HS :: Volume #8

#468: The sandstorm is tranquil

Leaves from Ye Wuchen to Great Wind Nation west, passed more than 20 days, but Ye Wuchen has 19 days is at does not have the comatose condition of consciousness. Returns to Heavenly Dragon City, felt that left for 2-3 days. 叶无辰动身去往大风国之西,已经过去了20多天之久,但这其中叶无辰有19天是处在没有意识的昏迷状态。回归天龙城,感觉不过只是离开了两三天而已。 He does not have to return to Ye Family directly, but presented in the city position, called not a conspicuous clothing from Sword God Ring, gradually walked toward the Ye Family direction. Sometimes, he needs to listen to some public opinions with one's own ears the trends. 他没有直接返回叶家,而是出现在了城中的位置,从剑神指环中唤出一身并不显眼的着装,缓步向叶家方向走去。有些时候,他有必要亲耳听一些舆论的走向。 As expected, hearing along the way, ten it ** about his. After the Evil Emperor status is public, Heavenly Dragon Nation vibrates because of him, Heavenly Dragon City has also seethed with excitement because of it for a long time, although passed for more than 20 days, still completely has not actually abated. 不出所料,沿途的听闻,十之**是关于他的。邪帝的身份公开之后,天龙国因他而震动,天龙城也是因之沸腾了许久,虽然已经过去了20多天,却依然没有完全消退。 Oh, this month must arrive immediately, how did not know that side Great Wind Nation.” “唉,这一个月的时间马上也要到了,不知大风国那边怎样了。” That sandstorm has not vanished, they can Evil Emperor what kind of...... Great Wind Nation these year of wild ambitions want to invade my Heavenly Dragon, Evil Emperor helps them is to their kindness, even if not successful, or was not willing to help them nothing...” “就算那风沙没有消失,他们又能把邪帝怎么样……大风国这些年狼子野心想要入侵我天龙,邪帝帮他们是对他们的恩惠,就算不成功,或者不愿帮他们了也根本没什么。。。” ............ ………… I heard that Young Master Ye will want several days later the big marriage...... I...... Oh, if can marry Young Master Ye, other this for a lifetime really not anything extravagant demands.” “听说,叶公子过几天就要大婚了……我心里……唉,如果能嫁给叶公子,这一辈子真的没什么别的奢求了。” Young lady...... It is not I attacks you, Young Master Ye such beauty also only then the Flying Phoenix Empress such honored status can be joined, Young lady, you......” “小姐……不是我打击你,叶公子那样的天人也只有飞凰女皇这么尊贵的身份才配得上,小姐,你还是……” But, Hua Family......” “可是,花家的……” Hua Family Young Lady father, but Hua Zhentian, the back is my Heavenly Dragon City is next to the Ye Family second respected family. Moreover, in the past Ye Family Young Master transmitted the death news time, Hua Family Young Lady threatened that lifelong did not marry, forever was only a Young Master Ye person... Oh, such unreasoning passion female...... If I am the man, do not say that her family background is prominent, is long the peony, even if she is a poor girl in countryside, I certainly will also love her for a lifetime. How Young Master Ye can lost/carrying she.” 花家小姐的父亲可是花震天唉,背后是我天龙城仅次于叶家的第二大家族。而且,当年叶家公子传来死讯的时候,花家小姐扬言终身不嫁,永远只属叶公子一人。。。唉,这么痴情的女子……如果我是男儿身的话,不要说她家世显赫,又长得国色天香,就算她是一个乡下的穷丫头,我也一定会疼爱她一辈子。叶公子又怎么会负了她呢。” ...... …… This master, comes two jin (0.5 kg) tofu.” “这位师傅,来两斤豆腐。” Good...... Customers, this is your tofu, you take well, altogether six money money.” “好嘞……客官,这是您的豆腐,您拿好,一共六钱银子。” cough cough...... Leaf 17 younger male cousins' that Ye Family guards the door makes the neighbor who own Elder Brother of good friend is I separates two gates sincere......” 