HJC :: Volume #3

#168 Part 1: Long Hu hands over Thailand, blood vessels fusion

Chapter 168 Long Hu hands over safe, Bloodline fusion (First Part) 第168章龍虎交泰,血脈融合(上) Fiery Spirit Mountain. 火靈山 If some people stand on the Fiery Spirit Mountain ring-like summit at this time, certainly can see, in that Fiery Spirit Mountain mountain pass, in the thick smog of that dense ascension, throughout one group of Red Light is and out, looks like inside hides a giant gem to bloom unceasingly outward its radiant ray. 如果此時有人站在火靈山的環形山頂上,一定能夠看到,就在那火靈山山口內部,在那氤氳升騰的濃濃煙霧中,始終有一團紅光忽隱忽現,就像是里面藏著一顆巨大的寶石不斷向外綻放著它那璀璨光芒似的。 May in fact, here not be impossible to have the gem, in that hot rock magma, perhaps even if were the gem must be melted. 可事實上,這里根本不可能有寶石,在那熾熱的巖漿中,就算是寶石恐怕也要被融化了。 In viscous and hot rock magma, smooth bald revealing, seems really somewhat is so strange. Suppose, is a bald float above so the rock magma of high temperature, that what kind of feeling? 粘稠、熾熱的巖漿中,一顆光溜溜的光頭露出,那樣子看上去著實有些詭異。試想,一個光頭漂浮在如此高溫的巖漿之上,那是一種怎樣的感覺呢? The ray of being and out sparkles from this bald body surrounding rock magma, that red belongs to the rock magma primary color. 忽隱忽現的光芒就是從這顆光頭身體周圍的巖漿中閃耀,那紅色就是屬于巖漿的原色。 Said accurately that should be( / writing terminal velocity renews Chapter 168 Long Hu to hand over safe, Bloodline fusion ( Part 1 )) body of this bald immersion in rock magma sends out the ray to have so strange one through the refraction of rock magma. 準確的說,應該是(/文字極速更新第168章龍虎交泰,血脈融合(上))這顆光頭浸泡在巖漿中的身體散發著光芒通過巖漿的折射才產生如此奇異的一幕。 Today, is Zhou Weiqing plunges the rock magma 36 th day. Looks at Little Fatty in rock magma, here also defended 36 days of Long Great Fatty often to twist the mouth sidewise the corners of the mouth, revealed one seems very satisfied smiling face. 今天,是周維清浸入巖漿的第36天了。看著巖漿中的小胖,在這里也足足守了36天的龍大胖不時咧開嘴角,露出一個似乎是十分滿足的笑容。 Zhou Weiqing that lost above bald of all hair, a clear black tiger launches Two Wings floating to hover, circles with it together, a flame Gigantic Dragon form. Two brilliance are lifelike, although volume is not their proper size, only then about one meter length, but seems is actually that real, looks like the entity is ordinary. 周維清那失去了所有頭發的光頭上方,一只清晰的黑虎展開雙翼飄然翱翔,與之共同盤旋的,還有一條火紅色巨龍的身影。兩個光彩栩栩如生,雖然體積都不是它們應有的大小,只有一米左右的長度,但看上去卻是那么真實,就像是實體一般。 If makes Long Shiya describe that at this time Zhou Weiqing's condition, Long Hu hands over safe four characters to be most appropriate. 如果讓龍釋涯來形容此時周維清的狀態,那么,龍虎交泰四個字最為合適。 36 days of Time, in that does not have under well distributed of strength of four Saint Attribute fusions the omen presents, originally as incompatible as fire and water Solidified Dragon Spirit and strength of merging into one organic whole Dark Demon Evil God Tiger Bloodline gradually, each other accepted finally, has formed a brand-new Bloodline energy. 36天的時間,在那毫無預兆出現的四大圣屬性融合之力的調和下,原本水火不容的固化龍靈暗魔邪神虎血脈之力終于漸漸的融為一體,彼此接受,形成了一種嶄新的血脈能量。 Although takes cultivating of Long Shiya Heavenly Emperor level as not to talk clearly this strength is anything, what he can affirm, after the strength of these two Bloodline fuse, is not one plus one equal to two is so simple. 雖然以龍釋涯天帝級的修為也說不清楚這股力量是什么,但他可以肯定的是,這兩股血脈之力融合后,絕不是一加一等于二那么簡單。 In these 36 days, on Zhou Weiqing had grown the grey hair, had presented flame Scale, the body has experienced several times the variation, but most remarkable is, on his face originally painful look unceasing reduction. 18 days later, again had not appeared, but his within the body two high pulse energies also at that time entered the stable integration process. 在這36天中,周維清身上曾經長出過灰黑色的毛發,也曾經出現過火紅色的鱗片,身體經歷過了數次變異,而最為顯著的就是,他臉上原本痛苦的神色不斷的降低。在18天后,就再沒有出現過,而他體內的兩大能量也就在那時候進入了穩定的融合過程。 