HJC :: Volume #4

#266: Regains consciousness! Rulers and ministers of Tienkung

The Heavenly Jewel Change Chapter 366 regains consciousness the Heavenly Bow rulers and ministers two-in-one 天珠變第366章蘇醒吧天弓的君臣二合一 Looks in the nighttime sky the enchanting Divine brilliance, although at this time is night, but the morale of Heavenly Bow Empire soldiers has actually promoted pinnacle. Especially belongs to regarding these Heavenly Bow Empire soldiers, they waited for that on this day for a long time was too too long. 看著夜空中炫麗的神圣光彩,雖然此時已經是夜晚,可天弓帝國戰士們的士氣卻已經提升到了頂點。尤其是對于那些原屬天弓帝國的戰士們來說,他們等待這一天已經太久太久了。 3000 forms that by starlight quietly lift off, under cover of dark night, nearby Heavenly Bow City is stationed in flies toward Kalise and Bai Da that allied armies. 3000道身影就那么趁著夜色悄然升空,在黑夜的掩蓋下,率先朝著天弓城附近駐扎的克雷西百達聯軍飛去。 Matchless regiment 10,000 sharp, Matchless Archer occupied 5000, Zhou Weiqing carries off 2000, other 3000 already by Ming Yu centralized in one. 無雙軍團10000精銳之中,無雙弓箭手就占據了5000,周維清帶走2000,剩余的3000則早就被冥昱集中在了一起。 Since returns to the Heavenly Bow duplicate country to start, the Matchless Archer flying ability does not have to show in the battlefield throughout truly, for during this final decisive battle becomes magic weapon that conquers the enemy. 自從回到天弓復國開始,無雙弓箭手們的飛行能力始終沒有真正在戰場上展現過,為的就是在這最后的決戰之中成為戰勝敵人的法寶。 3000 forms, quick increases to the upper air of previous kilometer by starlight, let alone was the night, even if were daytime, did not gaze at desirably, was very difficult to discover their existences. 3000道身影趁著夜色,很快就攀升到上千米的高空,別說是夜晚了,就算是白天,不是刻意去注視,也很難發現他們的存在。 The second order of Ming Yu has issued, „the first, second, third, fourth, fifth strong bow camp prepares. Matchless Heavy Cavalrymen and snow deer cavalry soldier. First, the second Heavy Cavalrymen division, advance.” 冥昱的第二道命令已經下達,“第一、第二、第三、第四、第五強弓營準備。無雙重騎兵、雪鹿騎兵出發。第一、第二重騎兵師團,前進。” Ming Yu obtained many clear comprehension from Zhou Weiqing there, regarding the Heavenly Bow Empire army, what he requests is the genuine crack troops. Although in short Time, he is impossible to train Matchless division such existence, but has the full support on Zhou Weiqing financial resource, as well as the commodity support of Fei Li Empire and Zhongtian Empire, can say that present Emperor Heavenly Bow the team all armed the tooth. 冥昱周維清那里得到了很多的明悟,對于天弓帝國的軍隊,他要求的是真正精兵。雖然在短時間內,他不可能培養出無雙師團那樣的存在,但有著周維清財力上的全力支持,以及翡麗帝國中天帝國的物資支持,可以說,現在的天弓帝隊全都武裝到了牙齒。 The so-called strong bow camp, provides may, not only Jin passed Longbow to be so simple, all built the genuine strong bow that became with the purple Chen wood. 所謂的強弓營,配備的可不只是晉通長弓那么簡單,全都是用紫辰木打造而成的真正強弓。 Moreover each strong bowman also simultaneously provides the member crossbow, once enters the state of war, on the hand crossbow is pressing the crossbow arrow throughout, the self-defense kills the enemy, considerably increased these Archer combat capabilities. 而且每一名強弓手還同時配備一把手弩,一旦進入戰爭狀態,手弩上始終都是壓著弩箭的,無論是防身還是殺敵,都大大增加了這些弓箭手的戰斗能力。 