咳咳……叶家看门的叶17的表弟的一个挚交好友的亲哥哥是我隔两个门的邻居……” „...... This money does not want, honored person you walks, welcome will come next time again.” “……这银子不要了,贵人你走好,欢迎下次再来。” ............ ………… „...... No wonder can be the Flying Phoenix Empress high-rank, so long as Evil Emperor a few words, let a bandit, when Emperor nobody dares to make a sound...” “……怪不得会是飞凰女皇上位,只要邪帝一句话,就是让个土匪当皇帝都没人敢吱声啊。。。” Shh!, your this saying may low voice some treason and heresy, if were not careful that hears by Evil Sect or the Southern Emperor Sect Northern Emperor Sect person, feared how you are entire family die does not know.” 嘘!小声点,你这话可有些大逆不道了,要是不小心被邪宗或者南皇宗北帝宗的人听到,怕你是全家怎么死的都不知道。” „......” “……” ............ ………… Yeah, martial cultivation also anything uses, practices again strongly, it is estimated that also an insufficient Ye Family Young Master finger pinches. Repairs the article to be also useful, in front of Ye Family Young Master, I estimated the guts of continually writing do not have, Ai......” “哎,修武还有什么用,就是练得再强,估计也不够叶家公子一个指头捏的。修文又有什么用,在叶家公子面前,我估计连写个字的胆量都没有,唉……” „...... Your this is not the idle talk. But you cannot with yourself and compared with Evil Emperor.” “切……你这不是废话嘛。但你也不能拿自己和邪帝相比啊。” Oh. Young Master Ye lives in Heavenly Dragon City, I also live in Heavenly Dragon City, I also be older on is several years old than him, why the disparity of person and person so is unexpectedly big. Why, why...... Why I am not Ye Wuchen!” “唉。叶公子是生在天龙城,我也是生在天龙城,算起来我还要比他大上几岁,为什么人与人的差距竟然这么大。为什么,为什么……为什么我不是叶无辰!” Teaches you a method...... Saw that the old beggar in that corner does not have, you had not been born time he mixed in Heavenly Dragon City , compared with him, your psychological balance, has compared with Young Master Ye...... You bring upon oneself purely ashamed...” “教你个方法……看到那墙角的老乞丐没,你还没出生的时候他就在天龙城混了,和他比比,你就心理平衡了,和叶公子比……你纯粹自找惭愧。。。” „......” “……” ............ ………… Dark green heavens, earth Ah...... Beautiful honored Empress your majesty must get married unexpectedly...... I study assiduously day and night, for can enter the palace becomes Empress male imperial concubine Ah......! Let me die......” “苍天啊,大地啊……美丽尊贵的女皇陛下竟然要嫁人了……我日夜苦读,为的就是能入宫成为女皇的一个男妃啊……啊!让我去死吧……” Rolling rolls...... You dare to have the idea including the Evil Emperor woman, I thought you are live is impatient, hurries to my distant point, when later did not know you, the death of province also implicated me.” “滚滚滚……连邪帝的女人你都敢有想法,我看你是活的不耐烦了,赶紧离我远点,以后就当不认识你了,省的死的时候把我也牵连上了。” ............ ………… ............ ………… The Ye Wuchen line, desirably actually had not been recognized under covering up... The content that in that city the person discussed made him speechless more and more. But what at least can determine, after he lays out the status , the influence that brings is not inferior his anticipation. 叶无辰一路行来,在刻意的遮掩之下倒是没被人认出来。。。那城中之人所谈论的内容却是越来越让他无语。但至少可以确定的是,他亮开身份后所带来的影响力并不逊于他的预期。 At least, some people do not dare to offend Ye Family again, some people do not dare to offend his person. He does not need to look like again for three years ago like that every time walks one step to take many scruples, many anxieties. 至少,不会再有人敢触犯叶家,更不会有人敢去触犯他身边的人。他不需要再像三年前那般每走一步都要诸多顾忌,诸多疑虑。 This feeling, is very good. 