Now, 18 days, Long Shiya has been able to feel clearly that the Zhou Weiqing within the body Bloodline energy arrived at the circle to transfer the pleasant region, as if no longer needs 49 days of to induce, saw that this fusion must be completed. 如今,又過了18天,龍釋涯能夠清楚的感覺到,周維清體內血脈能量已經到了圓轉如意的境地,似乎不再需要49天的催生,眼看著這份融合就要完成了。 However, Long Shiya therefore has not felt relaxed, instead is more dignified, because he knows, after these two formidable Bloodline energies fuse, will cause Zhou Weiqing body the variation of once more surely, thus, Zhou Weiqing this to induce whether to succeed, but must face the last checkpoint, bottleneck that was also likely most difficult to cross. That is his body fuses withstanding of strength of Bloodline variation regarding this. 但是,龍釋涯并未因此而感到輕松,反而更加凝重,因為他知道,這兩股強大的血脈能量融合后,必定會引起周維清身體的再次變異,也就是說,周維清這次催生能否成功,還要面臨最后一個關卡,很可能也是最難渡過的瓶頸。那就是他身體對于這融合血脈變異之力的承受。 Brand-new variation Bloodline after this fusion is formidable, withstands even more to be also difficult. Although Zhou Weiqing itself because of two evolutions of evil Demonic Change, was very tenacious, but this Bloodline strength is actually the terror, key in the Long Shiya memory, but also has never encountered this situation, therefore all unknown, most times, the unknown thing is most fearful. 這融合后的全新變異血脈越是強大,承受起來也越發困難。盡管周維清本身因為邪魔變的兩次進化,已經十分強韌了,可這股血脈的力量卻更是恐怖,關鍵是在龍釋涯的記憶中,還從未遇到過這種情況,所以一切都是未知的,在很多時候,未知的東西才是最可怕的。 In Long Shiya pays attention to the Zhou Weiqing looks especially the sound, since suddenly, these many days have shut Zhou Weiqing of both eyes to open both eyes. 就在龍釋涯格外關注周維清神色間動靜之時,突然間,這么多天以來一直閉著雙目的周維清睜開了雙眼。 Two brilliant the electricity from the Zhou Weiqing eye shoot instantaneously, that intense ray Lian Huozhi, the mouth above thick mist and dust with ease breaks, enters the upper air. 兩道奪目光彩瞬間從周維清眼中電射而出,那強烈的光芒連火止,口上方濃密的煙塵都輕松破開,直入高空。 Strange Vortex air current appears above the Zhou Weiqing top of the head, coiled around there black tiger and red dragon flour brilliance integrates in that Vortex, then together drills into the Zhou Weiqing top of the head. 一個奇異的漩渦氣流隨之出現在周維清頭頂上方,原本盤繞在那里的黑虎、紅龍光彩就在那漩渦中融入,然后再一起鉆入周維清頭頂。 Long Shiya can see, this time Zhou Weiqing, both eyes unexpectedly are one black one red, that monster different pupil light is also one ice-cold one blazing, does not have the mood to fluctuate. 龍釋涯能夠看到,此時的周維清,雙眼竟然是一黑一紅,那妖異的眸光也是一冰冷一熾熱,卻都是毫無情緒波動。 It is not good, Lingtai falls into enemy hands. Long Shiya is surprised, in the eye the ray dodges, his formidable Spirit pressure falls on Zhou Weiqing immediately, simultaneously gives a loud shoutLittle Fatty, calms down. 不好,靈臺失守。龍釋涯大吃一驚,眼中光芒一閃,他那強大的精神威壓頓時落在周維清身上,同時大喝一聲“小胖,冷靜下來。 Was saying at the same time, his Spirit strength must emerge in the Zhou Weiqing brain to help him comb the scattered in disorder Spirit fluctuation. “一邊說著,他的精神力量就要涌入周維清大腦中幫他梳理散亂的精神波動。 However, what making Long Shiya with amazement was, when the strength of his Spirit submerged the Zhou Weiqing brain, he actually felt that an unprecedented crazy breath erupted from the Zhou Weiqing's consciousness. Although his Spirit strength impossible strong Long Shiya, but Long Shiya can actually feel, if intervene forcefully, will possibly make Zhou Weiqing instantaneous Spirit collapse to perish, frightens him to hurry to withdraw own Spirit fluctuation. 但是,令龍釋涯駭然的是,當他的精神之力潛入周維清大腦時,他竟然感覺到一股前所未有的瘋狂氣息從周維清的意識中爆發出來。雖然他的精神力不可能強過龍釋涯,但龍釋涯卻能感受到,要是自己強行干預的話,很可能會令周維清瞬間精神崩潰而亡,嚇得他趕忙撤回自己的精神波動。 Also at this time, on Zhou Weiqing also started to have the change. 也就在這個時候,周維清身上也開始有了變化。 