defense that the strong bowman provides is Leather Armor, such defense in the battlefield works as the ghost is not anything, but, if there is heavy infantry and a cavalry soldier to coordinate, that completely was another concept. 強弓手配備的防御皮甲,在戰場上這樣的防御當煞不算什么,但是,如果有重裝步兵、騎兵配合,那就完全是另一個概念了。 In Heavenly Bow Empire, not most deficient is Archer, but here Heavenly Bow Empire Ah! therefore, in the complete several divisions, Ming Yu selects 5000 people specially, has composed five strong bow camps, besides their accident, the Archer military strength of enough five divisions, occupied the total military strength nearly more than one-third. Other constituents , is the elite forces. 天弓帝國,最不缺乏的就是弓箭手,這里可是天弓帝國啊!因此,在全部十幾個師團之中,冥昱特意精選出5000人,組成了五個強弓營,除了他們意外,還有足足五個師團的弓箭手兵力,占據了總兵力近乎1多。其他的組成部分,也無不都是精兵強將。 In Heavenly Bow Empire, does not have the light infantry of real sense, the infantry has one type, that is heavy infantry, moreover heavy infantry also provides the horses, this is to increase them the traveling speed in battlefield, but the learning mode and rewiring ride the military strategy to have the difference, their horses do not have the mail-armor and helmet. 天弓帝國,沒有真正意義的輕裝步兵,步兵只有一種,那就是重裝步兵,而且重裝步兵也是配備馬匹的,這是為了增加他們在戰場上的移動速度,只是訓練方式與重裝騎兵略有不同,他們的馬匹也沒有甲胄而已。 As for the light cavalry and Heavy Cavalrymen, that was the Ming Yu scooping up hand good play. Has the Matchless division to lead, to form and drill is not difficult. The abundant resources certainly are most important, otherwise, Ming Yu impossible to form such a strengthening of the armed forces in such short Time. 至于輕騎兵和重騎兵,那就更是冥昱的舀手好戲了。有無雙師團帶領,組建和操練并不困難。充沛的資源當然是最為重要的,否則,冥昱也不可能在這么短的時間內組建起這么一支強軍。 The Heavenly Bow Empire army all moved, according to the deployment of Ming Yu, is going forward methodically. Although they are under the morale resounding condition at this time, does not have one to dare the impulsive being separated team. This was the function of discipline. 天弓帝國大軍已經全部動了起來,按照冥昱的部署,有條不紊的前進著。盡管他們此時都處于士氣高亢的狀態下,卻沒有一個膽敢沖動的脫離隊伍。這就是軍紀的作用了。 The airborne that 3000 forms arrived in their destinations slowly, Ming Yu have been on the rise toward the distant place look. 空中那3000身影已經緩緩抵達他們的目的地,冥昱一直抬頭朝遠處看著。 Kalise and Bai Da allied armies, already in the city had the sound awakened, their commands were not the fools, in the city the Heavenly Bow Empire imperial palace had the problem, likely means that Heavenly Bow Empire must adopt to move, hurried to awaken in the soldier who in Military Camp rested, entire armed forces. 克雷西百達聯軍,早就在城內發生動靜的時候驚醒過來,他們的統帥也不是傻子,城內天弓帝國皇宮出現問題,很可能意味著天弓帝國要采取行動了,趕忙叫醒正在軍營中休息的士兵,整軍。 However, must do mental arithmetic to have no interest unexpectedly, let alone, no one has thought the attack of Heavenly Bow Empire can come is so quick. The threat sent out time period, Emperor Heavenly Bow the team has been very tranquil. This all comes does not have the omen. 但是,必竟是有心算無心,更何況,誰也沒想到天弓帝國的進攻會來的這么快。威脅發出有一段時間了,天弓帝隊一直都很平靜。這所有的一切來的毫無預兆。 The big piece is black the thing of hand to drop from the clouds, Kalise and in Military Camp of Bai Da allied armies starts often to have the pitiful yell sound to get up. 