圣纹,乾坤颠倒!” The technique of Saint mark, is mysterious. 圣纹之术,最是神奇。 Inverts the universe, may not all. 颠倒乾坤,不无不可。 In that flash, body of Ling Xiao with -and-a-half Quasi-Emperor exchange suddenly. 就在那一瞬间,凌霄的身体与其中一名半步准帝骤然交换。 The sword light of that terrifying also stabbed that half Quasi-Emperor. 那恐怖的剑光也同时刺中了那个半步准帝 Changes radically without enough time. 根本来不及变招。 Receives to incur without enough time. 更来不及收招。 Ling Xiao pinched the time. 凌霄是掐准了时间的。 To enable the attack of that Quasi-Emperor to have any change. 就是要让那准帝的攻击不能有任何的变化。 12 -and-a-half Quasi-Emperor, only have six now. 十二个半步准帝,如今只剩下六个。 That side what happened? Some probably people are fighting!” “那边发生了什么事情?好像有人在战斗啊!” Good terrifying impulse, this is Quasi-Emperor!” “好恐怖的冲击力,这是准帝吧!” I scratched, what happened, how did Quasi-Emperor hit?” “我擦,发生什么事情了,准帝怎么打起来了?” The huge impact, making many martial artist detect here situation. 巨大的冲击,令不少武者都察觉到了这边的情况。 But they are do not dare to come to watch the fun absolutely. 但他们是绝对不敢过来看热闹的。 Because fights extremely intensely. 因为战斗太过激烈。 The fight of Quasi-Emperor, they approach possibly can by the manslaughter. 准帝的战斗,他们靠近都可能会被误杀。 No one to watch the fun, but cracks a joke with own poor life. 没有人会为了看热闹而拿自己的小命去开玩笑。 Has not responded while that Quasi-Emperor, Ling Xiao has swallowed killed half Quasi-Emperor energy essence. 趁着那准帝还未反应过来,凌霄已经吞噬了被杀的半步准帝的能量精华。 Pitifully still has not only promoted cultivation base. 只可惜依然是没有提升修为 cultivation base is higher, the energy essence that needs are also more. 修为越高,所需的能量精华也就越多。 It seems like, but must several be able to handle. 看起来,还得几个才能搞定。 This boy, is quite fierce!” “这小子,好厉害!” Although wants to kill Ling Xiao, but the Soaring to Heaven Sect old man also has to admire the deceit of Ling Xiao. 虽然想要杀死凌霄,但凌天宗的老者也不得不佩服凌霄的狡诈。 Really has such Saint mark. 竟然有这样的圣纹。 Zhao Wutian also brow tight wrinkle: „Because fierce, must kill, otherwise makes this boy grow, we do not have the fruit to eat!” 赵武天也眉头紧皱:“正因为厉害,就更得杀了,否则让这小子成长起来,我们没好果子吃的!” Zhao Chan, are you doing, you are Quasi-Emperor, can't kill including a Divine Pill boundary eight heavy cultivation base waste?” 赵婵,你在干什么,你可是准帝,难道连一个神丹境八重修为的废物都杀不死吗?” Zhao Wutian coldly said. 赵武天冷冷道。 The Zhao Chan complexion changes. 赵婵脸色一变。 Yes, the opposite party is only Divine Pill boundary eight heavy cultivation base. 是啊,对方只是神丹境八重修为而已。 She naturally can kill. 她自然能够杀死。 Kills!” “杀!” Received the order of Zhao Wutian, Zhao Chan changed to sword glow, killed again to Ling Xiao, this time sword Munby just now was dazzling. 接到赵武天的命令,赵婵化作了一道剑芒,再次杀向了凌霄,这一次的剑芒比方才更加耀眼。 The might is also more fearful. 威力也更加可怕。 She also wants to fight a battle to force a quick decision. 她也想速战速决。 Otherwise lost face. 不然太丢脸了。 „Can infant, help?” “毛毛,能帮忙吗?” Ling Xiao said suddenly. 凌霄突然道。 Can!” “能!” The infant exuded squeak squeak squeak the cry. 毛毛发出了吱吱吱的叫声。 Although could not say incoming call, but the meaning was very clear. 虽然说不出来话,但意思很明白。 Master, making me make a move.” “主人,让我出手吧。” little red requests a combat assignment on own initiative. 小红主动请战。 „ It is not good, you make a move, I have not resulted in play. “不行,你出手,我就没得玩了。 Fights with Quasi-Emperor, can increase my fight experience, relax, has you make a move, I first discipline! ” 准帝战斗,能增加我的战斗经验,放心,有你出手的时候,我先磨练一下!” Ling Xiao is the fight lunatic. 