The immersion in rock magma he, the body surfaced the boat slowly, hikes up from the rock magma, in the midair, the black grey fierce appearance demon grain covers the whole body impractically instantaneously, at the same time, behind Zhou Weiqing, suddenly presented two extremely obvious prominences, bones of his whole body is sends out one after another makes the person of tooth acid giggle the sound. 原本浸泡在巖漿中的他,身體緩緩上浮,從巖漿中飄起,虛浮在半空之中,黑灰色的虎皮魔紋瞬間籠罩全身,與此同時,就在周維清背后,突然出現了兩個極為明顯的突起,他全身的骨骼更是發出一連串令人牙酸的咯咯聲。 The expression on Zhou Weiqing face twisted at this time completely, as if in withstanding huge pain, but his fierce appearance demon grain is also extremely the unstable drastic fluctuation, the red and black two color rays in both eyes alternately are also glittering, each change, the fluctuation of his fierce appearance demon grain will become the fierce several points. 周維清臉上的表情此時已經完全扭曲了,似乎在承受著巨大的痛苦似的,而他身上的虎皮魔紋也是極不穩定的劇烈波動著,雙目中的紅、黑兩色光芒也在交替閃爍,每一次變化,他身上那虎皮魔紋的波動就會變得劇烈幾分。 Scarlet red Scale starts to appear from the Zhou Weiqing skin slowly, but his both hands and left leg continually produce alternate change between Tiger Palm and Dragon Claw. 緊接著,赤紅色的鱗片開始從周維清皮膚下緩緩出現,而他的雙手與左腳不斷產生出虎掌龍爪之間的交替變化。 Must know that this mutation is the unceasing change of bones, muscle, Meridian and skin, the pain of brings can be imagined. Dark Red Colored Scale and black ash-gray fierce appearance demon grain as if fiercely is conflicting. But behind Zhou Weiqing that two break out is also becomes higher and higher, the strength of Bloodline on him sends out chaotic and complex and has filled crazily. 要知道,這種異變乃是骨骼、肌肉、經絡、皮膚的不斷改變,所帶來的痛苦可想而知。暗紅色鱗片與黑灰色虎皮魔紋似乎在劇烈的沖突著。而周維清背后那兩個突起也是變得越來越高,他身上所散發出的血脈之力混亂、復雜而又充滿了瘋狂。 The matter that Long Shiya most is worried about, occurred eventually. After this is Zhou Weiqing to induce Solidified Dragon Spirit, final process that Bloodline integrates, is the most dangerous process, once is unable to succeed, then, Zhou Weiqing either immediately dies a violent death, either will become the person non- person and ghost will not be clever, will be turns is similar to Heavenly Beast general existence, is unable to restore the god of person again inferior. 龍釋涯最擔心的事情,終究還是發生了。這是周維清催生固化龍靈血脈融入的最后過程,也是最危險的過程,一旦無法成功,那么,周維清要么立刻暴斃,要么會變得人不人、鬼不鬼的,甚至是變成如同天獸一般的存在,再也無法恢復人的神卑。 Because the Spirit strength is unable to involve, Long Shiya also can only have a look to worry now dry, actually anything did not do. What to do? Only can wait, now Zhou Weiqing can depend upon only then he. Only then he maintains Lingtai a Pure Brightness, has the possibility final time to come again soberly. Now only Long Shiya can console oneself the four Saint Attribute fusion energies at first once presenting. 由于精神力無法介入,龍釋涯現在也只能干看看著急,卻什么都做不了。怎么辦?只能等,現在周維清能夠依靠的就只有他自己。惟有他自己保持靈臺處一點清明,才有可能再最后時刻清醒過來。現在龍釋涯唯一能夠聊以自慰的就是最初曾經出現的四大圣屬性融合能量了。 Not placed an upper limit on the eruption to start, two chapters guaranteed a minimum have delivered. Later such as the ticket adds one. Our monthly tickets fell to at present fourth, hopes that today's eruption can return to the third position us, thank you. Asked the monthly ticket. New week, must trouble everybody to recommend the ticket also to throw to Old Third. Old Third is trying hard, even if were the taking family along person goes to Mount Tai to travel also went for three days, moreover brought the computer to write Ah! many years of rigid of daily, gathered our Tang Men formidable cohesive force. On this occasion seals to reject the good opportunity, letting us rushes the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. 無封頂爆發開始了,兩章保底已經送上。之后如票加一更。我們的月票目前已經掉到第四了,希望今天的爆發能將我們重新送回第三的位置,謝謝大家。求月票。新的一周,也要麻煩大家將推薦票也投給老三吧。老三在努力,哪怕是帶家人去泰山旅游也只是去了三天,而且還是帶著電腦天天在寫啊!多年的執著,匯聚成我們唐門強大的凝聚力。值此封拒絕佳時機,讓我們將月票和推薦票都沖上去吧。
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