大片黑乎手的東西從天而降,緊接著,克雷西百達聯軍的軍營中就開始不時有慘叫聲響起。 The grating shatter sound broke the tranquility of Military Camp. 刺耳的破碎聲打破了軍營的平靜。 This was any thing Ah! pounds in my tent to come. The shatter sound resounds continuously. “這是什么東西啊!都砸到我帳篷里來了。破碎聲此起彼伏響起。 This taste irritates the nose, how probably is the kerosene? It is not good, run.” This is a smart person, at least he can also distinguish in for a moment is anything. “這味道真刺鼻,怎么好像是火油?不好,快跑。”這是個聰明人,至少他還能在第一時間辨別出是什么。 When what a pity, these black Tao paint the thing that drops from the clouds, in the midair, the flame of big piece has shone. 可惜,當這些黑濤漆的東西從天而降的時候,半空之中,大片的火光已經亮了起來。 Kalise and Bai Da allied armies naturally have existence of scouting, the Heavenly Bow Empire army, if very long time ago close, was already discovered by them. But, the attack came from airborne, these scout again outstandingly, impossible to go to airborne Ah! the vision 克雷西百達聯軍自然也有斥候的存在,天弓帝國大軍如果很早就接近,也早就被他們發現了。可是,襲擊來自于空中,這些斥候就算再優秀,也不可能將目光投向空中啊! 3000 rockets, drop from the clouds. Does not need to aim, the oil pot direction that so long as they abandoned toward before shot to be OK. 3000火箭,從天而降。根本不需要去瞄準,只要朝著之前他們扔下的油罐方向射去就可以了。 3000 Matchless soldiers, everyone carried four cans of kerosenes to lift off, disperses to throw downward, found some tents as well as flammable places specially. 3000名無雙戰士,每個人都攜帶了四罐火油升空,分散開來向下投擲,專門找營帳以及一些易燃的地方。 Kerosene type of thing was flammable, several breath that after these rockets drop from the clouds, entire Kalise and in the barrack of Bai Da allied armies, is the flame soars to the heavens. 火油這種東西本就易燃,當那些火箭從天而降的十幾次呼吸后,整個克雷西百達聯軍的營盤之內,就已經是火光沖天。 That is in joint management Ah! Stars Forest of hundreds of thousands armies the place was not big, in order to protects Heavenly Bow City as far as possible, these tents are stationed is quite close, did not say that one by one also missed are not quite many. In each tent was occupied by many people. 那可是十幾萬大軍的聯營啊!星辰森林內本就地方不大,為了能夠盡可能保護天弓城,這些營帳駐扎的都極為緊密,不說一個挨著一個也差不太多了。每一座營帳之中都住了不少人。 The fire does not have the instantaneous eruption of omen, the joint management of big piece looks like with for a moment is lit general. At this time, the soldiers most just received the order, get up prepare the set. However, all actually already late. 大火毫無預兆的瞬間爆發,大片的聯營就像是同一時間被點燃一般。在這個時候,士兵們最多只是剛剛接到命令,起身準備去集合而已。但是,一切卻都已經晚了。 The people are fear death, the sudden fire, making these also sleepy eyes awake Duke soldiers all be scared, they were not the specially sharp motorcade, the Bai Da Empire soldier were better, that side during Kalise, all fell into was scared. for a moment, in Military Camp, pitiful yell sound resounds continuously, burns down, entire Great Camp that steps on already all chaotic in a complete mess. 人都是怕死的,突如其來的大火,令這些原本還睡眼惺公的士兵們全都慌了神,他們本就不是什么特別精銳的車隊,百達帝國的士兵還好一些,克雷西那邊,全都陷入了恐慌之中。一時間,軍營之中,慘叫聲此起彼伏響起,踩踏的、火燒的,整個大營已經全都亂的一塌糊涂。 Killing the Ming Yu ice-cold sound resounds instantaneously, the similar sound has spread over the entire army. “殺”冥昱冰冷的聲音瞬間響起,緊接著,同樣的聲音就傳遍了整個大軍。 