HTMS :: Volume #88

#8796: The Black Tortoise mirror wall is really easy-to-use!

Black Tortoise mirror wall!” “玄武镜壁!” Some people recognized this treasure, one type can protect terrifying spirit treasure of whole body instantaneously. 有人认出了这种宝物,一种可以瞬间防护全身的恐怖灵宝 Had this thing, naturally can save the life. 有了这东西,自然可以保住性命。 What because this Black Tortoise mirror wall is most terrifying, it even can block three attacks of Quasi-Emperor completely. 因为这玄武镜壁最恐怖的是,它甚至可以完全挡住准帝的三次攻击。 But attack of Divine Pill boundary martial artist, can block over a hundred times. 神丹武者的攻击,也能挡住上百次。 Now the most essential issue is not this, but is the deep sword must give Ling Xiao this treasure unexpectedly? 现在最关键的问题不是这个,而是冥剑居然要将这宝物送给凌霄 Was this picture too also strange? 这画面也太诡异了吧? „Does deep sword Senior Brother, you do!” “冥剑师兄,你干什么!” The deep feudal official was anxious, shouted. 冥臣急了,大喊了起来。 Useless, he could not hear you to say anything.” “没用的,他根本就听不到你说什么。” Ling Xiao said lightly: He only listens to my words now.” 凌霄淡淡道:“他现在只听我的话。” Sorcery! This is the sorcery, certainly is the sorcery, is this fellow the person of monster mountain? No wonder Hua Jiaoyu is like that polite to him.” “妖法!这是妖法,一定是妖法,这家伙是妖山的人吗?难怪花娇雨对他那般客气。” The people in yama palace scared. 冥王殿的人都吓坏了。 But at this time, the deep sword has arrived at side Ling Xiao, and handed over the Black Tortoise mirror wall. 而此时,冥剑已经走到了凌霄身旁,并且将玄武镜壁交了出来。 Ling Xiao coldly smiles. 凌霄冷冷一笑。 The sudden palm patted in the top of the head of deep sword. 突然一掌拍在了冥剑的头顶。 The deep sword knelt on the ground loudly. 冥剑轰然跪在了地上。 The people also instantaneous come soberly. 人也瞬间清醒过来。 I must kill you!” “我要杀了你!” When understands that what happened, the deep sword was almost insane. 在明白过来发生了什么事情的时候,冥剑几乎要疯了。 He was in front of everyone to kneel down to Ling Xiao unexpectedly. 他竟然当着所有人的面给凌霄跪下了。 This is unable to endure simply. 这简直无法忍受。 Kills me? My can only be you!” “杀我?我的只会是你!” Under a Ling Xiao palm bang, this time, plans the ruthless under killer. 凌霄一掌轰下,这一次,打算狠下杀手。 The people have a scare, does this lunatic, really dare to kill the deep sword unexpectedly? Really killed the deep sword, the yama palace cannot be insane. 众人都吓了一跳,这个疯子,竟然真得敢杀冥剑吗?真杀了冥剑,冥王殿还不得疯啊。 When the time comes, even/including Yaoshan must be implicated. 到时候,连妖山也要被连累的。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” In the meantime, sonic boom drinks to transmit, the terrifying aura covered Ling Xiao. 就在此时,一声爆喝传来,紧接着恐怖的气息笼罩了凌霄 Ling Xiao felt, oneself may be cut to kill probably momentarily. 凌霄感觉,自己好像随时都可能会被斩杀。 Black Tortoise mirror wall!” “玄武镜壁!” The Ling Xiao thought moves, one group of as if mirror one thing wrapped his whole body. 凌霄念头一动,一团仿佛镜子一样的东西包裹了他的全身。 The attack of this terrifying raids. 这恐怖的攻击袭来。 Was blocked unexpectedly completely. 竟然被完全挡住。 Ha, really good thing.” “哈哈哈,果然好东西。” Ling Xiao smiles. 凌霄笑了笑。 However at this time the deep sword had been rescued, wants to kill the deep sword again, feared that must expose little red. 不过此时冥剑已经被救走了,再想杀冥剑,怕是要暴露小红了。 This person of making a move, is a Divine Pill boundary powerhouse in yama palace. 这出手之人,是一个冥王殿的神丹境强者。 Moreover does not enter the Divine Pill boundary initially, it is estimated that in the Divine Pill boundary, is extremely strong existence. 而且并非初入神丹境,估计在神丹境里面,也是极强的存在。 It seems like the rumor is not false, side these second grade talent, has the expert to protect. 看来传言并非假的,这些二档天才身边,都有高手保护。 