这种感觉,真的很好。 But...... 但…… Unknowingly, before arrived at the Ye Family gate, the guard of Ye Family entrance usually is well-mannered, whole face with deep veneration. Greeting that in the past the Ye Wuchen difference also can only not look askance, but at this time saw Ye Wuchen suddenly, simultaneously stayed there unexpectedly, after having stayed for a long time, saying that stuttered: Father-in-law Duke...... Young Master you came back.” 不知不觉,已经来到了叶家门前,叶家门口的守卫平时都是规规矩矩,满脸肃然。以往叶无辰出入也只会目不斜视的打个招呼,而此时乍然看到叶无辰,竟齐齐呆在了那里,一直呆了许久之后才结结巴巴的说道:“公公公……公子你回来了。” Ye Wuchen was the Evil Emperor news has disseminated has exceeded half a month, but after that they were first time see Ye Wuchen, has thought naturally his Evil Emperor status, is unable to maintain tranquil... 叶无辰邪帝的消息已经传播了超过半月,但那之后,他们是第一次见到叶无辰,自然而然想到了他邪帝的身份,根本无法保持住平静。。。 Ye Wuchen smiles the nod to them, walked. Two guards looked at his back to be very long, has waited for him to go far away. When recovers, they a moment ago displayed to blush with shame for themselves. 叶无辰冲他们微笑点头,走了进去。两个守卫看了他的背影很久,一直等他远去。回过神来时,他们不禁为自己刚才的表现而汗颜。 When the Ye Family yard with he initially left had very big change, wedding date also several days that although the distance sets, but Ye Family high and low has been decorated with lanterns and colored streamers, the people of troop inside and outside are taking a walk to be busy at work, in all directions colorful very bright, in the person who these are busy at work nobody dares to be loaf from the start, regardless of makes anything is careful...... Because, this is preparing the Heavenly Dragon Empress wedding, prepares the Evil Emperor wedding, where they dare to have an accident. 叶家小院已经和他当初离开时有了很大的变化,虽然距离定下的婚期还有数天,但叶家上下已经是张灯结彩,大群的人正在院里院外的走动忙活着,四处花花绿绿的好不鲜艳,那些忙活的人中压根没有一个人敢偷懒,无论做什么都是小小心心……因为,这是在准备天龙女皇的婚礼,准备邪帝的婚礼,他们哪敢出一点岔子。 But Wang Wenshu is standing in the institute is directing personally, she realized suddenly obviously the atmosphere becomes not right, the Ye Family domestic servants who that juggles stop the matter in hand, silly general looks to the direction of front door, she turns around, just sees Ye Wuchen to arrive at her behind... 王文姝正站在院中亲自指挥着,忽的,她明显察觉到气氛变得不对,那忙里忙外的叶家家仆都停下手中的物事,傻了一般的看向大门的方向,她一转身,刚好看到叶无辰走到她身后。。。 Chen'er...... You came back! You may come back finally...... Your quick mother was really anxious.” Wang Wenshu one rushed to support his shoulder, the vision looks at his whole body unceasingly...... He has not sat any wheelchair and so on thing, but was complete standing before her. 辰儿……你回来了!你可终于回来了……你真的快把娘急死了。”王文姝一下冲上去扶住了他的肩膀,目光不断上上下下看着他的全身……他没有坐什么轮椅之类的东西,而是完好的站在了她面前。 Mother, my matter has completed, for serveral days was laborious you. Words that later is all right, I will not exit to be so long again.” Ye Wuchen looked at a decorated incomparable magnificent Ye Family yard once more, said with the sound. “娘,我的事情已经做完了,这些天辛苦你了。以后没什么事的话,我不会再出去那么久的。”叶无辰再次看了一眼被装饰的无比华丽的叶家大院,和声说道。 