On the day of the waiting arrives wait for their for a long time was too too long. Ming Yu regarding arrangement that this fights, at least has the complete three sets of plans. Does not know that has dispatched many Matchless air forces from the situation of aircraft reconnaissance enemy. 等待這一天到來他們已經等的太久太久了。冥昱對于這一戰的布置,至少有完整的三套計劃。不知道派遣了多少次無雙空軍從空中偵察敵軍的情況。 Fire and water have no mercy, this fire attack comes regarding Kalise and Bai Da allied armies is really extremely sudden. The flaming fire, making them not have the morale of troops to say again, in this case, did they also possibly have to resist the morale such as the Heavenly Bow army possibility of rainbow? 正所謂水火無情,這一場火攻對于克雷西百達聯軍來說來的實在是太過突然。熊熊大火,令他們再無軍心可言,在這種情況下,他們又怎么可能有抵擋士氣如虹的天弓大軍可能呢? The advance forces of Heavenly Bow army arrived in the enemy to scout in the scope of investigation, but, these scout now were also scared, back did Great Camp burn to get up this information to pass on suddenly also to use? 天弓大軍的先遣部隊已經抵達敵軍斥候探查的范圍之內,可是,現在那些斥候也都傻眼了,背后的大營突然燒了起來這信息傳回去還有用么? Some went back many scouting to choose running away. At least they can also find the journey that runs away. 有的回去了更多的斥候則是選擇了逃走。至少他們還能找到逃走的路途。 Rushes to the front first, is Matchless Heavy Cavalrymen. 最先趕到前線的,就是無雙重騎兵 Besides thousand Matchless Heavy Cavalrymen that Zhou Weiqing carries off, Matchless Heavy Cavalrymen that three thousand Mad Battle and Golden Crow two clans compose, as well as 500 snow deer cavalry soldiers. 除了周維清帶走的一千無雙重騎兵之外,還有三千狂戰烏金兩族組成的無雙重騎兵,以及500雪鹿騎兵。 The equipment of snow deer cavalry soldier does not have what difference with other Matchless Heavy Cavalrymen, is only the saddle horse and weapon is not quite same. Snow deer Heavy Cavalrymen their saddle horses naturally are the build giant snow deer, wants big many compared with Demonic Horse(s), the weapon is a heavy antler. 雪鹿騎兵的裝備與其他無雙重騎兵沒有什么區別,只是坐騎和武器不太相同。雪鹿重騎兵他們的坐騎自然是體型巨大的雪鹿,比起魔鬼馬來還要高大的多,武器則是一種重型鹿角。 The snow deer cavalry soldier can arrange first three can be imagined its formidable degree in entire Wan Shou Empire. Matchless Heavy Cavalrymen and it has competed with. At least takes over two Matchless Heavy Cavalrymen to be able with snow deer Heavy Cavalrymen to contend. Perhaps, in pure strength, both sides differs not many, but must say skill that the cavalry soldier fights, snow deer Heavy Cavalrymen actually be more intrepid than Matchless Heavy Cavalrymen. 雪鹿騎兵在整個萬獸帝國都能排進前三可想而知其強大程度。無雙重騎兵曾經和其比試過。至少要兩名以上的無雙重騎兵才能與一名雪鹿重騎兵抗衡。或許,在純粹的力量方面,雙方相差不多,但要說騎兵戰斗的技巧,雪鹿重騎兵卻要比無雙重騎兵更加強悍。 At this time, this 3500 hundred Heavy Cavalrymen set up in an array in the battlefield, approaches toward the front slowly. 此時,這3500百重騎兵在戰場上一字排開,緩緩朝著前方逼近。 Among every two Heavy Cavalrymen, about five meters distance this are not emptying, five heavy infantries have filled among them the crevice. But after these heavy infantries, was Archer of five strong bow camps. 每兩名重騎兵之間,大約有五米左右的距離這可不是空著的,五名重步兵填補了他們之間的空隙。而在這些重步兵之后,就是五個強弓營的弓箭手了。 