Not only maintained life by the treasure, has the powerhouse to shelter in secret. 不仅又被宝物保命,更有强者暗中庇护。 After all, an sect gate are most also on 1-2 this existences, does not protect well, once folded, that may be big on the loss. 毕竟,一个宗门最多也就1-2这种存在,不好好保护,一旦折了,那可就损失大了。 It is estimated that Lian Yurou, Xia Guangzi and side Baili Fengyun these people have such powerhouse asylum. 估计连玉柔霞光子百里风云这些人身边都有这样的强者庇护吧。 This existence, was called Dao protector. 这种存在,也被称之为“护道者”。 Dao protector is often powerful. 护道者往往实力非常强大。 Their responsibility, are protects these talents to grow. 他们的责任,就是保护这些天才成长起来。 Young people, are you court death? Really must want to kill the talent of my yama palace unexpectedly.” “年轻人,你是找死吗?竟然真得想要杀了我冥王殿的天才。” The Dao protector complexion of deep sword is gloomy, wish cuts the impulsion that Ling Xiao kills. 冥剑的护道者脸色阴沉,有一种想要将凌霄斩杀的冲动。 Dao protector, killed him, killed this boy, I must make him die like a dog.” 护道者,杀了他,杀了这小子,我要让他不得好死。” The deep sword exclaimed. 冥剑吼道。 Dao protector shakes the head saying: Sufficed, lost lost, since knew suffering, that cultivation diligently, will defeat him in the future and that's the end.” 护道者摇了摇头道:“够了,输了就是输了,既然知道委屈,那就更努力的修炼,未来战胜他就是了。” Although he wants to kill Ling Xiao. 他虽然很想杀了凌霄 But the Ling Xiao so outstanding talent, who knows that behind has Dao protector. 凌霄如此出众的天才,谁知道背后有没有护道者 If by some chance really hits, that situation may trouble thoroughly. 万一真打起来,那情况可就彻底麻烦了。 Stared at Ling Xiao to look at one, he grasped the deep sword to go air-splitting. 盯着凌霄看了一眼,他抓起冥剑破空而去。 The deep sword angry and unwilling roar resounds in void. 冥剑愤怒和不甘的吼声在虚空中响起。 Ling Xiao coldly smiles. 凌霄冷冷笑了笑。 The opposite party have not acted luckily, otherwise today, even this Dao protector must die here. 对方幸亏是没出手,不然今天,连这个护道者也得死在这里。 His little red, is the powerhouse of half Quasi-Emperor rank. 他的小红,可是半步准帝级别的强者。 So long as disguised as Dao protector on the line. 只要假扮成护道者就行了。 This time, he found the appropriate excuse actually. 这一次,他倒是找到了合适的借口。 Ling brother seriously God's favored one, the deep sword is not your opponent, the tender rain admires very much.” “凌兄当真天之骄子啊,连冥剑都不是你的对手,娇雨可是钦佩得很呢。” Hua Jiaoyu stands to say with a smile. 花娇雨站起来笑道。 „A deep sword, is nothing.” “一个冥剑而已,算不了什么。” Ling Xiao spoke thoughtlessly to say. 凌霄随口说道。 The people gawked, this fellow big tone, even the deep sword, has not spared a glance unexpectedly, hasn't erupted the full power? 众人都愣了一下,这家伙好大的口气,即便冥剑,竟然还不屑一顾,难道还没有爆发出全力吗? But even the bloodlines strength used. 可是连血脉力量都动用了啊。 Other second grade talent also set out to say the polite words in abundance. 其余二档天才也都纷纷起身说出了客气的话。 Ling brother's governing sword technique looks like with the governing sword technique of my flying rosy cloud sect very much, such as ignorant/veiled not abandoned, can go to my flying rosy cloud sect to compare notes.” “凌兄的御剑术与我飞霞宗的御剑术很像啊,如蒙不弃,可以去我飞霞宗切磋切磋。” Xia Guangzi said with a smile. 霞光子笑道。 Sure.” “当然可以啊。” Although Ling Xiao comprehended the governing sword technique of flying rosy cloud sect, but if can many have a look to the flying rosy cloud sect, that harvest will be perhaps bigger. 凌霄虽然自己参悟了飞霞宗的御剑术,但若是能到飞霞宗多看看,那收获也许会更大。 Yes, Ling the brother strength is outstanding, really must make me and others admire, below Baili Fengyun, is willing to become friends with Ling the brother.” “是啊,凌兄实力超群,真得令我等佩服不已,在下百里风云,也愿意与凌兄交个朋友。” Baili Fengyun said with a smile. 百里风云笑道。 Was polite.” “客气了。” Ling Xiao said submissively. 凌霄拱手道。 