Earlier comes back well...... If delayed and Empress also Rourou (soft) wedding date, mother may be anxious...” Her eye unceasingly is still taking a look at him, two eyes obvious was insufficient. In the vision is excitement and affection of difficult covering, proud...... She to him had not confirmed that he really such as the hearsay like that is Evil Emperor, for her, he has done any world-shaking good deed, or any world-shaking misdemeanor is unimportant, she only needs to remember that he is her son, so long as he complete well is better than anything. “早点回来就好……要是耽误了和女皇还有柔柔的婚期,那娘可就要急死了。。。”她的眼睛依然在不断打量着他,两只眼睛明显的已经不够用。目光之中是难掩的兴奋、慈爱、骄傲……她没有向他确认他是不是真的如传闻那般是邪帝,对她来说,他做了什么惊天动地的好事,或者什么惊天动地的坏事都不重要,她只需要记得他是她的儿子,只要他完好无恙就比什么都好。 I cross will have a look at Rourou (soft)...... Xue'er?” “我过会去看看柔柔……雪儿呢?” She should still in the room, for serveral days she every day eagerly hope you come back...... Oh, next time, may not run to be so long really again.” Wang Wenshu partly blamed was saying. “她应该还在房里,这些天她每天都眼巴巴的盼望着你回来……唉,下次,可真的别再跑出去这么久了。”王文姝半责怪着说道。 Un, I have a look at Xue'er.” “嗯,我去看看雪儿。” In unusual vision, Ye Wuchen moved toward own yard, crossed the small meeting, the sound that juggles once more has made a sound... He is Young Master that they are familiar with, but his another status, keeping them again from facing him with the beforehand stance, the Evil Emperor two characters, were too serious. 在一道道异样的目光之中,叶无辰走向了自己的小院,过了小会,那忙里忙外的声音才再次响了起来。。。他是他们所熟悉的少爷,但他的另一个身份,让他们再也无法用以前的姿态去面对他,邪帝两个字,实在太沉重了。 Has transferred the front gate, a form of young girl comes, moves aside, but actually, Ye Wuchen takes advantage of opportunity to put out a hand to embrace her waist to help up all of a sudden crookedly her, asked with a faint smile: „Are you all right?” 转过院门,一个少女的身影迎面而来,躲闪不及,一下子歪倒,叶无辰顺势伸手揽住她的腰肢将她扶起,微笑着问道:“你没事吧?” Sees the face of Ye Wuchen, that young girl obvious staying in there, has forgotten struggling, saying that this is panic-stricken: Few...... Young Master, you came back......” 看到叶无辰的脸,那个少女明显的呆在了那里,忘记了挣扎,这才惊慌失措的说道:“少……少爷,你回来了……” Un...... Goes busily.” Ye Wuchen loosens her slender waist, straightens up her body, walks toward own room. “嗯……去忙吧。”叶无辰松开她的纤腰,将她的身体扶正,向自己房里走去。 Little Lu direct silly there, being absentminded looks at Ye Wuchen to go far away, until he opens the door, enters, the door that the form was brought isolates beyond the line of sight... Along with it, has heard the Ningxue excited big shout. 小绿直接傻在了那里,失魂落魄的看着叶无辰远去,直到他打开房门,进入其中,身影被带起的房门隔绝于视线之外。。。随之,传来了凝雪兴奋的大喊声。 Body, was remaining as before slowly just by the feeling that he grasped, Little Lu lowered the head, the hand pinched the lower hem corner, the footsteps walked gently. Regardless of strength, talent, authority, influence, prestige and look...... Among the world does not have a man to be able with him to compare again, a maidservant who such man, she can make his side is the huge good fortune, she never dares to expect oneself can obtain his favor. He, can only be a dream that she is unattainable. 身上,依旧残留着刚刚被他抱住的感觉,小绿缓缓的低下头去,手捏衣角,脚步轻轻的走了出去。无论实力、才华、权力、势力、声望、相貌……天下间再没有一个男子能与他相比,这样的男人,她能做他身边的一个侍女已是天大的福分,她永远不敢奢望自己能得到他的青睐。他,只能是她遥不可及的一个梦。 ---- ---- ---- ---- On this day, the Great Wind Nation western resident feels relaxing of sandstorm obviously . Moreover, that moderate trend is spreading continually, the increasing number of people go out of outside the room, looked to the West, in the heart has resounded initially the Evil Emperor pledge, the flame of that hope and expectation started flaming to ignite in the heart. 