That side Kalise Military Camp was chaotic, the Matchless army starts to press comprehensively. Let alone Kalise and that side the Bai Da allied armies wants the organization the nice army is very difficult, even if can organize under normal circumstances, facing Heavenly Bow Empire such army, they can resist? 克雷西軍營那邊已經亂了,無雙大軍開始全面壓上。別說克雷西百達聯軍那邊想要組織起像樣的軍隊都很難,就算是在正常情況下能夠組織起來,面對天弓帝國這樣的軍隊,他們能夠抵擋么? Can see that there are massive soldiers to run unceasingly from being on fire Military Camp. Also at this moment, grating Severe Howling Sound resounds. 能夠看到,有大量的士兵不斷從起火的軍營中跑出來。也就在這時,刺耳的厲嘯聲響起。 The soldiers in strong bow camp as well as airborne Matchless Archer started the true hunting and killing motion. 強弓營的戰士們以及空中無雙弓箭手們開始了真正的獵殺行動。 This is the air-ground integrated arrow arrow overlapping blockade perfect union the person's shadow that so long as almost can see, the next quarter will look for by the arrow arrow. 這是空地一體的箭矢交叉封鎖完美結合幾乎只要能看到的人影,下一刻就會被箭矢找上。 Perhaps Kalise and Commanding Officer(s) of Bai Da allied armies is unable to imagine, in the frontal battlefield, Ming Yu has arranged this military strength about three divisions. Certainly, these three divisions are also the entire Heavenly Bow army sharpest three divisions. 克雷西百達聯軍的主官恐怕都無法想象,在正面戰場上,冥昱就只是布置了這將近三個師團的兵力。當然,這三個師團也是整個天弓大軍最精銳的三個師團。 Besides them, all light, Heavy Cavalrymen and bow and arrow soldier, starts at the beginning of here is divided into two batch completely, has circled from two wings by far. 除了他們之外,所有輕、重騎兵、弓箭兵,全部在這邊發動之初就分成兩批,從兩翼遠遠的繞了出去。 They all provided horses, Heavy Cavalrymen by starlight have circled from a farther place yesterday evening. The Ming Yu goal is obvious, this war, not only need win, but must wipe out the enemies, obtains the final ending victory. 他們全都配備了馬匹其中,重騎兵早在昨天晚上就趁著夜色從更遠的地方繞走了。冥昱的目的顯而易見,這場戰爭,不但要獲得勝利,而且還要全殲敵人,獲得最終的完勝。 Actually, that moment this war when Kalise and Bai Da allied armies Great Camp was on fire did not have the suspense. Total military strength close 200,000 Kalise and Bai Da allied armies had been completed the counter-encirclement by the Heavenly Bow Empire 150,000 armies. The general situation has decided. 其實,當克雷西百達聯軍大營起火的那一刻這場戰爭就已經沒有了懸念。總兵力接近200000的克雷西百達聯軍被天弓帝國150000大軍完成了反包圍。大局已定。 In Heavenly Bow City. Before imperial palace main hall. 天弓城內。皇宮正殿前。 Bathes in that Divine's energy, the Heavenly Bow Empire rulers and ministers revive from the deep sleep of seal gradually. 沐浴在那神圣的能量之中,天弓帝國的君臣們一個個漸漸從封印的沉睡中蘇醒過來。 The warm Divine energy moistens their bodies to make them feel comfort that unceasingly could not say. When their opening eyes pupil, the surprised discovery, the surroundings completely are flake gold light shining World, because that golden light is intense, making them unable to see clearly outside all. 溫暖的神圣能量不斷滋潤著他們的身體令他們感到說不出的舒適。當他們睜開眼眸的時候,驚訝的發現,周圍盡是一片金光燦燦的世界,由于那金光過于強烈,令他們根本看不清外面的一切。 Several years of Time, regarding them, is actually only the dream, the previous quarter, they saw Grand Marshal Zhou does not hesitate at all costs used the dying seal. After the deep sleep, the ben Buddha is only moment regained consciousness. 幾年的時間,對于他們來說,卻只是南柯一夢,前一刻,他們才看到周大元帥不惜一切代價的用出了絕命封印。