The people propose a toast to Ling Xiao. 众人纷纷向凌霄敬酒。 Just like, Ling Xiao has become here lead. 俨然,凌霄已经成为了这里的主角。 Truly speaking, from the beginning, they cannot take a liking to Ling Xiao. 说实在的,一开始,他们是瞧不上凌霄的。 More uncomfortable Ling Xiao has the qualifications to sit together with Hua Jiaoyu and Haitang Jinghong. 更不爽凌霄有资格跟花娇雨海棠惊鸿坐在一起。 But is now different. 但现在不一样了。 Ling Xiao easily defeats the deep sword, this strength, feared that is stronger than them, is absolutely fiercer than them. 凌霄轻易击败冥剑,这种实力,怕是比他们还要强,绝对是比他们更厉害的。 Although is not necessarily able to reach the first grade talent level. 虽说未必能达到一档天才的水准。 But was very also fierce. 但也着实很厉害了。 Meets my palm!” “接我一掌!” Suddenly, sits rumbles in a Hua Jiaoyu Haitang Jinghong palm. 突然,坐在花娇雨身旁的海棠惊鸿一掌轰来。 However before he sends out the attack, shouted intentionally, reminds Ling Xiao. 不过他发出攻击之前故意喊了出来,就是提醒凌霄 Ling Xiao was also a palm rumbles. 凌霄也是一掌轰了出去。 Bang! 轰! This palm, making Ling Xiao retrocede several steps, but has not been injured. 这一掌,让凌霄后退了好几步,但并未受伤。 Haitang Jinghong sits there steadily. 海棠惊鸿则是稳稳坐在那里。 Divine Pill boundary! 神丹境! Will not be wrong, this Haitang Jinghong, is the Divine Pill boundary powerhouse. 不会错的,这海棠惊鸿,已经是神丹境强者。 Even ten big monsters rank tenth, but is so terrifying. 即便是十大怪物排名第十,但已经如此恐怖了。 I also respect your one cup.” “我也敬你一杯。” Haitang Jinghong raises glass saying: By your talent, is not perhaps far from first grade talent.” 海棠惊鸿举杯道:“以你的天赋,恐怕距离一档天才也不远了。” Was polite, cheers!” “客气了,干杯!” In the Ling Xiao heart is also surprised, these ten big monsters worthily are ten big monsters, is really fierce. 凌霄心中也是惊讶,这十大怪物不愧是十大怪物啊,果然厉害。 Now is really the world of big struggle, the talent like the forest. “如今果然是大争之世,天才如林。 Post-war of god family, emitted one large quantities of the young expert of Four Realms and hidden world, I and others somewhat sat the well view day. 神眷之战后,更是冒出了一大批来自四界和隐世的年轻高手,我等还是有些坐井观天了。 Has looked down upon Four Realms, but experienced Ling brother's skill, should face up. ” 一直瞧不起四界,但见识了凌兄的本事,也该正视了。” Haitang Jinghong said. 海棠惊鸿道。 Right, startled great wild goose Son of God said is extremely, the Four Realms talent post-war arrived at this Central Realm to be informed and experienced in the god family, I think that they were not worth mentioning. “没错,惊鸿圣子说得极是,四界天才在神眷之战后很多都来到这中界历练,我本以为他们不值一提。 Now discovers, was we thinks oneself infallible. 如今才发现,是我们自以为是了。 Moreover, even Central Realm, still many people the post-war strength rose suddenly in the god family. 而且,即便是中界,也有许多人在神眷之战后实力暴涨。 Even enters Divine Pill boundary. 甚至进入神丹境之列。 Should ten big monsters, be at this time Divine Pill boundary cultivation base? ” 想必十大怪物,此时应该都是神丹修为了吧?” Hua Jiaoyu looked that said to Haitang Jinghong. 花娇雨看向海棠惊鸿道。 I broke through, their big probability also broke through.” “我都突破了,他们大概率也突破了。” Haitang Jinghong said. 海棠惊鸿道。 Although he is conceited, but ten big monsters, which is not a God's favored one, he can break through, others can also break through inevitably. 虽然他自视甚高,但十大怪物,哪一个不是天之骄子,他能突破,别人也必然能够突破。 He ranks ten big monsters tenth, this is not undeserved, because of another nine, is fiercer than him, is higher than his talent. 他排名十大怪物第十,这并不冤枉,因为另外九个,就是比他厉害,就是比他天赋更高。 We must try hard, is once thinking can capture the names of ten big monster, now seems like, others progressed are too quick.” “我们也得努力了,曾经想着能够夺取十大怪物之名,如今看起来,人家进步太快了。” Baili Fengyun says with emotion. 百里风云感慨道。
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