这一天,大风国西部的居民明显感觉到风沙的缓和,而且,那缓和的趋势持续的蔓延着,越来越多的人走出房外,看向西方,心中响起了当初邪帝的誓言,那希望与期望的火苗在心中开始熊熊燃起。 Next day, range that the sandstorm affects, retroceded unexpectedly fully several hundred li (0.5 km), when has not dissipated throughout the year the sandstorm suddenly after sleep/felt wakes up dissipates without the trace, does not know that many people are breathing the fresh air, loud is shouting wildly, in the heart, will be full to the peaceful future expectation. 第二天,风沙所波及的范围,竟然整整后退了数百里,当一年四季从来没有消逝过的风沙忽然在一觉醒来后消逝无踪的时候,不知有多少人呼吸着新鲜的空气,大声的狂叫着,心中,充盈着对安宁未来的憧憬。 Third day...... 第三天…… Fourth day...... 第四天…… Goes out of outside the room, in the remote west, they saw as before wipes the yellow, but in their sky, what they see is the deep blue sky, the cloud that a also shape varies. Air, that fresh, the sandy soil no longer flying upwards turbulence in ground, then because of sand, but the wind will not be wild, has, can only be the gentle wind. If they still obtained the new life, time and time again shouted loudly is jumping for joy...... To airborne was calling the Evil Emperor name. 走出房外,在遥远的西方,他们依旧看到了一抹黄色,但在他们的上空,他们看到的是蔚蓝的天空,还有朵朵形状各异的云彩。空气,是那么的清新,地面上的沙土不再飞扬动荡,那因沙而起的风也不会狂暴,有的,只会是柔和的风。他们犹若获得了新生,一次又一次的高呼雀跃着……大多数对着空中喊出了邪帝的名字。 Heroes...... In the Great Wind Nation history has many heroes, they to develop the territory perish above the battlefield, has given to the country the life. But what they bring is anything...... These ordinary nationals do not know, they only know their names, knows that they are the heroes-- Also merely is a name, a title. 英雄……大风国历史上有很多英雄,他们为了开拓疆土而亡于战场之上,将命献给了国家。但他们带来的是什么……这些普通的国民不知道,他们只知道他们的名字,知道他们是英雄--也仅仅是一个名字,一个称号而已。 But Evil Emperor, takes to their newborn people, is they , regardless of being unable to release the innermost feelings grateful person with the magnificent language. Because of Evil Emperor, their countries will change Great Wind are Heavenly Dragon, but these people, are actually pledge to fight to the death to support the Evil Emperor person, they did not allow anybody to speak Evil Emperor malicious remarks. Even, stele sculpture stand in Great Wind Nation various places, above is carving the Evil Emperor name. 邪帝,是带给他们新生的人,是他们无论用多华丽的语言都无法释放出内心感激的人。因为邪帝,他们的国家将改“大风”为天龙,但这些人,却偏偏是誓死拥戴邪帝的人,他们不允许任何人说邪帝的一句坏话。甚至,一块块的石碑雕塑在大风国的各处立起,上面刻着邪帝的名字。 ( Thanks come hitting of schoolmate five figures to enjoy again twice, thank monk schoolmate to brush four pages of hitting to enjoy( your younger sister continually, calculates that you ruthless), thanked...... That does not know the eldest sister who how to call enjoyed consecutively for hitting of four five figures...... Thank the party, thank the people, thank the government, the policy was good, the rich man were getting more and more, the rich man of good intention were also getting more and more, Hehehehe......) (感谢再来同学两次五位数的打赏,感谢和尚同学连刷四页的打赏(你妹的,算你狠),感谢……那位不知咋称呼的大姐连续四次五位数的打赏……感谢党,感谢人民,感谢政府,政策好了,有钱人越来越多了,好心的有钱人也越来越多了,哦呵呵呵呵……)
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