沉睡之后,渀佛只是片刻就已經蘇醒。 Di Fengling vision somewhat confused looks at all around, looks that the officials who restores the ability to act, for a moment could not speak. 帝峰凌目光有些迷茫的看著四周,看著那一個個正恢復行動能力的臣子們,一時間怔怔的說不出話來。 When his mood initially Grand Marshal Zhou resolutely selected puts the dying seal such, sad and painful gradually rebirth, muttered the tunnel: Is unites incompetently, Marshal, Big brother.” 他的心情還是當初周大元帥毅然決然擇放絕命封印時那樣,悲傷和痛苦漸漸重生,喃喃地道:“都是聯無能,元帥,大哥。” Di Fengling subconscious seeks for Grand Marshal Zhou, but he sees actually as before is golden color. 帝峰凌下意識的去尋找周大元帥,可他看到的卻依舊是一片金色。 Ling Zihan has also revived at this time, surprised looks at the surrounding golden light, „did we arrive at Deva? This is not the hell. Shuiniu, Shuiniu you where?” The Ling Zihan last few words almost shouted. 凌紫涵此時也已經蘇醒過來,吃驚的看著周圍的金光,“難道我們已經到了天界么?這不會是地獄吧。水牛,水牛你在哪里?”凌紫涵最后一句話幾乎是喊出來的。 Thinks own husband to preserve the empire last hope, has chosen the use dying seal unexpectedly, the tears in Ling Zihan eye flow copiously instantaneously. 一想到自己丈夫為了保存帝國最后一絲希望,竟然選擇了使用絕命封印,凌紫涵眼中的淚水瞬間奪眶而出。 Sister-in-law, you are calm first, situation some Di Fengling do not hurry to go forward to support to Ah!, because wants to seek for Grand Marshal Zhou nearly to fall Ling Zihan but actually. “嫂子,您先冷靜一下,情況有些不對啊!帝峰凌趕忙上前扶住因為想要去尋找周大元帥而險些掉倒的凌紫涵 Di Fengling is one generation of rulers, naturally many that the average person is calmer, he just maliciously pinched a oneself intense ache to tell him obviously also to live now. Although periphery completely is a flake gold misty brilliance, may turn head to look, actually as before is own palace Ah! 帝峰凌乃是一代帝皇,自然要比普通人冷靜的多,他剛剛狠狠掐了自己一把強烈的疼痛告訴他自己現在顯然還活著呢。雖然周圍盡是一片金蒙蒙的光彩,可回頭看去,卻依舊是自己的宮殿啊! At this moment, the surrounding golden light is gradually gloomy, has revealed the jet black nighttime sky. Heavenly Bow Empire rulers and ministers, as if by prior agreement toward airborne looks. Their eyes saw airborne that white long skirt, just like goddess Tian'er. 就在這時,周圍的金光漸漸暗淡下來,露出了漆黑的夜空。天弓帝國一眾君臣們,不約而同的朝著空中看去。他們一眼就看到了空中那一身白色長裙,宛如神女般的天兒 The silver turning purple pupil, the golden light sparkle, is this goddess descends to earth really? Moreover, that eye-catching golden light also toward her direction restraining in the past. 銀發紫眸,金光閃耀,這真的是神女下凡嗎?而且,那奪目的金光也正是朝著她的方向收斂過去。 for a moment, the Heavenly Bow Empire rulers and ministers cannot help but were shocked. 一時間,天弓帝國的君臣們不由得都愣住了。 Was she has saved us? Let alone these officials, feel on Tian'er is sending out the rich Divine fluctuation, Di Fengling nearly worships on bended knees. 是她救了我們?別說那些臣子,感受著天兒身上散發著的濃郁神圣波動,帝峰凌都險些跪拜下去。 In this time, a vigorous sound is resounding, do not worship on bended knees.” In the sky, six color ray Sheng, Six Absolute Emperor Monarch Long Shiya arrived at side Tian'er greatly. Assists her body. Without skill support, cultivating of Tian'er to also be not enough to fly. 正在這時,一個渾厚的聲音響起,“不要跪拜。”天空中,六彩光芒大盛,六絕帝君龍釋涯已經來到了天兒身邊。扶助她的身體。在沒有技能支持的情況下,天兒的修為還不足以飛行呢。 