凌霄就是个战斗疯子。 Runs into the powerful enemy, he must certainly hit one, can win indifferently. 遇到强敌,他肯定要打一场的,能不能赢无所谓。 The key is to promote itself in the fight. 关键是要在战斗中提升自己。 If in such fight can guarantee oneself do not die. 如果在这样的战斗中都能保证自己不死。 Then facing martial artist of same time, did not have the issue. 那面对同时代的武者,就更没问题了。 This is he throughout the reason of undefeated. 这就是他始终不败的原因。 Spring and Autumn Period big dream!” “春秋大梦!” This is the skill of infant. 这是毛毛的技能。 The flash spreads. 一瞬间扩散出去。 Surroundings everyone entered in the dreamland. 周围所有人都进入了梦境之中。 Regarding Quasi-Emperor, is influential. 对于准帝,也有影响。 Reduced and solved the attack of that Zhao Chan instantaneously. 瞬间就化解了那赵婵的攻击。 Ling Xiao showed a faint smile, turns around actually to kill to that several -and-a-half Quasi-Emperor. 凌霄微微一笑,转身却杀向了那几个半步准帝 Dual demon flame palm!” “双重魔焰掌!” Both hands rumble simultaneously. 双手同时轰出。 Direct bang on two -and-a-half Quasi-Emperor. 直接轰在了两个半步准帝身上。 These two severe wound. 将这两人重伤。 Later, useful Ancestral Dragon Tower pounded, is battered to death. 之后,有用祖龙塔砸了上去,生生砸死。 Then swallows. 而后吞噬。 cultivation base promoted finally once again. 修为终于又一次提升了。 The Divine Pill boundary eight significantly become. 神丹境八重大成。 But half Quasi-Emperor of opposite party also only has four merely. 而对方的半步准帝也仅仅只剩下四个。 At this time, that Quasi-Emperor Zhao Chan had responded. 此时,那准帝赵婵已经反应了过来。 After all is Quasi-Emperor. 毕竟是准帝 The dreamland of infant is influential to her, but the influence time is too short. 毛毛的梦境对她有影响,但影响时间太短。 What thing is that? Can release to make a Quasi-Emperor move of dreamland unexpectedly?” “那是什么东西?竟然可以释放出令准帝都中招的梦境?” Xiao Nan called out in alarm. 肖南惊呼了起来。 Infant's performance, extremely went against heaven's will. 毛毛的表现,太过逆天了。 In the old man eye of Soaring to Heaven Sect emits the dazzling ray suddenly, an eye observed closely the infant stubbornly. 凌天宗的老者眼中骤然放射出刺目的光芒,一双眼睛死死盯住了毛毛。 Muttered: Is impossible, this is legend one of 12 immortal beasts, King of Dreamland?” 喃喃自语道:“不可能吧,这难道是传说中的十二仙兽之一,梦境之王?” Because looked like. 因为长得太像了。 Naturally, he has also seen in the ancient book, therefore is unable to determine. 当然,他也只是在典籍之中看到过,所以无法确定。 Moreover the hearsay 12 immortal beasts have fallen from the sky. 而且传闻十二仙兽早已经陨落。 Is impossible also to live. 不可能还活着啊。 Is the descendants of 12 immortal beasts? 难道是十二仙兽的后代? Even so, that also absolutely is priceless. 即便如此,那也绝对是价值连城。 If can take, that was too powerful. 如果能弄到手,那就太给力了。 When Soaring to Heaven Sect old man consideration this, Ling Xiao opened the space and time domain directly. 就在凌天宗的老者考虑这个的时候,凌霄直接开启了时空领域。 Dual domain embryonic forms. 双重领域雏形。 The consumption is enormous. 消耗极大。 But this moment Ling Xiao could ignore so many. 但此刻凌霄也顾不了那么多了。 He needs to grow stronger, must swallow these half Quasi-Emperor completely. 他需要变强,就得将那些半步准帝全部吞噬了。 Under the violently poisonous domain, remaining four -and-a-half Quasi-Emperor had been weakened. 在剧毒领域之下,剩下的四个半步准帝早已经被削弱了许多。 At this time the space and time domain opens, their domain embryonic forms are also again unmatchable. 此时时空领域开启,他们的领域雏形再也无法对抗。 Starts to disintegrate. 开始分崩离析。 Zhao Chan was affected by the space and time domain. 