Must know that originally Heavenly Bow Empire most formidable Heavenly Jewel Master was Grand Marshal Zhou, Grand Marshal Zhou was also when the use dying seal just broke through Nine Jewel Realm. When the Heavenly Bow Empire rulers and ministers see have been able the powerhouse of imperial spatial flight. for a moment does not know that at present the situation is good is bad. 要知道,原來天弓帝國最強大的天珠師就是周大元帥了,周大元帥也不過是在使用絕命封印的時候剛剛突破九珠境界而已。天弓帝國君臣何時見過能夠御空飛行的強者。一時間都不知眼前情況是好是壞。 Di Fengling is calm, his vision saw Grand Marshal Zhou in second Time, but Grand Marshal Zhou seemed grasped by a person now . Moreover the surroundings are the radiant star light sparkle, that is not they can intervene obviously. 帝峰凌還算冷靜,他的目光在第二時間就看到了周大元帥,只不過現在周大元帥似乎是被一個人抱住了,而且周圍都是璀璨星光閃耀,那顯然也不是他們能夠干預的。 May I ask, Senior generation are you?” Di Fengling respectful asked to Long Shiya. “敢問,前輩您是?”帝峰凌恭敬的向龍釋涯問道。 Long Shiya does not let their worshipping on bended knees naturally for Tian'er, if this made the father-in-law and mother-in-law worship on bended knees oneself daughter-in-law, later can not be awkward? 龍釋涯不讓他們跪拜自然是為了天兒,這要是讓公公、婆婆跪拜了自己兒媳婦,以后能不尷尬么? Long Shiya he he smiles, draws Tian'er to drop from the clouds, falls before the people, you do not need to worry, does not need to be worried about anything. I am Teacher of Zhou Weiqing that brat. Helps him come to save Heavenly Bow Empire together.” 龍釋涯呵呵一笑,拉著天兒從天而降,落在眾人面前,“你們不用著急,也不需要擔心什么。我是周維清那臭小子的老師。幫他來一起拯救天弓帝國的。” Long Shiya this simple a few words, made the Di Fengling body in a flash, whole person delay. 龍釋涯這簡單的一句話,卻令帝峰凌身體一晃,整個人都呆滯了。 Is rescues, really our? 真的、真的是來救我們的? Ling Zihan entire stared in a big way the eye, the tears flowed, Weiqing, my Little Fatty, my Little Fatty where? Venerable, Weiqing other people?” 凌紫涵整個瞪大了眼睛,淚水奔涌而出,“維清,我的小胖,我的小胖在哪里?老先生,維清他人呢?” Long Shiya taishou refers to airborne, that not there? He is saving his father. You are the Weiqing mother, you had a good son.” 龍釋涯抬手指向空中,“那不是在那里么?他正在救他的父親。你就是維清的母親吧,你生了個好兒子。” At the Long Shiya age, even if is the Ling Zihan grandfathers to have the extra, just because of the Zhou Weiqing's reason, can only be the person of the same generation discusses the junction, certainly, Six Absolute Emperor Monarch always stuck to one's own way of doing things does not care about these. 龍釋涯的年紀,就算是做凌紫涵的祖父都有富余了,只不過因為周維清的原因,只能是平輩論交,當然,六絕帝君一向我行我素也不在乎這些。 The vision of all people as if by prior agreement goes to airborne that also to glisten the light group, Ling Zihan subconsciously is gripping the tight double fist, bites the lower lip tightly. That is in two her Life most important man Ah! 所有人的目光不約而同的投向空中那還閃亮著的光團,凌紫涵下意識的攥緊雙拳,緊咬下唇。那是兩個她生命中最重要的男人啊! In this time, three forms, were flushing at the extremely quick speed. Almost is only ray sparkle, arrived at side the people. 正在這時,三道身影,以極快的速度沖了過來。幾乎只是光芒閃耀,就來到了眾人身邊。 Sees their three people, the Tian'er complexion slightly changes, but quick has replied normally, this swiftly catches up, is not just the Shangguan three sisters? 看到她們三人,天兒的臉色略微一變,但很快就回復了正常,這迅速趕來的,可不正是上官三姐妹么? Saw the Shangguan three sisters, Ling Zihan is shocked immediately. Shangguan Bing'er she knew that but presents three Shangguan Bing'er one time, can she not be surprised? 看到上官三姐妹,凌紫涵頓時愣住了。上官冰兒她可是認識的,可一次性出現三個上官冰兒,她能不吃驚么? Shangguan Bing'er nodded to two elder sisters, leading them to go forward together, respectful saluting, said: Has seen your majesty, has seen the aunt.” 上官冰兒向兩個姐姐點了點頭,帶著她們一同上前,恭敬的行禮,道:“見過陛下,見過伯母。” Di Fengling also dumbfounded, is Shangguan Bing'er that Heavenly Bow Empire hope Ah! three exactly the same? 帝峰凌呆住了,上官冰兒那可是天弓帝國的希望啊!怎么一下出來了三個一模一樣的? Ling Zihan has a look at this, to have a look at that again, truly cannot discover them to have any difference. 凌紫涵看看這個、再看看那個,確實是找不出她們有任何區別。 Shangguan Bing'er hurries saying: Aunt, I am Bing'er. These two are my elder sister, Shangguan Xue'er and Shangguan Fei'er.” 上官冰兒趕忙道:“伯母,我是冰兒。這兩位是我的姐姐,上官雪兒上官菲兒。” And, Good. Good child. How long Ah! this walked “哦、哦,好。好孩子。這走過去了多久啊! Ling Zihan also asked the Di Fengling issue of concern. 凌紫涵也問出了帝峰凌關心的問題。 Shangguan Bing'er sighed one lightly, your majesty and aunt, since Heavenly Bow Empire is attacked now, passed nearly three years of Time. You continuously by seal in dying seal. Under the leadership of Weiqing, we saved enough strength finally, counter-attacks Heavenly Bow Empire, our armies launched attacks to Heavenly Bow Empire now. Believes that soon will recover our country success.” 上官冰兒輕嘆一聲,“陛下、伯母,自從天弓帝國遇襲到現在,已經過去了近三年的時間了。你們一直被封印在絕命封印之中。在維清的帶領下,我們終于積蓄了足夠的力量,反攻天弓帝國,我們的大軍現在已經向天弓帝國發動攻擊了。相信,不日即將光復我國成功。” What you and you said is real?” Di Fengling excited looks at Shangguan Bing'er, he definitely is unable to believe that all these compete however are so clear. The previous quarter, he is filled with Monarch of Ah! desperate perishing country “你、你說的是真的?”帝峰凌激動的看著上官冰兒,他完全無法相信這一切競然如此真切。前一刻,他還是滿心絕望的亡國之君啊! The Shangguan Bing'er serious jaw head, said: Real. Immediately you can verify.” 上官冰兒鄭重的頜首,道:“是真的。馬上您就能印證了。” In this time, in the sky that is sparkling the radiant star light light group to drop slowly, falls before the people. Immediately, all people's conversations stagnated, the vision of everyone centralized above that light group. 正在這時,天空中那閃耀著璀璨星光的光團緩緩下降,落在了眾人面前。頓時,所有人的交談都停滯了下來,每個人的目光都集中在了那光團之上。 The ray restrains slowly, Zhou Weiqing loosens is hugging father's arm, to retreat one step, at this moment, his mood also fills with surge slowly. 光芒緩緩收斂,周維清松開擁抱著自己父親的手臂,緩緩后退一步,此時此刻,他的心情也滿懷激蕩。 He who can be has done, whether the father can save the life, looked at present at this moment Ah! 能做的他都已經做了,父親能否保住性命,就看眼前這一刻了啊! Star light restraining, reveals the Grand Marshal Zhou main body gradually, on his dignified face, muscle slight twitched. 星光收斂,漸漸露出周大元帥本體,他那威嚴的面龐上,肌肉輕微的抽搐了一下。 Troubles everybody to look at the following words 麻煩大家看一下下面的話 Guarantees a minimum two to deliver. Evidently, to the monthly ticket first, thus, will have had no way ten to erupt today tomorrow. Such being the case, was inferior that we stimulate, from now on, the mouth point will start to calculate the new day of monthly ticket. 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