就连赵婵都被时空领域影响到了。 The imaginary technique of infant was times raids to Zhao Chan, making Zhao Chan burdensome. 毛毛的幻术更是一次次袭向了赵婵,令赵婵不胜其扰。 But she does not have the means. 但她没办法。 The imaginary technique of infant is quite mysterious. 毛毛的幻术极为玄妙。 She does not guard is not good. 她不防备都不行。 Once the move, will be dangerous, is troublesome. 一旦中招,将会非常危险,也非常麻烦。 Ling Xiao while this opportunity. 凌霄趁着这个机会。 Put out ten thousand dragon spears/guns. 拿出了万道龙枪。 Puts forth the war-god spear/gun secret art, kills four -and-a-half Quasi-Emperor continually. 使出战神枪诀,连杀四位半步准帝 Swallows continuously. 连续吞噬。 Consumption true yuan also quickly restores. 消耗的真元也迅速恢复。 This was the advantage that swallowed. 这就是吞噬的好处了。 Not can only help him promote cultivation base, can help him restore true yuan in the fight, recovers the energy. 不仅仅能够帮助他提升修为,更能在战斗中帮助他恢复真元,恢复体力。 Others may not have such good tool. 别人可没这么好的工具。 Ok, they have killed, was you!” “好了,他们已经杀完了,接下来就是你了!” Ling Xiao felt, with the aid of the ability of infant, he really can with a Zhao Chan war. 凌霄感觉,借助毛毛的能力,他真得能够与赵婵一战。 Although wins is unlikely. 虽然取胜不太可能。 But can hit absolutely well with the opposite party. 但绝对能够与对方好好打一场。 Because swallowed four -and-a-half Quasi-Emperor, although cultivation base has not broken through, but the strength promoted 40%. 因为吞噬了四个半步准帝,虽然修为没突破,可战力还是又提升了40%。 true yuan also restores. 真元也全部恢复。 Ling Xiao grasps ten thousand dragon spears/guns, erupts the war-god spear/gun secret art again, the incarnation mighty force war-god. 凌霄手持万道龙枪,再度爆发战神枪诀,化身伟力战神。 The strength of implication tyrant day. 蕴含霸天之力。 Thorn to Zhao Chan. 刺向了赵婵 Courts death!” “找死!” Zhao Chan sees Ling Xiao to dare to kill unexpectedly to oneself, becomes angry out of shame simply. 赵婵凌霄居然敢杀向自己,简直恼羞成怒。 This is not serious this Quasi-Emperor completely. 这是完全不把她这个准帝当回事儿啊。 The war-god spear/gun secret art, is not the only attack. 战神枪诀,并不是唯一的攻击。 While Ling Xiao displays the war-god spear/gun secret art. 凌霄施展战神枪诀的同时。 Nine monster fox, immemorial Martial Saint, the antique queen ants, hundred items of god Monarch and Destruction Black Dragon also erupted the attack. 九尾妖狐、太古武圣、太古蚁后、百目神君、毁灭黑龙也同时爆发了攻击。 Ling Xiao offers a sacrifice to Ancestral Dragon Tower. 凌霄更是祭出了祖龙塔 Deep dreamland!” “深度梦境!” In the meantime, the infant started more terrifying dreamland skill. 就在此时,毛毛发动了更恐怖的梦境技能。 Suddenly, Zhao Chan let alone moved. 一时间,赵婵别说动弹了。 She discovered that oneself soul seemed imprisoned in the endless darkness. 她发现自己的灵魂仿佛被囚禁在了无尽的黑暗之中。 Broken, broken!” “破,破!” She is roaring, wants to work loose this fearful dreamland, the whole body true yuan crazy eruption. 她怒吼着,想要挣脱这种可怕的梦境,全身真元疯狂爆发。 Surrounding darkness momentarily possibly shatter. 周围的黑暗随时都可能破碎。 The powerhouses are the powerhouses, even the imaginary technique, he can still work loose through oneself strength. 强者就是强者,即便是幻术,他也能通过自己的实力挣脱。 But at this time, the attack of Ling Xiao has arrived. 但此时,凌霄的攻击已经到了。 War-god spear/gun secret art, overbearing incomparable, can the instant kill half Quasi-Emperor style! 战神枪诀,霸道无比,能够秒杀半步准帝的招式! At this time is to contain the strength of tyrant day. 此时更是蕴含霸天之力。 The might is more fearful. 威力更加可怕。
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